
    About this Episode

    Angie is back from her 2-year break to share...what she did on that two year break. It all starts with the phone. That little computer that perfectly in your hand and basically controls our life. No wonder people have problems.

    Recent Episodes from But...You're So Level Headed's show

    It Only Takes A Few Words to Not Feel So Alone

    It Only Takes A Few Words to Not Feel So Alone
    Back from my trip and full of worries. We all get stuck in these moments of anxiety about everything and it feels like you're the only one. It doesn't take much to realize other people have issues too. Then it's kind of comforting knowing it's not just you. Self-care shouldn't be a chore. It should be something that doesn't have an end result, but ultimately frees your mind.

    *I'm not a therapist. I just see one and like to share.

    Sexual Harassment in the Military

    Sexual Harassment in the Military
    After really thinking about what I've experienced, it's more than I had thought. Fortunately, I have more times when I shut it down or had it taken care of by leadership. It's an unfortunate reality no one likes to talk about. This doesn't mean all soldiers are bad. There's a lot of good ones who've helped me and keep doing the best I can to help others and prevent things that have happened to me. There's a lot that I didn't get to in this one, so stay tuned for more on this.

    You Don't Need Validation From Others

    You Don't Need Validation From Others
    Shaming the fat shamers. Is this really necessary? Heidi Klum is getting accused of fat shaming for hitting the x buzzer on a fat teenage dancer. *eye roll* People have a right to their opinion, just as people have a right to dislike those opinions. Validation is something I work to not need or even desire. Other people don't need to approve of your thoughts and opinions. It can be a process to be okay with yourself and unapologetic about it, but it's worth it. You don't need people living rent free in your mind giving you approval to be yourself.

    Quiet Time is My Favorite Time

    Quiet Time is My Favorite Time
    Fireworks have been a regular thing in my neighborhood and I still hate it after all these years. Reading 'Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking' by Susan Cain has been eye opening. The more I learn about myself the more I can handle myself. Because sometimes I feel like the most difficult person to deal with is myself.

    Let Go Of That Ego

    Let Go Of That Ego
    YouTube channel After Skool had Jim Carey on several years ago, but the message still applies to today. When your ego gets in the way of being your true self. Why do people try SO HARD to live up to those impossible standards manipulated by computers? I've learned to recognize when I spiral into the 'gotta be perfect' mindset and then I realize - it's time to chill and take a step back.