
    About this Episode

    Before I knew Beth Shaw, I knew yoga. I discovered yoga early on in my 20s, I knew I wanted to do it, but I knew nothing about it – not even that I should have a mat. I went to my first class, it was in a dimly lit room, nobody talked and I didn’t feel like I was doing it “right” and no one was there to help. It was so foreign and didn’t feel right at the time. I left that class and didn’t go back for a while, to any yoga class. This was probably early 2000s. I knew I needed more flexibility in my body, being a serious athlete; I had been playing sport since a child, growing into competitive sport at the provincial, national and university level and knew that my body needed more flexibility to it. However, I didn’t get serious about yoga again until I was in grad school when I found a little yoga school in my neighbourhood and decided to be brave enough to sign up for a class. It was an Iyengar yoga school and it changed my life. I discovered so much about how the body can strengthen and heal both physically, mentally and spiritually with this gentle practice and it felt like I came home. Finally a place where these aspects could co-exist in my life! Through my years of practicing various yoga styles, completing numerous 30-day+ challenges and studying yoga as far away as Brazil, I had entertained the idea of becoming an instructor, but it was always so complicated and you needed to travel to some far off place or commit to a whole month or more of doing a teacher training, and a ton of money – and that just wasn’t an option when you are working on your PhD in Engineering. So, I continued to work in the fitness industry while completing my degree and it wasn’t until years later that I discovered a modular program that enabled me to become a yoga instructor overtime. I thought this was great – it worked for my schedule and would let me know if I’d even like to be an instructor, if I could do it, if I wanted to do it as a job….and that was how I discovered YogaFit. Becoming an instructor did change my life and enabled so many great ways of getting to know my body more and helping others know theirs. What a journey…and here we are today, speaking with the founder of this amazing program!

    Beth Shaw​ is a pioneer in the Wellness, Yoga & Fitness space in North America. Beth is single-handedly responsible for the widespread growth of yoga throughout the span of the U.S. and Canada. In 1994, she founded the global mind-body education school, YogaFit, which has since certified over 200,000 instructors worldwide. She believes, "in empowering cultures and sharing the gift of yoga beyond borders."

    Through the continuous development of YogaFit, Beth remains at the forefront as President, creating programs and yoga teacher training courses that are innovative and educational. Beth is also a best-selling author, her premier book, YogaFit has sold over 100,000 units worldwide. Her next book, YogaLean, a lifestyle program that provides tools towards for maintaining optimal health. The YogaFit Athlete was released from Random House in Spring 2016 and has inspired a 100-hour YogaFit for Athletes specialty track for instructors. All books have been translated into multiple languages, providing the universal appeal of YogaFit. (Human Kinetics, 2001 & Random House, 2014).

    Beth is a go-to yoga/mindfulness expert in the media and has been featured in numerous fitness, business and consumer publications including SELF, Yoga Journal, Huffington Post, New York Times, Time Magazine, LA Times, Entrepreneur, Washington Post, and USA Today.

    As an E-RYT 500 and C-IAYT, Beth has spent time in India and Asia studying yoga and holds numerous certificates in mind-body disciplines. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration & Nutrition. She has also been a trained Anger Management Specialist and Yoga Therapist since 1994. Beth has dedicated her life to service via YogaFit's community service program and her own personal path of Karma Yoga. She is a passionate animal advocate. Her non-profit organization, Visionary Women in Fitness awards scholarships to women worldwide. Shaw has dedicated her life to YogaFit and the transformational growth that the company creates globally. Annually, YogaFit is committed to giving One Million of Free Yoga Trainings to those in need.

    There is so much more I can tell you about this amazing woman and her contribution to this world, but instead, have a listen to our episode today and find out for yourself – and be sure to follow the links if you want to know more!




    • Her background and how her entrepreneurial spirit started
    • How we can take our yoga practice off our mats
    • How Beth designed the YogaFit program and the importance of the YogaFit Essence
    • How  YogaFit bridges exercise science and spirituality
    • Beth’s passion for Women’s Empowerment and her contribution to it
    • Her challenges in breaking through the fitness industry as a woman & her advice for women
    • Her passion for rescuing animals and what Beth’s rescue pup has taught her!
    • Beth’s alternative healing modalities, including Reiki and her application to her rescue pup
    • How Beth believes transformation begins and the role of self-talk in our practice and in life
    • Trainings available for Trauma & PTSD
    • YogaFit tips for safety that are applicable to any style of yoga
    • Her thoughts on the importance of corporate wellness, and Beth’s health hacks other than sugar and coffee
    • Her book: YogaLean with Ayurveda content, tips and recommendations
    • Beth’s perspective and tips for work-life balance
    • What is in Beth’s spiritual toolbox!
    • What Beth is manifesting in her life right now
    • What Beth’s goal is before she departs this planet!
    • What alternative health hacks are “up and coming”
    • What motivates her and Beth’s advice for women starting in their own business
    • Beth’s advice for her younger self
    • The release of the latest YogaFit music album called “Evolution”
    • Beth’s superpowers and her desired superpowers
    • Beth’s definition of success
    • How your intuition is your most powerful tool in deciphering the path of your business
    • Beth’s vision for YogaFit
    • The Goddess that I assign to Beth
    • The gift I give you at the end of the episode – a special guided meditation!

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    Happy Holidays - this month everyone gets the message in advance! Thanks for being here and listening. Now that you know about us, share this gift with others and spread the joy and the message this season!

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