
    Biden Family Subpoenas & Antisemitism Hearing Interruptions | Afternoon Update | 11.8.23

    enNovember 08, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • House Oversight Committee Issues Subpoenas in Biden Family Probe, DHS Chief Testifies on Border Crisis, US House Censures Rashida TlaibThe House Oversight Committee issued subpoenas to individuals linked to the Biden family for alleged corruption, DHS Secretary Mayorkas testified about the border crisis, and the US House censured Representative Tlaib for her controversial statements against Israel.

      The House Oversight Committee, led by Chairman James Comer, issued subpoenas on Wednesday to individuals suspected of involvement in alleged Biden family corruption, including Hunter and James Biden. This comes after a brief stall due to the speaker fight last month. Meanwhile, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas testified before the Senate regarding the border crisis, admitting that the country is experiencing the largest immigration numbers since World War 2. The US House voted to censure Democratic Representative Rashida Tlaib of Michigan for her repeated promotion of controversial messages against Israel. The censure resolution accused Tlaib of promoting false narratives and calling for the destruction of Israel. Despite the censure, Tlaib and other members of the "squad" defended her stance. These events highlight ongoing investigations into potential corruption, border crisis concerns, and political tensions.

    • Political landscape shaped by contentious debates and protestsAbortion rights, marijuana legalization, and gubernatorial elections were key issues in the US, with Ohio and Kentucky seeing significant decisions and Mississippi's incumbent governor securing another term despite strong opposition.

      The political landscape in the United States continues to be shaped by contentious debates and protests, as evidenced by disruptions at a House Judiciary Committee hearing on college campuses and free speech. At the same time, voters in various states have made significant decisions on issues such as abortion rights, marijuana legalization, and gubernatorial elections. In Ohio, the passage of an amendment guaranteeing the right to reproductive medical treatment, including abortion, was seen as a win for abortion advocates, while pro-life advocates vowed to continue their efforts. In Kentucky, the election of a democratic governor went against the state's traditionally red leaning nature, while Mississippi's incumbent Republican governor secured another term despite facing strong opposition. Overall, these events underscore the ongoing political divisions and debates in the US.

    • 2023 Virginia Elections: Split Legislature and Potential ClashesDemocrats control Virginia Senate, Republicans lead House. Youngkin's priorities may clash with legislature. Republicans campaigned on 15-week abortion ban. Potential for contentious debates and gridlock.

      The 2023 Virginia elections resulted in a split legislature, with Democrats maintaining control of the Senate and Republicans taking over the House. This outcome will lead to potential clashes between Governor Glenn Youngkin and the legislature regarding their respective priorities. Youngkin and his allies had intended to focus on economic, educational, and public safety legislation during his last two years in office. Additionally, Virginia Republicans campaigned on a 15-week abortion ban with exceptions for rape, incest, and risk to the mother's life. This divide could result in contentious debates and potentially gridlocked governance in the coming years.

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    This is the true story of a Gen X-er picked to do a podcast and give his personal views on Pop Culture, Politics, Sports, News and more, So find out what happens when people stop being polite and start getting real. - ‘Get Of My Lawn’ As we grow into an ever changing world and new Generations are born, only one stays the same with their distain for all others - ‘Gen X’. We survived riding bikes without helmets, No cell phones, understanding you go home when the street lights go on. We lived through Hair Metal and watched the birth of Grunge. We witnessed ‘Two’ Bush’s become President (That’s what she said.) and the First African American take office. We watched in horror as the Towers fell and rejoiced at the Socialize Digital Age. (‘The Internet’ - Sorry Al you didn’t invent it.)

    But all in all, We lived our lives with the understanding that playing it safe is not the way to go through your existence. As the world is facing more turmoil than we have every seen before and as we witness a clear division of our Society a voice of ‘reason’ and ‘sanity’ needs to be heard. 

    To bad that ain’t me … Hear me ramble daily about everything from Pop Culture, Politics, Sports, News and more and get the clear as ‘Mud’ perspective of this 

    Rambling Gen X-er. 

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    The Authoritarian Voter Next Door

    The Authoritarian Voter Next Door

    Authoritarian voters cosplay Rambo on the U.S. Southern border, literally hunting refugees and denying them basic human rights. Our interview this week features Lisa Molomot and Jeff Bemiss, the filmmakers behind the extraordinary must-watch Peabody Award-winning film Missing in Brooks County about the immigration crisis in America deliberately engineered for maximum cruelty by both Republican and Democratic leaders over the years, creating the world’s deadliest border crossing. It does not have to be this way. In this discussion, you’ll hear common sense solutions, unmasking an entrenched genocidal culture that has gone unchecked for far too long.

    Who was first in line to carry out the Holocaust? The authoritarian voter next door. Survivors described how their neighbors turned on them, throwing rocks through their windows. That’s who Trump is appealing to, driving out people who have existed throughout history: longing for a strongman to crush their enemies, and put mouthy women, smug nonwhite people, those pesky gays, and don’t forget entitled refugees in their place. These are the “vermin” Trump scapegoats as he travels the country, amplifying Russian disinformation, and consolidating his base: the authoritarian voter next door. 

    Reality Winner, the patriotic whistleblower who confirmed extensive Russian hacking of our election systems after government officials tried to downplay it, has faced far harsher punishment than violent coup plotter Trump with his 91 criminal indictments. The American people see the threat to our democracy clearly, which is why they’ve built resilient grassroots power that ushered in yet another historic Blue Wave. The latest victory in a long list: Dauphin County, PA flipped to Democratic control for the first time in 100 years. We the People have done significantly more to protect our democracy than Merrick Garland’s DOJ. 

    Given the immense power we’ve shown, it’s time to abolish the Electoral College, a monument to slavery, and agitate for other reforms to modernize the United States government. Gaslit Nation is working on a special series on how to Trump-proof our democracy, protecting us and future generations from his massive cult that ensures succession is guaranteed. Even after Trump is gone, another cultist will take his place. So it’s time to expand our historic Blue Wave energy into overdue government reform. The nonsense press release from the Supreme Court pretending to care about ethics is not what we’re talking about. 

    As a thank you to our Gaslit Nation community on Patreon, look out the weekend after Thanksgiving for a special MAKE ART workshop in the form of a podcast that you can download and try at your own leisure. We’re all natural born artists, and this act of self-care and meaningful therapy reminds us that our voices matter and that we’re needed now more than ever. In his brilliant resistance pocket guide On Tyranny, historian Timothy Snyder urges us to be visible, and that visibility comes through creativity, as we use our voice for our collective good. The model of this has always been embedded in this show that has featured interviews with extraordinary artists like Nelson George, a writer of the hip-hop movement and Andrea’s longtime mentor, and filmmaker Oleg Sentsov who survived a Siberian prison by writing a novel, stories, and directing a film.

    Yes, art matters. Art is survival. And each of us, to navigate these civilization-making-or-breaking years ahead, can embrace our inner artist to create a sustainable, livable future together. Artists imagine and show that another world is possible. As Sentsov said on our show: Dictators die. Art is forever. Look out for that special MAKE ART workshop next week! To get access to that, bonus shows, all episodes ad free, and more, subscribe to join our community of listeners at Patreon.com/Gaslit 

    This week’s bonus show will look at the latest in the Israel-Hamas war, troubling jumps in A.I., and answer questions from listeners at the Democracy Defender level and higher. Thank you to everyone who supports the show – we could not make Gaslit Nation without you! 

    If you’re in NYC, stop by 42 Second Avenue, between 2nd & 3rd Streets, to see a giant photograph of a “car cemetery” in Irpin, Ukraine, an area that suffered greatly during the early days of Russia’s total war genocide. The photographer is Phil Buehler, and more of his work can be seen here: https://modern-ruins.com/irpin-ukraine-please-dont-forget-us/

    You can also join Andrea this Thursday at NYU to check out a talk by Terrell Starr of the Black Diplomats podcast. Details here: https://twitter.com/terrelljstarr/status/1724146505001422925

    Andrea joined Jennifer Taub, author of Big Dirty Money: Making White Collar Criminals Pay, on her podcast Booked Up. Listen here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/andrea-chalupa-on-dictatorship-is-easy/id1651929984?i=1000634521344


    MUST WATCH: Missing in Brooks County by Lisa Molomot and Jeff Bemiss https://www.missinginbrookscounty.com/

    MUST WATCH: John Oliver on the Israel-Palestine Conflict https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pJ9PKQbkJv8

    Opening Clip: Trump in New Hampshire: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XE3S2_zWEIc

    Supreme Court Announces Ethics Code for Justices The decision comes after revelations about undisclosed property deals and gifts have intensified pressure on the court to adopt such a code. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/13/us/politics/supreme-court-ethics-code.html

    Supreme Court approval ratings at record lows, new Gallup poll shows https://www.cnn.com/2023/08/02/politics/supreme-court-record-lows-gallup/index.html

    In a Historic First, the Supreme Court Has Adopted a Code of Ethics The code, which does not include any enforcement mechanism, comes after ProPublica and other outlets disclosed that justices had repeatedly failed to disclose gifts and travel from wealthy donors. https://www.propublica.org/article/supreme-court-adopts-ethics-code-scotus-thomas-alito-crow

    FROM AXIOS: “Driving the news: In a Veterans Day speech in New Hampshire on Saturday, Trump vowed to "root out the communists, Marxists, fascists and the radical left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country that lie and steal and cheat on elections." He then posted the same message on Truth Social, including the word "vermin" often used by Hitler and Mussolini to denigrate Jews and their political enemies. Trump went on to say that "the threat from outside forces is far less sinister, dangerous and grave than the threat from within." The big picture: Trump's increasingly violent rhetoric — calling for a U.S. military leader to be executed, mocking a near-fatal assault on a congressional spouse, urging police to shoot potential shoplifters — has become a staple of his brand as he faces the threat of conviction in four different criminal cases.” https://www.axios.com/2023/11/13/trump-vermin-fascist-language-speech

    “The institutional right is screening a “pro-Trump army of up to 54,000 loyalists” that, if elected, Trump plans to use to unleash DOJ on his political enemies, create deportation camps for millions of immigrants, and generally turn his whim into law.”  https://twitter.com/MattGertz/status/1724037010183123157

    We encourage you to check out the sponsor of this week’s episode: 

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