
    Podcast Summary

    • Israeli airstrike hits major hospital in Gaza, killing over 50 people, disrupting diplomatic effortsAn Israeli airstrike on a major hospital in Gaza led to over 50 civilian deaths, disrupting diplomatic efforts to provide aid and create a humanitarian safe zone. The international community is working to address the crisis, but the situation remains volatile and uncertain.

      The situation in Gaza is dire, with ongoing Israeli military action resulting in significant civilian casualties and a humanitarian crisis. The situation reached a critical point when an Israeli airstrike hit a major hospital in Gaza, reportedly killing over 50 people. This incident led to the cancellation of a meeting between Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and U.S. President Joe Biden, among other world leaders. The international community is working on diplomatic efforts to provide aid and create a humanitarian safe zone, but the situation remains volatile and uncertain. The discussion also touched on other global issues, including potential elections in Poland and disappointing votes in Australia and New Zealand, as well as the US potentially softening its approach in Venezuela and Pakistan's treatment of refugees. The interview with Melanie Ward, CEO of Medical Aid for Palestinians, provided a harrowing account of the dire medical situation on the ground in Gaza.

    • Violence in Gaza: A Humanitarian CrisisThe ongoing conflict in Gaza is causing a humanitarian crisis with civilians bearing the brunt of the violence, and it's crucial for the international community to promote peace efforts and provide aid to those affected.

      The ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine in Gaza is leading to a significant increase in civilian casualties and destruction, with both sides engaging in violent actions. The recent explosion at a hospital in Gaza is a stark reminder of the dangerous situation, and it's essential to understand that such incidents are likely to continue as long as the war continues. The US, as a key player in the region, has a responsibility to provide its perspective on the situation and promote peace efforts. The humanitarian crisis in Gaza is worsening, with hundreds of thousands of people displaced and basic necessities like food, water, and electricity scarce. The situation is dire, and it's crucial to remember that most of the victims are civilians, not militants. It's essential to put ourselves in the shoes of families in Gaza and recognize the unimaginable challenges they face. Condemnation and empathy for all victims are necessary to find a peaceful solution to this long-standing conflict.

    • A human-centered approach to the Israel-Gaza conflictDiplomacy and humanitarian aid crucial to prevent further escalation in Israel-Gaza conflict, prioritizing human lives and understanding the complexities of the situation.

      The ongoing conflict between Israel and Gaza requires a human-centered approach to policy making. The people involved, whether Israeli or Gazan, are human beings deserving of empathy and understanding. The situation is complex and dangerous, with real risks to human life, and diplomacy is crucial to prevent further escalation. President Biden's planned visit to Israel amidst this conflict carries significant political and physical risks, and the potential for the US to be seen as fully supporting the ongoing assault on Gaza is a cause for concern. Despite these challenges, engaging in diplomacy and providing humanitarian assistance may be necessary to mitigate the situation's worst outcomes. The situation calls for a nuanced, human-centered approach to policy making, and it's essential to remember that every life matters, regardless of nationality or location.

    • Israeli invasion of Gaza: Complex situation with potential for violenceDespite Biden's efforts for peace, the volatile situation in Gaza continues with potential for large-scale Israeli invasion. Progress includes hostage release and safe passage of aid.

      The situation in Gaza is volatile, and the international community, including the US, is expressing concern over the potential for a large-scale Israeli invasion. The Israeli government's stance on releasing hostages as a precondition for aid is complicating efforts to alleviate the crisis for Gazans. The urban combat nature of Gaza, with its complex tunnel network, makes it a dangerous environment for military forces. Biden's visit to the region aims to calm tensions and allow humanitarian aid in, but the potential for violence remains high. The release of hostages, including women and children, and the safe passage of aid are the most promising signs of progress in this complex and dangerous situation.

    • Middle Eastern Leaders React Mixedly to Israel-Palestine ConflictMiddle Eastern leaders criticized Israel's response and questioned Jewish history, while the US tried to rally support. The lack of support and investment in alternative policies worsened the situation, increasing risks of further escalation.

      The ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine is being met with mixed reactions from global leaders, particularly in the Middle East. The US, represented by Secretary of State Antony Blinken, is trying to rally support for Israel and discourage intervention from groups like Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran. However, leaders like Saudi Arabia's Mohammed bin Salman and Egypt's Abdel Fattah el-Sisi have criticized Israel's response and questioned Jewish history of oppression. Jordan's King Abdullah has also rejected the idea of taking in refugees. The lack of support and even criticism from these leaders, despite the escalating violence, highlights the complex dynamics of the region and the challenges the US faces in navigating it. Additionally, the absence of significant investment in alternative policies and leadership in the region exacerbates the situation. The lack of sympathy for Israel's cause, even after a terrorist attack of this scale, underscores the deeply entrenched tensions and risks of further escalation.

    • Middle East leaders concerned about potential Palestinian refugee crisis and protests in countries with normalization deals with IsraelMiddle East leaders worry about the potential creation of millions of Palestinian refugees and protests in their countries due to the ongoing Israel-Palestine conflict. Spain's social rights minister wants to bring Netanyahu to the International Criminal Court for war crimes.

      The ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine is causing major unintended consequences, including potential large-scale protests in countries with normalization deals with Israel. Leaders in the Middle East are deeply concerned about the potential creation of millions of Palestinian refugees. The regional dynamic is perilous, and the conflict is being viewed very differently by various world leaders. For instance, Spain's social rights minister wants to bring Netanyahu to the International Criminal Court for war crime charges. The Israeli government has pushed back strongly against such accusations. The humanitarian situation in Gaza is dire, with civilians trapped and unable to leave. The situation is likely to spiral if the conflict continues for an extended period, and there are already signs of significant fallout, such as the cancellation of a summit between Biden and the leaders of Jordan and Egypt.

    • Hamas's Meticulously Planned Attack on IsraelHamas's recent attack on Israel was not a spontaneous act but a meticulously planned operation with detailed maps, specific units, and propaganda videos, raising concerns about Hamas's capabilities and Israel's security.

      The recent conflict between Israel and Hamas was not an unplanned attack by Hamas as it may have initially seemed. Based on various reports, Hamas appeared to have meticulously planned the attack, with detailed maps, specific units, and even propaganda videos ready. This sophistication raises concerns about Hamas's capabilities and Israel's security. The question remains whether a full-scale ground invasion is the best response or if there are more targeted ways to address Hamas's military wing. Critics argue that Israel must respond, but it's essential to consider alternative strategies that could potentially minimize civilian casualties and address the underlying issues fueling the conflict.

    • Diplomacy may be a better solution than ground invasionDiplomacy, such as allowing an Arab peacekeeping force and investing in Gaza's people, could lead to sustainable security for Israel. However, it requires the removal of Hamas and comes with its own challenges and risks.

      A ground invasion of Gaza by Israel may not be the most effective solution to the current conflict, despite the emotional desire for vengeance. The speaker suggests that this approach could lead to increased insecurity in the near term due to potential retaliation and threats from other militant groups. Instead, the speaker proposes a more diplomatic approach, such as allowing an Arab peacekeeping force into Gaza and investing in improving the lives of its people, as a potential long-term solution. This would require the removal of Hamas, which would not be an easy feat. The speaker acknowledges the challenges with this approach but argues that it is more likely to bring sustainable security for Israel than a ground invasion. Additionally, the speaker emphasizes the historical precedent of Israel releasing prisoners to secure the release of hostages, which could be necessary to bring back the current hostages, including Americans. However, this approach comes with its own challenges and risks.

    • The Israeli-Palestinian conflict and alternative Palestinian leadershipIsraeli PM Netanyahu opposes building alternative Palestinian leadership, Hamas exiles leaders in Qatar, US and Israel tolerate it for diplomatic reasons, Senator Menendez faces allegations of acting as Egyptian agent with cash, gold bars, and meetings.

      The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is complex and the end goal is a matter of debate. Some seek peace, while others aim for military defeat. Building up an alternative Palestinian leadership is a potential solution, but Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu has consistently opposed this. Hamas, a key player in the conflict, has exiled political leaders living openly in Qatar. This is tolerated by the US and Israel for diplomatic reasons, allowing for discussions and negotiations. In other news, New Jersey Senator Bob Menendez, a Democrat, is facing allegations of acting as an agent for the Egyptian government. The details of the case are extraordinary, with reports of cash, gold bars, and meetings with Egyptian intelligence officials. This goes beyond typical lobbying or PR work, suggesting a more significant and concerning level of involvement.

    • Political Accountability: A Global IssueThe chairman's questionable dealings with the Egyptian government raise concerns of potential blackmail and conflict of interest, while voters in Poland have ousted a right-wing nationalist party, and the Biden administration has reached a deal with Venezuela for monitored elections, emphasizing the need for accountability and democratic progress.

      The chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, who reportedly took money from the Egyptian government and engaged in questionable dealings, remains in the senate despite concerns of potential blackmail and conflict of interest. This raises serious questions about the integrity of the political system and the need for accountability. On a positive note, voters in Poland have ousted the right-wing nationalist Law and Justice party, paving the way for a more democratic government and a potential shift away from restrictive social policies. Additionally, the Biden administration has reached a deal with Venezuela to ease sanctions in exchange for internationally monitored elections, which could lead to greater stability and potential democratic progress in the region. Overall, these events highlight the importance of holding those in power accountable and the potential for positive change through democratic processes.

    • Easing of Venezuela sanctions could improve humanitarian situation and lead to electionsVenezuela sanctions eased, potentially improving humanitarian crisis and leading to elections. US, int'l community must ensure fair, free elections and support Pakistan to prevent Afghan refugee crisis

      The easing of sanctions on Venezuela, as part of a deal with the Venezuelan government, could significantly improve the humanitarian situation in the country and potentially lead to a return to electoral politics. This comes after previous policies, such as threats of military intervention and harsh sanctions, failed to dislodge President Maduro. However, it's crucial that any election is monitored fairly and freely, and the international community should be vigilant to ensure Maduro follows through on his end of the deal. Elsewhere, the potential forced migration of up to 1.7 million Afghan refugees from Pakistan due to a government deadline raises concerns of catastrophic consequences. The US and international community should provide significant support to Pakistan to address this issue and prevent a humanitarian disaster.

    • Complexities and historical contexts matter in international crisesUnderstanding historical contexts and complexities is crucial for effective international crisis management. In the cases of Afghanistan and Australia's treatment of indigenous peoples, empathy and sustained commitment are necessary for meaningful change.

      The international community, including the US, needs to be mindful of the complexities and historical contexts when dealing with crises in other countries, such as Afghanistan and Australia's treatment of indigenous peoples. In the case of Afghanistan, it's essential to remember that Pakistan played a significant role in the rise of the Taliban and that the Afghan people have suffered greatly, with ongoing challenges like earthquakes and displacement. Regarding Australia, the failure of the recent referendum to recognize Indigenous Australians as the country's first inhabitants and give them more political representation highlights the need for concrete actions beyond symbolic gestures. The challenges faced by indigenous communities in Australia, including lower life expectancy and higher rates of suicide and incarceration, underscore the urgency for substantive change. In New Zealand, the election of a more conservative government after Jacinda Ardern's tenure is a reminder of the challenges in translating symbolic progress into tangible outcomes. Overall, these situations call for a nuanced understanding of history, empathy, and sustained commitment to creating meaningful change.

    • Struggling hospitals in GazaGaza's cancer hospital at risk of closure, hospitals struggling with fuel, electricity, and water, dead bodies buried in mass graves due to lack of resources, Medical Aid for Palestinians working to get supplies in

      The situation in Gaza is dire, with limited access to medical care due to ongoing conflict and a fragile infrastructure. Hospitals, which are often used as shelters, are struggling to function due to a lack of fuel, electricity, and water. The only cancer hospital in Gaza is at risk of shutting down, and even small amounts of diesel are being sought for hospital generators. The situation is so severe that dead bodies are being buried in mass graves due to a lack of resources for proper burials. Medical Aid for Palestinians, an organization providing medical relief, is working to get supplies into hospitals but is facing challenges due to the sheer numbers of people seeking shelter and the difficulty of moving supplies in a war zone.

    • Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza: Thousands Running Out of WaterThe ongoing conflict in Gaza has resulted in a severe humanitarian crisis, with thousands of people lacking access to clean water due to the lack of electricity, fuel, and destroyed water wells. Urgent action is needed to ensure the safety of aid convoys and restore essential services.

      The ongoing conflict in Gaza has led to a dire humanitarian crisis, with access to clean water being a major concern. Thousands of people are running out of water, and the lack of electricity and fuel to pump and distribute water is compounding the problem. The situation is further complicated by the fact that some water wells have been bombed. The international community has relief aid waiting at the border, but it's not getting through due to the conflict. The situation is dire, with people sleeping in the streets and cars due to the lack of shelter. The situation is particularly challenging for children, who are getting sick from drinking boiled dirty water. The situation is a public health disaster, and urgent action is needed to ensure the safety of aid convoys and restore water, electricity, and fuel supplies. Mahmoud, a colleague of the speaker, is still alive but living through devastating conditions with his family in northern Gaza. The situation is heartbreaking, and every day brings new challenges for those affected.

    • Children's Suffering in Gaza: Unprecedented CrisisOver a million children in need, 1,000 children killed in last 10 days, Urgent help needed to save lives, Donate to organizations, Contact representatives to demand end to violence

      The ongoing conflict in Gaza has led to unimaginable suffering, particularly for children. A highly educated man shared his experience of struggling to provide for his family, while another colleague, Mohammed, survived a bombing that killed his niece. The scale of the crisis is unprecedented, with reports of over a million children in need and a horrific milestone of 1,000 children killed in the last 10 days. The world must remember that children are the ones suffering most, and that killing more children will not solve the problem. Donations to organizations like Medical Aid for Palestinians can make a difference, and contacting representatives to demand an end to the violence is also crucial. The response so far has been heartening, with support from over 100 countries, but more help is needed to save lives and bring an end to this crisis.

    • Moments of Good News Amidst Corruption and DarknessAmidst corruption and darkness, remember the heroes and focus on making a difference. Stay informed and recognize the good.

      Despite the corruption and darkness that can exist in the world, there are still moments of good news and humanity that shine through. This was highlighted in a recent discussion about the resignation of Senator Bob Menendez and the unraveling of a corruption scheme. Amidst the serious issues like the ongoing conflict in Gaza, it's important to remember the heroes, including doctors and journalists, who work to make a difference. The podcast "Pod Save the World" also announced the release of a new podcast, "How to Win 2024," which aims to explore how to win elections in a time of mistrust and high leadership stakes. Overall, the discussion reminded us of the importance of staying informed and recognizing the good amidst the bad.

    Recent Episodes from Pod Save the World

    UK Election Preview with David Lammy

    UK Election Preview with David Lammy

    Ben is joined by guest host David Lammy, British MP and Shadow Foreign Secretary. They discuss the upcoming election in the UK on July 4th and how historic a Labour win by Keir Starmer would be, how to read into popular support for Nigel Farage and his far-right party, an election betting scandal from people within Rishi Sunak’s inner circle, and the key domestic and economic issues on the line. They also talk about David’s theory of “progressive realism” and how a Labour foreign policy would continue to advocate for unity on the war in Ukraine, pressure Hamas and Netanyahu to agree to a ceasefire, and what it would mean for David to represent his country as Foreign Secretary. Then, Ben touches on the arrival of a Kenyan police force in Haiti, Julian Assange’s release from prison, and speaks to New York Times reporter Edward Wong about his new book, “At the Edge of Empire: A Family's Reckoning with China”.

    Democracy or Else is OUT NOW! Buy wherever you get your books: http://crooked.com/books

    Pod Save the World
    enJune 26, 2024

    Why Is Putin Going To North Korea?

    Why Is Putin Going To North Korea?

    Tommy and Ben discuss the “Peace Summit” held in Switzerland for the war in Ukraine and the glaring problem of Russia’s absence, Putin’s first visit to North Korea in 24 years and why this growing alliance is a troubling development, and the news that Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich will stand trial next week in Russia on espionage charges. They also talk about Netanyahu disbanding his war cabinet, analysts warning of increasing terror threats to the United States because of the war in Gaza, devastating polling for Emmanuel Macron ahead of a snap election in France, protests in Argentina in response to reforms pushed through by Javier Milei, and the Pope doing influencer outreach by inviting comedians to the Vatican. Then, Ben speaks with Rep. Ilhan Omar about her letter to President Biden asking for a humanitarian parole program for Sudanese refugees.

    Finally, don’t miss Ben and Tommy discussing how they got into careers in politics – something Tommy, Jon Favreau and Jon Lovett suggest others do in their new book, Democracy or Else. Pre-order Democracy or Else, out June 25th: crooked.com/books

    Pod Save the World
    enJune 19, 2024

    Far Right Surges in European Elections

    Far Right Surges in European Elections

    Tommy and Ben discuss the success of far-right parties in the European Parliamentary elections and debate whether French President Emmanuel Macron’s call for snap elections in France is bold or disastrous. Then they talk about British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s shocking decision to skip a ceremony commemorating the 80th anniversary of D-Day, the latest developments out of Israel and Gaza, including ceasefire negotiations, Benny Gantz leaving Netanyahu’s war cabinet, and the ethics of an Israeli hostage rescue in Gaza that resulted in hundreds of civilian casualties. They also walk through the horrific state of affairs in the civil war in Sudan, a foreign election interference scandal rocking Canada, a Chinese waterfall getting a little help from the government, and why Alabama Senator Tommy Tuberville is still very, very dumb. Then Ben interviews Dr. Rosa Balfour, the Director of Carnegie Europe, about the broader implications of the European Parliamentary election results on issues like climate change.


    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.

    Pod Save the World
    enJune 12, 2024

    World Reacts to Trump’s Guilty Verdict

    World Reacts to Trump’s Guilty Verdict

    Tommy and Ben discuss Biden’s ceasefire proposal and debate whether going public with the plan will pressure Hamas and Israel to accept it, they also try to understand why Democrats agreed to invite Israeli PM Bibi Netanyahu to address a joint session of Congress. Then they discuss global reactions to Trump’s guilty verdict, the debate over allowing Ukraine to use American provided weapons against targets on Russian soil, British PM Rishi Sunak’s decision to call early elections on July 4th, shocking election results for Prime Minister Modi in India, an end of a political era for Nelson Mandela’s ANC party in South Africa, and a tit for tat between North and South Korea involving balloons full of trash and K-Pop songs. Then, Tommy covers the historic election of Mexico’s first female president, Claudia Sheinbaum, with Dan Restrepo, a founding partner at Dinamica Americas and President Obama’s former principal advisor on issues related to Latin America.


    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.

    Pod Save the World
    enJune 05, 2024

    Norwegian Prime Minister Explains Decision to Recognize a Palestinian State

    Norwegian Prime Minister Explains Decision to Recognize a Palestinian State

    Ben speaks to Jonas Gahr Store, the Prime Minister of Norway, who explains why he decided to formally recognize a Palestinian state alongside the leaders of Spain and Ireland. Then, Ben is joined by Fareed Zakaria to talk about the long term prospects for peace on multiple fronts like Israel and Palestine, Russia and Ukraine, and China and Taiwan. They also discuss Zakaria’s new book, “Age of Revolutions: Progress and Backlash from 1600 to the Present”. Finally, Ben interviews Ravi Gupta about the new podcast from Crooked Media, “Killing Justice”. 


    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.

    Pod Save the World
    enMay 29, 2024

    Introducing "Killing Justice"

    Introducing "Killing Justice"

    When a judge in India dies of a heart attack, his passing barely makes the news. But when his niece approaches a journalist two years later, she shares a different story: that the circumstances around Judge Brijgopal Loya’s death have made his family doubt the official story. From Crooked Media and The Branch - Killing Justice investigates how one man’s death has become a lodestone for increasingly polarized politics in India.  Following the reporting and legal fallout that arise from this tip, Host Ravi Gupta examines the conflicting evidence and grapples with the broader implications a single night in the city of Nagpur has on the world’s largest democracy.

    You can hear the first 2 episodes of Killing Justice right now on Apple or Spotify. New episodes every Monday. For ad-free episodes, join the ‘Friends of the Pod’ community at crooked.com/friends.

    Hamas and Netanyahu Accused of War Crimes

    Hamas and Netanyahu Accused of War Crimes

    Ben and guest host Alyona Minkovski discuss the ICC’s application for arrest warrants against both Hamas and Netanyahu for war crimes, the mass exodus of civilians from Rafah, a US-Saudi pact supposedly being days away from being agreed to, and public rebukes against Netanyahu from members of his own war cabinet. They also talk about the Iranian president Ebrahim Raisi’s death in a helicopter crash, Zelensky putting hopes into Xi Jinping to pressure Putin on negotiations, an assassination attempt against the Slovakian Prime Minister, the latest in the trial of Julian Assange, a failed coup involving Americans in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Anthony Blinken “Rockin’ in the Free World”. Then, Ben speaks with Tamara Chergoleishvili, who is running for office in Georgia in this October’s elections in the European Georgia party. 


    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.

    Pod Save the World
    enMay 22, 2024

    Biden Punishes China

    Biden Punishes China

    Ben is joined by guest hosts Daniel Kurtz-Phelan, Editor of Foreign Affairs magazine and Rana Ayyub, global opinion columnist for the Washington Post. Ben and Dan discuss a regrouped Hamas in northern Gaza, Secretary Blinken calling out the Israelis for not having a long term plan, Biden’s new tariffs on Chinese goods, the struggle to define America’s relationship with China, Russia’s new offensive in Kharkiv, and protests in Georgia over a foreign agent law. Then Ben and Rana talk about the Indian election, what a third Modi term would mean for India’s democracy, and attacks on Muslims and journalists in the country.

    Pod Save the World
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    Israel Begins Rafah Offensive (feat. Ali Velshi)

    Israel Begins Rafah Offensive (feat. Ali Velshi)

    Ben and guest host Ali Velshi discuss the latest developments on ceasefire negotiations between Israel and Hamas, the beginning of a military offensive in Rafah, the shutdown of Al Jazeera in Israel, and plans to ban TikTok in the United States. They also discuss Chinese President Xi Jinping’s first visit to Europe in 5 years, Putin’s inauguration and an alleged assignation plot against President Zelensky, and Canadian police bringing charges in the assassination of a Sikh separatist on their soil. Then, Ben speaks with Ali about his new book, “Small Acts of Courage: A Legacy of Endurance and the Fight for Democracy”, and interviews Slovenian activist Nika Kovač about the “My Voice, My Choice” campaign to fight for abortion rights in Europe.

    Tucker Carlson Interviews "Putin's Brain"

    Tucker Carlson Interviews "Putin's Brain"

    Ben and Tommy discuss reports that a temporary ceasefire and hostage release deal between Israel and Hamas may be imminent, that Saudi Arabia has decided to normalize relations with Israel, and that the ICC may issue an arrest warrant for Israeli PM Bibi Netanyahu. They also hear from campus protestors in New York, discuss leaked intelligence reports about whether Putin ordered opposition leader Alexei Navalny’s death, Tucker Carlson’s interview with a far-right ultranationalist close with Putin, Secretary of State Tony Blinken’s trip to China, why an Iranian rapper got a death sentence, major leadership changes in Scotland, and a dramatic reading care of Scotland. Then Tommy speaks to John McDermott, Chief Africa Correspondent for the Economist about South Africa’s upcoming election, waning western influence in the western Sahel, and the 30th anniversary of the Rwandan genocide.


    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.

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