
    Anti-Woke Liberal Reveals Whether He Is Willing to Vote GOP | Peter Boghossian | ACADEMIA | Rubin Report

    enFebruary 19, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Friends with contrasting perspectives engage in meaningful discussionsDespite differing opinions, friends can have valuable discussions and maintain their relationship, focusing on the content and policy implications of events.

      Despite having vastly different perspectives on current events, friends and colleagues can still engage in meaningful discussions and maintain their friendship. During a recent conversation at the revamped local studio, Dave Rubin and Pete Boghossian reflected on their contrasting reactions to the State of the Union address. While Rubin saw the president as a liar and a fraud, Boghossian seemed impressed by his performance. This disagreement in perception led to an intriguing conversation about the nature of perception and the importance of maintaining friendships despite disagreements. Rubin believed that the president's sharp and focused delivery during the speech put to rest concerns about his mental acumen, while Boghossian saw it as a convincing performance. Regardless of their differing viewpoints, they agreed to discuss the content and policy implications of the speech in further detail. This exchange highlights the value of open-minded dialogue and the importance of maintaining friendships, even when disagreements arise.

    • Joe Biden's Debate Performance Impresses CriticA critic, known for being critical of Biden, was impressed with his clear, articulate, and engaging debate performance, acknowledging the unfairness of past criticisms and questioning the ethics of cognitive enhancement.

      Despite some concerns about cognitive abilities due to past performances and rumors of drug use, Joe Biden's debate performance was clear, articulate, and engaging. The speaker, who is critical of Biden on other grounds, acknowledged that Biden was on point during the debate, making arguments and engaging with the audience. The speaker also questioned the unfairness of criticisms and the possibility of drugs enhancing performance. While acknowledging Biden's past differences and potential emotional dysregulation, the speaker was impressed with Biden's performance during the debate. It's important to note that this assessment is content-agnostic, focusing on Biden's delivery and engagement during the debate. The speaker also raised ethical concerns about using drugs to enhance cognitive performance, suggesting a need for further research. Overall, the speaker's perspective challenges the narrative of Biden as a senile or demented candidate based on his debate performance alone.

    • Importance of respectful dialogue between individuals with opposing viewpointsMaintain open-mindedness and engage in evidence-based discussions, even during ideological disputes, to foster understanding and bridge divides.

      Despite our differing interpretations of a recent political event, the speaker and I were able to maintain a civil conversation, highlighting the importance of respectful dialogue between individuals with opposing viewpoints. The speaker shared their experience with political polarization and the divisive nature of ideological disputes, drawing from their personal encounter with an authoritarian takeover at Portland State University. They emphasized the need for open-mindedness and evidence-based discussions, even when faced with strong opposition. While we may not always agree, the ability to engage in respectful discourse is crucial for fostering understanding and bridging divides.

    • Ideological bias in academia and politics can hinder transparency and lead to misinformationFocus on facts and debunk false claims with data, rather than attacking those who expose issues

      The ideological bias in academia and politics can lead to the spread of misinformation and a lack of transparency. The example given was the controversy surrounding hoax papers written by Michael Shermer and James Lindsay, which aimed to expose the ideological corruption in peer-reviewed studies. However, instead of acknowledging the potential issues within certain disciplines, those who disagreed attacked the authors for their methods. This pattern was also observed in political discourse, where facts are often distorted or obfuscated to fit a particular narrative. A more effective approach would be to focus on presenting the facts and debunking false claims with data, rather than attacking those who bring attention to the issues. Unfortunately, this was not the case during a recent political speech, which missed an opportunity to address specific inaccuracies in a data-driven way.

    • Politicians manipulating truth in politicsAcknowledge reality and be blunt about facts, rather than couching them in political terms to promote productive dialogue and avoid deepening political divides.

      The manipulation of truth in politics has reached a dangerous threshold, where lies are becoming so pervasive and denial of reality is rampant. This was discussed in relation to the ongoing debate about gas prices and inflation, where politicians blame each other for economic trends and deny objective facts. The speaker emphasized the importance of acknowledging reality and being blunt about facts and evidence, rather than couching them in political terms. The denial of reality, such as the claim that police are the leading cause of death for young black men, not only distorts the truth but also serves as a political cover for appealing to radical bases. The inability to admit when someone from the opposing political side does something true or false hinders productive dialogue and deepens the divide between liberals, conservatives, Republicans, and Democrats.

    • The toxic political climate hinders open discussions on various topicsDespite common ground on policies, the use of racialized discourse and the inability to agree on truth independent of immutable characteristics hinder productive discussions in the current political climate. Open and respectful dialogue is crucial to bridge the divide.

      The current political climate in the United States is toxic and divisive, making it challenging for individuals to express their opinions or agree on policies without facing backlash. This was discussed in the context of the challenges faced by Brian Keating and the speakers on the podcast when they tried to have open discussions on various topics, including race and politics. The use of language and labeling issues as "shadow banning" or "de-escalation" was also highlighted as a tactic used to manipulate public perception. The speakers expressed their belief that there is more common ground on policies than what meets the eye, but the constant racialized discourse and the inability to agree on a truth independent of immutable characteristics are significant issues that need to be addressed. The speakers emphasized the importance of recognizing the truth of the matter independently of any immutable characteristics and avoiding the consistent racialized discourse. The conversation ended with a call for more open and respectful dialogue to bridge the divide.

    • Addressing Perceived Issues for People with Darker Skin TonesOpen, honest conversations are necessary to understand and address perceived issues faced by people with darker skin tones, rooted in both systemic racism and economic factors. Effective policies require fact-based discussions, competent leadership, clear communication, and the inclusion of all voices.

      There is a need for open and honest conversations about the perceived issues faced by people with darker skin tones, particularly in the context of education and economic opportunities. These concerns are not imaginary but rooted in reality, and they are not solely due to systemic racism, but also economic factors and historical policies. It is crucial to have fact-based discussions without polarization or censorship, allowing for the development of effective policies. The speaker suggests that competent leadership and clear communication are essential in addressing these issues, while ensuring that all voices can be heard without fear of censorship. Additionally, there is a call for building new institutions and approaches to tackle these challenges effectively.

    • Building new institutions for intellectual diversityTo address the issue of 'wokeness' and ideological capture in academia, consider building new institutions that prioritize truth and intellectual diversity.

      The current state of academia, specifically in relation to the issue of "wokeness" and ideological capture, cannot be solved through traditional means. Instead, the solution lies in building new, truth-based institutions with genuine intellectual diversity. The speaker, who has been critical of the current state of academia, suggests that young people consider vocational education as an alternative to college. He also shares his personal experience of being welcomed by conservative audiences despite his non-traditional beliefs. The speaker's primary allies are now Christian conservatives and those who believe in building new things to challenge the legacy institutions. The conversation also touched upon the importance of creating new platforms and cultures in various fields, such as education and media.

    • A cultural war between authoritarians and non-authoritariansThe cultural landscape has shifted, with a new divide emerging between those who want to impose control and those who value individual freedom, as the dominant moral orthodoxy seeks to control thought and behavior.

      The cultural landscape has shifted significantly. The lines between conservative and liberal ideologies have blurred, and a new divide has emerged: authoritarians versus non-authoritarians. This is according to the discussion that took place between two individuals, one of whom was once a missionary for atheism but now finds himself allied with those he once sought to convert. They agree that there is a shared belief in objective truth and the importance of civil discourse and democratic means to the resolution of disputes. However, they are dismayed that many of the principles traditionally associated with liberalism are no longer being defended by liberals themselves. Instead, a dominant moral orthodoxy, the "wokies," seeks to control thought and behavior. The authors suggest that the current cultural war can best be understood as a struggle between those who want to impose control and those who want to preserve individual freedom. The conversation acknowledges the challenges on both sides, but the speakers express greater concern about the authoritarian tendencies on the left.

    • Finding Common Ground Despite Political DifferencesPeople from various political backgrounds can find common ground and work towards compromises, even on contentious issues like education and healthcare, by engaging in open and respectful dialogue and focusing on areas of agreement.

      Despite some disagreements on certain issues like education and healthcare, it's important to remember that people from different political backgrounds, such as traditional religious conservatives and classical liberals, can still find common ground and work towards compromises. The speaker, for instance, believes in the government's role in providing public education and healthcare up to age 18, but acknowledges that there are different approaches to achieving these goals. For example, while some may prefer a government-funded system, others might advocate for school choice or charter schools. Ultimately, it's crucial to engage in open and respectful dialogue, bracketing contentious issues when necessary, and focusing on areas of agreement to find mutually beneficial solutions.

    • Finding common ground despite political differencesPolitical divide exists on various issues, but thoughtful dialogue and compromise can lead to unexpected policy shifts, revealing more common ground than meets the eye. Acknowledging extreme views and finding a way to address their power is crucial for creating a country where individuals can coexist and work together.

      Despite the political divide on various issues like abortion and education, there's a need for thoughtful dialogue and compromise between people holding different opinions. The example given was the shift in policy positions on abortion, with conservative states adopting what were once considered liberal stances. This demonstrates that there's more common ground than meets the eye. However, it's important to acknowledge the presence and influence of extreme views and to find a way to quantify and address their power in the political landscape. The ultimate goal should be to create a country where individuals like the speakers in this conversation can coexist and work together, regardless of their political leanings.

    • Differences in government role views, shared valuesSpeaker raises concerns over 'woke' ideologies limiting free speech and truth in institutions, importance of balancing diversity and inclusion with open dialogue and academic freedom.

      Despite some disagreements on the role of government, both the speaker and I share a common desire for liberty, truth, and the rule of law in our societies. We may have differing opinions on certain policies and the effectiveness of government, but our fundamental values align. However, the speaker raises concerns about the increasing influence of "woke" ideologies and their control over institutions like universities, DEI bureaucracy, and even Wikipedia, which can limit free speech and hinder the spread of truth. We need to address this issue and find a balance between promoting diversity and inclusion, while also upholding the importance of open dialogue and academic freedom. Ultimately, it's crucial that we continue to engage in meaningful conversations and work towards finding common ground, rather than being consumed by the "red pill" vs. "woke" divide.

    • The spread of woke ideology in society is a complex problemWoke ideology, which values lived experience over objective truth, has infiltrated education and industries, leading to the normalization of terms like safe spaces, microaggressions, and trigger warnings. Its sustainability is questionable due to its lack of a defensible position or apologetic.

      The spread of woke ideology in society, particularly in education, is a significant problem that is not only difficult to address but risks becoming self-perpetuating. This ideology, which values lived experience over objective truth, has infiltrated schools, colleges, and various industries, leading to the normalization of terms like safe spaces, microaggressions, and trigger warnings. The editors of Wikipedia, for instance, can manipulate information to promote this ideology. The lack of debate and conversation around these issues only serves to deepen the problem. Despite the efforts of individuals and organizations to build new institutions and argue against woke ideology, its sustainability is questionable due to its lack of a defensible position or apologetic. The recent emergence of critiques in mainstream media outlets is a promising sign, but these critiques often lack depth and legitimacy due to the widespread influence of woke ideology in educational institutions.

    • Crisis of Trust in Institutions: Prioritizing Transparency, Accountability, and Ideological DiversityTo rebuild trust in institutions, prioritize transparency, accountability, and ideological diversity in the peer review process, while addressing perceived biases and systemic issues.

      Trust in institutions and information sources is at a crisis point due to perceived lack of legitimacy. The peer review process is proposed as a potential gold standard for ensuring trustworthiness. However, ideological diversity is also crucial in conferring legitimacy to systems. The distrust towards certain institutions, such as universities and Wikipedia, is growing due to perceived biases. The bundling of controversial figures or ideas with reputable sources further damages trust. Institutional responses to issues like doxxing or hate speech can also contribute to the perception of systemic bias. Ultimately, addressing these legitimacy crises requires a multifaceted approach that prioritizes transparency, accountability, and ideological diversity.

    • Filtering out the noise of online criticismFocus on valuable critique and constructive feedback, ignore hateful reactions, and maintain perspective online.

      While facing criticism and hate online can be challenging, it's essential to distinguish between voices that matter and those that don't. The speaker shares his experience of encountering online harassment and how he learned to filter out the noise. He also highlights the difference in societal attitudes towards dissenting opinions between the United States and other parts of the world. The speaker emphasizes that giving in to the desire for reaction from trolls and haters only fuels their behavior. Instead, it's crucial to focus on the voices that provide valuable critique and constructive feedback. The speaker's advice is to not engage with the haters and to recognize that their reactions are driven by their own need for validation. Ultimately, it's essential to maintain perspective and remember that the online world is not a reflection of reality.

    • Maintaining respectful communication in friendshipsFriendships thrive on open communication, respect for differing opinions, and the ability to engage in spirited but respectful debates.

      Even in the face of disagreements and differing viewpoints, maintaining open communication and respect for each other's opinions is essential for strong friendships. The conversation between the speakers touched upon various topics, including politics, integrity, and the importance of letting friends be wrong. They emphasized the importance of having spirited but respectful debates and the value of understanding different perspectives. The speakers also highlighted the significance of looking at the positions of political figures before making a decision to vote for them. They concluded by encouraging open and honest dialogue, even when disagreements arise. Ultimately, they emphasized that the highest form of friendship is between two virtuous people who can engage in thoughtful and respectful conversations.

    • Maintaining respect and understanding in friendshipsDisagreements in friendships can lead to growth, but it's important to avoid escalating to harmful or hateful speech.

      It's important to have meaningful friendships where you can have disagreements and still maintain respect and understanding for one another. As opposed to constantly agreeing just to avoid conflict, these types of friendships allow for growth and learning. However, it's also important to remember that not all disagreements need to escalate to the point of name-calling or hostility. If you find yourself in a situation where you're constantly fighting or disagreeing, it might be time to reevaluate that relationship. In the words of Dave Rubin, "You wanna go get drunk and fight some random people? Alright. Well, I don't know about the latter, but maybe the former." This means that it's okay to have disagreements and even engage in healthy debates, but it's not necessary to let those disagreements escalate to the point of harm or hate speech. Instead, focus on building meaningful relationships where you can learn from one another and grow together. And don't forget to check out The Rubin Report for more thought-provoking discussions.

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    enJune 14, 2024

    Portnoy Says What Others Are Afraid to Say About Women’s Basketball

    Portnoy Says What Others Are Afraid to Say About Women’s Basketball
    Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” talks about Barstool Sports’ Dave Portnoy’s epic rant about the uncomfortable truth of the Indiana Fever’s Caitlin Clark not being chosen for the USA Basketball Women’s Olympic team; Monica McNutt telling “The Daily Show’s” Jon Stewart why Caitlin Clark is not to blame for the recent surge in interest in the WNBA and women’s basketball; Arynne Wexler explaining the real reason women have not been supportive of Caitlin Clark, and it’s not pretty; Joe Rogan stumping comedian Adam Conover with one simple question about giving puberty blockers to trans youth; MSNBC reporting that modern women are having trouble dating men if they don’t support BLM; and James Carville telling “On Brand’s” Donny Deutsch why he blames Joe Biden for listening to the Left for creating the border crisis. Dave also does a special “ask me anything” question-and-answer session on a wide-ranging host of topics, answering questions from the Rubin Report Locals community. WATCH the MEMBER-EXCLUSIVE segment of the show here: https://rubinreport.locals.com/ Check out the NEW RUBIN REPORT MERCH here: https://daverubin.store/ ---------- Today’s Sponsors: Base Spike Detox Trio - Fight the negative effects of the AstraZeneca vaccin with Dr. McCullough’s protocol. Save 15% and get free shipping. Go to: https://TWC.health/RUBIN and use CODE: RUBIN Contagion Emergency Kit - This prescription Contagion Emergency Kit from The Wellness Company provides you with a carefully selected assortment of effective medications for bird flu, COVID-19, and other respiratory illnesses. Rubin Report viewers save $45 at checkout Go to: https://TWC.health/RUBIN and use CODE: RUBIN Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
    The Rubin Report
    enJune 13, 2024

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    'The Gadfather' - Gad Saad | PBD Podcast | Ep. 164

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    Get Dr. Saad's book The Parasitic Mind: https://amzn.to/3aYfSkD

    Subscribe to Dr. Saad's YouTube channel: https://bit.ly/3aTOILS

    Check out Dr. Saad's podcast "The Saad Truth": https://apple.co/3tuTpST

    Text: PODCAST to 310.340.1132 to get added to the distribution list

    Patrick Bet-David is the founder and CEO of Valuetainment Media. He is the author of the #1 Wall Street Journal bestseller Your Next Five Moves (Simon & Schuster) and a father of 2 boys and 2 girls. He currently resides in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.


    To reach the Valuetainment team you can email: booking@valuetainment.com

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/pbdpodcast/support

    Offspring S01E03

    Offspring S01E03

    The Uncomfortablility
    This week Nina's a prude. And Uptight. That's word on the street anyway.
    An expecting couple have a request that is totally normal and understandable. NOT. Although literally everyone in the show except Nina think so.
    Mick and Billie struggle with expectations of one another.
    Cherie tries sleep training and Darcy has opinions about it.
    Jimmy and Odell cause general chaos.
    AND THEN CHRIS AND ZARA HOOK UP. Or that is what it looks like. Nina handles it well. Obviously.

    Watch it on Netflix, and then hear our take on it.
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