
    Beefing With The FBI w/ Insane Clown Posse (Shaggy 2 Dope & Violent J) | Your Mom's House Ep. 749

    enMarch 06, 2024
    What lesson does the malfunctioning washlet illustrate about conveniences?
    How does spring cleaning affect spending habits, according to the text?
    What does the individual fear when expressing appreciation to a friend?
    What health risks are mentioned related to food consumption?
    How do the stories shared challenge societal norms and perceptions?

    Podcast Summary

    • The importance of cherishing conveniencesAppreciate conveniences, express sincere compliments, question spending habits, and save money with affordable options like Mint Mobile

      Sometimes, we take certain conveniences for granted until they're no longer available. This was evident in a conversation between two individuals, where they reminisced about their malfunctioning Toto washlet and the hardships of having to wipe themselves with paper instead. The conversation also touched upon other topics, such as spring cleaning, affordability, and expressing appreciation. Spring cleaning can bring about a sense of clarity and make us question our spending habits. For instance, discovering a more affordable wireless plan can lead to significant savings. In this case, Mint Mobile offers unlimited talk, text, and data for $15 a month. Expressing appreciation is another important takeaway. One individual wanted to write a letter to express his pride in a friend's progress but held back due to fear of being perceived as gay. However, it's essential to remember that sincere compliments and expressions of appreciation are appreciated, regardless of societal norms. Lastly, the conversation highlighted the importance of cherishing the conveniences we have and not taking them for granted. The malfunctioning Toto washlet served as a reminder of simpler times and the struggles that come with losing such conveniences.

    • Comedian's Unusual Shower Routine and Annoying PeopleComedians share their experiences of performing stand-up comedy and the annoyance of loved ones' irritating traits, revealing unique perspectives.

      The comedian Ari Shapiro shares an unusual shower routine involving using a washcloth on his body, including his posterior. This conversation was part of a larger discussion about comedians and their experiences performing stand-up comedy, which can be a challenging and unpredictable environment. The conversation also touched on the idea that people, especially mothers, can become more annoying with age, as their most irritating traits seem to come to the forefront. The discussion revealed the unique experiences and perspectives of comedians and their relationships with their loved ones.

    • The effects of aging on men and womenWomen may become more annoying due to hormonal changes and a depletion of energy, while men may become more mellow and enjoyable as they age. Self-care, hormone replacement therapy, and personal interests can help combat these changes.

      As people age, particularly women, they may become more annoying due to hormonal changes and a depletion of energy from giving to others. Men, on the other hand, may become more sensitive and enjoyable to be around as they age. This is due to the hormonal effects of estrogen, which can make women more focused on family and children, leading to a feeling of being drained and a desire for personal freedom later in life. This can result in women becoming more annoying to those around them, while men may become more mellow and straightforward. This is a natural process, but it can be combated through self-care, hormone replacement therapy, and a focus on personal interests. Additionally, the speaker discussed her upcoming tour and encouraged listeners to check out her website for tour information and her partnership with DraftKings for NBA betting. She also reminded listeners to consider purchasing life insurance to protect their families.

    • Unconventional situations and approaches to lifePeople can find joy and acceptance in unconventional situations, and it's important to respect individual choices and decisions.

      Unconventional situations and unconventional approaches to life can lead to unexpected outcomes. In the first story, a man shared an experience from his past involving a threesome and a woman who serviced multiple men in one night. While some may view this as shameful or embarrassing, others saw it as a cool and radical experience. In the second story, a spicy content creator revealed that her teenage son films and takes part in her adult content. While some were supportive of this unconventional arrangement, others were not. However, the mother-son duo seemed unfazed by the situation and had a close relationship. Both stories illustrate that people can find joy and acceptance in unconventional situations, and that it's important to respect individual choices and decisions. If you're looking for life insurance, consider using Policygenius to save time and money. You can get free quotes and see how much you could save by visiting policygenius.com/ymh.

    • Mother-Son Business Dynamics and Crossed BoundariesCultural differences may influence business dynamics between mothers and sons, but certain lines should not be crossed, such as creating content together that could be controversial. Celebrities having children later in life should be met with careful consideration of potential consequences.

      The dynamic between a mother and son in business can be a dream come true, but there are boundaries that should not be crossed. The discussion touched upon the topic of a mother and son creating content together, which was compared to the old theme of fathers taking their daughters to strip clubs. Some argue that cultural differences may influence these norms, but ultimately, there are certain lines that should not be violated. Additionally, the conversation addressed the controversial issue of celebrities, such as Robert De Niro, having children later in life and being celebrated for it, despite the potential lack of impact on their children's lives. The overall consensus was that there should be more thought given to the potential consequences of these actions, rather than simply glorifying them for publicity purposes.

    • Moral Implications of Late-Life Fatherhood and Double StandardsSociety's acceptance of an older man's decision to have a child late in life and use it for personal gain is criticized as morally questionable and a form of abandonment. The importance of being present for your children and respecting the institution of fatherhood is emphasized.

      The discussion revolves around the moral implications of an older man's decision to have a child late in life and the double standard applied to men versus women in society. The man in question is using his newfound fatherhood as a means to win an Oscar, which the speakers find disturbing and a form of abandonment. They criticize the celebration of this behavior in Hollywood and express their concern about the ability of elderly parents to effectively care for young children. The speakers also touch upon the idea that people make different choices in life, but abandoning a child is considered immoral and not cool. They share their own experiences and observations about grandparents and their level of involvement in their grandchildren's lives. The conversation also touches upon the ease of starting a business with Shopify and the importance of learning a new language. Overall, the speakers express their disapproval of the man's actions and the societal acceptance of it, emphasizing the importance of being there for your children and respecting the institution of fatherhood.

    • The speaker's commitment to Patricia and unexpected attentionCommitment to a relationship and personal growth can bring unexpected attention, but it's important to maintain a positive attitude and cherish the connection.

      Commitment is a significant factor when it comes to choosing between having a pet or starting a family. While pets require a long-term commitment, having a child demands even more time and dedication. The speaker, who is in a long-distance relationship with a woman named Patricia, expresses his excitement about meeting her again soon. He also mentions that he has gained unexpected attention due to being mentioned on a popular podcast by Tom Segura. Despite the strange notifications he's receiving from people claiming to have met him before, he maintains a positive attitude and continues to express his admiration for Patricia. Additionally, the speaker shares his appreciation for unique styles, such as the beehive hairdo, and expresses his hope that Patricia will continue to be a part of his life.

    • Partner's disrespectful behavior leaves woman questioning her role in the relationshipPartners should respect each other's identities and roles, avoiding behavior that dehumanizes or devalues their significant other.

      Relationships can sometimes involve moments where one partner may feel disrespected or dehumanized, leading them to question their identity and role in the relationship. In this conversation, the speaker expresses her frustration with her partner's behavior, which she perceives as treating her more like a friend or a man than a woman. She mentions specific instances of him farting, not showering, and staying in the bathroom too long, which she finds displeasing and dehumanizing. She wonders if this is a common experience for married women and if her partner still sees her as a woman. Despite his assurances that he does, she feels that his behavior often veers towards "bro town," and she longs for more romantic and respectful treatment. She also expresses admiration for a local commercial featuring a man with special needs, appreciating its authenticity and the way it generates buzz for the business. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of mutual respect and consideration in relationships, and the need for both partners to make an effort to treat each other as valued individuals.

    • Blending in and Hiding in Plain SightIndividuals with distinctive features can still hide and blend in, forming connections and pursuing passions, even with language barriers.

      Even with distinctive features like makeup and tattoos, individuals can still feel a sense of disguise and anonymity, but it's not constant and can be more manageable in certain situations. The guests, Insane Clown Posse members Violent J and Violet Chay, shared their experiences of blending in and crossing paths with fans while living out their dreams in different parts of the world. They also discussed the unique communication methods used during their respective experiences in Japan, where language barriers were overcome with the help of translation devices. Despite their distinct appearances, they were able to connect with people and pursue their passions, demonstrating that everyone has the potential to hide in plain sight.

    • Taking risks can lead to personal growthAttempting new challenges, even if unsuccessful, can provide valuable lessons and opportunities for growth.

      Even after a long break, taking risks and pushing boundaries can lead to unexpected achievements and personal growth. The speaker shared his experience of attempting a dangerous wrestling move years after initially attempting it, and how he was grateful for the other person's body absorbing the impact instead of suffering an injury. This experience gave him a newfound confidence and desire to try new things, such as stand-up comedy, despite initial fears and doubts. The speaker emphasized that these experiences, whether successful or not, can provide valuable lessons and opportunities for growth. Additionally, the speaker expressed his admiration for comedians and their ability to make people laugh, recognizing the courage and skill required for that kind of performance.

    • Personal stories can lead to unexpected successSharing a personal story can lead to impressive performances and audience engagement, even if it's outside of one's comfort zone.

      Sometimes, stepping out of your comfort zone and telling a personal story can lead to unexpected success in unexpected places. The speaker in this conversation was initially hesitant to perform at a comedy show, but after being encouraged to share a story from his past experience at Skank Fest on mushrooms, he ended up doing three minutes instead of the planned one minute. The audience found it fresh and impressive, and the speaker was surprised by his own performance. The conversation also touched upon the importance of natural comfort and experience in performing, as well as the evolution of the Skank Fest event over the years.

    • The Reality of Events vs. PerceptionPeople may have misconceptions about events like Burning Man and Gathering of the Juggalos, but those who attend often share positive experiences. Artists and their music evolve, and communication and understanding can change negative perceptions.

      The perception of events like Burning Man and Gathering of the Juggalos can be vastly different from reality. People may hold misconceptions based on hearsay, but those who have attended these events often share positive experiences. Instead of hostility, attendees are usually welcoming and eager to share their passion. Regarding Shaggy from ICP, the controversy surrounding his dissing fans and blaming Insane Clown Posse was disappointing and unnecessary. People's opinions on music can change over time, and it's essential to remember that artists evolve as well. The Beastie Boys' second album, Paul's Boutique, was initially criticized but later appreciated for its innovation. Ultimately, communication and understanding can help bridge gaps and change negative perceptions.

    • Perspective towards raunchy songs has changed over timeIt's important to consider context when evaluating the appropriateness of past actions or art that may not align with current societal norms.

      The context and time period of a song or an action should be considered when judging its appropriateness or offensiveness. The discussion revolved around a song called "Girls, Girls, Girls" and how the perspective towards it has changed over time. The speakers agreed that, during the 80s, the raunchy lyrics in rap music were appreciated by women fans. They also acknowledged that times have changed, and people are more sensitive and woke now. However, they emphasized that there's no need to apologize for past actions or art that might not align with current societal norms. The conversation also touched on topics like trashing hotel rooms, airtight situations, and using straws, with the consensus being that context plays a significant role in determining the significance of these actions.

    • Unexpected experiences with nudity and labelsEncountering nudity in unexpected places and being unfairly labeled can lead to awkward situations and negative consequences.

      The discussion revolved around uncomfortable experiences involving nudity in various social settings and the unexpected consequences of being labeled as a gang. The speakers shared stories of encountering naked individuals in unexpected places and the awkwardness that ensued. They also discussed the unexpected ramifications of being labeled a gang member by the FBI, which led to the loss of merchandising deals and negative consequences for individuals, including being treated as a gang member by law enforcement. The conversation also touched on the comfort of being naked and the desire for privacy in certain settings. Overall, the discussion highlighted the unexpected and often uncomfortable experiences that can arise in everyday life.

    • Misconceptions and Discrimination against Juggalo CommunityThe stigma and misconceptions surrounding certain music genres or fanbases can lead to unnecessary discrimination and legal consequences. It's important to approach these situations with an open mind and a willingness to understand the nuances and complexities of different subcultures.

      The stigma and misconceptions surrounding certain music genres or fanbases, like that of the Juggalo community, can lead to unnecessary discrimination and even legal consequences. This was evident in the case discussed where individuals were wrongfully added to a gang database based on their clothing and music preferences. The ramifications of such actions can be long-lasting and damaging to individuals and communities. It's important to approach these situations with an open mind and a willingness to understand the nuances and complexities of different subcultures. Additionally, the discussion touched upon the evolution of musical preferences and the appreciation of various genres as one matures. It's essential to remember that everyone has the capacity to grow and change, and that music is a powerful tool for connection and expression.

    • An artist's unique identity sets them apartArtists need a distinct identity to succeed, which can be expressed through image, persona, or musical style.

      Every artist, regardless of genre or style, possesses a unique identity or "gimmick" that sets them apart. This identity can manifest in various ways, such as image, persona, or musical style. Pearl Jam, for instance, defied the norm by not having a clear gimmick and instead relied on their raw, authentic sound to make them mega stars. Jack White, on the other hand, deliberately crafted his persona and image to enhance his performance and appeal to audiences. Ultimately, having a strong identity is crucial for artists to stand out in the industry and connect with their fans.

    • Director Todd Phillips' versatility in filmmakingKnown for comedies, Phillips surprised with doc 'Hated: Gigi Allen' and film 'Joker'. Versatility showcases a filmmaker's range.

      Todd Phillips, the director behind comedies like The Hangover, also helmed more unconventional projects such as the documentary "Hated: Gigi Allen" and the critically acclaimed film Joker. These works showcase Phillips' versatility as a filmmaker, demonstrating that even those known for one genre can surprise audiences with their abilities in others. Additionally, the conversation touched on the topic of penis injections, which some men opt for to make their penis appear larger. While the discussion was lighthearted, it highlights the various lengths people go to for perceived enhancements.

    • Living Authentically Against Societal NormsEmbrace individuality and live true to oneself, even if it goes against societal expectations.

      The man in the story embodies the art of not giving a fuck and living authentically, despite societal norms. He was seen walking on the highway with his pants falling, but instead of being embarrassed, he simply acknowledged it and continued on his way. This carefree attitude extended to his personal beliefs and practices, such as drinking his own urine for self-approval and teaching cock workshops to help men grow their masculinity. The anecdote serves as a reminder to embrace individuality and live true to oneself, even if it goes against societal expectations.

    • African Tribal Ball-Cups and Body TattoosDuring a retreat, participants discussed African tribal practices of ball-cupping for peace and tattoos, highlighting the importance of open-mindedness and acceptance towards diverse cultures and lifestyles.

      There's a unique practice in some African tribes where men cup each other's balls during tense moments to signify peace and understanding. This concept was discussed during a retreat, and although initially met with skepticism, it eventually piqued the interest of some participants. Meanwhile, a topic about tattoos led to a conversation about a man with extensive body art, who faced backlash for his choices. The discussion also touched upon the lengths people go to for their body modifications and the societal norms surrounding such practices. Ultimately, the conversation highlighted the importance of open-mindedness and acceptance towards different cultures and lifestyles.

    • Unusual situations and humorous commentsFrom a malfunctioning escalator in Czechoslovakia to a man getting kicked by a horse, the speakers shared amusing anecdotes and commented on the absurdity of everyday situations.

      The discussion revolved around various unusual and humorous situations. A woman, who was not a foreign mom as initially assumed, was seen pulling her child away from a malfunctioning escalator in Czechoslovakia. Later, it was revealed that she was French. Elsewhere, a man was seen getting kicked by a horse in the street, which led to an amusing commentary. Additionally, Eric Drogan made headlines for being declared incompetent to stay on trial, but the details of his offense were unclear. The conversation also touched upon the topic of jury duty and how one can get out of it. The speakers shared their experiences and opinions, finding humor in the absurdity of everyday situations.

    • Finding joy in unexpected situationsDiscovering simple pleasures can bring happiness even in serious or stressful times. Libraries offer a wide range of free romance novels for enjoyment.

      Even in unexpected situations, such as a comedian named Ryan Sickler ending up in a major crime trial for gang drug trafficking murder, there are still simple pleasures to be found. During the trial, Ryan discovered that he could order romance novels from his local library, which led to a humorous exchange with his friends. This incident shows that even in serious or stressful situations, finding joy in the little things can make a big difference. Additionally, the conversation revealed that there is a wide selection of romance novels available at libraries, and that they can be borrowed or ordered for free.

    • The Surprising Twists and Turns of LifeAppreciate natural abilities, learn from unexpected sources, and prioritize health to navigate life's roller coaster of emotions.

      Life is full of surprises and unexpected moments, as illustrated in a conversation about various topics ranging from reading bedtime stories to astronauts and TikTok videos. The discussion highlighted the importance of natural abilities, the intrigue of observing others, and the potential consequences of our actions. For instance, some people are naturally gifted at reading stories, while others can extract valuable information from TikTok videos or interrogation interviews. It's essential to appreciate these abilities and learn from them. Additionally, the conversation touched on the risks of consuming contaminated food, such as cinnamon rolls made from a yeast infection, and the importance of taking care of one's health. Overall, the conversation showcased the roller coaster of emotions and the unexpected twists and turns that life can bring.

    • Open dialogue about uncomfortable topics on TikTokTikTok allows for open conversations on sensitive topics, fostering a sense of community and acceptance.

      TikTok is a platform where people from all walks of life share their experiences, even the uncomfortable or taboo ones, in an attempt to go viral. During a conversation at the Juggalos gathering, the topic of yeast infections and their potential transmission between partners came up. While some may find the discussion distasteful, it's a reminder of the openness and acceptance that exists within certain communities on TikTok. Additionally, the speakers also shared their appreciation for their fans and the growth of their community, making it a testament to their dedication and influence. Overall, the conversation highlights the unique nature of TikTok as a space for open dialogue and connection, even around sensitive topics.

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    Asheville, NC and Roanoke, VA! Tom is coming to you! Get tickets at https://tomsegura.com/tour! SPONSORS: -Head to https://policygenius.com/YMH to get your free life insurance quotes and see how much you could save -Head to https://zbiotics.com/YMH and use the code YMH at checkout for 15% off. -Check out the new softside Luggage from Away at https://awaytravel.com/ymh -Get up to 60% off your Babbel subscription at https://babbel.com/YMH My brother didn't believe me, but he believes me now, Tod and Kristine are back again! This week on Your Mom's House Podcast, the Main Mommies talk about a ding dong on Christina's nose, Tom's hot and spicy gas, before opening the show with a clip featuring Noel Gallagher of Oasis sharing some colorful thoughts on people in the world. They also call up Brenden the YMH merch guy to discuss their recent fixation on taking calls on the toilet. They also check out some clips about piggy parties, pronoun fun, and mermaid tail etiquette. Christina and Tom welcome musical duo, The Black Keys aka Dan Auerbach and Patrick Carney. They just cancelled their recent tour, so they've got some free time and share why that even happened in the first place. They talk about how they got together, their early success, and drop a YMH exclusive concerning whether or not they've gone airtight together. The Black Keys also run a gauntlet of Horrible or Hilarious clips from Tom, talk some trash about popular musicians, discuss the differences between bombing on stage doing comedy vs live music, and so much more! Your Mom’s House Ep. 768 https://tomsegura.com/tour https://christinaponline.com/tour-dates https://store.ymhstudios.com https://www.reddit.com/r/yourmomshousepodcast Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Coming Out As A Husband w/ Sal Vulcano | Your Mom's House Ep. 767

    Coming Out As A Husband w/ Sal Vulcano | Your Mom's House Ep. 767
    SPONSORS: - Visit https://coorslight.com/summermusic to see how Coors Light can amplify your summer. And be sure to keep an eye out on Coors Light’s social handles and https://coorslightbackstagesixpack.com all summer long for the drops. - Sign up for a one-dollar-per-month trial period at https://Shopify.com/momshouse Check out Sal Vulcano's new special "Terrified" here on YouTube! https://youtu.be/6X49375Hah8?si=t_TpTJJlCRbB2rw7 Pull your jeans all the way up over your head because Tom Segura and Christina P are back for another week of Your Mom's House Podcast! Christina P is suspiciously quiet this week, so comedian/Impractical Joker Sal Vulcano joins Tom a little earlier than usual. Sal just released a new special "Terrified" and he opens up about his recent public announcements concerning his personal life and can't imagine why his privacy is such a talked about thing. He's a husband and a father now, so he shares some updates about that, plus Tom probes him about his fear of flying and his aversion to touching things. The two also get into self-pleasuring devices, excessive reactions at Chipotle, acting on TV, the art of barbecue, and Chris Distefano's sexuality. Tom also treats Sal to some Horrible or Hilarious clips, introduces him to Manny the tool guy, and they swap some stories about some knucklehead drivers. https://tomsegura.com/tour https://christinaponline.com/tour-dates https://store.ymhstudios.com https://www.reddit.com/r/yourmomshousepodcast Your Mom’s House Ep. 767 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    America's Favorite Pig Rachel Feinstein | Your Mom's House Ep. 766

    America's Favorite Pig Rachel Feinstein | Your Mom's House Ep. 766
    Check out Rachel Feinstein's new special "Big Guy" streaming now on Netflix! This week on Your Mom's House Podcast, we hit the ground running with a Fart Simpson banger about McDonalds, before Tom opens up the episode with a clip of a cool dudes really cool Sunday plans. Tom also tells Christina all about his insane trip to Abu Dhabi. Christina and Tom welcome comedian and vile pig Rachel Feinstein, on the pod. She talks her latest Netflix Special, "Big Guy", the godless things she does, her life married to a firefighter, and the benefits of being a comic parent. She, Tom, and Christina also chat about gassy husbands, their foul mouthed kids, spanking fetishes, Red Lobster head, succubus defense, and dive into a long curated gauntlet of Christina's TikToks! Try it out, man. https://tomsegura.com/tour https://christinaponline.com/tour-dates https://store.ymhstudios.com https://www.reddit.com/r/yourmomshousepodcast Your Mom’s House Ep. 766 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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