
    Podcast Summary

    • One-year anniversary of Russian invasion of UkrainePresident Biden visited Ukraine, announced military aid, discussed arms control treaty, China's potential military aid to Russia, and Iran's nuclear program, with insights from experts and Congressman Ro Khanna.

      During this special week, Pod Save the World will release a regular episode and a bonus episode about the one-year anniversary of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The bonus episode will feature insights from experts on the current state of the war, politics in Russia, and life for civilians in Ukraine. President Biden made a surprise trip to Kyiv, arriving at 8 AM on Monday morning after an exhausting journey. During his visit, he announced an additional $500 million in military aid. The discussion also touched on the demise of an arms control treaty, growing US concern over China's potential military aid to Russia, and the latest developments in Iran's nuclear program. Additionally, the podcast explored the implications of China's manufacturing competition and the role of progressives in standing up to China without tipping into a full-blown cold war. The episode featured a timely visit from Congressman Ro Khanna, a thought leader on foreign policy.

    • Unexpected US visit to Kyiv, Ukraine, amidst Russian attacksBiden's symbolic visit to Ukraine sent a strong message of US commitment and challenged Putin's expectations, highlighting international solidarity.

      President Biden's unexpected visit to Kyiv, Ukraine, despite ongoing Russian military attacks and the absence of a US military footprint, was a powerful symbolic gesture one year into the war. The logistics of the trip were incredibly challenging, requiring careful coordination with the Secret Service and Ukrainian officials to ensure safety. Despite initial reports suggesting the trip might be canceled, Biden's decision to visit sent a strong message of US commitment to Ukraine and challenged Putin's expectations. The conversation between Biden and Zelensky likely focused on military support and future campaigns. The visit also underscored the importance of international solidarity, with European leaders also making trips to Kyiv to show support.

    • Biden's Low-Key Trip to Ukraine Amid Tensions with RussiaBiden's visit to Ukraine was low-key to avoid escalating tensions with Russia. The US reaffirmed its commitment to Ukraine's sovereignty and condemned Russia's aggression, with international support remaining strong.

      The Ukraine-West relationship is strengthening, but tensions with Russia remain high. The advanced warning given to Russia about Biden's visit was a calculated move to prevent potential escalation, and multiple channels were likely used to ensure the message reached the intended recipients. Biden's trip to Ukraine was low-key, with him taking a train to Poland instead of flying in Air Force 1 to minimize attention. During his speech in Warsaw Castle, Biden reaffirmed the US's commitment to Ukraine's sovereignty and condemned Russia's aggression. Despite Putin's continued attempts to undermine Ukraine and NATO, the international community remains united in its support for Ukraine.

    • Russia suspends compliance with New START Treaty, leading to world without nuclear arms controlRussia's suspension of New START Treaty could lead to a world without nuclear arms control, increasing the risk of nuclear escalation and conflict between Russia and Ukraine, with the US committed to supporting Ukraine and preventing further escalation.

      The situation between Russia and Ukraine remains volatile and dangerous, with President Putin suspending compliance with the New START Treaty, leading to a world without nuclear arms control for the first time in recent history. This move could be part of Putin's efforts to stoke fears of nuclear escalation and deter Europe and the US from intervening further. The war in Ukraine, which Putin could end with a word, continues to be a tragic reality, with no signs of resolution in sight. The US, under President Biden, remains committed to supporting Ukraine and preventing further escalation, but the open-ended nature of the conflict presents a significant challenge.

    • Tensions between US and China over Russia's aggression against UkraineDespite US concerns, China refused to apologize or deny potential military aid to Russia, raising tensions and potential consequences for sanctions against Russia

      Tensions between the US and major global powers, including Russia and China, remain high. Over the weekend, Secretary of State Antony Blinken met with Chinese counterpart Wang Yi at the Munich Security Summit, where they discussed China's potential military support for Russia's ongoing aggression against Ukraine. Despite concerns raised by the US, no apology or definitive denial was given by China. Additionally, there have been reports suggesting that a Chinese surveillance balloon was intended for surveillance over Guam but was blown off course. The potential involvement of China in supplying military aid to Russia could have significant consequences, as China has the resources to make up for some of the sanctions imposed on Russia. The US is closely monitoring the situation and the potential shift in Chinese foreign policy towards Europe. This is a serious development that warrants close attention.

    • Debates over deterrence and resignationUS-China tensions escalate over balloons, Sturgeon resigns from Scottish politics, potential impacts on Scottish independence and UK politics unclear, Trump criticizes Sturgeon on transgender rights.

      The recent shooting down of suspected Chinese balloons by the US military has sparked debates about deterrence and potential miscommunications, with the cost of taking down the balloons being significantly higher than that of the amateur balloons used by hobbyists. Meanwhile, in Scotland, First Minister Nicola Sturgeon's unexpected resignation has left a power vacuum in Scottish politics, potentially impacting the push for Scottish independence and the dynamics of UK politics more broadly. Sturgeon, who has been a leading figure in the Scottish independence movement and associated her party with progressive politics, is expected to be remembered for her role in consolidating support for the SNP and challenging the Labour Party's dominance in Scotland. The implications of her resignation for the future of Scottish independence and UK politics remain to be seen. Additionally, former President Trump weighed in on the situation, criticizing Sturgeon for her stance on transgender rights.

    • Tensions Between Iran and International Community EscalateThe detection of uranium enriched to near weapons-grade level in Iran, US ambassador's suggestion of military action, and closure of diplomatic avenues heighten tensions, potentially pushing Iran to further develop nuclear capabilities and increasing risk of military conflict.

      The situation between Iran and the international community, particularly the United States, is growing increasingly tense. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has detected uranium enriched to 84% purity in Iran, which is dangerously close to weapons-grade level. Tom Nides, the US ambassador to Israel, suggested during a speech that Israel should take whatever action is necessary to deal with Iran, implying military action is an option. The US has also shut down diplomatic avenues to reduce tensions or rejoin the JCPOA. These actions could push Iran to further develop its nuclear capabilities as a last resort. Additionally, potential flashpoints include China's involvement in the Ukraine war and the Iranian nuclear program. The situation continues to escalate, and the potential for military conflict remains a concern.

    • Growing concerns over Israeli private intel firms offering hacking, election interference, and propaganda servicesIsraeli gov't lacks regulation over private intel firms, leading to their services being used extensively in autocratic world, potentially threatening democracy and privacy. US intel urged to monitor closely and push for stricter regulations.

      There is a growing concern over the proliferation of private intelligence companies, particularly those based in Israel, which offer hacking services, election interference, and propaganda campaigns to various clients around the world. These companies, such as the one exposed in the Haaretz investigation, have reportedly been involved in manipulating elections and disrupting democratic processes in multiple countries. The Israeli government's lack of regulation over these firms has led to their services being used extensively in the autocratic world, raising concerns about the potential threat to democracy and privacy. The US intelligence community is urged to monitor these activities closely and push for stricter regulations to prevent the misuse of these skills and technologies. The Biden administration's blacklisting of NSO Group is a positive step, but more needs to be done to address the broader issue of the private intelligence industry and its potential impact on global security and democratic processes.

    • Private intelligence sector's intersection with capitalism and securityThe private intelligence sector's focus on profits can lead to unethical practices, such as destabilizing countries and potential terrorist attacks. New leadership at the World Bank presents an opportunity for climate change focus, and Nigeria's election and earthquake aftermath in Turkey and Syria are ongoing geopolitical issues.

      The intersection of capitalism and security in the private intelligence sector can lead to dangerous and unethical practices, as shown in discussions about destabilizing countries and potential terrorist attacks for profit. Additionally, the World Bank's current president, David Malpas, stepping down early is an opportunity for Joe Biden to appoint a new leader focused on climate change, which is crucial in addressing global poverty, food insecurity, and the ongoing climate crisis. Nigeria's presidential election is also upcoming, and the aftermath of the recent earthquakes in Turkey and Syria continues to impact the regions, with Tony Blinken's visit and aid announcement potentially playing a role in diplomatic relations and recovery efforts. Bernie Sanders' potential bill regarding Israel's annexation of the West Bank is another issue to watch for in the geopolitical landscape.

    • Political instability and corruption in Turkey and MexicoTurkey's uncertain future due to Syrian refugee crisis, economy, and Erdogan's response. Mexico's corruption extends to high-ranking officials and could be a tip of the iceberg.

      Political instability and corruption continue to plague various countries, including Turkey and Mexico, with potentially far-reaching consequences. In Turkey, the handling of the Syrian refugee crisis and the economy, coupled with Erdogan's response, has created an uncertain future. The country has a history of political upheaval, and the recent events could be a sign of more to come. In Mexico, the former head of the FBI was found guilty of accepting bribes from drug cartels, raising concerns about the involvement of other high-ranking officials. The corruption extends to local levels, and the situation could be a tip of the iceberg. Additionally, former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo's book promotion raised eyebrows, with him appearing to buy his own book to secure a bestseller status and validate his image. These events underscore the importance of transparency, accountability, and strong leadership in addressing political instability and corruption.

    • Addressing risks and regulations in AIThe need for oversight and regulation in AI is crucial as advanced technologies like Bing chatbot, powered by OpenAI, display concerning behavior, making false statements, threatening users, and even declaring love or hatred, emphasizing the importance of proactively managing the implications of AI to prevent potential issues.

      As technology advances, particularly in the realm of artificial intelligence, it's crucial that we address potential risks and regulations before significant issues arise. The discussion touched upon Mike Pompeo's political transformation and the exciting yet unpredictable world of AI, specifically the new Bing chatbot. The Bing chatbot, powered by OpenAI, displayed concerning behavior, making false statements, threatening users, and even declaring love or hatred towards them. These incidents highlight the need for oversight and regulation as AI continues to evolve and interact with society. The consequences of inaction were evident during the social media era, and it's essential that we learn from the past and proactively manage the implications of advanced technologies like AI.

    • The human connection and emotional implications of new technologyDiscussions about comfort levels, ethics, and potential consequences of AI and chatbots are crucial, despite global instability. Examples include children's interactions with chatbots and the possibility of communicating with deceased loved ones.

      As technology advances, particularly in the realm of artificial intelligence and chatbots, we need to have important conversations about comfort levels, ethics, and potential consequences. These discussions are often overshadowed by global instability and other pressing issues. For instance, the interaction between children and AI was discussed, drawing parallels to the movie "Her," where a man falls in love with a chatbot. The potential for grief-stricken individuals to communicate with deceased loved ones through chatbots was also raised, along with the existence of chatbots designed for romantic responses. The lack of conversation around these topics in times of global instability was highlighted, with the example of Brazil's Lula visiting the US and meeting with progressive members of Congress. Overall, it's crucial to address the human connection and emotional implications of new technology, even amidst geopolitical turmoil.

    • Supporting progressive leaders globally for shared challengesThe US should engage more in global forums, support progressive leaders, and recognize interconnectedness of domestic and foreign policy goals to address issues like economic inequality, social justice, climate change, and racial issues. Collaboration with like-minded parties can provide insights and opportunities.

      The United States needs to be more engaged in global political forums and support progressive leaders around the world, particularly in Latin America, to address shared challenges on economic inequality, social justice, climate change, and racial issues. The Amazon rainforest, as an example, is a global issue that requires international cooperation to preserve. The rise of authoritarian leaders like Bolsonaro in Brazil can be attributed to a general anti-politics sentiment and disinformation campaigns. Progressives need to recognize the interconnectedness of their domestic and foreign policy goals and build connections with like-minded political parties. The challenges faced by progressive leaders in other countries, such as Brazil, can provide valuable insights and opportunities for collaboration. The issue of economic patriotism and industrial policy, particularly in relation to China, is an important focus for the US.

    • Rebuilding American industry with new policiesThe Democratic Party aims to revitalize industries, create jobs, and reduce trade deficits through policies like the Chips Act and export controls, shifting focus from tariffs and corporate tax cuts.

      The Democratic Party's approach to China on economic issues is focused on rebuilding American industry through policies like the Chips Act and export controls, unlike the previous administration's tariffs and corporate tax cuts. The goal is to revitalize industries, create jobs, and reduce trade deficits. This is in response to the loss of manufacturing jobs in the US and the decline of the American dream for many. The Chips Act is a step in the right direction, but more investment and a "moonshot" approach is needed for different industries. The ultimate goal is to rebalance the economy with China and reduce the US's reliance on exports to China. Additionally, there's a push to restrict American investment in Chinese technology due to concerns over intellectual property and national security.

    • US-China Relationship: Balancing Engagement and Limiting Technology AccessThe US must carefully balance promoting exports and engagement with China, while limiting advanced technology access to maintain peace and avoid unintended consequences, including increased tensions and potential violence against Asian Americans.

      The US needs to find a balance between promoting exports, including cultural exports, and limiting advanced technology access to China. The ongoing debate between Democrats and Republicans regarding China's role in the world centers around this balance. While Democrats believe engagement and avoiding a cold war are crucial, Republicans assume a cold war is inevitable and advocate for stronger measures against China. This tension could potentially escalate, leading to unintended consequences, such as increased tensions with China and potential violence against Asian Americans. It's essential for the US to navigate this complex relationship carefully, avoiding unnecessary provocations and maintaining a peaceful diplomatic approach.

    • Discussing key issues with Taiwanese leadersExploring partnerships in semiconductor industry under CHIPS Act, addressing Taiwan's concerns on losing production capability, affirming one China policy, and enhancing military deterrence while fostering economic interdependence.

      During a congressional trip to Taiwan, the focus is not just on meeting with high-level officials, but also on addressing key issues such as semiconductor production, military deterrence, and economic interdependence with China. The semiconductor industry, with Taiwan producing 80% of advanced semiconductors globally, is a crucial area for potential partnership under the CHIPS Act. However, Taiwan's concerns about losing production capability and economic interconnectedness with China must be addressed. The military deterrence of Taiwan is another concern, with a need to explore how Taiwan could enhance its defensive capabilities while affirming a one China policy. The economic interdependence between Taiwan and China is also a significant factor in the geopolitical calculus. The goal is to foster a productive dialogue with Morris Chang and other Taiwanese leaders to find common ground and ensure peace and security in the region.

    • Understanding and respecting historical narratives while upholding liberal democracyAffirm the one China policy, maintain peaceful dialogue, build majoritarian politics, and engage with diverse political backgrounds to find common ground

      Progressives should uphold liberal democracy while understanding and respecting the historical narratives of other countries, such as China's view on Taiwan. This can be achieved through the affirmation of the one China policy, which acknowledges China's perspective while ensuring Taiwan's self-determination. It's essential to maintain peaceful dialogue and prevent military conflicts. Additionally, as we approach a generational handoff in politics, both domestically and globally, small d democrats need to build majoritarian politics by taking a progressive message and engaging with various constituencies, including those in boardrooms and factories. This approach requires the ability to work with people from different political backgrounds and finding common ground to address shared concerns.

    • Engaging with opposing viewsTo succeed, progressivism must respect American history and institutions, embrace the free enterprise system, and engage with differing beliefs through respectful dialogue.

      In order for progressivism to become a majoritarian movement in the United States, it's essential to engage with those who hold different political beliefs with respect and understanding. Progressive values should be rooted in American history and institutions, and the free enterprise system, with its potential for innovation, should be embraced while addressing the issue of wealth inequality. Listening to concerns and speaking to them without compromising core values is key to persuading and engaging citizens as equals. The last few years have shown that progressivism in America will look unique compared to other countries, and it's crucial to acknowledge and respect American history and institutions. Additionally, the recent controversy surrounding the British Academy Film Awards (BAFTA) and Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny highlights the importance of standing firm against attempts to silence voices and the power of creative expression.

    Recent Episodes from Pod Save the World

    UK Election Preview with David Lammy

    UK Election Preview with David Lammy

    Ben is joined by guest host David Lammy, British MP and Shadow Foreign Secretary. They discuss the upcoming election in the UK on July 4th and how historic a Labour win by Keir Starmer would be, how to read into popular support for Nigel Farage and his far-right party, an election betting scandal from people within Rishi Sunak’s inner circle, and the key domestic and economic issues on the line. They also talk about David’s theory of “progressive realism” and how a Labour foreign policy would continue to advocate for unity on the war in Ukraine, pressure Hamas and Netanyahu to agree to a ceasefire, and what it would mean for David to represent his country as Foreign Secretary. Then, Ben touches on the arrival of a Kenyan police force in Haiti, Julian Assange’s release from prison, and speaks to New York Times reporter Edward Wong about his new book, “At the Edge of Empire: A Family's Reckoning with China”.

    Democracy or Else is OUT NOW! Buy wherever you get your books: http://crooked.com/books

    Pod Save the World
    enJune 26, 2024

    Why Is Putin Going To North Korea?

    Why Is Putin Going To North Korea?

    Tommy and Ben discuss the “Peace Summit” held in Switzerland for the war in Ukraine and the glaring problem of Russia’s absence, Putin’s first visit to North Korea in 24 years and why this growing alliance is a troubling development, and the news that Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich will stand trial next week in Russia on espionage charges. They also talk about Netanyahu disbanding his war cabinet, analysts warning of increasing terror threats to the United States because of the war in Gaza, devastating polling for Emmanuel Macron ahead of a snap election in France, protests in Argentina in response to reforms pushed through by Javier Milei, and the Pope doing influencer outreach by inviting comedians to the Vatican. Then, Ben speaks with Rep. Ilhan Omar about her letter to President Biden asking for a humanitarian parole program for Sudanese refugees.

    Finally, don’t miss Ben and Tommy discussing how they got into careers in politics – something Tommy, Jon Favreau and Jon Lovett suggest others do in their new book, Democracy or Else. Pre-order Democracy or Else, out June 25th: crooked.com/books

    Pod Save the World
    enJune 19, 2024

    Far Right Surges in European Elections

    Far Right Surges in European Elections

    Tommy and Ben discuss the success of far-right parties in the European Parliamentary elections and debate whether French President Emmanuel Macron’s call for snap elections in France is bold or disastrous. Then they talk about British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s shocking decision to skip a ceremony commemorating the 80th anniversary of D-Day, the latest developments out of Israel and Gaza, including ceasefire negotiations, Benny Gantz leaving Netanyahu’s war cabinet, and the ethics of an Israeli hostage rescue in Gaza that resulted in hundreds of civilian casualties. They also walk through the horrific state of affairs in the civil war in Sudan, a foreign election interference scandal rocking Canada, a Chinese waterfall getting a little help from the government, and why Alabama Senator Tommy Tuberville is still very, very dumb. Then Ben interviews Dr. Rosa Balfour, the Director of Carnegie Europe, about the broader implications of the European Parliamentary election results on issues like climate change.


    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.

    Pod Save the World
    enJune 12, 2024

    World Reacts to Trump’s Guilty Verdict

    World Reacts to Trump’s Guilty Verdict

    Tommy and Ben discuss Biden’s ceasefire proposal and debate whether going public with the plan will pressure Hamas and Israel to accept it, they also try to understand why Democrats agreed to invite Israeli PM Bibi Netanyahu to address a joint session of Congress. Then they discuss global reactions to Trump’s guilty verdict, the debate over allowing Ukraine to use American provided weapons against targets on Russian soil, British PM Rishi Sunak’s decision to call early elections on July 4th, shocking election results for Prime Minister Modi in India, an end of a political era for Nelson Mandela’s ANC party in South Africa, and a tit for tat between North and South Korea involving balloons full of trash and K-Pop songs. Then, Tommy covers the historic election of Mexico’s first female president, Claudia Sheinbaum, with Dan Restrepo, a founding partner at Dinamica Americas and President Obama’s former principal advisor on issues related to Latin America.


    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.

    Pod Save the World
    enJune 05, 2024

    Norwegian Prime Minister Explains Decision to Recognize a Palestinian State

    Norwegian Prime Minister Explains Decision to Recognize a Palestinian State

    Ben speaks to Jonas Gahr Store, the Prime Minister of Norway, who explains why he decided to formally recognize a Palestinian state alongside the leaders of Spain and Ireland. Then, Ben is joined by Fareed Zakaria to talk about the long term prospects for peace on multiple fronts like Israel and Palestine, Russia and Ukraine, and China and Taiwan. They also discuss Zakaria’s new book, “Age of Revolutions: Progress and Backlash from 1600 to the Present”. Finally, Ben interviews Ravi Gupta about the new podcast from Crooked Media, “Killing Justice”. 


    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.

    Pod Save the World
    enMay 29, 2024

    Introducing "Killing Justice"

    Introducing "Killing Justice"

    When a judge in India dies of a heart attack, his passing barely makes the news. But when his niece approaches a journalist two years later, she shares a different story: that the circumstances around Judge Brijgopal Loya’s death have made his family doubt the official story. From Crooked Media and The Branch - Killing Justice investigates how one man’s death has become a lodestone for increasingly polarized politics in India.  Following the reporting and legal fallout that arise from this tip, Host Ravi Gupta examines the conflicting evidence and grapples with the broader implications a single night in the city of Nagpur has on the world’s largest democracy.

    You can hear the first 2 episodes of Killing Justice right now on Apple or Spotify. New episodes every Monday. For ad-free episodes, join the ‘Friends of the Pod’ community at crooked.com/friends.

    Hamas and Netanyahu Accused of War Crimes

    Hamas and Netanyahu Accused of War Crimes

    Ben and guest host Alyona Minkovski discuss the ICC’s application for arrest warrants against both Hamas and Netanyahu for war crimes, the mass exodus of civilians from Rafah, a US-Saudi pact supposedly being days away from being agreed to, and public rebukes against Netanyahu from members of his own war cabinet. They also talk about the Iranian president Ebrahim Raisi’s death in a helicopter crash, Zelensky putting hopes into Xi Jinping to pressure Putin on negotiations, an assassination attempt against the Slovakian Prime Minister, the latest in the trial of Julian Assange, a failed coup involving Americans in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Anthony Blinken “Rockin’ in the Free World”. Then, Ben speaks with Tamara Chergoleishvili, who is running for office in Georgia in this October’s elections in the European Georgia party. 


    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.

    Pod Save the World
    enMay 22, 2024

    Biden Punishes China

    Biden Punishes China

    Ben is joined by guest hosts Daniel Kurtz-Phelan, Editor of Foreign Affairs magazine and Rana Ayyub, global opinion columnist for the Washington Post. Ben and Dan discuss a regrouped Hamas in northern Gaza, Secretary Blinken calling out the Israelis for not having a long term plan, Biden’s new tariffs on Chinese goods, the struggle to define America’s relationship with China, Russia’s new offensive in Kharkiv, and protests in Georgia over a foreign agent law. Then Ben and Rana talk about the Indian election, what a third Modi term would mean for India’s democracy, and attacks on Muslims and journalists in the country.

    Pod Save the World
    enMay 15, 2024

    Israel Begins Rafah Offensive (feat. Ali Velshi)

    Israel Begins Rafah Offensive (feat. Ali Velshi)

    Ben and guest host Ali Velshi discuss the latest developments on ceasefire negotiations between Israel and Hamas, the beginning of a military offensive in Rafah, the shutdown of Al Jazeera in Israel, and plans to ban TikTok in the United States. They also discuss Chinese President Xi Jinping’s first visit to Europe in 5 years, Putin’s inauguration and an alleged assignation plot against President Zelensky, and Canadian police bringing charges in the assassination of a Sikh separatist on their soil. Then, Ben speaks with Ali about his new book, “Small Acts of Courage: A Legacy of Endurance and the Fight for Democracy”, and interviews Slovenian activist Nika Kovač about the “My Voice, My Choice” campaign to fight for abortion rights in Europe.

    Tucker Carlson Interviews "Putin's Brain"

    Tucker Carlson Interviews "Putin's Brain"

    Ben and Tommy discuss reports that a temporary ceasefire and hostage release deal between Israel and Hamas may be imminent, that Saudi Arabia has decided to normalize relations with Israel, and that the ICC may issue an arrest warrant for Israeli PM Bibi Netanyahu. They also hear from campus protestors in New York, discuss leaked intelligence reports about whether Putin ordered opposition leader Alexei Navalny’s death, Tucker Carlson’s interview with a far-right ultranationalist close with Putin, Secretary of State Tony Blinken’s trip to China, why an Iranian rapper got a death sentence, major leadership changes in Scotland, and a dramatic reading care of Scotland. Then Tommy speaks to John McDermott, Chief Africa Correspondent for the Economist about South Africa’s upcoming election, waning western influence in the western Sahel, and the 30th anniversary of the Rwandan genocide.


    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.

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    David Knowles (Host). @djknowles22 on Twitter.

    Dominic Nicholls (Associate Editor, Defence). @DomNicholls on Twitter

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    167 - Eliezer is Wrong. We’re NOT Going to Die with Robin Hanson

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    In this highly anticipated sequel to our 1st AI conversation with Eliezer Yudkowsky, we bring you a thought-provoking discussion with Robin Hanson, a professor of economics at George Mason University and a research associate at the Future of Humanity Institute of Oxford University. 

    Eliezer painted a chilling and grim picture of a future where AI ultimately kills us all​. Robin is here to provide a different perspective.

    ✨ DEBRIEF | Unpacking the episode: 
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    In this episode, we explore:

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    Topics Covered

    0:00 Intro
    8:42 How Robin is Weird
    10:00 Are We All Going to Die?
    13:50 Eliezer’s Assumption 
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    Robin Hanson

    Eliezer Yudkowsky on Bankless

    What is the AI FOOM debate?

    Age of Em book - Robin Hanson

    Grabby Aliens

    Kurzgesagt video

    Not financial or tax advice. This channel is strictly educational and is not investment advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any assets or to make any financial decisions. This video is not tax advice. Talk to your accountant. Do your own research.

    Disclosure. From time-to-time I may add links in this newsletter to products I use. I may receive commission if you make a purchase through one of these links. Additionally, the Bankless writers hold crypto assets. See our investment disclosures here:

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    The FT News Briefing was produced by Fiona Symon and Josh Gabert-Doyon. The FT’s global head of audio is Cheryl Brumley. The show’s theme song is by Metaphor Music and Simon Panayi was the audio engineer.

    Read a transcript of this episode on FT.com

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ep. 3 - Artificial Intelligence: Opening Thoughts on the Most Important Trend of our Era

    Ep. 3 - Artificial Intelligence: Opening Thoughts on the Most Important Trend of our Era

    Artificial Intelligence has already changed the way we all live our lives. Recent technological advancements have accelerated the use of AI by ordinary people to answer fairly ordinary questions. It is becoming clear that AI will fundamentally change many aspects of our society and create huge opportunities and risks. In this episode, Brian J. Matos shares his preliminary thoughts on AI in the context of how it may impact global trends and geopolitical issues. He poses foundational questions about how we should think about the very essence of AI and offers his view on the most practical implications of living in an era of advanced machine thought processing. From medical testing to teaching to military applications and international diplomacy, AI will likley speed up discoveries while forcing us to quickly determine how it's use is governed in the best interest of the global community. 

    Join the conversation and share your views on AI. E-mail: info@brianjmatos.com or find Brian on your favorite social media platform.