
    'Barbaric no?'

    enJune 17, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Social Media ConnectionsUnexpected friendships and opportunities can arise from social media interactions, as demonstrated by the hosts' experiences with Sophie Ellis-Bextor and Carrie Johnson.

      The hosts of this podcast, Suanna and Gar, have exciting plans for travels in America next year, and they've recently had a surprising interaction with the famous singer Sophie Ellis-Bextor, who reached out to them after their dance performance of her song went viral. The hosts were thrilled and even received an invitation to visit Sophie's house in London. This encounter brought back memories of an unexpected friendship they developed with Carrie Johnson, the wife of the British Prime Minister, whom they bonded with over ducks on Instagram. These unexpected interactions highlight the power of social media and the unexpected connections that can be made.

    • Making new friendships in adulthoodDespite initial hesitation, new friendships in adulthood can be meaningful and rewarding, especially when based on shared interests and humor.

      Making new friendships in adulthood can be challenging but rewarding. The speaker shares her experience of meeting a new friend, Boris, and his family, and how they connected over their shared sense of humor. She also mentions that Boris is aware of her podcast and enjoys watching it. Despite initial hesitation due to respect for Boris's new friend, Louisa, the speaker is excited about their budding friendship and plans to invite them to her August weekend. She reflects on the difficulty of making friends in later life and how some friendships made in adulthood can be the most meaningful. The conversation also touches on the speaker's experiences with the Prince's Trust and her attendance at an audience with the King. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of making new connections and finding common ground with others.

    • Royal events and personal connectionsAt royal events, there's a balance between protocol and personal connections. Attempts to add fun can be vetoed, but meaningful conversations can still take place. The importance of organizations like the Prince's Trust was highlighted, and the intimacy of the event with only 30 attendees added to its significance.

      Even at royal events, there's a balance between protocol and personal connections. The speaker shared an experience of attending an event with the King and interacting with him, trying to add a bit of fun by suggesting a dance. Although they were vetoed, they still managed to have a pleasant conversation. The speaker also mentioned the importance of organizations like the Prince's Trust, which helps young people, and the intimacy of the event with only 30 attendees. Additionally, the speaker shared some interesting historical facts, such as Australia's earlier name as New Holland and Colchester being the first reference to England's capital city. Overall, the event was a reminder of the balance between tradition and personal connections, and the importance of making the most of every opportunity.

    • Podcast collaborationsSpeakers discuss potential collaborations, including a celebrity polo match and a podcast on a cruise ship, and invite listeners to join them in future events

      The speakers on this podcast are discussing various topics, including their admiration for James O'Brien, potential upcoming events, and a possible Guinness World Record attempt. They also mention receiving messages from fans and invite listeners to join them in future events. The tone is lighthearted and conversational, with frequent interruptions and asides. The speakers express excitement about potential collaborations and opportunities, such as a celebrity polo match and a possible podcast on a cruise ship. They also encourage listener engagement and participation. Overall, the conversation reflects the dynamic and engaging nature of the podcast.

    • Group activities communicationClear communication, preparation, respect for abilities, and a positive attitude are essential for successful and enjoyable group activities

      The importance of communication and preparation in group activities cannot be overstated. The anecdote shared about a friend's experience climbing Snowdon with a larger group illustrates this point. Despite the friend's initial enthusiasm and commitment to the group activity, her lack of preparation and training, as well as her negative attitude during the hike, negatively impacted the experience for everyone involved. On the other hand, the memory of the "hogs of the high seas" cruise serves as a reminder of the power of shared experiences and the ability to connect with people from diverse backgrounds. The author's appreciation for the biker community and their respectful tribute to a friend highlights the potential for forming meaningful connections with others, regardless of perceived differences. Ultimately, the takeaway is to approach group activities with clear communication, respect for each other's abilities, and a positive attitude to ensure a successful and enjoyable experience for all involved.

    • Friendship communicationEffective communication is vital in friendships to address mistakes and ensure everyone's feelings are acknowledged. Health issues require prompt attention and open dialogue to prioritize well-being.

      Friends make mistakes, and it's essential to communicate openly about how those mistakes impact everyone involved. In the discussed scenario, a friend may have unintentionally ruined a weekend getaway, leaving her friends feeling frustrated and disappointed. She might be wallowing in self-pity or oblivious to the situation's severity. Regardless, it's crucial to address the issue and consider whether inviting her on future trips is beneficial. Meanwhile, the story shared by an anonymous listener is a reminder of the importance of open communication and self-care. The listener's honeymoon trip took an unexpected turn when she developed a severe abscess during their travels. Despite the discomfort and embarrassment, she and her husband managed to seek medical help and eventually returned home for surgery. This experience underscores the importance of addressing health issues promptly and not letting pride or fear get in the way of prioritizing well-being.

    • Life's unexpected challengesFinding support and solutions during challenging times is crucial, as shown in stories of a woman's journey home with a severe abscess and a controversial discussion on surgical castration as a punishment

      Life can throw unexpected challenges our way, and sometimes these challenges can be painful and embarrassing. In the first story, a woman recounted her harrowing experience of traveling home from Vietnam with a severe abscess, which burst during the journey, leaving her and her husband in a difficult situation. Despite the embarrassment and discomfort, she found solace in her mother's presence and eventual surgery to remove the abscess. In the second story, a conversation about a new Louisiana law discussed the potential use of surgical castration as a punishment for certain sex crimes against children. While the topic is controversial and raises ethical questions, some argue that it could serve as a deterrent and help prevent future victims. Overall, both stories highlight the unpredictability of life and the importance of finding support and solutions during challenging times.

    • Online safety, catfishingBe cautious when interacting with strangers online, verify identities, and avoid sharing personal information or sending money to unknown individuals.

      The internet can be a dangerous place, and people should be cautious when interacting with strangers online. Janet's story is a classic example of catfishing, where she was deceived by a fake identity and manipulated into sending money. However, her experience took a positive turn when she met Gary Barlow, who showed kindness and understanding. It's important to remember that not everyone online has good intentions, and it's crucial to verify identities and be cautious when sharing personal information or sending money. The podcast also featured some unusual confessions, including Myra's obsession with making and eating coleslaw, and Laura's habit of sniffing seats. These quirks may seem odd, but they highlight the diversity and complexity of human experiences. Overall, the podcast provides a reminder that while the internet can be a source of entertainment and connection, it's essential to be aware of the potential risks and stay safe online.

    • Comforting rituals and simple joysSpeakers share their comforting rituals, fondness for Jackie P pie, and the joy of simple foods after holidays. They discuss creating a Jackie P store, Luana version of Swifties' bracelet exchange, and upcoming events. Encourage listeners to attend, subscribe, and leave a review.

      The speakers on this podcast share their comforting rituals and express their fondness for the Jackie P pie, which brings them joy and relaxation. Lauren shares her habit of patting her pants and holding her boob, while also expressing her desire to create a Jackie P store. The group also discusses their love for simple foods after returning from holidays and the idea of creating Luana version of Swifties' bracelet exchange. They also mention their upcoming event, Luana and the Big Blow Off, and encourage listeners to attend. The speakers also mention their upcoming podcast, Luana, Totally Extra, and invite listeners to send emails and voice notes. They remind listeners to subscribe, tell their friends, and leave a 5-star review. They also suggest reintroducing the loose lipstick question in their podcast. Overall, the speakers express their enthusiasm for their shared experiences and the joy they find in simple things.

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    BE WARNED: It's LuAnna, and this podcast contains honest, upfront opinions, rants, bants and general explicit content. But you know you love it!

    It's time to get TOTALLY EXTRA. Extra chat, extra rants, extra bants, extra stories, nonsense and it's all about YOU.

    On this week's Totally Extra: A ton o rants, glitter bombs, dentastix, grimey glasses and a fancy vegas blozza.

    Remember, if you want to get in touch you can:
    Email us at luannathepodcast@gmail.com OR drop us a WhatsApp on 07745 266947

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    LuAnna: The Podcast
    enJune 27, 2024

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    'He has 1277 pieces of poo!'
    BE WARNED: It's LuAnna, and this podcast contains honest, upfront opinions, rants, bants and general explicit content. But you know you love it.

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    Remember, if you want to get in touch you can: Email us at luannathepodcast@gmail.com OR drop us a WhatsApp on 07745 266947

    Please review Global's Privacy Policy: https://global.com/legal/privacy-policy/
    LuAnna: The Podcast
    enJune 24, 2024

    TOTALLY EXTRA: Runners, A Cock Bush & Secret Sauce

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    BE WARNED: It's LuAnna, and this podcast contains honest, upfront opinions, rants, bants and general explicit content. But you know you love it!

    It's time to get TOTALLY EXTRA. Extra chat, extra rants, extra bants, extra stories, nonsense and it's all about YOU.

    On this week's Totally Extra: Using the wrong changing rooms, runners, arse cream on the face, a secret sauce and a cock bush.

    Remember, if you want to get in touch you can:
    Email us at luannathepodcast@gmail.com OR drop us a WhatsApp on 07745 266947

    Please review Global's Privacy Policy: https://global.com/legal/privacy-policy/
    LuAnna: The Podcast
    enJune 20, 2024

    'Barbaric no?'

    'Barbaric no?'
    BE WARNED: It's LuAnna, and this podcast contains honest, upfront opinions, rants, bants and general explicit content. But you know you love it.

    In this week's LuAnna: The Podcast: Sophie Ellis Bexter, round to dinner at the Johnson's, King Chaz, and World Records.

    Plus: A spicy law coming in in Louisiana, being catfished by "Gary Barlow" and lots of Jacky P love.

    Remember, if you want to get in touch you can: Email us at luannathepodcast@gmail.com OR drop us a WhatsApp on 07745 266947

    Please review Global's Privacy Policy: https://global.com/legal/privacy-policy/
    LuAnna: The Podcast
    enJune 17, 2024

    TOTALLY EXTRA: Major Lab Maj, Left Shoes & Have we found the Durley Dumpee

    TOTALLY EXTRA: Major Lab Maj, Left Shoes & Have we found the Durley Dumpee
    BE WARNED: It's LuAnna, and this podcast contains honest, upfront opinions, rants, bants and general explicit content. But you know you love it!

    It's time to get TOTALLY EXTRA. Extra chat, extra rants, extra bants, extra stories, nonsense and it's all about YOU.

    On this week's Totally Extra: Anonymous contributors, a lab maj faux pas, keeping your exes left shoes, and a possible Durley Dumpee. 

    Remember, if you want to get in touch you can:
    Email us at luannathepodcast@gmail.com OR drop us a WhatsApp on 07745 266947

    Please review Global's Privacy Policy: https://global.com/legal/privacy-policy/
    LuAnna: The Podcast
    enJune 13, 2024

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    'and you looked like sunshine!'
    BE WARNED: It's LuAnna, and this podcast contains honest, upfront opinions, rants, bants and general explicit content. But you know you love it.

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    Plus: The sad news about Michael Mosley, walking "dogs", dentures in between different lips and more. 

    Remember, if you want to get in touch you can: Email us at luannathepodcast@gmail.com OR drop us a WhatsApp on 07745 266947

    Please review Global's Privacy Policy: https://global.com/legal/privacy-policy/
    LuAnna: The Podcast
    enJune 10, 2024

    TOTALLY EXTRA: Macaroni Cheese, Sports Gel & Wedding Ring Willy

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    BE WARNED: It's LuAnna, and this podcast contains honest, upfront opinions, rants, bants and general explicit content. But you know you love it!

    It's time to get TOTALLY EXTRA. Extra chat, extra rants, extra bants, extra stories, nonsense and it's all about YOU.

    On this week's Totally Extra: Cocktail orgasms, a minging macaroni cheese story, misplaced confidence and sports gel poo sweats. 

    Remember, if you want to get in touch you can:
    Email us at luannathepodcast@gmail.com OR drop us a WhatsApp on 07745 266947

    Please review Global's Privacy Policy: https://global.com/legal/privacy-policy/
    LuAnna: The Podcast
    enJune 06, 2024

    "A little sexy sniff."

    "A little sexy sniff."
    BE WARNED: It's LuAnna, and this podcast contains honest, upfront opinions, rants, bants and general explicit content. But you know you love it.

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    Plus: BO, being naked in front of your colleagues and a police story with extra crusty underwear. 

    Remember, if you want to get in touch you can: Email us at luannathepodcast@gmail.com OR drop us a WhatsApp on 07745 266947

    Please review Global's Privacy Policy: https://global.com/legal/privacy-policy/
    LuAnna: The Podcast
    enJune 03, 2024

    TOTALLY EXTRA: Imo Rant, Cat Suit & A Cheese Grater

    TOTALLY EXTRA: Imo Rant, Cat Suit & A Cheese Grater
    BE WARNED: It's LuAnna, and this podcast contains honest, upfront opinions, rants, bants and general explicit content. But you know you love it!

    It's time to get TOTALLY EXTRA. Extra chat, extra rants, extra bants, extra stories, nonsense and it's all about YOU.

    On this week's Totally Extra: Red bits in your poo, a rant about Imo's use of the swear beep, a trolley dash and a cheese grater that you wouldn't want to grate cheese with. 

    Remember, if you want to get in touch you can:
    Email us at luannathepodcast@gmail.com OR drop us a WhatsApp on 07745 266947

    Please review Global's Privacy Policy: https://global.com/legal/privacy-policy/
    LuAnna: The Podcast
    enMay 30, 2024

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    'I love his farm, I hate his local council!'
    BE WARNED: It's LuAnna, and this podcast contains honest, upfront opinions, rants, bants and general explicit content. But you know you love it.

    In this week's LuAnna: The Podcast: It's the day before the BIG day and we've a coupleof pre-wedding poems for Imo, Anna's burglar scar, Lu's tooth needs to go, the big cruise idea and an odd birth.

    Plus: A missing man turns up 30 years later and the UK's sexiest man.

    Remember, if you want to get in touch you can: Email us at luannathepodcast@gmail.com OR drop us a WhatsApp on 07745 266947

    Please review Global's Privacy Policy: https://global.com/legal/privacy-policy/
    LuAnna: The Podcast
    enMay 27, 2024