
    Barack Obama's Stunning Narcissism on Display

    en-usJanuary 02, 2013
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    About this Episode

    An excerpt of the 12/23/12 episode of The Teri O'Brien Show, featuring the unbelievable performance of B. Hussein Obama at the memorial service for the late Sen. Daniel Inouye, in which he referred to himself over 100 times.

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    What to say to someone undecided about the 2012 election: Barry, you’re fired! Using an out-of-context video clip of Gov. Chris Christie, Christiane Amanpour mocks Herman Cain for concerns about creeping Sharia law, which she herself expressed concern about last spring. Now that Warren Buffet has disowned the “Buffet Plan,” isn’t it time for even Barack Obama to give up on it? Mouchelle “Chellzilla” Obama scowls behind her sunglasses during a staged “just a regular mom” trip to Target, in which she demonstrates that she doesn’t know that that thing in front of her is. It’s called a ‘shopping cart,’ Mouch. The little people, you know, the ones without full-time makeup artists and 20+ member staffs, use it to carry their purchases out to their cars, or, in your husband’s economy, to the bus stop. Perhaps you should ask your homeless advocate friends about them. They used to buy them for bums. Predictably, NBC Obama apparatchik Norah O’Donnell laps up this phony story, and forgets that only a few months ago, Mouch told the Oprah that she can no longer go to Target, the poor baby. Update on Fast and Furious, from a Friday afternoon document dump from the Obama White House. B.Hussein, in full screeching, pandering, g-dropping mode, shamelessly lies in the pursuit of votes(AGAIN!), telling a pro-homosexual “rights” group that Republicans booed a homosexual soldier at a recent debate. Is Chris Christie too fat to be president? Is Joe Biden too stupid for words? The latter’s latest deep thoughts, and a flashback to the heady days, right after the passage of the “stimulus,” in which the Veep couldn’t remember the phone number for a web site. Note: our scheduled guest award-winning journalist and best-selling author Richard Miniter, who appeared on the 5/22/11 show, was unable to join us to talk about the killing of Anwar al-Awlaki due to a family medical emergency that came up right before the show. We hope to reschedule his appearance soon.

    Obama's Cool On-Off Negro Dialect on Cringe-Inducing Display

    Obama's Cool On-Off Negro Dialect on Cringe-Inducing Display
    Identity politics on display (and it ain’t pretty) as the One screeches at one of his mascot groups, the Congressional Black Caucus, at their “awards” dinner. What awards did they give out? Best Murderous Dictator: Fidel Castro (CBC visited Cuba in 2009, and effusively praised Fidel, who presides over a racist, inhumane prison island, while refusing to visit with dissidents). B. Hussein hectored his loyal supporters about getting out their bedroom slippers and putting on their “marching shoes.” I think most of them would like to rather put on their work boots, but in the Obama economy, where African-American unemployment is almost 17%, that’s tough. He hopes that conflating the civil rights struggles of the 1960’s will make it easier for them to overlook the ugly reality of Obamanomics. He even trotted out that handy on-off “negro dialect” that Harry Reid admires so much. Given his recent Bridge to Nowhere tour, I’m surprised he didn’t talk about his parents getting together on that bridge in Selma. Is it just me or is this sort of pandering, cringe-inducing speech not only insulting, but--dare I say it?--racist? Obama surrogate/Airheaded Actor (redundant, I know)Morgan Freeman laments the “racism” of the Tea Party. “Occupy Wall Street” protestors aren’t sure what it is, but they are ticked off about something. Who needs an excuse to strip down, dance and party like it’s 1968? Chris Wallace smacks down the smarmy guy with the bad hair cut, David Plouffe on Barack Obama’s flip flops on raising taxes during a recession and using budget “gimmicks.” Speaking of putting on your shoes, school marmish Harvard bluestocking Elizabeth Warren put on her sensible shoes and went out to bloviate about class warfare. You can always tell a Harvard woman, but you can’t tell her much, especially when she’s this disconnected from reality. As SL Don pointed out, somewhere Scott Brown’s campaign was doing the happy dance. My advice for Gov. Romney. Stop saying that an individual government mandate to buy health insurance was the right thing for Massachusetts. The jury is in. It’s not right for anybody. You need to own this turkey, and admit that it was a huge mistake, so you can put it behind you. For links to stories discussed on this episode, and lots more, please visit the Show Notes Page at teriobrien.com

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