
    Podcast Summary

    • The Daily Wire's Intense New Feature Film PremiereThe Daily Wire premieres its first feature film, 'Run Hide Fight,' showcasing intense direction, well-acted performances, and a commitment to creating conservative content in entertainment to challenge the liberal dominance in Hollywood.

      The Daily Wire, a conservative media company, is premiering its first feature film, "Run Hide Fight," which Matt Walsh describes as intense, well-acted, and a game changer. Walsh is impressed with the film's direction, pacing, and emotional impact. He also shares his decision to homeschool his kids due to concerns about the culture and education system. The team at The Daily Wire is committed to creating conservative content in entertainment to change the culture and counterbalance the dominance of liberal voices in Hollywood. They believe that politics is downstream of culture and that conservatives have devoted too much energy to criticizing art instead of creating it. The premiere of "Run Hide Fight" is a monumental day for The Daily Wire as they aim to provide an alternative to the entertainment industry's liberal bias.

    • Daily Wire enters entertainment industry with conservative valuesThe Daily Wire, a conservative media company, is producing films that resonate with their audience and reflect their values, with the goal of competing with streaming giants through subscriber support.

      The Daily Wire, a conservative media company, is entering the entertainment industry with the goal of creating content that resonates with its audience and reflects their values. They acknowledge that they cannot change the culture single-handedly but believe that with the support of their subscribers, they can compete with streaming giants like Netflix and Disney Plus. The company's first feature film, "Run Hide Fight," is an example of this commitment. They emphasize the importance of subscribers' involvement and financial support to produce more content that aligns with their audience's values. The team behind the film includes Dallas Sonnier as producer, Kyle Rankin as director and writer, and a talented cast. The film, which had a positive response at Venice Film Festival, was passed over by Hollywood due to its alignment with conservative values. The Daily Wire aims to provide an alternative platform for such content and engage with their audience through Q&A sessions and interactive events.

    • Engaging with culture is key to winning it backTo change the culture, conservatives need to understand it, start with young adults, be edgy, and spend resources where people consume content.

      To change the culture, conservatives need to engage with it rather than retreating from it. The speakers emphasized the importance of understanding that making conservative films or books alone is not enough. They encouraged starting with young adults and being edgy to capture their attention. They also highlighted the need to spend time, money, and attention where people are consuming content. The success of their film, which is edgy and R-rated, demonstrates this approach. The speakers acknowledged the risk of challenging some in their audience but emphasized the importance of being missional in their efforts. They believe that engaging with the culture, rather than avoiding it, is the key to winning it back.

    • Challenging the Status Quo with Alternative VoicesThe team behind 'Run, Hide, Fight' advocates for free speech and alternative voices, believing that quality content can inspire change and challenge the status quo. They encourage using tools like ExpressVPN to protect online privacy and maintain the ability to express diverse perspectives.

      The team behind the film "Run, Hide, Fight" recognizes the need for alternative voices and institutions in the cultural debate, especially as they face censorship and silencing on mainstream platforms. They believe that quality content, like their film, can inspire change and challenge the status quo. Additionally, they encourage using tools like ExpressVPN to protect online privacy and maintain the ability to exercise free speech. The team is excited to present a "real movie" that doesn't conform to woke ideologies and is not conservative propaganda. They are on a mission to create content that will contribute to rebuilding America from the ground up.

    • Navigating Ethics in HollywoodThe entertainment industry may require support for certain causes or individuals to advance, but true art should be valued for its merit alone.

      The entertainment industry, particularly in Hollywood, can be a closed community where support for certain causes or individuals can influence opportunities for roles or projects. The speaker shares personal experiences of being faced with difficult decisions between maintaining integrity and potentially advancing their career by attending fundraisers or supporting specific individuals. These experiences highlight the potential existence of a "pay to play" system, where support for certain causes or individuals can be a requirement for being part of the Hollywood community. However, the speaker also emphasizes that great art should be appreciated for its own merit, regardless of the artist's beliefs or affiliations. The speaker's perspective offers insight into the complex dynamics of the entertainment industry and the potential challenges faced by individuals navigating it while staying true to their values.

    • Art shapes individuals and understanding, but free expression restrictions limit diversityRestrictions on free expression limit diverse perspectives, stifle creativity, and polarize society, while protecting the First Amendment and promoting open dialogue ensures art remains a tool for connection and growth.

      Art, whether it's music or film, has the power to shape individuals and help them understand themselves and the world around them, even if the artist and the viewer hold different beliefs. However, restrictions on free expression limit the ability for people to experience and engage with diverse perspectives, leading to a lack of understanding and a polarized society. The entertainment industry, specifically Hollywood, has become increasingly biased, making it difficult for artists with different viewpoints to work and be heard. This not only stifles creativity but also limits the cultural discourse and the ability for individuals to form their own opinions. Conservatives, in particular, have been locked out of many institutions, leaving them with few avenues to influence the culture and shape the narrative. It's crucial to protect the First Amendment and promote open dialogue and diversity of thought to ensure that art remains an experience that connects and challenges us, rather than a tool for propaganda and indoctrination.

    • Building Alternative Institutions: A Call to ActionEngage with entertainment to influence values, build alternatives in media, universities, and corporations, and don't let dominant players control distribution.

      The film being discussed is not just for entertainment, but it's also a call to action for viewers to help build alternative institutions and challenge the status quo. The speakers believe that these institutions, including the media, need to be open and accessible, and viewers can contribute by watching, sharing, and supporting the content. They emphasized the importance of engaging with entertainment as a way to reach people and influence values, especially in today's political climate. Additionally, they highlighted the need to build alternatives in various institutions, including media, universities, and corporations, and to not let dominant players like Amazon control the means of distribution. The discussion also touched on the responsibility of owning firearms and the importance of companies like Bravo Company Manufacturing that provide professional-grade products. Overall, the message was about standing up together and fighting back against attempts to quash alternative viewpoints by building and supporting alternative institutions.

    • BCM's Film 'Run Hide Fight' Challenges Conservative Entertainment NormsBCM, known for weapons production and self-defense training, creates mature content film 'Run Hide Fight', pushing conservative entertainment boundaries, growing from a pool house to over 100 employees, competing in the entertainment industry.

      Bravo Company Manufacturing (BCM) is dedicated to producing high-quality weapons and providing essential self-defense training, aligning with the principles of the Second Amendment. BCM collaborates with top American special operations forces instructors to teach defensive skills to the public. The Second Amendment is not just about hunting but protecting oneself, loved ones, neighbors, and rights. BCM's new film, "Run Hide Fight," aims to challenge conservative entertainment norms with mature content, showcasing real people in difficult situations. The film is for young adults and adults, not suitable for children. The Daily Wire is pushing the envelope in entertainment, producing a range of content for various audiences. The company started in a pool house and has grown to over 100 employees, producing mainstream entertainment and competing for viewers' time and money. The journey continues as they challenge the left's barriers in the new era.

    • The Daily Wire's New Film 'Run Hide Fight': A Thought-Provoking Take on School ShootingsThe Daily Wire, facing rejection from Hollywood, produces and releases 'Run Hide Fight', a controversial film about school shootings, with overwhelmingly positive audience feedback.

      The Daily Wire is venturing into the SVOD platform business, producing new content, and releasing films independently after facing rejection from Hollywood. The first film in their new initiative is "Run Hide Fight," a daring and thought-provoking piece about school shootings that didn't find a home in mainstream Hollywood due to its controversial subject matter. Dallas Sonnier, the film's producer, mortgaged his house and provided creative control to writer-director Kyle Rankin to bring the project to life. Rankin, inspired by personal experiences and encouraged by his wife, tackled the sensitive subject matter despite initial fears. The film's unique perspective, not sympathetic to shooters, aligns with The Daily Wire's stance on not publishing their names to avoid fueling their notoriety. The film's premiere was met with overwhelmingly positive feedback from their audience.

    • Exploring the Harmful Effects of Social Media and Taboo SubjectsThe film 'Echoes of a Dark Past' highlights how social media can fuel harmful behaviors and reinforce taboo subjects, and director S. Craig Zahler's unconventional ideas, including the controversial topic of school shootings, were validated by securing Thomas Jane for the cast.

      The film "Echoes of a Dark Past" explores the theme of how social media can fuel harmful behaviors and reinforce taboo subjects. The director, S. Craig Zahler, shared that some of his ideas come to him unexpectedly, and he kept the controversial topic of school shootings a secret due to industry taboo. Zahler wrote the script with Kathryn Bigelow in mind and was thrilled when he was able to secure Thomas Jane for the cast, who helped validate the project for other actors. The film features a mix of established and new talent, with many young actors having limited credits. The cast bonded during production, and they remain friends to this day. Zahler has made other films, such as "Bone Tomahawk" and "Brawl in Cell Block 99," that pushed against Hollywood's political correctness, and he is known for speaking his mind.

    • Creating Movies with Human Themes and No PoliticsThe producer aims to create movies inspired by childhood, focusing on human themes, and maintaining creative control, while avoiding politics to provide great entertainment for all.

      The producer aims to create movies inspired by his childhood and maintain absolute creative control for filmmakers, while keeping politics out of the artwork. He believes in the power of human themes, such as bravery, selflessness, and self-reliance, and wants to highlight the heroic potential in people. Despite being a conservative producer, he doesn't intend to make overtly political movies but rather focus on great entertainment. He also values the importance of diverse voices and characters in storytelling. The goal is to create movies that resonate with audiences, regardless of political affiliations.

    • Exploring different perspectives through storytellingUnderstanding various viewpoints and being open to exploring 'gray areas' enriches storytelling and fosters connection between people

      Storytelling, whether through film or writing, allows us to explore different perspectives and connect with people from all walks of life. This was emphasized during a discussion about the film "The Trial of the Chicago 7," where the speaker shared their experience of being encouraged to write about both sides of an issue in a screenwriting class. They also mentioned their admiration for iconic films like "Red Dawn" and "Night of the Hunter," which have influenced their work as filmmakers. The importance of understanding different viewpoints and being open to exploring the "gray areas" of life was a recurring theme in the conversation. Additionally, the speaker shared their personal experiences of meeting and learning from industry legends like Jon Voight, who provided valuable insights into the filmmaking process. Overall, the discussion highlighted the power of storytelling to bring people together and inspire creativity.

    • Exploring the Influence of BBS Films and Michael Cimino on a Film EnthusiastA film enthusiast shares their admiration for BBS films and Michael Cimino, recommending 'America Lost and Found: The BBS Story' and 'Year of the Dragon.' They reflect on their connection to Broken Bow, Oklahoma, and address criticism of their film as exploitative.

      The speaker is a film enthusiast who appreciates movies from the late sixties and seventies, particularly smaller thrillers and those produced by BBS (B Bert Schneider, Steve Bisgay, and Bob Rafelson). They find inspiration in these films for personal and professional reasons. The speaker recommends the Criterion collection "America Lost and Found: The BBS Story." Their favorite filmmaker is Michael Cimino, known for "Deer Hunter" and "Heaven's Gate," but they highly recommend his lesser-known film "Year of the Dragon." The speaker also mentions their connection to Broken Bow, Oklahoma, and how they chose it as a vacation spot. The speaker addresses criticism of their film as exploitative, stating that the intended audience has embraced it, while critics on the extreme left have been resistant and focused on the subject matter and perceived politics rather than the movie itself.

    • The disconnect between critics and audiences in media and criticismThe film 'The School Shooter: An American Myth' sheds light on mass shootings' complex motivations, challenges media handling, and offers a unique perspective on a sensitive topic.

      The left's dominance in various cultural institutions has led to a homogenized perspective in media and criticism, creating a significant disconnect between critics' and audiences' opinions. The film "The School Shooter: An American Myth" tackles this issue by shedding light on the victims and the complex motivations behind mass shootings, including mental health and the desire for notoriety. The film also challenges the media's handling of these events and the need to deprive perpetrators of attention. Overall, the film offers a unique and honest perspective on a sensitive and often misunderstood topic.

    • Producer Dallas Sonnier's personal journey making and watching '65'Producer Dallas Sonnier was deeply involved in every aspect of '65', collaborating closely with editor Matthew Lorenz and feeling a sense of pride and ownership. He appreciated the film's themes of justice, redemption, and the importance of being held accountable for actions.

      Creating a film is a deeply personal experience for the filmmakers involved. Dallas Sonnier, the producer, shared how he was present for every edit and went frame by frame, collaborating closely with editor Matthew Lorenz. Watching the film with an audience for the first time in Venice was a surreal experience for him, as he felt a sense of pride and ownership, but also a desire to let it go and live its own life. The film, "65," works, according to Sonnier, and he was impressed by the performances, especially Isabel May's terrific portrayal of the lead character. A scene that stood out to him was when a character discussed free will, emphasizing the importance of being held accountable for one's actions. Sonnier also appreciated the film's themes of justice and redemption, and his personal favorite moment was the scene where the father saves his daughter in the chemistry lab. Overall, Sonnier's experience making and watching "65" reinforced his appreciation for well-crafted stories and the emotional connection they can create.

    • Exploring inventiveness, protection, and fatherhood in unexpected waysThe film 'Breaking' offers a thought-provoking exploration of resilience, redemption, and the complexities of family dynamics through themes of inventiveness, protection, and unexpected father figures.

      The film "Breaking" explores themes of inventiveness, protection, and fatherhood in unexpected ways. The protagonist's resourcefulness in protecting herself is appreciated, even when she's not able to defeat her adversary in a physical confrontation. The unexpected appearance of her father as a savior in a moment of crisis creates a beautiful and poignant moment. The conversation about God's role in allowing bad things to happen to good people in a spiritual men's group led the speaker to reconsider the wisdom of religious texts. The film also challenges stereotypes of fatherhood, with Thomas Jane delivering a nuanced performance as a father who has the opportunity to become a better parent in the face of tragedy. Despite potential backlash, the film's young cast gave brave performances, demonstrating their talent and commitment to their craft. Overall, "Breaking" offers a thought-provoking exploration of resilience, redemption, and the complexities of family dynamics.

    • Controversial film reaches wider audience through Daily WireActors' courage and resilience, film's success at Venice Fest, and Daily Wire's mission to challenge Hollywood's dominance inspire support for independent artists and alternative perspectives.

      The cast and crew of a controversial film, despite facing criticism and adversity, remained committed to the project and ultimately saw it reach a wider audience through the Daily Wire platform. The actors, including Isabel May, demonstrated courage and resilience in the face of small-mindedness and censorship, and their impressive performances helped the film gain recognition at the Venice Film Festival. The Daily Wire's mission to challenge Hollywood's dominance in entertainment and provide alternative perspectives is gaining momentum, and the success of this film is a testament to the power of independent artists and audiences coming together to support new voices and ideas. To continue supporting the film and future projects from the Daily Wire, viewers are encouraged to become members and watch the film on demand.

    • Joining The Daily Wire connects you to exclusive events and a lively chat communityMembership grants access to exclusive movie premieres and a vibrant community, providing a valuable escape with high-quality films in today's media landscape

      Becoming a member of The Daily Wire community not only grants you access to exclusive events like movie premieres but also connects you to a lively chat community. The film being premiered, with its compelling storyline, excellent acting, and high production quality, is a testament to the value of membership. The hosts, James and Michael, praised the film for its escapism and the interesting layers of the good guy character. They emphasized the importance of good quality films in today's media landscape and shared their relief and delight in discovering a genuinely excellent movie. Overall, the experience of being a member and engaging with the community, as well as enjoying a high-quality film, makes the investment worthwhile.

    • Appreciation and Constructive CriticismCreators value audience feedback, especially from those who appreciate their work. They encourage sharing and support, while asking critics to keep their comments respectful and constructive.

      The creators of "Run Hide Fight" value the opinions of their audience, especially those who enjoy their content. They believe that if viewers genuinely appreciate their work, they should share it with others and support their mission to compete in the entertainment industry. On the other hand, those who are completely disappointed or offended by the film are encouraged to keep their criticisms to themselves. The creators acknowledge that they won't always be perfect, but they trust their audience to understand their intentions and appreciate the risks they take in producing content that challenges viewers. They also recognize the importance of occupying cultural spaces and not penalizing those who try to make a difference. Overall, the creators express their gratitude for their audience's support and encourage them to continue joining them on their journey to create thought-provoking and entertaining content.

    • Exploring culture instead of politicsThe creators prioritize producing content that resonates with viewers and sparks genuine interest, rather than adhering to societal expectations or delivering politically or culturally expected content.

      The creators of this entertainment platform value producing content that is enjoyable for their audience, rather than adhering to societal expectations. They aim to create content that resonates with viewers and ignites genuine interest, as opposed to just delivering what is politically or culturally expected. Their commitment to this approach will continue, and they will return to discuss politics at a later time. For now, they encourage their audience to join them in exploring the importance of culture, which underpins all political discourse.

    Recent Episodes from The Matt Walsh Show

    Ep. 1397 - One Thing Is Clear: Biden Is Done

    Ep. 1397 - One Thing Is Clear: Biden Is Done

    Today on the Matt Walsh show, guest hosted by yours truly, David Cone, we will dissect the top 5 takeaways from the most consequential presidential debate of our lifetime. President Joe Biden was barely functional, and Donald Trump took advantage. Louisiana parents sue in response to the state’s governor signing a new bill into law requiring all public schools to display the Ten Commandments in every classroom. The organization PETA launches a new campaign encouraging members to stop having sexual relations with meat-eaters. And I will be canceling new LA Lakers head coach, JJ Redick.




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    Backstage: The Presidential Debate

    Backstage: The Presidential Debate

    Watch the exclusive Daily Wire Backstage: Presidential Debate post-show as Ben Shapiro, Matt Walsh, Michael Knowles, Andrew Klavan, and Jeremy Boreing dissect Trump's landslide victory and Biden's catastrophic performance that sent the Democratic Party into full-blown panic. Our all-star panel delivers the unvarnished truth about this debate's seismic impact on America's future. Don't miss this no-holds-barred analysis of a night that may have already decided the 2024 election.


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    Birch Gold - Make a qualifying purchase by July 31st and get a GOLDEN Truth Bomb! Text "BEN" to 989898, or go to https://birchgold.com/BEN


    PreBorn! - Donate today to support PreBorn's life-saving work: https://www.preborn.com/BACKSTAGE


    Boll & Branch - Get 15% off your order at https://www.bollandbranch.com/BEN

    The Matt Walsh Show
    enJune 28, 2024

    Ep. 1396 - A System Run By Illiterate Imbeciles

    Ep. 1396 - A System Run By Illiterate Imbeciles

    Today on the Matt Walsh Show, a judge in Atlanta was just arrested and removed from the bench after getting into a fight at a nightclub and assaulting a police officer. Again: this woman works as a judge, not a waitress at Waffle House. But, she is just a symptom of a much larger problem. We'll discuss. Also, I'll offer my preview of tonight's presidential debate. Climate protesters attempt a very unique and hilarious method of stopping traffic. And, a guy on Twitter is roundly mocked and ridiculed after offering some unorthodox life advice to young men. As usual, the peanut gallery is wrong.




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    Join us live on Backstage for real-time coverage of the presidential debate TONIGHT at 8:30 PM ET on DailyWire+.


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    BetOnline - Use code "Walsh" to receive a 50% instant deposit bonus of up to $1,000 at http://www.betonline.ag


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    Ep. 1395 - A Flock Of Drag Queens Descend On Capitol Hill

    Ep. 1395 - A Flock Of Drag Queens Descend On Capitol Hill

    Today on the Matt Walsh Show, yesterday was "Drag Lobby Day" on Capitol Hill as several drag queens descended on our nation's capital to lobby for a host of awful legislation. The whole event was a flop, though, which may tell us something. Also, the Biden Administration promotes another cross-dressing man. The city of Los Angeles cracks down on people who are committing the crime of trying to make their communities safe and livable. And, the first annual "FatCon," a convention for fat people, just happened. I'll have the highlights, in case you were under the weight limit and couldn't attend.




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    Join us live on Backstage for real-time coverage of the presidential debate TOMORROW NIGHT at 8:30 PM ET on DailyWire+.


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    Today’s Sponsors:


    PureTalk - Start saving on wireless! http://www.PureTalk.com/WALSH


    Grand Canyon University - Find your purpose at Grand Canyon University: https://www.gcu.edu/


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    Ep. 1394 - The Fight Against Child Mutilation Makes It To The Supreme Court

    Ep. 1394 - The Fight Against Child Mutilation Makes It To The Supreme Court

    Today on the Matt Walsh Show, the Supreme Court will officially hear a challenge to Tennessee's ban on "gender affirming care" for minors. This will be a huge case that could deliver a devastating blow to the trans agenda. Also, CNN kicks a Trump spokesperson off the air for questioning CNN's objectivity ahead of the presidential debate on Thursday. Taylor Swift makes a brave stand against the patriarchy at her most recent concert. And, British academics are researching milk to discover its ties to racism and colonialism.




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    Birch Gold - Text "WALSH" to 989898, or go to https://birchgold.com/WALSH, for your no-cost, no-obligation, FREE information kit.


    Helix Sleep - Get 30% off your order + 2 dream pillows. https://helixsleep.com/WALSH


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    Ep. 1393 - Christian Conservatives Proven Right Once Again As Abstinence 'Trend' Gains Popularity

    Ep. 1393 - Christian Conservatives Proven Right Once Again As Abstinence 'Trend' Gains Popularity

    Today on the Matt Walsh Show, the media has discovered a hot new trend. It's called abstinence. For years the Left mocked Christian conservatives for promoting abstinence. Now, they're coming around, but for all the wrong reasons. Also, Jamaal Bowman and AOC team up for the cringiest campaign rally of all time. Donald Trump made two campaign promises over the weekend: one very good and one very bad. And, the wife of an NFL quarterback says that she convinced her now-husband to date her by hooking up with his backup. Why would any wife share a story like that?




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    Tax Network USA - Seize control of your financial future! Call 1(800)245-6000 or visit http://www.TNUSA.com/WALSH


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    Ep. 1392 - Disney’s Not So Secret Anti-White Agenda

    Ep. 1392 - Disney’s Not So Secret Anti-White Agenda

    Today on the Matt Walsh Show, we've heard about Disney's not-so-secret gay agenda. Now, thanks to James O'Keefe, we know more about their not-so-secret anti-white agenda. Also, MSNBC talking heads do their best to explain why classrooms should have pride flags but shouldn't have the Ten Commandments. Their argument is more revealing than they wanted it to be. And, can racism cause cancer? That was the premise of an episode of an NBC medical drama. It was not satire. Not intentionally, anyway.




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    Birch Gold - Text "WALSH" to 989898, or go to https://birchgold.com/WALSH, for your no-cost, no-obligation, FREE information kit.


    Good Ranchers - Get $100 off PLUS FREE smoked brats for a year with promo code WALSH: https://www.goodranchers.com


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    Ep. 1391 - Anti-Human Eco Brats Deface One Of The Oldest Monuments On Earth

    Ep. 1391 - Anti-Human Eco Brats Deface One Of The Oldest Monuments On Earth

    Today on the Matt Walsh Show, the anti-human climate alarmist brats are at it again. This time, they defaced one of the oldest and most historically significant monuments on the planet. These people don't love the planet. They just hate humanity. Also, Louisiana is mandating a copy of the Ten Commandments for every classroom in the state. The usual suspects are claiming that this is an attack on the First Amendment. I'll explain why that's ridiculous. And, the "bio-hacking" movement continues to grow. These are people who think that dying is a choice, rather than an inevitable fact of human existence.




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    Tax Network USA - Seize control of your financial future! Call 1(800)245-6000 or visit http://www.TNUSA.com/WALSH


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    Ep. 1390 - Major Polling Firm Changes Its Own Results After Left-Wing Activists Complain

    Ep. 1390 - Major Polling Firm Changes Its Own Results After Left-Wing Activists Complain

    Today on the Matt Walsh Show, the term "Orwellian" is overused these days–but, no other word can describe what just happened with a Pew survey finding that a vast majority of black Americans believe in racial conspiracy theories. The findings were so upsetting to activists that Pew went back and changed the report. This is a crazy story that few are talking about. We'll discuss. Also, Donald Trump reportedly floated the idea of abolishing the income tax. That's a great idea that should garner a lot more enthusiasm than it does. And, a democratic congresswoman claims that she miraculously cured cancer. Where are the fact-checkers on this one?




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    Join us live on Backstage for real-time coverage of the presidential debate on 6/27 at 8:30 PM ET on DailyWire+.


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    Balance of Nature - Get 35% off Your Order + FREE Fiber & Spice Supplements. Use promo code WALSH at checkout: https://www.balanceofnature.com/


    Envita Health - Learn more about their treatment options at http://www.EnvitaHealth.com or http://www.Envita.com


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    The Daily Wire Strikes Back(stage): Canceling Cancel Culture

    Join Ben Shapiro, Jeremy Boreing, Andrew Klavan, Matt Walsh, and Michael Knowles as they discuss Joe Biden’s totally normal, 100% NOT radical presidency, what we can do to fill our time now that literally everything is canceled (yes, even The Muppets), and why we’re thrilled to be making a film with Gina Carano.

    Tune in every Friday to watch Ben Shapiro dismantle leftist myths in his brand new series—DEBUNKED, exclusively at Dailywire.com. Become a member today and use the promo code DEBUNKED to get 25% off your membership! | JOIN: https://utm.io/uc79K

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    55 - Riverside Chats: It's Kinda Meta

    55 - Riverside Chats: It's Kinda Meta

    Jaye is joined by her husband Chuckles as they discuss free speech versus calls to violence and terrorism, as well as if Donald Trump's rhetoric and actions in support of gun control will upset his supporters enough to turn against him in 2020. Chuckles stans Candace Owens and sees her temporary ban on Twitter as an example of a conspiracy by the social media giant against conservative voices. Jaye points out that white supremacists run rampant on Twitter despite the ability to filter them out just like they filter out Islamic terror groups - because Twitter doesn't want to ban Republican politicians.

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    Potstirrer Podcast Theme composed by Jon Biegen from Stranger Still

    Compressor Works Twang composed by Max McFerren

    Orem City Bans Free Speech

    Orem City Bans Free Speech
    In a crazy desperate move, the city of Orem pulls a Orwellian move claiming some people are "more equal than others" in their attempt to strip you of your right to free speech as well as your right to petition the government for redress of grievances.

    Read the full order here https://www.utah.gov/pmn/files/658317.pdf
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    Dallas Mayor Joins GOP, Partisan Divide on Free Speech, Canada Honors a Nazi

    Dallas Mayor Joins GOP, Partisan Divide on Free Speech, Canada Honors a Nazi
    Join Jim and Greg as they cheer Dallas Mayor Eric Johnson switching to the Republican Party saying the GOP has a much better approach on crime and fiscal discipline. And Jim wonders whether Johnson has larger political ambitions. They also recoil at a Real Clear Politics survey showing a sharp divide between the parties on free speech, with Democrats far more likely to favor government or social media companies cracking down on "hate speech" or speech that possibly threatens national security. Finally, they cringe as Canada's House of Commons lavishes praise on a 98-year-old Canadian from Ukraine for fighting against Russia during World War II. They just didn't bother to check which side he was fighting for.

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    Supreme Court takes on major First Amendment, LGBTQ battle

    Supreme Court takes on major First Amendment, LGBTQ battle

    The Supreme Court heard a major battle between First Amendment rights and LGBTQ protections this month. Lorie Smith, the plaintiff in the case fighting for her free speech rights, and her attorney Kristen Waggoner of Alliance Defending Freedom joined Alex Swoyer to comment on the oral arguments. Mike Davis, a former clerk to Justice Neil M. Gorsuch, also joined the episode to break down other major legal topics facing the justices this term, including the ongoing probe into who leaked the draft opinion earlier this year revealing the justices would overturn Roe v. Wade.