
    Apple announces new iPad Pro and Macbook Air, Sony reveals PS5 specs, and confusion around the coronavirus testing website

    enMarch 20, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Technology's Role in Adapting to the CrisisApple, Microsoft, and Sony release new products, ISPs offer relief measures, unexpected use of AI tools, balance in virus coverage and other tech news, surprising compliment to ISPs for their efforts

      Technology is playing a crucial role in helping people adapt to the current crisis, with companies like Apple, Microsoft, and Sony releasing new products, and ISPs offering relief measures to help people stay connected. Another key takeaway is the unexpected use of technology, such as Canva's AI tools, which can make everyday tasks more efficient. The VergeCast also discussed the importance of balance in covering both the impact of the virus and other technology news. Lastly, a surprising moment came when Neil offered a compliment to ISPs for their efforts during the crisis, acknowledging the positive impact of their actions despite past criticisms.

    • ISPs supporting consumers during COVID-19ISPs like Comcast waived late fees, kept services active, and made public Wi-Fi open access. Dish Network gave unused spectrum to boost other networks. These voluntary actions challenge assumptions about data caps and prioritize consumer needs.

      Internet service providers (ISPs) like Comcast have made significant moves to support consumers during the COVID-19 pandemic by waiving late fees, not terminating services, and making public Wi-Fi hotspots open access for the next 60 days. Additionally, Dish Network is turning over unused spectrum to boost other carriers' networks. These actions, which were not mandated but voluntarily taken by the companies, challenge assumptions about the need for data caps and demonstrate a shift towards prioritizing consumer needs. This pledge is particularly crucial for those heavily relying on internet connectivity for work and entertainment during the pandemic. Overall, these actions show a positive step towards supporting consumers during challenging times.

    • Addressing the 'homework gap' in distance learningCommissioner Rosen advocates for internet connectivity solutions for students during remote learning, pushing for Wi-Fi hotspots for schools and direct carrier assistance.

      During the discussion, FCC Commissioner Jessica Rosen emphasized the importance of addressing the "homework gap" in the context of distance learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Schools can now receive direct connectivity help from carriers, and Commissioner Rosen is pushing for Wi-Fi hotspots to be sent to schools. In a lighter moment, the idea of "what if Fortnite was school?" was brought up, highlighting the potential for structure and efficiency in online learning. Additionally, there was a significant event last week involving the announcement of a website for COVID-19 testing, which was later revealed to be in development by Google's sister company, Verily. The miscommunication between Google and the White House led to a nationwide testing panic. It's important to acknowledge the positive developments, such as the efforts to improve internet access for students and the creation of a testing website, even amidst the confusion and misunderstandings.

    • Google's Role in Contact Tracing Amidst Pandemic ConfusionGoogle navigated pandemic announcement confusion by creating an informational website, ensuring compliance and resources.

      During the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, there was confusion regarding Google's involvement in creating a website to help with contact tracing and providing information. Google was in a difficult position as they couldn't publicly deny helping the president's announcement without contradicting him and potentially facing backlash. The company decided to create an informational website instead, while ensuring they complied with regulations and had the necessary resources to do so. The incident highlights the complexities and challenges that tech companies face when dealing with government announcements and public expectations.

    • Importance of trust and transparency in national coronavirus websiteDuring uncertain times, accurate and trusted information is crucial. Google, due to its technical capabilities and public trust, is well-positioned to create a reliable national coronavirus website. However, clear communication and fact-checking are necessary to avoid confusion and mistrust.

      Accurate information from trusted sources is crucial during times of uncertainty. The recent debate surrounding the creation of a national coronavirus website, with conflicting claims made by the White House and tech companies, highlights the importance of transparency and trust in information dissemination. Google, despite initial confusion, is well-positioned to create such a website due to its technical capabilities and public trust. However, the lack of clear communication and misinformation from the White House created unnecessary confusion and mistrust. It's essential to fact-check and verify information before spreading it, as even well-intentioned actions can inadvertently make false statements seem true. The creation of a reliable and effective national coronavirus website remains a priority to help coordinate resources and provide accurate information to the public.

    • Addressing the testing shortage for COVID-19The primary focus should be on increasing testing availability, as the lack of tests is the most pressing issue in managing the COVID-19 crisis.

      While various companies, including Google, are developing websites to help manage the COVID-19 crisis, the most pressing issue is the lack of testing capacity. The ability to manufacture and administer tests is the crucial factor, and the real story lies in addressing this testing shortage. The importance of user interfaces for testing is also significant, but the primary focus should be on increasing testing availability. The discussion also touched upon the energy efficiency of current testing methods and the need for innovation in this area. In essence, the creation of a functional website for COVID-19 testing is essential, but the real challenge lies in ensuring the availability of tests themselves.

    • Apple's unique Magic Keyboard announcementApple's event featured the announcement of the new Magic Keyboard with trackpad support for older iPads and compatibility with last year's iPad Pros, setting it apart from other hardware offerings.

      The documentary "art beats in lyrics" on Hulu showcases the growth of a humble art show into a cultural phenomenon, while Apple's recent event saw the tech giant announce several new products, including the iPad Pro and the new Magic Keyboard for the iPad, but the most intriguing announcement was the new Magic Keyboard's trackpad support for older iPads and compatibility with last year's iPad Pros. In the world of technology, Apple's event was an in-between solution due to the cancellation of WWDC and the inability to hold large gatherings. Meanwhile, in the art world, the documentary explores the origin stories of the founders of Art Beats in Lyrics and follows the preparation for its 20th anniversary tour. The most interesting hardware announcement, according to the discussion, was the new Magic Keyboard, which offers trackpad support for older iPads and is compatible with last year's iPad Pros. While the iPad Pro and the new MacBook Air were also announced, the new Magic Keyboard's unique features set it apart. The MacBook Air, on the other hand, received praise for its improved keyboard, doubled storage, and price point under $1,000. Overall, both the art and technology industries showcased exciting developments, with the documentary offering a glimpse into the world of art and Apple's event revealing new hardware offerings.

    • Apple's new MacBook Air and iPad: Improvements or Gamechangers?Apple introduces updated MacBook Air with faster processor and traditional keyboard, while new iPad with A12Z processor offers more power, but lacks certain features like USB ports and SD card slot.

      Apple's new MacBook Air and the iPad with a new A12Z processor represent potential improvements in the MacBook line and iPad offerings, respectively. The new MacBook Air, with its updated design, faster processor, and return to a more traditional keyboard, could mark a return to form for Apple's popular laptop. The new iPad, with its more powerful processor, could make it a more viable alternative to laptops for some users. However, the MacBook Air's processor still needs to be thoroughly tested to determine if it's a significant improvement over previous models. The iPad, while impressive, lacks certain features like USB ports and an SD card slot that may make it less appealing to some users. Overall, these updates could signal a shift in Apple's product strategy, but it remains to be seen how they will be received by consumers.

    • Revolutionizing AR with LiDAR on iPad ProApple's new iPad Pro with LiDAR scanner enables more accurate AR experiences, democratizes game development, and transforms flat surfaces into immersive 3D environments.

      Apple's new iPad Pro, with its LiDAR scanner, is set to revolutionize augmented reality (AR) experiences for consumers and content creators alike. LiDAR technology, which works on a photon level, allows for more accurate and instant depth perception, enabling AR objects to be placed on complex surfaces rather than just flat ones. This mass-produced sensor is exciting for robotics and game development, where creating 3D assets has been a challenge. With LiDAR, game development could become more democratized, allowing gamers to produce game-ready 3D assets and potentially transforming social spaces like Fortnite into more immersive experiences. Apple's investment in LiDAR technology and its integration into the iPad Pro underscores the company's commitment to AR and its belief that this technology will be a game-changer.

    • Apple's Investment in LiDAR Technology for ARApple is investing heavily in LiDAR technology for its upcoming AR products, including the iPad Pro and future AR glasses, for improved efficiency and 3D data processing.

      Apple is heavily investing in LiDAR technology for its upcoming AR products, as shown by their recent release of an iPad Pro with a LiDAR sensor. While some companies, like Tesla, are betting on cameras for depth sensing, Apple seems to believe that a LiDAR sensor is necessary for the best AR experience. Apple has been working on depth sensing with multiple cameras since the iPhone 7, but they have now decided to add a lighter LiDAR sensor. The release of the LiDAR sensor in the iPad Pro suggests that Apple's upcoming AR glasses will also include this technology. However, the glasses are unlikely to have the same processing power as an iPad, and it may still be several years before they are released. The use of LiDAR could make AR more efficient by providing straight-up 3D data, requiring less GPU work. But the power and size constraints of the glasses mean that they won't be able to match the capabilities of a high-end computer like the MacBook Air. Apple's commitment to AR is unwavering, and they are continuously adding new tools to make it a "killer app." The release of the LiDAR sensor in the iPad Pro is an interesting development in the AR space, as it shows that Apple is making significant strides in this technology.

    • New iPad Pro with detachable keyboard and trackpadApple introduces a new iPad Pro with a detachable keyboard and trackpad, featuring a unique design with adjustable angles and a single USB-C port for pass-through power only.

      Apple has introduced a new iPad Pro with a detachable keyboard and trackpad accessory. The design is unique, with the iPad floating above the keyboard, and the trackpad being relatively small compared to traditional laptops. The keyboard and display are connected by a two-hinged system, allowing for adjustable angles. The keyboard has a single USB-C port for pass-through power only, which may not support high wattages. The design is meant to provide flexibility and avoid the traditional laptop shape, addressing issues with screen viewing and keyboard use. The size and weight of the device are still unknown.

    • IPad's new trackpad feature in iOS 13.4Apple's latest iPad supports traditional mouse interactions like right-clicking, scrolling, and drag and drop on websites through a new trackpad feature in iOS 13.4, expanding its versatility for productivity and work.

      Apple's iPad, specifically the latest version, is making strides towards becoming a more laptop-like device with the addition of a trackpad feature in iOS 13.4. This new feature, which can be tried in the public beta and will be officially released on the 24th, allows for traditional mouse interactions such as right-clicking, scrolling, and drag and drop functionality on websites. The trackpad works through a smart connector on the back of the iPad, which Apple has previously stated is an open connector for anyone to use. However, there have been few devices made for this connector aside from Apple and Logitech products. Despite the market opportunity, there seems to be a lack of investment in the smart connector ecosystem. The trackpad itself is a small dot that changes shape to match the UI element you're hovering over, and it supports traditional mouse actions when interacting with websites and apps that expect a mouse. Overall, this new feature marks a significant step towards making the iPad a more versatile device for productivity and work.

    • New mouse technology offers a blend of mouse and touch interfaceThis new mouse technology combines the precision of a mouse with the convenience of touch gestures, allowing for easier text selection and system navigation.

      The new mouse technology offers a unique blend of mouse and touch interface, providing a little assistance to help users accurately navigate and interact with their operating system. The sensation is compared to the Apple TV remote, where the cursor snaps to icons as you hover over them. This technology also supports multi-tasking gestures like three-finger swipes, allowing users to easily switch between apps or open slide-over apps. However, the disconnect between the direction of hand movement and the direction of on-screen elements can feel odd and may take some getting used to. Overall, this new mouse technology offers a compromise between traditional mouse use and touch interface, making text selection and system navigation more convenient.

    • Confusion over iPadOS interface and gesturesUsers find iPadOS interface confusing due to unique gestures and potential Mac-like features in iPadOS 14 may overshadow its tablet capabilities.

      The iPadOS interface, while innovative, can be confusing for users due to its unique multi-finger gestures and lack of clear distinction between different modes. The discussion highlights the frustration with having to learn these gestures intuitively instead of through instructional videos. The concern is that with the upcoming iPadOS 14, Apple may introduce more Mac-like features, potentially diminishing the iPad's unique selling points. Additionally, there's a debate about whether developers should be allowed to label their apps as "mouse-preferred" experiences. Ultimately, the speaker argues that the iPad's utility as a tablet is being overshadowed by its aspirations as a pro device, and Apple seems content with users choosing between the iPad and Mac based on their preferences.

    • Apple's Confidence in Mac and iPad OfferingsApple's investment in both Mac and iPad product lines and ongoing software development ensures their unique strengths, as shown by recent releases like the free Mini Moog Model D app and $20 Chaoslab app.

      Apple, with its confidence in its products, does not seem to be concerned about the potential overlap between its Mac and iPad offerings. The speakers on the podcast express their concern as Apple prepares to introduce ARM processors in Macs, but they also acknowledge that Apple's investment in both product lines and the ongoing development of software like Metal 2 for Macs suggests that both products will continue to have their unique strengths. The speakers also share their excitement about the recent releases in the tech world, such as the free Mini Moog Model D app from Moog and the $20 Chaoslab app from Korg for music creation on iPads. These developments demonstrate the ongoing innovation in the tech industry and the importance of staying updated to provide value to customers.

    • Next-gen consoles: AMD architecture, SSDs impact performanceXbox Series X and PlayStation 5 use AMD's Zen 2 architecture and RDNA 2 GPUs, but PlayStation 5's faster SSD and potential parallel processing handling give it a performance edge.

      The next-generation consoles, Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5, are both based on AMD's Zen 2 architecture and have AMD RDNA 2 GPUs. However, the PlayStation 5 is predicted to have a slight edge in performance due to its faster SSD and potentially better handling of parallel processing. Korg's music app, Gadget, was also mentioned as a noteworthy free download for music enthusiasts. The consoles' specifications were revealed in an unexpected way during the ongoing pandemic, with Sony's live stream providing a detailed, technical deep dive. The Xbox Series X has a higher teraflop rating but the PlayStation 5's faster SSD might give it an edge in performance. The metaphor of dishwashers was used to explain the concept of parallel processing and how it can affect performance. The consoles' designs were compared to cars, with the PlayStation 5 being likened to a Corvette and the Xbox Series X to a Camaro, but the significance of this comparison was not clear.

    • Faster load times with SSDs in new consolesNew consoles use SSDs to reduce load times, enabling more seamless level design and immersive gaming experiences

      The new generation of consoles, specifically the PlayStation 5 from Sony, will significantly reduce load times due to the use of SSDs instead of traditional hard drives. This will allow for more seamless level design in games, potentially eliminating the need for long transition sequences. Additionally, game developers will have more freedom to create without the need to duplicate data for data locality on physical hard drives. While the consoles may have different specs, the benefits of SSDs are a game-changer and will likely make a noticeable difference for most players, regardless of the specific console they choose. Sony's presentation emphasized the impact of faster load times on level design and the potential for more immersive gaming experiences. Ultimately, the decision between the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X may come down to personal preferences, such as exclusive games or brand loyalty, rather than just specs or load times.

    • Microsoft's gaming ecosystem: Content, Community, Cloud, ConsoleMicrosoft prioritizes content, community, cloud, and console in its gaming ecosystem, setting it apart in the industry. Exclusives and proprietary technologies also play a significant role in the console war.

      Microsoft's gaming ecosystem revolves around content, community, cloud, and console. Content refers to the quality of games available on Xbox. Community signifies the importance of playing with friends on the same console. Cloud allows seamless access to games across different devices. Console, being the hardware, is also a crucial component. Microsoft's emphasis on these four Cs, in no particular order, sets them apart in the gaming industry. Another significant point is the role of exclusives in the console war. Sony currently holds the lead with exclusive games, making it a deciding factor for potential buyers when choosing between the two next-gen consoles. Microsoft and Sony are also competing in the proprietary storage market, with each company offering its unique solutions. Sony's custom 3D audio format is another area where they are focusing on differentiation. The release dates for the next-gen consoles are uncertain, with both companies aiming for an end-of-year launch. However, the pricing and exact release dates remain to be announced. In summary, the gaming industry is gearing up for the next generation of consoles, with Microsoft and Sony offering unique selling points through their focus on content, community, cloud, console, exclusives, and proprietary technologies.

    • Exploring 3D audio for music and engaging with listenersThe team shared their enthusiasm for Sony's 3D audio format, discussed upcoming guests like the CEO of Impossible Foods, and encouraged listeners to engage on social media and suggest topics or guests.

      The team discussed their excitement about the use of Sony's proprietary 3D audio format for listening to music, specifically mentioning a Santana song. They also encouraged listeners to engage with them on social media and shared upcoming interview guests, including the CEO of Impossible Foods. Additionally, they promoted a new documentary "Art Beets and Lyrics" available on Hulu, which showcases the origin stories of the founders and curator of a cultural phenomenon art event in Atlanta. They emphasized their commitment to providing entertainment and encouraged listeners to reach out with topics or guests they'd like to hear on the show.

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    The Vergecast
    enMay 28, 2024

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    - Rants about the Lightning port


    Google: 39:33

    - @googlenexus tweet


    Microsoft: 46:41

    - You no longer need a password for your Microsoft account

    - Windows 11 builds still going out


    Gaming: 52:07

    - Stream from your console or cloud to your PC

    - More thoughts on Diablo 2


    Doom: 1:03:35







    Contact: podcast@callingallplatforms.com






    Apple Podcasts

    Google Podcasts



    Episode 223: Betas and Billionaires

    Episode 223: Betas and Billionaires


    Microsoft 2:35

    - Latest Beta offers a feature you don't need


    Google: 4:08

    - Android 13 Beta

    - Data Safety section now in the Google Play Store


    PSA: New Scam: 10:18

    - A new, very well made, email scam


    Apple: 18:38

    - Self Service Repair Program


    General Tech: 32:16

    - EU could be requiring USB-C ports on devices

    - May also require side-loading

    - Netflix has lost subscribers

    - Elon Musk is buying Twitter


    Gaming: 39:49

    - Investors approved the Microsoft/Activision merger

    - Overwatch 2 Beta

    - Diablo Immortal is coming June 2

    - PS5 controller can support firmware updates on PC

    - Sony is looking into ads in games

    - Microsoft Xbox showcase on June 12


    Call To All Listeners: 1:05:58







    Contact: podcast@callingallplatforms.com






    Apple Podcasts

    Google Podcasts



    Episode 190: Google vs Roku

    Episode 190: Google vs Roku


    Google: 1:45

    - Google I/O is May 18 @ 10 am PST

    - Google requiring data info in app listings on Play Store

    - Pixel 6, 6 Pro leaks

    - Google vs Roku


    General Tech: 22:39

    - Clubhouse for Android

    - Walmart Android TV box


    Apple: 35:32

    - Apple Music lossless audio

    - Apple discontinuing the Space Gray accessories


    General Tech: 44:00

    - Watch out for phishing scams

    - New Intel chips

    - Still a chip shortage


    Gaming: 54:29

    - Days Gone is launching on PC







    Contact: podcast@callingallplatforms.com






    Apple Podcasts

    Google Podcasts



    Episode 194: E3 2021

    Episode 194: E3 2021


    E3 2021: 0:51

    - Xbox and Bethesda 2:14

    - Coming to Game Pass 26:13

    - Does E3 need to exist? 34:29

    - Calebs E3 Rundown 40:15


    Microsoft: 59:04

    - Windows 11 coming this week


    Google: 59:34

    - Google retail store

    - Find My for Android

    - Free stuff for YouTube TV subscribers


    Doom: 1:06:37







    Contact: podcast@callingallplatforms.com






    Apple Podcasts

    Google Podcasts



    Episode 137: Apple Mac Pro

    Episode 137: Apple Mac Pro


    Google: 1:00

    - Pixel feature drops.

    - Google Messages get verified SMS.


    General Tech: 7:23

    - Get Samual L. Jackson as a voice option on Echo.


    Apple: 9:36

    - Mac Pro.


    Microsoft: 25:49

    - Wunderlist is being shut down.


    Gaming: 27:31

    - Minecraft cross-play is coming to PS4.

    - Multiplayer updates for Gears 5.

    - Halo Reach is available on PC.

    - Xbox Series X.

    - Gears Tactics.

    - Overwatch Winter Wonderland Event.

    - GOG Winter Sale.

    - Fortnite splitscreen coming to Xbox One and PS4.

    - Untitled Goose Game launches on Xbox One and PS4.


    Star Wars: 49:48







    Contact: podcast@callingallplatforms.com






    Apple Podcasts

    Google Podcasts

