
    Avichal Garg | The Ben Shapiro Show Sunday Special Ep. 123

    enFebruary 20, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • The Future of Finance: Cryptocurrencies and Web 3Cryptocurrencies, built on blockchain technology and web 3, enable faster, cheaper, and censorship-resistant transactions, signaling a shift in the financial industry towards decentralization and intermediary-free models.

      The emergence of cryptocurrencies and the underlying technology, web 3, represents a significant shift in the financial industry. The Super Bowl's cryptocurrency ads are a sign of growing mainstream acceptance. Cryptocurrency is a peer-to-peer way to transfer value on the internet without intermediaries, using blockchain technology and distributed ledgers. This makes transactions faster, cheaper, and more censorship-resistant. As the financial industry evolves, traditional institutions must decide whether to adapt or risk being left behind. The future of finance lies in this decentralized, intermediary-free model. The conversation with Avishal Garg, an expert in web 3 and crypto, will delve deeper into this topic and address concerns and critiques.

    • Cryptography's Role in CryptocurrenciesCryptocurrencies, like Bitcoin, use encryption and decryption for secure transactions, relying on complex puzzles (mining) to earn rewards and employing blockchain as a secure, transparent database.

      Cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin, are based on cryptography, a field in computer science that deals with encrypting and decrypting information. The term "crypto" comes from this background. Cryptocurrencies require a high level of security for transactions, making the encryption and decryption essential. Blockchain is a data structure used in these systems, acting as an open database where anyone can access data. Terms like "mining" in the context of cryptocurrencies do not refer to physical mining but rather solving complex cryptographic puzzles to earn rewards, such as Bitcoin. Despite the technical and potentially off-putting terminology, cryptocurrencies and blockchain are revolutionary technologies transforming the financial landscape by offering transparency and security.

    • Bitcoin's Commodity-like PropertiesBitcoin, like gold, is fungible, durable, hard to forge, and has a large global market with high liquidity. It's currently used as a store of value but could become more stable and widely used in transactions.

      Bitcoin, despite being a digital currency without a physical backing, shares similar properties with commodities like gold. It is fungible, durable, hard to forge, and has a large global market with high liquidity. While it may be more volatile than traditional currencies like the US dollar, its volatility is relative. In countries with inflating currencies, Bitcoin could potentially be a better store of value. As the volatility decreases, Bitcoin could even surpass gold in utility due to its digital nature, making it easier to transfer and more liquid. Currently, Bitcoin functions as a store of value, though its use in transactions is limited due to volatility. As it becomes more stable, it could potentially be used more widely in transactions. The demographic of people who understand and value Bitcoin is primarily under 40, as they have grown up in a digital world.

    • Bitcoin's use as a means of exchange depends on market conditionsIn developed markets, Bitcoin's volatility hinders its use as a transactional currency. In contrast, developing countries with high inflation see value in Bitcoin's stability, while governments' responses vary from crackdowns to integration.

      The adoption and use of Bitcoin as a means of exchange depends on the specific market and economic conditions. In developed markets, the volatility of Bitcoin needs to decrease before it becomes a viable alternative to traditional currencies for transactions. However, in developing countries where inflation is high, Bitcoin is already being used as a means of exchange due to its lower volatility relative to local currencies. Additionally, governments are responding differently to Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies, with some attempting to crack down on them due to their censorship-resistant nature and potential to bypass traditional financial institutions. This poses a threat to authoritarian governments, while more democratic governments have embraced Bitcoin as a commodity and integrated it into financial markets.

    • US Approach to Stablecoins: Opportunities and ChallengesThe US government sees opportunities in stablecoins, which are digital currencies pegged to the value of the dollar, but also recognizes potential challenges, including privacy concerns from CBDCs that bypass traditional banking systems.

      The US government's approach to cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin has been forward-thinking, and the emergence of stablecoins, which are digital currencies pegged to the value of the dollar, presents both opportunities and challenges. Stablecoins do not threaten fiat currencies but could offer improvements for users, and the government could embrace them as a tool for international influence. However, central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) that bypass traditional banking systems and give governments full visibility into transactions could be risky, leading to potential privacy concerns. The private sector has already found solutions to some of these issues, and the US government could lean on these innovations to improve the existing financial infrastructure and extend the reach of the US dollar to more people around the world.

    • Private Stable Coins: Balancing Benefits and RisksPrivate stable coins offer individuals financial autonomy and censorship resistance, but opponents raise concerns over privacy and potential illegal activities. Security risks can be mitigated through technology and regulations. The potential for self-custody and ownership of assets is a powerful concept.

      Private stable coins, despite initial fears and security concerns, have the potential to greatly benefit the United States if embraced. Opponents argue that privacy and potential for illegal activities are risks, but proponents believe these features are desirable for individuals' financial autonomy and censorship resistance. Security concerns, such as losing access to funds due to lost private keys, can be mitigated through technological solutions and existing regulations like KYC and AML. Overall, the ability for individuals to self-custody their assets and own their own money, free from third-party control, is a powerful concept that cuts across the political spectrum. While there are risks, the technology is continuously improving to address them, making private stable coins an exciting development in the financial landscape.

    • Misunderstanding the Nature of CryptocurrencyCritics may label aspects of cryptocurrency as bugs, but they're actually features of a trustless system. Traditional financial systems face disruption as cryptocurrency offers more efficient ways to handle transactions and program money.

      The opponents of cryptocurrency, including the banking system, may be misunderstanding the nature of this technology. Critics may label certain aspects as bugs, but many are actually features of a trustless system that can instantaneously transfer assets without the need for intermediaries like banks. The financial industry, including major corporations and the federal government, may be disintermediated as cryptocurrency offers more efficient and effective ways to handle transactions and program money. The threat to traditional financial systems is significant, and the question is not if, but when, this technology will disrupt the industry. Consumers will eventually benefit from more efficient systems, offering better interest rates, faster settlements, and easier international transactions. The real challenge for banks and payment companies is whether to embrace this technology and undergo a difficult transition or risk being disrupted and eventually rendered obsolete.

    • The Rise of Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain Technology: A New Paradigm ShiftYounger generations heavily invest in cryptocurrencies, disrupting traditional finance and legal industries, and challenging notions of ownership and control. Understanding this shift is crucial for businesses and individuals in an increasingly digital world.

      The use and acceptance of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology, particularly among younger generations, is rapidly increasing and is expected to become the norm in the future. Millennials, in particular, are heavily invested in crypto, and a significant number prefer it over traditional stocks. This trend is inevitable as the population ages, and those in their twenties, thirties, and forties grow up and accumulate wealth and power. The implications of this shift are vast, reaching into various sectors such as finance, law, and the creator economy. At its core, cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum are digital assets where ones and zeros equal value. Ownership is determined by a private key, which is generated by a computer program. This means that non-human entities, such as computers and software, can own and control vast amounts of wealth. The legal and financial industries, which rely heavily on intermediaries and rules for transferring money, could be disrupted significantly by this technology. In essence, the rise of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology represents a paradigm shift in how value is stored, transferred, and controlled. It challenges traditional notions of ownership and control, and offers new possibilities for automating processes and reducing intermediaries. Businesses and individuals need to understand these implications and adapt to stay relevant in an increasingly digital world.

    • Financial services industry on the brink of disruptionThe shift to code-based transactions in finance will lead to massive efficiency gains, replace outdated institutions, and unlock new use cases, but will face pushback from entrenched interests. Employers must prioritize enhancing the employee experience to attract and retain top talent.

      The financial services industry, which currently relies heavily on outdated methods like legal contracts, spreadsheets, and email for transactions, is on the brink of a major disruption. Once these processes become computer code, they will become more efficient, reusable, and scalable. This shift will lead to massive efficiency gains and the unlocking of new, unimagined use cases. In the first phase, we can expect to replace millions of lawyers and outdated institutions like banks. In the second phase, we will see unprecedented creativity and productivity as people build on each other's work. However, this disruption will face pushback from entrenched interests, including major players in the financial services industry and American politics. To stay competitive, employers must prioritize enhancing the employee experience to attract and retain top talent. ZipRecruiter, with its powerful matching technology, can help businesses find the right employees quickly and easily.

    • Disruption in the job market by technologyTechnology's advancement in crypto, AI, and machine learning is causing white collar jobs to be replaced more than blue collar jobs. Remote work and global talent pool increase competition. Adaptation is crucial for individuals and organizations.

      The advancement of technology, particularly in the fields of crypto, AI, and machine learning, is leading to significant disruption in the job market, with white collar workers, such as lawyers and bankers, being more likely to have their jobs replaced than blue collar workers. This shift is inevitable and those who recognize this trend and adapt accordingly will be on the right side of history. Conversely, those who resist change may find themselves losing out. Additionally, the increasing accessibility of remote work and the global talent pool means that competition for desk jobs is no longer limited to local geographies. The political landscape is also responding to this trend, with smart politicians recognizing the potential power shifts that could result from the increasing wealth concentration in the crypto world. Overall, it's essential for individuals and organizations to prepare for this disruption and adapt to the changing job market.

    • Politicians Recognize Importance and Power of Crypto IndustryPoliticians are starting to understand crypto's significance, but need education on complexities and potential consequences of regulations.

      As demographic and financial realities shift, politicians are recognizing the importance and power of the crypto industry. While some regulations may stem from a lack of understanding, the industry must focus on educating policymakers about the complexities of crypto and the potential unintended consequences of heavy-handed regulations. Half of politicians have begun to understand the significance of crypto, but few know how to effectively regulate it. The next few years will see the crypto industry working to inform and guide policymakers, ensuring regulations are informed, effective, and beneficial for all involved.

    • Regulation and Economic Alignment in Crypto EconomyCrypto regulation impacts investor participation and economic alignment, with tokens rewarding contributors aligning incentives and enabling earlier benefits.

      The current regulatory frameworks for cryptocurrencies, such as whether to regulate it as a currency or commodity, significantly impact investor participation and economic alignment. The crypto networks aim to reduce the misalignment between those creating value and those benefiting from it. For instance, in the case of Uber, early drivers didn't receive significant economic benefits. Tokens, like Bitcoin, reward miners for their work in powering the payment system, aligning economic incentives and enabling earlier participants to benefit from their contributions. The debate around regulation and its implications for securities law is crucial, as it ultimately determines who can participate in the crypto economy.

    • Ambiguous regulatory framework for digital assetsThe lack of clarity in digital asset regulations could drive innovation and businesses overseas, denying US consumers access and potentially harming the economy.

      The current regulatory framework for understanding and classifying digital assets, such as tokens, is ambiguous and outdated, leading to uncertainty for developers and entrepreneurs. This ambiguity could result in these companies leaving the US market and operating overseas instead, denying American consumers access to innovative products and potentially harming the US economy. Singapore is currently leading the way in embracing this technology and attracting companies with favorable regulations. It's crucial to establish a clearer framework for understanding digital assets and their regulatory status to prevent the loss of innovation and economic opportunities within the US.

    • Young people and authoritarian regimes driving shift in crypto and decentralized financeYoung demographic is leading the shift towards crypto and decentralized finance, while authoritarian regimes are using these technologies for international power projection. Cultural embrace by mainstream figures is also contributing to the growth of these technologies.

      The current landscape of technology, particularly in the realm of cryptocurrency and decentralized finance, is experiencing a significant shift driven by demographic trends and the embrace of these technologies by culture bearers and authoritarian regimes. Young people, who are mobile and unencumbered by traditional responsibilities, are leading this shift and are not easily deterred by regulatory restrictions. Authoritarian regimes, such as China, understand this trend and are using these technologies to project power internationally, despite limiting their use domestically. Meanwhile, the image of crypto is still evolving, having come from the fringes, but is gaining traction as mainstream culture bearers, including musicians and artists, recognize the potential for reaching fans directly and bypassing intermediaries. This demographic shift and cultural embrace bode well for the future of these technologies, despite their current association with fringe elements and the misunderstandings that come with emerging technologies.

    • Empowering artists and marginalized communities with cryptoCrypto's decentralized nature and peer-to-peer payments empower artists to connect with their fans and receive direct compensation, potentially providing significant revenue and financial inclusion to marginalized communities, despite criticisms of volatility and demographics.

      The decentralized nature of cryptocurrencies and peer-to-peer payments is empowering artists and marginalized communities who were previously underserved by traditional financial systems. The Internet has enabled artists to connect with their 1,000 true fans, and with crypto, these fans can now compensate them directly and efficiently. This infrastructure has the potential to provide artists with significant revenue and to go mainstream as more musicians and artists embrace it. However, some critics, like Paul Krugman, dismiss crypto due to its volatility and the demographic makeup of its user base, which is disproportionately nonwhite. This perspective overlooks the fact that the existing financial system charges fees that disproportionately impact the poor, and that crypto offers an alternative that is not controlled by the old guard. The potential for crypto to level the playing field and provide financial inclusion to marginalized communities is a significant development that should not be overlooked or dismissed.

    • Unlocking trillions in developing countries with cryptoCrypto can release dead capital in developing countries, bring people to efficient markets, and access capital through a secure chain of custody. It could revolutionize the developing world similar to mobile phones.

      Crypto has the potential to unlock trillions of dollars worth of assets in developing countries by providing a way to establish a chain of custody and transfer ownership. This dead capital, often tied up in property or land, can become active in the global financial system, allowing people to participate in more efficient markets and access capital. Civil asset forfeiture, a controversial practice that seizes assets without a clear chain of custody, highlights the importance of this infrastructure. The impact could be similar to the mobile phone revolution, which brought access to information and financial services to people in the developing world. The speaker, Avishal Garg, believes that the developing world may "leapfrog" the traditional financial system and join the crypto economy in the next decade. Garg also noted the potential of crypto in helping those who are underserved by the current financial system, such as those who are underbanked or have their assets seized through civil asset forfeiture.

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    Ep. 1988 - Bring BACK The Ten Commandments in Schools

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    Louisiana moves to reinstall displays of the Ten Commandments in schools; a dangerous illegal immigrant is admitted to the United States under Joe Biden; and Biden continues to push open borders policies.


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    Ep. 1987 - The US Is Going BANKRUPT

    Ep. 1987 - The US Is Going BANKRUPT

    A frivolous political class faces down a tsunami of debt; Joe Biden pledges to legalize illegal immigrants; and Biden goes on an ad blitz against Donald Trump.


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    Join us live on Backstage for real-time coverage of the presidential debate on 6/27 at 8:30 PM ET on DailyWire+.


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    PreBorn! - Help save babies from abortion: https://www.preborn.com/BEN


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    The most valuable crypto stories for Friday, May 5, 2023.

    This episode is sponsored by Ciphertrace.

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    Ethereum Gas Fee Surges to 12-Month High as PEPE Frenzy Grips Market

    Social Media App MeWe to Bring Frequency Blockchain's Self-Sovereign Identity to Its 20M Users


    Ciphertrace, a Mastercard company, helps banks, governments, regulators, exchanges and VASPs to trace the movement and risk of crypto funds, uncover illicit activity, and help comply with global regulations. Get in touch today to find out more at Ciphertrace.com.


    This episode has been edited by Ryan Huntington. The senior producer is Michele Musso and the executive producer is Jared Schwartz. Our theme song is “Neon Beach.”

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    Bitcoin, the Evil Spawn

    Bitcoin, the Evil Spawn

    Late Confirmation is a CoinDesk production.

    For more information, visit www.CoinDesk.com

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    The Complexities of Blockchain in Global Aid Efforts

    The Complexities of Blockchain in Global Aid Efforts

    This episode is sponsored by Quantstamp and Nexo.io.

    In theory, crypto and blockchain technology present unique opportunities to improve, accelerate and strengthen global aid efforts. In practice, geopolitical challenges and complexities in distribution hinder projects before they’ve even had a chance to deploy the new technology.

    Joining “Money Reimagined” hosts Michael Casey and Sheila Warren are Sara Pantuliano, chief executive of ODI and member of the United Nations Peacebuilding Fund, and Sasha Kapadia, director in the Humanitarian and Development group at Mastercard. The guests are intimately familiar with the processes and challenges associated with cross-border aid efforts, as well as the opportunities for blockchain integrated aid in the future.

    How can blockchain-based digital aid solutions improve the lives of those in crisis? Even if the technology could be helpful, is it ethical to test emergent technology on a vulnerable population?

    Blockchain technology is likely to be increasingly included in aid solutions in the next decade. Alongside the sweeping potential , it’s also important to maintain awareness of its dangers if communities are to avoid widening the “digital divide” that developing technologies can easily create.


    Quantstamp is the leader of blockchain security, having secured over 100 billion USD worth of digital assets. Visit quantstamp.com to learn why top DeFi projects like Maker, Compound and BarnBridge trust Quantstamp to secure the financial infrastructure of tomorrow. Learn more at quantstamp.com/blog.


    Nexo is a powerful, all-in-one crypto platform where you can securely store your crypto. Invest, borrow, exchange and earn up to 17% APR on Bitcoin and 20+ other top coins. Insured for $375M. Audited in real-time by Armanino. Rated excellent on Trustpilot. Get started today at nexo.io.


    This episode was produced and edited by Michele Musso with announcements by Adam B. Levine and additional production support by Eleanor Pahl. Our theme song is “Shepard.”

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    THE PROTOCOL: ‘Protocol Councils’ Can the Blockchain Ecosystem Trust These People?

    THE PROTOCOL:  ‘Protocol Councils’ Can the Blockchain Ecosystem Trust These People?

    Joining us, Riad Wahby, Co-founder and CEO of Cubist, delves into the risks of restaking, potential contagion effects on blockchain security, and the essential questions that the blockchain ecosystem must address.

    This episode is sponsored by the Stellar Community Fund

    Follow the show here for more.

    In this installment of "The Protocol," hosts Brad Keoun, the founding editor of The Protocol Newsletter, and tech journalists Sam Kessler and Margaux Nijkerk, explore the following stories:

    TOPICS | 

    Lido DAO Endorses Rivals 

    LayerZero launched a Lido stETH bridge last October without asking for Lido DAO's permission. The community responded this week by endorsing a pair of its biggest competitors.

    "Blockchain protocols frequently pride themselves on their "permissionlessness" – the idea that anyone, anywhere can build on top of a protocol without asking for explicit approval. But in practice, it is sometimes wiser to ask for permission."

    Blockchains and Decentralization

    The goal of these "protocol councils,” sometimes called “security councils,” is to nudge these nascent networks toward increasing decentralization, by gradually removing them from under the control of their original developers. How are they different from boards of directors?


    Guest: Riad Wahby 

    Riad Wahby is the co-founder and CEO of Cubist, a developer of hardware-backed, non-custodial key storage and signing infrastructure that enables companies to protect staking keys and secure withdrawals.

    Takeaways | 

    Keys are fundamental in blockchain interactions and require careful management to ensure security.

    Restaking introduces risks and potential contagion effects that can impact the security of the underlying blockchain.

    The restaking ecosystem offers opportunities for innovation and collaboration, but reputation and risk assessment are crucial for making informed decisions.

    Building systems that can withstand non-compliant users and incentivize responsible behavior is essential for the long-term success of blockchain networks.

    There is continued interest in blockchain and crypto among students, with a focus on computer security, cryptography, and the intersection of blockchain and AI.

    Balancing entrepreneurship and academia requires efficient time management and leveraging the support of graduate students and teaching assistants.



    Lido DAO Rebukes LayerZero by Endorsing Rivals Wormhole, Axelar for Crypto Bridge

    As Blockchains Push Toward Decentralization, These People Serve as Ultimate Guardians 

    Riad S. Wahby 

    Riad S. Wahby - Google Scholar 


    Cubist Launches Bank-Grade Ethereum Key Management Service 


    From Our Sponsor: 

    The Stellar Community Fund (SCF) is an open-application awards program that draws on community input to support developers and startups building on Stellar and Soroban. Accelerate your web3 project today.

    Apply for Funding at communityfund.stellar.org


    The Protocol has been produced and edited by senior producer Michele Musso and our executive producer is Jared Schwartz. Our theme song is “Take Me Back” by Strength To Last.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    MARKETS DAILY: Crypto Update | Bitcoin, DeFi Shrug Off SEC’s Action Against Binance and Coinbase