
    An Interview On the Breaking Into Startups Podcast

    enMarch 05, 2018
    What does Gary Vaynerchuk say about entrepreneurship challenges?
    How should individuals assess their skills before starting a business?
    What niche topic does the speaker use as an example?
    How can negativity from others affect an entrepreneur?
    Why does the speaker criticize pursuing an entrepreneurship degree?

    Podcast Summary

    • Understanding the realities and challenges of entrepreneurshipRecognize self-awareness, trends, and potential before starting a business. Be aware of the unique challenges and opportunities in the startup world.

      Starting a business is not a standard path for everyone, and it's important to understand the realities and challenges of entrepreneurship. Gary Vaynerchuk, a renowned entrepreneur, author, and speaker, emphasizes the need for self-awareness and recognizing trends and bubbles in the business world. He warns against the false notion that starting a business is as simple as going to college or graduate school, and encourages individuals to consider their unique skills and potential before jumping into entrepreneurship. He also highlights the importance of recognizing the privilege and opportunities that have been predominantly available to certain demographics in the startup world. In essence, the path to entrepreneurship requires careful consideration and a realistic understanding of the challenges and opportunities involved.

    • The importance of experience and practical skills in entrepreneurshipGain valuable experience by working for others for free, learn the ropes, and have a solid foundation and practical skills before starting a business.

      Experience and practical skills are crucial for entrepreneurial success. The speaker shares his personal experience of facing discrimination due to his educational background, but his determination and hustle paid off with investments in successful companies. However, he warns against starting a business without a solid foundation and the necessary skills. He advises young people to work for others for free for the first few years to learn the ropes and gain valuable experience. The speaker emphasizes that business success can be a fragile self-esteem booster, and the vast majority of new businesses are destined to fail. Therefore, it's essential to have a solid foundation and practical skills before embarking on an entrepreneurial journey.

    • Embrace the immigrant mindset for successDuring prosperous times, work hard, balance leisure, and adopt an immigrant mindset for future preparedness

      During times of economic prosperity, it's essential to make the most of your time and resources to prepare for potential hardships and build skills for the future. The speaker emphasizes the importance of working hard, but also acknowledges the need for balance and leisure. He shares his personal experiences growing up with immigrant parents and the impact it had on his work ethic. He encourages everyone to adopt an "immigrant mindset" and understand the value of hard work. In essence, the speaker encourages listeners to make the most of their time, even during good economic times, and be prepared for the unexpected.

    • The impact of our surroundings on our successSurround yourself with positive influences to boost your ambition, confidence, and success. Negative influences can hold you back, so evaluate your friendships and consider dropping those that don't support your goals.

      The people we surround ourselves with significantly impact our lives and our ability to achieve our goals. The speaker shares his personal experience of growing up with a hardworking mother and the importance of ambition. He emphasizes that there's no shortcut to success and that we need to put in the work. He also stresses the importance of being careful about the company we keep. Negative influences can hold us back, while positive influences can help us grow and build our confidence. The speaker encourages listeners to evaluate their friendships and consider dropping negative influences in favor of positive ones. He believes that happiness is contagious and that by surrounding ourselves with positive people, we can help each other succeed and be our best selves.

    • Recognize the source of negativitySet boundaries with negative individuals and focus on positive relationships. Persevere and create valuable content to build meaningful connections and opportunities. Be open to non-financially worthwhile opportunities for potential future growth.

      Negativity, whether it comes from trolls on social media or from close relationships, can be painful and draining. It's important to recognize that the source of negativity is often people who are not in a good place themselves, rather than an inherent problem with women or men. To deal with negativity, it can be helpful to set boundaries, such as limiting contact with negative individuals or focusing on positive relationships. Additionally, perseverance and creating valuable content can help in building meaningful connections and opportunities. The speaker emphasized the importance of giving away free content and being open to opportunities that may not initially seem financially worthwhile, as they can lead to significant growth and success in the future.

    • Approach career opportunities humbly and add value firstDifferentiate yourself through side projects or value-added contributions, email or get introduced instead of applying through job listings, and remember humility is key when trying to make a career switch or pursue a new opportunity.

      When trying to make a career switch or pursue a new opportunity, especially in the tech industry, it's important to add value first and approach potential employers humbly. Applying through job listings isn't effective, so try emailing or getting introduced instead. Differentiating yourself through side projects or value-added contributions can also increase your chances of success. Don't let past accomplishments or titles make you overconfident, as humility is key. Age and experience can be valuable assets, especially for those looking to make a career change later in life. The ability to identify a need and scratch an itch from experience often sets more experienced candidates apart from younger ones. Remember, it's never too late to learn new skills and pursue your goals.

    • Exploring Business Opportunities for SeniorsSeniors, with their decades of experience and familiarity with technology, have the potential to start successful businesses in the retail sector, such as direct-to-consumer companies.

      As people are living longer, there's a growing opportunity for those over 70 to start businesses and make significant profits. The speaker believes that these individuals, who have lived with technology for decades, could create successful businesses in the retail sector, such as direct-to-consumer companies selling jelly, socks, handkerchiefs, or pillows. He even suggests the idea of a retirement home functioning as an incubator, where seniors can start businesses and sell products at discount stores. The speaker's unique perspective as an investor and his belief in the potential of this age group to create innovative businesses makes this an intriguing area to explore.

    • Focus on learning and building a foundation in your twentiesDon't worry about others' perceptions or material possessions in your twenties. Instead, focus on your unique qualities and creating something new. Live a fulfilling life beyond just the weekend and avoid being unhappy with your circumstances.

      Age and experience are valuable assets, and the twenties are a time for learning and building a foundation rather than focusing on material possessions or trying to fit in. The speaker emphasizes that young people should not be overly concerned with what others think or the perception of disadvantages, but instead focus on their unique qualities and the time they have to create something new. He also encourages living a fulfilling life beyond just the weekend and not being unhappy with one's circumstances. The speaker's perspective is that many people are making money off of others' mistakes, and he doesn't want to be that person. Instead, he aims to provide valuable insights and encourage personal growth.

    • Maintaining Mental Health in Crypto and BeyondEmbrace the journey, value your own opinions, and focus on personal growth, not external validation, even in the volatile crypto market.

      There is no easy money in crypto or any other venture, and maintaining good mental health is crucial during the journey. The speaker, a fan of crypto, acknowledged the potential for significant losses but drew parallels to the Internet and its early days, where a lot of money was also lost. He emphasized the importance of self-esteem and emphasized that one's perception of success or failure is more important than external validation. The speaker also shared his personal experience of valuing his own opinions over others and not letting external criticism affect him. He encouraged listeners to focus on their own journey and not get swayed by outside opinions or external validation. Additionally, he shared that his upcoming book, which comes out in a few days, is a follow-up to his earlier successful book, "Crush It," which he wrote a decade ago and predicted the potential for making money through social media platforms like YouTube and blogs when many didn't believe it was possible.

    • Turning Passions into Profitable BusinessesEmbrace your passions, create content, and seize opportunities in the digital world to build a profitable business.

      Anyone can turn their passion into a profitable business in today's digital age, no matter how seemingly insignificant it may seem. Using the example of men's ties, the speaker explains how one can build a successful media company around this niche topic, leading to sponsorship deals and substantial income. The Internet has given individuals the power to become media companies, and it's essential to pursue passions, leading to opportunities and potential financial rewards. The speaker encourages everyone to write, podcast, or create content around their interests, regardless of the industry or societal expectations. Furthermore, the speaker criticizes the notion of getting an entrepreneurship degree and warns about the impending economic crisis due to the increasing college debt. In essence, the message is to embrace your passions, create content, and seize the opportunities the digital world offers.

    • The Crisis of Traditional Education and Alternative MethodsPredicting a crisis in traditional education, the speaker suggests learning new skills through alternative methods like bootcamps or vocational schools and directly approaching companies for opportunities, while emphasizing persistence and belief in one's abilities.

      In today's economy, the value of traditional education is being questioned, and people are turning to alternative methods to acquire skills and secure jobs. My friend's experience of accumulating large debt to pay for college and then struggling to find a well-paying job is a common story. He predicts that in the next decade, the brand of college will go through the same crisis as the housing market did, and people will start blaming institutions instead of taking responsibility for their own actions. A more effective approach, as suggested by the speaker, is to learn new skills through bootcamps or vocational schools and directly approach companies for opportunities. If one were starting from scratch with only $100, they would spend it on transportation to get to potential employers and offer to work for free for a year. The key is persistence and belief in one's abilities.

    • Embrace the journey of hard work and perseveranceStay focused on goals, work hard, and persevere despite distractions and criticism for long-term gains, not for external validation or to prove something to others.

      Life doesn't come with guarantees or shortcuts to success. The speaker, who has experienced failure and criticism, emphasizes the importance of hard work, perseverance, and staying focused on your goals despite the distractions and criticism from others. He believes that the current generation has been over-protected and is worried about the fear of failure and public perception. He encourages people to keep pushing forward, even if it means sacrificing in the short term for long-term gains. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of doing things for the right reasons, not just to prove something to others. He encourages people to focus on their own journey and not get distracted by external validation or the need to "stick it to" others. The speaker's personal experience of building his father's business and then facing criticism for it, only to later achieve great success, is a testament to the importance of staying the course and not giving up in the face of adversity.

    • The importance of patience and giving back for true successPatience and giving back are essential for long-term success. Focusing on making a positive impact on others can lead to a greater legacy than just accumulating wealth.

      Having patience and giving back are crucial elements for success. The speaker shares his experience of feeling left behind by his peers who seemed more successful, but he realized that true success comes from making a positive impact on others. He emphasizes that lack of patience is a common pitfall and can hinder progress. Furthermore, the speaker expresses his desire to leave a lasting legacy by giving back and teaching others, rather than just focusing on personal gain. He believes that by doing so, he will touch more lives and make a greater impact than those who only focus on accumulating wealth.

    • Emphasizing the importance of different learning styles and mediumsGaryVee encourages staying curious and open to new learning experiences through various mediums like books, music playlists, and exploring new platforms.

      Gary Vaynerchuk, also known as GaryVee, values the importance of different learning styles and mediums. He writes books not because he learns from them, but because he understands that many people do. He encourages listeners to check out his Spotify playlist, "Monday to Monday," which he updates every week with a mix of old and new music. He emphasizes the need for individuals to commit to their interests and passions, whether it's reading his books or listening to his music playlist. He also encourages listeners to explore different platforms, such as Spotify and Apple Music, to discover new content. Overall, GaryVee emphasizes the importance of staying curious and open to new learning experiences.

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    Hi everyone,
    Welcome to the Heart & Mind of a Leader show. I am happy to have you here. Please share your feedback about this topic and episode in the comments below. Thank you!


    Some of the main questions and points that I cover in this episode are:


    • What strategies do many business use to appeal to their existing and new customers?
    • Does every company actually lives up to their commitment to provide exceptional customer experience and goes out of their way to ensure that each and every customer's need and expectation is actually met?
    • What are the consequences of 'poor' customer review or experience for a business? Can negative review left by a consumer effect business's image and future growth? If so, how?
    • Word of the month and digital media avenues for customers to share their feedback and how they feel about a particular business, their products, services, and customer service. Why these avenues to share feedback are the most effective today?
    • What can businesses do to ensure that their customers are satisfied with their products and services, and to continue to live up to customer's expectations, especially when those expectations increase every day? Few steps that business can take to improve their customer satisfaction, retain their current loyal customers, and acquire new.
    • What is important to a customer in order to continue remaining loyal to a business? What businesses can do to grow their loyal customer base and grow a successful business?



    I hope you enjoyed listening and find this episode very useful for you or someone else that you may know. Please feel free to share this episode if you know someone who may benefit from listening to it


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    Stanford eCorner content is produced by the Stanford Technology Ventures Program. At STVP, we empower aspiring entrepreneurs to become global citizens who create and scale responsible innovations.


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    Stanford eCorner content is produced by the Stanford Technology Ventures Program. At STVP, we empower aspiring entrepreneurs to become global citizens who create and scale responsible innovations.


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