
    AOC Throws a Fit During Hearing, Only to Realize Her Facts Are Wrong | Direct Message | Rubin Report

    enFebruary 09, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Republicans question tech companies over allegationsRepublicans grill tech executives over shadow banning, algorithmic manipulation, and relationships with gov agencies. Important discussions, but need substantial action.

      The Republican party is taking action against tech companies, specifically Twitter, regarding allegations of shadow banning, algorithmic manipulation, and relationships with government agencies. This was evident in recent congressional hearings where executives were questioned under oath. However, the real challenge lies in ensuring accountability and consequences for any lies or obfuscation during these hearings. Additionally, there is a hearing ongoing and potential guests like Jim Jordan, McCarthy, and Lauren Boebert have been invited to discuss this matter further. It's important to note that while these hearings and discussions are important, they must lead to more substantial action. Furthermore, Dr. Gundry, a renowned cardiologist, shared information about a toxin in supposedly healthy foods that contributes to leaky gut and various health issues. This toxin is often overlooked due to misinformation from the food pyramid. To learn more, viewers can visit gutcleanseprotocol.com/dave.

    • Congresswoman AOC Criticizes Investigation into Hunter Biden's Laptop and Twitter's Handling of the StoryDespite AOC's accusations, the authenticity and relevance of Hunter Biden's laptop and its contents have been confirmed by multiple news outlets. The investigation aims to uncover government involvement with Twitter and its manipulation of policies, affecting the 2020 election.

      During a hearing in Congress, Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) criticized the investigation into Hunter Biden's laptop and Twitter's handling of the story. She labeled it as a right-wing conspiracy and an alleged half-fake laptop story. However, the authenticity and relevance of the laptop and its contents have been confirmed by various news outlets, including The New York Times. The story involves Hunter Biden's business dealings, potential violation of ethics, and the presence of classified documents. AOC's stance to defend censorship and her accusations against Republicans weaponizing the committee for political gain are misleading. Instead, the committee aims to uncover the government's involvement with Twitter and its manipulation of policies, potentially impacting the 2020 election.

    • Allegations of censorship, shadow banning, and deceit from Twitter executivesTwitter's content moderation practices have been under scrutiny for years, with evidence of manipulation and government involvement becoming more prominent in 2019. Former executive Vijaya Gade was exposed for lying about these practices, raising questions about the role of corporations in determining truth and the potential consequences of censorship.

      The discussion revolves around the allegations of censorship, shadow banning, and deceit from Twitter executives regarding their content moderation practices. These issues have been a topic of concern for at least five to six years, with evidence of manipulation and government involvement becoming more prominent in 2019. The public became aware of these practices when Vijaya Gade, a former Twitter executive, was exposed for lying about content moderation during an interview on Joe Rogan's podcast. The debate raised questions about the role of corporations in determining truth and the potential consequences of allowing them to censor information. Twitter's stance on policing misinformation is unclear, but it is evident that they have mechanisms in place to silence certain accounts, which goes beyond just labels and can extend to deeper manipulations within the code. The conversation also highlights the political biases that have been baked into the system, with leftist ideology becoming increasingly prevalent and impacting the decision-making process. The discussion underscores the importance of transparency and accountability in the tech industry and the potential dangers of allowing corporations to control the flow of information.

    • FBI-Tech Company Relationship: Collusion AllegationsRepresentative Boebert raised concerns about potential collusion between the FBI and Twitter, accusing former Twitter executive Yoel Roth of meetings and FBI presence within the company, which could infringe on First Amendment rights and warrant further investigation by Congress

      The relationship between the FBI and tech companies, particularly in regards to censorship and potential pressure on employees, is a significant issue that warrants further investigation. During a hearing, Representative Lauren Boebert grilled Yoel Roth, former head of trust and safety at Twitter, about his interactions with the FBI while he was at the company. Boebert accused Roth of collusion between the FBI and Twitter due to numerous meetings between the two and the presence of FBI agents within the company. While Roth may not have been solely responsible for these interactions, the lack of transparency and potential pressure on employees by the FBI raises concerns about censorship and potential infringement on First Amendment rights. The next step in addressing this issue is for Congress to call FBI representatives to testify under oath about their involvement and pressure on tech companies. The debate around this topic is far from over, and it's crucial to uncover the truth behind these allegations to ensure the protection of individual freedoms and the integrity of our democratic institutions.

    • Twitter's suppression of a congresswoman's account raises First Amendment concernsTwitter's alleged interference in democratic processes and potential coordination with government entities raises First Amendment concerns, as seen in the suppression of a congresswoman's account and the ban of a sitting president.

      Twitter suppressed a congresswoman's account and potentially interfered with the democratic process by silencing her communication with constituents and the American people. This was in response to a joke tweet about Hillary Clinton and was part of a larger pattern of alleged election interference and manipulation of information. The involvement of former FBI officials at Twitter raises First Amendment concerns, as there were reports of government pressure and potential coordination between the two entities. The suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop story and the ban of a sitting president from Twitter further highlights these issues. The complexity of addressing these problems is underscored by the existence of bad actors and potentially problematic code within the platform.

    • Jordan accuses Twitter of pressure from FBI to remove Hunter Biden laptop contentJordan suggests Twitter's leadership may have caved to FBI pressure and removed Hunter Biden laptop content, possibly due to bias against Trump.

      During a discussion on the Hunter Biden laptop situation and Twitter's handling of it, Jim Jordan accused the company of being pressured by the FBI to remove the content despite it not clearly violating their policies at the time. Jordan suggested that Twitter's higher-ups, possibly including the CEO, may have been involved in the decision. He also implied that Twitter had a bias against then-President Trump and wanted him out of the White House, leading them to take down the content under pressure, even if it didn't strictly violate their policies. The conversation also touched on the discovery of new filters and potential manipulation of specific accounts.

    • Discussing transparency and accountability in social mediaLegislation could ensure user notification and due process for account targeting and content removal. Addressing laundered narratives through media outlets is crucial for public clarity.

      There is a call for transparency and accountability in how social media platforms handle user data and content moderation. Yol Roth suggested that legislation could be implemented to ensure users are notified and given due process if their accounts are targeted or content is removed. The discussion also touched on the concern that certain narratives or information can be "laundered" through mainstream media outlets, creating confusion and disconnect for the general public. The speakers agreed that this issue may seem far removed from the everyday concerns of the majority of the population, making it essential to address these matters with clarity and openness.

    • Criticism towards Jen Psaki and Disney's 'woke' policiesCritics question Jen Psaki's focus on irrelevant issues and past role in flagging posts, while Disney faces backlash for perceived indoctrination and potential layoffs. Accountability and transparency are key in addressing government and corporate actions.

      There is ongoing criticism towards White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki for her past role in flagging problematic posts for social media companies and her current commentary on irrelevant issues. Some believe this is an attempt to distract from important issues like government collusion with tech companies and censorship. Additionally, there is growing frustration with companies like Disney for their "woke" policies and perceived indoctrination, leading to mass cancellations and layoffs. The challenge for Republicans is to hold government officials accountable for their actions and demand transparency. In the case of Disney, some are calling for forgiveness and reopening support once they abandon their controversial practices, while others advocate for permanent closure. The ongoing debates highlight the importance of accountability and transparency in both government and corporate actions.

    • Aligning Spending with ValuesConsumers can influence companies through their spending. Disney's controversial decisions led some to cancel subscriptions, impacting their revenue. Parents may prioritize loved ones over corporate entities, and American pride can be boosted by positive actions and initiatives.

      Individuals have the power to align their spending with their values. The discussion highlighted the example of Disney and its controversial decisions, leading some consumers to consider canceling their subscriptions. The financial impact, while significant for Disney, is a reminder that every dollar spent contributes to the success or demise of a company. Additionally, the conversation touched on the changes in priorities and appreciation for loved ones that come with parenthood. Lastly, Fred suggested increasing American pride by focusing on positive actions and programs, including advertising these initiatives to citizens.

    • Focusing on individual actions to bridge dividesDespite political differences, focusing on personal responsibility and respect for others can help bridge divides, even in contentious issues like affirmative action.

      While political differences may seem insurmountable, focusing on individual and community level actions can help bridge divides. The ongoing Supreme Court case regarding affirmative action in college enrollment is an example of a divisive issue. The speaker is against affirmative action, believing it to be a form of racism. They argue that a merit-based system encourages hard work and creates a fair playing field for all, ultimately benefiting society as a whole. The speaker encourages focusing on personal responsibility and treating others with respect, rather than relying on political solutions to complex issues.

    • Disparities in education and hiring based on raceThe current system can limit opportunities for qualified individuals based on race, potentially impacting society's functionality. Focusing on merit and competence is essential in all areas of life.

      The current educational system and hiring practices can create disparities and unfair advantages based on various factors, including race. This can lead to less qualified individuals occupying important positions, ultimately impacting the functionality of society. In the political sphere, there is ongoing speculation about who will challenge Donald Trump in the 2024 Republican primaries, with potential candidates such as Nikki Haley, Mike Pompeo, Ron DeSantis, and Tim Scott. While each candidate has their strengths and weaknesses, the main concern is whether the best candidates are being given the opportunity to lead, regardless of their background or immutable characteristics. The ongoing feud between Trump and DeSantis, as well as Trump's divisive rhetoric, may hinder the party's chances of putting forth the most effective candidate. Ultimately, it is crucial to focus on merit and competence in all areas of life, from education to employment to politics.

    • Support for Decentralized Systems in Finance and MediaSpeakers express their belief in the freedom and autonomy offered by decentralized systems, but acknowledge challenges like harmful content and the desire to interview influential figures in art, tech, and entertainment.

      The speakers express their support for decentralized systems, particularly in the context of finance and media. They believe that decentralization offers freedom and autonomy, allowing individuals to control their own transactions and information. However, they also acknowledge the challenges that come with decentralization, such as the potential for harmful content to persist online. Additionally, they mention their desire to interview individuals like George Lucas, Elon Musk, and Tina Turner due to their influential roles in art, technology, and entertainment.

    • Tina Turner's resilience and DeSantis' potential presidencyTina Turner overcame adversity to rebuild her career, while the speaker admires DeSantis but has family concerns about a potential presidential campaign, and is part of a WEF opposition group but unsure of role

      Tina Turner's resilience and determination in the face of adversity led her to reclaim her identity and build a successful career after leaving an abusive marriage. Another topic discussed was the possibility of helping Governor DeSantis in his potential presidential campaign. The speaker expressed his admiration for DeSantis but shared concerns about being away from his family if he were to be part of an administration. He also mentioned his involvement in the Jordan Peterson-led WEF opposition group, but the role he sees for himself within it is unclear.

    • Conference addressing societal issues, including gender ideologiesSpeakers express concern about normalization of gender dysphoria, encourage caution, and invite listeners to consider potential future consequences.

      There's going to be a conference aimed at involving "real people" instead of just elites, and the speakers plan to address various societal issues, including the rapid spread of gender ideologies. The speakers express concern about the normalization of practices like gender dysphoria and the potential long-term consequences for children. They also reflect on their own political evolution and the radicalization of the far left. The speakers plan to help organize this event and encourage parents to be cautious about endorsing such trends. They encourage everyone to wait and consider the potential future consequences before fully embracing these societal shifts. Additionally, they invite listeners to watch their compilation video for a deeper understanding of their perspectives on these issues over the past six years.

    • Discussing politics and media accountabilityMedia accountability through a pay-for-use model was discussed as a potential solution to corruption. Local platforms like Rubin Report were highlighted as examples.

      Independence and accountability are crucial in media, as discussed during the podcast. PragerU's Miss mama Panda shared her dream of becoming an astronaut and possibly taking her family to Mars via SpaceX. Meanwhile, the conversation turned to politics, specifically the potential next governors of Florida, with Jimmy Petronas, Byron Donalds, and Francis Suarez being mentioned as top contenders. Geller brought up the topic of media corruption and the idea that a pay-for-use model could make channels more accountable to their users. Locals, a platform created by Rubin Report, was mentioned as an example of this concept. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of accountability and independence in various aspects of life, from personal goals to politics and media.

    • Emphasizing authenticity, decency, and truthDave Rubin values audience respect but not limitations, presents truthful content, criticizes sensational news media, expresses concern about long-term vaccine injuries, and encourages authentic engagement with his audience.

      Creators and content providers, like Dave Rubin, value their audience's respect and appreciation, but they don't want to be limited by their audience's expectations or beliefs. Rubin shared that he's okay with having differing opinions with his audience and that he strives to present truthful content. He also criticized the news media's reliance on advertisers and the resulting sensationalism, which can lead to a focus on controversial figures like Trump. Rubin expressed concern about the potential long-term vaccine injuries and urged people to make informed decisions about their health. He encouraged his audience to subscribe to his content and engage with him further through his local platform. Overall, Rubin emphasized the importance of authenticity, decency, and truth in a world that can be dominated by sensationalism and the pursuit of clicks.

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    The Rubin Report
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    The Rubin Report
    enJune 20, 2024

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    In this episode of Passing Judgment, we explore the recent oral arguments in two cases concerning social media, state laws, and the First Amendment. We walk through the complexities of the justices' struggle to establish a legal framework for addressing content moderation by social media platforms, highlighting the unprecedented nature of these issues in the context of constitutional law. Tune in for an informative discussion on the ever-changing landscape of law and the profound impact it has on our lives.

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    1️⃣  Big Supreme Court News: The Supreme Court's decision to hear the case regarding a former president's immunity from criminal prosecution has significant implications. This case raises critical questions about the constitutionality of immunity for a former president and the potential impact on future legal proceedings.

    2️⃣  Cases Involving Internet, First Amendment, and Social Media: The recent oral arguments on state laws attempting to regulate social media platforms' content moderation choices brought to the forefront the absence of a clear constitutional framework and precedents for addressing such modern technological issues. The Justices' struggle to fit these cases within existing legal categories highlights the need for new frameworks to address emerging technology-related legal concerns.

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    Follow Our Host:

    On Threads: @LevinsonJessica

    The Implications of Supreme Court Cases on Social Media Content Moderation and State Laws

    The Implications of Supreme Court Cases on Social Media Content Moderation and State Laws

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    1️⃣  Big Supreme Court News: The Supreme Court's decision to hear the case regarding a former president's immunity from criminal prosecution has significant implications. This case raises critical questions about the constitutionality of immunity for a former president and the potential impact on future legal proceedings.

    2️⃣  Cases Involving Internet, First Amendment, and Social Media: The recent oral arguments on state laws attempting to regulate social media platforms' content moderation choices brought to the forefront the absence of a clear constitutional framework and precedents for addressing such modern technological issues. The Justices' struggle to fit these cases within existing legal categories highlights the need for new frameworks to address emerging technology-related legal concerns.

    3️⃣  Role of Congress: The lack of national standards from Congress further complicates the situation, leaving the Justices in a dilemma about who should be making decisions regarding the regulation of social media content moderation.

    Follow Our Host:

    On Threads: @LevinsonJessica

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    Find Ramsey on Twitter: @RamseyRamerman (https://twitter.com/RamseyRamerman)


    Mindbloom: Go to Mindbloom.com/darkhorse for $100 off your first six session program today.  

    American Hartford Gold: Get up to $1,500 of free silver on your first qualifying order. Call 866-828-1117, that’s 866-828-1117 or text “DARKHORSE” to 998899.


    Find Bret Weinstein on Twitter: @BretWeinstein, and on Patreon.

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    Theme Music: Thank you to Martin Molin of Wintergatan for providing us the rights to use their excellent music.



    (00:00) Introduction

    (04:42) Sponsors

    (07:48) Publishers or distributors

    (13:30) Right of association

    (19:00) Section 230

    (26:50) Quasi public space

    (35:45) Government meetings about censoring certain voices

    (41:54) Defined process and rules

    (45:50) Current cases against censorship

    (50:03) Classifying speech as terrorism

    (01:01:01) Fascism

    (01:12:50) DarkHorse shadowbanned

    (01:16:08) States addressing issues

    (01:20:20) Shadowbanning and Trump

    (01:26:45) COVID censorship

    (01:30:27) Wrap up

    Support the show

    Government Mostly Can't Talk To Social Giants — That's A Problem

    Government Mostly Can't Talk To Social Giants — That's A Problem
    The government's ability to fight disinformation online has suffered a legal setback that experts say will have a chilling effect on communications between federal agencies and social media companies.

    A ruling by a federal district judge in Louisiana could have far-reaching consequences for the government's ability to work with Facebook and other social media giants to address false and misleading claims about COVID, vaccines, voting, and other issues that could undermine public health and erode confidence in election results.

    This episode: national political correspondent Sarah McCammon, national political correspondent Mara Liasson, and disinformation correspondent Shannon Bond.

    The podcast is produced by Elena Moore and Casey Morell. Our editor is Eric McDaniel. Our executive producer is Muthoni Muturi.

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