
    ANGEL: Freestyle’s Jenny Lefcourt on nailing non-consensus bets and avoiding hype | E1704

    en-usMarch 22, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Navigating hype cycles and making non-consensus bets with experienced investorsExperienced investors, like Jenny Lee, provide valuable insights in avoiding hype and focusing on unique business models during tech industry boom-bust cycles. They emphasize the importance of making informed, non-consensus investments.

      The importance of experienced investors in navigating hype cycles and making non-consensus bets in the tech industry. Jenny Lee, a friend of the pod and General Partner at Freestyle Capital, shared her insights from investing through multiple boom-bust cycles over the past 25 years. She emphasized the significance of avoiding hype and focusing on companies with unique business models. Additionally, she discussed the progress made in increasing diversity in venture capital, particularly with organizations like AllRaise, which aims to get more women into the industry. The conversation highlighted the value of learning from those who have been through previous cycles and the importance of making informed, non-consensus investments.

    • Progress in VC diversity, but more work needed for equitable distributionDespite progress in increasing diversity within VC teams, the percentage of venture capital going to female-led or diverse teams lags. Focusing on seed and angel rounds and supporting emerging diverse founders in accelerators can help improve representation.

      While there has been progress in increasing diversity within venture capital teams at the early stage, the percentage of venture capital going to female-led or diverse teams has not kept pace. The large amounts of money invested in later-stage companies skew the data, making it essential to focus on seed and angel rounds for accurate representation. Encouragingly, there are more diverse founders emerging in the early stages, particularly in accelerators. The change may take decades, but the increasing number of women starting their own venture firms is a promising sign. While progress has been slow, the industry's leaders recognizing the importance of diversity has led to more representation at the executive level in large companies. However, misrepresenting diversity through giving everyone the same title at a venture firm remains a concern. Overall, while there have been strides in diversity within the industry, there is still work to be done, particularly in ensuring equitable distribution of venture capital.

    • Bias in Tech Funding for Underrepresented GroupsThe tech industry's emphasis on meritocracy and data analysis overlooks the existence of bias in funding for underrepresented groups. Successful business models attract VCs, creating a bias towards those types of companies. However, recognizing and addressing bias is crucial for creating a more equitable and inclusive ecosystem.

      While the tech industry has made strides in transparency and data analysis, there is still a significant issue with bias, particularly when it comes to funding for underrepresented groups. The industry prides itself on meritocracy and analytics, but it has been slow to acknowledge and address the bias that exists. Furthermore, certain business models have proven to be successful and attractive to venture capitalists, leading to a bias towards those types of companies. However, there are also examples of businesses where network effects make the business easier to scale as it grows. For instance, Pre-Newvo, a company offering advanced MRI scans that can detect cancer at an early stage, has the potential to make a significant impact on public health. Despite these advancements, it's important to acknowledge and address the biases that continue to exist in the industry, and work towards creating a more equitable and inclusive ecosystem.

    • High-quality products, top talent lead to easier customer acquisition and lower costsIn high-margin businesses, investing in quality and talent creates a virtuous cycle of easier customer acquisition and lower costs.

      In businesses, particularly those in high-margin marketplaces like executive coaching or ride-sharing, having a high-quality product or service and attracting top talent can create a virtuous cycle. This leads to easier customer acquisition and lower customer acquisition costs. Conversely, businesses with low margins or negative unit economics are less attractive and may face challenges in securing funding. The discussion also touched upon the difference between marketplaces and full-service models, with the latter providing a more white-gloved service to clients. Ultimately, the success of a business depends on its ability to provide value to its customers and attract top talent to deliver that value.

    • Assessing market competition and hiring top talentEntrepreneurs and investors should evaluate market competition and hire top talent using LinkedIn's free job posting service to succeed in the current economic climate, with potential for significant returns on investment like BetterUp.

      Starting a business in a crowded market with insufficient differentiation and funding can lead to a race to the bottom with decreasing margins. It's crucial for entrepreneurs and investors to assess the macro environment and avoid collision courses with competitors. Additionally, the current economic climate presents an excellent opportunity for startups to hire top talent using LinkedIn, which has over 875 million users and offers a free job posting service. Furthermore, BetterUp, a company that received early investment, demonstrates the potential for significant returns on investment, with a valuation of four to five billion dollars compared to a seed round valuation of $7.9 million. Overall, making strategic decisions and taking calculated risks can lead to successful business outcomes.

    • Investing in non-consensus opportunitiesBetting on overlooked opportunities can lead to better outcomes for both founders and investors. Prices and valuations can become inflated in popular trends, while non-consensus investments allow companies to focus on their business without intense competition.

      Non-consensus investments, or betting on opportunities that are not widely recognized or popular, can lead to significant success for both founders and investors. This is because when everyone is chasing the same trend or investment opportunity, prices and valuations can become inflated, leading to overcapitalization and potential issues down the line. On the other hand, non-consensus investments allow companies to focus on their business without the distraction of intense competition and often result in better outcomes. The speaker's experience with investing in companies like BetterUp and Narvar, which were initially overlooked by other VCs, highlights the potential rewards of taking a non-consensus approach. Additionally, the importance of understanding the value of the post-purchase experience for consumers, as demonstrated by the growth of companies like Amazon, underscores the potential for non-consensus investments in areas that may not be immediately obvious but have the potential to become game-changers.

    • Improving post-purchase processes for retailersRetailers can enhance consumer experience, save resources by integrating platforms for seamless tracking, efficient returns, and investing in underappreciated categories for greater returns.

      Providing an excellent post-purchase experience is essential for retailers to compete with industry leaders like Amazon and Apple. This includes keeping customers informed about package delivery times and handling returns efficiently. The founder of Narvar recognized this need and built a platform to help retailers improve their post-purchase processes, integrating with various carriers to provide seamless tracking for consumers. This not only enhances the consumer experience but also saves retailers time and resources. The success of this model lies in the B2B2C approach, where businesses invest in better consumer experiences to retain customers and increase loyalty. A poor post-purchase experience can lead to lost business, as consumers may choose to shop elsewhere. When it comes to seed funding, the optimal size and number of bets placed depend on the economics of the fund. Investing in underappreciated categories can yield greater returns due to less competition and distraction, allowing for more time and focus on building a successful business.

    • Identifying a Few Companies with Explosive GrowthVCs aim for exponential returns by investing in a few high-performing companies, requiring disciplined investment approaches and large-scale operations to achieve multi-billion dollar exits.

      Venture capitalists aim for exponential returns on investment, often relying on a few high-performing companies to deliver the majority of the fund's returns. This requires a disciplined approach to investment, as entering at the right price is crucial but not always predictable. The VC industry operates at a larger scale than many founders realize, with the goal of achieving multi-billion dollar exits. Despite the pressure to deliver outsized returns, VCs must remain disciplined and not get carried away by market hype. The power law distribution of returns means that a single investment can make or break a fund. This is why VCs typically make multiple investments, reserving significant capital for follow-on rounds. Ultimately, the success of a VC fund depends on identifying and investing in a few companies that experience explosive growth.

    • VCs prioritize high-risk, high-reward investmentsVCs focus on a few high-risk, high-reward investments for potential massive returns, despite criticism

      Venture capitalists (VCs) aim for the potential of massive returns on their investments, rather than focusing on a large number of modest returns. This approach, while criticized for prioritizing a few high-risk, high-reward investments over many safe ones, is seen as necessary given the industry's playbook and investor expectations. VCs strive to support and help all their founders, but the success or failure of investments ultimately depends on the founder, market, and timing. The reality of the business is that top performers significantly impact the firm's success. New technology trends, like AI, may generate hype and attract numerous founders, but the application and execution matter more than the technology itself.

    • Focus on value proposition, not just tech trendsFounders should demonstrate a clear understanding of how their technology enables a unique value proposition and have a minimum viable product (MVP) ready for investors.

      While technology can enable new experiences and services, it's essential for founders to focus on the value proposition for their stakeholders rather than just chasing the latest tech trend. The discussion highlighted the example of Uber, which revolutionized transportation by offering an amazing experience enabled by mobile technology. However, not all tech-driven ideas are successful, as seen with the short-lived popularity of location-sharing apps during the mobile era. Founders should demonstrate a clear understanding of how their technology enables a unique value proposition and have a minimum viable product (MVP) ready for investors to evaluate. The web 3.0 space, with its focus on blockchain and decentralized technologies, was mentioned as an example of an area where the consumer adoption was lacking, and the founders often failed to deliver a compelling product beyond the technology itself.

    • Tools for Collaborative Remote Work with MiroMiro is a versatile platform for remote collaboration, offering a digital whiteboard and tools for zero-to-one startup building, asynchronous work, and access to templates. Investment success often depends on access and strong leadership, as demonstrated by the speaker's involvement in Discord.

      Tools like Miro can bring the collaborative magic of in-person brainstorming and modeling back into remote work environments. Miro is more than just a digital whiteboard; it's a platform for zero-to-one startup building, allowing asynchronous and visual collaboration, which leads to faster outcomes. Its extensive library of templates also helps teams get started quickly. The success of an investment, like Discord, often comes down to access and strong leadership. In the case of Discord, the speaker's involvement as a Limited Partner in an incubator gave them access to the deal and the team's impressive data, leading to their investment. However, relying too heavily on social proof or inside information can be risky and has led some to make costly mistakes in the past.

    • Investment frenzy can lead to overpaying for early-stage companies and creating bloated organizationsFounders should focus on building a lean team and maintaining a tight budget until achieving product-market fit to conserve resources and increase chances of long-term success

      During periods of investment frenzy, later-stage investors may overpay for early-stage companies, leading founders to receive high valuations and large infusions of capital before they've achieved product-market fit. This can create bloated organizations that struggle to find their footing and may ultimately fail. Founders should be cautious about accepting excessive capital and instead focus on building a lean team and maintaining a tight budget until they've identified their market fit. By doing so, they can conserve resources and increase their chances of long-term success.

    • Build a strong foundation before adding resourcesPatiently focus on getting first 100 customers and building a strong base before expanding resources

      Focusing on a viable business model and finding the right market before spending capital is crucial for startups. The speaker emphasized the importance of not wasting resources on a business model that isn't working and right-sizing the business during lean times. He used the analogy of building a fire to illustrate the concept, suggesting that startups need to build a strong foundation before adding larger resources. The speaker also advised against being distracted by non-essential activities, such as branding and PR, during the early stages. Instead, founders should focus on getting their first 100 dedicated customers and building a strong base before expanding. The takeaway is that startups need to be patient and focused, slowly building a strong foundation before adding larger resources.

    • Focus on core metrics for business successFounders should prioritize key metrics over peripheral activities to ensure business growth

      In the early stages of a business, founders should focus on the core metrics that will make or break their company, rather than getting distracted by peripheral activities. This was highlighted in the discussion about WeddingChannel.com, where the founders were advised by their investor to prioritize signing up retailers over other tasks. The investor, Doug, emphasized that this was the key to the business's success or failure. Founders can easily get sidetracked by activities that make them feel productive but don't move the needle for their business, such as speaking engagements or PR. Instead, they should be surgical in their approach and focus on the things that will have the greatest impact on their customers and sales. The founders of WeddingChannel.com learned this lesson the hard way, but it's a valuable one for any entrepreneur to keep in mind. By identifying and focusing on the key metrics that will help them reach their next milestone, founders can ensure they are making progress towards their goals.

    • Prioritize thoughtful decision-making over reacting to investor pressureFounders should carefully consider their investors and prioritize long-term success over short-term gains. Regular communication and a strong governance structure can help ensure a good fit and long-term success.

      When it comes to building a business, it's important for founders to prioritize thoughtful decision-making over reacting to immediate pressures. High-pressure tactics from investors may not be effective and could potentially lead founders to make hasty decisions that may not be in the best interest of their business. Founders are essentially "married" to their investors, so it's crucial to take the time to get to know them and ensure a good fit. Additionally, having a strong governance structure and regular communication with investors can help ensure the long-term success of the company.

    • Regular check-ins for growth and accountabilitySetting clear goals, evaluating progress, and being transparent are essential for successful founder check-ins. Shift the mindset to collaborative strategy sessions for effective growth.

      Regular check-ins and goal setting are crucial for a founder's growth and the success of their business. Whether it's through formal board meetings or informal strategic sessions, these meetings provide accountability, help founders stay focused, and allow for adjustments to be made when necessary. The speaker emphasizes the importance of setting clear goals, evaluating progress, and being transparent about the reality of the situation. By shifting the mindset from a formal, intimidating board meeting to a collaborative strategy session, founders can make the most of these check-ins and use them as valuable tools for growth.

    • Investing Strategically in a Crowded MarketFind companies with potential, move quickly once found, prioritize thorough diligence, be patient and not afraid to fold, value founders who give back to the startup community

      Successful investing requires a strategic approach and a willingness to be patient in a crowded market. The investor in this discussion emphasizes the importance of finding companies with a real shot of success, whether that means investing in a game-changing idea or finding an under-explored niche. They also prioritize moving quickly once they find a promising opportunity, but only after thorough diligence. Currently, they find the market to be congested, making it harder to find attractive investments. They believe in being prepared to wait for the right opportunity and not being afraid to fold until then. Ultimately, they value founders who are willing to give their time and share their expertise with others in the startup community.

    • Culture of goodwill and mutual support in techDespite economic challenges, the core group of dedicated individuals in tech will remain and focus on doing good work, requiring significant cleanup efforts after periods of excess and inflated valuations.

      The tech industry, despite its criticisms, is unique for its culture of goodwill and mutual support among founders and investors. This culture has helped many succeed and thrive, even during challenging economic cycles. However, it's important to remember that not everyone in the industry is here for the right reasons. After periods of excess and inflated valuations, there will always be those who leave, but the core group of dedicated individuals will remain and focus on doing good work. The aftermath of such cycles will require significant cleanup efforts, which may take several years. Ultimately, it's essential to acknowledge that we were all a part of the mess and work together to address the issues and move forward.

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    Check out Min Choi’s Twitter post: https://x.com/minchoi/status/1807790101033890286

    Check out Claude Sonnet: https://claude.ai/new

    Check out Luma Labs: https://lumalabs.ai/dream-machine

    Check out Kling: https://kling.kuaishou.com/

    Check out Qwen: https://huggingface.co/spaces/Qwen/Qwen2-72B-Instruct

    Check out Cartesia AI: https://play.cartesia.ai/


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    Thank you to our partners: (10:28) NetSuite - By popular demand, NetSuite has extended its one-of-a-kind flexible financing program for a few more weeks! Head to http://www.NetSuite.com/twist

    (20:16) OpenPhone - Get 20% off your first six months at https://www.openphone.com/twist⁠

    (28:24) DevSquad -  Visit https://devsquad.com/startups, book a call, and mention TWIST for 10% off!


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    Great 2023 interviews: Steve Huffman, Brian Chesky, Aaron Levie, Sophia Amoruso, Reid Hoffman, Frank Slootman, Billy McFarland


    Check out Jason’s suite of newsletters: https://substack.com/@calacanis


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    Intercom. Intercom’s AI-first service is the best thing to happen to your customers since you. TWIST listeners can get 90% off Intercom’s platform at https://intercom.com/TWIST

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    Vensure. Vensure is an HR firm that specializes in serving rapidly growing technology companies. Providing fully customized HR and benefit strategies designed to grow with their client’s needs. Visit http://Vensure.com today to schedule an HR evaluation, and learn how they can help you.

    Todays show:

    David Weisburd hosts Logan Allin, Neil Datta, and Jason Calacanis to discuss Vinod Khosla’s views on AI (1:13), Trumps H-1B policy (11:24), incorporation to funding stage (36:09), and more!



    (0:00) David Weisburd intros Logan Allin, Neil Datta, and Jason Calacanis

    (2:57) Vinod Khosla's talk on AI at Collision Conference

    (5:12) Tech regulation, AI, and M&A's impact on portfolios

    (13:28) Intercom - TWIST listeners can get 90% off Intercom’s platform at intercom.com/TWIST

    (14:58) Globalization and navigating AI in venture

    (23:44) AssemblyAI - Get 100 free hours to start building at https://www.AssemblyAI.com/TWIST

    (25:13) Trump's stance on H-1B visas and immigration policy

    (42:19) Vensure - Visit http://Vensure.com today to schedule an HR evaluation, and learn how they can help you.

    (43:37) Carta data on incorporation to funding stage

    (54:34) Lighting round on recent investments


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    Thank you to our partners:

    (13:28) Intercom - TWIST listeners can get 90% off Intercom’s platform at intercom.com/TWIST

    (23:44) AssemblyAI - Get 100 free hours to start building at https://www.AssemblyAI.com/TWIST

    (42:19) Vensure - Visit http://Vensure.com today to schedule an HR evaluation, and learn how they can help you.


    Great TWIST interviews: Will Guidara, Eoghan McCabe, Steve Huffman, Brian Chesky, Bob Moesta, Aaron Levie, Sophia Amoruso, Reid Hoffman, Frank Slootman, Billy McFarland


    Check out Jason’s suite of newsletters: https://substack.com/@calacanis


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    Lemon.io - Hire pre-vetted remote developers, get 15% off your first 4 weeks of developer time at https://Lemon.io/twist

    Eight Sleep. Good sleep is the ultimate game changer. The newest generation of the pod, the Pod 4 ultra has arrived. Head to https://www.eightsleep.com/twist and use code TWIST to get $350 off the Pod 4 Ultra.

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    Todays show:

    Alex Wilhelm joins Jason to discuss the weekend debate regarding MEI/DEI (12:12), Amazon buys Adept’s key talent (42:39), Chime buys Salt Labs (52:41), and more!



    (0:00) Jason and Alex kick off the show

    (1:47) Weekend recap and political debate analysis

    (10:50) Media's role in political coverage

    (14:49 ) Lemon.io - Get 15% off your first 4 weeks of developer time at https://Lemon.io/twist

    (16:12) The weekend debate regarding MEI/DEI and that TechCrunch article

    (27:50) Eight Sleep - Head to https://www.eightsleep.com/twist and use code TWIST to get $350 off the Pod 4 Ultra.

    (29:20) Discussion on DEI vs MEI and meritocracy in Silicon Valley

    (41:10) Northwest Registered Agent - For just $39 plus state fees, Northwest will handle your complete business identity. Visit https://www.northwestregisteredagent.com/twist today.

    (42:39) Amazon buys Adept’s key talent

    (52:20) Chime's acquisition of Salt Labs

    (1:16:12) Challenges and strategies for EdTech companies


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    Thank you to our partners:

    (14:49) Lemon.io - Get 15% off your first 4 weeks of developer time at https://Lemon.io/twist

    (27:50) Eight Sleep - Head to https://www.eightsleep.com/twist and use code TWIST to get $350 off the Pod 4 Ultra.

    (41:10) Northwest Registered Agent - For just $39 plus state fees, Northwest will handle your complete business identity. Visit https://www.northwestregisteredagent.com/twist today.


    Great TWIST interviews: Will Guidara, Eoghan McCabe, Steve Huffman, Brian Chesky, Bob Moesta, Aaron Levie, Sophia Amoruso, Reid Hoffman, Frank Slootman, Billy McFarland


    Check out Jason’s suite of newsletters: https://substack.com/@calacanis


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    This Week in Startups
    en-usJuly 02, 2024

    Sequoia & the Hewlett Foundation on VCs NOT raising funds, Cisco's $1B AI fund, and more! | E1973

    Sequoia & the Hewlett Foundation on VCs NOT raising funds, Cisco's $1B AI fund, and more! | E1973

    This Week in Startups is brought to you by…

    OpenPhone. Create business phone numbers for you and your team that work through an app on your smartphone or desktop. TWiST listeners can get an extra 20% off any plan for your first 6 months at https://www.openphone.com/twist⁠

    Eight Sleep. Good sleep is the ultimate game changer. The newest generation of the pod, the Pod 4 ultra has arrived. Head to https://www.eightsleep.com/twist and use code TWIST to get $350 off the Pod 4 Ultra.

    DevSquad. Most dev agencies only offer developers. Why? Because product management is hard. Get an entire product team for the cost of one US developer plus 10% off at http://devsquad.com/twist.


    Todays show:

    David Weisburd hosts Konstantine Buhler, Ana Marshall, and Jason Calacanis to discuss VCs not raising new funds (3:04), Cisco's $1 billion AI fund (31:36), and more!



    (0:00) David Weisburd intros Konstantine Buhler, Ana Marshall, and Jason Calacanis

    (3:04) VCs not raising new funds, market impact, and the current state of venture capital

    (5:32) Challenges for new fund managers, power laws, and investment strategies

    (10:38) OpenPhone - Get 20% off your first six months at https://www.openphone.com/twist⁠

    (12:01) Capital deployment, returns, and portfolio assessment

    (17:28) Emerging managers and market trends

    (29:57) Eight Sleep - Head to https://www.eightsleep.com/twist and use code TWIST to get $350 off the Pod 4 Ultra.

    (31:36) Cisco's $1 billion AI fund

    (40:06) DevSquad - Get an entire product team for the cost of one US developer plus 10% off at http://devsquad.com/twist

    (41:21) AI applications and business models

    (50:27) Investment strategies for M&A vs. IPO

    (53:19) Lightning round on latest investments


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    Subscribe to This Week in Startups on Apple: https://rb.gy/v19fcp


    Follow Konstantine:

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    Check out: https://www.sequoiacap.com


    Follow Ana:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ana-marshall-b072136

    Check out: https://hewlett.org


    Follow David:

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    Check out: ⁠⁠https://10xcapital.com


    Follow Jason:

    X: https://twitter.com/Jason

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jasoncalacanis


    Thank you to our partners:

    (10:38) OpenPhone - Get 20% off your first six months at https://www.openphone.com/twist

    (29:57) Eight Sleep - Head to https://www.eightsleep.com/twist and use code TWIST to get $350 off the Pod 4 Ultra.

    (40:06) DevSquad - Get an entire product team for the cost of one US developer plus 10% off at http://devsquad.com/twist


    Great TWIST interviews: Will Guidara, Eoghan McCabe, Steve Huffman, Brian Chesky, Bob Moesta, Aaron Levie, Sophia Amoruso, Reid Hoffman, Frank Slootman, Billy McFarland


    Check out Jason’s suite of newsletters: https://substack.com/@calacanis


    Follow TWiST:

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/TWiStartups

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/thisweekin

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thisweekinstartups

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@thisweekinstartups

    Substack: https://twistartups.substack.com


    Subscribe to the Founder University Podcast: https://www.youtube.com/@founderuniversity1916

    This Week in Startups
    en-usJune 27, 2024

    TWIST NEWS: AI Music, Circle’s IPO, TWIST500 and more! | E1972

    TWIST NEWS: AI Music, Circle’s IPO, TWIST500 and more! | E1972

    This Week in Startups is brought to you by…

    LinkedIn Jobs. A business is only as strong as its people, and every hire matters. Go to https://www.linkedin.com/twist to post your first job for free. Terms and conditions apply.

    Squarespace. Turn your idea into a new website! Go to http://www.Squarespace.com/TWIST for a free trial. When you’re ready to launch, use offer code TWIST to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain.

    Northwest Registered Agent. Northwest Registered Agent will form your business quickly and easily. In just 10 clicks and 10 minutes, set up your entire business identity—name, address, mail service, phone, email, website, and domain. For just $39 plus state fees, Northwest will handle your complete business identity. Visit ⁠http://northwestregisteredagent.com/twist⁠ today.



    (0:00) Jason and Alex kick off the show!

    (2:11) Ai generated memes.

    (7:36) The butler experiences.

    (9:59) LinkedIn Jobs - Post your first job for free at https://www.linkedin.com/twist

    (11:52) The Texan stock exchange.

    (21:03) Squarespace - Use offer code TWIST to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain at http://www.Squarespace.com/TWIST

    (25:14) Circle’s pending IPO.

    (30:05) Northwest Registered Agent - For just $39 plus state fees, Northwest will handle your complete business identity. Visit https://www.northwestregisteredagent.com/twist today.

    (31:46) Alex breaks down some amazing details around stable-coins like Tether and crypto companies like CoinBase and Circle.


    Subscribe to the TWiST500 newsletter: https://ticker.thisweekinstartups.com/

    Check out the TWIST500: twist500.com


    Subscribe to This Week in Startups on Apple: https://rb.gy/v19fcp


    Mentioned on the show:



    Follow Alex:

    X: https://x.com/alex

    LinkedIn: ⁠https://www.linkedin.com/in/alexwilhelm/


    Follow Jason:

    X: https://twitter.com/Jason

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jasoncalacanis


    Thank you to our partners:

    (9:59) LinkedIn Jobs - Post your first job for free at https://www.linkedin.com/twist

    (21:03) Squarespace - Use offer code TWIST to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain at http://www.Squarespace.com/TWIST

    (30:05) Northwest Registered Agent - For just $39 plus state fees, Northwest will handle your complete business identity. Visit https://www.northwestregisteredagent.com/twist today.


    All rights for the video shared and linked below belong to the original copyright holder, and we are using the footage under the principle of fair use.


    Great TWIST interviews: Steve Huffman, Brian Chesky, Aaron Levie, Sophia Amoruso, Reid Hoffman, Frank Slootman, Billy McFarland


    Check out Jason’s suite of newsletters: https://substack.com/@calacanis


    Follow TWiST:

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/TWiStartups

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/thisweekin

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thisweekinstartups

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@thisweekinstartups

    Substack: https://twistartups.substack.com


    Subscribe to the Founder University Podcast: https://www.youtube.com/@founderuniversity1916

    This Week in Startups
    en-usJune 27, 2024

    Immigration, The Trump Interview, Air Taxis in the Bay Area and the Future of Remote Work | E1971

    Immigration, The Trump Interview, Air Taxis in the Bay Area and the Future of Remote Work | E1971

    This Week in Startups is brought to you by…

    LinkedIn Ads. To redeem a $100 LinkedIn ad credit and launch your first campaign, go to http://www.linkedin.com/thisweekinstartups

    Vanta. Compliance and security shouldn't be a deal-breaker for startups to win new business. Vanta makes it easy for companies to get a SOC 2 report fast. TWiST listeners can get $1,000 off for a limited time at http://www.vanta.com/twist

    Lemon.io. Hire pre-vetted remote developers, get 15% off your first 4 weeks of developer time at https://Lemon.io/twist


    Todays show:

    Alex Wilhelm joins Jason to discuss the most incredible new ride Jason has ever seen (9:02), Jason’s recent Donald Trump interview (14:49), JCal becoming a meme (36:34), and more!



    (0:00) Jason and Alex kick off the show

    (2:38) Club 33 at Disney.

    (9:02) The most incredible new ride Jason has ever seen.

    (10:43) LinkedIn Ads - Get a $100 LinkedIn ad credit at http://www.linkedin.com/thisweekinstartups

    (14:49) A look at the Donald Trump interview on All In.

    (19:54) Vanta - Get $1000 off your SOC 2 at http://www.vanta.com/twist

    (30:45) Lemon.io - Get 15% off your first 4 weeks of developer time at https://Lemon.io/twist

    (36:34) JCal became a meme!

    (37:15) The gentleman’s RIF and the status of remote workers. (48:26) New air taxi plan from Archer.


    Subscribe to the TWiST newsletter: https://www.ticker.thisweekinstartups.com


    Subscribe to This Week in Startups on Apple: https://rb.gy/v19fcp


    Mentioned on the show:

    Check out the Donald Trump interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=blqIZGXWUpU

    Check out Disney’s Club 33: http://www.disneylandclub33.com/#google_vignette

    Check out Archer: https://news.archer.com/archer-san-francisco-air-mobility-network-connecting-five-locations-across-bay-area-kilroy-oyster-point

    Check out Joby Aviation: https://www.jobyaviation.com/

    Check out Dell article: https://www.reddit.com/r/technology/comments/1dl16s2/nearly_half_of_dell_workers_opt_for_fulltime/

    Check out Athena: https://www.athenago.com/


    Follow Alex:

    X: https://x.com/alex

    LinkedIn: ⁠https://www.linkedin.com/in/alexwilhelm/


    Follow Jason:

    X: https://twitter.com/Jason

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jasoncalacanis


    Thank you to our partners:

    (10:43) LinkedIn Ads - Get a $100 LinkedIn ad credit at http://www.linkedin.com/thisweekinstartups

    (19:54) Vanta - Get $1000 off your SOC 2 at http://www.vanta.com/twist

    (30:45) Lemon.io - Get 15% off your first 4 weeks of developer time at https://Lemon.io/twist


    Great 2023 interviews: Steve Huffman, Brian Chesky, Aaron Levie, Sophia Amoruso, Reid Hoffman, Frank Slootman, Billy McFarland


    Check out Jason’s suite of newsletters: https://substack.com/@calacanis


    Follow TWiST:

    Substack: https://twistartups.substack.com

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/TWiStartups

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/thisweekin

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thisweekinstartups

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@thisweekinstartups


    Subscribe to the Founder University Podcast: https://www.founder.university/podcast

    This Week in Startups
    en-usJune 25, 2024

    Start-Up Nation Deep Dive with Dan Senor | E1970

    Start-Up Nation Deep Dive with Dan Senor | E1970

    This Week in Startups is brought to you by…

    DevSquad - Most dev agencies only offer developers. Why? Because product management is hard. Get an entire product team for the cost of one US developer plus 10% off at http://devsquad.com/twist.

    Oracle - Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, or OCI, is a single platform for your infrastructure, database, application development, and AI needs. Take a free test drive of OCI at https://www.oracle.com/twist.

    AssemblyAI - Get maximum value from voice data with AssemblyAI. Build powerful products and features for your end users on the industry’s leading speech-to-text models. Get 100 free hours to start building at https://www.assemblyai.com/twist



    (0:00) Dan Senor joins guest host Mark Suster.

    (10:45) DevSquad - Get an entire product team for the cost of one US developer plus 10% off at http://devsquad.com/twist

    (19:28) Oracle - Take a free test drive of OCI at https://www.oracle.com/twist.

    (30:39) AssemblyAI - Maximum value from voice data and AI. Get 100 free hours to start building at https://www.assemblyai.com/twist


    Subscribe to This Week in Startups on Apple: https://rb.gy/v19fcp


    Check out Dan’s podcast “Call Me Back”: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/call-me-back-with-dan-senor/id1539292794

    Check out Start-Up Nation Central: https://startupnationcentral.org/


    Follow Dan:

    X: https://x.com/dansenor

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dan-senor/


    Follow Mark:

    X: https://twitter.com/msuster

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/marksuster/


    Thank you to our partners:

    (10:45) DevSquad - Get an entire product team for the cost of one US developer plus 10% off at http://devsquad.com/twist

    (19:28) Oracle - Take a free test drive of OCI at https://www.oracle.com/twist.

    (30:39) AssemblyAI - Maximum value from voice data and AI. Get 100 free hours to start building at https://www.assemblyai.com/twist


    Great 2023 interviews: Steve Huffman, Brian Chesky, Aaron Levie, Sophia Amoruso, Reid Hoffman, Frank Slootman, Billy McFarland


    Check out Jason’s suite of newsletters: https://substack.com/@calacanis


    Follow TWiST:

    Substack: https://twistartups.substack.com

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/TWiStartups

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/thisweekin

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thisweekinstartups

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@thisweekinstartups


    Subscribe to the Founder University Podcast: https://www.founder.university/podcast

    This Week in Startups
    en-usJune 22, 2024

    From the future of flight to brand building, insight from Liquidity Summit 2024 | E1969

    From the future of flight to brand building, insight from Liquidity Summit 2024 | E1969

    This Week in Startups is brought to you by…

    Coda. Coda empowers your startup by bringing words, tables, and teams together. Strategize, plan, and track goals effectively with all your valuable data in one place. Go to https://www.coda.io/twist to get started for FREE and get 6 free months of the Team plan.

    OpenPhone. Create business phone numbers for you and your team that work through an app on your smartphone or desktop. TWiST listeners can get an extra 20% off any plan for your first 6 months at https://www.openphone.com/twist

    Vanta. Compliance and security shouldn't be a deal-breaker for startups to win new business. Vanta makes it easy for companies to get a SOC 2 report fast. TWiST listeners can get $1,000 off for a limited time at http://www.vanta.com/twist


    Todays show:

    Alex leads us into two great talks from Liquidity Summit 2024. First we have Sky Dayton’s “Aviation Safety, Air Taxis and the Future of Flight” (3:28), followed by Mike Jones’ with “Lessons in Brand Building” (24:14)



    (0:00) Teaser of both speakers.

    (1:33) Alex kicks off the show.

    (3:28) Sky Dayton’s talk “Aviation Safety, Air Taxis and the Future of Flight”.

    (11:03) Coda - Empower your startup with Coda’s Team plan for free—get 6 months at https://www.Coda.io/twist

    (20:45) OpenPhone - Get 20% off your first six months at https://www.openphone.com/twist

    (24:14) Mike Jones’ talk “Lessons in Brand Building”

    (30:17) Vanta - Get $1000 off your SOC 2 at http://www.vanta.com/twist

    (44:30) Wrap up with Alex.


    Subscribe to the TWiST newsletter: https://www.ticker.thisweekinstartups.com


    Subscribe to This Week in Startups on Apple: https://rb.gy/v19fcp


    Check out Science Inc.: https://www.science-inc.com/

    Check out Joby Aviation: https://www.jobyaviation.com/


    Follow Sky:

    X: https://x.com/skydayton

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/skydayton/


    Follow Mike:

    X: https://x.com/mjones

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mjones/


    Follow Alex:

    X: https://x.com/alex

    LinkedIn: ⁠https://www.linkedin.com/in/alexwilhelm/


    Follow Jason:

    X: https://twitter.com/Jason

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jasoncalacanis


    Thank you to our partners:

    (11:03) Coda - Empower your startup with Coda’s Team plan for free—get 6 months at https://www.Coda.io/twist

    (20:45) OpenPhone - Get 20% off your first six months at https://www.openphone.com/twist

    (30:17) Vanta - Get $1000 off your SOC 2 at http://www.vanta.com/twist


    Great 2023 interviews: Steve Huffman, Brian Chesky, Aaron Levie, Sophia Amoruso, Reid Hoffman, Frank Slootman, Billy McFarland


    Check out Jason’s suite of newsletters: https://substack.com/@calacanis


    Follow TWiST:

    Substack: https://twistartups.substack.com

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/TWiStartups

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/thisweekin

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thisweekinstartups

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@thisweekinstartups


    Subscribe to the Founder University Podcast: https://www.founder.university/podcast

    This Week in Startups
    en-usJune 20, 2024

    Nvidia tops Microsoft, FTC sues Adobe, weight loss startups, and more! | E1968

    Nvidia tops Microsoft, FTC sues Adobe, weight loss startups, and more! | E1968

    This Week in Startups is brought to you by…

    Vanta. Compliance and security shouldn't be a deal-breaker for startups to win new business. Vanta makes it easy for companies to get a SOC 2 report fast. TWiST listeners can get $1,000 off for a limited time at http://www.vanta.com/twist

    .Tech Domains - Don’t miss our “Jam Session with JCal” contest, coming soon! To apply and get more details go to https://jamwithjcal.tech brought to you by .tech domains.

    Lemon.io - Hire pre-vetted remote developers, get 15% off your first 4 weeks of developer time at https://Lemon.io/twist


    Todays show:

    Alex Wilhelm joins Jason to discuss Nvidia's rise as the most valuable company (2:34), the GLP-1 phenomenon (11:50), the FTC suing Adobe (34:21), new TWIST500 companies (47:09), and more!



    (0:00) Jason and Alex kick off the show

    (2:34) Nvidia's rise as the most valuable company

    (10:58) Vanta - Get $1000 off your SOC 2 at http://www.vanta.com/twist

    (11:50) Eli Lilly and the GLP-1 Phenomenon

    (23:42) .Tech Domains - Apply for the Jam Session with JCal contest today at https://jamwithjcal.tech

    (25:08) Telehealth and its future

    (33:00) Lemon.io - Get 15% off your first 4 weeks of developer time at https://Lemon.io/twist

    (34:21) FTC sues Adobe

    (47:09) New TWIST500 Companies

    (1:18:22) Would Amazon buy TikTok?


    Subscribe to the TWiST newsletter: https://www.ticker.thisweekinstartups.com


    Subscribe to This Week in Startups on Apple: https://rb.gy/v19fcp


    Mentioned on the show:















    New TWIST500 companies:









    Follow Alex:

    X: https://x.com/alex

    LinkedIn: ⁠https://www.linkedin.com/in/alexwilhelm/


    Follow Jason:

    X: https://twitter.com/Jason

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jasoncalacanis


    Thank you to our partners:

    (11:58) Vanta - Get $1000 off your SOC 2 at http://www.vanta.com/twist

    (23:42) .Tech Domains - Apply for the Jam Session with JCal contest today at https://jamwithjcal.tech

    (33:00) Lemon.io - Get 15% off your first 4 weeks of developer time at https://Lemon.io/twist


    Great 2023 interviews: Steve Huffman, Brian Chesky, Aaron Levie, Sophia Amoruso, Reid Hoffman, Frank Slootman, Billy McFarland


    Check out Jason’s suite of newsletters: https://substack.com/@calacanis


    Follow TWiST:

    Substack: https://twistartups.substack.com

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/TWiStartups

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/thisweekin

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thisweekinstartups

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@thisweekinstartups


    Subscribe to the Founder University Podcast: https://www.founder.university/podcast

    This Week in Startups
    en-usJune 19, 2024

    Woke Google Maps, how Wells Fargo is losing money on fintech, and the global AI race | E1967

    Woke Google Maps, how Wells Fargo is losing money on fintech, and the global AI race | E1967

    This Week in Startups is brought to you by…

    Squarespace. Turn your idea into a new website! Go to http://www.Squarespace.com/TWIST for a free trial. When you’re ready to launch, use offer code TWIST to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain.

    LinkedIn Ads. To redeem a $100 LinkedIn ad credit and launch your first campaign, go to http://www.linkedin.com/thisweekinstartups

    Mercury. With Mercury, you can simplify your financial operations with banking and software that power your critical financial workflows, all within the one thing every business needs, a bank account. And with new bill pay and accounting integrations, you can pay bills faster and stay in control of company spend. Apply in minutes at ⁠https://www.Mercury.com


    Todays show:

    Alex Wilhelm joins Jason to discuss woke Google Maps (1:57), Bilt & Wells Fargo dynamics (16:20), AI progress in China and Japan (32:00), and more!



    (0:00) Jason and Alex kick off the show

    (1:57) Woke Google Maps

    (9:44) Squarespace - Use offer code TWIST to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain at http://www.Squarespace.com/TWIST

    (16:20) Bilt and Wells Fargo fintech dynamics

    (17:00) CNBC interview with Bilt founder Ankur Jain

    (25:50) LinkedIn Ads - Get a $100 LinkedIn ad credit at http://www.linkedin.com/thisweekinstartups

    (32:00) AI progress in China and Japan

    (39:41 ) Mercury - Join 200K startups who use Mercury to operate at their best at http://www.mercury.com

    (45:09) Defining AGI and its implications

    (49:06) McDonald's AI ordering systems and their challenges

    (1:04:37) Audience question on EU's AI Act and its impact on startups


    Subscribe to the TWiST newsletter: https://www.ticker.thisweekinstartups.com


    Subscribe to This Week in Startups on Apple: https://rb.gy/v19fcp


    Mentioned on the show:




    Follow Alex:

    X: https://x.com/alex

    LinkedIn: ⁠https://www.linkedin.com/in/alexwilhelm/


    Follow Jason:

    X: https://twitter.com/Jason

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jasoncalacanis


    Thank you to our partners:

    (9:44) Squarespace - Use offer code TWIST to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain at http://www.Squarespace.com/TWIST

    (25:50) LinkedIn Ads - Get a $100 LinkedIn ad credit at http://www.linkedin.com/thisweekinstartups

    (39:41 ) Mercury - Join 200K startups who use Mercury to operate at their best at http://www.mercury.com


    Great 2023 interviews: Steve Huffman, Brian Chesky, Aaron Levie, Sophia Amoruso, Reid Hoffman, Frank Slootman, Billy McFarland


    Check out Jason’s suite of newsletters: https://substack.com/@calacanis


    Follow TWiST:

    Substack: https://twistartups.substack.com

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/TWiStartups

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/thisweekin

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thisweekinstartups

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@thisweekinstartups


    Subscribe to the Founder University Podcast: https://www.founder.university/podcast

    This Week in Startups
    en-usJune 17, 2024

    Related Episodes

    Alex Mittal – Early Stage Investing - [Invest Like the Best, EP.119]

    Alex Mittal  – Early Stage Investing - [Invest Like the Best, EP.119]
    My guest this week is Alex Mittal, co-founder of Funders Club. Following past guest Jeremiah Lowin, Alex is my second elementary school friend to appear on the podcast—a trend I hope continues. Funders club is a unique venture firm, because it is build around a network of investors and entrepreneurs who submit deals for consideration and invest together. But as you’ll hear, Alex and his co-founder Boris aren’t just building an open platform for early stage investing: they also then take a very traditional venture approach, making investing decisions themselves when it comes to building a centralized portfolio. Our conversation is about what Alex has learned investing in almost 300 early stage companies over the past 7 years. Please enjoy.   For more episodes go to InvestorFieldGuide.com/podcast. Sign up for the book club, where you’ll get a full investor curriculum and then 3-4 suggestions every month at InvestorFieldGuide.com/bookclub. Follow Patrick on Twitter at @patrick_oshag   Show Notes 1:30 - (First Question) – Inception of the Founder’s Club             1:36 – Jeremiah Lowin Podcast Episode 3:59 – How the process of their platform works 5:40 – Role of the network in Founders Club setup and success 8:26 – What he has learned from all of the data he has access to 16:00 – Early stage investing and finding the sweet spot 22:17 – What makes a really intriguing bad idea 25:23 – Why he remains so excited about Ethereum 31:18 – More bad ideas             31:55 – Apoorva Mehta on How I Built This Podcast 37:15 – Thoughts on retail and logistics and how they fit his Venn diagram of boring and crazy 43:13 – Chip and electronic design 45:47 – Companies that are not just increasing efficiencies but actually making foundational changes             45:54 – Energy and Civilization: A History 52:34 – What does he look for in founders             55:26 – Pivot or Fail 57:05 – Kindest thing anyone has done for Alex   Learn More For more episodes go to InvestorFieldGuide.com/podcast.  Sign up for the book club, where you’ll get a full investor curriculum and then 3-4 suggestions every month at InvestorFieldGuide.com/bookclub Follow Patrick on twitter at @patrick_oshag

    E68: Trudeau invokes emergency powers, Bitcoin vs. government, Tiger Global's new strategy & more

    E68: Trudeau invokes emergency powers, Bitcoin vs. government, Tiger Global's new strategy & more

    0:00 Sacks needs the ball

    1:43 Trudeau invokes emergency powers to try and stop the truckers protest

    13:45 Bitcoin's role in decentralizing currency away from potentially hostile governments

    25:37 San Francisco Board of Education recall: what this means for the boundaries of progressivism

    42:02 Assessing Tiger Global's new strategy: less late-stage private companies, more Series A and B rounds, more compressed public tech stocks

    1:11:24 HIV stem cell breakthrough, Sacks gives some hot takes on Fauci

    1:24:59 Sacks' vendetta corner: Sacks vs. Paul Graham

    Follow the besties:





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    Intro Music Credit:



    Intro Video Credit:


    Referenced in the show:


















    David Tisch - Tech Investing Outside of Silicon Valley - [Invest Like the Best, EP.55]

    David Tisch - Tech Investing Outside of Silicon Valley - [Invest Like the Best, EP.55]
    My guest this week is David Tisch, who was instrumental in building and fostering venture capital investing in New York City. If you liked my conversation with Jerry Neumann--who, incidentally, introduced me to David--you are going to love this one.  David was a co-founder at tech stars, New York's answer to Silicon Valley’s famous tech incubator Y Combinator. He now runs the Box Group, a prominent seed stage venture capital firm, which has looked at thousands of startups and invested in more than 200.  We explore tech investing outside of Silicon Valley, the tech accelerator model, the evolution of early stage investing, and why the best companies may start coming out of non-traditional venture hubs.  David does a great job of explaining how things have changed for technology startups and why certain strategies--especially those for acquiring customers--won't work nearly as well in the future.  I learned a lot during this hour, and I think you will too. Please enjoy.    For comprehensive show notes on this episode go to http://investorfieldguide.com/tisch For more episodes go to InvestorFieldGuide.com/podcast. To get involved with Project Frontier, head to InvestorFieldGuide.com/frontier. Sign up for the book club, where you’ll get a full investor curriculum and then 3-4 suggestions every month at InvestorFieldGuide.com/bookclub. Follow Patrick on Twitter at @patrick_oshag   Show Notes 2:16 – (First question) – Looking at David’s motivation and role in building up the venture capital tech investment scene in New York 6:14 – What David did to further the mission of fostering tech startups in New York, namely his work with TechStars 10:11 – What is Y Combinator and how does that differ from Tech Stars 13:02 – What is the procedure for getting into a startup incubator   17:08 – Most memorable applications 19:12 – What is the boot camp/incubator experience like 20:34 – What should future incubators be focused on to help develop the right ideas 23:46 – What aspects of the business should a start up be focused on in the beginning 26:46 – What got David interested in investing 28:47 – The challenges of launching new tech today and the colonization of identity 32:04 – Exploring David’s investing strategy 35:45 – Finding the consumer facing companies that can scale and provide a return for venture capitalists 38:03 – The problem of scaling up for start ups 39:20 – What business models does David prefer when making venture investments 40:53 – What’s important to look at when investing in other sectors, starting with Fintech 44:41 – Where does David think we are in the venture capital cycle 49:37 – How much does the exit strategy play into the initial seed investment 50:18 – David’s thinking on the portfolio of companies when picking an investment 52:48 – David’s biggest sin of omission 53:56 – Common personality traits among potential founders 55:24 – Is storytelling relevant for startups focused on the enterprise side of the business 56:07 – David’s story to convince founders to work with him 57:51 – biggest mistakes that David has seen 1:01:47 – What does it mean for our health that are time has become completely consumed by technology 1:03:58 – What trend has David most excited looking forward 1:06:44 – Kindest thing anyone has done for David   Learn More For more episodes go to InvestorFieldGuide.com/podcast.  Sign up for the book club, where you’ll get a full investor curriculum and then 3-4 suggestions every month at InvestorFieldGuide.com/bookclub Follow Patrick on twitter at @patrick_oshag