
    Babymetal Discography Review

    enJuly 18, 2022
    What was the main topic of the podcast episode?
    Summarise the key points discussed in the episode?
    Were there any notable quotes or insights from the speakers?
    Which popular books were mentioned in this episode?
    Were there any points particularly controversial or thought-provoking discussed in the episode?
    Were any current events or trending topics addressed in the episode?

    About this Episode

    WHAT?! A discography episode? Haven't heard that name in years...Today is a special one, being a big fan of Babymetal I took extra special care to ensure we give this band the respect it deserves. We discuss the band's history and 3 studio albums in full. Basically 3 album reviews in one...Spoiler alert: I like this band.

    If you enjoy the episode, consider subscribing to the podcast for more content in the future. I release episodes just like this one so make sure you leave a follow to stay up to date on new episodes! If you wanna talk music or have suggestions for future episodes, consider following Buttermilk Blvd on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. Shoot me a comment or message and let me know your  recommendations.

    Don't forget to leave a 5 start review and share the episodes with your friends! It helps out the podcast a lot and it's always appreciated

    The Socials:
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/buttermilkblvdpod/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/buttermilkblvdpod/?hl=en

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/buttermilkblvd

    For the Gamers (Gentlemetalhead):

    Twitch: http://twitch.tv/Gentlemetalhead

    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAMPfFHACxfMVI5B6WjMz8Q

    As always, thank you for listening to the episode. Until next time, stay safe and rock on!


    What you’re hearing: 
    AKMV-18: Kaamalot. Really good artist, recommended highly: https://freemusicarchive.org/music/independent-music-licensing-collective-imlc/

    Official webpage: https://www.babymetal.com/en/ 

    Spotify page: https://open.spotify.com/artist/630wzNP2OL7fl4Xl0GnMWq 

    Buy their stuff...listen to their music. Not endorsed, just a fan. 

    Recent Episodes from Buttermilk Blvd

    Channel Update - Periphery concert and Spotify Wrapped

    Channel Update - Periphery concert and Spotify Wrapped

    Just a short update for all you beautiful people out there. We also talk about spotify wrapped and the periphery concert I recently attended. Everyone have a great holiday and have a wonderful time with your families.

    If you enjoy the episode, consider subscribing to the podcast for more content in the future. I release episodes just like this one so make sure you leave a follow to stay up to date on new episodes! If you wanna talk music or have suggestions for future episodes, consider following Buttermilk Blvd on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. Shoot me a comment or message and let me know your  recommendations.

    Don't forget to leave a 5 start review and share the episodes with your friends! It helps out the podcast a lot and it's always appreciated

    The Socials:
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/buttermilkblvdpod/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/buttermilkblvdpod/?hl=en

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/buttermilkblvd

    For the Gamers (Gentlemetalhead):

    Twitch: http://twitch.tv/Gentlemetalhead

    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAMPfFHACxfMVI5B6WjMz8Q

    As always, thank you for listening to the episode. Until next time, stay safe and rock on!


    EVIDENCE LOG #3: Halloween Special - Don't open the door!

    EVIDENCE LOG #3: Halloween Special - Don't open the door!

    Happy Halloween everyone! This episodes concludes our Halloween story with episode 3, Don't open the door!

    I hoped you enjoyed the story and it was spooky enough for you. I really enjoyed making it for you guys. Anyway...

    I̶f̴ ̸y̸o̷u̵ ̶e̵n̵j̸o̸y̵ ̸t̵h̸e̷ ̵e̷p̸i̸s̷o̷d̵e̵,̵ ̵c̶o̵n̶s̸i̴d̵e̴r̵ ̶s̴u̴b̴s̶c̵r̸i̴b̶i̵n̸g̴ ̵t̶o̴ ̶t̸h̷e̸ ̴p̷o̵d̶c̵a̴s̸t̶ ̴f̶o̴r̸ ̶m̷o̴r̶e̷ ̷c̸o̸n̸t̶e̸n̴t̵ ̴i̴n̸ ̸t̸h̴e̶ ̸f̴u̴t̷u̴r̷e̷.̸ ̸I̴ ̵r̸e̵l̷e̴a̸s̶e̶ ̶e̸p̶i̵s̵o̴d̴e̶s̵ ̶j̸u̷s̷t̸ ̵l̴i̸k̴e̶ ̶t̶h̵i̸s̴ ̸o̵n̵e̵ ̸s̴o̶ ̷m̵a̵k̶e̵ ̶s̸u̴r̸e̵ ̶y̵o̶u̴ ̷l̶e̷a̴v̵e̶ ̶a̸ ̴f̶o̴l̸l̴o̸w̶ ̵t̴o̸ ̶s̷t̶a̷y̴ ̵u̴p̷ ̶t̷o̷ ̵d̸a̵t̵e̸ ̸o̸n̵ ̶n̷e̸w̷ ̷e̷p̸i̶s̶o̶d̴e̶s̷!̸ ̶I̸f̴ ̴y̴o̸u̵ ̴w̸a̵n̶n̴a̴ ̵t̶a̶l̶k̷ ̷m̵u̶s̶i̴c̵ ̷o̵r̶ ̴h̵a̴v̸e̴ ̵s̴u̶g̴g̷e̸s̵t̷i̴o̵n̵s̶ ̷f̴o̷r̵ ̵f̸u̷t̵u̶r̷e̸ ̵e̴p̴i̶s̴o̶d̸e̶s̶,̸ ̸c̵o̷n̴s̴i̸d̵e̶r̴ ̶f̷o̸l̵l̶o̸w̸i̵n̸g̷ ̵B̶u̵t̴t̸e̴r̴m̶i̷l̴k̷ ̴B̴l̸v̸d̷ ̷o̸n̸ ̵I̷n̵s̷t̸a̴g̸r̵a̴m̴,̵ ̷F̶a̷c̶e̴b̷o̴o̸k̵,̸ ̵a̴n̶d̷ ̷T̸w̵i̵t̵t̶e̶r̴.̷ ̷S̵h̴o̴o̶t̶ ̵m̶e̷ ̸a̵ ̷c̶o̷m̸m̷e̴n̷t̵ ̶o̵r̷ ̵m̵e̵s̴s̵a̴g̸e̶ ̶a̶n̷d̴ ̸l̷e̴t̸ ̸m̷e̶ ̷k̶n̴o̸w̷ ̸y̴o̸u̷r̵ ̶ ̴r̷e̶c̸o̶m̶m̵e̸n̴d̷a̴t̴i̵o̴n̶s̷.̴
    ̵D̵o̶n̶'̷t̴ ̸f̷o̵r̸g̷e̸t̵ ̶t̴o̶ ̸l̵e̷a̸v̶e̸ ̷a̵ ̶5̷ ̶s̵t̷a̵r̴t̴ ̷r̴e̸v̴i̵e̴w̸ ̸a̶n̴d̶ ̷s̴h̷a̴r̴e̶ ̷t̵h̶e̷ ̶e̷p̶i̴s̷o̶d̷e̵s̷ ̸w̸i̶t̸h̸ ̷y̵o̶u̴r̵ ̵f̵r̶i̴e̴n̷d̶s̵!̴ ̸I̵t̴ ̴h̷e̸l̷p̵s̷ ̷o̷u̵t̸ ̸t̵h̵e̷ ̵p̸o̴d̷c̴a̶s̴t̶ ̶a̸ ̶l̸o̶t̷ ̶a̶n̵d̴ ̵i̸t̸'̵s̶ ̷a̶l̵w̸a̵y̶s̷ ̵a̵p̵p̶r̴e̷c̷i̷a̶t̸e̶d̶

    The Socials:
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/buttermilkblvdpod/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/buttermilkblvdpod/?hl=en

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/buttermilkblvd

    For the Gamers (Gentlemetalhead):

    Twitch: http://twitch.tv/Gentlemetalhead

    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAMPfFHACxfMVI5B6WjMz8Q

    EVIDENCE LOG #2: Discussion topic: What makes music "scary"?

    EVIDENCE LOG #2: Discussion topic: What makes music "scary"?

    A new discussion topic for the podcast. With spooky season in full blast we discuss the in and outs of horror music. What makes horror music so spooky in the first place? Why do we feel fear when listening to certain music or themes? Hope you enjoy and let me know what songs gives you that uneasy itch.

    I̶f̴ ̸y̸o̷u̵ ̶e̵n̵j̸o̸y̵ ̸t̵h̸e̷ ̵e̷p̸i̸s̷o̷d̵e̵,̵ ̵c̶o̵n̶s̸i̴d̵e̴r̵ ̶s̴u̴b̴s̶c̵r̸i̴b̶i̵n̸g̴ ̵t̶o̴ ̶t̸h̷e̸ ̴p̷o̵d̶c̵a̴s̸t̶ ̴f̶o̴r̸ ̶m̷o̴r̶e̷ ̷c̸o̸n̸t̶e̸n̴t̵ ̴i̴n̸ ̸t̸h̴e̶ ̸f̴u̴t̷u̴r̷e̷.̸ ̸I̴ ̵r̸e̵l̷e̴a̸s̶e̶ ̶e̸p̶i̵s̵o̴d̴e̶s̵ ̶j̸u̷s̷t̸ ̵l̴i̸k̴e̶ ̶t̶h̵i̸s̴ ̸o̵n̵e̵ ̸s̴o̶ ̷m̵a̵k̶e̵ ̶s̸u̴r̸e̵ ̶y̵o̶u̴ ̷l̶e̷a̴v̵e̶ ̶a̸ ̴f̶o̴l̸l̴o̸w̶ ̵t̴o̸ ̶s̷t̶a̷y̴ ̵u̴p̷ ̶t̷o̷ ̵d̸a̵t̵e̸ ̸o̸n̵ ̶n̷e̸w̷ ̷e̷p̸i̶s̶o̶d̴e̶s̷!̸ ̶I̸f̴ ̴y̴o̸u̵ ̴w̸a̵n̶n̴a̴ ̵t̶a̶l̶k̷ ̷m̵u̶s̶i̴c̵ ̷o̵r̶ ̴h̵a̴v̸e̴ ̵s̴u̶g̴g̷e̸s̵t̷i̴o̵n̵s̶ ̷f̴o̷r̵ ̵f̸u̷t̵u̶r̷e̸ ̵e̴p̴i̶s̴o̶d̸e̶s̶,̸ ̸c̵o̷n̴s̴i̸d̵e̶r̴ ̶f̷o̸l̵l̶o̸w̸i̵n̸g̷ ̵B̶u̵t̴t̸e̴r̴m̶i̷l̴k̷ ̴B̴l̸v̸d̷ ̷o̸n̸ ̵I̷n̵s̷t̸a̴g̸r̵a̴m̴,̵ ̷F̶a̷c̶e̴b̷o̴o̸k̵,̸ ̵a̴n̶d̷ ̷T̸w̵i̵t̵t̶e̶r̴.̷ ̷S̵h̴o̴o̶t̶ ̵m̶e̷ ̸a̵ ̷c̶o̷m̸m̷e̴n̷t̵ ̶o̵r̷ ̵m̵e̵s̴s̵a̴g̸e̶ ̶a̶n̷d̴ ̸l̷e̴t̸ ̸m̷e̶ ̷k̶n̴o̸w̷ ̸y̴o̸u̷r̵ ̶ ̴r̷e̶c̸o̶m̶m̵e̸n̴d̷a̴t̴i̵o̴n̶s̷.̴
    ̵D̵o̶n̶'̷t̴ ̸f̷o̵r̸g̷e̸t̵ ̶t̴o̶ ̸l̵e̷a̸v̶e̸ ̷a̵ ̶5̷ ̶s̵t̷a̵r̴t̴ ̷r̴e̸v̴i̵e̴w̸ ̸a̶n̴d̶ ̷s̴h̷a̴r̴e̶ ̷t̵h̶e̷ ̶e̷p̶i̴s̷o̶d̷e̵s̷ ̸w̸i̶t̸h̸ ̷y̵o̶u̴r̵ ̵f̵r̶i̴e̴n̷d̶s̵!̴ ̸I̵t̴ ̴h̷e̸l̷p̵s̷ ̷o̷u̵t̸ ̸t̵h̵e̷ ̵p̸o̴d̷c̴a̶s̴t̶ ̶a̸ ̶l̸o̶t̷ ̶a̶n̵d̴ ̵i̸t̸'̵s̶ ̷a̶l̵w̸a̵y̶s̷ ̵a̵p̵p̶r̴e̷c̷i̷a̶t̸e̶d̶

    The Socials:
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/buttermilkblvdpod/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/buttermilkblvdpod/?hl=en

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/buttermilkblvd

    For the Gamers (Gentlemetalhead):

    Twitch: http://twitch.tv/Gentlemetalhead

    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAMPfFHACxfMVI5B6WjMz8Q

    As always, thank you for listening to the episode. Until next time, stay safe and rock on!



    A̷n̸ ̶a̴l̸b̷u̶m̶ ̶t̷h̴a̷t̴'̶s̸ ̶r̴e̵a̶l̵l̷y̵ ̸c̵a̵u̴g̶h̴t̵ ̷m̷y̵ ̷a̶t̶t̷e̴n̴t̴i̴o̵n̷ ̴l̵a̶t̸e̴l̷y̷.̴ ̸S̴l̵e̷e̴p̶ ̸T̸o̸k̸e̸n̶ ̸h̷a̸s̶ ̶b̴e̵e̶n̵ ̷m̵y̷ ̷2̸0̵2̷3̸ ̴o̴b̵s̴e̷s̶s̵i̵o̶n̴.̶ ̵T̸h̸i̵s̵ ̸e̵p̴i̴s̴o̶d̸e̴ ̸w̵e̶ ̴t̴a̴l̸k̴ ̷a̴b̶o̸u̵t̴ ̵t̸h̴e̷i̸r̶ ̴l̶a̷t̸e̸s̸t̷ ̵a̷l̷b̷u̷m̶,̵ ̶T̷a̴k̸e̵ ̶M̷e̴ ̶B̵a̷c̷k̴ ̸T̶o̶ ̴E̷d̸e̷n̸ ̶a̸n̴d̶ ̵d̶i̴s̴c̶u̴s̵s̴ ̴a̷l̶l̸ ̸t̴h̷e̴ ̸f̵u̴n̸ ̸n̷u̶a̶n̷c̴e̷s̵ ̴t̷o̸ ̸t̴h̵e̷ ̷r̵e̸c̶o̷r̴d̸.̶ ̸
    I̶f̴ ̸y̸o̷u̵ ̶e̵n̵j̸o̸y̵ ̸t̵h̸e̷ ̵e̷p̸i̸s̷o̷d̵e̵,̵ ̵c̶o̵n̶s̸i̴d̵e̴r̵ ̶s̴u̴b̴s̶c̵r̸i̴b̶i̵n̸g̴ ̵t̶o̴ ̶t̸h̷e̸ ̴p̷o̵d̶c̵a̴s̸t̶ ̴f̶o̴r̸ ̶m̷o̴r̶e̷ ̷c̸o̸n̸t̶e̸n̴t̵ ̴i̴n̸ ̸t̸h̴e̶ ̸f̴u̴t̷u̴r̷e̷.̸ ̸I̴ ̵r̸e̵l̷e̴a̸s̶e̶ ̶e̸p̶i̵s̵o̴d̴e̶s̵ ̶j̸u̷s̷t̸ ̵l̴i̸k̴e̶ ̶t̶h̵i̸s̴ ̸o̵n̵e̵ ̸s̴o̶ ̷m̵a̵k̶e̵ ̶s̸u̴r̸e̵ ̶y̵o̶u̴ ̷l̶e̷a̴v̵e̶ ̶a̸ ̴f̶o̴l̸l̴o̸w̶ ̵t̴o̸ ̶s̷t̶a̷y̴ ̵u̴p̷ ̶t̷o̷ ̵d̸a̵t̵e̸ ̸o̸n̵ ̶n̷e̸w̷ ̷e̷p̸i̶s̶o̶d̴e̶s̷!̸ ̶I̸f̴ ̴y̴o̸u̵ ̴w̸a̵n̶n̴a̴ ̵t̶a̶l̶k̷ ̷m̵u̶s̶i̴c̵ ̷o̵r̶ ̴h̵a̴v̸e̴ ̵s̴u̶g̴g̷e̸s̵t̷i̴o̵n̵s̶ ̷f̴o̷r̵ ̵f̸u̷t̵u̶r̷e̸ ̵e̴p̴i̶s̴o̶d̸e̶s̶,̸ ̸c̵o̷n̴s̴i̸d̵e̶r̴ ̶f̷o̸l̵l̶o̸w̸i̵n̸g̷ ̵B̶u̵t̴t̸e̴r̴m̶i̷l̴k̷ ̴B̴l̸v̸d̷ ̷o̸n̸ ̵I̷n̵s̷t̸a̴g̸r̵a̴m̴,̵ ̷F̶a̷c̶e̴b̷o̴o̸k̵,̸ ̵a̴n̶d̷ ̷T̸w̵i̵t̵t̶e̶r̴.̷ ̷S̵h̴o̴o̶t̶ ̵m̶e̷ ̸a̵ ̷c̶o̷m̸m̷e̴n̷t̵ ̶o̵r̷ ̵m̵e̵s̴s̵a̴g̸e̶ ̶a̶n̷d̴ ̸l̷e̴t̸ ̸m̷e̶ ̷k̶n̴o̸w̷ ̸y̴o̸u̷r̵ ̶ ̴r̷e̶c̸o̶m̶m̵e̸n̴d̷a̴t̴i̵o̴n̶s̷.̴
    ̵D̵o̶n̶'̷t̴ ̸f̷o̵r̸g̷e̸t̵ ̶t̴o̶ ̸l̵e̷a̸v̶e̸ ̷a̵ ̶5̷ ̶s̵t̷a̵r̴t̴ ̷r̴e̸v̴i̵e̴w̸ ̸a̶n̴d̶ ̷s̴h̷a̴r̴e̶ ̷t̵h̶e̷ ̶e̷p̶i̴s̷o̶d̷e̵s̷ ̸w̸i̶t̸h̸ ̷y̵o̶u̴r̵ ̵f̵r̶i̴e̴n̷d̶s̵!̴ ̸I̵t̴ ̴h̷e̸l̷p̵s̷ ̷o̷u̵t̸ ̸t̵h̵e̷ ̵p̸o̴d̷c̴a̶s̴t̶ ̶a̸ ̶l̸o̶t̷ ̶a̶n̵d̴ ̵i̸t̸'̵s̶ ̷a̶l̵w̸a̵y̶s̷ ̵a̵p̵p̶r̴e̷c̷i̷a̶t̸e̶d̶

    The Socials:
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/buttermilkblvdpod/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/buttermilkblvdpod/?hl=en

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/buttermilkblvd

    For the Gamers (Gentlemetalhead):

    Twitch: http://twitch.tv/Gentlemetalhead

    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAMPfFHACxfMVI5B6WjMz8Q

    As always, thank you for listening to the episode. Until next time, stay safe and rock on!

    Support your artists!

    Website: https://www.sleep-token.com/ 

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/2n2RSaZqBuUUukhbLlpnE6 

    Channel update - Ranting and the Dream Theater concert

    Channel update - Ranting and the Dream Theater concert

    Channel update for all of you friends, we talk about the DreamSonic Tour with Animals as Leaders, Devin Townsend, and Dream Theater! I also rant about life and tell unfunny jokes. 

    If you enjoy the episode, consider subscribing to the podcast for more content in the future. I release episodes just like this one so make sure you leave a follow to stay up to date on new episodes! If you wanna talk music or have suggestions for future episodes, consider following Buttermilk Blvd on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. Shoot me a comment or message and let me know your  recommendations.

    Don't forget to leave a 5 start review and share the episodes with your friends! It helps out the podcast a lot and it's always appreciated

    The Socials:
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/buttermilkblvdpod/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/buttermilkblvdpod/?hl=en

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/buttermilkblvd

    For the Gamers (Gentlemetalhead):

    Twitch: http://twitch.tv/Gentlemetalhead

    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAMPfFHACxfMVI5B6WjMz8Q

    As always, thank you for listening to the episode. Until next time, stay safe and rock on!

    Metallica - 72 Seasons Album Review

    Metallica - 72 Seasons Album Review

    The biggest of the Big 4 has released an album. Of course you know I have to review it for you guys. This week's episode we discuss the newest album in Metallica's discography, 72 Seasons. Let's see how it stacks up to the others.

    If you enjoy the episode, consider subscribing to the podcast for more content in the future. I release episodes just like this one so make sure you leave a follow to stay up to date on new episodes! If you wanna talk music or have suggestions for future episodes, consider following Buttermilk Blvd on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. Shoot me a comment or message and let me know your  recommendations.

    Don't forget to leave a 5 start review and share the episodes with your friends! It helps out the podcast a lot and it's always appreciated

    The Socials:
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/buttermilkblvdpod/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/buttermilkblvdpod/?hl=en

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/buttermilkblvd

    For the Gamers (Gentlemetalhead):

    Twitch: http://twitch.tv/Gentlemetalhead

    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAMPfFHACxfMVI5B6WjMz8Q

    As always, thank you for listening to the episode. Until next time, stay safe and rock on!

    Support your artists!

    Metallica Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/2ye2Wgw4gimLv2eAKyk1NB   

    Metallica Website: https://www.metallica.com/ 

    Periphery - Periphery V: Djent is Not A Genre Album Review

    Periphery - Periphery V: Djent is Not A Genre Album Review

    I've been listening to this album on repeat. I'm stuck in a Periphery loop and now accepting this as my life. This week we review the newest album by Periphery; Periphery V: Djent is Not A Genre and talk about how talented, talented musicians are.

    If you enjoy the episode, consider subscribing to the podcast for more content in the future. I release episodes just like this one so make sure you leave a follow to stay up to date on new episodes! If you wanna talk music or have suggestions for future episodes, consider following Buttermilk Blvd on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. Shoot me a comment or message and let me know your  recommendations.

    Don't forget to leave a 5 start review and share the episodes with your friends! It helps out the podcast a lot and it's always appreciated

    The Socials:
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/buttermilkblvdpod/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/buttermilkblvdpod/?hl=en

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/buttermilkblvd

    For the Gamers (Gentlemetalhead):

    Twitch: http://twitch.tv/Gentlemetalhead

    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAMPfFHACxfMVI5B6WjMz8Q

    As always, thank you for listening to the episode. Until next time, stay safe and rock on!

    Support your artists!

    Periphery Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/6d24kC5fxHFOSEAmjQPPhc 

    Periphery Website: https://periphery.net/ 

    Paramore - This Is Why Album Review

    Paramore - This Is Why Album Review

    A recent album that captured my attention. An outstanding album that's already an album of the year contender. Let's talk about the latest album release by Paramore, This is Why. 

    If you enjoy the episode, consider subscribing to the podcast for more content in the future. I release episodes just like this one so make sure you leave a follow to stay up to date on new episodes! If you wanna talk music or have suggestions for future episodes, consider following Buttermilk Blvd on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. Shoot me a comment or message and let me know your  recommendations.

    Don't forget to leave a 5 start review and share the episodes with your friends! It helps out the podcast a lot and it's always appreciated

    The Socials:
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/buttermilkblvdpod/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/buttermilkblvdpod/?hl=en

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/buttermilkblvd

    For the Gamers (Gentlemetalhead):

    Twitch: http://twitch.tv/Gentlemetalhead

    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAMPfFHACxfMVI5B6WjMz8Q

    As always, thank you for listening to the episode. Until next time, stay safe and rock on!

    Support your artists!

    Paramore Website: https://www.paramore.net/

    Paramore Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/74XFHRwlV6OrjEM0A2NCMF 

    2023 Grammy Awards

    2023 Grammy Awards

    The Grammy's happened again...And as per our yearly ritual, it's time to discuss it! I give you my opinions on the award show and discuss the various performances, nominations, and winners!

    If you enjoy the episode, consider subscribing to the podcast for more content in the future. I release episodes just like this one so make sure you leave a follow to stay up to date on new episodes! If you wanna talk music or have suggestions for future episodes, consider following Buttermilk Blvd on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. Shoot me a comment or message and let me know your  recommendations.

    Don't forget to leave a 5 start review and share the episodes with your friends! It helps out the podcast a lot and it's always appreciated

    The Socials:
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/buttermilkblvdpod/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/buttermilkblvdpod/?hl=en

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/buttermilkblvd

    For the Gamers (Gentlemetalhead):

    Twitch: http://twitch.tv/Gentlemetalhead

    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAMPfFHACxfMVI5B6WjMz8Q

    As always, thank you for listening to the episode. Until next time, stay safe and rock on!

    Megadeth - The Sick, The Dying...And The Dead! Album Review

    Megadeth - The Sick, The Dying...And The Dead! Album Review

    A bit behind schedule, but one of the big 4 dropped an album recently. Of course you know we have to cover it! This episode your boy discusses and reviews the most recent release for Megadeth; The Sick, The Dying...And The Dead!

    If you enjoy the episode, consider subscribing to the podcast for more content in the future. I release episodes just like this one so make sure you leave a follow to stay up to date on new episodes! If you wanna talk music or have suggestions for future episodes, consider following Buttermilk Blvd on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. Shoot me a comment or message and let me know your  recommendations.

    Don't forget to leave a 5 start review and share the episodes with your friends! It helps out the podcast a lot and it's always appreciated

    The Socials:
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/buttermilkblvdpod/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/buttermilkblvdpod/?hl=en

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/buttermilkblvd

    For the Gamers (Gentlemetalhead):

    Twitch: http://twitch.tv/Gentlemetalhead

    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAMPfFHACxfMVI5B6WjMz8Q

    As always, thank you for listening to the episode. Until next time, stay safe and rock on!

    Megadeth's Website:

    Megadeth: Spotify Page: 



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