
    Podcast Summary

    • The complex history of social welfare programsWhile some argue large gov interventions were necessary during economic downturns, others believe they led to prolonged unemployment and family breakdown, highlighting the importance of considering unintended consequences and individual responsibility.

      The history of social welfare programs, like those implemented during the Great Society era, is complex and multifaceted. While some argue that large government interventions were necessary to address economic downturns and social inequality, others believe that these programs did more harm than good. For instance, the Great Depression saw an increase in government intervention, which some economists argue led to prolonged unemployment and economic stagnation. Furthermore, the discussion highlighted the potential impact of social welfare programs on family structures, with some suggesting that guaranteed income could lead to family breakdown. Ultimately, the debate underscores the importance of considering the unintended consequences of government policies and the role of individual responsibility and family support in promoting economic prosperity and social equality.

    • Challenging the Perception of Calvin CoolidgeHistorian Amity Shlaes argues against dismissing Calvin Coolidge's competence as president based on interventionist beliefs, emphasizing his unique temperament and economic record.

      Historian Amity Shlaes challenges the common perception of Calvin Coolidge as a boring and ineffective president. Contrary to popular belief, Shlaes argues that Coolidge, who presided over the economy before the Great Depression, should be viewed as a competent and important figure. Shlaes emphasizes that ranking presidents as a zero-sum game, with Coolidge being low to make FDR look high, is not productive. Instead, Coolidge's temperament and policies were the opposite of FDR's, and his economic record should not be dismissed based on interventionist beliefs. The importance of this perspective lies in the reminder that the presidency is about the institution, not the individual, and that the government's role should not be overly dictatorial.

    • Economic Policies in the 1920s: Different Than Popular NarrativesDespite popular beliefs, the 1920s economy was not fake or unsustainable. Coolidge's approach of avoiding market panics and limiting government intervention led to solid growth. However, during the Great Depression, the approach shifted to more government intervention and stimulus, which prolonged the crisis.

      The economic policies during the 1920s, particularly under President Coolidge, were markedly different from what we might expect based on popular narratives. Contrary to the image of a fake and unsustainable economy, there was actually solid growth during this time. Coolidge, influenced by his treasury secretary Andrew Mellon, believed in maintaining a stable economy by avoiding market panics and keeping the government out of the stock market. This approach, while counterintuitive today, was the standard response to economic downturns at the time. However, during the Great Depression, the approach shifted to more government intervention and stimulus, which contributed to the prolonged economic crisis. It's important to remember that historical narratives can be influenced by political biases and simplifications, and a more nuanced understanding of economic policies is necessary for accurate analysis.

    • The contrast between presidents during the Great DepressionExploring history beyond established narratives reveals complex realities, such as Coolidge's budget reductions and Hoover's smaller-scale New Deal. The importance of investigating history and understanding the negative effects of government intervention in the economy is emphasized.

      The contrast between presidents during the Great Depression, such as Coolidge and FDR, or Hoover and FDR, has been distorted in history books. Coolidge actually reduced the budget during his presidency, while Hoover implemented policies similar to FDR's New Deal but on a smaller scale. The desire to rebel against established narratives and investigate history for oneself is important. The realities of the 1930s, including the negative effects of government intervention in the economy, were overlooked or obscured. Economists like Benjamin Anderson, who advocated for limited government intervention, were more influential in other countries than in the US. The book "Forgotten Man" highlights the dangers of relying on elite bureaucrats to manage the economy and the importance of following rules and the rule of law for market stability.

    • Government interventions during the Great Depression scared people and led to a business freezeArbitrary government decisions during the Great Depression, such as setting the price of gold and imposing regulations against small businesses, went against human nature and prolonged the depression.

      During the Great Depression, the government's attempts to intervene and control the economy through arbitrary decisions, such as setting the price of gold based on lucky numbers, scared people and led to a "capital strike" or business freeze. This included failed government programs like the Casa Grande animal farm, where people refused to collectively farm, and the ALA Schechter Poultry v NRA case, where small business owners objected to government regulations that went against their customs and practices. These interventions went against human nature and ultimately prolonged the depression.

    • The Arrogance of Government and Prolonged DepressionStudies suggest FDR's policies prolonged the Great Depression by at least eight years, highlighting the risks of excessive government intervention and the importance of diverse perspectives and economic evidence in policy making.

      The arrogance of government and excessive interventionism, as seen during the New Deal era, can have detrimental effects on the economy and job creation. This was highlighted in a study from UCLA that suggested FDR's policies may have prolonged the Great Depression by at least eight years. Despite popular belief, the Dow Jones Industrial Average did not recover until the 1950s, and the economy was depressed due to a lack of faith in capitalism. Teachers, particularly those in unions, have a significant influence on shaping the narrative around economic history. It's crucial to consider diverse perspectives and economic evidence when making policy decisions. Additionally, the monopoly held by organizations like the College Board on economic testing should be challenged to encourage a more balanced understanding of economic history.

    • The US's role as the unscathed industrial power after WW2 fueled the economic boomThe US's unique position post-WW2 and the association with FDR and the Dems contributed to the economic boom, but the Marshall Plan and Great Society's costs overshadowed their positive impacts

      The economic boom following World War 2 was not solely due to FDR's policies, but rather the fact that the US was the only major industrial power left unscathed. This gave the US a significant competitive advantage. Additionally, the high morale and sense of accomplishment from winning the war contributed to the association of FDR and the Democratic Party with this period of prosperity. The Marshall Plan was primarily aimed at helping Europe recover and buy American goods, rather than starting their own factories. The idea of implementing social welfare programs in the US during the 1960s, such as the Great Society, was fueled by the belief that if such large-scale changes could occur in Europe, they could do it in the US as well. However, the massive spending on these programs came at a great cost, and the more impactful and less expensive parts of the Great Society, such as the Civil Rights Act and Voting Rights Act, are often overlooked.

    • Johnson's Shift from Negative to Positive RightsDuring the 1960s, Johnson's shift from promoting freedom to entitlement led to massive government spending on welfare programs, creating a culture of dependency on government assistance.

      During the 1960s, President Johnson's shift from promoting negative rights (freedom) to positive rights (entitlement) led to a significant increase in government spending and the creation of welfare programs. This shift was marked by Johnson's speech at Howard University, where he argued that merely providing opportunities was not enough, and that people needed ongoing support to compete. This idea exploded into massive spending, leading to programs like affirmative action and food stamps. A legal shift occurred during this time as well, with benefits becoming viewed as property and people becoming entitled to them. This led to a redistribution of wealth, but also created a culture of dependency on government assistance. The mayors of major cities, like Chicago and Los Angeles, had their own ideas for addressing poverty, but Johnson's administration bypassed them and created their own federal poverty office, leading to a disconnect between community needs and government solutions.

    • Johnson administration's housing policies led to unintended consequencesWell-intentioned housing policies can have unintended negative outcomes, as seen in the creation of massive housing projects that failed to deliver on their promises.

      During the 1960s, the Johnson administration's well-intentioned policies, such as providing funds for housing and rent control, had unintended consequences. These policies, which are resurfacing in the 2020 presidential race through candidates like Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, led to the creation of massive housing projects like Pruitt IGO in Saint Louis. However, the economic growth premise did not materialize, and the tenants were unhappy with strict rules and living conditions. The project became a dystopia rather than a utopia. Mayors became reliant on federal funding, and Washington set the terms. This history shows that while the intentions may be good, the implementation of certain policies can lead to unintended and negative outcomes.

    • Policies with unintended consequencesWell-intentioned policies like guaranteed income and union strength can have positive effects but also potential drawbacks. Balance is key to avoiding unintended consequences.

      While well-intentioned policies like guaranteed income and union strength can have positive impacts, they also come with potential drawbacks. In the case of guaranteed income, it can lead to family breakdown and individualism. On the other hand, unions, which were once seen as essential for workers and the economy, can make labor too expensive and hinder productivity when faced with competition from other countries. The example of the Japanese assembly line demonstrates how a more collaborative approach can lead to better-made products and higher productivity. Ultimately, it's important to consider the unintended consequences of policies and strive for a balance that benefits all.

    • Misplaced focus during the Great Society eraThe misfocus on identity and group issues during the Great Society era may have hindered economic growth and led to reliance on entitlement programs, making it difficult to outgrow them and potentially requiring austerity measures. Investing in education to improve individual skills could have been a better long-term solution.

      The focus on identity and group-based issues, such as labor and race, during the Great Society era may have misled the country, leading to economic stagnation and eventual reliance on government entitlement programs. These programs, which grow with the economy, make it difficult to outgrow them and may eventually force the country into austerity measures. An alternative approach could have been investing in education to improve individual skills and capabilities. For instance, Robert C. Parris Moses, a civil rights leader and mathematician, started the Algebra Project to teach algebra to poor young people. The speaker argues that this kind of investment would have been more beneficial for the country in the long run. However, the idea that we can outgrow our problems by assuming economic growth is no longer feasible, as entitlement programs are tied to the quality of life and grow with the economy.

    • Understanding Military Spending's Role in the Budget and Community Intervention DebateMilitary spending's impact on the overall budget is significant, and community intervention efforts may not be effective without creating an environment that allows communities to help themselves through policies like family-friendly taxation and charitable deductions.

      Military spending as a percentage of the overall budget, not just discretionary spending, is crucial to understand when discussing the issue. Moreover, the debate among some on the right regarding government intervention to address societal issues, such as the destruction of family structures, is complex. While some argue for intervention to help struggling communities, evidence suggests that such efforts may not be effective. Instead, creating an environment that allows communities to help themselves, such as through tax policies that benefit families and the restoration of the value of charitable deductions, might be more beneficial. Ultimately, it's essential to acknowledge that the family and community are best positioned to solve their own problems. Regarding the teaching of history, it's important to be aware of the potential for a modern lens biasing our understanding of historical events. Instead, we should strive to learn from history through its own context.

    • Understanding History's Impact on SocietyExamining historical facts and experiments can provide valuable insights into current societal issues, but it's important to consider historical bias and unpredictability. Reagan's belief in self-education and markets highlights the potential for change in today's world.

      History can provide valuable insights into the present, and our perspective on historical facts can shape the way we understand the world. The Dow Jones Industrial Average and employment history, for instance, can help us evaluate the impact of labor policies. However, history is often taught in a biased way, with an emphasis on social sciences and a neglect of its unpredictable nature. The example of the right to work states versus non-right to work states illustrates how historical experiments can reveal unexpected outcomes. To reestablish the constitutional bargain and move towards a system of negative rights, Americans need to reconsider their perspective on history and its role in shaping society. Reagan's belief in a creative society and the importance of markets is a testament to the potential for self-education and change in today's fast-paced world. Through alternative forms of education and open-minded debates, individuals can make informed decisions and contribute to the ongoing evolution of our society.

    • The shifting relationship between business leaders, economists, and government interventionEconomists have shifted from champions of free markets to part of the political establishment, while businesses are heavily regulated and must prioritize shareholders and the political climate, blurring the divide between free market and interventionist ideologies.

      The relationship between business leaders, economists, and government interventionism has shifted significantly over time. Economists, once seen as champions of free markets, have become part of the political establishment and prioritize power over accuracy. Businesses, particularly publicly traded ones, are heavily regulated and must cater to shareholders and the political climate, often at the expense of their employees and shareholders. The once clear divide between those advocating for free markets and government intervention has blurred, leaving many questioning the motivations of those who now support interventionism. The historical context of this shift, as explored in Amity Shlaes' book "Great Society: A New History," sheds light on how we arrived at this point and what it means for the future of American business and policy.

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    How the Church Can Solve the Foster Care Crisis | Bishop WC Martin

    How the Church Can Solve the Foster Care Crisis | Bishop WC Martin

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    The Ben Shapiro Show
    enJune 28, 2024

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    Ep. 1990 - Behold The INSANE Future Of The Democratic Party

    Ep. 1990 - Behold The INSANE Future Of The Democratic Party

    Joe Biden is losing the election…and what comes next in the Democratic Party is even scarier than the old man; Trump faces a convention revolt from his own crazies; and Europe moves against the EU.


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    Confessions of a Black Conservative | Glenn Loury

    Confessions of a Black Conservative | Glenn Loury

    Glenn Loury is an esteemed American economist, public intellectual, and author. In his recent memoir, Late Admissions: Confessions of a Black Conservative, Loury reflects on a lifetime of academic excellence and overcoming personal turmoil. In today’s episode, we discuss the difficulty of political messaging and policy crafting around racial inequality, the trajectory of American race relations since the Obama administration, and Glenn’s relationship with religion. Don’t miss Glenn Loury’s profound insights on racial politics and more, on this episode of the Sunday Special.


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    The Ben Shapiro Show
    enJune 23, 2024

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