
    Podcast Summary

    • Unexpected events in tech: Sunbird RCS app's quick rise and fallBe cautious when using third-party services, prioritize security, and stay informed of industry developments.

      The technology world experienced an unprecedented week with several unexpected events unfolding. One of these events was the quick rise and fall of the Sunbird RCS app by the quirky tech company, Nothing. Initially, the app aimed to bring RCS messaging to Android users, but it was soon removed from the Play Store due to significant security concerns. Researchers discovered that the app was using HTTP instead of HTTPS, storing media and text in plain text in a Firebase database, and had other major security vulnerabilities. The incident serves as a reminder to be cautious when using third-party services and to prioritize security. The week also saw other notable events, such as Apple's removal of the D.S. app, Stanford's departure from Twitter, and Sam Altman's departure from OpenAI. These events, among others, showcased the dynamic and unpredictable nature of the technology industry.

    • Importance of Security and Research in Tech CollaborationsThe Sunbird-Nothing collaboration failure underscores the need for robust security measures and thorough research before launching tech products, while the upcoming RCS support on iPhones promises to enhance messaging experiences between Android and iOS devices, but raises privacy concerns due to lack of end-to-end encryption.

      The lack of due diligence and security measures led to the downfall of the collaboration between Sunbird and Nothing, resulting in the removal of their iMessage on Android app from the Google Play Store and the suspension of Sunbird's operations. This incident highlights the importance of having a strong security team and conducting thorough research before launching a product. Moreover, the news of RCS support coming to iPhones in 2024 means that green bubbles will stay green but will now be RCS messages instead of SMS and MMS. This upgrade will bring features like read receipts, typing indicators, and possibly reaction support, as well as higher quality media. However, it's important to note that these messages will still be encrypted only during transmission and not end-to-end encrypted, which might raise privacy concerns. During the discussion, we also learned about the poor experience of messaging between Android phones and iPhones, with Apple intentionally using SMS and MMS for interoperability. The upcoming RCS support on iPhones aims to improve this experience significantly. In summary, the Sunbird and Nothing incident serves as a reminder of the importance of security and thorough research, while the upcoming RCS support on iPhones signifies a step towards better messaging experiences between Android and iOS devices.

    • Apple's deadline to respond to EU's investigationApple announces RCS support on iMessage, potentially ending 'green bubble' issue, on EU investigation deadline

      Apple's unexpected announcement to support RCS (Rich Communication Services) on iMessage, which could potentially end the long-standing "green bubble" versus "blue bubble" issue between iOS and Android users, might have been a response to the EU's investigation into Apple being considered a gatekeeper for iMessage. This investigation was ongoing, and Apple had until a certain deadline to make their case against being labeled as a gatekeeper. The EU had listed messaging platforms, including iMessage, as potential gatekeepers, and Apple's announcement came on the last day of this deadline. It remains to be seen if the green bubble vs blue bubble issue will persist, as there are still features exclusive to iMessage that Android users cannot access. The implementation of RCS on iMessage may take some time, with the Vision Pro being predicted to release before this feature becomes available.

    • Apple's iMessage Advancements vs Android's RCSApple enhances iMessage with exclusive features, potentially affecting mixed iPhone-Android group chats, while rumors suggest a major iOS update to boost sales.

      Apple is making significant strides in enhancing the iMessage experience exclusively for iPhone users, with features like sticker packs, Apple Pay integration, and group chats, which are not supported by the RCS messaging system used by Android phones. This could potentially lead to a less optimal experience for users with mixed iPhone-Android group chats. Apple's upcoming iOS 18 update is rumored to be one of the biggest in recent years, possibly to incentivize iPhone sales. Additionally, Sam Altman, the co-founder of OpenAI, was the CEO of a popular social media company for eight days in 2015, before OpenAI's launch. Stay tuned for more updates on OpenAI and other tech news.

    • Microsoft's strategic investment in OpenAI advances their AI capabilitiesMicrosoft's partnership with OpenAI in 2017, fueled by heavy investments in Azure cloud credits, significantly advanced Microsoft's AI technologies and innovations, leading to new products like Bing chat.

      The partnership between OpenAI and Microsoft, formed in 2017, has significantly advanced Microsoft's position in the AI field. Microsoft invested heavily in OpenAI, primarily in Azure cloud credits, allowing them to leverage OpenAI's technologies and innovations without a direct acquisition. This strategic move kept the investment quiet until the release of OpenAI's chatbot, ChatGPT, in late 2022, which gained widespread attention and sparked a renewed interest in AI. The collaboration between the two companies led to the creation of new products like Bing chat, and Microsoft has benefited greatly from this partnership. However, recent developments, including the abrupt firing of OpenAI's CEO, Sam Altman, have created a fast-paced and dramatic situation that is unfolding publicly on social media platforms like Twitter. OpenAI was founded as a nonprofit research organization in 2015 with the goal of creating an artificial general intelligence that benefits all humanity. The partnership with Microsoft provided a structure for this goal, preventing potential misuse of AI by corporations.

    • OpenAI's Unique Business Model: Balancing Research and RevenueOpenAI, a nonprofit AI research lab, created a for-profit arm to generate revenue while maintaining control and focus on research through a holding company and Microsoft investment.

      OpenAI, a leading artificial intelligence research lab, was founded as a nonprofit to prevent profit-driven acceleration and maintain a focus on research. However, in 2019, they realized they needed to generate revenue and created a for-profit company under the nonprofit, with a holding company owned by the nonprofit, employees, and shareholders. Microsoft invested 49% in the for-profit arm, providing a significant cash injection and access to Azure servers. The nonprofit retained control, ensuring Microsoft couldn't interfere with research or decision-making. This structure allowed OpenAI to continue its research while generating revenue to sustain operations.

    • OpenAI's Growth and Monetization StrategyOpenAI, a nonprofit AI research organization, saw significant growth after releasing GPT-3 in 2019, leading to a surge in AI startups and chatbot development. The organization monetized through selling personalized chat GPT models, increasing its valuation from $20B to $90B.

      OpenAI, a nonprofit organization focused on artificial intelligence research, has seen significant growth and integration with for-profit companies, particularly Microsoft, since the release of their advanced language model, GPT-3, in 2019. This has led to a surge in AI startups and chatbot development, resulting in a perceived gold rush atmosphere. OpenAI's board members, including CEO Sam Altman, co-founder Greg Brockman, and chief scientist Ilya Sutskover, have played crucial roles in the organization's development. Recently, OpenAI announced the sale of personalized chat GPT models, marking a new monetization strategy for the nonprofit. The organization's valuation has risen dramatically, from $20 billion in 2019 to approximately $90 billion as of last week. Despite the nonprofit's association with Microsoft, the two entities remain separate, with OpenAI using Google Meet for communications instead of Microsoft's Skype or Teams.

    • Sam Altman's sudden termination as OpenAI CEO sparks uncertaintyUnclear reasons for CEO's firing, lack of communication from board, and Microsoft's involvement led to widespread confusion and resignations

      The sudden and unexplained termination of Sam Altman as CEO of OpenAI, along with the removal and demotion of other board members, led to widespread speculation and uncertainty within the tech industry. The vague reason given for Sam's firing, the lack of communication from the board, and Microsoft's involvement due to its stake in the company added to the confusion. The abrupt nature of these events triggered a chain reaction, with other executives resigning and employees leaving the company. The situation was further complicated by the fact that the OpenAI board did not hold a fiduciary responsibility to Microsoft, but Sam did as the CEO of the for-profit arm. Microsoft's statement expressing its commitment to OpenAI and the promotion of a new interim CEO did little to quell the uncertainty. The events unfolded in real-time on social media, with the tech community expressing shock and concern. The situation highlighted the importance of clear communication and transparency in times of crisis.

    • OpenAI co-founders' sudden departure and its aftermathOpenAI faced pressure to reinstate co-founders due to potential loss of talent and value, leading to negotiations and board changes, raising questions about transparency and communication within the organization.

      The sudden departure of Sam Altman and Greg Brockman from OpenAI, two of its co-founders, was met with confusion and speculation. Despite initial assurances that their departure was not due to malfeasance, investors put pressure on OpenAI to reinstate Sam due to the potential loss of talent and value. Sam, in turn, demanded significant governance changes and the replacement of the current board. In a dramatic turn of events, Sam went to OpenAI HQ to negotiate, only to find that Mira Muerta, the interim CEO, had been fired and replaced by Emmett Sheer, the co-founder of Twitch. The quick succession of events raised questions about transparency and communication within OpenAI, highlighting the power dynamics and potential conflicts that can arise in the tech industry.

    • Power shifts in the tech industryIndividuals have significant influence and can be poached between companies, causing talent drain and complications for nonprofits developing cutting-edge technology.

      The power dynamic in the tech industry can shift rapidly, as seen when Sam Altman, the CEO of OpenAI, was unexpectedly let go, only to be quickly hired by Microsoft to lead a new advanced AI research division. This unexpected turn of events led to a mass exodus of OpenAI employees, with over 8% of the workforce resigning in protest and demanding Sam's reinstatement. The situation was further complicated when Ilya Sutskever, a board member who was rumored to have played a role in Sam's dismissal, expressed regret for his actions and joined the chorus calling for Sam's return. The outcome of this situation highlights the significant influence individuals can have in the tech industry and the potential for talent to be poached between companies. It also raises questions about the role of nonprofits in the development of cutting-edge technology and the potential for corporate interests to overshadow their mission.

    • Uncertain Future for OpenAI Following CEO ResignationOpenAI's future is uncertain due to CEO Sam Altman's potential return or joining Microsoft, conflicting statements from Microsoft, and pressure on OpenAI's board to clarify their decision. Possible outcomes include mergers, restructuring, and a shift towards a more for-profit model.

      The future of OpenAI, the influential AI research lab, is uncertain following the resignation of its CEO, Sam Altman. Microsoft, which had expressed interest in hiring Altman, has made conflicting statements about his employment status. Altman himself is reportedly considering returning to OpenAI or joining Microsoft, while the OpenAI board faces pressure to explain their decision to let Altman go. The situation has led to speculation about potential mergers and restructuring, with some predicting a shift towards a more for-profit model for OpenAI. The outcome remains uncertain, with potential consequences ranging from Altman's return as CEO to the dissolution of OpenAI and its absorption by Microsoft. The situation highlights the challenges of balancing the drive for technological innovation with ethical considerations and the potential consequences for the companies and individuals involved.

    • OpenAI: New Board and Sam Altman's Return ConfirmedOpenAI confirms new board with Sam Altman as CEO, including Brett Taylor, Larry Summers, and Adam DeAngelo. Ilya Sutskever's fate is uncertain, and tensions between Sam and the board have been reportedly simmering for over a year.

      The ongoing saga at OpenAI, involving the return of Sam Altman as CEO and the formation of a new board, has been a rapidly developing story. Yesterday, we speculated about the possibility of Sam's reinstatement and the formation of a new board, which included Brett Taylor, Larry Summers, and Adam DeAngelo. Today, we have confirmation that these predictions were correct. However, there are still some unanswered questions, such as the fate of Ilya Sutskever, who was previously on the board but was removed after supporting Sam. Additionally, reports from the New York Times suggest that tensions between Sam and the board have been simmering for over a year, with Sam reportedly reprimanding Helen Toner for her critical stance on OpenAI's safety approach. The new board is expected to grow to nine members, with Microsoft and Sam himself hoping to secure seats. The full details of the agreement are still being worked out.

    • Sam Altman's Departure and Polestar II's Range BumpSam Altman left a board and faced health issues while building his first app, while Polestar II's 2024 model offers over 400 miles of range, a major milestone for electric vehicles.

      The departure of Sam Altman from a board and some unfilled board positions, along with other small issues, contributed to a significant event. The podcast discussed Sam Altman's past and his hard work while building his first app, which reportedly led to him getting gangrene. The Polestar II also received a range bump for the 2024 model, offering over 400 miles of range, which is a significant achievement for electric vehicles. The podcast also touched upon Binance's CZ pleading guilty, but it was not given a full news section. The Polestar II's range increase did not receive much attention in the media, despite it being a notable development. The podcast also included a trivia segment about Sam Altman and discussed some other quick hits.

    • Consider waiting a year for EV advancementsAdvancements in EV technology may offer more charging options and compatibility for long-distance travel, making it worth waiting a year before purchasing.

      If you're considering purchasing an electric vehicle (EV), it might be worth waiting a year as advancements are constantly being made, including the adoption of the Tesla charge port and support for NACS, leading to more charging options for long-distance travel. During a recent team outing, a visit to the Las Vegas Formula One race provided an exciting experience, especially in person compared to viewing it through social media. However, the loudness and vibrations of the race couldn't be fully captured through videos, emphasizing the importance of experiencing such events firsthand.

    • Experience of F1 race goes beyond visual spectacleAttending an F1 race in person offers a unique sensory experience, amplifying the speed and power of the cars through sight, sound, and smell.

      Attending an F1 race in person is a unique experience that goes beyond just visual spectacle. While you may only get to see a small portion of the track in person, the experience is enhanced by the other senses. The speed and power of the cars are amplified when you see them up close, but also when you hear the crowd reactions and see the TV broadcast. The cars appear much smaller on the track but much larger when stationary. The smell of race fuel and the sound of tires screeching add to the sensory experience. Critics may dismiss F1 races in Vegas as mere spectacle, but the combination of the track's location, the visuals, and the sensory experience make it a truly unique event. The race itself is fast-paced, with each lap only taking 90 seconds, and the cars traveling at incredible speeds, often exceeding 175 miles per hour around turns. The experience of attending an F1 race in person is a far cry from playing video games or watching on TV, and it's a must-try for any motorsports fan.

    • F1: A Hotbed of Innovation and Technological AdvancementF1 racing pushes technological boundaries, driving innovation in automotive industry, making cars faster and more efficient.

      Formula One (F1) racing is more than just a sport; it's a hub of innovation and technological advancement that influences various industries. The relentless pursuit of improving every fraction of a second on the race track eventually trickles down to consumer vehicles. F1 teams experiment with new technologies, and their competitors soon follow suit. This competition drives innovation, resulting in cars that look more similar over time as they adopt the same design features. The secrecy surrounding these innovations adds to the excitement, making F1 an engineering competition as much as a racing event.

    • Apple's Vision Pro Headset and Sam Altman's TriviaApple's Vision Pro headset was discussed, with speculation on Tim Cook's involvement and the potential for a surprise appearance. Sam Altman's brief tenure as Reddit CEO and old-timey disease were shared in a trivia segment.

      During a recent podcast discussion about technology, the topic of Apple's Vision Pro headset came up. The hosts speculated about whether Tim Cook had tried the device himself and shared their opinions on the likelihood of Cook making a surprise appearance on the podcast to let them try it. They also touched upon Sam Altman, the former CEO of Reddit, and shared some trivia about him, including his brief tenure as CEO and the old-timey disease he reportedly suffered from while building his first app. The podcast ended with a trivia segment, where the hosts tested their knowledge on some tech-related questions. Overall, the discussion was light-hearted and entertaining, providing insights into Apple's potential new product and some lesser-known facts about Sam Altman.

    • Analysis of F1 script praised for personal narration and sponsorship integrationThe script effectively integrates personal experiences and explains technical aspects, making it strong for sponsored content. Its personal narration style and smooth sponsorship integration were praised, engaging viewers with a basic understanding of the sport.

      The F1 script analyzed was found to be comprehensive, engaging, and well-constructed for an informative video on Formula One. The script effectively integrated personal experiences and explained technical aspects, making it particularly strong for sponsored content. The script's personal narration style and smooth sponsorship integration were praised, with the analysis suggesting that it would be effective for viewers with a basic understanding of the sport and interested in learning more. The script was also noted for its good engagement and pacing, with the analysis suggesting that it seemed very accurate without cross-referencing every fact. Overall, the analysis provided a positive endorsement for the script and expressed hope that it would be released soon.

    Recent Episodes from Waveform: The MKBHD Podcast

    Smartphone Season is Coming Early This Year!

    Smartphone Season is Coming Early This Year!
    This week, Marques is back to discuss all of the news he missed last week (and a bunch of new stuff too). With David out on vacation, Marques and Andrew do Headlines in a Hat and go over everything from the Surface phone that never was to icon theming in iOS 18. They also talk about all of the gadgets that are coming this summer including the Pixel 9 and the Galaxy Watch Ultra. Then we wrap it all up with some trivia questions provided by James Carter of the PodQuiz podcast! It's a fun one, enjoy! Links:  The hat: https://bit.ly/4cioPQR PodQuiz weekly: https://www.podquiz.com/ New CMF Teaser: https://bit.ly/3VYsTQq iOS Icon Tinting: https://bit.ly/45GI4kz Surface Duo 3 Patent: https://bit.ly/3WbMVap New Motorola Phones: https://bit.ly/3W0nGY9 Pixel 9 Renders: https://bit.ly/4bnIAVy Volkswagen Group Invests in Rivian: https://cnb.cx/3zmRBRA Samsung Galaxy Watch Ultra Rumors: https://bit.ly/4chnutt Galaxy Watch Renders: https://bit.ly/4bvUxcc Shop the merch: https://shop.mkbhd.com Socials: Waveform: https://twitter.com/WVFRM Waveform: https://www.threads.net/@waveformpodcast Marques: https://www.threads.net/@mkbhd Andrew: https://www.threads.net/@andrew_manganelli David Imel: https://www.threads.net/@davidimel Adam: https://www.threads.net/@parmesanpapi17 Ellis: https://twitter.com/EllisRovin TikTok:  https://www.tiktok.com/@waveformpodcast Join the Discord: https://discord.gg/mkbhd Music by 20syl: https://bit.ly/2S53xlC Waveform is part of the Vox Media Podcast Network. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    20 Years, 1000 Episodes: The Man Behind PodQuiz

    20 Years, 1000 Episodes: The Man Behind PodQuiz
    We have another bonus episode! In this one, Andrew sits down and talks with James Carter from PodQuiz who began his popular trivia podcast back in 2005. He just published his 1000th episode so Andrew took the opportunity to pick his brain on how he comes up with his questions and the current state of podcasting.  Links:  PodQuiz Weekly: https://www.podquiz.com/ James Carter: https://www.jfc.org.uk/ Shop the merch: https://shop.mkbhd.com Socials: Waveform: https://twitter.com/WVFRM Waveform: https://www.threads.net/@waveformpodcast Marques: https://www.threads.net/@mkbhd Andrew: https://www.threads.net/@andrew_manganelli David Imel: https://www.threads.net/@davidimel Adam: https://www.threads.net/@parmesanpapi17 Ellis: https://twitter.com/EllisRovin TikTok:  https://www.tiktok.com/@waveformpodcast Join the Discord: https://discord.gg/mkbhd Music by 20syl: https://bit.ly/2S53xlC Waveform is part of the Vox Media Podcast Network. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Is YouTube Adding Community Notes to Videos?

    Is YouTube Adding Community Notes to Videos?
    This week, Marques is out working on a big video project so he left Andrew and David in charge of going over the news of the week. First they give their quick impressions on the new Surface devices that showed up right before we sat down to record. Then they discuss the new Threads API before getting into a new Instagram competitor. After that, they discuss the DOJ suing Adobe and YouTube experimenting with community notes. Lastly, they talk about the CMF Phone 1 teaser before wrapping it all up with trivia. Enjoy! Links:  Threads Launches API: https://bit.ly/3z4Cmwr YouTube Community Notes: http://tcrn.ch/3xsKEhi TikTok Launches Whee: https://bit.ly/4ca44qa DOJ Sues Adobe: https://bit.ly/3RBdFOG CMF Phone Teaser: https://bit.ly/3RBZt7X TLD Health Update Video: https://bit.ly/4eyxYGj Shop the merch: https://shop.mkbhd.com Socials: Waveform: https://twitter.com/WVFRM Waveform: https://www.threads.net/@waveformpodcast Marques: https://www.threads.net/@mkbhd Andrew: https://www.threads.net/@andrew_manganelli David Imel: https://www.threads.net/@davidimel Adam: https://www.threads.net/@parmesanpapi17 Ellis: https://twitter.com/EllisRovin TikTok:  https://www.tiktok.com/@waveformpodcast Join the Discord: https://discord.gg/mkbhd Music by 20syl: https://bit.ly/2S53xlC Waveform is part of the Vox Media Podcast Network. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Everything From WWDC 2024!

    Everything From WWDC 2024!
    This week was WWDC, and the podcast crew has some thoughts! Marques chats with Andrew and David about everything from Apple Intelligence to the new iPad calculator app. There's so much to get into so we hope you enjoy! Links:  MKBHD Recap video: https://bit.ly/3KOHc3r MKBHD vs Tim Cook: https://bit.ly/3x70kGZ Snazzy Labs Spatial Photos: https://bit.ly/4eeDPAq Shop the merch: https://shop.mkbhd.com Socials: Waveform: https://twitter.com/WVFRM Waveform: https://www.threads.net/@waveformpodcast Marques: https://www.threads.net/@mkbhd Andrew: https://www.threads.net/@andrew_manganelli David Imel: https://www.threads.net/@davidimel Adam: https://www.threads.net/@parmesanpapi17 Ellis: https://twitter.com/EllisRovin TikTok:  https://www.tiktok.com/@waveformpodcast Join the Discord: https://discord.gg/mkbhd Music by 20syl: https://bit.ly/2S53xlC Waveform is part of the Vox Media Podcast Network. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    How Much AI Will We WWDC?

    How Much AI Will We WWDC?
    There was a lot to get into this week! First, Marques, Andrew, and David discuss Instagram testing unskippable ads before getting into some Microsoft Recall news. Then they go deep on what they expect to see from Apple's WWDC 2024 next week. Then we finish it up with a call to action: we want to add some sounds to our soundboard so make sure to leave a comment on YouTube with your favorite soundbite. We then of course round it out with some trivia. Links:  Instagram Unskippable Ads: https://tcrn.ch/4ecanuL Kevin Beaumont Micosoft Recall Security Issues: https://twitter.com/GossiTheDog MacRumors WWDC Predictions: https://bit.ly/4bLeX1y Thread radios in Mac: https://bit.ly/4aQGrSe Shop the merch: https://shop.mkbhd.com Socials: Waveform: https://twitter.com/WVFRM Waveform: https://www.threads.net/@waveformpodcast Marques: https://www.threads.net/@mkbhd Andrew: https://www.threads.net/@andrew_manganelli David Imel: https://www.threads.net/@davidimel Adam: https://www.threads.net/@parmesanpapi17 Ellis: https://twitter.com/EllisRovin TikTok:  https://www.tiktok.com/@waveformpodcast Join the Discord: https://discord.gg/mkbhd Music by 20syl: https://bit.ly/2S53xlC Waveform is part of the Vox Media Podcast Network. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Don’t Ask Google's AI for Advice!

    Don’t Ask Google's AI for Advice!
    A lot happened this week! Marques, Andrew, and David jump into a ton of different topics ranging from the special edition Nothing Phone 2a and the death of the Spotify Car Thing. Then they get into Google AI overview telling people to eat rocks and the Coffeezilla series about the Rabbit R1. Lastly, Miles comes on to talk about the new hybrid Porsche 911 with Marques and David. Links:  Thanksgiving Pea video: https://bit.ly/3VmLpkZ Marques Apple Testing: https://bit.ly/4aH2b2S Verge Spotify Car Thing: https://bit.ly/450vRqB Louis Rossmann Spotify Car Things video: https://bit.ly/4aKaPh8 Emma Roth Disable AI overview: https://bit.ly/3R79WIh Coffeezilla Rabbit R1 Part 1: https://bit.ly/3X3N7cl Shop the merch: https://shop.mkbhd.com Socials: Waveform: https://twitter.com/WVFRM Waveform: https://www.threads.net/@waveformpodcast Marques: https://www.threads.net/@mkbhd Andrew: https://www.threads.net/@andrew_manganelli David Imel: https://www.threads.net/@davidimel Adam: https://www.threads.net/@parmesanpapi17 Ellis: https://twitter.com/EllisRovin Miles:https://www.youtube.com/@CarswithMiles TikTok:  https://www.tiktok.com/@waveformpodcast Join the Discord: https://discord.gg/mkbhd Music by 20syl: https://bit.ly/2S53xlC Waveform is part of the Vox Media Podcast Network. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    The Waveform Recommendations Gameshow!

    The Waveform Recommendations Gameshow!
    It's bonus episode time! What started as a small segment for Ellis to recommend something, turned into an entire dedicated episode where Marques, Andrew, and David suggest some of their favorite things! The topics range from some of their favorite YouTubers and YouTube videos, all the way to something that you can buy that has to come with a handle. It's a bit chaotic but a ton of fun! YouTube Videos Mentioned: Formula Addict - https://www.youtube.com/@formulaaddict/videos Internet Shaquille: https://www.youtube.com/@internetshaquille/videos Natasha Adams: https://www.youtube.com/@NatashasCars Mii's Daily: https://www.youtube.com/@IAmMiisDaily Roy Hibbert: https://www.youtube.com/@RoyHibbertYT Ben Jordan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2DOd4RLNeT4 Digital Spaghetti w/Gaux: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fDAqyQIaUPY Ken (Denky): Exploring tokyo's biggest tech store Time for Sushi: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bcXiwNjkhxU& Settled Swamppletics: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=runescape+settled+swampletics The Answer is Not a Hut in the Woods: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PK2SMIOHYig Products Mentioned: Anker 2-in-1 USB-C Memory Card reader: https://geni.us/C5JdR Omnitype IRL edition: https://geni.us/bC2N Air Blower Dust Bulb: https://geni.us/iD8Ni2f Red XLR Cable: https://geni.us/ebrXo Ryobi One Cordless Drill: https://geni.us/HZLIZ Headlamp: https://geni.us/wVYT DXA Micro Pro: https://geni.us/DbZh Gaffer Tape: https://geni.us/Wafj Mousepad: https://geni.us/ovvUtUd Smallrig Tripod Fluid Head: https://geni.us/oqxgEc Logitech MX Master 3: https://geni.us/k0xNZh Pulsar X2: https://geni.us/HPGW2d8 Artisan Obscura: https://geni.us/p2fI EUFY Keyboard Deadbolt: https://geni.us/Hlbo2M Vacuum Pad Camera Opener: https://geni.us/0eyonvg Neewer Panoramic Pannic: https://geni.us/noblAn dbrand skin: https://geni.us/VA3M RTIC Cooler: https://geni.us/hCPC Ridge Commuter backpack: https://geni.us/szzU01z Brevite backpack: https://geni.us/NpQptdj Moment Everything Backpack: https://geni.us/ggxAylR Peak Design Everyday backpack: https://geni.us/VaMIhn Shop the merch: https://shop.mkbhd.com Socials: Waveform: https://twitter.com/WVFRM Waveform: https://www.threads.net/@waveformpodcast Marques: https://www.threads.net/@mkbhd Andrew: https://www.threads.net/@andrew_manganelli David Imel: https://www.threads.net/@davidimel Adam: https://www.threads.net/@parmesanpapi17 Ellis: https://twitter.com/EllisRovin TikTok:  https://www.tiktok.com/@waveformpodcast Join the Discord: https://discord.gg/mkbhd Music by 20syl: https://bit.ly/2S53xlC Waveform is part of the Vox Media Podcast Network. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Microsoft’s MacBook Killer?

    Microsoft’s MacBook Killer?
    This week, Marques jumps right into it with Andrew and David about the OpenAI vs Scarlett Johansson drama regarding one of the voices from ChatGPT 4o. Then they dig into the new Surface products from the Microsoft event and David explains why the move to ARM is such a big deal. To close it out they talk about a feature that Rivian is adding to its cars and a different feature Tesla is removing from its cars. Enjoy! Links:  Scarlett Johansson statement: https://bit.ly/4axIUkb Wired article David mentions: https://bit.ly/4c8UpjB Sci-Fi joke: https://bit.ly/3UTutkP MacObserver Circle to Search news: https://bit.ly/452CGrx Decoder interview with Sundar Pichai: https://bit.ly/44S63wF Dave2D Video: https://bit.ly/44YWhJk Rivian Adding YouTube and Cast: https://bit.ly/44XgmQ6 Shop the merch: https://shop.mkbhd.com Socials: Waveform: https://twitter.com/WVFRM Waveform: https://www.threads.net/@waveformpodcast Marques: https://www.threads.net/@mkbhd Andrew: https://www.threads.net/@andrew_manganelli David Imel: https://www.threads.net/@davidimel Adam: https://www.threads.net/@parmesanpapi17 Ellis: https://twitter.com/EllisRovin TikTok:  https://www.tiktok.com/@waveformpodcast Join the Discord: https://discord.gg/mkbhd Music by 20syl: https://bit.ly/2S53xlC Waveform is part of the Vox Media Podcast Network. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Hey ChatGPT, Summarize Google I/O

    Hey ChatGPT, Summarize Google I/O
    This was a week full of AI events! First, Marques gives a few thoughts on the new iPads since he missed last week and then Andrew and David bring him up to speed with all the weirdness that happened during Google I/O and the OpenAI event. Then we finish it all up with trivia. Enjoy! Links:  MKBHD iPad Impressions: https://bit.ly/3WzFFWk MacStories iPadOS: https://bit.ly/3V1G0Qq The Keyword: https://bit.ly/4blfFm5 OpenAI GPT-4o Announcements: https://bit.ly/3V3Sabv 9to5Google I/O 2024 Article: https://bit.ly/3V2rDLv Merch tweet: https://bit.ly/4bnhNcV Shop products mentioned: Apple iPad Air: https://geni.us/SsXTRLt Apple iPad Pro M4: https://geni.us/HXDlXo Shop the merch: https://shop.mkbhd.com Socials: Waveform: https://twitter.com/WVFRM Waveform: https://www.threads.net/@waveformpodcast Marques: https://www.threads.net/@mkbhd Andrew: https://www.threads.net/@andrew_manganelli David Imel: https://www.threads.net/@davidimel Adam: https://www.threads.net/@parmesanpapi17 Ellis: https://twitter.com/EllisRovin TikTok:  https://www.tiktok.com/@waveformpodcast Join the Discord: https://discord.gg/mkbhd Music by 20syl: https://bit.ly/2S53xlC Waveform is part of the Vox Media Podcast Network. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    New OLED iPad and Pixel 8a!

    New OLED iPad and Pixel 8a!
    Marques was out sick when we recorded, so Andrew and David take over the pod and talk about all of the newest gadgets that came out this week! They start with the new Nintendo Switch rumors before digging into the new iPads that were announced. Then they get into the Pixel 8a before we wrap it all up with trivia. It's a surprisingly busy month and we're just getting started. Enjoy! Links:  Cam James Channel: https://bit.ly/3WyhyHq David Imel Sparkle Video: https://bit.ly/4btBVK4 Nintendo Switch 2 pre-announcement : https://bit.ly/4btt2QK Nintendo Switch 2 Joycons: https://bit.ly/3WCjij6 MKBHD iPad Impressions: https://bit.ly/3WzFFWk New iPads: https://apple.co/3QDvbRW MKBHD Pixel 8a: https://bit.ly/4bxvNjW Shop the merch: https://shop.mkbhd.com Socials: Waveform: https://twitter.com/WVFRM Waveform: https://www.threads.net/@waveformpodcast Marques: https://www.threads.net/@mkbhd Andrew: https://www.threads.net/@andrew_manganelli David Imel: https://www.threads.net/@davidimel Adam: https://www.threads.net/@parmesanpapi17 Ellis: https://twitter.com/EllisRovin TikTok:  https://www.tiktok.com/@waveformpodcast Join the Discord: https://discord.gg/mkbhd Music by 20syl: https://bit.ly/2S53xlC Waveform is part of the Vox Media Podcast Network. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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    [EP.8] Viva s'amplifie, du Stockage au Quartz, Radius by Microsoft, OpenAi + Microsoft : le bilan  et un cocktail de news Low Code

    Episode 8 de l'émission Les Têtes Dans Le Cloud !

    Retrouvez au programme de ce huitième épisode :

    ✔️ La famille Viva s'agrandit ! Dites bonjour à Pulse, Glint et Amplify !

    ✔️ Le projet Silica, des données gravées dans le Quartz !?

    ✔️ Radius, la nouvelle solution de déploiement Open Source développée par Microsoft

    ✔️ La lettre de Satya Nadella, le bilan sur l'aventure Microsoft + IA 

    ✔️ Microsoft Leader du Low code et les nouveautés Power Platform

    ☁️ Les têtes dans le cloud, c'est l'émission de débat sur les tendances de la tech animée par des passionnés ! Retrouvez toutes les actualités du secteur, de l'innovation à la cybersécurité en passant par l'intelligence artificielle... ☁️

     Version vidéo : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpo2sN0vo-mAnP2Xr4hTNo3jvtiJf4qEX 

    👨💻 Nos experts :

    Kévin Vimard, Directeur Offres & Conseils, 

    Kevin ANANDOUT, Consultant Digital Senior, Team Lead,

    Romain Gerard, Technology Strategist Low Code

    Linkedin Kevin (Conseil) : https://www.linkedin.com/in/kevinvimard/

    Linkedin Kevin (Modern Workplace) : https://www.linkedin.com/in/kevin-anandout-55696b64/

    Linkedin Romain (Low Code) : https://www.linkedin.com/in/romaingerard/

    Linkedin Expertime : https://www.linkedin.com/company/expertime

    Découvrez nos offres d'emploi : https://www.welcometothejungle.com/fr/companies/expertime/jobs

    Chapitres :

    00:00 Les sujets du jour

    02:17 Viva Glint, Amplify & Pulse

    14:18 Le projet Silica

    24:44 Radius solution Open Source Microsoft

    34:29 Bilan OpenAI + Microsoft

    46:22 Microsoft Leader du Low Code

    #Microsoft #OpenAi #Viva #lowcode #radius #opensource #stockage #archivage