
    Biden Released Somali Terrorist into the U.S. & Funds UN Agency CAUGHT Participating in October 7 Terrorist Attack

    enJanuary 31, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Protecting the Vulnerable: Preborn Babies and American CitizensDonate to Preborn for preborn babies, boost testosterone for men's health, and ensure accurate medical bills with HealthLock.

      Both preborn babies and adults deserve protection and support. At conception, a baby's heart begins to form and can be heard beating at just 5 weeks. Preborn's clinics rescue 200 babies from abortion daily, giving them a chance at life. Meanwhile, men can maximize their masculinity and improve their health by boosting their testosterone levels. However, it's crucial to ensure the accuracy of medical bills, as over 50% may contain errors. In the news, there's growing concern over the release of terrorists into the country without proper background checks, increasing the risk of terrorist attacks. These issues highlight the importance of taking care of the most vulnerable, whether they're preborn babies or American citizens. To make a difference, donate to Preborn, try Chalk's testosterone boosters, or use HealthLock to ensure accurate medical bills. Stay informed and engaged in these pressing issues.

    • Alarming increase in terrorists apprehended at the southern border under BidenDuring Biden's tenure, over 50 terrorists on the watchlist were apprehended, a stark contrast to the single digits during Trump's term. Additionally, over 2,000,000 'gotaways' have entered the country undetected, increasing the risk of terrorist activity.

      During the Biden administration, a confirmed member of the Somali terror group, Al Shabaab, was apprehended at the southern border but released into the country, where he remained for nearly a year. This individual was initially deemed not a threat after being screened through the terror watch list. However, he was later identified as a confirmed member of Al Shabaab and was involved in the use, manufacture, or transport of explosives or firearms. In the last year, there were 172 terror watch list suspects caught by border patrol. This is a significant increase from the single digits during the Trump administration. In just the last 3 months of 2023, 50 terrorists on the terror watch list were apprehended at the southern border. This is more than the number of terrorists apprehended during the entirety of the Trump administration. The most alarming number is the over 2,000,000 "gotaways," or individuals who crossed the border but were not apprehended by border patrol. This number is over 9,600,000 when including those who turned themselves in. The vast majority of the 2,000,000+ are believed to have entered the country undetected. These numbers highlight the significant increase in terrorist activity and the porous nature of the southern border under the Biden administration.

    • Border Security and Terror WatchlistsBorder agents worry about terrorists entering US via southern border, with over 100 apprehensions last year. Some on terror watchlist are suspected terrorists, others common criminals. Consider switching to Patriot Mobile for 5% donation to conservative causes.

      The number of individuals on the terror watchlist is much larger than those on the no-fly list, and while some on the watchlist are suspected terrorists, a significant number are likely common criminals. However, the concern among border patrol agents is the potential threat of terrorists crossing the southern border, with reports of over 100 apprehensions in the last year. The speakers argue that the Biden administration's policies are increasing vulnerability to terrorist attacks. Another key point raised is the financial impact of choosing a mobile service provider. Patriot Mobile, a Christian conservative wireless provider, donates 5% of customers' bills to conservative causes, while big mobile companies contribute to Democratic causes and Planned Parenthood. The speakers encourage listeners to consider switching to Patriot Mobile as a way to support causes aligned with their values. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of addressing border security and the potential impact of consumer choices.

    • Biden administration's border policies endanger national securityThe Biden administration's failure to enforce immigration laws and financial support for terror-linked organizations pose risks to American safety and lives.

      The situation at the southern border under the Biden administration is not just a strain on resources for cities, but a national security concern. The administration's actions, such as not enforcing immigration laws, are seen as endangering the safety of Americans and allowing terrorists to enter the country. Furthermore, the administration's financial support for organizations like UNRWA, which have been linked to terrorism and hate groups, raises concerns about the administration's priorities and willingness to accept risks to American lives for political gain. The UNRWA employees' involvement in the October 7th terrorist attack highlights the danger of continuing to fund such organizations. The administration has received warnings about the radicalism and anti-American sentiment within UNRWA for some time, yet continues to provide financial support.

    • UNRWA Report Alleges Staff Ties to Hamas, Biden Administration Continues FundingThe Biden administration continues to fund UNRWA despite allegations of staff ties to Hamas and controversy over their past promotion of antisemitism and anti-Israel sentiments. Gold prices are predicted to rise 10% in 2024.

      The UNRWA report accusing 10% of its Gaza staff of having ties to Hamas and militant groups has not been verified, but the Biden administration continues to fund UNRWA for the essential lifesaving work they do under difficult circumstances, despite allegations of funding terrorists. The US is the largest donor to UNRWA, and while the administration temporarily paused funding due to the report, there are plans to resume it. Critics argue that UNRWA has a history of spreading antisemitism, anti-Americanism, and anti-Israel hatred, and hiring Hamas sympathizers. The Biden administration's decision to fund UNRWA despite these allegations is controversial and raises concerns about accountability. Additionally, there is a prediction that gold prices will rise 10% in 2024 due to Fed policy changes.

    • Securing Financial Security Amidst Economic Instability and Geopolitical TensionsInvesting in gold and silver through IRAs or home storage, supporting organizations like Preborn, and considering US Oil and Gas for accredited investors are ways to secure financial stability amidst economic instability and geopolitical tensions.

      Economic instability and geopolitical tensions pose significant risks to individual financial security. With rising taxes, the threat of war, and a massive national debt, securing one's retirement savings becomes crucial. Gold and silver can serve as valuable assets in uncertain times, and Freedom Gold USA offers solutions for adding these precious metals to IRAs or purchasing them for home storage. Furthermore, international events, such as the halting of UNRWA funding by multiple countries, demonstrate the importance of standing firm against supporting terrorism. Lastly, supporting organizations like Preborn, which saves lives through rescuing unborn babies, offers an opportunity to make a difference with a tax-deductible donation. For accredited investors, considering US Oil and Gas as part of an investment portfolio can provide potential tax benefits and historically sound returns.

    • Expertise, vigilance, and resilience in actionSuccess often requires a team with extensive experience, constant vigilance to minimize risks, and the resilience to weather challenges in various industries.

      Experience and expertise are crucial in achieving success in different industries. Labrador Energy, led by a team with over 190 years of combined oil and gas experience, is dedicated to minimizing risk and delivering solid returns for accredited investors. Meanwhile, in healthcare, having insurance is essential but not enough to avoid unexpected costs. HealthLock, a technology company, helps securely connect with insurance and reviews medical claims for potential errors, enabling members to save millions of dollars. In international affairs, Israel remains resilient amid ongoing conflicts, with organizations like the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews working on the ground to support those affected. These stories highlight the importance of expertise, vigilance, and resilience in various aspects of life. For more information on Labrador Energy and HealthLock, visit labradorenergy.com and healthlock.com, respectively.

    • Millions of Christians and Americans stand in solidarity with IsraelDespite antisemitism and challenges, Israel has strong global support, with millions of Christians and Americans praying for its protection and unity against antisemitism being highlighted during recent conflict.

      Despite the rising antisemitism and challenges Israel faces, there is a strong global support system made up of millions of Christians and Americans who stand in solidarity with Israel. This unity was highlighted during the recent conflict, with an estimated 700 million Christians around the world praying for Israel. The event also exposed the prevalent antisemitism, particularly in US universities, and brought it to the forefront for elimination. Israel's commitment to eliminating Hamas and the support from around the world are two positive outcomes of the situation. The words of Isaiah 5, which speaks of good becoming evil and evil becoming good, were echoed in the debate over Hamas' actions during the conflict. However, the existence of Israel as a protective force for the Jewish people and the vast number of supporters around the world ensure that the reality is different from the dark times of 1938. The message of unity and support from the Fellowship is a reminder of the righteous gentiles who stood with the Jewish people during the Holocaust, and today, the number of supporters is so vast that it would require planting a tree for each one to cover a continent.

    • Helping Israel in Times of Crisis: The International Fellowship of Christians and JewsThe International Fellowship of Christians and Jews has been supporting Israel for over 15 years in areas of Aliyah, poverty and welfare, and security. During crises, they provide essential resources and aid when local authorities cannot.

      The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews is a significant philanthropic organization in Israel, focusing on three key areas: Aliyah (bringing Jews to Israel), poverty and welfare, and security. They have been on the ground in Israel for over 15 years and have been instrumental in providing essential resources during times of crisis, such as bomb shelters, bulletproof ambulances, and food. During the 2021 conflict, they stepped in when local authorities were unable to provide aid, and have continued to support those in need. For those in the US looking to help, a major need right now is providing food and basic necessities for evacuated individuals who have been without jobs and income for several months.

    • ICSCJ providing essentials to elderly holocaust survivors in evacuated cityDonations of $25 can help provide food for one elderly holocaust survivor in desperate need in Skeroth, Israel. Follow Yael Epstein for updates on ICSCJ's work.

      The Israel Crisis Situation Center Jerusalem (ICSCJ) is currently focusing on providing basic necessities to those in need, including families of soldiers and elderly holocaust survivors in evacuated cities. The ICSCJ is currently working in the evacuated city of Skeroth, where over 500 elderly residents, most of whom are holocaust survivors, refuse to leave and are in desperate need of food. Donations of $25 can provide a food box for one elderly person. For more information and updates on the ICSCJ's work, follow Yael Epstein on social media or visit the organization's website at www.iscj.org. The Armstrong and Getty Show covers stories ignored by the mainstream media and provides real-time updates on how donations are saving lives in Israel. The Big Take DC, hosted by Solea Mohsen, focuses on how money, politics, and power shape government and the consequences for voters. Tune in to the Iheart radio app, Apple podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts for new episodes every Thursday.

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