
    Are the Tories really ready to replace Rishi Sunak?

    enMarch 18, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Rumors of Leadership Challenges in the Conservative PartyRumors swirl around potential challenges to Rishi Sunak's leadership amidst low poll numbers and handling of issues, with Kemi Badenoch mentioned as a possible unifying figure. Sunak threatens to call an early election if challenged, adding to the sense of instability.

      The political situation in the Conservative Party is uncertain and tense, with rumors of potential leadership challenges against Prime Minister Rishi Sunak. Kemi Badenoch, a cabinet colleague, has been mentioned as a possible unifying figure for those considering a challenge. The party has faced a difficult week with low poll numbers and handling of various issues, leading some to speculate about an early election. Sunak has reportedly threatened to call an election if challenged, which some view as a sign of weakness rather than strength. The overall atmosphere is one of instability and uncertainty within the Conservative Party.

    • Conservative Party's Leadership InstabilityThe Conservative Party faces questions about their political leadership due to frequent leadership changes, with potential contenders weighing electoral chances against becoming prime minister, potentially causing instability

      The Conservative Party's handling of their leadership situation raises questions about the seriousness and stability of their political leadership. The idea of frequent leadership changes being compared to fantasy football highlights a perceived frivolity within the party. Potential contenders, such as Penny Mordaunt and Kemi Badenoch, are weighing their electoral chances against the possibility of becoming prime minister. Penny Mordaunt's seat, Portsmouth North, is predicted to be lost to Labor, while Kemi Badenoch's seat, Saffron Walden, is considered safer. This electoral calculus may influence their decisions to enter the leadership race. The uncertainty surrounding the timing of the next leadership election and the potential instability it brings adds to the overall sense of decadence within the Conservative Party.

    • Conservative Party Leadership Contest: Unite or Divide?The Conservative Party must focus on unity and effective governance to present a clear alternative to Labour and avoid another leadership change, which could be perceived as a sign of instability.

      The Conservative Party is currently facing a divisive and potentially damaging leadership contest, with some MPs considering making a move now despite the uncertainty of the election outcome. While some argue that the public perception of the party would suffer from another leadership change so soon, others see an opportunity to position themselves for a future campaign. However, the consensus is that the party would be better served by uniting around Rishi Sunak, focusing on governing effectively and presenting a clear alternative to the Labour Party in the upcoming election. Historically, divided parties have not won elections, and the public may view another leadership change as a sign of instability. It's essential for the Conservative Party to focus on its strengths and present a united front to the electorate.

    • Effective communication of government successesGovernment needs to choose a theme, get cabinet support, and communicate successes effectively to prevent crises from dominating the news. Proper declaration and recording of donations is crucial.

      There is a need for better communication from the government to highlight their successes and prevent crises from dominating the news cycle. During a recent meeting with Rishi Sunak, it was discussed that the budget's important announcements were lost in the media after just a few days. The suggestion was made to choose a theme, get the entire cabinet behind it, and communicate these successes effectively. However, the question of whose responsibility it is to drive the messaging was raised, with some believing it's the CEO's job, while others think communication should be sharpened. In the case of the donor scandal, it was suggested that admitting wrongdoing and moving on could have prevented the issue from dominating the news for longer than necessary. Ultimately, the party's handling of such situations is a matter for the party, but as a treasurer of the 1922 committee, the importance of proper declaration and recording of donations was emphasized.

    • Conservative Party's Focus on Transparency and Economic ImprovementsThe Conservative Party aims for transparency, economic improvements like lower inflation and rising real wages, and unity to regain public trust and win the next election despite unfavorable polling and potential leadership contest.

      The Conservative Party, following allegations of past donations, has expressed a desire to be transparent and may not accept future donations to maintain public trust. The party's focus is on achieving economic improvements, such as lower inflation and rising real wages, to strengthen their position for the next election. Rishi Sunak is favored to lead the party into the next election, and a leadership contest could potentially leave the party in a weakened state if Sunak fails to secure a majority. The polling situation for the Conservatives is currently unfavorable, with around 20% of the votes, which could result in a significant loss of seats. The party's ability to maintain unity and present a strong front is crucial to their chances of success in the upcoming election.

    • Conservative Party's internal divisions and GB News' disregard for impartiality rulesThe Conservative Party is facing internal disunity and infighting, with some members prioritizing winning elections and others securing their own positions. GB News, a conservative news channel, has been accused of breaching broadcasting impartiality rules and has threatened to ignore them, indicating a larger issue of disregard for the greater good.

      The Conservative Party is currently in a state of disunity and infighting, with some members focusing on winning elections while others are more concerned with securing their own positions. This disconnect was highlighted in a discussion about the lack of clear leadership and talent within the party, and the expulsion of many MPs in recent years. Additionally, GB News, a conservative news channel, has been in trouble with regulatory body Ofcom for breaches of broadcasting impartiality rules due to politicians presenting news programs. The channel has threatened to take action internally instead of complying with Ofcom's guidelines, indicating a lack of regard for the rules and potential disregard for impartial journalism. The Conservative Party's internal divisions and GB News' disregard for broadcasting impartiality rules suggest a larger issue of disunity and a focus on personal gain over the greater good.

    • Ofcom's handling of GB News and politiciansOfcom faces criticism for allowing politicians to host on GB News, setting a potential dangerous precedent for British TV.

      The regulatory body, Ofcom, in the UK is facing criticism for its handling of politicians hosting programs on GB News, a channel known for its right-wing perspective. Ofcom's statement allows for politicians to appear on non-news programs as presenters. While this is common knowledge, the concern is that Ofcom appears to be turning a blind eye to GB News' unique approach, which could set a dangerous precedent for British television. This situation raises questions about the role and effectiveness of Ofcom as a regulator, and whether it is being intimidated by GB News' stance against censorship. The use of serving politicians as presenters on other major channels is unimaginable, and the contrast between the UK's and America's broadcasting ecosystems further complicates the issue. Ultimately, the situation benefits GB News by positioning them as a swashbuckling, non-conformist alternative to the mainstream media, but the implications for the broader broadcasting landscape remain uncertain.

    • Blurred lines between politics, propaganda, and newsMisinformation and disinformation are rampant due to blurred lines, with GB News and Russian media fueling conspiracy theories, impacting trust and institutions, and highlighting the need for factual reporting

      The line between politics, propaganda, and news is becoming increasingly blurred, leading to a proliferation of misinformation and disinformation. This was discussed in relation to GB News and their handling of conspiracy theories, particularly regarding the royal family and vaccinations. The impact of social media and foreign media, such as Russian media, in fueling confusion and mistrust was also highlighted. The pressure on institutions like Buckingham Palace to respond to these rumors and the potential consequences of getting it wrong were explored. Ultimately, the discussion underscored the importance of factual reporting and the potential dangers of giving free rein to conspiracy theories on news channels.

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    Yes dear listeners the marathon is almost done.

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    Senior Producer: Gabriel Radus

    Producer: Zeynel Can Yuce

    Social Media: Jacob Paul

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    But we start with the gambling scandal.

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    Editor: Tom Hughes

    Senior Producer: Gabriel Radus

    Producer: Zeynel Can Yuce

    Social Media Editor: Georgia Foxwell

    Video Production: : Rory Symon, Shane Fennelly & Arvind Badewal

    You can listen to this episode on Alexa - just say "Alexa, ask Global Player to play The News Agents"!

    The News Agents is brought to you by HSBC UK - https://www.hsbc.co.uk/


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    Why could the whole country see this coming except the PM?

    Editor: Tom Hughes

    Senior Producer: Gabriel Radus

    Producer: Zeynel Can Yuce

    Social Media Editor: Georgia Foxwell

    Video Production: : Rory Symon, Shane Fennelly & Arvind Badewal

    You can listen to this episode on Alexa - just say "Alexa, ask Global Player to play The News Agents"!

    The News Agents is brought to you by HSBC UK - https://www.hsbc.co.uk/


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    Editor: Tom Hughes

    Senior Producer: Gabriel Radus

    Social Media Editor: Georgia Foxwell

    Video Production: : Rory Symon, Shane Fennelly & Arvind Badewal

    You can listen to this episode on Alexa - just say "Alexa, ask Global Player to play The News Agents"!

    The News Agents is brought to you by HSBC UK - https://www.hsbc.co.uk/


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    Editor: Tom Hughes

    Senior Producer: Gabriel Radus

    Social Media Editor: Georgia Foxwell

    Video Production: : Rory Symon, Shane Fennelly & Arvind Badewal

    You can listen to this episode on Alexa - just say "Alexa, ask Global Player to play The News Agents"!

    The News Agents is brought to you by HSBC UK - https://www.hsbc.co.uk/


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    The Tory betting scandal, and 'venal' campaigners

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    Later we see in a key Lab/Tory marginal talking to former Tory leader Iain Duncan Smith who’s been the MP here for 32 years … - and to his newly selected Labour opponent Shama Tatler.

    Editor: Tom Hughes

    Senior Producer: Gabriel Radus

    Producer: Zeynel Can Yuce

    Social Media Editor: Georgia Foxwell

    Video Production: Rory Symon, Shane Fennelly & Arvind Badewal

    You can listen to this episode on Alexa - just say "Alexa, ask Global Player to play The News Agents"!

    The News Agents is brought to you by HSBC UK - https://www.hsbc.co.uk/


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    Aired 10/03/10

    THOMAS GEOGHEGAN, a graduate of Harvard and Harvard Law School, is a labor lawyer with Despres, Schwartz and Geoghagen in Chicago. He has been a staff writer and contributing writer to The New Republic, and his work has appeared in many other journals. Geoghagen ran unsuccessfully in the Democratic primary to succeed Rahm Emanuel in Congress a candidate, and is the author of six books including WHOSE SIDE ARE YOU ON?, THE SECRET LIVES OF CITIZENS, and, most recently, WERE YOU BORN ON THE WRONG CONTINENT?

    In his new book, WERE YOU BORN ON THE WRONG CONTINENT?, today's guest makes a strong case that European social democracies - particularly Germany - have some lessons and models that might make life a lot more livable. Not only that, they could help us keep our jobs.

    In comparison to the U.S., the Germans have six weeks of federally mandated vacation, free university tuition, nursing care, and childcare. But you've heard the arguments for years about how those wussy Europeans can't compete in a global economy. You've heard that so many times, you might believe it. But like so many things, the media repeats endlessly, it's just not true.

    According to Geoghagen, "Since 2003, it's not China but Germany, that colossus of European socialism, that has either led the world in export sales or at least been tied for first. Even as we in the United States fall more deeply into the clutches of our foreign creditors-China foremost among them-Germany has somehow managed to create a high-wage, unionized economy without shipping all its jobs abroad or creating a massive trade deficit, or any trade deficit at all. And even as the Germans outsell the United States, they manage to take six weeks of vacation every year. They're beating us with one hand tied behind their back."


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    Aired 08/15/10

    Prohibition has failed -- again. Instead of treating the demand for illegal drugs as a market, and addicts as patients, policymakers the world over have boosted the profits of drug lords and fostered narcostates that would frighten Al Capone.

    Today, there are more drugs on our streets at cheaper prices than ever before. There are more than 1.2 million people behind bars in the U.S., a large percentage of them for nonviolent drug usage. Under our failed drug policy, it is easier for young people to obtain illegal drugs than a six-pack of beer. Why? Because the sellers of illegal drugs don't ask kids for IDs. As soon as we outlaw a substance, we abandon our ability to regulate and control the marketing of that substance.

    There is smarter approach usually called harm reduction. Reducing drug use is not nearly as important as reducing the death, disease, crime, and suffering associated with both drug misuse and failed policies of prohibition.

    But there are signs of change in the wind. The US Congress recently reversed years of inaction to make sentencing for crack and powder cocaine more equal and proposition 19 on the ballot in CA in November would legalize marijuana.

    I caught up with Ethan Nadelmann founder and executive director of the DRUG POLICY ALLIANCE in early July at a daylong conference in Los Angeles - New Directions California: A Public Health and Safety Approach to Drug Policy and he agreed to join me on the radio.


    For info re CA Prop 19: Regulate, Control and Tax Cannabis Act of 2010