
    Ask Your HR: Your job is on the line, because your colleague’s deliberately sabotaging you – how to go about it?

    enJune 07, 2024
    What are examples of overt sabotage in the workplace?
    How has the COVID-19 pandemic changed sabotage behaviors?
    What should you do if you experience sabotage at work?
    Why is it important to gather evidence of sabotage?
    What resources can support you in a toxic work environment?

    Podcast Summary

    • Toxic work environmentsToxic work environments can lead to deliberate sabotage by colleagues, which can manifest in both overt and covert ways, including speaking over you, belittling, spreading rumors, and undermining work. Recognize these behaviors and consider addressing them directly, reporting to HR, or seeking support.

      Toxic work environments can lead to deliberate sabotage by colleagues, which can manifest in both overt and covert ways. According to HR specialist Zalato Shawana, this behavior is more common than many people realize and can contribute to a toxic group dynamic. In overt situations, colleagues may speak over you, belittle you in meetings, or respond unprofessionally to your emails. However, during the COVID-19 pandemic, sabotage can be more subtle, such as spreading rumors or undermining your work behind your back. Shawana emphasized that it's essential to recognize these behaviors and consider your options for addressing them, whether that means speaking directly with your colleagues, reporting the issue to HR, or seeking support from a mentor or trusted colleague. Overall, it's crucial to prioritize creating a positive and productive work environment for yourself and your team.

    • Gaslighting at workIf you suspect gaslighting, assess safety to speak directly, escalate to senior/HR, find safe spaces, and gather evidence to prioritize safety and well-being.

      If you suspect you're being gaslighted at work, it's important to address the situation in a safe and effective way. First, assess if it's safe to speak directly with the person about their behavior. If not, consider escalating the issue to a senior or HR department. To find safe spaces within the workplace, look for policies and departments that deal with conduct and ethics. Unions and employment equity forums can also serve as protective resources. Lastly, gathering evidence is crucial to support your claims. Remember, it's essential to prioritize your safety and well-being in the workplace.

    • Workplace toxicity from senior colleagueSeek support from workplace resources, communicate with the colleague if safe, consider leaving or transferring if necessary, prioritize your well-being.

      Dealing with toxic behavior in the workplace, especially from a more senior colleague, can be challenging. It's essential to seek support from workplace forums such as unions, employment equity programs, or employee assistance programs. If it feels safe, communicating with a more senior colleague about the issue may also be an option. However, if the toxic work environment significantly impacts one's mental and physical health, it may be necessary to consider leaving the organization. In larger organizations, exploring opportunities to transfer to a different team or division can be a viable alternative to leaving entirely. It's crucial to prioritize one's well-being and take action when faced with a toxic work environment.

    • Workplace sabotageIf sabotaged at work, gather evidence, find a safe confidant, and consider seeking professional advice. In toxic workplaces, psychological damage can be profound.

      If you find yourself being sabotaged by colleagues, it's crucial to gather evidence and find a safe confidant. This could be someone from a different team or part of the business. Unfortunately, in many workplaces, there might not be a union to turn to for support. The psychological damage of being in a toxic work environment, where you're constantly being gaslit, can be profound. Seeking professional advice may help. Remember, workplaces can make or break us, so it's essential to ensure they're balanced and healthy. This was discussed on the Power 98.7 podcast. For more insightful discussions, visit power987.c0.zeda or subscribe wherever you get your podcasts.

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