
    Ben Shapiro & Candace Owens War Escalates as Conservatives Take Sides

    enNovember 16, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Navigating Online Communities: The Challenges for Friends and ColleaguesSocial media incentivizes negative behaviors, making it hard for friends to engage in open discussions without being criticized or attacked.

      The Internet community, particularly on social media platforms, can be divisive and fueled by negative behaviors, making it difficult for friends and colleagues to engage in open and honest discussions without being criticized or attacked. Dave Rubin, the host of The Rubin Report, addressed this issue in his live stream, discussing his personal experiences with friends Ben Shapiro and Candace Owens getting into a public spat on Twitter. Rubin, who considers himself friends with both parties, found it challenging to remain impartial and call things as he sees them while maintaining their friendships. He emphasized that the incentive structures on social media platforms and the way people behave with each other online incentivize the worst behaviors, leaving decent people behind and contributing to the worsening state of online discourse. Rubin also shared a memory of how he helped bring Candace Owens to the spotlight during YouTube Week in 2017, highlighting the evolution of their relationship and the challenges that come with navigating online communities.

    • Candace Owens' Journey from Liberal to ConservativeCandace Owens, a former liberal, became a conservative after facing backlash and seeking out conversations with figures like Ben Shapiro. She believes in addressing individual instances of prejudice instead of labeling institutions as racist.

      Candace Owens, also known as "Red Pill Black," is a figure who has made a name for herself by sharing her perspectives on politics and social issues through videos. She grew up in Connecticut, studied journalism in college, and later worked in finance before attempting to start an anti-bullying business. Her red pill moment came when she faced backlash during the election, leading her to question the left and seek out conversations with conservatives like Ben Shapiro. Their first meeting in 2016 marked the beginning of a friendship, and Owens has since appeared on Shapiro's show multiple times. During their first interview, Owens expressed her disagreement with the concept of institutional racism and her belief that it's important to focus on addressing individual instances of prejudice rather than labeling entire institutions as racist. Over the years, Owens and Shapiro have remained friends and have continued to engage in discussions on various topics.

    • Candace Owens and Ben Shapiro's Feud ContinuesThe ongoing feud between Candace Owens and Ben Shapiro escalated with Candace's tweet about serving God or money, which was perceived as a dig at Ben. Some speculate that Candace may be looking for a reason to leave her position at the Daily Wire, while Ben remains unfazed.

      There is an ongoing feud between Candace Owens and Ben Shapiro, and her recent tweet about serving God or money was perceived as a dig at Ben. This is happening amidst the backdrop of the ongoing conflict in the Middle East and the emotional responses it has elicited. Some speculate that Candace may be looking for a reason to leave her position at the Daily Wire, while Ben is not falling for it. Candace accused Ben of unprofessionalism, but it's unclear what she meant by that. Overall, the situation highlights the intensity of emotions and allegiances in the current political climate.

    • A public spat between Candace Owens and Ben Shapiro on social mediaOnline disagreements between public figures can escalate quickly and lead to misunderstandings, potentially causing harm to reputations and relationships.

      The interaction between Candace Owens and Ben Shapiro on social media, leading up to an interview on Tucker Carlson's show, highlights the intense nature of political discourse and the potential for misunderstandings and miscommunications. Owens accused Shapiro of misquoting her on Twitter, leading to a public spat. The timing of the exchange, with the interview already taped, added fuel to the fire. Owens is known for her confrontational style on social media and has engaged in similar public disputes with other figures. Shapiro accused her of having a "faux sophistication" when discussing certain issues. Despite their disagreements, the two have a history of working together at The Daily Wire. The incident underscores the importance of clear communication and the potential consequences of heated online exchanges.

    • Understanding Different Perspectives on the Israeli-Palestinian ConflictAs Americans, we should prioritize our country's interests but also express concern for human suffering in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Different commentators have varying perspectives and approaches to the issue.

      The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a complex issue with deep historical roots, and it's essential to understand that different people prioritize and respond to it differently. The speaker acknowledges that as Americans, we should prioritize our country's interests first, but that doesn't mean we can't also express concern for the human suffering and tragedy on both sides. The speaker also notes that there are varying perspectives and approaches among conservative commentators regarding the conflict and America's role in it. The emotional response to the recent violence in Israel and the Palestinian territories may be disproportionate for some, but it's essential to remember that the situation involves real people and real lives affected by the conflict. We should be able to hold multiple perspectives and concerns at once, including the need for border security and the human cost of the conflict.

    • A civilizational battle affecting all peopleUnderstand the interconnectedness of issues and prioritize solutions for all Americans, maintaining international relationships.

      The current conflict in Israel is not just about Jews, but a part of a larger civilizational battle that could affect people of all backgrounds and nationalities. Jews may be more sensitive to attacks due to historical experiences, but the threat extends beyond them. It is essential for Americans to care about the wellbeing of all citizens, regardless of their race or religion. The emotional response to the situation should not be seen as an indicator of one's stance on issues like immigration or border control. Instead, these concerns are interconnected, and addressing them requires a nuanced understanding and the ability to prioritize multiple issues at once. America's unique position as a melting pot makes it crucial to find solutions that protect all Americans while maintaining international relationships.

    • Crisis of Institutions in America and the Importance of CommunityTo address the current crisis in America, it's crucial to uphold traditions and values, protect communities, and prioritize taking care of our own before helping others globally.

      We are facing a crisis of institutions in America, with media, education, and even algorithms contributing to the divide. It's essential for those on the right side of the political spectrum to uphold our traditions and values, protect our communities, and take care of our own before we lose them. The Rock's perspective on America as a community that should be treated and protected like family resonates with this idea. The current situation, where people are increasingly aware of the government not prioritizing their needs, leads to division and fighting over scraps. This is not good and doesn't mean we can't do good in the world. However, we must first focus on taking care of our own.

    • Tension between Candace Owens and the Daily Wire, China's global ambitionsCandace Owens' contract with the Daily Wire may not be renewed, China aims to fill the US's global leadership role, and the divide between MAGA supporters and the GOP establishment widens

      The role of the United States as a global leader is being questioned, and China is eager to fill the void. This discussion also touched upon the potential future of Candace Owens' career at the Daily Wire. The speaker expressed that tension between Owens and the company has been building for some time, and it seems likely that her contract will not be renewed. Some viewers have cancelled their subscriptions in response, while others have chosen to renew despite the ongoing feud. The speaker also noted that the divide between MAGA or America First supporters and the GOP establishment appears to be widening, and it remains to be seen how they will come together during the general election. Ultimately, the speaker emphasized the importance of spreading American values and ideas through culture and teaching, rather than through force or coercion.

    • Financial decisions shaping societal change but fragmented political landscape poses challengesIndividuals' financial choices can impact societal change, but navigating disinformation and the fragmented political landscape is difficult, with concerns over the role of social media platforms and educators in shaping young minds. Potential solutions include America-first policies and successful leaders like DeSantis.

      Individuals have the power to influence societal change through their financial decisions, but the current political landscape is becoming increasingly fragmented. The speaker expresses concern over the fraying of the movement and the influence of disinformation through social media platforms like TikTok and the role of educators in shaping young minds. The suggestion is that DeSantis, with his America-first policies and successful record in Florida, could be a potential way forward. However, the challenges of navigating disinformation and societal confusion are significant, and finding a solution to push past propaganda and convince people of the truth is a difficult task. The speaker remains optimistic that humanity will always find a way out of difficult times, but the current conditions, including the influence of algorithms and bots, make it a particularly challenging situation.

    • Manipulation and Misinformation in the Digital WorldThe digital world is filled with manipulation and misinformation, as seen in the recent incident involving Ben and neo-Nazi Telegram groups. Addressing these issues in a thoughtful and constructive manner could lead to progress.

      The digital world is fraught with manipulation and misinformation, as seen in the recent incident involving Ben and the neo-Nazi Telegram groups. These groups used coordinated efforts to target Ben, making it seem like he was isolated and unsupported. Meanwhile, in the real world, there are significant political and global issues, such as the ongoing war in the Middle East and tensions with Russia and China. In a lighter note, the conversation also touched on the topic of healthy eating habits and favorite movies. However, the most pressing question raised was what would make people on the left acknowledge the problematic actions and ideologies within their own circles. The October 7th attacks and the subsequent reactions were cited as a possible turning point, but the situation with Ben and Candace Owens has brought the issue back to the forefront. Ignoring it might not be the solution, but addressing it in a thoughtful and constructive manner could lead to progress.

    • Concerns over Right's Political DiscourseThe current state of political discourse on the right is causing concern due to its chaos and divisiveness, potentially pushing moderates towards the left. Emotions are high, but public fights on social media hinder productive conversations. Both sides need to foster open and respectful dialogue.

      The current state of political discourse on the right, as highlighted by the speaker, is causing concern due to the chaos and divisiveness it's creating. This issue is particularly problematic because it could potentially push moderate or undecided individuals back towards the left. The speaker believes that emotions are running high due to valid reasons, but public social media fights are making it increasingly difficult to have productive conversations. The speaker also notes that the left has largely become a cult-like movement, while conservatives seem to be turning on each other, leading to a lack of success. Ultimately, the speaker expresses a desire for more open and respectful dialogue between people with differing viewpoints.

    • Left vs Right: Cult-like Mentality vs Individual FreedomThe left and right hold contrasting views on unity and individuality, with the left employing a 'you're either with us or against us' mentality and the right valuing individual rights and freedom.

      The divide between the left and right in today's culture can be compared to a cult-like mentality versus individual freedom. Those on the left often employ a "you're either with us or against us" narrative, labeling those who don't agree as "evil." In contrast, those on the right value individual rights and freedom. This was discussed in relation to religious communities, with the speaker sharing experiences of openness from ultra-Orthodox Jewish and Christian families. The left's hysterical environment keeps them tight-knit but also susceptible to being swayed by negative influences. The right, on the other hand, may have a weaker sense of unity due to respect for individuality and a preference for limited government. Additionally, the conversation touched on various recommendations for enjoying Miami, Florida, including the W Hotel in South Beach and the Standard Hotel, as well as CocoWalk in Coconut Grove for dining options. Lastly, a discussion about the people attending dinner with Xi Jinping was brought up, with concerns about the potential implications for these companies and their alignment with the Chinese communist regime. However, the speaker suggested that Gavin Newsom's actions in cleaning up California could serve as a positive example for Democrats to prioritize safety and order in cities.

    • Rising Authoritarianism in China and Political Chaos in the USDespite unexpected developments in US politics and China's authoritarianism, it's crucial to find common ground and build bridges. Unexpected support for Israel from Fetterman is a positive sign for Democrats, while the Republican Party missed an opportunity to unite behind a strong leader like DeSantis. Stay engaged and focused on finding common ground.

      The political landscape is complex and filled with unexpected developments. Regarding China, there was an expectation that relations would lead to more freedom, but instead, authoritarianism seems to be on the rise. The Republican Party missed an opportunity to unite behind a strong leader like DeSantis, who could have brought in new voters and energized the base. In the case of the Democrats, unexpected support for Israel from Fetterman is a positive development, despite his other criticisms. The current political climate is chaotic, and it's essential to find the bright spots and build bridges wherever possible. The situation with Candace and Tucker is frustrating, but it's crucial to keep working towards unity and understanding. Ultimately, the key is to stay engaged and focused on finding common ground, even in the most challenging circumstances.

    • Artificial political division fueled by bots and algorithmsThe current political division in America is not natural but rather engineered by bots, algorithms, and grifting pundits. Strive for unity and understanding.

      The current state of political division in America is largely artificial and driven by bots, algorithms, and grifting pundits who profit from keeping people hating each other. This was a sentiment expressed during a recent episode of The Rubin Report. The host reminisced about a time when liberals and conservatives could have civil conversations and even work together. He emphasized that this division is not natural but rather engineered and urged listeners not to fall for it. The episode touched on the dangers of social media and its role in fueling political polarization. The Rubin Report also encouraged viewers to check out their full interview with Yaron Brook from the Ayn Rand Institute and their new Twitter account for easily shareable show clips. The host ended the episode with a reminder that young people were once allowed to choose their own laws through social protest, leading to the current state of affairs. Overall, the message was to be aware of the manipulation and to strive for unity and understanding.

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    The Rubin Report
    enJune 19, 2024

    Jon Stewart of ‘The Daily Show’ Left Out These Key Details So He Could Lie to Your Face

    Jon Stewart of ‘The Daily Show’ Left Out These Key Details So He Could Lie to Your Face
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    The Rubin Report
    enJune 18, 2024

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    Noel and Katherine are Youtubers who make lifestyle and travel vlogs in China.  We talk about dealing with hate and toxicity on Youtube and social media, environmental protection in China, the importance of challenging our own beliefs, a confusing quote from Neil deGrasse Tyson and Asian men dating white women, commonly known as AMWF (Asian male White female) relationships.


    Check out "Noel Lee" and "Katherine's Journey to the East" on Youtube.


    Follow Us On Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thehonestdrink_/

    Email: thehonestdrink@gmail.com

    Join Us On WeChat: THD_Official

    Find us on: Spotify, Apple, Google Podcasts, YouTube, Ximalaya, 小宇宙, 网易云音乐, Bilibili or anywhere else you get your podcasts.