
    Apple's Vision Pro, Chris Licht Outlook, and Friend of Pivot Ben Terris

    enJune 06, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Unlocking potential through teamwork and collaborationEffective teamwork and collaboration can lead to faster speed to market and better outcomes. Companies that prioritize horizontal connections can maximize productivity and innovation.

      Effective teamwork and collaboration across an organization can lead to faster speed to market and better outcomes. Companies that look horizontally, rather than vertically, can unlock the potential of their teams. Atlassian, a supporter of this podcast, offers software solutions like Confluence, Jira, and Loom to help maximize teamwork and productivity. Pendo, another sponsor, focuses on improving digital experiences for users of applications, allowing them to get more value from the software. Kara Swisher and Scott Galloway discussed their experiences, from visiting malls to riding in autonomous cars, emphasizing the importance of collaboration and innovation. Autonomous driving technology, such as Waymo, is making significant progress, and it may start with trucking or even aviation. Overall, the key takeaway is that by looking across and collaborating, teams and organizations can achieve amazing outcomes.

    • Media Industry's Self-Obsession: Directors and Writers Guilds Make Significant DealsThe media industry prioritizes self-interest, with recent deals focusing on residuals, safety, and a ban on live ammo for directors and writers, benefiting the few over the many.

      The media industry, specifically the directors and writers guilds, have recently made significant deals, with the Directors Guild agreeing to a three-year contract with wage increases, new safety guidelines, and a ban on live ammunition on set. The Writers Guild is currently on strike, but negotiations for a new contract will begin soon. The media's focus on these agreements, despite the relatively small numbers of people they affect compared to other industries, highlights the industry's obsession with itself. The ban on live ammunition may seem like a given, but the substantial increase in residuals from foreign deals for the Directors Guild was a more significant win. These agreements primarily benefit fledgling TV directors and below-the-line members, and the compromises made reflect the reality that most powerful members in these guilds don't have to work at scale.

    • The value of tenure and unions can be subjectiveCriticizing tenure and unions can face backlash, especially among those less successful or in-demand. Having passions outside of work unrelated to market success is important.

      The value and importance of tenure and unions can be subjective and often correlate with an individual's market value or currency. The speaker shared his experience of facing backlash when he criticized tenure, and he observed similar fondness for writers' unions among those who may not be as successful or in-demand in their respective fields. He also emphasized the importance of having passions outside of work that don't rely on market success. Additionally, Amazon's potential entry into the wireless industry, as reported, highlights the company's potential to disrupt traditional industries and offer competitive pricing.

    • Amazon's potential entry into telecom industryAmazon, with its strong customer service and expanding reach, could disrupt the telecom industry by offering integrated phone, pharmacy, and home device services.

      The telecommunications industry, with major players like T-Mobile, AT&T, Verizon, and DISH experiencing significant declines, is in need of innovation and differentiation. Amazon, known for its customer service and expanding reach, could potentially enter this market and offer a more trusted and integrated service, linking phones, pharmacy, and home devices. However, some are skeptical about Apple's recent entry into the VR/AR market with the Vision Pro headset, priced at $35,000, questioning its necessity and potential impact on social interaction. The debate continues on whether these technologies will bring us closer or further apart, and whether the high cost is justified for the next phase of computing.

    • Apple Vision Pro: A New Step in Visual Technology for Elite UsersApple's Vision Pro offers a more immersive see-through experience, but its high price and limited availability make it an elite product for B2B and high-end users. Its transparency feature and potential for frequent upgrades raise affordability concerns.

      The Apple Vision Pro, although offering a more immersive experience compared to VR with its see-through feature, is currently targeted towards enterprise B2B settings and high-end services. Its high price point of $35,100, which includes sales tax, raises concerns about its affordability and potential upgrades. While some believe it may eventually reach a mass market, it is currently an elite product for early adopters. The transparency feature, allowing users to see others' eyes, is questioned for its ability to facilitate natural interaction. The technology's sophistication and potential for frequent upgrades add to the cost concern. Despite the jokes and comparisons to expensive items, the Apple Vision Pro represents a new step in visual technology, but its success and accessibility remain to be seen.

    • Apple's potential entry into virtual reality marketApple is considering entering the virtual reality market, learning from competitors and previous failures, with reservations about peripheral vision and comfort of the technology.

      Apple is exploring new technologies, specifically virtual reality headsets, despite some skepticism and previous failures in the market. The company, known for iterating on existing ideas, is likely keeping an eye on competitors and preparing to enter the market if it becomes successful. The speaker, who has been invited to try the headset, expressed some reservations about the peripheral vision and comfort, but acknowledged the potential of the technology. The discussion also touched on the current state of CNN, with low ratings and talent issues, and the CEO, Chris Lick, being portrayed as isolated and under pressure.

    • Chris Cuomo's Criticisms: Handling Brother's Scandal, Ratings Decline, and Self-PromotionDespite Chris Cuomo's potential thoughtfulness and past decent interactions, excessive self-promotion and lack of self-awareness led to negative attention and loss of viewer trust in the challenging media landscape

      Chris Cuomo, the former CNN anchor, faced intense criticism in a recent profile piece, with many focusing on his handling of his brother's scandal, ratings decline at CNN, and perceived self-promotion. Apologizing for his actions and acknowledging mistakes, Chris expressed regret for becoming the center of attention and not focusing enough on results. The media landscape is challenging for all cable news networks, with declining viewership and profits. Jeff Zucker, a previous media executive, is seen as a reliable figure in this environment. Despite Chris's potential thoughtfulness and past decent interactions, his lack of self-awareness and excessive self-promotion have led to negative attention and a loss of viewer trust. The media industry's current struggles and the attention CNN has received make it challenging for individuals within the organization to succeed, especially when they draw unwanted attention to themselves.

    • Cable news anchors grapple with industry changesCable news anchors face waning relevance and power due to streaming services and changing viewer preferences, with controversies over journalistic integrity adding to their struggles. Adaptation and innovation are key to thriving in the evolving media landscape.

      The media industry, specifically cable news, is undergoing significant structural changes, leading to frustration and anger among those affected. This was evident in the discussion about the high-prestige anchors who feel their relevance and power waning with the rise of streaming services and changing viewer preferences. The industry's decline was further highlighted by the controversy surrounding Chris Licht and CNN, with questions about truth and journalistic integrity coming to the forefront. Despite the challenges, some anchors, like Chuck Todd, continue to hold influence, but the future remains uncertain for traditional cable news. Ultimately, the media landscape is evolving, and those who can adapt and innovate are likely to thrive.

    • Navigating the evolving media landscapeEmbrace teamwork and collaboration, adapt to changing circumstances, and leverage effective communication tools to succeed in the media industry and beyond.

      The rules and relevance of traditional media and tech companies are evolving rapidly, with a focus on adapting to changing circumstances and prioritizing effective collaboration and communication. Chris Licht's conversation with the speaker highlights the unpredictability and potential instability of the media landscape, as well as the importance of focusing on teamwork and collaboration to get things done. Meanwhile, tech companies like Atlassian are emphasizing the importance of modern work practices and effective communication tools to help teams work together and accomplish their goals. Additionally, the relaxation of rules on platforms like Twitter and Instagram for certain high-profile users raises questions about the potential consequences of these changes and the role of these companies in shaping public discourse.

    • Social media prioritizes profits over ethical concernsDespite responsibility to combat misinformation and abuse, social media platforms prioritize profits, allowing AI-generated election disinformation to go unchecked, and increasing the risk of child sexual abuse material.

      Social media platforms, despite their responsibility to combat misinformation and abuse, are prioritizing profits over ethical concerns. RFK Jr's potential candidacy and his large financial backing serve as an example of this trend. Twitter's recent decisions, such as the APA cutoff for academic groups and the departure of key executives, have weakened the platform's ability to address election disinformation. Additionally, Republicans in Congress are attempting to intimidate academic and NGO groups studying election misinformation. The speaker expresses concern that the biggest threat to AI in the upcoming election cycle will be AI-generated misinformation that these platforms will fail to address due to financial gains. The speaker suggests a social media pause on election information 90 days before the election as a potential solution. Advertising on social media, particularly Twitter, is also discouraged due to the risk of being associated with objectionable content and potential backlash from the CEO. The speaker emphasizes the seriousness of child sexual abuse material on these platforms and the lack of accountability.

    • Challenges for Advertisers on Social Media Platforms, specifically TwitterTwitter's handling of controversies and leadership changes has led to revenue declines, but the platform continues to generate revenue, highlighting the complex relationship between profit and responsibility. Clearer guidelines and more robust regulation are needed to ensure platform safety and integrity.

      The current state of social media platforms, specifically Twitter, is a challenging environment for advertisers due to various controversies and leadership changes that have led to significant revenue declines. Companies like Twitter have faced criticism for their handling of election misinformation and controversial content, resulting in the departure of key personnel and a shift towards AI moderation. The lack of transparency and regulation in these platforms has raised concerns about their impact on democracy and societal issues. Despite these challenges, these companies continue to generate revenue, highlighting the complex relationship between profit and responsibility. The ongoing debates around these issues underscore the need for clearer guidelines and more robust regulation to ensure the safety and integrity of these platforms.

    • Exploring shifts in Washington culture during Trump's presidencyTrump's presidency worsened existing issues in Washington's political landscape, introduced new challenges like social media influence, and led to transactional parties that prioritize networking over enjoyment.

      Washington, D.C. was in a vulnerable state before Donald Trump's presidency, and his tenure only worsened existing issues. The political landscape was marked by ideological malleability, a bubble atmosphere, and showmanship, which allowed Trump to succeed. However, his presidency also introduced new challenges, including the pervasive influence of social media and constant news cycles. These trends have continued, with many politicians adopting Trump-like tactics to stay in the spotlight. The party scene in DC is also emblematic of these changes. Parties serve as important social and professional events, but they have become more transactional and less enjoyable. The author attended a Christmas party for a progressive fundraiser and a gathering at the home of conservative political figures Matt and Mercedes Schlapp to explore these shifts in Washington culture.

    • Navigating DC's Political Landscape: Adaptability is KeyFormer Bush insiders like Matt Schlap shift to Trump, disillusioned Democrats like Mercy Schlap adapt too, and pollster Sean McElwee gambles on political outcomes - all showcasing the need for adaptability in DC's ever-changing political scene.

      Washington D.C. is a town where power and politics intertwine, and people adapt to the changing political landscape to secure their own interests. The Schlap couple, Matt and Mercy, serve as an example of how establishment figures can shift allegiances from one political party to another. Matt, a former Bush White House insider, became a Trump loyalist and profited from it, while Mercy, a Bush White House type, seemed disillusioned and down about the progressive party's power. On the Democratic side, Sean McElwee, a hotshot pollster, openly gambled on political races and policy outcomes, demonstrating the high-stakes nature of politics in the nation's capital. These individuals illustrate how the political landscape is constantly evolving, and people must be agile to navigate it effectively.

    • Key figures in American politics: Hannity and LuntzThe lives and actions of Hannity and Luntz reveal the complexities of American politics, with both men shaping the current landscape through scandals, controversial connections, and efforts to heal the political divide.

      The people and events discussed in the podcast, including Sean Hannity, Frank Luntz, and their roles in American politics, have significantly shaped the current political landscape. Hannity's scandals and controversial connections, as well as Luntz's role in shaping Republican messaging, have contributed to the divisiveness we see today. Luntz, in particular, is an intriguing character who played a significant role in Republican politics but now regrets his past actions and is trying to make amends. Despite their past contributions, both men are now working towards healing the political divide, with Luntz even working for the Biden White House. However, the speaker questions whether it's possible to return to a normal political climate after the events of the past few decades. Overall, the podcast offers a fascinating look into the lives and actions of key political figures and sheds light on the complexities of American politics.

    • Young people making a difference in WashingtonDespite the cynical and power-hungry image of Washington, young people work tirelessly to make a difference and offer hope for positive change, but progress depends on their influence.

      Key takeaway from Ben Terrace's book, "The Big Break," is that while Washington, D.C. may seem like a place filled with cynical and power-hungry individuals, there are also many young people who come to the city with the genuine desire to make a difference. These dedicated staff members work tirelessly behind the scenes to help the machinery of government function, and they offer a glimmer of hope for positive change. However, it's essential not to be overly optimistic. While deals like the debt ceiling agreement are a step in the right direction, they do not signify a complete resolution to the challenges facing Washington and the country. Ultimately, the future of the political landscape depends on the influence of these committed individuals, who continue to strive for progress despite the odds.

    • Travel reviews and candidate statements provide valuable insightsConsider travel reviews for informed decisions and candidate statements for understanding positions, but be mindful of unfounded claims and harmful stereotypes.

      Real traveler reviews provide valuable insights for making informed decisions on travel experiences with confidence. Additionally, features like free cancellation and 247 customer support offer peace of mind for unexpected situations. During a recent town hall event, Nikki Haley's eloquent stance on Ukraine stood out as a win, differentiating her from other Republican candidates and sending a strong message to potential aggressors. However, a loss came when she made unfounded claims about transgender individuals causing depression among girls, which not only lacks evidence but also perpetuates harmful stereotypes. Overall, it's crucial to consider the impact of words and actions, especially when addressing serious issues.

    • Disappointing lack of action against child sexual abuse content and income inequality in podcastingSpeakers expressed frustration over the failure to address child sexual abuse content on social media and income disparity in podcasting, emphasizing the importance of accountability and fairness in these industries.

      The discussion revolved around the disappointing lack of action against child sexual abuse content on social media platforms, particularly Twitter, and the economic inequality in the podcasting industry. The speakers expressed disappointment and frustration over the failure to address these issues, with one noting that teen girls face numerous issues contributing to depression, and another pointing out the vast income disparity in podcasting. Additionally, the topic of job losses in the podcasting industry due to economic adjustments was brought up. Despite these concerns, it was acknowledged that market equalization is necessary and could lead to positive changes. The conversation also touched upon the importance of fair compensation and the potential consequences of overcompensation. Overall, the speakers emphasized the need for accountability and fairness in various industries, particularly in relation to social media and podcasting.

    • Overpaying Employees: A Sustainable Economic Decision?Overpaying employees can lead to negative consequences for a business, including layoffs. Companies should consider the bigger economic picture before making decisions about compensation.

      Overpaying employees, even if it seems like a good idea in the moment, can have negative consequences for a business. This was exemplified in a situation where a media company was offered an exorbitant salary to one of their reporters. The company's CEO, despite being offered the chance to keep the reporter at an inflated cost, chose to decline, believing it was not a sustainable economic decision. This decision ultimately led to layoffs, but the CEO believed it was necessary for the long-term health of the business. It's important for companies to consider the bigger economic picture when making decisions about compensation, as it can impact the entire organization and the people it employs. If you have any questions about business or tech, submit them at nymag.com/pivot or call 855 51 pivot. The show is produced by Lara Naiman, Evan Engel, Taylor Griffin, Ernie and her taught engine, Drew Burrows, and Neil Silverio. Atlassian, a sponsor of the show, offers software solutions to help teams collaborate more effectively and achieve maximum flow. Learn more at atlasian.com.

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    With the world adjusting to a new life after the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, how do we best utilize the tools that we have so that we can continue our levels of productivity even in remote working situations?


    In this episode, Alexander McCaig discusses this issue with Phil Simon, a keynote speaker, adviser, and Zoom and Slack educator. He is also the author of eleven non-fiction works, the most recent of which is Reimagining Collaboration: Slack, Microsoft Teams, Zoom, and the Post-Covid World of Work.


    Adjustments in the Workplace


    According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the number of Americans working remotely more than doubled from around 30 percent to 60 percent in March 2020, and organizations began embracing new collaboration platforms such as Slack, Microsoft Teams, and Zoom as part of the adjustment process as a result of this increase. 


    At the start of 2020, few people would be familiar with the names of even one of these tools, much alone all of them. Several of us are now working remotely as a consequence of COVID-19, and Zoom has been so widely used that it has become a verb: to "Zoom" means to communicate using video conferencing technology.


    When businesses were forced to close and employees were required to wear masks, just a few businesses were allowed to continue operations as usual. The vast majority of people were entirely unprepared for the enormous changes that were about to take place in their lives. When it came to internal communication, they continued to rely on email as well as on typical corporate processes and attitudes.


    A New Age of Productivity


    To cope with COVID-19’s repercussions on corporate organizations, employers, human resource managers, and consultants were obliged to think creatively about how they might implement a remote work strategy. Businesses had an urgent need to alter these barriers in dealing with the international economic instability caused by the virus.


    If a shift to a new system is the path moving forward, what possible methods can businesses use to better utilize the tools that we currently have in this day and age?


    Phil Simon suggests that companies should start embracing the Hub-Spoke model of collaboration. This model is a technique of distribution wherein a centralized "hub" operates. From the hub, products are sent outward to smaller groups known as spokes for further storage and delivery.


    With this model, it aims to help firms significantly increase staff productivity, simplify current business procedures, and provide the basis for subsequent machine-learning and artificial intelligence advances.


    The hub may be thought of as a meta-organization that functions in parallel to established innovation laboratories. Employees at the innovation-hub can connect informally over the web and work freely on innovation to bolster the firm's performance.


    Out with the Old, In the New?


    Efficiency should not be dependent on one factor alone. While the hub-spokes model creates a more systematic approach in revamping business models to fit the current situation, it is best to have it hand-in-hand with tried and tested organizational techniques.


    By adopting particular initiatives and establishing a culture that supports their virtual workforce, executives may boost their teams' performance output and engagement. They must build and sustain a culture of trust, as well as modernize leadership communication methods and procedures in order to properly educate virtual personnel. 


    Additionally, team members must be encouraged to share leadership. Finally, executives must establish and conduct frequent alignment checks to ensure that virtual workers adhere to the organization's cultural values, including their commitment to its goals.


    All of these procedures begin with the realization that team formation will be significantly different with remote members, demanding the creation of new leadership strategies, communication routines, and tools.


    Final Thoughts


    In a world where social distancing and remote work has become the new normal, it is now more important than ever to make good use of the current technologies we have to be just as productive as before the pandemic hit the globe.In Simon’s concluding statements, he deems it important that for a collaborative system to work, employees must be willing to commit to the shift fully. Problems will surely arise when employees refuse to use certain technologies because they either find it too complicated or too time-consuming to actually learn new things instead of going the more traditional route of working.


    The willingness to change is always the first step towards growth. Just as the world has changed, we must also be willing to adapt to this change. Resistance will always be a hindrance to progress, just as the refusal to learn denies a person the chance to be more efficient and productive.


    It is part of TARTLE’s vision to create a world where knowledge is shared and problems are solved through a collective and collaborative effort. We believe that teamwork is power, and collaboration is the key to progress. The power is back in your hands.


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    TCAST is brought to you by TARTLE. A global personal data marketplace that allows users to sell their personal information anonymously when they want to, while allowing buyers to access clean ready to analyze data sets on digital identities from all across the globe.


    The show is hosted by Co-Founder and Source Data Pioneer Alexander McCaig and Head of Conscious Marketing Jason Rigby.


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