
    Asi Wind: What Magic & Mind Reading Reveal About the Brain

    enMarch 25, 2024
    How do our brains shape perceived realities?
    What role does storytelling play in memory?
    How can tools like BetterHelp aid personal growth?
    What is the relationship between consumption and creativity?
    What techniques do mentalists use to surprise audiences?

    Podcast Summary

    • Understanding the role of our brains in creating perceived realitiesExploring memory, emotion, empathy, and storytelling's impact on our perceptions, and the importance of recognizing these processes for learning, memory consolidation, and creativity.

      Rather than revealing how magicians and mentalists deceive us, Aussie's work demonstrates how our own brains collaborate to create perceived realities. This discussion sheds light on the intricacies of memory and the role of emotion, empathy, and storytelling in shaping our perceptions. The podcast also emphasizes the importance of understanding these processes to improve learning, memory consolidation, and creativity. Additionally, the episode highlights the value of resources like Element, an electrolyte drink, and BetterHelp, an online therapy platform, in supporting overall well-being and personal growth.

    • BetterHelp: Accessible online therapy, Aeropress: Delicious coffee anywhereBetterHelp offers accessible online therapy with a discount for new users, while Aeropress provides a simple, compact coffee maker for a delicious cup of coffee anywhere

      Both BetterHelp and Aeropress offer exceptional experiences in their respective domains. For mental health support, BetterHelp provides an accessible and effective online therapy solution with a discount for new users. For coffee lovers, Aeropress offers a simple, compact, and highly-reviewed coffee maker that allows for a delicious cup of coffee anywhere. Aussie Wind, a mentalist and scientist, amazes audiences by involving multiple senses and creating shared perceptions. When performing tricks, he doesn't always operate at 100% certainty, but rather adapts like a jazz musician, making the experience engaging and unpredictable.

    • Magicians use psychology and perception to manipulate audience's memoryMagicians use improvisation, adaptation, and manipulation of perception and memory to create astonishing experiences for their audience, a skill that can be applied to various aspects of life.

      Experienced performers, like magicians, can improvise and adapt to situations, even if the audience doesn't realize it. They have the ability to read people and their reactions, and use that knowledge to their advantage. This concept goes beyond magic and applies to various aspects of life, including interpersonal interactions and media communication. Magicians, such as the speaker, use psychology and perception to manipulate the audience's memory of the trick. They encode information and try to control how it is recalled. The audience's emotions and feelings during the performance can also be a co-author in the experience of the trick. One classic example of a trick is when a magician writes down a sequence of numbers in front of an audience, then asks people for numbers and returns to find the same sequence written down. The trick seems straightforward but astonishing, and it highlights the magician's ability to read people and manipulate their perceptions. This concept of improvisation, adaptation, and manipulation of perception and memory is not limited to magic. It can be observed in various domains of life, from one-on-one interactions to media communication on a global scale. Understanding this concept can help us navigate and influence different situations more effectively.

    • Igniting Imagination and Defying ExplanationMagic ignites our imagination, challenges problem-solving abilities, and leaves us wondering through visual illusions, manipulation, or simple explanations, involving hidden mechanisms.

      The essence of magic lies in igniting our imagination and creativity, as well as challenging our problem-solving abilities. Magic is an art form that defies explanation and leaves us wondering, making us yearn for the impossible. Magicians must choose their methods carefully, often making sacrifices to achieve the desired effect, and their audience plays a crucial role in suspending disbelief and allowing magic to unfold. Whether it's through visual illusions, manipulation, or even a simple explanation, every magic trick involves a "dirty secret" or a hidden mechanism. Ultimately, magic is a reminder that there's more to the world than what meets the eye and an invitation to believe in the extraordinary.

    • The power of illusion and deceptionIllusions and deception can inspire people to push their limits and explore new possibilities, even if the initial impression is false.

      The power of illusion and deception can inspire people to push their limits and explore new possibilities, even if the initial impression is false. The story of the jungler and the magician's zip code trick is a great example of this. Although the magician's performance was an illusion, it led the jungler to believe that memorizing all the zip codes in America was the solution. This misconception inspired him to spend thousands of hours memorizing zip codes, ultimately leading to a real achievement. The third possibility mentioned in the discussion, which is manipulating people's understanding of what happened, is intriguing because it highlights the fallibility of memory and the power of collective perception. This idea ties into the concept of experiments in magic, where hypotheses are posed and tested to see if people can be persuaded to believe something that isn't true. The use of the word "experiments" instead of "tricks" or "magic" emphasizes the possibility of failure and the importance of engaging the audience's curiosity and attention.

    • The Power of Perception and MagicMagic tricks manipulate perception, David Blaine's performances inspire resilience and showcase the human mind's susceptibility to suggestion, and maintaining gut health supports overall well-being and brain functioning.

      Perception can be manipulated, just like magic tricks deceive our senses. David Blaine's performances inspire us with messages of resilience and determination, while also showcasing the power of suggestion and the human mind's susceptibility to it. Another key takeaway is the importance of maintaining gut health, which supports not only our physical well-being but also our mental health and brain functioning. AG1, a vitamin mineral probiotic drink, can help ensure we get the necessary nutrients and support our overall health. Ultimately, both magic and health remind us of the intricacies of perception and the importance of taking care of ourselves.

    • Manipulating Decisions Through Human PsychologyMentalists and magicians use deep understanding of human psychology to influence people's choices, employing non-verbal cues and subtle techniques to build a connection and create a relatable atmosphere.

      Skilled mentalists and magicians, like the late Chen, have the ability to manipulate people's decisions by tapping into their insecurities and egos. This doesn't involve any trickery or sleight of hand, but rather a deep understanding of human psychology. The performer's body language, gestures, and even breathing can provide clues about a person's choice-making behavior. For instance, a magician like Avner Dixcentric can use small non-verbal cues to gauge a person's compliance or resistance. These subtle techniques allow mentalists to control the bias towards one or the other choice. The ultimate goal is to build a connection with the audience before attempting to astound them with magical feats. By focusing on empathy and creating a relatable atmosphere, mentalists can effectively engage their audience and leave a lasting impression.

    • Empathy: Connecting with the AudienceEmpathy is crucial for performers to connect with their audience, relax with breathing techniques, and select participants based on empathic abilities to create an intimate and emotional connection.

      Empathy plays a crucial role in connecting with an audience, whether it's a mother supporting her child playing the guitar or a performer engaging a live audience. Empathy helps us feel more forgiving and proud of others' achievements. It's essential for performers to establish a connection with their audience, starting from the very beginning, to make them feel valued and create a memorable experience. Breathing techniques, such as a long exhale before going on stage, can help performers relax and connect better with their audience. Empathic attunement varies among people, and performers should select audience participants based on their ability to empathize and connect. The ultimate goal is to create an intimate and emotional connection, rather than just impressing the audience with skills or tricks.

    • Communication and teaching through magicEffective communication and teaching require deep understanding and passion. Skeptics and resistant individuals can enhance the learning experience. Magic's methods and techniques can deepen understanding and appreciation. The goal is to educate and entertain.

      Effective communication and teaching, whether it's about magic or any other subject, comes from a place of deep understanding and passion. The best lecturers and magicians are those who can make complex concepts accessible and exciting for their audience, even if they themselves have mastered the material. Skeptics and resistant individuals can actually play a crucial role in demonstrating the transformation of disbelief into belief, making the experience more impactful for the audience. Magic, like learning, can be intimidating, and it's essential to create a safe and welcoming environment to engage those who may be hesitant or skeptical. The methods and techniques behind the magic can often be more intriguing than the trick itself, and sharing the process can deepen the audience's understanding and appreciation. Ultimately, the goal is to educate and entertain, using the art of magic as a tool for connection and collaboration.

    • The power of a magical explanationA captivating explanation can enhance the impact and enjoyment of a magical trick, leaving a lasting impression on the audience.

      The power of a magical experience lies not only in the trick itself but also in the explanation that accompanies it. The magician in this story, Aussie, left a lasting impression on the audience by not only performing an impressive card trick but also by providing an intricate and captivating explanation. He revealed that the person selecting the card was unknowingly contributing to the trick, adding a layer of intrigue and engagement. The explanation involved a complex setup with multiple decks of cards and a magnetic mug, making the audience feel both amazed by the trick and intrigued by the explanation. Aussie's goal was to create an experience where the method was more beautiful than the trick itself, leaving a lasting impression on the audience. The story serves as a reminder that the way information is presented can greatly enhance the impact and enjoyment of an experience.

    • The magic of mystery and loveDiscovering the secrets behind illusions and love can be disappointing, but the art of presentation and connection create the true magic.

      Our desire for mystery and magic in life can lead to disappointment when we uncover the simple truths behind them. This is similar to the experience of a magician discovering the secrets to their illusions and the feeling of falling out of love. However, the value lies not just in the secret itself, but in the art of presentation and storytelling that makes the magic come alive. The true magic often lies in the connection and emotion created between the performer and the audience. The same can be said for love, where the collaboration and storytelling between two people create something greater than the sum of its parts. In the end, the revelation of the "secret" can sometimes leave us feeling let down, but it's the journey and the experience that truly matters.

    • Magic relies on performer-audience collaborationMagic creates wonder through illusion and audience suspension of disbelief, blurring reality and fiction

      Magic, like professional wrestling and theater, relies on the collaboration between the performer and the audience to create a sense of wonder and mystery. The performer, or magician, uses deception and illusion to create the illusion of the impossible, while the audience agrees to suspend their disbelief and be astonished. The line between what is real and what is fake is blurred, and there is a thrill in the uncertainty and the constant questioning of what is truly happening. The magician's job is to skillfully manipulate this line, and in doing so, they create a shared experience that is both entertaining and thought-provoking.

    • Exploring the hidden depths and complexities of lifePersonalized nutrition platforms like Inside Tracker help us understand our bodies better, while observing nature, art, and human performance remind us of life's vastness and complexity. Techniques like hypnosis and magic can also reveal hidden depths and influence our thoughts.

      There's a deeper complexity to the world around us that often goes unnoticed, whether it's in nature, art, or human performance. Inside Tracker, a personalized nutrition platform, helps us understand our bodies better by analyzing data from our blood and DNA, providing actionable steps to improve our health. This idea of delving deeper beneath the surface can be seen in various domains, such as observing aquatic animals breaching the surface or witnessing virtuosic performances in sports or music. These moments remind us of the vastness and complexity of life that we may not typically perceive. In the realm of storytelling and influence, there are techniques, like hypnosis, that can help constrain context and make certain thoughts more likely. Magicians and mentalists use similar methods to create surprising and delightful experiences for their audiences. Ultimately, these examples encourage us to appreciate the hidden depths and complexities that lie just beneath the surface.

    • Understanding Biases and Challenges in Decision MakingRecognizing biases and challenges in decision making can help us communicate effectively and make decisions that better align with our goals. Subtle cues and phrasing can significantly impact people's decisions.

      Our brains are influenced by subtle cues and challenges in our environment, shaping our decisions in ways we might not realize. This was discussed in relation to magic and the art of persuasion. For instance, if you present someone with two options and touch one longer than the other, they may be more likely to choose the one you touched longer due to a psychological bias. However, if the person is a challenger, they might choose the other option as a way to assert their independence. Understanding these biases and challenges can help us communicate more effectively and make decisions that better align with our goals. Moreover, the way we phrase questions or present information can also significantly impact people's decisions. For example, instead of asking someone a direct question, giving them a hypothesis can lead them to reveal more information. Similarly, in hypnosis, making several accurate statements followed by an inaccurate one can manipulate people's beliefs and perceptions. These insights are not just interesting from a magical or persuasive perspective, but they also have implications for understanding how we make decisions in everyday life. By recognizing these biases and challenges, we can become more aware of our own decision-making processes and communicate more effectively with others.

    • Understanding Attentional SpotlightingOur attention shapes our reality, and external forces can manipulate it. Social media's constant stimulation can hinder learning and creativity, so intentional breaks are essential for informed decision making.

      Our perception of reality is heavily influenced by where we direct our attention, and external forces like media and marketing can manipulate this to shape our beliefs and actions. This concept is not new, as demonstrated in magic and mentalist work, but it has become more prevalent and effective in today's fast-paced world of constant stimulation. Social media, for example, has changed the way we consume information, requiring shorter attention spans and making it harder to process new ideas thoroughly. This lack of gaps in stimulation can hinder our ability to learn and create new ideas, making it essential to intentionally introduce pauses and breaks in our daily routines. In essence, understanding the power of attentional spotlighting and using it wisely can help us navigate the complexities of the world around us and make more informed decisions.

    • The impact of spacing and proximity on memory retentionIntroducing gaps during learning enhances memory retention by allowing the brain to process information more effectively, improving overall learning experience.

      The way information is presented and the spacing between events can significantly impact how well it is remembered. Juan's magic trick illustrates this concept, as the memorable event overshadowed the less memorable one due to its proximity and impact. This phenomenon is supported by neuroscience research on gap effects, which shows that introducing gaps during learning allows the brain to encode information more effectively. These gaps don't require any active engagement but provide an opportunity for the brain to process the information at a faster rate, enhancing memory retention. By controlling the cadence and availability of gaps, we can optimize the learning process and improve the chances of remembering important information.

    • Brain's encoding and forgetting during tension and relaxationMagicians use brain's encoding and forgetting tendencies to manipulate information, enhancing the appreciation for their skill and complexity of magic.

      Our brains encode information more effectively during periods of tension and are more vulnerable to forgetting during moments of relaxation. Magicians and mentalists use this principle to their advantage by creating tension through misdirection and relaxation to manipulate what information their audience encodes. This understanding of the human brain's encoding and forgetting process adds depth to the art of magic, which often relies on keeping its secrets hidden from the audience. Revealing some insights into the techniques magicians use can enhance the audience's appreciation for the complexity and skill involved in the performance. Similarly, in other areas of life, such as health and cooking, understanding the mechanisms behind processes can provide flexibility and adaptability when circumstances don't allow for optimal conditions.

    • Understanding story structure enhances engagementGrasping the mechanics of storytelling deepens involvement and investment in narratives, leading to a more immersive and enriching experience.

      Our engagement with stories, be it in movies, magic tricks, or even everyday experiences, is enhanced when we understand the underlying structure and mechanics. Whether it's the predictable yet exciting formula of a romantic comedy or the unexpected twists in a mystery, our involvement and investment in the narrative deepens when we grasp the "why" behind the "what." This understanding can lead to a more immersive and enriching experience, much like how gaining knowledge about the process of painting or the history of an artwork can alter our perception and appreciation of the final product. Ultimately, the power of stories lies not only in their ability to convey information but also in their capacity to engage, surprise, and challenge us.

    • Our brains filter and predict information through experiences and context, best understood through stories.Engaging in diverse activities and exploring intuitively can unlock new perspectives and talents.

      Our brains are selective filters and prediction machines that help us perceive and learn information in the world around us. This process is influenced by context and our experiences, which can be best understood through stories. Additionally, engaging in activities outside of our primary craft, such as painting, can help us access new perspectives and approaches, leading to growth and creativity. Painting, specifically, has helped magician and artist Neil Patrick Mahoney gain a new perspective on his art and learn from the great magicians who have influenced him. By starting with intuition and allowing ourselves to explore without preconceived notions, we can unlock new possibilities and discover hidden talents.

    • Exploring Art and Magic with Fresh PerspectiveApproaching art and magic with a fresh perspective, free from biases and past experiences, can lead to new discoveries and improvements. Recognizable features in art allow for innovation while maintaining familiarity. Maintaining a curious and open-minded approach can reveal mathematical or physical truths present in both art and magic.

      Approaching art and magic with a fresh perspective, free from biases and past experiences, can lead to new discoveries and improvements. This idea was exemplified through the artist's approach to painting and the use of a mirror to identify mistakes. The analogy of looking at magic through a mirror, or from a different angle, was also emphasized. The importance of recognizable features in art, while still allowing for innovation, was discussed, as well as the idea that a clean slate, free from distractions, can help foster creativity. Additionally, the concept of mathematical or physical truths present in art and magic was touched upon. Overall, the discussion highlighted the connections between art and magic and the importance of maintaining a curious and open-minded approach to both.

    • Our brains are abstraction machines that interpret and reconstruct sensory informationGreat art challenges us to see the world in new ways by tapping into the abstracting power of our own minds

      Our brains are abstraction machines. They translate sensory information into electrical and chemical signals and then reconstruct an image, often making assumptions or interpretations based on incomplete or abstracted data. This is why we can recognize a person from a photograph, even if it's not a perfect representation. Similarly, great art captures the physical truth of things while also tapping into the ways our brains abstract and interpret information. For example, Rothko's paintings eliminate white space and frames to reveal new color transitions and contrasts that are not visible in traditional paintings. These discoveries might have been intuitive for Rothko, but they align with scientific understanding of how the brain processes color and value. Ultimately, great art challenges us to see the world in new ways and taps into the abstracting power of our own minds.

    • Art from an authentic place resonates more deeplyGreat art comes from deep self-expression and sincerity, not just for audience pleasure or financial gain.

      Great art, whether it's a painting, song, or performance, comes from an authentic place. The artists who create from a deep sense of honesty and self-expression resonate with us more than those who create solely for the audience or to make a living. The true virtuosos are those who are driven by an inner need to create, and their work is a reflection of their emotions and sensations at that moment in time. The art that moves us is not just about the subject matter, but the sincerity and authenticity behind it. As Rick mentioned, it's an offering to something greater than ourselves. It's essential to remember that the ultimate goal of creating art is not just to please the audience but to express something from within. The most memorable art is born out of a deep connection to the artist's own emotions and experiences.

    • The Creative Process: A Continuous Cycle of Consumption, Creation, and ReflectionCreativity is a complex process that draws from personal experiences, observations, and interactions. Inspiration can strike at any moment, even years later. Consuming, creating, and receiving critiques are essential for growth and refining craft.

      Creativity is a complex and multifaceted process that draws from various sources, including personal experiences, observations, and interactions with others. For artists, inspiration can come from anywhere and everything around them, and they act as a sponge, absorbing information and experiences to filter through their unique perspective. The art itself is a reflection of the artist's personality and the influences that have shaped them. The creative process is not a linear one, and inspiration can strike at any moment, even years after initial exposure. Consuming art, creating art, and receiving critiques are essential components of the creative journey, as they help artists learn about themselves and refine their craft. Ultimately, creativity is a continuous cycle of consumption, creation, and reflection.

    • Aussie's Art of Storytelling and ConnectionAustralian mentalist Aussie uses improvisation, empathy, and storytelling in his performances. His morning routine, including coffee-making and social media curation, sets him up for a positive day.

      Aussie is a captivating storyteller in his magic and mentalist performances. He uses a predictable yet improvisational approach, drawing from a palette of paints to create an empathic connection with his audience. His night owl nature allows him to solve many problems through dreams and his morning routine is a crucial part of his creative process. He values the ritual of making coffee and curating social media to start his day positively. Aussie's art is a unique blend of storytelling, improvisation, and empathy, making his live performances an unforgettable experience. His morning routine, similar to Rick Rubin's, emphasizes the importance of a gradual start to the day, relaxation, and problem-solving.

    • Protecting your mornings for creativityDedicating your mornings to self-directed activities without external distractions can increase productivity, innovation, and happiness.

      Protecting the first few hours of your day for creative pursuits without external distractions, such as email, can lead to increased productivity and innovation. This mindset allows for clarity and the crystallization of ideas, rather than being driven by external demands. As one interlocutor described, email functions as a public to-do list, with others dictating where your attention and behavior should be focused. Contrastingly, dedicating time to personal decisions and interests can lead to happiness and progress towards personal goals. Techniques like memorization can also aid in this process, but overcoming fear is a crucial first step. This approach runs counter to the common tendency to allow external forces to dictate our actions and thinking, which can be detrimental to creative work. Ultimately, prioritizing self-directed activities in the morning can lead to a more fulfilling and productive day.

    • Making emotional connections improves memoryCaring about information and creating emotional connections can enhance memory. Techniques like repeating names and creating mental associations can help remember difficult names. The brain is more likely to remember emotionally significant information.

      Memory is not just about remembering names or facts, but also about caring and making emotional connections. The speaker shared his experience of memorizing people's names at a small venue, which gave him a sense of superpowers. He was able to remember not only their names but also how they sounded. This was a surprise to him, as he didn't realize he had this ability. The speaker also emphasized that the more we interact with someone and the more they share about themselves, the easier it is to remember their name and associated information. He used the technique of repeating names and creating mental associations to help remember difficult names. The speaker also mentioned that the brain is more likely to remember information with emotional salience, such as names of people we care about or information that is emotionally significant to us. He gave an example of how the alphabet song helps children remember the alphabet, as it puts the information into a memorable motif. In summary, caring about the information we want to remember and finding ways to make emotional connections to it can significantly improve our memory.

    • Understanding the Brain's Encoding ProcessUtilizing repetition, visual or auditory stimuli, physical activity, and both still and moving states can enhance the brain's encoding process for better memory retention and effective communication.

      Our brains remember information by grouping it together like items in a library. This process, called encoding, can be facilitated through various means such as repetition, visual or auditory stimuli, and even physical activity like walking. The brain has two states for encoding information: being still with an active mind, and being in movement while allowing the mind to wander. Both states have their benefits, and individuals may favor one over the other depending on their creative process. Additionally, body language can provide insights into people's emotions and openness, but it can also be misleading. Ultimately, the key is to interact with people and observe their reactions to understand their true nature. In summary, understanding the brain's encoding process and utilizing various methods to facilitate it can lead to better memory retention and more effective communication with others.

    • Navigating Negative Emotions in CreativityPerfectionists can struggle with letting go of small details, but everything counts in the creative process. Selective filters help focus on craft and filter out distractions. Negative emotions can be transformed into creativity.

      Creatives, who are often deeply feeling people, must navigate the challenge of dealing with negative emotions while maintaining their permeability to inspiration. Perfectionists like the speaker, who demand high standards for themselves and their work, can find it difficult to let go of small details and can drive themselves and their teams to frustration. However, it's essential to recognize that everything counts in the creative process, even the smallest details. Selective filters are necessary to focus on the craft and filter out distractions from the world at large. Anger and frustration can be transmuted into creativity, as there is beauty even in the ugly. Ultimately, the unique tunings and preferences of humans produce the marvelous work that is magic and art.

    • Exploring raw and authentic momentsArtists deeply connect to their senses and emotions, value experiences and connections over material possessions, and push personal limits to showcase the human spirit

      The artist's perspective on life and creativity revolves around capturing the raw and authentic moments, even if they're ugly or violent. They are deeply connected to their senses and emotions, which allows them to detect and absorb the texture of experiences. Their sensitivity and empathy make them observant and absorbent, but not overwhelmed. They value the experiences and connections over material possessions like awards. Their upcoming work continues this theme, focusing on the human mind and pushing personal limits to showcase the magnificence of the human spirit.

    • Exploring the Depths of the Human Mind with Aussie WindAussie Wind's mentalism goes beyond magic, tapping into the depths of the human mind and imagination. His empathetic approach keeps the mystery alive and his upcoming tour, 'The Incredibly Human Tour,' is a tribute to the human mind.

      Aussie Wind's work as a mentalist goes beyond just demonstrating what's possible in the world; it taps into the depths of the human mind and imagination. His unique approach to magic and mentalism, which involves thinking with his heart and empathy, keeps some of the mystery alive, allowing us to experience the magic in real time. Wind's upcoming live tour, "The Incredibly Human Tour," is an exciting tribute to the human mind and promises to be a visually stunning experience. His work serves as a reminder of the limitless potential within us and the importance of preserving the mystery to fuel our imagination. As listeners, we express our gratitude for Wind's unique perspective and the valuable lessons he imparts through his performances.

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    Optimal Protocols for Studying & Learning

    Optimal Protocols for Studying & Learning
    In this episode, I discuss science-supported protocols to optimize your depth and rate of learning of material and skills. I explain the neurobiology of learning and neuroplasticity and how correctly timed, self-directed test-taking can be leveraged to improve learning and prevent forgetting.  I discuss the study habits of the most successful learners, ways to limit distractions, how to set study goals, and how tests can be used as tools to learn, not just as a means for evaluating one’s mastery of learned material. A surprising aspect of tests, specifically self-testing soon after exposure to new material, is that they can significantly improve your ability to learn, apply, and maintain new knowledge. I also discuss tools to improve focus and alertness while studying. By the end of this episode, you will have learned various science-supported actionable tools you can use to better learn, remember, and apply new information. Access the full show notes, including referenced articles, books, people mentioned, and additional resources at hubermanlab.com. Andrew's New Book Protocols: An Operating Manual for the Human Body: https://protocolsbook.com Thank you to our sponsors AG1: https://drinkag1.com/huberman  Eight Sleep: https://eightsleep.com/huberman  BetterHelp: https://betterhelp.com/huberman  Waking Up: https://wakingup.com/huberman  LMNT: https://drinklmnt.com/huberman  Timestamps 00:00:00 Improve Studying & Learning 00:02:11 Sponsors: Eight Sleep, BetterHelp & Waking Up 00:06:45 Offsetting Forgetting 00:08:22 Learning & Neuroplasticity 00:13:06 Periodic Testing 00:16:09 Focus & Alertness, Sleep, Tool: Active Engagement 00:21:37 Tool: Improve Focus, Mindfulness Meditation, Perception Exercise 00:24:38 Sleep & Neuroplasticity, Tool: Non-Sleep Deep Rest (NSDR) 00:28:29 Tools: Study Habits of Successful Students 00:36:21 Sponsor: AG1 00:37:33 Studying & Aspiration Goals; Challenging Material 00:42:54 Tool: Testing as a Learning Tool 00:48:23 Self-Testing, Repeated Testing 00:55:29 Testing Yourself & Knowledge Gaps 01:01:11 Sponsor: LMNT 01:02:23 New Material & Self-Test Timing 01:07:21 Familiarity vs Mastery 01:10:55 Self-Testing & Offsetting Forgetting 01:15:53 Best Type of Self-Tests; Phone & Post-Learning Distractions 01:22:03 Tool: Gap Effects; Testing as Studying vs. Evaluation 01:25:40 Tool: Emotion & Learning, PTSD, Deliberate Cold Exposure, Caffeine 01:33:28 Tool: Interleaving Information; Unskilled, Mastery & Virtuosity 01:39:10 Zero-Cost Support, YouTube, Spotify & Apple Follow & Reviews, Sponsors, YouTube Feedback, Protocols Book, Social Media, Neural Network Newsletter Disclaimer
    Huberman Lab
    enAugust 26, 2024

    Dr. Teo Soleymani: How to Improve & Protect Your Skin Health & Appearance

    Dr. Teo Soleymani: How to Improve & Protect Your Skin Health & Appearance
    In this episode, my guest is Dr. Teo Soleymani, M.D., a double-board-certified dermatologist and specialist in skin cancer and reconstructive surgery. We discuss science and clinically supported protocols to improve skin health and give your skin a more youthful appearance and structure, reducing premature aging and skin cancer risk. We discuss the impact of sun exposure on skin appearance and aging and the surprising relationship between sun exposure and skin cancer. We explain how mineral-based (inorganic) sunscreens differ from chemical (organic) sunscreens, whether sunscreen can minimize premature skin aging, reduce cancer risk, and if there are any health risks associated with sunscreen use. We discuss skincare routines to significantly improve skin appearance and how to select skincare products. We discuss how caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, and stress impact the skin and describe how nutrition and anti-inflammatory diets can improve skin health. We also discuss the causes and treatments for common skin conditions, including dandruff, acne, rosacea, eczema, psoriasis, and vitiligo. Our conversation also covers topics such as the use of retinoids, laser treatments, red-light phototherapy, supplements, and how to best monitor for skin cancer. This episode provides numerous actionable protocols, most of which are zero-to-low cost, for improving skin health and appearance, reducing cancer risk, and treating skin problems. Access the full show notes for this episode at hubermanlab.com. Pre-order Andrew's new book, Protocols, at protocolsbook.com. Thank you to our sponsors AG1: https://drinkag1.com/huberman ROKA: https://roka.com/huberman Joovv: https://joovv.com/huberman Helix Sleep: https://helixsleep.com/huberman LMNT: https://drinklmnt.com/huberman Timestamps 00:00:00 Dr. Teo Soleymani 00:01:35 Sponsors: ROKA, Joovv & Helix Sleep 00:05:45 Skin Turnover; Skin Appearance & Stress  00:13:35 Caffeine, Vasoconstriction & Skin Redness 00:16:31 Nicotine, Vaping & Skin Appearance 00:18:37 Alcohol, Skin Health 00:24:33 Hydration, Fluid Intake & Genetics 00:26:19 Tool: Selecting a Moisturizer 00:29:28 Sponsor: AG1 00:30:40 Puffiness Under Eyes & Cause 00:32:14 Tool: Skin Cleansing; Frequency, Showers 00:41:57 Dry & Flaky Scalp, Dandruff 00:46:09 Cost & Skincare Products 00:50:20 Tool: Sun Exposure & Skin Health, Mood 00:56:24 Sponsor: LMNT 00:57:35 Sunscreens vs. Sunblocks; Mineral-Based (Inorganic) vs. Chemical (Organic) Sunscreen 01:02:45 Physical Barriers, Sunscreens, Oral Supplements & Skin Cancer 01:07:27 Skin Cancer, Genetics; Sunscreen, Premature Aging 01:12:11 Premature Aging & Skincare 00:15:56 Choose Mineral or Chemical Sunscreen? 01:20:24 Polypodium Supplement, Sun Exposure, Skin Redness 01:26:02 Tool: Selecting Mineral-Based Sunscreens 01:28:30 Chemical Sunscreens & Blood-Brain Barrier 01:30:13 Nutrition, Gut Microbiome & Skin Health 01:34:28 Tool: Nutrition for Skin Health, Protein, Anti-Inflammatory; Collagen; Omega-3 01:42:58 Retinoids vs. Retinol, Skin Appearance 01:49:45 Laser Resurfacing; Exfoliation, Microdermabrasion 01:56:52 Red Light Therapy & Phototherapy, Face Masks, Light Panels 02:04:10 Psoriasis, Phototherapy 02:10:03 Vitiligo, Immune System & Skin Cancer Risk 02:15:41 Acne, High Glycemic Index Foods, Dairy 02:19:38 Rosacea, Types & Treatments 02:23:00 Eczema, Immune System 02:25:37 Popping Pimples & Acne Scars; Corticosteroids 02:30:15 Tattoos; Tool: Monitoring for Skin Cancer, Moles, Annual Exams 02:36:28 HPV, Cancer & Warts; Vaccine & Cancer Risk 02:43:31 Zero-Cost Support, YouTube, Spotify & Apple Follow & Reviews, YouTube Feedback, Protocols Book, Social Media, Neural Network Newsletter Disclaimer & Disclosures
    Huberman Lab
    enAugust 19, 2024

    Perform with Dr. Andy Galpin: Nutrition to Support Brain Health & Offset Brain Injuries

    Perform with Dr. Andy Galpin: Nutrition to Support Brain Health & Offset Brain Injuries
    I'm honored to share Episode 10, the final episode of Season 1 of Perform with Dr. Andy Galpin. Dr. Andy Galpin is a tenured full professor at California State University, Fullerton, where he co-directs the Center for Sport Performance and leads the Biochemistry and Molecular Exercise Physiology Laboratory. Andy is both a friend and a colleague, and I'm delighted to have assisted in the creation of this podcast. I'm certain you'll both enjoy and learn from it. Season 1 featured 10 episodes, where Dr. Galpin covered everything from building strength, the importance of strength for long-term health, the science of breathing, the benefits of sleep extension, genetic testing for personalized training, and nutrition for injury recovery. While we have Episode 10 of Perform with Dr. Andy Galpin here, please be sure to follow Perform with Dr. Andy Galpin on your preferred platform to listen to all the episodes from Season 1 and to get notified when Season 2 is released. Show notes for this episode can be found at performpodcast.com. Timestamps 00:00:00 Introduction from Dr. Andrew Huberman 00:01:08 Brain Health & Injury   00:05:06 Sponsors: LMNT & Continuum   00:08:16 Nutrition & Supplements for Brain Injury   00:12:44 Brain Injury Categories, Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), Concussion   00:17:09 Brain Injury Pathophysiology   00:22:16 Burst Capillaries, Initial TBI Response   00:30:03 Delayed TBI Response, Neuroinflammation   00:34:19 Sponsors: Momentous & Maui Nui   00:36:52 Creatine Monohydrate; Second Impact Syndrome   00:41:52 Strength of Evidence Scale, Creatine   00:47:15 Creatine Doses, Frequency, Adverse Issues; Food Sources   00:53:22 Sponsors: AG1 & David Protein   00:56:05 Fish Oil, DHA, EPA   01:00:38 EPA & DHA Dosage, Timing, Adverse Issues; Food Sources; Omega-3 Index   01:04:46 Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin), Vitamin B   01:08:57 Riboflavin Dosages, Timing; Food Sources   01:11:25 Choline   01:18:37 Choline Supplements & Food Sources, Alpha GPC, Dosage   01:21:30 Branched-Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs), Sleep   01:25:04 BCAAs Dosage, Whole Food Sources   01:28:02 Magnesium   01:31:20 Magnesium Dosage, Timing, Supplements, Adverse Issue; Food Sources   01:33:09 Blueberry Anthocyanins   01:35:28 Anthocyanins Dosage; Food Sources   01:37:17 Caffeine & Brain Injury Recovery   01:38:50 Perform Episodes, Perform Newsletter, Acknowledgements   01:41:19 Zero-Cost Support, YouTube, Spotify & Apple Subscribe & Reviews, Sponsors, YouTube Feedback, Social Media   01:42:56 Conclusion by Andrew Huberman   Disclaimer
    Huberman Lab
    enAugust 14, 2024

    Dr. Layne Norton: Tools for Nutrition & Fitness

    Dr. Layne Norton: Tools for Nutrition & Fitness
    In this episode, my guest is Dr. Layne Norton, Ph.D., one of the world’s top experts in nutrition and training for physical fitness. We discuss how to evaluate scientific evidence and the validity of different practices aimed at achieving fat loss, muscle strength and hypertrophy, microbiome health, vitality, and longevity. We explore many hotly debated topics, including fasting, seed oils, saturated fats, sugar, red meat, artificial/low-calorie sweeteners, and GLP-1 agonists (e.g., Ozempic). Additionally, we delve into the timing of protein and carbohydrate intake relative to fasting and exercise, fat loss and sleep, and the benefits of dietary protein and fiber on overall health. We also discuss how to accelerate hypertrophy and fat loss, improve strength, whether we need to train to “failure,” how to enhance exercise recovery, and how to manage pain. We cover training before versus after age 50, whether metabolism changes with age, and the connection between muscle health and longevity. We also address why certain behaviors and supplements might work for some people but not others. Listeners to this episode will benefit greatly from Layne’s science-based expertise on a wide range of topics, including health, nutrition, and fitness. Access the full show notes for this episode at hubermanlab.com. Thank you to our sponsors AG1: https://drinkag1.com/huberman Mateina: https://drinkmateina.com/huberman Eight Sleep: https://www.eightsleep.com/huberman Maui Nui: https://mauinuivenison.com/huberman LMNT: https://drinklmnt.com/huberman Timestamps 00:00:00 Dr. Layne Norton 00:01:49 Sponsors: Mateina, Eight Sleep, Maui Nui 00:06:39 Science-Based Evidence, Mechanism vs. Outcome 00:14:31 Meta-analysis, Methods, Evidence Quality 00:22:45 Evidence Hierarchy, Randomized Controlled Trials, Cohort Data 00:33:53 Sponsor: AG1 00:35:05 “Don’t Turn Your Brain Off”; Protein Synthesis 00:42:01 Protein Synthesis, Refractory Response; Resistance Training   00:46:05 Protein Intake, Intermittent Fasting & Training 00:54:52 Tool: Total Protein Intake, Distribution & Protein Synthesis 01:00:25 Muscle Quality, Protein Remodeling, Muscle Growth 01:05:34 Sponsor: LMNT 01:06:46 Early vs. Late Time-Restricted Eating; Fasting Blood Glucose & HbA1c 01:10:30 Carbohydrate Timing, Individual Response, Placebo; Tool: Tracking Diet 01:19:50 “The Norton Method”; Tool: Consistency 01:25:16 Resistance & Cardiovascular Training; Competition; Immune System & Rest 01:33:50 Mind & Body Effects, Stress; Belief Effects 01:41:30 Training to Failure, Reps in Reserve, Hypertrophy & Strength Training 01:50:24 Fatigue & Training to Failure, Speed, Strength Training 01:59:06 Tool: Training After 50, Consistency 02:09:12 Fat Cells, Diabetes, Exercise 02:16:50 Metabolism & Age-Related Changes?, Appetite 02:23:17 Ozempic, Mounjaro, GLP-1 Agonists, Lean Mass, “Food Noise” 02:33:42 GLP-1 Agonists, Judgement & Obesity 02:40:19 Sugar, Excess Calories, Body Weight 02:49:16 Satiety, Sugar & Calorie Budget 02:54:56 Tool: Individualization, Context & Diet Psychology 02:57:22 Seed Oils, Butter, Olive Oil 03:06:56 Red Meat, Carcinogenic?; Simple Diet; Fiber Benefits 03:13:43 Saturated Fat, Cholesterol; Seed Oils 03:18:41 Artificial & Low-Calorie Sweeteners, Insulin, Appetite 03:29:06 Artificial & Low-Calorie Sweeteners, Gut Microbiome; Cancer 03:37:58 Tools: Training Recovery, Glycogen Replenishment; Stress & Activity 03:45:56 Collagen Supplementation, Skin & Nails, Whey Protein 03:57:00 Evidence-Based Approach 04:01:41 Zero-Cost Support, YouTube, Spotify & Apple Follow & Reviews, YouTube Feedback, Protocols Book, Social Media, Neural Network Newsletter Disclaimer & Disclosures
    Huberman Lab
    enAugust 12, 2024

    Dr. Martha Beck: Access Your Best Self With Mind-Body Practices, Belief Testing & Imagination

    Dr. Martha Beck: Access Your Best Self With Mind-Body Practices, Belief Testing & Imagination
    In this episode, my guest is Dr. Martha Beck, Ph.D., a Harvard-trained sociologist, bestselling author, and one of the world’s foremost experts on personal exploration and development.  Dr. Beck shares specific frameworks and practices to tap into your unique and deepest desires, core truths, and best life direction—all elements that comprise your authentic self. She also explains how to align your work and relationships of all kinds with your true self and how to embrace the discomfort and process of leaving unhealthy relationships. We discuss how to deal with negative thoughts and emotions, grapple with societal norms, and improve body awareness to gauge your inner truth. We also discuss codependency and self-abandonment - and how to exit and recover from these experiences.  By the end of the episode, you will have learned numerous practical tools to access your best self and live a richly fulfilling life.  Access the full show notes for this episode at hubermanlab.com. Dr. Beck's Wayfinder Life Coach Training: https://marthabeck.com/life-coach-training Thank you to our sponsors AG1: https://drinkag1.com/huberman BetterHelp: https://betterhelp.com/huberman Helix Sleep: https://helixsleep.com/huberman LMNT: https://drinklmnt.com/huberman Waking Up: https://wakingup.com/huberman Timestamps 00:00:00 Dr. Martha Beck 00:01:34 Sponsors: BetterHelp, Helix Sleep & LMNT 00:05:34 Tool: Perfect Day Exercise 00:15:31 “Clear Eyed”, Male vs. Female 00:23:31 Family & Work; Directed Attention & Miracles 00:30:21 Sponsor: AG1 00:32:10 Unease, Restlessness & Guilt; Life Worth, Fear 00:37:22 Accessing the Subconscious; Compassionate Witness Self 00:46:16 Finding Self, Suffering, Anxiety; Tool: “KIST”, Self-Parenting 00:54:01 Self, Radiance, Death; Awakening 00:59:14 Suffering & Compassionate Attention 01:02:10 Challenging Internal Thoughts, Understanding Truth, Body & Mind; 01:08:44 Sponsor: Waking Up 01:10:20 Western Society & Pressure 01:18:30 Tool: Sensing Truth in Body; Meditation, “Stopping the World” 01:25:02 Energy, Magnetoreception, Pet’s Death 01:33:49 Lying to Ourselves, Addiction 01:38:18 Tool: “Integrity Cleanse”, Lies; The Light 01:47:32 Relationship with Loss; Love, Self-Abandonment & Codependency 01:55:10 Romantic Relationships; Jobs & Family 02:02:06 Hurting Others, Relationship Imbalance 02:06:55 Tool: True Empathy 02:11:26 “Happiness is an Inside Job”, Codependency 02:18:58 Live Your Joy, Western Society 02:24:41 Relationships, Love & Integrity, “Feeling Good By Looking Weird” 02:30:42 “I Like It!”, Punk Rock Music, Love 02:34:24 Honesty & Essential Self; Helping People & Healers 02:42:12 Zero-Cost Support, YouTube, Spotify & Apple Follow & Reviews, YouTube Feedback, Protocols Book, Social Media, Neural Network Newsletter Disclaimer & Disclosures
    Huberman Lab
    enAugust 05, 2024

    AMA #18: Cold Therapy Advice, Skin Health Tips, Motivation, Learning Strategies & More

    AMA #18: Cold Therapy Advice, Skin Health Tips, Motivation, Learning Strategies & More
    Welcome to a special edition of the 18th Ask Me Anything (AMA) episode, part of Huberman Lab Premium. This episode is a recording of the live stream AMA, exclusive to our Premium members. We've decided to make the full-length version available to everyone, including non-members of Huberman Lab Premium. Huberman Lab Premium was launched for two main reasons. First, it was launched in order to raise support for the main Huberman Lab podcast — which will continue to come out every Monday at zero-cost. Second, it was launched as a means to raise funds for important scientific research. A significant portion of proceeds from the Huberman Lab Premium subscription will fund human research (not animal models) selected by Dr. Huberman, with a dollar-for-dollar match from the Tiny Foundation and other donors. If you're not yet a member but enjoyed this full-length livestream AMA, we invite you to join Huberman Lab Premium. By subscribing, you'll gain access to exclusive benefits including our regular monthly full-length AMA episodes, AMA transcripts, podcast episode transcripts, early access to live events and more. Additionally, a significant portion of your membership proceeds contributes to advancing human scientific research. You can learn more about the research we were able to support in our Annual Letter 2023. If you're a Huberman Lab Premium member, you can access the transcript for this AMA episode here. Timestamps 00:00 Introduction & Announcements 00:15 Supporting Mental & Physical Health Research 01:56 Exciting New Research Initiatives 03:39 Skin Health & Appearance 14:46 Cold Therapy Benefits & Guidelines 21:18 Self-Motivation Strategies 27:05 Understanding REM Sleep 28:45 Morning Routine: Exercise & Cold Exposure 29:17 The Importance of REM Sleep 29:49 Non-Sleep Deep Rest (NSDR) Protocols 31:27 REM Sleep Rebound & Compensation 32:55 Impactful School Strategies for Learning 34:19 Meditation & Micro Gaps in Learning 39:13 Physical Activity & Learning 41:01 Exploring Shilajit & Testosterone 47:51 Writing Process & Overcoming Obstacles 51:32 Addiction & Recovery Resources 53:47 Closing Remarks & Gratitude Disclaimer & Disclosures
    Huberman Lab
    enAugust 02, 2024

    Dr. Peter Attia: Supplements for Longevity & Their Efficacy

    Dr. Peter Attia: Supplements for Longevity & Their Efficacy
    In this episode, my guest is Dr. Peter Attia, M.D., a Stanford and Johns Hopkins School of Medicine-trained physician expert in improving human healthspan and lifespan. Dr. Attia is also the host of The Drive podcast and author of the best-selling book Outlive.  We discuss the NAD pathway in human cells and its possible links to aging and health. We evaluate how supplementation can augment molecules in the NAD pathway; we compare NAD, NMN, and NR, different routes of administration, their safety, and bioavailability. Then, we discuss the broader research and clinical literature on longevity to decide if supplementation with NAD, NR, NMN, rapamycin, or resveratrol can indeed extend lifespan.  Finally, we each describe our supplement regimens and compare the role of supplementation to behaviors such as sleep, nutrition, and exercise for longevity. We also discuss whether tests of biological age are true indicators of aging and whether normal radiation levels increase cancer risk.  Listeners of this episode will learn if supplements purported to improve lifespan show any efficacy and the behaviors and other factors that can prevent disease and extend lifespan. Access the full show notes for this episode at hubermanlab.com. Thank you to our sponsors AG1: https://drinkag1.com/huberman LMNT: https://drinklmnt.com/huberman Levels: https://levels.link/huberman Eight Sleep: https://eightsleep.com/huberman Timestamps 00:00:00 Dr. Peter Attia, NAD Pathway 00:02:31 Sponsors: LMNT, Levels & Eight Sleep 00:06:38 Categories of Longevity Approaches 00:17:22 Peter’s Supplements; Rapamycin & Research Data 00:25:01 NAD Pathway: Energy & DNA Repair; Knock-Out & Knock-In, Klotho 00:30:35 Sponsor: AG1 00:32:25 Yeast, Sirtuins, Caloric Restriction & Lifespan 00:38:56 Sirtuins, Transgenic Mice, Gender & Lifespan 00:43:42 DNA Repair, Sirtuins, Cancer; Resveratrol 00:53:31 Perform with Dr. Andy Galpin Podcast 00:54:18 NAD & NADH, Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS), Mitochondrial Health 01:02:17 NAD vs NR vs NMN Supplementation; IV & Oral Routes 01:11:33 NR vs. NMN, Doses, Side Effects; Interventions Testing Program 01:17:43 Fatty Liver Disease & NR; NMN & Glucose; Clinical Significance 01:25:17 Safety & FDA, NMN & NR Supplementation; Skin Cancer Benefits 01:30:38 Longevity, NR & NMN Supplementation, Inflammation 01:41:00 Rapamycin & Immune Function 01:44:37 Biological Aging Tests, Chronologic & Biologic Age; Vigor  01:55:24 Radiation & Cancer Risk 01:58:12 Tool: Self-Care in 50s-70s & Aging; Energy Decline 02:07:12 Tool: Exercise Timing & Energy Levels 02:11:22 Peter’s Supplements 02:18:46 Andrew’s Supplements 02:24:34 Tool: Supplement Use vs. Critical Behaviors; Titanic Analogy  02:26:52 NAD Pathway Supplementation for Longevity? 02:28:52 Zero-Cost Support, YouTube, Spotify & Apple Follow & Reviews, YouTube Feedback, Social Media, Neural Network Newsletter Disclaimer
    Huberman Lab
    enJuly 29, 2024

    Dr. Stacy Sims: Female-Specific Exercise & Nutrition for Health, Performance & Longevity

    Dr. Stacy Sims: Female-Specific Exercise & Nutrition for Health, Performance & Longevity
    In this episode, my guest is Dr. Stacy Sims, Ph.D., an exercise physiologist, nutrition scientist, and expert in female-specific nutrition and training for health, performance, and longevity. We discuss which exercise and nutrition protocols are ideal for women based on their age and particular goals. We discuss whether women should train fasted, when and what to eat pre- and post-training, and how the menstrual cycle impacts training and nutrition needs. We also explain how to use a combination of resistance, high-intensity, and sprint interval training to effectively improve body composition, hormones, and cardiometabolic health, offset cognitive decline, and promote longevity.  We also discuss supplements and caffeine, the unique sleep needs of women based on age, whether women should use deliberate cold exposure, and how saunas can improve symptoms of hot flashes and benefit athletic performance. Dr. Sims challenges common misconceptions about women’s health and fitness and explains why certain types of cardio, caloric restriction, and low-protein diets can be harmful to women’s metabolic health. Listeners will learn a wealth of actionable information on how to improve their training and nutrition to enhance their health and how to age with greater ability, mobility, and vitality. Access the full show notes for this episode at hubermanlab.com. Thank you to our sponsors AG1: https://drinkag1.com/huberman Maui Nui Venison: https://mauinuivenison.com/huberman  Eight Sleep: https://eightsleep.com/huberman   Waking Up: https://wakingup.com/huberman  Timestamps 00:00:00 Dr. Stacy Sims 00:02:24 Sponsors: Maui Nui, Eight Sleep & Waking Up 00:07:03 Intermittent Fasting, Exercise & Women 00:12:50 Cortisol & Circadian Rhythm, Caffeine & Training 00:17:25 Reps in Reserve, Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE); Age & Women 00:21:06 Pre-Training Meal & Brain, Kisspeptin 00:26:45 Post-Training Meal & Recovery Window 00:29:59 Sponsor: AG1 00:31:48 Hormones, Calories & Women 00:34:24 Women, Strength Improvements & Resistance Training 00:39:10 Tool: Women & Training Goals by Age Range 00:44:16 Women, Perimenopause, Training & Longevity 00:47:14 Women & Training for Longevity, Cardio, Zone 2 00:51:42 Tools: How to Start Resistance Training, Machines; Polarized Training 00:58:23 Perform with Dr. Andy Galpin Podcast 00:59:10 Menstrual Cycle & Training, Tool: Tracking & Individual Variability 01:04:31 Tool: 10-Minute Rule; High-Intensity Training & Menstrual Cycle 01:08:36 “Train Hard & Eat Well”; Appetite, Nutrition & Menstrual Cycle 01:12:22 Oral Contraception, Hormones, Athletic Performance; IUD 01:20:57 Evaluating Menstrual Blood, PCOS; Hormones & Female Athletes 01:26:31 Iron, Fatigue; Blood Testing & Menstrual Cycle 01:29:33 Caffeine & Perimenopause; Nicotine, Schisandra 01:34:24 Deliberate Cold Exposure & Women, Endometriosis; Tool: Sauna & Hot Flashes 01:42:19 Tools: “Sims’ Protocol”: Post-Training Sauna & Performance; “Track Stack” 01:49:37 Women, Hormones & Sleep, Perimenopause & Sleep Hygiene 01:52:54 Supplements: Creatine, Water Weight, Hair Loss; Vitamin D3 01:57:21 Protein Powder; Adaptogens & Timing 02:00:11 Pregnancy & Training; Cold & Hot Exposure 02:06:19 Tool: Women in 50s & Older, Training & Nutrition for Longevity 02:09:38 Tool: Women in 20s-40s & Training, Lactate 02:12:18 Tool: What is High-Intensity Training?, Cardiovascular Sets & Recovery 02:17:22 Training for Longevity, Cellular & Metabolic Changes 02:19:30 Nutrition, 80/20 Rule 02:23:30 Listening to Self 02:26:00 Zero-Cost Support, YouTube, Spotify & Apple Follow & Reviews, YouTube Feedback, Protocols Book, Social Media, Neural Network Newsletter  Disclaimer & Disclosures
    Huberman Lab
    enJuly 22, 2024

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