
    Podcast Summary

    • Focus on the right audience and provide valueSuccess often comes from catering to the needs of a specific audience and delivering value to them

      Success often comes from focusing on the right audience and providing value to those who truly resonate with what you offer. Tim Ferriss, the subject of this episode of "How I Built This," turned himself into a multi-million dollar brand by publishing "The Four Hour Workweek" and building a business around his own curiosity and self-improvement. He didn't worry about persuading the masses but instead focused on reaching those who would truly benefit from his message. Similarly, companies like Amica Insurance and Delta Sky Miles Platinum Business American Express Card cater to their customers' needs and make their experiences more human. The National Security Agency also values individuals who can contribute to their mission and offers a supportive work environment. So, whether it's building a brand, choosing a credit card, or pursuing a career, focusing on the right audience and providing value to them can lead to great success.

    • Childhood experiences shaped Tim Ferriss's worldviewTim Ferriss's childhood experiences influenced his love for reading, academic success, and later, his curiosity for self-improvement and exploration of various cultures, shaping his unique worldview

      Tim Ferriss's childhood experiences significantly influenced his perspective on life, from observing the contrast between the wealthy and the working class, to dealing with health issues and bullying, to the transformative impact of studying abroad in Japan. These experiences shaped his love for reading, academic success, and later, his curiosity for self-improvement and exploration of various cultures. Tim's upbringing instilled in him a unique worldview, which is reflected in his outspoken advocacy for mental health and the use of hallucinogens for treating conditions like depression and PTSD.

    • New experiences can challenge beliefs, but mental health struggles are real and require attentionRecognizing mental health struggles and seeking help is crucial, especially during vulnerable periods of late teens to mid-20s.

      Experiencing new cultures and environments can provide a fresh perspective on familiar things and challenge deeply ingrained beliefs. The speaker's experience in Japan helped him realize that many rules and habits are social constructs. However, during his time in college, the speaker struggled with undiagnosed depression, which at its worst led him to plan suicide. A chance event, a postcard about a suicide-related book being available, was intercepted by his parents and led him to reconsider his actions. This experience underscores the importance of recognizing the impact of mental health struggles and the potential consequences of not seeking help. The vulnerable period of late teens to mid-20s, with societal pressures and brain development changes, can exacerbate these issues.

    • Perseverance leads to valuable experiences and opportunitiesDespite rejection and failure, determination and persistence can lead to valuable lessons and new opportunities. Mental health tools and approaches are essential in managing depression.

      Determination and persistence, even in the face of rejection and failure, can lead to valuable experiences and opportunities. The speaker shared their experience of being rejected numerous times while trying to join a data storage company during the dot com boom, but they didn't give up and eventually landed a job there. This experience taught them valuable lessons about growing industries and the importance of learning from the ground up. Despite facing challenges and setbacks, the speaker was able to use this experience as a stepping stone to the next stage of their career. Additionally, they emphasized the importance of mental health tools and approaches in managing depression, which they had not experienced an extended period of in several years.

    • Identifying a personal need and using it as a catalyst for entrepreneurshipUse your personal experiences and interests to identify business opportunities, secure early commitments, and overcome initial skepticism with limited resources.

      Tim, driven by his personal spending on sports supplements and his passion for learning, identified a business opportunity and began planning to start a company in the sports supplement industry while still employed. He used his knowledge of the industry from his own experiences and research to create a product, initially intended to improve reaction speed. Despite initial skepticism from colleagues, he secured their commitment by pre-selling bottles to cover manufacturing costs. This story highlights the importance of identifying a personal need or interest and using it as a catalyst for entrepreneurship, even with limited resources and initial skepticism.

    • Starting a business in supplement industry requires determination, research, and effective communicationDetermination, research, and effective communication are key to starting a business, even with limited resources. Use good manufacturing practices, safe ingredients, and seek professional help to create the product. Persistently approach potential partners with a compelling vision.

      Starting a business, whether it's in the supplement industry or any other field, requires determination, research, and effective communication. The speaker, who started a supplement company at a young age, emphasized the importance of having good manufacturing practices, using generally recognized safe ingredients, and having professionals help create the product. He also shared his experience of using sales techniques he learned from selling multi-million dollar storage systems to CEOs to convince contract manufacturers and a biochemist to work with him, despite having no money for large orders. This story illustrates that with hard work, persistence, and the right approach, even those starting with limited resources can make their business dreams a reality.

    • Starting a business involves overcoming self-doubtBelieve in your product, be resourceful, and adapt as your business grows to overcome self-doubt and achieve success

      Starting a business involves overcoming self-doubt and skepticism, especially in the early stages when resources are limited. Tim Ferriss, the founder of Brainquake, shared his experience of starting the company in 2004, where he initially had doubts about the product's effectiveness but was confident in his personal experience with it. He also had doubts about the company's success due to the long feedback loop from traditional advertising methods. In the beginning, Tim packed and shipped orders himself, but as the business grew, he realized he needed to professionalize the operation. Despite these challenges, Tim persevered and eventually turned Brainquake into a successful company. This story highlights the importance of believing in your product, being resourceful, and being willing to adapt and grow as your business evolves.

    • Embracing Technology for Enhanced Teamwork and ProductivityAI technology can significantly improve teamwork and productivity by providing new insights, automating tasks, and facilitating faster, more informed decision-making.

      AI technology, as demonstrated by Atlassian Intelligence, can significantly enhance teamwork and productivity by providing new insights, automating menial tasks, and facilitating faster, more informed decision-making. Atlassian's AI-powered software, such as JIRA and Confluence, can help teams accomplish more than they could alone. Additionally, precision, craft, and performance are essential in various aspects of life, whether it's in business with American Express or personal interests like reading. Entrepreneur Tim Ferriss emphasizes the importance of focusing on the people who resonate with your product or service rather than trying to convince everyone. Success often comes from effective cash flow management and negotiating for advertising. The ZDX, Acura's all-electric SUV, embodies this concept with its powerful features and long range. Overall, these examples demonstrate the importance of embracing technology, focusing on your audience, and striving for excellence.

    • Childhood fascination with infomercials leads to entrepreneurial successIdentifying patterns and learning from them at a young age can lead to successful entrepreneurship. Passion, belief in the mission, and necessity can fuel endurance and success.

      Successful entrepreneurs, like the speaker, identify patterns and learn from them at a young age. The speaker's fascination with infomercials and sales scripts started in childhood when he suffered from insomnia. He studied these scripts and analyzed what worked, leading him to discover effective negotiation tactics and marketing strategies. This early interest and learning allowed him to replicate success later in life when he founded BrainQuicken. The drive to make money also came from a place of necessity due to his family's financial situation. The speaker's passion for the product and belief in its mission fueled his endurance and success in entrepreneurship. He even hired help within a year of starting his business.

    • Recognizing the importance of work-life balance and delegating decisionsSuccessful solopreneurs can prevent burnout by recognizing the importance of work-life balance, delegating decisions, and letting go of high-maintenance customers.

      Being a solopreneur with a successful business came with its own challenges, leading to burnout. The entrepreneur in question was handling all decisions, including customer inquiries from different time zones, which left no room for personal time or relationships. Despite generating significant revenue, the operational side and constant communication demands proved overwhelming. To prevent further burnout and maintain mental and physical health, the entrepreneur began delegating decisions and letting go of high-maintenance customers. The realization that money and success were means to an end, rather than the end goal itself, further motivated these changes. In essence, recognizing the importance of work-life balance and empowering others to make decisions were key to avoiding burnout and sustaining long-term success.

    • Committing to clear policies and letting go of unprofitable relationshipsStanding up for yourself and your business can lead to personal growth, new opportunities, and a more authentic, fulfilling life.

      Committing to enforcing clear policies and being willing to let go of unprofitable relationships can lead to unexpected personal growth and new opportunities. The speaker shares how standing up for themselves and their business led to a complete turnaround in their emotional experience and the way they lived their life. During their travels, they intentionally sought out new experiences and activities to build friendships and learn new skills, eventually leading to competing in the Tango World Championships and setting a Guinness World Record. This journey of following curiosity and letting go of rigid structures allowed them to live a more authentic and fulfilling life.

    • Documenting progress through video and notes for self-improvementReflecting on experiences and identifying patterns can lead to valuable insights for personal and professional growth.

      Self-observation is a crucial aspect of learning and personal growth. The speaker, in pursuit of improving his tango skills, documented his progress through video and notes, reflecting on what worked and what didn't. This process helped him identify plateaus and challenges, which he came to expect rather than be discouraged by. In a similar vein, recording and analyzing one's experiences can lead to valuable insights in various areas of life, including business. The speaker's decision to write a book about his adventures and learnings came from this introspective practice, which he used to illustrate the importance of creating more time and wealth through systems and working smarter. Despite initial rejections, his determination and clear vision eventually led to the publication of his book.

    • Leveraging Persistence and Targeted Outreach for Successful Book LaunchThrough persistent efforts and targeted outreach, Tim Ferriss successfully launched 'The Four Hour Workweek' by focusing on a specific audience and building relationships with influential bloggers, ultimately leading to early coverage and buzz in the tech entrepreneurial community.

      Persistence and targeted outreach were key factors in the successful launch of Tim Ferriss's book, "The Four Hour Workweek." Despite facing numerous rejections, Ferriss refined his pitch and learned from each interaction. He also conducted research on effective book launch strategies and identified blogs as a promising channel. By focusing on a specific audience and building relationships with influential bloggers, Ferriss was able to generate buzz and gain early coverage in the tech entrepreneurial community. This strategic approach allowed him to make the most of his limited resources and ultimately led to the book's success.

    • Using a book as a personal branding tool and growing a businessTim Ferriss used his book, The Four Hour Workweek, to establish his personal brand and turn it into a successful business by being prepared to answer questions and offering value to interested parties. Company culture and real-time health insights also play crucial roles in growing a business.

      Building a personal brand and growing a business go hand in hand. Tim Ferriss, the guest on this episode of How I Built This, shared how he used his first book, The Four Hour Workweek, as a tool to establish his personal brand and eventually turn it into a successful business. Ferriss emphasized the importance of being prepared to answer questions about his book and being willing to offer value to those who showed interest. He also shared how receiving real-time feedback from Cygnos, a health technology company, helped him make healthier choices and improve his metabolic health. The success of his book opened doors for him, but it was his willingness to put in the work and provide value to others that set the ball in motion. Another key takeaway is the importance of company culture in growing a business. Inspired HR, a leading HR provider, offers insights on building a culture aligned with business goals to drive success. And for those looking to manage their health and weight, Cygnos provides real-time glucose insights to help develop healthier habits.

    • The Role of Timing, Relatability, and Humanizing Struggles in Tim Ferriss's SuccessTiming, relatability, and sharing personal struggles contributed to the success of Tim Ferriss's 'The 4-Hour Workweek'. Despite the challenges of sudden fame, Ferriss learned to focus on positive responses and avoid being pigeonholed.

      Timing, relatability, and humanizing struggles played a significant role in the success of Tim Ferriss's book, "The 4-Hour Workweek." The book resonated with fundamental desires and offered real-life examples of people overcoming self-doubt and criticism. When the book became a phenomenon, Ferriss experienced both the excitement and challenges of sudden fame, including privacy issues, criticism, and demands for speaking and consulting engagements. Initially, he felt it was his job to address criticism and correct misperceptions, but he later realized that the positive responses from respected individuals offset the negative ones. About a year after the book's release, Ferriss recognized that his business had shifted from supplements to Tim Ferriss, Inc., with him as the brand. However, he eventually scaled back on speaking engagements and focused on other aspects of his career to avoid becoming pigeonholed as the "4-Hour Workweek guy."

    • Embracing new domains and challengesTim Ferriss, known for the Four-Hour Workweek, expanded his identity by exploring new interests, inspiring others to experiment and push past their perceived limitations.

      Tim Ferriss, the author of the Four-Hour Workweek, made a conscious decision to diversify his identity and interests after becoming synonymous with the book's brand. This led him to explore new domains, such as angel investing, advising startups, and even writing about physical improvement in "The Four-Hour Body." He embraced the label of a human guinea pig, enjoying the process of experimenting and sharing his findings with others. Ferriss believes that anyone can adopt similar learning approaches, regardless of their physical abilities. His experiences have shown him that pushing past perceived limitations can have a ripple effect, challenging other seemingly impossible obstacles in life.

    • The power of skill and technique in seemingly technical fieldsEffective systems can be learned and applied by anyone, regardless of expertise or technology.

      While expertise and advanced technology can provide an edge, skill and technique are essential factors, even in seemingly technical fields. The speaker, a well-known author and podcaster, shared his experience of being outperformed by a driving instructor in a Miata race. He emphasized that anyone can learn and apply effective systems, just as one doesn't need to understand how a microwave works to use it. The speaker also discussed his transformation from a well-known "Four Hour Guy" to a successful podcaster, which he started as a means to improve his questioning skills. He shared his fascination with psychedelics, particularly their therapeutic potential, and his personal journey of using them for depression treatment. He warned of the risks and legality issues surrounding these substances. In essence, the speaker's message is that while we may be drawn to the allure of expertise and technology, the power of skill and technique should not be underestimated, and that everyone can benefit from learning and applying effective systems. Additionally, the speaker's personal story highlights the importance of continuous learning and exploration.

    • Embracing Self-Love and AcceptanceSelf-love and acceptance are essential for personal growth and potential parenthood. Acknowledge the importance of support from loved ones, work hard, learn from experiences, and never stop striving for self-improvement.

      Self-love and acceptance are crucial for personal growth and potential parenthood. The speaker shares his personal journey of self-discovery, acknowledging the importance of support from loved ones in reaching a point of self-love. He also emphasizes the role of both hard work and luck in achieving success in life. Despite the challenges and setbacks, the speaker encourages trying new things and learning from experiences, rather than attributing success solely to luck. Ultimately, he encourages continuing to work towards personal growth and self-improvement.

    • Exploring the Minds of Successful PeopleListen to podcasts like 'How I Built This', 'Life is Short with Justin Long', and 'Rethinking' to gain insights from successful people and broaden your perspective.

      Successful people, like Tim Ferriss, are constantly pushing their boundaries and trying new things. Ferriss, an entrepreneur, author, investor, and podcast host, has an impressive list of achievements that range from learning Japanese horseback archery to performing with a band at a sold-out concert. This episode of "How I Built This" on NPR showcases Ferriss's determination and versatility. If you're looking for a podcast that explores the minds of interesting people and their perspectives on life, check out "Life is Short with Justin Long." In each episode, Long talks to actors, musicians, authors, and thinkers about their motivations, favorite things, and existential thoughts. Lastly, if you're interested in unconventional ways of thinking, tune in to "Rethinking" hosted by Adam Grant. This podcast features conversations with scientists, leaders, artists, and more, offering insights to help you succeed at work, build better relationships, and more.

    Recent Episodes from How I Built This with Guy Raz

    Advice Line with Mark Ramadan of Sir Kensington's

    Advice Line with Mark Ramadan of Sir Kensington's

    Sir Kensington’s co-founder and former CEO Mark Ramadan joins Guy on the Advice Line, where they work through business challenges with three early-stage founders.

    Today we meet Pat, a physician assistant working to bring his solution for clogged sinks to major retailers. Then Lucas, a chef whose local quick service taco joint is fending off national competition. And Beth, a working mom whose baby products brand is caught in the "messy middle" between launch and mass scale.

    If you’d like to be featured on a future Advice Line episode, leave us a one minute message that tells us about your business and a specific question you’d like answered. Send a voice memo to hibt@id.wondery.com or call 1-800-433-1298.

    And to hear the story of how Sir Kensington’s was founded, check out Mark's first appearance on the show in 2023.

    This episode was produced by Sam Paulson with music by Ramtin Arablouei. It was edited by John Isabella. Our audio engineer was Cena Loffredo.

    You can follow HIBT on X & Instagram and sign up for Guy's free newsletter at guyraz.com.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    Spin Master/PAW Patrol: Ronnen Harary (2021)

    Spin Master/PAW Patrol: Ronnen Harary (2021)

    Ronnen Harary built a 4 billion dollar toy company without relying on market research or focus groups. Instead, he believed wholeheartedly in intuition: the "ah-hah" moment that comes from thinking like a 7-year old. Over a 25-year period, he and his Spin Master partners launched innumerable hit toys and amusements, including Air Hogs, Bakugan, and the smash hit franchise PAW Patrol. Spin Master's journey began in the mid-1990s, when Ronnen and his friend Anton Rabie began selling the Earth Buddy, a chia-pet-like novelty gift made of pantyhose, sawdust, and grass seed. Today, it's a publicly traded company with a portfolio that includes TV shows, video games, and toys ranging from puzzles to plush.

    This episode was produced by Casey Herman, with music by Ramtin Arablouei

    Edited by Neva Grant, with research help from Claire Murashima.

    You can follow HIBT on X & Instagram, and email us at hibt@id.wondery.com.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    Advice Line with Sarah Kauss of S'well

    Advice Line with Sarah Kauss of S'well

    S’well founder Sarah Kauss joins Guy on the Advice Line, where they answer questions from three early-stage founders about positioning their products in competitive markets. 

    Today we meet Chiara, a recent college grad who invented a protein-packed chickpea hot cereal. Then Jesús, who left his tech job to go all-in on a line of greeting cards inspired by his Latino heritage. And Adam, a former X Games gold medalist who launched a brand of razors for men who shave their legs.

    If you’d like to be featured on a future Advice Line episode, leave us a one minute message that tells us about your business and a specific question you’d like answered. Send a voice memo to hibt@id.wondery.com or call 1-800-433-1298.

    And be sure to listen to S’well’s founding story as told by Sarah on the show in 2020.

    This episode was produced by Chris Maccini with music by Ramtin Arablouei. It was edited by John Isabella. Our audio engineer was Neal Rauch.

    You can follow HIBT on X & Instagram and sign up for Guy's free newsletter at guyraz.com.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    The Cronut and Dominique Ansel Bakery: Dominique Ansel

    The Cronut and Dominique Ansel Bakery: Dominique Ansel

    Dominique Ansel’s invention of the Cronut — an inspired liaison between croissant and donut — was supposed to be a one-time indulgence for Mother’s Day. But once word spread about the perfect hybrid pastry, his Manhattan bakery was overwhelmed by endless lines and Cronut scalpers. Dominique eventually learned to manage the hype and grow his business while maintaining his craft. Named the World’s Best Pastry Chef in 2017, he has found an entrepreneurial sweet spot in three brick-and-mortar locations and a mail-order business, which will overnight a Cronut to your door, sans the line, and scalpers be damned.  

    This episode was produced by Carla Esteves with music by Ramtin Arablouei.

    It was edited by Neva Grant with research help from Katherine Sypher. Our audio engineer was Robert Rodriguez.

    You can follow HIBT on X & Instagram, and email us at hibt@id.wondery.com.

    And sign up for Guy’s free newsletter at guyraz.com.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    Advice Line with Randy Goldberg of Bombas

    Advice Line with Randy Goldberg of Bombas

    Bombas co-founder and Chief Brand Officer Randy Goldberg joins Guy on the Advice Line, where they answer questions from three early-stage founders about building brands and reaching new communities.

    Today we meet Rivky, an Orthodox Jewish woman who's redefining modest clothing for plus-size women. Then Shyam, a rocket engineer who wants to introduce Americans to a popular South Asian tabletop game. And Änna, a boutique owner who wants to translate her hip brick-and-mortar vibes into the digital space.

    If you’d like to be featured on a future Advice Line episode, leave us a one minute message that tells us about your business and a specific question you’d like answered. Send a voice memo to hibt@id.wondery.com or call 1-800-433-1298.

    And check out Bombas's founding story from Randy’s first appearance on the show in 2022.

    This episode was produced by Alex Cheng with music by Ramtin Arablouei. It was edited by John Isabella. Our audio engineer was Cena Loffredo.

    You can follow HIBT on X & Instagram and sign up for Guy's free newsletter at guyraz.com.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    Dave’s Hot Chicken: Arman Oganesyan

    Dave’s Hot Chicken: Arman Oganesyan

    Dave’s Hot Chicken began as a tiny pop-up, selling spicy chicken tenders and fries from a tent in East Hollywood. Their homemade take on Nashville Hot Chicken was an overnight sensation in a city that had barely heard of it, and within days, co-founder Arman Oganesyan and his partners were working frantically to serve the long lines out front. Since launching seven years ago, the pop-up has grown into a chain of 200 stores, with franchises across the country, and a beloved rubber chicken mascot.

    This episode was produced by Sam Paulson with music by Ramtin Arablouei.

    It was edited by Neva Grant with research help from Katherine Sypher. Our audio engineers were Robert Rodriguez and Patrick Murray.

    You can follow HIBT on X & Instagram, and email us at hibt@id.wondery.com.

    And sign up for Guy’s free newsletter at guyraz.com

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    Advice Line with Fawn Weaver of Uncle Nearest Premium Whiskey (April 2024)

    Advice Line with Fawn Weaver of Uncle Nearest Premium Whiskey (April 2024)

    In case you missed it, we’re rerunning our Advice Line launch episode from a few weeks ago. Uncle Nearest Premium Whiskey founder Fawn Weaver joins Guy on the Advice Line, where they answer questions from three early-stage entrepreneurs about telling their brand story. 

    In this episode, we’ll meet Kevin, the owner of a coffee trailer and roastery who grew up on a coffee farm in Honduras. Then Elisabeth, whose jewelry company aims to make a difference in the developing world. And finally, Joanne, a home baker looking to turn her love of pecan pie into a full-time business. 

    If you’d like to be featured on a future Advice Line episode, leave us a one minute message that tells us about your business and a specific question you’d like answered. Send a voice memo to hibt@id.wondery.com or call 1-800-433-1298.

    And check out the origin story of Uncle Nearest Premium Whiskey, told by Fawn on the show in 2021.

    This episode was produced by Chris Maccini with music by Ramtin Arablouei. It was edited by John Isabella. Our audio engineer was Neal Rauch.

    You can follow HIBT on X & Instagram, and sign up for Guy’s free newsletter at guyraz.com.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    ECKO UNLTD and COMPLEX: Marc Ecko

    ECKO UNLTD and COMPLEX: Marc Ecko

    Growing up in the ‘80s in New Jersey, Marc Ecko loved hip hop, graffiti art, and painting t-shirts for friends. His passion soon bloomed into a full-on business: ECKO UNLTD, a streetwear brand known for its iconic rhino logo. By the 1990’s, the brand had become a cultural force, but not without its share of bad deals, daunting debt, and a close brush with bankruptcy. 

    Eager to keep innovating, Marc launched COMPLEX, a media company hyper-focused on “convergence” culture: hip hop, fashion, sports and pop culture. Within a decade, COMPLEX had weathered the financial crisis, and emerged profitable. After being bought–and sold–by Buzzfeed, it was purchased by a video shopping company for over $100 million, and ECKO UNLTD just celebrated its 30th anniversary. 

    This episode was researched and produced by Katherine Sypher with music composed by Ramtin Arablouei. It was edited by Neva Grant. Our audio engineers were Gilly Moon and Kwesi Lee.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    Advice Line with Mauren Kelly of Tarte Cosmetics

    Advice Line with Mauren Kelly of Tarte Cosmetics

    Tarte cosmetics founder and CEO Maureen Kelly joins Guy on the Advice Line, where they answer questions from three early-stage founders about their marketing strategies.

    Today we meet Kristina, who’s designed sweat-wicking underwear that's both functional and stylish. Then Ashley, who recently launched a line of chemical-free hair care products. And Marcelle, the owner of an international career coaching service.

    If you’d like to be featured on a future Advice Line episode, leave us a one minute message that tells us about your business and a specific question you’d like answered. Send a voice memo to hibt@id.wondery.com or call 1-800-433-1298.

    And check out Tarte’s founding story from Maureen’s first appearance on the show in 2023.

    This episode was produced by Kerry Thompson with music by Ramtin Arablouei. It was edited by John Isabella. Our audio engineer was Robert Rodriguez.

    You can follow HIBT on X & Instagram and sign up for Guy's free newsletter at guyraz.com.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    Concept2 Rowing Machines: Dick and Peter Dreissigacker

    Concept2 Rowing Machines: Dick and Peter Dreissigacker

    Brothers Dick and Peter Dreissigacker used their experience as Olympic-level rowers to build a rowing machine that captured the sensation of being on the water. Initially made of bicycle parts in a Vermont barn, the machines had a limited market at first: mostly rowing clubs and schools that competed in the sport. But in the 2000’s, business began to take off when Greg Glassman, the founder of Crossfit, began putting the machines into his gyms. Today Concept2 sells rowing machines to thousands of gyms and teams around the world, plus rowers, stationary bikes and skiing machines for people who train at home.

    This episode was produced by J.C. Howard, with music by Ramtin Arablouei

    Edited by Neva Grant, with research help from Katherine Sypher.

    You can follow HIBT on Twitter & Instagram, and email us at hibt@id.wondery.com.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

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    At Decidedly Wealth Management, we focus on decision-making as the foundational element of success, in our effort to empower families to purposefully apply their wealth to fulfill their values and build a thriving legacy.


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    Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones by James Clear

    Website: https://systemsbysusie.com/
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    Susie Salinas is the owner of “Systems by Susie,” a business that helps busy moms develop long-term, easy-to-maintain solutions to keep their homes, lives, and kids organized and stress-free.

    She spent her early career as a teacher and event planner, and 3 years ago turned her love of organizing and helping others into a thriving home organization business. Her online shop at systemsbysusie.com offers School Memory Boxes and other ready-made organizing solutions.

    As a former military spouse with three children, Susie understands how difficult it can be for moms to keep things organized and sane amidst the craziness of our day-to-day lives. Her goal is to help moms raise independent, self-sufficient children who contribute to the smooth functioning of the household.

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    Ep.78 I Susie Salinas I Deciding to Eliminate Decision Fatigue: The Art of Systems
    Susie Salinas, expert in eliminating physical and mental clutter, joins the show to share how to develop thriving systems and avoid decision-fatigue.

    Deciding once, so you don’t get stuck in a rut of endless choices.
    Unsubscribing from the things that clutter your life and brain.
    Brain dumping to decrease the mental load.
    Making your systems visible and accessible.

    Check out the brief highlight clip!
    Listen by searching Ep.78 HIGHLIGHT I Decluttering your decisions or use this direct download link.

    Join us on Instagram: @decidedlypodcast
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    Shawn’s Instagram: @shawn_d_smith
    Sanger’s Instagram: @sangersmith

    At Decidedly Wealth Management, we focus on decision-making as the foundational element of success, in our effort to empower families to purposefully apply their wealth to fulfill their values and build a thriving legacy.


    Join us every Wednesday for more strategies to DEFEAT bad decision-making - one episode at a time!

    Dan Sullivan
    Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones by James Clear

    Website: https://systemsbysusie.com/
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/systemsbysusie/
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    Susie Salinas is the owner of “Systems by Susie,” a business that helps busy moms develop long-term, easy-to-maintain solutions to keep their homes, lives, and kids organized and stress-free.

    She spent her early career as a teacher and event planner, and 3 years ago turned her love of organizing and helping others into a thriving home organization business. Her online shop at systemsbysusie.com offers School Memory Boxes and other ready-made organizing solutions.

    As a former military spouse with three children, Susie understands how difficult it can be for moms to keep things organized and sane amidst the craziness of our day-to-day lives. Her goal is to help moms raise independent, self-sufficient children who contribute to the smooth functioning of the household.

    In her free time, you’ll find Susie curled up on the couch binge watching her favorite tv shows or listening to her favorite podcasts.

    #283: Managing Procrastination, Predicting the Future, and Finding Happiness - Tim Urban

    #283: Managing Procrastination, Predicting the Future, and Finding Happiness - Tim Urban

    Tim Urban (@waitbutwhy) is the author of the blog Wait But Why and has become one of the Internet's most popular writers. According to Fast Company, Tim has "captured a level of reader engagement that even the new-media giants would be envious of." Wait But Why receives more than 1.5 million unique visitors per month and has over 550,000 email subscribers.

    Tim has gained a number of prominent readers as well, like authors Sam Harris (page 365 in Tribe of Mentors) and Susan Cain (page 10), Twitter co-founder Evan Williams (page 401), TED curator Chris Anderson (page 407), and Brain Pickings' Maria Popova.

    Tim's series of posts after interviewing Elon Musk has been called by Vox's David Roberts "the meatiest, most fascinating, most satisfying posts I've read in ages." You can start with the first one, Elon Musk: The World's Raddest Man. Tim's TED Talk, Inside the Mind of a Master Procrastinator, has received more than 21 million views.


    This podcast is brought to you by Peloton, which has become a staple of my daily routine. I picked up this bike after seeing the success of my friend Kevin Rose, and I've been enjoying it more than I ever imagined. Peloton is an indoor cycling bike that brings live studio classes right to your home. No worrying about fitting classes into your busy schedule or making it to a studio with a crazy commute.

    New classes are added every day, and this includes options led by elite NYC instructors in your own living room. You can even live stream studio classes taught by the world's best instructors, or find your favorite class on demand.

    Peloton is offering listeners to this show a special offer. Visit onepeloton.com and enter the code "TIM" at checkout to receive $100 off accessories with your Peloton bike purchase. This is a great way to get in your workouts or an incredible gift. Again, that's onepeloton.com and enter the code TIM.

    This podcast is also brought to you by ConvertKit. After trying the competition, this is the only email tool that has made email marketing easy for my team without sacrificing any of the features and benefits I need to run a profitable business. It's got easy-to-use systems, split testing, resending technology, automation, targeted content, high rates of deliverability, integration with more than 70 services -- like WordPress, Shopify, and Sumo -- and excellent customer service.

    Whether you have a thousand subscribers or a million, whether you run a simple blog or a whole company, ConvertKit has a plan that's scaled to fit your budget and requirements. Go to ConvertKit.com/Tim to try it out and get your first month for free! Test the platform, kick the tires, and make sure it works for you and your business.


    If you enjoy the podcast, would you please consider leaving a short review on Apple Podcasts/iTunes? It takes less than 60 seconds, and it really makes a difference in helping to convince hard-to-get guests. I also love reading the reviews!

    For show notes and past guests, please visit tim.blog/podcast.

    Sign up for Tim’s email newsletter (“5-Bullet Friday”) at tim.blog/friday.

    For transcripts of episodes, go to tim.blog/transcripts.

    Interested in sponsoring the podcast? Visit tim.blog/sponsor and fill out the form.

    Discover Tim’s books: tim.blog/books.

    Follow Tim:

    Twitter: twitter.com/tferriss 

    Instagram: instagram.com/timferriss

    Facebook: facebook.com/timferriss 

    YouTube: youtube.com/timferriss

    Past guests on The Tim Ferriss Show include Jerry Seinfeld, Hugh Jackman, Dr. Jane Goodall, LeBron James, Kevin Hart, Doris Kearns Goodwin, Jamie Foxx, Matthew McConaughey, Esther Perel, Elizabeth Gilbert, Terry Crews, Sia, Yuval Noah Harari, Malcolm Gladwell, Madeleine Albright, Cheryl Strayed, Jim Collins, Mary Karr, Maria Popova, Sam Harris, Michael Phelps, Bob Iger, Edward Norton, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Neil Strauss, Ken Burns, Maria Sharapova, Marc Andreessen, Neil Gaiman, Neil de Grasse Tyson, Jocko Willink, Daniel Ek, Kelly Slater, Dr. Peter Attia, Seth Godin, Howard Marks, Dr. Brené Brown, Eric Schmidt, Michael Lewis, Joe Gebbia, Michael Pollan, Dr. Jordan Peterson, Vince Vaughn, Brian Koppelman, Ramit Sethi, Dax Shepard, Tony Robbins, Jim Dethmer, Dan Harris, Ray Dalio, Naval Ravikant, Vitalik Buterin, Elizabeth Lesser, Amanda Palmer, Katie Haun, Sir Richard Branson, Chuck Palahniuk, Arianna Huffington, Reid Hoffman, Bill Burr, Whitney Cummings, Rick Rubin, Dr. Vivek Murthy, Darren Aronofsky, and many more.

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    AI + You | 4 ways to scale your personal growth

    AI + You | 4 ways to scale your personal growth

    In part two of our 3-part series on AI + You, we offer an actionable playbook on how AI can help us scale ourselves personally. Personal scale is all about broadening your skill set and strengthening your human relationships. To guide you, host Reid Hoffman speaks to Stanford HAI’s Fei-Fei Li, Inflection’s Mustafa Suleyman, tech-centric artist Holly Herndon and more AI pioneers. You’ll discover how AI can amplify your ability as a leader, coworker, collaborator and friend.

    Read a transcript of this episode: https://mastersofscale.com/

    Subscribe to the Masters of Scale weekly newsletter: https://mastersofscale.com/subscribe

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