
    Biden Allows Iran to Attack Israel after Dems Blocked Emergency Funding

    enApril 14, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • CCP's Influence Over Hollywood and Saving Lives from AbortionThe CCP manipulates Hollywood, while preborn organizations save 200 lives daily, and a $28 donation can make a difference. HealthLock identifies medical bill errors, saving members over $130M, and Cruz warns of dangerous consequences from abandoning Israel.

      The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) exerts significant influence over Hollywood, as revealed in the documentary "Hollywood Takeover." Meanwhile, on a different note, every day, preborn organizations rescue 200 babies from abortion, and a donation of $28 could make a difference between life and death. Furthermore, over 50% of medical bills contain errors, and HealthLock technology can help identify and correct them, saving members over $130 million to date. Lastly, senator Ted Cruz predicted the abandonment of Israel by Democrats and the Biden administration would lead to dangerous consequences, including Iran's attack on Israel, and the release of billions of dollars to Iran, allowing them to skirt oil embargoes. Stay tuned for more on these topics in upcoming podcasts.

    • Democrats Block Israel Aid Despite Public SupportDuring a significant moment in U.S.-Israel relations, Democrats blocked emergency military aid for Israel despite public support, focusing on power over substance.

      During a significant moment in U.S.-Israel relations, not a single Senate Democrat voted in favor of emergency military aid for Israel. This surprising party-line vote came after a large march for Israel in Washington D.C., where thousands showed their support for the country in a nonpartisan way. The House of Representatives had previously passed the $14 billion aid bill, but the Biden Administration attempted to tie it to other issues, including border security funding for illegal immigration. The House decided to pay for the aid by rescinding funding for hiring 87,000 new IRS agents. Despite the public show of unity at the march, the Democrats' vote was described as a manifestation of their disregard for substance and focus on power, as they are not held accountable by the corporate media for their actions. This situation highlights the themes of the author's new book, "Unwoke: How to Defeat Cultural Marxism in America."

    • Republicans Hijack Senate Floor to Force Israel Funding VoteRepublicans used a rare procedural method to seize the Senate floor and force a vote on Israel funding, bypassing Schumer's attempts to tie it to other political priorities.

      During a recent Senate session, a group of Republican senators, including Roger Marshall, Mike Lee, and others, attempted to force a vote on Israel funding due to Schumer's refusal to bring it up. They used a rarely-used procedural method called filing a rogue cloture petition to hijack the Senate floor from Schumer. The Republicans wanted to vote on military aid for Israel, which had already passed in the House, but Schumer was preventing a vote due to his desire to prioritize funding for new IRS agents and tie Israel funding to other political priorities. Democrats, who had previously shown strong support for military aid for Ukraine, were holding Israel funding hostage as a political opportunity and due to pressure from their left flank, including the "squad." Schumer, who had the power to prevent this maneuver, was criticized for being lazy and not filing a pending motion to proceed to another bill, leaving the floor open for the Republicans to take action.

    • Senate Tactics: Republicans Force Vote on $14 Billion Israel Funding BillSenate rules knowledge can be used strategically to disrupt proceedings and force votes, highlighting the importance of understanding the intricacies of the Senate.

      A small group of senators, led by Roger Marshall, used their understanding of Senate rules to force a vote on a $14 billion emergency military funding bill for Israel, catching Democrats off guard. The senators waited in the cloakroom, and when they secured the floor, Roger moved to proceed to the bill. However, when the clerk read the title, Raphael Warnock, a Democrat, was recognized instead, and he suggested the absence of a quorum, freezing the Senate and preventing any further business. This strategic move by the Republicans highlighted the importance of knowing the Senate rules and using them to one's advantage. Only a handful of senators truly understand these intricacies, making this story a remarkable insight into the inner workings of the Senate.

    • Democrats Block Emergency Military Funding for IsraelDemocrats prioritized party unity over supporting Israel in a recent Senate session, resulting in a party-line rejection of emergency military funding.

      During a recent Senate session, Democrats used procedural tactics to prevent a vote on emergency military funding for Israel. Republicans attempted to end the quorum call and force a roll call vote, but Democrats objected, leading to a standoff. After several hours, Democrats eventually agreed to hold a vote, which resulted in a straight party-line rejection of the funding. Notable Democrats, including Chuck Schumer, Jon Tester, Sherrod Brown, Bob Casey, Jackie Rosen, and Tammy Baldwin, all voted against the emergency funding. This moment underscores the prioritization of partisan politics over supporting Israel for these Democrats. Despite having the power to change the outcome with a single vote, every Democrat present chose to maintain party unity. The situation highlights the political risks and potential consequences of such a stance during the upcoming elections.

    • Senate Vote on Israel Aid: Democrats and Republicans Unite Despite Delay TacticsDespite procedural delays, Democrats and Republicans came together to ensure clarity in a Senate vote for Israel's emergency military aid, emphasizing the importance of transparency and unity in the political process.

      During a contentious Senate vote regarding emergency military aid for Israel, Democrats used procedural tactics to delay the vote, risking a bipartisan appearance. The speaker emphasized the gravity of the situation in Israel and urged Republicans to vote with Democrats to maintain clarity. Despite personal appeals, some Republicans delayed their votes, which could have resulted in a misleading bipartisan vote against the procedural mechanism. However, through persistent lobbying, every Republican ultimately voted with Democrats, ensuring that each Democrat's vote was decisive. The speaker also criticized the media for not covering the event, allowing Democrats to make questionable votes without their constituents knowing. Overall, this incident highlights the importance of transparency and unity in the political process.

    • Republican Senators Surprise Democrats with Israel Aid BillSudden Republican bill to aid Israel caught Democrats off guard, causing panic and disapproval among Republicans, with Democrats feeling secure due to media support and past events like MIT's handling of anti-Israel protests.

      During a recent event in the Senate, a group of Republican senators, led by an aggressive senator, attempted to pass a bill providing military aid to Israel. The sudden move caught both Senate Democrats and Republican leadership off guard, resulting in panic among Democrats and disapproval from Republicans. The Democrats felt they could get away with voting against Israel due to the support of the corporate media, who would not cover the story, unlike how Republican votes would be reported and potentially cost them their jobs. The situation at MIT, where anti-Israel protesters were not expelled despite threatening behavior, was also discussed as disgraceful and shocking.

    • Jewish students at MIT face harassment, administration fails to actUniversities must prioritize student safety and academic experience, regardless of nationality or religion. MIT's handling of anti-Semitic incidents raises concerns and highlights the need for inclusive campuses.

      At MIT, Jewish students have faced physical threats and harassment from anti-Israel, anti-Semitic protesters, preventing them from attending classes. The university administration has failed to take action, fearing expulsion of the students involved due to their status as international students. This situation raises concerns about the prioritization of international students' presence over their safety and the academic experience of Jewish students. The incident highlights the need for universities to ensure a safe and inclusive learning environment for all students, regardless of their nationality or religious background. Additionally, the disparity in CNN's coverage of the issue, with the morning show promoting anti-Semitic rhetoric and the prime-time lineup addressing it, underscores the complexity and urgency of addressing hate speech and discrimination on college campuses.

    • Harassment of Jewish students at MITJewish students face threats, intimidation, and blocked access to classes from Palestinian or pro-Palestinian students. MIT administration fails to take action due to allegiance to radical left's ideology, setting a dangerous precedent for foreign students' behavior.

      At MIT, Jewish students have faced harassment, threats, and intimidation from a significant portion of the student body, primarily those identifying as Palestinian or pro-Palestinian. These students have made threats of physical violence and blocked Jewish students from attending classes, yet the university administration has failed to take action and expel the offending students due to their allegiance to the radical left's cultural Marxist ideology. This situation is concerning, as it sets a dangerous precedent where foreign students, who make up a large portion of the student body, are allowed to behave in a way that is not acceptable for American students. The administrators' lack of action not only fails to protect Jewish students but also sends a message that such behavior is acceptable. Donors and the public need to hold universities accountable for creating an environment where hate speech and threats of violence are tolerated. Silence in the face of such actions only emboldens the oppressors and leaves the oppressed without a voice.

    • Rising issue of antisemitism towards Jewish students on college campusesRadical leftist groups targeting and intimidating Jewish students, MIT administration complicit, call for action to stop hate and violence towards Jewish students, not an isolated incident, spread awareness and take a stand

      There is a rising issue of antisemitism and intolerance towards Jewish students on college campuses, specifically at MIT, where radical leftist groups are targeting and intimidating them. These groups are chanting for another intifada, which translates to calling for the murder of more Jews. The MIT administration is currently complicit in this terrorizing of Jewish students. It is crucial for those who care about equal rights, protection, and stopping hate to speak out and take action. This includes students, professors, administrators, and donors. Everyone has the right to free speech, but no student has the right to threaten physical violence against others to prevent them from attending class. The situation at MIT is not an isolated incident, as it is happening on other college campuses as well. It is important for everyone to spread awareness and take a stand against this intolerance and violence towards Jewish students.

    • CCP's influence over Hollywood studiosExplore Tiffany Meyer's documentary for insights on Chinese Communist Party's impact on major Hollywood studios. Save on travel with Cheapo Air, earn points for discounts, and double points on app bookings. Invest in a good night's sleep with Leesa's natural hybrid mattress, supporting shelters and those in need.

      Tiffany Meyer's documentary, Hollywood Takeover, sheds light on the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) influence over some major studios in Hollywood. This is an important topic that documentary explorers shouldn't miss. In a different vein, if you're planning travel, consider using Cheapo Air. This platform offers affordable prices on flights and accommodations, and you can earn points to save more through their club miles program. Double points are even awarded when booking on the app. Lastly, investing in a good night's sleep is crucial. Leesa's new natural hybrid mattress, in collaboration with West Elm, provides a restful sleep experience made from natural materials. Additionally, every purchase supports Lisa's work with shelters and those in need. So, improve your sleep and contribute to a good cause by purchasing a Lisa mattress today.

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    סיכום השנה שחלפה ותחזית לשנה הקרובה בתחומים שונים; האירועים הבולטים שהתרחשו במדינת ישראל בשנת 2021 הם הבחירות לכנסת ה-24, הקמת ממשלת ישראל ה-36, כלומר התחלפה פה הנהגה. היו גם בחירות לנשיאות בישראל, היה מבצע "שומר החומות", אירועי טרור, היו מהומות, פילוג, שינוי של ההנהגה והתמודדות אין סופית עם הקורונה וההשלכות שלה. כיצד מסכמים את צעדיה של ישראל לשנת 2021, לאן צועדת המדינה והאם נלמדו לקחים מהשנה הנוכחית?; סין רואה את העתיד שלה דווקא בהתקרבות לארצות הברית, וגם הודו, וזה מאוד מעניין מבחינה גלובלית. כי מה שרואים דווקא עכשיו, בסוף שנת 2021, זה את ההיחלשות של ארצות הברית כמעצמה דווקא, את איבוד הכוח לסין. איך ניתן להבין את יחסי הכוחות האלה, מה משמעות הצעדים האקדמיים שנוקטת ארה"ב ומהם הצעדים המומלצים העתידיים של ארה"ב; נטיית חוקי הכלכלה והפוליטיקה בישראל לעבר חברה האגואיסטית נורמלית, מהי המשמעות העתידית של הטוויית הדרך הנוכחית, כיצד זה ישפיע על גורל עם ישראל וכיצד החלת חוקים רוחניים יכולים לשנות את עתידנו?; אנחנו בעיצומה של התפשטות ווריאנט חדש. מספר הנדבקים בסוף השבוע ברחבי העולם הגיע לשיא של קרוב למיליון מאומתים ביום בבריטניה, צרפת ואיטליה. הצריכה הפרטית בצל הקורונה הולכת וגואה. מה הקשר בין הקורונה לעלייה בצריכה הפרטית, מדוע חשוב להגיע לריסון בצריכה וכיצד ירידה בצרכנות המופרזת תעזור בריפוי האנושות?; שנת 2021 עבור יהודי העולם הייתה בסימן סדרה של כישלונות קורעי לב במאבק בשנאה ברחבי העולם. בגדול הנה כמה האירועים שקרו בשנה החולפת, זה כמה מהדברים, אי אפשר לסכם באמת כל כך הרבה אירועים. ברחבי העולם המלחמה ישראל חמאס במרכז העניינים, ברחבי העולם התקפות שנאה כוונו כלפיי מוסדות יהודים כדי להביע את זעמם כלפי ישראל. בארצות הברית הותקפו יהודים ברחובות בניו יורק, לוס אנג'לס ועוד. ניתוח של הטוויטר בשבעה ימים שלאחר פרוץ האלימות הראה יותר מ-17 אלף ציוצים שהשתמשו בגרסאות של הביטוי "היטלר צדק". דו"ח פשעי השנאה השנתי של ה-FBI שפורסם באוגוסט 2021 חשף כי פשעי השנאה המכוונים לקהילה היהודית היוו כמעט 60 אחוזים מכלל פשעי השנאה המבוססים על דת. האם בגלל עליית האנטישמיות בעולם אנחנו נראה יותר עלייה של יהודי הגולה לישראל, למה תורם הלחץ האנטישמי בהתפתחות העם היהודי ומה יקרה עם העם היהודי בשנת 2022?