
    Podcast Summary

    • Brandon Ross Tours Stops in Multiple Cities, Controversy Surrounds Dalai Lama's Stance on Gay MarriageBrandon Ross Tours is traveling to various cities, causing controversy over Dalai Lama's stance on gay marriage, with differing opinions among group members.

      Brandon Ross Tours is embarking on a cross-country tour, making stops in various cities including San Antonio, Dallas, Houston, Spokane, Seattle, Portland, and Wisconsin, with plans to visit Phoenix and Florida later. Apologies were expressed for having to reschedule a performance in Virginia due to unforeseen circumstances. During a previous encounter, the Dalai Lama kissed a young boy on the tongue, sparking controversy, and the group discussed the celibacy of Tibetan monks and their stance on gay marriage. The conversation revealed differing opinions on the matter, with some believing the Dalai Lama supports gay marriage and others believing he does not. The group also joked about their own potential legal marriage status. Juicy returned to the studio, and the group expressed their joy at his return. The tour continues to be a fun experience for all involved.

    • Love for touring vs. dislike for certain adaptationsThe speaker advocates for more inclusive casting in classic stories, expressing disappointment when white actors are chosen for roles that should be played by actors of color. They look forward to future opportunities to be part of more representative productions.

      The speaker expresses a deep love for performing on tour but has a strong dislike for certain adaptations of classic stories, specifically Peter Pan and Robin Hood, due to the casting of white actors in roles that they feel should be played by actors of color. They believe that these stories, which they see as part of their ancestry and history, should be more representative and inclusive. The speaker also expresses excitement for potential future opportunities to be involved in productions of these stories, imagining themselves in the roles of Captain Hook and Peter Pan. They also express admiration for actors they have auditioned against, such as Dante Basco, who they believe should have been cast as Rufio in previous productions. Overall, the speaker's perspective highlights the importance of representation and inclusivity in storytelling and the impact that casting choices can have on audiences.

    • A Debate on Characters and Motivations: Pirates, Robin Hood, and EthicsDuring a brainstorming session, participants discussed various characters, debated their motivations, and explored ethical dilemmas while working towards creating a unique and meaningful film project.

      During a brainstorming session for a film project, the discussion revolved around various characters and ideas, including Peter Pan and Robin Hood. One participant expressed his desire to play a pirate role, but his attitude was criticized, leading to a debate about the merits of different characters and their motivations. Another participant expressed a preference for Robin Hood robbing from the rich and giving to the poor, while another defended the rich and argued for keeping wealth concentrated. The conversation also touched on pop culture references, personal experiences, and ethical debates. Ultimately, the group aimed to create a unique and meaningful film project, discussing various aspects of storytelling, character development, and production.

    • Discussing The Comedy Store and Charity WorkThe group appreciates The Comedy Store, shares personal experiences, and emphasizes the importance of giving back through charity events.

      The group discussed various topics during their podcast, including allowing certain individuals into exclusive places, comedy elements in pop culture, and their charity work. They also shared personal experiences and anecdotes, such as attempting to sneak in uninvited guests and dealing with noisy neighbors. A significant portion of the conversation revolved around their appreciation for The Comedy Store and their recent charitable efforts. The group emphasized their commitment to giving back to the community, and they expressed gratitude towards Quincy and the staff at The Comedy Store for facilitating their charity event. Despite some challenges, such as a neighbor's loud music and potential eviction, they remained optimistic and continued to find humor in their everyday experiences.

    • Appreciating Creativity and Originality in MusicMusic resonates deeply with people, inspiring creativity and originality. Even skeptics can find meaning in songs, like 'Take Me to Church' by Hozier, which contain subtle messages.

      Creativity and originality are valuable, no matter the genre or audience. The speaker expresses his appreciation for music that resonates with him, specifically a Lumineers-inspired sound. He encourages creating new things and not being afraid to appeal to younger audiences. The conversation then shifts to discussing the idea of God inspiring musicians, with the speaker expressing his skepticism and suggesting alternative artists like Thom Yorke or Carin O. The conversation ends with a reflection on the power of music to convey deeper meanings, even if those meanings may not be immediately apparent to all listeners. For instance, the song "Take Me to Church" by Hozier, which the speaker loves, contains subtle references to religion and criticism towards it. The speaker also shares a personal story about his father misunderstanding a song's lyrics and using it as a cautionary tale against drug use. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of creativity, originality, and the power of music to convey complex ideas and emotions.

    • Art's Meaning Can Evolve Through Collective InterpretationsArt's power lies in its ability to resonate with people differently, allowing for new meanings to emerge through individual experiences and interpretations

      Art, whether it's music or literature, has the power to evolve and take on new meanings beyond the control of the artist. The speaker shares an anecdote about a friend who admits to not doing his homework because he'd rather get stoned. The friend then reflects on how music can resonate with people in different ways, using Bruce Springsteen as an example. Springsteen may not have worked in a factory himself, but he wrote about the experience based on what he saw. The speaker also shares memories of misinterpreting song lyrics as a child and how those misunderstandings became part of the songs' meanings for them. The beauty of art, according to the speaker, is that it can evolve and take on new meanings through the collective experiences and interpretations of its audience.

    • Debunking Myths with Google and Cooking with HelloFreshGoogle can help debunk myths, while HelloFresh offers restaurant-quality meals at home with authentic recipes during cultural celebrations

      The internet has made it increasingly difficult to believe and spread "big fish stories." Mark Blowman, a high school classmate, once famously performed a BMX bike stunt, but a quick Google search would debunk the myth. In contrast, services like HelloFresh make it easy to cook restaurant-quality meals at home, saving time and money. During Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, HelloFresh offers authentic recipes in partnership with chef Sherby Shani. Morgan and Morgan, America's largest injury law firm, provides assistance for those involved in car accidents, ensuring clients receive full and fair compensation with a free consultation and no upfront fees.

    • From Hip Hop to Rock: Middle School Dances and Music PreferencesMusic shapes social experiences and personal growth, with preferences influenced by demographics, siblings, and generations.

      During middle school dances in the past, the music played largely depended on the demographic of the students. For some, it was hip hop, while for others, it was rock. The speaker shared how he transitioned from not being a fan of rap to appreciating it through De La Sol's "3 Feet High and Rising." He also mentioned his dislike for certain rock songs played at school dances due to their lack of appeal. The conversation touched upon the influence of siblings and generations on music preferences. Ultimately, the discussion highlighted the significance of music in shaping social experiences and personal growth.

    • Older comics vs younger performers: A generational divide in comedyOlder comics lament the lack of respect for comedy history among younger performers, while younger comics rely on the internet to discover new talent. Both generations agree that comedy is subjective and everyone has their unique perspective.

      There's a generational divide in the comedy world, with older comics lamenting the lack of respect and knowledge for comedy history among younger doormen and performers. The older comics share stories of having to navigate through their elders to enter comedy venues and knowing who was in the business, while younger performers today rely on the internet and social media to discover new talent. The older comics express frustration with the younger generation's focus on the present and disregard for the past. However, they acknowledge that times have changed and that it's important to adapt or die in the industry. Despite their differences, both generations agree that comedy is subjective and that everyone has their unique perspective and approach to it.

    • Values kindness and considerationThey prioritize respect and understanding in their relationships, acknowledging that mean-spirited actions can cause guilt and discomfort, while also valuing honesty, particularly about personal hygiene.

      Despite their playful banter and teasing, the individuals in this conversation value kindness and consideration towards each other. They acknowledge that mean-spirited actions, even if just for fun, can cause guilt and discomfort. However, they also discuss the importance of honesty, particularly when it comes to personal hygiene. While they joke about the idea of manipulating the audience, they also acknowledge the potential harm of spreading rumors or humiliating others. Ultimately, they seem to prioritize respect and understanding in their relationships.

    • Friend's suggestion misunderstood due to breath mint commentClear communication is crucial to avoid misunderstandings, especially when addressing sensitive topics like personal hygiene.

      During a conversation, it was revealed that a friend of the speaker suggested buying Fisherman's Friends breath mints for someone else due to a perceived issue with their breath. However, the friend's intentions were misconstrued, leading to confusion and misunderstanding. The conversation also touched upon the taboo nature of addressing someone's personal hygiene issues, especially when it comes to breath and body odor. It was acknowledged that such issues can be sensitive and may depend on the context and relationship dynamics. Ultimately, the conversation highlighted the importance of clear communication and understanding in avoiding misunderstandings.

    • Handling unexpected situations with grace and humorDuring unexpected moments, respond with understanding, acceptance, and humor to maintain a positive connection.

      The unexpected can happen in life, even during romantic moments, and it's important to handle it with grace and humor. For example, if a date reveals a surprising physical trait, such as a missing leg, it's crucial to respond with understanding and acceptance. The conversation then shifted to the topic of digestive health, with a recommendation for d's o one daily symbiotic to promote healthy digestion and regularity. If faced with the hypothetical situation of losing a limb, it's important to remember that limbs refer to arms and legs for humans. The conversation ended with a light-hearted discussion about the hypothetical existence of a human tail and the potential implications of having one.

    • Animals' Expressions and Unique Body UsesFrom cats' communicative tails to kangaroos' powerful kicks, and ducks' intricate reproductive systems, animals exhibit remarkable adaptations and complexities in their expressions and body uses.

      Animals, including cats and kangaroos, express emotions and utilize their body parts in unique ways. For instance, a cat's tail signifies different emotions, from greeting to defense. Kangaroos, on the other hand, use their powerful tails as a source of force when kicking. Animals, such as ducks, have complex reproductive systems with intriguing features like a corkscrew-shaped vagina, serving as an internal defense mechanism. Furthermore, many animals, including ducks, experience pleasure during mating. These discoveries highlight the fascinating adaptations and complexities present in the natural world.

    • Advancements in Prosthetics and WeaponsProsthetics have advanced to be indistinguishable from real limbs, while weapons have evolved from gunpowder to cannons, shaping societal norms and expectations

      The use of advanced technology, such as prosthetic limbs and weapons, has been a significant part of human history. During the discussion, it became clear that prosthetic limbs have come a long way and can be indistinguishable from real limbs. The use of weapons, from gunpowder to cannons, has also evolved over time, with various civilizations contributing to their development. It's important to recognize the impact of these advancements on human capabilities and history. Additionally, the conversation touched on the idea that certain technologies, like guns, can be both feared and revered, and their presence can shape societal norms and expectations.

    • Exploring Unconventional Ideas Sparks CreativityImagination and unconventional ideas can lead to innovative creations. Embrace the thrill of taking risks and pushing boundaries.

      Creativity and innovation often stem from unconventional ideas and unexpected sources. The conversation between the group of people revolved around the idea of creating powerful weapons, from big bullets to catapults and even being shot out of a cannon like Evel Knievel. Though some ideas seemed far-fetched, they sparked curiosity and led to fascinating discussions. The group's creativity was inspired by the desire to push boundaries and explore the unknown. Moreover, the conversation highlighted the human fascination with danger and adrenaline rushes, as seen in the old-timey stunts and daredevil acts. The group admired the bravery of those who took risks and faced their fears, even if it meant being tied to train tracks or jumping off moving trains. In essence, the conversation showcased the power of imagination and the importance of embracing unconventional ideas to create something new and exciting. It also reminded us of the thrill and allure of taking risks and pushing boundaries, even if it means facing our fears.

    • Struggling with Giving Up Meat CompletelySpeakers found it hard to give up meat despite ethical concerns, suggesting a pescatarian diet as a compromise, but even that raised ethical issues, leading to a humorous yet thought-provoking idea of keeping chickens entertained with iPads instead.

      Despite having witnessed the process of animal slaughter and contemplated vegetarianism, the speakers found it challenging to give up meat completely, especially when it comes to their favorite foods like cheese, eggs, and fish. They suggested adopting a pescatarian diet as a compromise, but even that raised ethical concerns about the large-scale breeding and living conditions of animals, particularly chickens. The conversation ended with a humorous yet thought-provoking idea of giving chickens iPads to keep them entertained instead of killing them for food.

    • The power of empathy and connectionEmpathy and understanding can lead to meaningful connections, even in unexpected situations. People may remember acts of kindness, regardless of the source.

      Compassion and understanding can lead to meaningful connections, even in unexpected situations. The speaker expressed strong emotions towards the mistreatment of animals and the idea of learning a language for someone they care about. He shared a personal story about receiving shoes from a friend when he was in need, which made a lasting impact on him. Despite not remembering the specific act of kindness, he was moved by the fact that his friend had remembered and acknowledged their past interaction. The conversation also touched on the idea that people may remember the kindness shown to them, even if they don't remember the source. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of empathy and connection in our interactions with others.

    • The Power of KindnessActs of kindness, no matter how small, can have a big impact on someone's life and should be paid forward.

      Acts of kindness, no matter how small, can make a significant impact on someone's life. The comedian's story illustrates this perfectly. He had hit rock bottom, sleeping in a truck for two weeks after being deceived by someone. But then, Jimmy Schubert, a fellow comedian, showed him kindness by buying him breakfast. The comedian never forgot this gesture and years later, when he was successful, he repaid the favor by providing Jimmy with a nice hotel room during a comedy gig. This story highlights the importance of being kind and the ripple effect it can have. It also emphasizes that we should remember to pay it forward and help those in need, just as Jimmy did for the comedian. Kindness is a powerful tool that can change someone's life for the better.

    Recent Episodes from Bad Friends

    A Little Chit Chat

    A Little Chit Chat
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    en-usJune 17, 2024

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    en-usJune 14, 2024

    McKone's Granny Hates Bobby

    McKone's Granny Hates Bobby
    NEW MERCH ALERT: Go to http://badfriendsmerch.com to get the Bad Friends World Shirts and Mugs Today! Get MORE Bad Friends at our Patreon!! https://www.patreon.com/badfriends Thank you to our Sponsors: Shopify, BLUECHEW, Morgan & Morgan, & Liquid Death • Shopify: Sign up for a one-dollar-per-month trial period at https://www.shopify.com/badfriends • Morgan & Morgan: If you’re ever injured, you can check out Morgan & Morgan. Their fee is free unless they win. For more information go to https://ForThePeople.com/badfriends or dial Pound LAW (Pound 529) from your cell phone. This is a paid advertisement. • Liquid Death: Go to https://liquiddeath.com/badfriends and check their healthy infinitely recyclable beverages and find your closer retailer + free shippping. YouTube Subscribe: http://bit.ly/BadFriendsYouTube Merch: http://badfriendsmerch.com 0:00 Bobby Hosts The Excellent Asian Awards 5:40 Genghis Khan's Shaman 12:00 Scratch 'n' Sniff Sampling 23:55 John Krasinski, the NEW Spielberg? 37:55 South Korean American Pie 31:00 McKone's Grandma Hates Bobby 44:55 Good Cop, Bad Cop 50:40 JoJo Siwa 55:22 Ice Boxing More Bobby Lee TigerBelly: https://www.youtube.com/tigerbelly Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bobbyleelive Twitter: https://twitter.com/bobbyleelive Tickets: https://bobbyleelive.com More Andrew Santino Whiskey Ginger: https://www.youtube.com/andrewsantinowhiskeyginger Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cheetosantino Twitter: https://Twitter.com/cheetosantino Tickets: http://www.andrewsantino.com More Juicy Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jetskijohnson/?hl=en More Fancy SOS VHS: https://www.youtube.com/@SOSVHS Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fancyb.1 More Bad Friends iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/bad-friends/id1496265971 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/badfriendspod/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/badfriends_pod Official Website: http://badfriendspod.com/ Opening Credits and Branding: https://www.instagram.com/joseph_faria & https://www.instagram.com/jenna_sunday Credit Sequence Music: http://bit.ly/RocomMusic // https://www.instagram.com/rocom Character Design: https://www.instagram.com/jeffreymyles Bad Friends Mosaic Sign: https://www.instagram.com/tedmunzmosaicart Produced by: 7EQUIS https://www.7equis.net/ Podcast Producer: Andrés Rosende This episode contains paid promotion. #bobbylee #andrewsantino #badfriends #sponsored #ads Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
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    en-usJune 10, 2024

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    en-usJune 07, 2024

    Life Of Poon

    Life Of Poon
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    en-usJune 03, 2024

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    Bad Friends
    en-usMay 31, 2024

    Andrew's Airplane Emergency

    Andrew's Airplane Emergency
    Get MORE Bad Friends at our Patreon!! https://www.patreon.com/badfriends Thank you to our Sponsors: BLUECHEW, Rocket Money & Morgan & Morgan • Rocket Money: Stop wasting money on things you don't use. Go to https://rocketmoney.com/badfriends • Morgan & Morgan: If you’re ever injured, you can check out Morgan & Morgan. Their fee is free unless they win. For more information go to https://ForThePeople.com/badfriends or dial Pound LAW (Pound 529) from your cell phone. This is a paid advertisement. YouTube Subscribe: http://bit.ly/BadFriendsYouTube Merch: http://badfriendsmerch.com 0:00 Andrew Santino is ALIVE! 7:30 Santino Gets MGK's Sweater 17:03 9 Pounds of Poo & Fake Death Scares 29:50 Bobby & Carlos Hell's Angels Kiss 36:40 Are Dolphins Actually Smart? 43:28 Couch Turds & Stolen Weed 52:02 Terrence Howard Blows Joe Rogan's Mind 58:37 Bobby on The Evil Laughing Contest More Bobby Lee TigerBelly: https://www.youtube.com/tigerbelly Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bobbyleelive Twitter: https://twitter.com/bobbyleelive Tickets: https://bobbyleelive.com More Andrew Santino Whiskey Ginger: https://www.youtube.com/andrewsantinowhiskeyginger Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cheetosantino Twitter: https://Twitter.com/cheetosantino Tickets: http://www.andrewsantino.com More Juicy Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jetskijohnson/?hl=en More Fancy SOS VHS: https://www.youtube.com/@SOSVHS Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fancyb.1 More Bad Friends iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/bad-friends/id1496265971 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/badfriendspod/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/badfriends_pod Official Website: http://badfriendspod.com/ Opening Credits and Branding: https://www.instagram.com/joseph_faria & https://www.instagram.com/jenna_sunday Credit Sequence Music: http://bit.ly/RocomMusic // https://www.instagram.com/rocom Character Design: https://www.instagram.com/jeffreymyles Bad Friends Mosaic Sign: https://www.instagram.com/tedmunzmosaicart Produced by: 7EQUIS https://www.7equis.net/ Podcast Producer: Andrés Rosende This episode contains paid promotion. #bobbylee #andrewsantino #badfriends #sponsored #ads Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
    Bad Friends
    en-usMay 27, 2024

    New Episode Out on Patreon Today

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    en-usMay 24, 2024

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    "American Koko" creators Diarra Kilpatrick & Miles Orion Feldsott: "I Have These Sheer Curtains"

    "American Koko" creators Diarra Kilpatrick & Miles Orion Feldsott: "I Have These Sheer Curtains"

    Dennis visits the West Hollywood apartment of Diarra Kilpatrick and Miles Orion Feldsett about their new webseries on ABC.com "American Koko," about a Law & Order-esque team of bad-asses who solve racial problems big and small. They talk about the various roles they played in the production--acting, writing, producing, props--and how the series came to be executive produced Viola Davis and her husband Julius Tennon's production company. Diarra recalls the joy of shooting the "Angry Black Women" support group scenes that occur throughout the series and the theme that trauma can be passed down through generations. They share stories from the set about love scenes, profanity, "slavery flashes" and what it's like to conceive a show in the Obama era and shoot it in the Trump era. They talk about being one of the first interracial couples to be featured on Essence.com and the avalanche of comments that followed. Other topics include: how they met, Diarra's Amazon pilot "The Climb," shooting in Detroit, finally getting health insurance, getting inspired by "All in the Family," magic mushrooms, horrible jobs, disaster dating and of course, Oprah. www.diarrakilpatrick.com