
    Another Cyberattack? Was This Video a Warning? (Ep 2194)

    enFebruary 23, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Host's skepticism towards cyber attacks and software updatesTrust but verify: be cautious about reports of cyber attacks and software updates, and consider alternative explanations

      Dan Vongino, the host of the show, expresses his skepticism towards recent reports of cyber attacks on pharmaceutical networks and a software update causing service disruptions at AT&T. He shares his concerns about being lied to by institutions and the possibility that those with power and connections might be aware of something that the public isn't. He also promotes various products throughout the show, including a sleep aid and a morning energy supplement. Despite the repeated reassurances about software updates, Vongino's personal experiences and distrust in institutions leave him questioning the truth behind these reports. He encourages listeners to be cautious and consider alternative explanations.

    • Geopolitical instability fuels cybersecurity concernsLeaders worry about a catastrophic cyber event due to geopolitical tensions and the convergence of AI, quantum computing, and spatial computing presents both opportunities and risks.

      Global leaders and business executives in the cybersecurity field are expressing concern about the potential for a catastrophic cyber event due to geopolitical instability. This concern is more prevalent than in previous surveys. While it's important not to panic, it's also crucial to pay attention to this trend and consider the motivations behind these warnings. Additionally, we are currently experiencing the convergence of three major technological advancements - artificial intelligence, quantum computing, and spatial computing. These developments have the potential to dramatically change our lives, but also come with risks. It's essential to stay informed and prepared for the future.

    • Considering the potential misuse of advanced technologiesAdvanced technologies like AI, quantum computing, and spatial computing have the potential for unintended or intentional biases and misuse, leading to harmful consequences. Ethical guidelines must be established to prevent misuse.

      As we advance in technology with AI, quantum computing, and spatial computing, it's crucial to consider the potential misuse of these technologies. Woke programmers could unintentionally or intentionally introduce biases into AI systems, leading to harmful consequences. Furthermore, authorities could use AI for fraud detection or even to fabricate cases against individuals. The potential for AI to interpret global issues like climate change and act upon them adds another layer of complexity. It's essential to be aware of these possibilities and ensure ethical guidelines are in place to prevent misuse. The attorney general in New York's actions against Trump's buildings serve as a reminder of how technology could be used to target individuals or groups based on their beliefs or affiliations.

    • The development of AI surpassing human intelligence and its controlThe emergence of AI surpassing human intelligence, coupled with advancements in spatial and quantum computing, raises concerns about control and potential government attempts to monopolize data to prevent exposure of failures and corruption.

      We are currently witnessing the development of artificial intelligence (AI) that surpasses human intelligence, and it's not a figment of imagination or a fable. This AI, when combined with advancements in spatial computing and quantum computing, poses a significant challenge regarding who will control it. The comparison made was that of the Spanish arriving on boats, appearing as gods to unadvanced civilizations. The Biden administration's focus on regulating AI is a clear indication of this concern. Additionally, there's an attempt to monopolize data, particularly from Medicare and Medicaid, to prevent AI from exposing potential failures and corruption. The era of AI, spatial computing, and quantum computing is set to debunk various myths and expose government tyranny and censorship on a massive scale.

    • Control of information as a power toolStay informed and secure personal data to fact-check and debunk false narratives in the era of AI, quantum computing, and spatial computing.

      The control of information is becoming a significant power tool in the current political climate, with data emerging as a new nuclear weapon in the era of AI. The left is increasingly terrified of losing the ability to manipulate and control narratives, leading to a potential new era of censorship. Meanwhile, the importance of protecting personal data has never been greater, as the volume of available information triples and angry individuals can easily obtain personal details for harassment and theft. The speaker encourages everyone to take steps to secure their data and stay informed, as the ability to fact-check and debunk false narratives will become increasingly important in the coming industrial revolution of AI, quantum computing, and spatial computing.

    • Vice President Harris's whereabouts on Jan. 6 unclearInconsistencies surround VP Harris's Jan. 6 location, emphasizing the need for transparency and accountability from public figures and media's role in seeking answers.

      There have been inconsistencies and lack of transparency regarding the whereabouts of Vice President Kamala Harris on January 6, 2021, during the Capitol riots. Despite being a key figure, she has never publicly mentioned being at the DNC that day, even though it was initially reported that she was there. A security officer who found a bomb near the RNC and Capitol Hill Club that day has questioned the official story, but there have been no significant media inquiries about this matter. These inconsistencies highlight the importance of holding public figures accountable for their actions and whereabouts during significant events. The media's role in asking tough questions and seeking answers is crucial for maintaining trust and transparency in our democratic process.

    • Independent researcher Stephen McIntyre's discovery ties to Biden family's involvement in UkraineIndependent researcher Stephen McIntyre's findings could expose significant stories related to the Biden family's dealings in Ukraine during the Obama administration

      There are numerous independent researchers, like Stephen McIntyre, whose work is crucial to uncovering significant stories. McIntyre, who can be found on Twitter under the handle @climateaudit, is one such researcher whose findings have the potential to blow the doors off the Biden case. McIntyre's recent discovery ties to the tapes and the Biden family's involvement in Ukraine during the Obama administration. The speaker expressed awe over this discovery and promised to share more details upon returning from a break. Additionally, the speaker took a brief detour to promote Tommy John underwear and Gen 90 wrinkle treatment, but the focus remained on the importance of independent researchers and their contributions to uncovering the truth.

    • Allegations of Biden family corruption in UkraineDuring Obama admin, a trusted FBI source claimed Biden family took a bribe. But, FBI failed to disclose texts showing source's bias, potentially influencing events like censorship & laptop controversy.

      During the Obama administration, there were allegations of corruption involving the Biden family in Ukraine. A source, who had been working with the FBI for 10 years and was considered trusted, came forward with information about the Bidens accepting a bribe. However, this source's texts expressing bias against Biden were not disclosed by the special prosecutor at a pivotal time, which could have influenced subsequent events, such as the censorship of related information and the laptop controversy. On May 19, 2020, there were significant developments, including a Ukrainian prosecutor holding a press conference to release tapes of Joe Biden pressuring the Ukrainian president to fire a prosecutor. These tapes revealed Biden's demand for the prosecutor's removal in exchange for a loan. The timing of these events and the handling of the source's information raise concerns about potential corruption and bias within the FBI and the DOJ.

    • Allegations of Biden's involvement in Ukrainian corruptionDuring Obama's tenure, Biden faced accusations of corruption in Ukraine, including interference, prosecutor removal, and personal gain. These claims resurfaced during Trump's presidency, leading to impeachment proceedings, but the real scandal, the speaker argues, was Biden's efforts to protect his own interests.

      There were allegations of corruption involving Joe Biden and his dealings in Ukraine during the Obama administration. This included interference in Ukrainian politics, the removal of a prosecutor general, and the potential use of Ukraine as an "ATM" for certain individuals. These allegations came to light during Donald Trump's presidency, leading to impeachment proceedings against Trump for alleged Russian interference in the 2016 election, which the speaker argues was a distraction from the real scandal. The speaker emphasizes that Biden's concern about Trump looking into the financial details of Ukraine is evidence of his involvement in the alleged corruption. The speaker also mentions the alleged involvement of George Soros and Victoria Nuland in these events.

    • Investigation into Pravat Bank and Biden family's business dealingsThe seizure of journalist Catherine Herridge's files from CBS raises concerns about potential efforts to suppress info related to investigations into Pravat Bank and Biden family's foreign business dealings, which could involve violations of the Foreign Agent Registration Act (FARA).

      The ongoing investigation into Pravat Bank and its connection to the IMF and the Biden family's business dealings is critically important for both economic and physical security. The seizure of journalist Catherine Herridge's files from CBS raises concerns about potential efforts to suppress information related to this investigation. The Farah issue, or the Foreign Agent Registration Act, is a potential area of focus as Hunter Biden's business dealings with foreign energy firms could have required registration as a foreign agent. The indictment leaves the door open for potential violations of FARA. The panic around Herridge's work being confiscated may indicate that this issue could be damaging to Joe Biden and Obama if fully explored. The stakes are high, and the implications of these investigations could be far-reaching.

    • Biden Administration Suppressing Information on Foreign Deals?Reports suggest the Biden administration may be attempting to hide information regarding potential FARA violations involving the President and his brother, while some claim the Russian collusion narrative was used to cover up Ukrainian election interference and protect the Biden family's business dealings.

      The firing of a CBS News investigative journalist, Amy Roberts, and the seizure of her records, coincides with reports of potential Foreign Agent Registration Act violations involving President Biden and his brother, James Biden. The implication is that the Biden administration may be attempting to suppress information related to their dealings with foreign interests during the Obama administration. Additionally, the speaker suggests that the entire Russian collusion narrative was an attempt to cover up Ukrainian efforts to interfere in the 2016 election and protect the Biden family's business dealings in Ukraine. The speaker also emphasizes that data has become a tactical weapon in the age of social media and AI, and that the truth should be discernible from data, but it is increasingly being manipulated and used to further political agendas.

    • Democratization of Information and its ImpactTechnology's democratization of information is causing unease among traditional media gatekeepers, raising concerns over vaccine safety and data privacy, and fueling public discontent with political leaders.

      The democratization of information through technology is causing panic among those who have long relied on controlling the narrative through traditional media. The discussion highlighted concerns over the safety and transparency of COVID-19 vaccines, and the potential risks of increased data exchange in an era of advanced technology. A resident's confrontation with Mayor Brandon Johnson during a town hall meeting underscored growing discontent with political leaders and their perceived lack of accountability. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of questioning authority and demanding transparency in all areas of public discourse.

    • Exploring the Power of Rumble with Dan BonginoDan Bongino encourages listeners to embrace the technological shift towards Rumble, download the app, join his daily show, and engage in the community. With over 120,000 people tuning in, the platform offers a popular platform for discussing important issues, free to watch on Rumble.com/Bongino or the Rumble app.

      The implications of this technology are significant and far-reaching. Bongino encourages his audience to embrace this technological shift and stay informed. He invites listeners to download the Rumble app, join him daily for the show, and engage in the community. With over 120,000 people tuning in, the Dan Bongino Show is a popular platform for discussing important issues. The show is free to watch on Rumble.com/Bongino or on the Rumble app. Bongino will also be hosting his radio show soon. He expresses his gratitude to his audience and signs off, reminding everyone to tune in on Monday.

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    Are you prepared for the quantum threat? In this first episode for season six, we discuss the risks and opportunities of quantum computing with Chris Johnson, Senior VP and Global Head of Enterprise at Nokia.

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    Tune in to learn what Nokia is doing in the quantum space, how edge and cloud computing will work with quantum and three actionable steps you can take today to future-proof against quantum threats. 

    It's a fascinating look at an emerging technology with worldwide implications.

    About Chris

    Chris is Senior Vice President and Global Head of Enterprise at Nokia.

    A veteran sales and business leader, Chris focuses on delivering critical network solutions for the world's most essential industries. He is a passionate champion of industrial digitalization for enterprises and government organizations, with a deep understanding of how innovative and intuitive digital technologies can bring resilience, productivity, efficiency and sustainability to any operation.

    Drawing on his experience defining business strategies, developing teams, executing initiatives and driving profitable growth, Chris helps Nokia Enterprise customers harness the exponential potential of networks to unlock new business models and build capacity for long-term success.

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