
    About this Episode

    Avid learns about the next Coup Plot and the Wagner Group's brilliant plan to reinstate Donald Trump to his rightful throne by nominating him as the next Speaker of the House and then...Wink Wink. Even more importantly we discuss CGI and is Jeff Goldbloom a real person or the ultimate CGI prank on us all?



    What are Refurbished-Ish Episodes?

    We never thought you'd ask but basically these are rebooted Shows from Season II of our YouTube Channel.

    Season II found us a bit more focused on the visual elements of the Show over the Audio Elements. Plus we had crappy equipment. (I know... excuses, excuses. )

    Now that we are transitioning to an Audio-Only format we are shifting our focus to Sound Quality over all other things.

    Refurbished- Ish Shows have been re-edited in a modest attempt to improve the audio experience.

    Some of it worked and some of it didn't but we made the conscious decision to share these episodes with our audience regardless.

    Call it Narcissism or just trying to demonstrate the Shows slow but steady development from Season II - Season III our hope is you can still find some entertainment in these past episodes.

    We promise to continue to focus on improving the Audio Elements for the remainder of Season III and beyond.

    Thank you,

    Enemy Headquarters

    Recent Episodes from Inside the Mind of Avid Kingston

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    Sovereign Citizen

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    Doug Sasquatch

    Doug Sasquatch

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