
    Anti-Black Racism in Healthcare: When Cell Phone Use is More Important Than Providing Care

    enFebruary 24, 2022

    About this Episode

    Disclaimer: In the introduction of this podcast, we play a recorded clip (with permission from Shirley Archibald) of the recording that was taken by Amie during her mom's visit to the hospital. It does contain disturbing and difficult content to listen to. It may be triggering to some. Please listen at your own discretion. 

    When did cell phone usage in the emergency department become more important than delivering care to a cardiac patient who told you they feel their heart is going to stop?

    Anti-Black racism in healthcare is a pandemic. Its effects are long lasting and devastating to those who encounter its grips. There are no other words to describe the fear, mistrust and overwhelming impact it has on the health of Black communities. In this episode, Amie recounts her mother (Shirley Archibald) most recent encounter with the healthcare system. We discuss the importance of dismantling the structures that allow racism to continue to exist in healthcare organizations and that ALL organizations must do the work to combat anti-Black racism, because after all, racism can have deadly outcomes. 



    Recent Episodes from The Gritty Nurse Podcast

    Nursing: The most Trusted Profession but the LEAST RESPECTED Profession

    Nursing: The most Trusted Profession but the LEAST RESPECTED  Profession

    How can for 22 years in a row Nursing as a profession voted the most "trusted" profession but also the LEAST respected and LEAST valued?

    Nursing has been cited to be the least respected and most stressed, according to experts and national data. In this episode, Amie and Sara discuss this conundrum of a situation. We also discussed how other professions rank with the trust of the public.

    Thank you to our episode sponsor, healthcareproviders.ca!

    Attention, hospital employees, retirees and HR in Canada!  

    Picture this: a benefit plan designed for casual and part-time hospital employees and retirees

    who aren’t covered by their hospital’s group health plan. Introducing Healthcare Providers Group Insurance Plan – a friendly partner dedicated to your health and wellbeing!

    With affordable plan premiums and an exceptional support team, Healthcare Providers, also known as HCP,  is dedicated to helping you every step of the way. Enrolling is easy, and you’ll have access to a wide range of health and basic dental benefits from day one.

    Already have coverage through your spouse? HCP still has your back! For less than $32 a month, the Signature Package, which includes Life, Long-Term Disability, Accidental Death, Disease & Dismemberment, provides valuable income protection and peace of mind for the unexpected.

    Take charge of your health and financial security today. Visit healthcareproviders.ca to learn more!

    Episode Resources: 






    Lucy Letby: Nurse and Serial Killer of Babies in The Neonatal Intensive Care Unit

    Lucy Letby: Nurse and Serial Killer of Babies in The Neonatal Intensive Care Unit

    Trigger warning: the case discussed in this episode may be triggering for some

    In the true crime episode, the Gritty Nurses are back at it again with Bruce Sackman, Special Agent in Charge, U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs (VA), Office of Inspector General, Criminal Investigations Division. 

    They discuss the shocking case of serial killer Lucy Letby, a British former neonatal nurse who was convicted and murdered seven infants and attempted the murder of six others between June 2015 and June 2016. (This is all we know of so far!)

    How did she get away with it for so long? Were there signs? How can this be prevented from happening again? Why did the media portray her as an "angel of death". 

    They also discuss similar cases of serial killers in the healthcare system and what they have in common with other serial killers. 

    Thank you to our episode sponsor, healthcareproviders.ca!

    Attention, hospital employees, retirees and HR in Canada!  

    Picture this: a benefit plan designed for casual and part-time hospital employees and retirees who aren’t covered by their hospital’s group health plan. Introducing Healthcare Providers Group Insurance Plan – a friendly partner dedicated to your health and wellbeing!

    With affordable plan premiums and an exceptional support team, Healthcare Providers, also known as HCP,  is dedicated to helping you every step of the way. Enrolling is easy, and you’ll have access to a wide range of health and basic dental benefits from day one.

    Already have coverage through your spouse? HCP still has your back! For less than $32 a month, the Signature Package, which includes Life, Long-Term Disability, Accidental Death, Disease & Dismemberment, provides valuable income protection and peace of mind for the unexpected.

    Take charge of your health and financial security today. Visit healthcareproviders.ca to learn more!

    Episode Resources: 










    Bruce Sackman's book, Behind the Murder Curtain:


    Pre-Order our Upcoming Book, The Wisdom Of Nurses!



    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@grittynursepodcast 

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/grittynurse

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    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/grittynurse


    Criminalization of Miscarriage: Brittany Watts and The Black Maternal Health Crisis

    Criminalization of Miscarriage: Brittany Watts and The Black Maternal Health Crisis

    In this episode, Amie and Sara discuss the Black Maternal Health Crisis in relation to the most concerning case/situation of Brittany Watts. We discuss the history of nurses who "police" their patients, obstetrical racism and the changes needed to prevent what happened to Brittany Watts from happening again.

    We stand in Solidarity with Brittany Watts against racial injustice. 

    Thank you to our episode sponsor, healthcareproviders.ca!

    Attention, hospital employees, retirees and HR in Ontario!  

    Picture this: a benefit plan designed for casual and part-time hospital employees and retirees

    who aren’t covered by their hospital’s group health plan. Introducing Healthcare Providers Group Insurance Plan – a friendly partner dedicated to your health and wellbeing!

    With affordable plan premiums and an exceptional support team, Healthcare Providers, also known as HCP,  is dedicated to helping you every step of the way. Enrolling is easy, and you’ll have access to a wide range of health and basic dental benefits from day one.

    Already have coverage through your spouse? HCP still has your back! For less than $32 a month, the Signature Package, which includes Life, Long-Term Disability, Accidental Death, Disease & Dismemberment, provides valuable income protection and peace of mind for the unexpected.

    Take charge of your health and financial security today. Visit healthcareproviders.ca to learn more!

    Episode Resources:








    Pre-Order our Upcoming Book, The Wisdom Of Nurses!


    Follow us!


    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@grittynursepodcast 

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    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/grittynurse


    Quick and Gritty Takes: News Ep. 2

    Quick and Gritty Takes: News Ep. 2

    This week on Quick and Gritty Takes, Amie & Sara discuss: 

    Ontario: Parents who waited 11 hours in Ontario ER with a child suffering allergic reaction focus their anger - “Not at the nurses, not at the doctors, not at SickKids, just at our government,”

    Canada: Justin Trudeau adviser defends use of crude language in online exchange with right-wing group.

    International: Organs of dead Black incarcerated ppl in Alabama are being removed & used for med school anatomy courses w/o family consent. Grave robbing the bodies of Black people was a commonplace practice to provide cadavers for med schools dating back to the 1700s.

    Patient Safety Tip: Take the pain meds. Fear of Addiction in Medicine. 


    "Mother knows best?" When your parents health remedies Do Not Match Your Health Science Background

    "Mother knows best?" When your parents health remedies Do Not Match Your Health Science Background

    "Cover your head or you'll get a cold"...." Close that window or you will catch a chill"...." Drink this tea...it will clear your sinuses".....Are you in the health field and you hear these remedies from your parents? How do you handle these conversations? Do you ignore your parents, or do you educate them? Or is there a bit of truth to what they say, their teachings or ways of knowing? Listen as Amie & Sara dive into this interesting topic!


    Pre-Order our Upcoming Book, The Wisdom Of Nurses! https://www.harpercollins.ca/9781443468718/the-wisdom-of-nurses/


    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@grittynursepodcast

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/grittynurse

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gritty.nurse.podcast/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/GrittyNurse


    Quick & Gritty Takes: News Ep 1

    Quick & Gritty Takes: News Ep 1

    Welcome to “Quick & Gritty Takes” our independent news network where we discuss hot topics in news provincially, nationally and internationally. We will take 4-5 news items and in under 20 minutes discuss our “gritty takes” on the subject matter. 

    We hope that this can be a forum where you take these topics and continue the conversation. We also will add a patient safety tip at the end for all listeners because increasing health literacy and patient safety is always top of mind for us. 

    Today's Topics:

    Ontario: Health Minister Sylvia Jones announces that starting this spring the government will expand the number of private surgical and diagnosed centres. Will be OHIP covered. 

    Canada- Canada’s Rights and the idea we have none:  Kevin Sorbo on Twitter- “You’re Canadian, who cares. You don’t have any rights so you wouldn’t understand why we want to keep ours.” 

    International: Lucy Letby was convicted/found guilty in the deaths of 7 babies but authorities are now looking into the suspicious deaths of around 4000 babies.

    Patient Safety Tip: You’ve got questions for your doctor, but you always forget to ask them—


    The Rise & Popularity of Ozempic Use: What is the "skinny" truth of this "wonder" Drug

    The Rise & Popularity of Ozempic Use: What is the "skinny" truth of this "wonder" Drug

    Happy NEW YEAR 2024! What were the 3 most popular resolutions for 2024? Did you guess fitness, finances and weight loss? You guessed right! There has been A LOT of buzz around the medicine OZEMPIC. What is the "skinny" truth on Ozempic? We hear a lot about celebrities using it for weight loss, but what about the patients who need it? It's time to talk about our society's perceptions related to weight, fitness, well-being and what a health body size is--without being judgy a-holes (we think healthy bodies come in many shapes and sizes). It's time for healthcare providers to take over the conversation and leave the vapidness to the celebs! In this episode, Amie and Sara discuss what Ozempic is and why is it getting so much attention. We discuss Ozempic in the news, potential side effects, the controversy and whether it is a miracle drug. Do we just need better policies to support people to be healthy? Or Do we need to use medicines to support diagnoses such as Obesity? We think truth health lies somewhere in the happy middle.














    Pre-Order our Upcoming Book, The Wisdom Of Nurses!



    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@grittynursepodcast 

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/grittynurse

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gritty.nurse.podcast/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/GrittyNurse 

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/grittynurse

    A Book, A Baby, A Renewed Focus for 2024: Year End in Review

    A Book, A Baby, A Renewed Focus for 2024: Year End in Review

    In this episode, Amie & Sara discuss their year-end and how much has changed over 2023. They also discuss the hottest topic this week in healthcare to close the year.

    Pre-Order our Upcoming Book, The Wisdom Of Nurses! https://www.harpercollins.ca/9781443468718/the-wisdom-of-nurses/


    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@grittynursepodcast

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/grittynurse

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gritty.nurse.podcast/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/GrittyNurse

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/grittynurse


    What Will it Take to Retain Nurses? Tangible, Measurable, NURSE- LED interventions

    What Will it Take to Retain Nurses? Tangible, Measurable, NURSE- LED  interventions

    Yes we have talked about nursing retention...and we have to keep talling about it...

    What will it take to actually retain nurses? Will CEO's and hospital executives listen and adhere to nurse-led interventions?

    The Gritty Nurses take a deeper dive into the results of Nursing retention toolkit: Improving the working lives of nurses in Canada, of which they were contributing members. 

    Which parts resonated the most with them and why? Take a listen to find out. 



    Pre-Order our Upcoming Book, The Wisdom Of Nurses!



    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@grittynursepodcast 

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/grittynurse

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gritty.nurse.podcast/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/GrittyNurse 

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/grittynurse

    Medicine Needs a #MeToo Movement: How can a Doctor be Suspended 3X For Sexual Assault STILL Practice?

    Medicine Needs a #MeToo Movement: How can a Doctor be Suspended 3X For Sexual Assault STILL Practice?

    Trigger warning: this episode discusses topics which may be triggering for some.

    In this episode, the Gritty Nurses discuss the recent case of a physician who has been suspended 3 times and convicted of sexual assault, but is allowed to continue to practice! Whatever happened to zero tolerance policies or the fact that he is a danger to the public as a REPEAT OFFENDER?

    They discuss this story and other cases, how the College of Physicians of Ontario handled it, what the law is on sexual assault, and more. This is very concerning given the power of physicians, their role in relation to patients and the trust we put in them. What makes physicians who are serial sexual assault assailants any different than Harvey Weinstein, Jeffery Episen or the Peter Nygard's of this century? Power? Privilege? Staus? ---Nothing. Time's up--This is definitely a highly charged topic and one that needs to be amplified and justice needs to be served. 

    **Pre-order The Wisdom of Nurses: Stories of Grit From the Front Lines


    Thanks to all that made this possible, especially the many nurses from across North America who generously shared their stories, passion and wisdom. We discuss stories of the challenges, heartbreak and humour of life on the front line. In their first book, (not our last ha!) We take you to the front line of nursing to show the compassion, selflessness and dedication of professionals who not only give it all for their patients, but get up and do it over and over again! Also available in digital and audio book formats!

    Order Here: https://www.harpercollins.ca/9781443468718/the-wisdom-of-nurses/

    Episode Resources:

    Image from Toronto Star:

    Toronto doctor who sexually abused patients has ‘greatly’ harmed medical profession, but will keep license after third suspension








    Follow the Gritty Nurse Podcast!


    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@grittynursepodcast 

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    Twitter: https://twitter.com/GrittyNurse 

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/grittynurse