
    An Inaugural First Prize Contestant At Our First Speech Tournament Ever!

    en-usApril 10, 2006

    About this Episode

    At our very first Speech Tournament ever, the Speech and Communication Dept. of the college in New York City where I teach, brought together contestants from all over New York City. We enjoyed a diversity which our college represents because of students from all over the globe! The first prize went to a student from South Africa. My student, Angelique, from East Harlem, placed third with her speech on all the things you can do in New York City for Free! April 10 is an important date as well, http://www.cccaction.org/cccaction/april10_index.html on, The United States of America, a country I love. In Honor of April 10, listen to: http://www.profgreen.tv/Muralla.html "La Muralla." I do hope you enjoy the contestants published on video at the URL below, where the remaining seven videos still missing, from April 6, will be published here by April 12: http://www.profgreen.tv/Tournament1.html It is a privilege to share this episode with the Podcasting Group that has taught me so very much, even as I have learned through this group how to publish the above here. In a Spirit of Friendship and Love, Sincerely, John Richard Green

    Recent Episodes from JRGreen, Int'l Speech Communication

    Nicolás Guillén's, La Muralla/The Wall: United We Stand, Divided We Fall

    Nicolás Guillén's, La Muralla/The Wall: United We Stand, Divided We Fall
    Happy July 4 and July 5, Venezuela's Independence Day: Click Here For Photos of Venezuela; or Eduardo Marturet, and the Orquesta Sinfónica Simón Bolívar (Videos, Click Here.) For example, John Adams "Short Ride in a Fast Machine" Watch THE SIMÓN BOLÍVAR YOUTH ORCHESTRA 12 minutes 30 seconds into the "Berliner Latin Tour TV Special" and the Gorgeous "Concierto de Aranjuez," with Irina Kircher, German guitarist, 19 minutes into the video which you can watch by clicking here." (Windows Media Player Video) Calm Sea and Prosperous Voyage Overture, Op.27 (13'20") Listen Here. Radio y Televisión de Venezuela! And, http://www.tv4all.com , For All! The Border On Flickr Photo Group "The Border," (Don't Miss Page Two.) A Twice-Weekly Feature on The Brian Lehrer Show Airs every Tuesday and Thursday Summer 2006 WNYC's Brian Lehrer Show wants to hear from you. Like much of the country, we're talking about immigration and the immigrant experience. Every Tuesday and Thursday this summer, we'll explore some aspect of the immigrant experience from history to politics to immigrants' effect on American culture. "Borders Are Everywhere" A P.O.V. Interactive Series Find out what life is like for a migrant farmworking family. There are 3 Songs shared in this Podcast Episode. They are each presented as part of this episode in honor of World Press Freedom Day: May 3rd; May 1st, "Day Without An Immigrant"; and April 10th, 2006, "The National Day of Action for Immigrant Justice,". The first song, "La muralla," is based on a poem by the Cuban poet, Nicolás Guillén, in commemoration here of the immigrant foundations of The United States of America. The message of "La muralla/The Wall," is that United We Stand And Divided We Will Fall. Find the song lyrics for "La muralla" in English and in Spanish at the following web address/URL: www.profgreen.tv/Muralla.html INTI ILLIMANI + QUILAPAYUN MUSICA EN LA MEMORIA : Finally, Watch the Entire ArcoIris.TV Video, pictured in the thumbnail above and available when clicking here: to see, listen, and sing along to the songs which include "La muralla," as these songs appear on this video in the following order: (You may need to use the Internet Explorer browser when clicking here to download this video. Just minimize the video to 55% if it is blurry, and the video will become quite clear.) The Following Are Anthems For My Mom Who Passed Away Wednesday, March 22, 2006. Thank you also for the following songs on the Inti-Illimani/Quilapayún video with gratitude to the great singer/songwriter, Stephan Smith/Said, who I was privileged to photograph as per the NYCity Village Voice article published again here as a memorial to the protest movements worldwide against the war in Iraq, land of Stephan's father and family: http://www.villagevoice.com/music/0434,smucker,56126,22.html Listen Here to Make Love Not War, A Naked For Peace Project 1. Palimpsesto 2. El tinku 3. Tatati 4. Simón Bolívar 5. Cándidos 6. Danza di calaluna 7. Medianoche 8. La exiliada del sur 9. El arado 10. Canto negro 11. Premonición a la muerte de Murieta 12. Oguere 13. Entre morir y no morir 14. Ventolera 15. La vida total 16. El canto de la cúculi 17. La muralla 18. El aparecido 19. Canción final Play the .KAR Extension Files, Found When Clicking Here, After Downloading the VanBasco.com Karaoke Player to Sing Along. Download Total Recorder at hittp://www.highcriteria.com and you've now got another way to record a SIng-A-Long which Total Recorder also allows you to record as MP3 Files. (Over 320 Inti-Illimani Lyrics By Clicking Here.) The Lyrics of "Palimpsesto:" Palimpsesto Inti-Illimani lyrics Artist: Inti-Illimani Album: Palimpsesto Year: 1981 Title: Palimpsesto Huelga deciros que yo os quiero más en la profunda pulpa de antesueño, cuando el glacial se reconvierte en sol y se nos va la esperma en el empeño, y se nos cuaja el ceño de cenizas ávidas de hendir el cavilar de leño. Huelga deciros, libertad os una, que os sueño arando en hierro y sabio azote, volviendo a errar y a errar sin miramientos sobre un caballo y sobre un brioso brote, que es una forma de entender amar y otra jornada que vencéis al trote con ansia de echar la tierra a mugir, la luz a rodar. Huelga dudar que libertad amando me vuelva a herir la gana regresando. Qué hambre tener qué libertad os una os una en la memoria del ultraje, os rememore y os despierte al vuelo, os calce el corazón con los corajes, os arremeta, sin parar, la estancia oscura en que bebéis la injuria y su brebaje. Qué hombre volver para que os una libre libre su nombre y su veloz corpiño, su vientre cuarzo y su agonía historia, y sus cadenas, su reloj, su niño. Y os avecine, os una, y os ausculte con sus dos manos y sus tres cariños, y su refulgir su oficio de herir la luz por venir. Si nos va a arder la gana en toda luna y hemos de andarla junto tierra a tierra que en las raíces libertad nos una. Inti-Illimani Lyrics Listen to the "Radio Teatro Histórico" mp3 files in Spanish found by clicking here: "La Epopeya Final de Salvador Allende" (click here.) To Conclude, Do Not Miss Out On Marcos Granados' gorgeous flute, Geoff even enjoyed, in England, here goes, http://sunflute.com/pages/mp3c.htm again, for each of you. Felices Pascuas, Everyone! And Remember, May 3rd is Freedom of the Press Day! www.radiotierra.com Announces 3 de mayo with great links at the end of the article below for "Dia Mundial de la Libertad de Prensa": "LIBRE EXPRESIÓN Y DERECHO A LAS COMUNICACIONES, dos dimensiones para el ejercicio de derechos humanos" “Desarrollo de los medios informativos y erradicación de la pobreza” es el tema escogido para el Día Mundial de la Libertad de Prensa 2006, que se conmemora el 3 de mayo. Es preciso “entender que la existencia de medios de comunicación libres e independientes es una dimensión básica de la lucha por erradicar la pobreza y ello por dos razones: en primer lugar, los medios libres e independientes constituyen un vehículo para compartir información susceptible de facilitar el buen gobierno, generar oportunidades de acceso a servicios esenciales, promover la responsabilidad, combatir la corrupción y fortalecer la relación entre cargos elegidos responsables y una ciudadanía informada, crítica y participativa”, afirma el Director General de la UNESCO, Koichiro Matsuura. May Chidiac, periodista libanesa May Chidiac. La dimensión de las comunicaciones y la información como ejercicio de derechos humanos está consignada en la declaración de la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos y se vincula con la existencia plural de medios de comunicación, base de la democratización del sistema de comunicación. Esta es una agenda aún clausurada en el Chile actual. La UNESCO celebrará esta efeméride en Colombo (Sri Lanka) con una conferencia internacional de dos días de duración y con el acto solemne de entrega del Premio Mundial UNESCO-Guillermo Cano de Libertad de Prensa 2006 a la periodista libanesa May Chidiac (foto). En Chile la escuela de Periodismo de la Universidad de Chile organiza el Foro “Los Medios de Comunicación, Desarrollo y Erradicación de la Pobreza” más información en http://www.periodismo.uchile.cl/. Sitio recomendado para esta fecha : “Quienes son los enemigos de Internet” en sitio REPORTEROS SIN FRONTERAS http://www.rsf.org/rsf/esp/ Listen to Inti-Illimani/Quilapayun by Clicking on the green button with the yellow arrow below:

    An Inaugural First Prize Contestant At Our First Speech Tournament Ever!

    An Inaugural First Prize Contestant At Our First Speech Tournament Ever!
    At our very first Speech Tournament ever, the Speech and Communication Dept. of the college in New York City where I teach, brought together contestants from all over New York City. We enjoyed a diversity which our college represents because of students from all over the globe! The first prize went to a student from South Africa. My student, Angelique, from East Harlem, placed third with her speech on all the things you can do in New York City for Free! April 10 is an important date as well, http://www.cccaction.org/cccaction/april10_index.html on, The United States of America, a country I love. In Honor of April 10, listen to: http://www.profgreen.tv/Muralla.html "La Muralla." I do hope you enjoy the contestants published on video at the URL below, where the remaining seven videos still missing, from April 6, will be published here by April 12: http://www.profgreen.tv/Tournament1.html It is a privilege to share this episode with the Podcasting Group that has taught me so very much, even as I have learned through this group how to publish the above here. In a Spirit of Friendship and Love, Sincerely, John Richard Green

    Ana Overcomes Speech Communication Hurdles!

    Ana Overcomes Speech Communication Hurdles!
    Ana's condition after 6 operations for cleft mouth presents her with a major challenge, and now at the middle of the Spring Semester of Basic Speech, she has the guts to interview each one of her eight classmates on video at the conclusion of which she rightfully boasts with arms outstretched (See the photo above): "This is My Show!!" GOOD JOB, ANA! She has a tape-recorder on which every day she reads aloud her English homework reading assignments while also practicing songs and lyrics like those found at the following website: http://www.profgreen.tv/IKnow.html (Songs and Stories for Voice and Diction for Persuasive Speaking which will be fully updated soon.) Here she is on the video interviewing a classmate. Ana is from Guatemala. And It was her brother, who previously greeted all of you with the wife he is so in love with while Deyaniris, the woman Ana is interviewing here, is from the Dominican Republic: http://www.profgreen.tv/AnaMarch16.ram (Ana's last video of 8 videos she produced tonight, Hip, Hip, Hooray!!! Ana!!) Just listen along, using the green button with the white arrow below, if the above video will not download.

    Richard's Basic Speech class, in Brooklyn, NY, Thanks Geoff's General English class in Oxford, England.

    Richard's Basic Speech class, in Brooklyn, NY, Thanks Geoff's General English class in Oxford, England.
    This Pod/blog/webcast Thanks Podomatic For Allowing Us To Share Positive Stories Where There Are Real People Making Miracles Real! Elizabeth Rose - Storyteller Par Excellence: http://www.storycast.biz/index.php/2006/01/02/young-at-heart/ http://www.wgbh.org/pages/pri/spirit/2005index.html#112 "Tricksters" On "Sound & Spirit" informs Elizabeth's Storytelling. Elizabeth's storytelling is so very special to me, because 30 minutes into her storytelling at http://www.storycast.biz above, she tells the West African folk tale, "The Gift of a Cow Tail Switch," which one of my East Harlem, Survey of Human Communication students told after finding out about this West African folk tale thanks to Heather Forest's wonderful story plot summary here: http://www.storyarts.org/library/nutshell/stories/gift.html Here goes this Harlem student retelling the story Heather Forest summarizes above, and which Elizabeth Rose so eloquently and masterfully shares 30 minutes into http://www.storycast.biz/index.php/2006/01/02/young-at-heart/ http://www.profgreen.tv/Mack.ram ("The Gift of a Cow Tail Switch") An Iranian Fundamentals of Speech 1 student shares her moral on two ways to stay warm here: http://www.profgreen.tv/Shahla.ram My request to Elizabeth Rose is that she share her own version of the Jack Tale, "Hardy Hardhead" so beautifully illustrated here, for my Voice and Diction students at: http://www.profgreen.tv/HardyHardhead.html . In the meantime, my http://www.profgreen.org site is migrating/propagating to a new server where you will again be able to hear "Hardy Hardhead," if you haven't heard it already. Of Course, We All Know The Jack Tale, "Jack and The Beanstalk," on the podcast site for EFL/ESL students found here: http://www.e-poche.net/conversations/ (Who Knows What You'll Find At The "Story Spieler Podcast" Here: http://radio.weblogs.com/0143840/ ) Meanwhile, http://www.folkalley.com is my Thank you, to All Who Tune In Here. For example, learn the History of the Banjo Here: http://www.unctv.org/webcast/music/fw_thebanjo.html And at the Following Web-URL, the Origin of The Blues: http://www.unctv.org/webcast/music/piedmontblues.html "Piedmont Blues: North Carolina Style" As well as, "The Lost Art of Hollerin'," at the following web address: http://www.ibiblio.org/hollerin/hollerin.htm While my Fundamentals of Speech 1/Non-ESL students, learn about the Venezuelan and the Puerto Rican cuatro even in relation to the African origins of the banjo described by the first video above from http://www.unctv.org: http://www.profgreen.tv/ScottSpi.ram : The Venezuelan And The Puerto Rican Cuatro. Meanwhile, my students and I are looking forward very much to improving the audio this coming week using an M-Audio Preamp, described by the following website, here: http://www.m-audio.com/products/en_us/MobilePreUSB-main-1.html Along with a Samson C03 Condenser Microphone described here: http://www.samsontech.com/products/productpage.cfm?prodID=1663 Last May, before I had equipment stolen, you can hear the difference in audio here where you may watch an appreciation dedicated to students I teach: http://www.profgreen.tv/Flashpoint2005.ram The following, on the contrary, makes use of the camera-microphone built into the Logitech Fusion Camcorder pictured, here: http://tinyurl.com/b56ks where, Milton and Karina, from Guatemala on Friday, Feb. 24, after they enjoyed Geoff Taylor's Bardwell Road Centre podcast episode, offered the following advice to the English Language students in Oxford, England: #1. http://www.profgreen.tv/MiltonandKarina.ram Where Milton and his wife also dedicated to Venezuela and Saudi Arabia, the following "Salsa Rai," a song in Arabic and Spanish: http://profgreen.tv/SalsaArabe2004.ram Meanwhile, download your "Salsa Rai," Cellphone Ringtone, here;-) http://content.beltonen.nl/Ringtones/YuriBuenaventura-SalsaRai16_sp.wav Of course, if any of my students, or anyone else can tell me more about "Salsa Rai" or share interests they have, different from this music, this is what I found out about, "Salsa Rai:" http://faudel.calabashmusic.com/ And, if you Really Want to See, El Profe Verde (that's me) dance, well, just sing-a-long here! http://profgreen.tv/PlenaLibre2003.html In Honor of the Bardwell Road Centre Students, pictured, here: http://bardwellroad.podomatic.com/entry/2006-02-16T08_37_29-08_00 Three more Friday morning Voice and Diction students from Sunset Park, add their voices in acknowledgment of the Oxford English Language students, and the third student only authorized an audio recording for her greeting, so the link for her audio greeting is found just below the first one, of the video, here: #2. http://www.profgreen.tv/Indira1.ram (Feb. 24, 2006) #3. http://www.profgreen.tv/AudioOnly.html (Feb. 24, 2006) Our previous video greeting, to England, included a Farewell to the student from Togo, West Africa, whose name is, Folly, and for whom, a Dominican student in my class, who owns a restaurant, and cooks marvelously, offered us the delicious treat video-recorded here, in honor of Folly's transfer to a site at the college nearer to where he lives. (He had to commute two hours each way to get to Sunset Park.) Here is that video greeting to also Thank Geoff's General English class in Oxford, England, where we tried to send the exquisite smells of the Dominican cuisine, here: #4. http://www.profgreen.tv/FarewellToFolly.ram (Feb. 21, 2006) With luv 2 All from Brooklyn, and, most especially, to England! The following video/podcast for tonight's episode features Maria, the restaurant owner, who hosted the farewell dinner for "Folly," (the West African, from Togo, who speaks French and Mina.) It was recorded on Feb, 21, 2006. As we watched and analyzed this last video #5 below, in class tonight, we became aware not only of the omission of past tense forms, .... we discussed a whole host of non-verbal aspects, which will make it possible for us to continue studying, still further, the complexity of the Speech Communication process itself, as we each of us find ways to impact positively on one other, as students too, improve their performance in speech as well. Thus, here goes the video for tonight's podcast episode for which you need only click on the green button with the white arrow, at the bottom of this episode, if the following, broadband video, will not work here: #5. http://www.profgreen.tv/MariaMar2006.ram (Feb. 21, 2006) The Podcasting - ELT 2006 Yahoo Group will continue to be an incredible asset precisely because of criteria set forth by research and studies like those of the British Council where the pdf of the study of the state of English, commissioned by the British Council, found at: http://www.britishcouncil.org/learning-research-englishnext publishes research that will indeed impact tremendously on each of our skills and abilites as professionals to reach and teach through solid communication as teachers and learners interested in the process of communication.

    Introductory Speech On Management Skills, Spring Semester 2006

    Introductory Speech On Management Skills, Spring Semester 2006
    Fundamentals of Speech 1 - Introductory Speech for the Spring Semester This Speech of Self-Introduction includes remarks on management skills which apply across the boards. I hope everyone, in each of my Speech Communication classes, will appreciate all that is being said here: http://www.profgreen.tv/IsraelBr.ram For the Podcasting for ELT (EFL / ESL) Yahoo Group, comprised of the Moderators: Robert Diem, Scott Lockman, Graham Stanley, now in their final, and 6th week, just look at all they have taught me! I hope this does them Proud, for it sure makes me glad to be able to share and say, Thank You, to Graham Stanley, from Barcelona, Spain; Scott Lockman, from Tokyo, Japan; Geoff Taylor, from Oxford, England; and to the Unsung Heroes which include all of us on this incredible venture into the podosphere!! The Video for tonight's podcast episode, is found, below: http://www.profgreen.tv/IsraelBr.ram And, how can we ignore the 2/22/06: Informative Speech Captured On Video Here, On Nothing Less Than The "Illustrious History of Toilet Paper!" Hip, Hip, Hooray, for this student's wonderful humor: http://www.profgreen.tv/IsraelBrInformative1.ram Thank you, for your wonderful and Great Good Humor!

    Survey of Human Communication First Interviews Introducing Each Other, Feb. 13, 2006

    Survey of Human Communication First Interviews Introducing Each Other, Feb. 13, 2006
    We are each of us, speech instructors and speech students alike, learning the conditions for the possibility of establishing a rapport in the Speech Communication classroom. The fundamental condition is one of Listening, and being present, as we listen to Others and Ourselves, whether the Speech class is a Basic Speech Class in Sunset Park, Brooklyn, or in Flushing, Queens, or a Fundamentals of Speech class in the Orthodox Jewish division of the same college. Our maxim is that of a Listening-Speech, my students are teaching me, even as I record their speech presentations, to better evaluate them also on personal CDs they take home to show family, parents, friends and peers. This podcast episode is recorded on a RealVideo format at a broadband stream rate, and can be downloaded here: http://www.profgreen.tv/SelfIntrFeb13c.ram As any further speeches merit inclusion, on this podcast page, they shall simply be listed in a video and audio format with links, below: #1. http://www.profgreen.tv/Nov11MidtermDavid.ram #2. http://www.profgreen.tv/Flashpoint2005.ram

    An East Harlem Survey of Human Communication Student Introduces Herself, Spring Semester 2006

    An East Harlem Survey of Human Communication Student Introduces Herself, Spring Semester 2006
    On Monday, Feb. 13, 2006, our Survey of Human Communication class in East Harlem, opened with 8 students introducing themselves. I chose this particular speech because Charisma K. characterizes a positive spirit I encourage in all of my Speech Communication classes, whether they are at a beginning level of ESL/EFL, or, already, native American speakers of English. This podcast should begin to show you the variety of student populations I serve all at the same New York City college. Geoff's latest worksheet on helping students transcribe their presentations is invaluable. I will adapt this worksheet to meet the variety of requirements of Speech Communication students at the various NYCity sites where I teach. The Video for this particular podcast episode is available only over a broadband connection, and, here is the URL, in case you are able to watch it here: http://www.profgreen.tv/Charisma.ram Otherwise, click on the green button with the white arrow, below:

    Fundamentals of Speech Students Introduce Themselves the First Day of Class

    Fundamentals of Speech Students Introduce Themselves the First Day of Class
    On Monday and Wednesday evenings, I am privileged to teach Public Speaking in the Orthodox Jewish division of the same college in New York City, where on Monday mornings, I teach non-Jewish Speech Communication students in East Harlem, and on Tuesday and Thursday evenings, Basic Speech students you have already met below, in Sunset Park, Brooklyn. On Friday mornings, I teach Voice and Diction also, to my wonderful Sunset Park Students, you have yet to meet in the above episodes dedicated to St. Claire's College in Oxford, England. (You have a real treat in store, my Sunset Park students are great!) Because of my background, growing up in Caracas, Venezuela, I enjoyed the multicultural flavor of that city, where my father served as the Presbyterian pastor for the American and Int'l prescence abroad. Thanks to both of my parents, I was always taught a tremendous respect not only for the Venezuelan culture and her traditions, but also those of the city of Caracas, whose citizens are literally from all over the world. (Perhaps that explains why I love New York City so much, where I currently live and teach.) http://www.venezuelatuya.com/eng.htm It is an honor for me to have been so accepted by the many Jewish varieties of experience in Brooklyn, in whose college, non-Jewish immigrant students also come from all over the world. I will post my East Harlem students, here as well, for their videos of self-introduction are just great! Until then, I hope you enjoy the beautiful wedding music opening and closing this particular Podomatic podcast episode, when you click on the green button with the white arrow below. It is the same music I so loved at the Orthodox wedding of one my students, who I photographed in the following slideshow: http://www.profgreen.org/Wedding2005a/index.html For the Video of tonight's podcast episode, just click here, and I apologize in advance if it is only available as a broadband stream. Here goes: http://www.profgreen.tv/Mitchell.ram In the meantime, may Podomatic keep up it's great work! Their customer service, support , incredible features and feedback are just right.

    Happy Valentine's Day Everyone from Brooklyn, N.Y.

    Happy Valentine's Day Everyone from Brooklyn, N.Y.
    Happy Valentine's Day to All Our Podcasting Friends And Allies, From Brooklyn, New York, After We Thoroughly Enjoyed Listening To The Bardwell Road Centre Podcast For English Language Students, By English Language Students, Found Here: http://bardwellroad.podomatic.com/ A Video of tonight's Valentine podcast episode from Brooklyn may be downloaded over a broadband connection, here: http://www.profgreen.tv/HappyVal.ram using RealVideo. There you will get to see Rana from Syria, (as pictured at the left in the above screenshot) and Sandra, from Peru, (seated in the middle above). We had twenty minutes at the end of class to prepare this unrehearsed spontaneous delivery! A West African student from Togo shares a French song in appreciation of The Bardwell Centre English class, and, as he sings, the melody he sings reminds me somehow of the melody for the song, "City of New Orleans," http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/City_of_New_Orleans_(song) : http://tinyurl.com/bnxo5 Watch and listen to his song again on the video below, and tell me if it doesn't also remind you of the melody for that great American Folksong, "The City of New Orleans:" http://profgreen.tv/SunsetPark2.ram (Does anyone know what song he is singing in French? It talks about the sadness of parting, or? Thank you, in advance, for any help in this regard!) A curious fact: http://www.hq.nasa.gov/alsj/a17/a17CONO.html For, the wake-up on Apollo 17 lunar landing day, Houston used the John Denver version of Steve Goodman's song "the City of New Orleans," which you can hear, at the above URL, on an MP3 file! (Next time I will bring appropriate M-Audio preamp and microphone gear to get better sound. This was done literally on the spur of the moment.) Un Feliz Dia de San Valentin! To All, From The Basic Speech Class, Del Profesor Ricardo Green P.S. As promised to Angela V., the lyrics and audio, for "Achy Breaky Heart," here goes the audio: http://rosemck1.tripod.com/achy-breaky-heart.mid (audio) And here are the lyrics found at: cowboylyrics.com/lyrics/cyrus-billy-ray/achy-breaky-heart-5784.html http://tinyurl.com/b6cjf For a Valentine's Karaoke Sing-A-Long, I Propose An International Karaoke Festival For ESL/EFL English-Language-Teachers-and-Learners-Alike:-)

    A Peruvian Student's First Day of Basic Speech, 2/9/06

    A Peruvian Student's First Day of Basic Speech, 2/9/06
    Thank you, Geoff, for your kind comments to the student from Syria. The next student recorded is from Peru. There may be some confusion understanding her when she uses the word "prosperous," and says "prosper" instead, as when you hear her say, "I want to be a prosper person...." This leads to something, Geoff said, which I think makes all the sense in the world. Students will learn when they "make a transcript of part of their own speech, to identify mistakes in it." Geoff's discussion of getting "the students to analyse a bit of their own recorded speech" is found on his blog: http://geofftaylor.edublogs.org/ From his blog, I quote the following: "1. Language mistakes: The issue of linguistic mistakes in unscripted student-produced podcasts nags at me. I’ve never been much of a believer in the effectiveness of correction of oral mistakes. But in a podcast, there they are, and as I work on the audio content, I start to notice them a lot, and wonder about what I should be doing about them. So far, I haven’t really focussed on that aspect. Perhaps one solution would be to get the students to analyse a bit of their own recorded speech subsequently, e.g. by asking them to make a transcript of part of their own speech, and to identify mistakes in it."