
    About this Episode

    In this episode I am chatting with Courtney Kubovcik a transformational healing coach.

    In this episode we talk about:

    *Reconnecting with your body and tuning in 

    *Building your legacy

    *Having your support person

    *Finding things that make you feel good and scheduling time for yourself to enjoy those activities

    *Becoming a butterfly

    Courtney recommended the books The Body Keeps Score and When the Body Says No: Understanding the Stress-Disease Connection by Gabor Maté M.D

    Connect with Courtney

    Facebook: Courtney K Coaching and Consulting

    Instagram: @courtneykcoaching

    Website: www.CourtneyKCoaching.com

    Have a friend or family member that would love to hear this interview? Share it with them!

    Join Coffee and Connection for Social Workers!

    Connect with Jen and others on their adventures at Adventures of a New You on Facebook!

    For daily inspiration and support visit Jen on Instagram at Adventures Of A New You  

    For inspiration check out Jen’s Pinterest 

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    Recent Episodes from Adventures Of A New You

    Living in the Now

    Living in the Now

    Living in the Now

    I grew up in a small town surrounded by tractors so it will come as no surprise to you that I listen to country music. Now don’t get me wrong I love some DMX and other old school rappers but country music is really how I was raised. 

    Cody Johnson has a song 'Til You Can't, and he talks about putting things off and having too much on your plate to make time for the things that truly matter. That is the perfect reminder that we need to take action and we need to do it right now. We need to stop waiting to live our lives. We need to make sure that the people in our lives know how much we care. We need to take chances and chase our dreams right now. We need to be present right now. 

    We need to stop waiting for a special occasion or the perfect moment. 

    We all do this. We think when I hit a certain landmark everything will be great. WHen I lose 5 pounds, when I get a certain job, when I have a certain amount of money in my bank account. But why are we waiting? Why don’t we live our best lives right now? 

    We need to wear our diamond jewelry just because it’s a Tuesday. 

    Sometimes we fill our lives with mundane tasks and to do lists. We overbook our schedules and then we miss out on opportunities.

     We forget to be intentional and to live our lives fully in the moment. 

    What if you knew that you only had a certain time frame left? How would you fill your days? How would you show up as the best version of yourself if you knew that you only had today. 

    Would you rearrange your schedule and shift your priorities? I guarantee you would. So why do we show up every day and not live the best version of our lives? 

    So today think for a moment about the best version of you look like? How does she dress? How does she act? How does she treat her family? How does she interact with a stranger on the street? Who does she make time to connect with? How does she make sure that the people in her life know that she cares? How does she take care of herself? 

    Each day we have the opportunity to create our legacy. Some days it doesn’t feel like that. Some days it feels like we are just trying to make it to bedtime. But you deserve so much more than that. You deserve to be more than surviving. 

    You deserve to thrive! You deserve to look and feel your best every single day! You deserve to live the life that you want. 

    If you needed permission to live your life the way you want to - this is it right here! 

    What step will you take today to make it so that you are the best version of yourself and that you are living your life to the fullest? 

    Coffee and Connection for Social Workers

    Get a FREE copy of the Ebook Overcome Overwhelm and Create Space for Yourself!

    Connect with Jen and others on their adventures at Adventures of a New You on Facebook!

    Instagram at @adventuresofanewyou  

    Instagram: @codyjohnson 

    Cody Johnson: ‘Til You Can’t

    Overcoming Barriers And Resistance

    Overcoming Barriers And Resistance

    Many times in life we over complicate things. We get in our own way. We have these ideas that things need to be absolutely perfect. We convince ourselves that we have to have things just right. 

    I did it to myself in trying to restart this podcast. First I had to think of the perfect comeback episode and then I created even more barriers for myself by creating this distorted vision that I needed to have a new podcast album cover complete with the perfect photo to jump back in. 

    This was all just resistance - and resistance that I was creating for myself. I was self sabotaging. I was getting in my own way. 

    It’s perfectly ok to take simple baby steps towards our goals. We don’t have to make giant leap and take on 17 new projects. I constantly need to remind myself of this. Your self worth isn’t wrapped up in how many projects you have. So take a step back and look at the barriers that you are putting in your own way by over complicating your own life. Then dial back a notch or 10. Let yourself enjoy slowing down and simplifying. 

    Join my email list by heading to https://adventuresofanewyou.com/ and scroll down to the bottom to the pink box to join the email list!

     Katie Allen: https://katiejuststyled.com/

    The Next Chapter: https://www.thenextchaptersellersville.com/

    Savvi: https://www.savvi.com/jenparke

    Canva: https://www.canva.com/join/menthol-grace-select

    Getting Knocked Down

    Getting Knocked Down

    I share my journey because I am right here with you on both a personal growth journey and a professional growth journey.  

    Sometimes in life we get knocked down - sometimes we have a shift in the way that we thought that our story was going to go; or a pandemic hits; our health changes; we have decision fatigue; we are just completely overwhelmed. It may not even be something completely earth shattering it may be more of a slow slide downhill.  

    Or sometimes it may feel like the world has been turned completely upside down. But we move through. But we get to decide how we move through. For me I needed some time and space. You know create space for yourself? Well I took my own advice. 

    In September of 2021 I was literally hit by a car. Me - my actual body. 

    But this was just one more chapter of my story of feeling knocked down. Life hands us punches all the time and it is what we decide to do with them that matters. Do you let things fester and eat at you? Or do you take things as they come and continue moving forward? 

    Maybe this was part of what I needed to find my fire again. I had taken a step back from everything to heal and grow but maybe this was the sign that it was time to reclaim my voice, reclaim my power, move forward and share more of my story. 

    Well that was September and this is November so I guess that spark needed to smolder for a little bit. Personal development can be a roller coaster and I am not here to say this is what happened and now I’m all great again. I’m here still in the messy middle to actually share how we work through things. 

    So here we go - this is what has been working for me. 

    I reclaimed my morning routine, a self care plan, a take care of me plan. 

    I learned about chakras and used essential oils designated for those chakras. My girl Arielle created a perfect set of essential oils to help me find my voice and re-open my heart. 

    I used meditation to help slow down my overthinking brain. 

    I moved my body. 

    I ate  real food (ok and ice cream).
    I am setting my goals. 

    I am putting my needs and wants first.  

    I set hard boundaries for myself. One of the first things that I did was limit social media. 

    I made time to be alone. 

    I know that nothing that I am sharing here is absolute rocket science. Nor is any of it a magic answer. What I am saying is that when you are struggling what you really need is to take a minute for yourself and go back to basics. I’m talking Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

    We need to start with our most basic needs. When we have those back in place then we can move forward and keep picking ourselves back up. 

    Thank you so much for listening! If you have a friend or even a family member that would love to hear this podcast please share this podcast with them and encourage them to join us!

    Get a FREE copy of the Ebook Overcome Overwhelm and Create Space for Yourself!

    Connect with Arielle

    Website: https://divineoilco.com/

    Instagram: @ariellekuchel

    Gaining Clarity, Following Your Passion And The Postpartum Support Of A Doula And Interview With Carrie Benson.

    Gaining Clarity, Following Your Passion And The Postpartum Support Of A Doula And Interview With Carrie Benson.

    Carrie Benson Postpartum Doula, Social Worker and Essential Oil Educator  shares her story of living a more holistic lifestyle and becoming a Postpartum Doula. 

    In this episode we talk about:

    *Gaining clarity and using essential oils

    *Benefits of having a postpartum doula

    *Having supports in motherhood 

    Carrie recommends the Postpartum Revolution Podcast 

    Connect with Carrie

    Website: www.carriebensonvillage.com/postpartum-doula

    Instagram: @carrielynnbenson

    If you have a friend or even a family member that would love to hear this podcast please share this podcast with them and encourage them to join us!

    Get my FREE ebook Overcome Overwhelm and Create Space For Yourself! 

    Join the Social Work Circle a membership program for social workers to connect, learn and grow!

    *post may contain affiliate links

    Essential Oils, Chakras and the Journey into Motherhood an Interview with Arielle Kuchel

    Essential Oils, Chakras and the Journey into Motherhood an Interview with Arielle Kuchel

    Essential Oils, Chakras and the Journey into Motherhood an Interview with Arielle Kuchel

    Arielle Kuchel the owner of Divine Oil Company shares her story of learning to live a cleaner lifestyle with essential oils and her journey into motherhood. 

    In this episode we talk about:

    **Posting Affirmations on the bathroom mirror

    **Essential oils and chakras

    **Self care workouts and morning routines

    **The importance of delegating

    Arielle recommended some of her favorite personal development resources - 

    Rachel Hollis: Girl Wash Your Face

    The Sausha Davis Podcast

    Don’t forget to check out Arielle’s Mother's day gift boxes!

    Connect with Arielle

    Website: https://divineoilco.com/

    Instagram: @ariellekuchel

    If you have a friend or even a family member that would love to hear this podcast please share this podcast with them and encourage them to join us!

    Get my FREE ebook Overcome Overwhelm and Create Space For Yourself! 

    Join the Social Work Circle a membership program for social workers to connect, learn and grow!

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    Finding Joy and Spreading Sunshine an Interview with Trissa Bottorff

    Finding Joy and Spreading Sunshine an Interview with Trissa Bottorff

    Finding Joy and Spreading Sunshine an Interview with Trissa Bottorff

    Trissa shares her story of starting a business during the pandemic to help bring a little sunshine and share joy!

    In this episode we talk about:

    **Finding ways to spread joy and sunshine

    ** Everything is figure out able

    ** Setting alarms on your phone to inspire yourself

    **Learning to trust yourself

    Trissa recommended some of her favorite personal development resources - 

    Rachel Hollis: Girl Wash Your Face

    Darin Olien SuperLife: The 5 Simple Fixes That Will Make You Healthy, Fit, and Eternally Awesome

    The Sausha Davis Podcast

    Connect with Trissa 

    Website: www.mamamadeia.com

    Instagram: @trissa.bottorff

    Don’t forget to check out the Mother’s Day sale on Mama Made website! The Mama and Me Tee Sets are adorable!

    If you have a friend or even a family member that would love to hear this podcast please share this podcast with them and encourage them to join us!

    Get my FREE ebook Overcome Overwhelm and Create Space For Yourself! 

    Join the Social Work Circle a membership program for social workers to connect, learn and grow!

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    Teamwork and Treating Mothers Before and After Childbirth An Interview With Blair Green

    Teamwork and Treating Mothers Before and After Childbirth An Interview With Blair Green

    In this interview I chat with Blair Green, a Women’s health specialist, physical therapist and author. 

    In this episode we talk about:

    *Pelvic floor muscles and preparing for childbirth

    *The importance of teamwork and collaboration

    *Check out the website to locate providers that work with women https://pelvicguru.com/
    *Brene Brown Gifts of Imperfection 

    *Manifesting our goals

    *Glennon Doyle Untamed

    Blair is the author of the book Go Ahead Stop and Pee

    Connect with Blair Green!

    Facebook: facebook.com/blair.m.green

    Facebook Group: catalystmoms 

    Instagram: @Blairg1012 or @catalyst_ga

    Website: www.catalystga.com 

    Have a friend or family member that would love to hear this interview? Share it with them!

    Have a friend or family member that would love to hear this interview? Share it with them!

    Get my FREE ebook! 

    Join the Social Work Circle a membership program for social workers to connect, learn and grow!

    *post may contain affiliate links

    Zones of Genius and Living Life On Your Own Terms An Interview with Sausha Davis

    Zones of Genius and Living Life On Your Own Terms An Interview with Sausha Davis

    Sausha Davis shares her story of finding her zone of genius and living life on her own terms using the law of attraction. 

    In this episode we talk about:

    *Zones of genius

    *Self sabotage

    *Crushing your upper limits

    *Living life on your own terms

    *The better it gets the better it gets!

    *Shifting your mindset

    *Being active vs busy

    Sausha recommended the book The Big Leap: Conquer Your Hidden Fear and Take Life to the Next Level by Gay Hendricks, The Secret by Rhonda Byrne and Hal Elrod The Miracle Morning: The Not-So-Obvious Secret Guaranteed to Transform Your Life (Before 8AM)

    Connect with Sausha

    Website: Www.SaushaDavis.com

    Instagram: @sausha.davis

    Have a friend or family member that would love to hear this interview? Share it with them!

    Get my FREE ebook! 

    Join the Social Work Circle a membership program for social workers to connect, learn and grow!

    *post may contain affiliate links

    Interview with Ali Swiatkowski from Philadoptables

    Interview with Ali Swiatkowski from Philadoptables

    In this interview I chat with Ali Swiatkowski from the Board of Directors for Philadoptables all about 

    **How to become a foster dog parent

    **Ways that you can help if you can’t become a foster from transporting to using your skill sets

    **Parenting Pups 

    Connect with 

    Website: Philadoptables

    Facebook: Philadoptables 

    Instagram: @rescuebroad

    Email: ali@philadoptables.org

    Have a friend, family member, or social worker that would love to hear this interview? Share it with them!

    Grab my FREE ebook Overcome Overwhelm and Create Space for Yourself

    Join the wait list to learn all about the membership program for Social Workers coming on 3/1/21!

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    Interview with Natalie Vecchione from FASD Hope

    Interview with Natalie Vecchione from FASD Hope

    In this episode I interview Natalie Vecchione from FASD Hope. 

    Natalie Vecchione is an FASD (Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder) parent advocate, homeschooler, podcaster, but MOST. importantly... she's a wife and mom! She began homeschooling  6 1/2 years ago, when noticing how many accommodations her son (later diagnosed with an FASD) needed.  After his diagnosis, she began advocating for FASD by being a peer support mentor and facilitating a support group.  She is certified in Mental Health First Aid and has been a Board- Certified, Music Therapist for 25 years. Recently, Natalie has volunteered as a board member and social media coordinator for several North Carolina nonprofits. In 2020, Natalie began her new adventure in the world of podcasting through producing and hosting podcasts about FASD.... and she became a "Mom on a Mission with a Microphone". Natalie and her husband John are the co-founders of “FASD Hope, LLC”. The mission of FASD Hope is to provide awareness, information and inspiration to people whose lives have been touched by Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD). They live in the farm country of North Carolina with their 5-year-old daughter (who just began homeschooling) and 18-year-old son (who just graduated from homeschooling and he is now proudly working as a carpentry apprentice). Natalie is thrilled to begin this new adventure of FASD Hope, LLC and the “FASD Hope” podcast series. 

    Natalie recommended the book Trying Differently Rather Than Harder: Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders by Diane Malbun

    *The risks of drinking any amount of alcohol during pregnancy

    *That social workers, parents, foster parents, teachers, doctors all need to know about Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder

    *That we need to focus on our children’s gifts and strengths and not on their weaknesses!

    *The importance of advocating for our kids!

    Resources that Natalie recommends


    "Trying Differently Rather Than Harder- Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders"  by Diane Malbin

    FASD Organizations-

    NOFAS www.nofas.org

    Proof Alliance https://www.proofalliance.org/

    FASCETS- https://fascets.org/

    Connect with Natalie!

    Facebook: @fasdhope1

    Instagram: @fasdhope

    Pinterest: @fasdhope1

    Website: http://www.fasdhope.com/

    Email: natalie@fasdhope.com

    Podcast: FASD Hope

    Have a friend, family member, or social worker that would love to hear this interview? Share it with them!

    Grab my FREE ebook Overcome Overwhelm and Create Space for Yourself

    Join the wait list to learn all about the membership program for Social Workers coming on 3/1/21!

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