
    An Approved Workman

    enAugust 17, 2024
    What is required to be an effective teacher of God's word?
    How long is the suggested study period for teaching?
    Why is teaching God's word considered a vital vocation?
    Who are the biblical examples of trained teachers?
    What does it mean to be an approved workman?

    Podcast Summary

    • Bible teaching preparationDedication, training, and a true calling are necessary for effective Bible teaching. Jesus and Paul underwent extensive training, and a minimum of 3 years of full-time study is suggested for those considering a ministry of teaching or preaching.

      Becoming an effective and approved teacher of God's word requires dedication, training, and a true calling. The Bible commands us to labor earnestly in studying God's word, and not everyone should presume to be a teacher. It's important to remember that teaching God's word is a vital and important vocation, and one should be thoroughly prepared before taking on the responsibility. The Bible gives examples of Jesus and Paul, who both underwent extensive training before they began teaching. A minimum of three years of full-time study is suggested as a good foundation for anyone considering a regular ministry of teaching or preaching the Holy Scriptures. Every Christian should begin studying the Bible as soon as they meet Christ, but to become an approved workman, one must be thoroughly taught and have studied in the Word themselves.

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