
    Biden touches down in Israel, Israel blames Islamic Jihad for hospital bombing, Rep. Jim Jordan falls short

    enOctober 18, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Sleep Number bed's individualized comfort and JD Power rankingThe Sleep Number bed offers customized comfort with adjustable firmness, temperature control, and quiet features, making it the top-ranked bed in customer satisfaction according to JD Power.

      The Sleep Number smart bed prioritizes individualized comfort and quality sleep, as evidenced by its adjustable firmness, temperature control, and quiet features. The JD Power's number 1 ranking in customer satisfaction further emphasizes its effectiveness. Meanwhile, the Middle East faces a volatile situation following a hospital explosion in Gaza, with protests and anti-Israel sentiment escalating across the region. President Biden's planned summit in Amman, Jordan was canceled due to the attack, and the situation remains uncertain as Israel and Palestinian militants blame each other for the incident. Despite Israel's denial, images and videos have emerged, fueling tensions and protests. The situation is tense and complex, with ongoing investigations to determine the cause of the explosion.

    • Hospital blast in Gaza: A turning point in Israel-Palestine conflictThe hospital blast in Gaza, causing over 100 deaths and injuries, is being seen as a significant event in the Israel-Palestine conflict, with the international community calling for a ceasefire. Doctors suspect an Israeli strike, but evidence is lacking, and US endorsement of Israel's denial of responsibility could fuel regional tensions.

      The hospital blast in Gaza, which resulted in over 100 deaths and injuries, is being viewed as a turning point in the already tense conflict between Israel and Palestine. The international community, including Arab states and the UN, are calling for an immediate ceasefire. Doctors on the ground believe the explosion was not caused by a rocket attack, but rather an Israeli strike. The aftermath of the explosion has led to widespread protests and anger throughout the region, making it a challenge for allies of the US to maintain relationships. President Biden, during his visit to Israel, endorsed Israel's denial of responsibility for the explosion, despite the lack of clear evidence. This endorsement is significant as it comes from a close US ally and could further fuel tensions in the region.

    • Unexpected Turn in President Biden's Middle East Trip Due to Gaza Hospital ExplosionPresident Biden's Middle East trip faces uncertainty after a hospital explosion in Gaza, with questions about cause and potential diplomatic or humanitarian responses.

      President Biden's trip to the Middle East has taken an unexpected turn following a hospital explosion in Gaza, which has raised questions about the cause of the incident and the deliverables of the trip. The president had not held any closed-door meetings with Israeli government officials but was traveling with his national security team. The trip, initially intended to include meetings with world leaders in Jordan, now looks different as the president deals with the aftermath of the hospital explosion and its potential escalation of regional conflict. Key questions remain about the nature of the incident and the potential humanitarian aid or diplomatic efforts that may result from the trip. The Israeli military has claimed that a misfired rocket from the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, the second-largest armed group in Gaza, caused the explosion, but Hamas has launched a media campaign to downplay the group's involvement. The president's meetings with Israeli officials and the war cabinet are expected to address these issues and the broader regional situation.

    • Israeli military provides evidence against Islamic Jihad for Gaza City hospital rocket attackIsraeli military presents chart and crater analysis to support claim against Islamic Jihad, but lacks definitive proof and faces criticism for past credibility issues

      The Israeli military is working to provide detailed evidence to support their claim that Islamic Jihad, not Hamas, was responsible for the recent rocket attack on a Gaza City hospital. However, this evidence, which includes a point of origin chart and crater analysis, while significant, does not definitively prove their case. The Israeli military has been criticized for past credibility issues, such as the killing of journalist Shireen Abu Aqleh last year, which were initially blamed on Palestinian militants but later found to be the result of Israeli soldiers' actions. The Israeli military is taking steps to be more transparent and credible this time around, but it remains to be seen whether this will be enough to quell international concerns. Islamic Jihad is a militant group in the Gaza Strip that is separate from Hamas, which is the governing party in the territory. The two groups have had a complex relationship, with periods of cooperation and conflict.

    • Complexities of establishing accountability and proof in Israel-Gaza conflictThe Israel-Gaza conflict highlights the challenges of determining accountability and establishing definitive proof due to limited access to scenes and the digital age's spread of information, emphasizing the need for diplomacy and dialogue for a peaceful resolution.

      The ongoing conflict between Israel and militant groups in Gaza, such as Islamic Jihad, raises complex issues regarding accountability and proof. The lack of access to the scene of incidents and the spread of information in the digital age can make it difficult to establish definitive evidence. The recent hospital blast in Gaza, which killed over 100 people, has led to widespread protests and diplomatic tensions across the Middle East. The US President's visit to Israel amidst this situation has further highlighted the complexities and the need for international cooperation to find a peaceful resolution. The US President's public statements on the situation have shown the challenge of making definitive conclusions based on incomplete information. The situation underscores the importance of diplomacy and dialogue to address the root causes of the conflict and find a lasting solution.

    • Protests against Israel in Middle East following attack on Al Ahli hospital in GazaPresident Biden's visit aimed to support Israel, but the attack on Al Ahli hospital and resulting protests heightened tensions, making Biden's message of deterrence more crucial. US aid to Egypt and Jordan puts their leaders in a delicate position.

      The ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine, following the attack on the Al Ahli hospital in Gaza, has led to widespread outrage and protests across the Middle East. The US, as a key ally to Israel, is being seen as complicit in the situation. President Biden's visit to the region was intended to send a strong message of support for Israel and deter its enemies. However, the attack on the hospital and the resulting protests have raised the stakes, making Biden's message even more important. Despite the outrage and instability in the region, Biden's message remains clear: Israel's enemies must hold back, and the possibility of a ground incursion remains an open option for Israel in dealing with Hamas. The financial support the US provides to Egypt and Jordan, both heavily dependent on US aid, puts their leaders in a difficult position as they navigate the political and social pressures of their populations.

    • Volatility and uncertainty in Middle East: Israel-Gaza situationDespite recent developments, tensions between Israel and Gaza remain volatile, with ongoing rocket attacks and military actions against Hamas. The US must navigate complex geopolitical landscape carefully due to asymmetric information.

      The situation in the Middle East, specifically between Israel and Gaza, remains volatile and uncertain despite recent developments. Despite the proximity of the border and the impact of ongoing rocket attacks on civilians, Israel continues its military actions against Hamas, with the support of the IDF and the United States. The White House has downplayed expectations for President Biden's visit to Israel amidst the tensions and the cancellation of some in-person meetings. The assessment of responsibility for the hospital blast in Gaza has shifted, with Israel and the White House now believing it was carried out by the other side. However, the full picture of the situation is still unfolding, and the potential for further escalation and instability remains high. The US is entering this conflict with asymmetric information and must navigate the complex geopolitical landscape carefully.

    • Anger over Gaza hospital explosion, calls for international investigationAnger grows over Israeli military's alleged false claims about Gaza hospital strike. Calls for international probe into incident, ceasefire, and access to medical facilities. Skepticism about transparency and ability to bring change through virtual diplomacy. Concerns over escalating conflict and potential war crimes.

      The recent explosion at a hospital in Gaza, which resulted in over 500 fatalities and injuries, has led to widespread anger among Palestinians. The Israeli military has been accused of lying about the cause of the strike, which reportedly targeted a hospital run by the Anglican church. Doctor Mustafa Barghouti, a Palestinian legislator and political party president, spoke about the situation in Ramallah and urged for an international investigation into the incident. He also highlighted the repeated denial of access to medical facilities and the destruction of thousands of homes in Gaza. Despite the calls for a ceasefire and investigations, there is skepticism about the Israeli military's transparency and the ability to bring about concrete change through virtual diplomacy. The lack of a ceasefire and the continued destruction of Palestinian infrastructure has led to concerns about the escalating conflict and potential war crimes.

    • President Biden's Visit Amidst Crisis: A DisasterThe deep mistrust between the Arab world and the US, fueled by the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, has made it difficult for President Biden to secure a ceasefire and bring about a peaceful resolution.

      The ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine, as seen in the recent escalation of violence, has created a deep mistrust between the Arab world and the United States, specifically under President Biden. The international community, including Palestinians and their supporters, do not believe the Israeli narrative regarding the hospital strike, which has fueled further tension. President Biden's visit to Israel amidst this crisis is considered an unmitigated disaster, and his responsibility is seen as securing an immediate ceasefire to save lives. The lack of trust in the US and Israel's narrative has made it challenging for the president to calm the tension, making a peaceful resolution a long and hard process.

    • Discussions between Biden and Netanyahu during Israel visitDespite tensions, Biden and Netanyahu discussed the Gaza conflict, emphasizing civilians' safety and humanitarian aid. However, Biden's visit was described as a disaster due to canceled meetings with Arab leaders and ongoing conflict escalation.

      During a meeting in Israel, President Biden and Prime Minister Netanyahu discussed the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas in Gaza. Netanyahu addressed the need for civilians to evacuate northern Gaza, while Biden emphasized the importance of humanitarian aid and minimizing civilian casualties. The White House had planned for Biden to meet with Jordan's king in person, but the meetings were canceled and turned into phone calls instead. Biden's visit to Israel was described as an "unmitigated disaster" due to the escalating conflict and the cancellation of meetings with Arab leaders, which is unprecedented for a U.S. president. The administration aims to keep American officials in Israel to slow down the Israelis and encourage more targeted attacks against Hamas leaders rather than a full-scale ground invasion. However, Hamas uses Palestinian civilians as shields, making it challenging to minimize civilian casualties. The situation is critical as deescalation does not seem likely at this moment.

    • Israel-Palestine conflict causing humanitarian crisis and instability in Arab worldThe Israel-Palestine conflict is causing a humanitarian crisis and widespread instability in the Arab world, with civilian casualties and infrastructure damage on both sides leading to a cycle of violence and counter-violence. International community is under pressure to ensure aid and restart political talks.

      The ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine, as seen in the recent escalation of violence, is causing significant humanitarian crisis and fueling an already inflamed Arab world. The situation is unprecedented, with civilian casualties and infrastructure damage on both sides leading to a constant cycle of violence and counter-violence. The international community, including the United States, is under pressure to ensure humanitarian aid reaches those in need and to restart political talks to address the larger Palestinian issue. Israeli officials acknowledge the complexity of the situation and the need to maintain international law, but the endgame remains unclear. The Egyptian government has called for talks with Jordan, Egypt, and Mahmoud Abbas to discuss both humanitarian aid and political solutions. Despite the uncertainty, it is clear that the situation is causing widespread anger and instability in the region.

    • Recent events fuel Israeli desire for action, complicating peace effortsEmotions run high, making diplomatic solutions difficult; regional tensions and external powers involvement add complexity; cool-headed decision making and ceasefire needed but uncertain; cause of hospital bombing unverified; Hamas audio adds complexity

      The situation in Israel and Gaza is at an impasse, with both sides deeply entrenched in their positions and emotions running high. The recent events, including reports of atrocities and a hospital bombing, have fueled a strong appetite for vengeance among many Israelis. This demand for action is drowning out calls for peace, making it difficult to find a diplomatic solution. The situation is further complicated by regional tensions and the involvement of external powers, creating a real fear of a broader regional conflict. The urgent need is for cool-headed decision making and a ceasefire, but it's unclear if there's enough appetite for that at the moment. CNN has geolocated video of the hospital explosion, but the cause remains unverified, with both sides denying responsibility. The released audio allegedly of Hamas discussing the strike adds to the complexity of the situation.

    • Gaza Hospital Explosion Likely Caused by Failed Rocket LaunchThe Gaza hospital explosion, resulting in over 100 deaths, was most likely caused by a failed rocket launch, not Israeli jets as initially suspected. This conclusion was drawn based on blast radius, lack of a crater, and online conversations among terror groups.

      The explosion at the Gaza hospital, which killed over 100 people, was most likely caused by a failed rocket launch, based on analysis of the blast radius, lack of a crater, and online conversations among terror groups. This conclusion is supported by the fact that no Israeli jets were seen in the area, and Israeli officials denied involvement. The incident sparked massive protests across the Middle East, with many Arab leaders placing blame on Israel. The US, with President Biden in attendance, faced criticism for its unwavering support of Israel amidst the civilian toll. The situation remains volatile, with further protests expected.

    • Protests and humanitarian crisis in Middle East amid Israel-Palestine conflictThe Israel-Palestine conflict intensifies, civilians in Gaza face bombardment and humanitarian crisis, international community speaks out, Biden's visit complicated, lack of progress on humanitarian aid, critical life-sustaining issues, key Arab allies cancel meeting with Biden

      The ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine has sparked solidarity protests across the Middle East, with civilians in Gaza facing intense aerial bombardment and humanitarian crisis. The situation has intensified, with civilians continuing to be targeted and civilian areas coming under fire. The international community, including leaders like Queen Rania of Jordan, have spoken out against Israel's response. President Biden's visit to the region is complicated, with achievable goals in the humanitarian sphere uncertain. Prime Minister Netanyahu has acknowledged the need to avoid targeting civilians, but the situation remains volatile, and the lack of progress on allowing humanitarian aid and enabling people to leave Gaza is causing critical life-sustaining issues. The unprecedented cancellation of Biden's meeting with key Arab allies, including Egypt, Jordan, and the Palestinian Authority, underscores the gravity of the situation.

    • Israel-Hamas Conflict: Urban Warfare and Civilian CasualtiesThe Israel-Hamas conflict continues, resulting in mass civilian casualties. Urban warfare poses challenges and potential for high casualties. Evidence is needed before blaming Israel, and misfired rockets pose a risk to civilians.

      The ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas in Gaza has once again resulted in mass civilian casualties, with the recent hospital blast causing over 100 deaths. Israeli officials maintain that Hamas is responsible for the attack, but military analysts warn of the challenges and potential for high casualties in urban warfare. The international community has been urged to be cautious in accepting Hamas' accusations without solid evidence, as they have a history of falsely blaming Israel for their own actions. Israel claims to have 100% visibility of all rockets launched from Gaza, but not all of them can be intercepted or accurately targeted. The potential for misfired rockets and civilian casualties is a significant concern. The past experiences of urban wars in Iraq serve as a cautionary tale of the devastating consequences of such conflicts.

    • Hamas using funds for rocket attacks instead of hospital protectionDespite evidence, intl community blames Israel for Hamas's rocket attacks, while Israel prioritizes protecting its civilians, international response criticized for double standard

      The funds and tax dollars in the Gaza Strip are being used by Hamas and Islamic Jihad for launching rockets towards Israeli civilians instead of protecting their own. This was evident in an incident where a Hamas rocket malfunctioned and landed on a hospital, killing over 100 people. Despite the evidence pointing towards Hamas, the international community has been quick to blame Israel, and leaders in the region, including Mahmoud Abbas, have canceled meetings with President Biden to express their concerns. The moral divide between Israel's concern for its civilians and Hamas's attempts to kill Israeli civilians, while putting their own at risk, is a significant issue. The international community's response to crises in Israel and Gaza is often criticized for its double standard, and the situation continues to escalate with the United Nations Security Council holding an open meeting on the crisis in the Middle East.

    • Urging Biden for Political Solution to Gaza ConflictPresident Biden can salvage the critical Gaza conflict by proposing a political solution, recognizing Israel, ending military occupation, and empowering the Palestinian authority while maintaining the distinction between civilians and militants.

      That the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine, specifically in Gaza, has reached a critical point and leaders in the region are urging President Biden to intervene with a political solution. The situation has escalated into the fifth war in Gaza, causing immense suffering for the Palestinian people. The frustration stems from the belief that the conflict can be managed without a political solution, which has been the approach of Israel, backed by the US. President Biden has the opportunity to salvage the situation by proposing a political solution, recognizing Israel while ending military occupation of the West Bank, and empowering the Palestinian authority. The distinction between civilians and militants in Gaza is crucial to maintain, as statements blurring this line have fueled mistrust and anger in the region, potentially leading to a wider conflict. The statements from Israeli officials about not fighting civilians but Hamas complicate this issue, and the world is closely watching the US response.

    • Republican House in Disarray: Jordan Faces Opposition, McHenry a More Likely Speaker Pro TempThe Republican House is in disarray as moderates oppose Jim Jordan's bid for Speaker, making McHenry a more likely candidate for Speaker pro temp. The government funding crisis and Israel-Hamas conflict add urgency. Unity within the party is crucial for the House majority and 2024 presidential race.

      The House Republican conference is in disarray, with Jim Jordan facing an uphill battle to become Speaker of the House due to opposition from moderates who view him as reflective of the obstructionism that has stalled the House. McHenry, a more moderate and legislative-focused Republican, is seen as a more likely candidate for Speaker pro temp, which would require Democratic support. The ongoing government funding crisis and the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas add to the urgency of resolving the Speaker issue. The situation underscores the difficulty of pleasing both conservative and moderate factions within the Republican Party, and the instability of the House Republican conference. The political implications of this situation are significant, as it jeopardizes the Republican House majority and could impact the 2024 presidential race. The lack of unity within the Republican Party in the face of serious global issues is concerning to many.

    • Hospital blast alters Biden's Middle East trip courseThe hospital blast in Gaza led to widespread protests, raising stakes for Biden's meetings with Israeli leaders and altering the itinerary of his Middle East trip.

      The explosion at a hospital in Gaza, which occurred shortly before President Biden's arrival in Israel, has significantly altered the course of his Middle East trip. The incident has led to widespread protests across the region, with many demonstrators expressing anti-Israeli, anti-American, and pro-Palestinian sentiments. The protests have raised the stakes for Biden's meetings with Israeli leaders, particularly Prime Minister Netanyahu, as the United States is now perceived as being closely linked to Israel's actions. During his visit, Biden has been meeting with Israeli officials to discuss their objectives in the ongoing conflict and has sided with Israel's denial of responsibility for the hospital blast. The trip was originally intended to include meetings with leaders in Jordan and Egypt, but those have been canceled due to the protests and the volatile situation. The inflection point created by the hospital blast has added complexity to an already challenging trip for the White House.

    • Crisis in Gaza: Hospitals Not Functioning, Water and Electricity Scarce, Food Potentially Running OutThe situation in Gaza is critical with hospitals not functioning, water and electricity scarce, and food potentially running out for hundreds of thousands of people. Urgent action is needed for humanitarian aid and peace talks to prevent further escalation and risk to civilians and the wider region.

      The situation in Gaza is at a crisis point with hospitals not functioning, water and electricity scarce, and food potentially running out for hundreds of thousands of people. The international community, including the US, is struggling to find a solution as meetings between leaders have been canceled, and diplomatic efforts have hit a dead end. The situation is further complicated by the ongoing conflict and the risk of it escalating into a larger regional conflict. A recent hospital blast in Gaza, whose cause is still under investigation, has added to the complexity and uncertainty. The situation is critical, and urgent action is needed to provide humanitarian aid and bring the parties to the table for peace talks. The ongoing instability and the potential for further escalation pose a significant risk to civilians and the wider region.

    • IDF officials provide evidence of intended airstrike in GazaIsraeli officials claim recent airstrike was intentional, not a malfunctioning rocket; US urges peace, humanitarian aid; Egypt offers aid but won't take refugees; diplomacy needed to prevent escalation

      The recent airstrike in Gaza, which hit a building near a hospital, was likely not a result of a malfunctioning rocket, but rather an intended attack. This conclusion is based on evidence presented by IDF officials, including radar footage, the trajectory of the rockets, and the size and nature of the resulting explosion. Additionally, the crater left by the explosion did not match the scale of what would be expected from a large bomb. The US, which has intelligence on the situation, is trying to prevent the conflict from escalating into a larger war and is urging Israel to allow humanitarian aid into the region and to hold off on a ground offensive. However, the perception that the US is only backing Israel may make it difficult for President Biden to achieve this goal. Egypt, which borders Gaza, has offered to help with humanitarian aid but has not agreed to take in Palestinian refugees. Ultimately, the situation is complex and requires delicate diplomacy to prevent further escalation and bring about a resolution.

    • Addressing Israeli needs and American hostagesPresident Biden's visit to Israel focuses on addressing Israeli needs after Hamas attacks, prioritizing American hostages' safety, and working towards a resolution to the conflict.

      During his visit to Israel, President Biden is expected to address the Israeli people's need for action following the Hamas attacks, while also prioritizing the safety and well-being of American hostages held by Hamas. Families of these hostages, including that of Jonathan Dekeltran, whose son Sigheye is one of the missing Americans, are eager for reassurance and updates on their loved ones. The trauma experienced by these families and the broader Israeli community is immense, as they cope with the loss of homes and property, as well as the horrors they witnessed during the attacks. Despite the challenges, the international community, including the United States, must work towards keeping the hostages safe and finding a resolution to the ongoing conflict.

    • Israel-Hamas conflict: Unlivable conditions in GazaHundreds dead and injured in latest round of Israel-Hamas violence, dire conditions in Gaza, journalists risking lives to report, hope for peace through dialogue, international community must ensure civilians' safety and facilitate resolution

      The ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas in Gaza continues to cause devastation and loss of life, with no end in sight as long as Hamas remains in power. The latest round of violence has left hundreds dead and injured, and the situation has led to widespread protests and clashes throughout the Middle East. The situation is particularly dire in Gaza, where conditions are unlivable and journalists are putting their lives on the line to report on the conflict. Despite the challenges, there is still hope for peace, but it will require honest and unflinching dialogue between all parties involved. The international community, including the United States, must be actively engaged in efforts to ensure the safety of civilians and facilitate a peaceful resolution to the conflict.

    • Political Instability in Lebanon and US CapitolInternational airlines cancel flights to Lebanon, leaving Canadians stranded amidst political turmoil. In the US, Republicans struggle to elect a new speaker of the house, causing uncertainty and the possibility of a government shutdown.

      The situation in Lebanon is growing increasingly volatile, leading international airlines to cancel flights and leaving many Canadians stranded. Meanwhile, in the United States, the Republican party is facing a crisis of its own as they struggle to elect a new speaker of the house. With no clear front-runner and the possibility of a government shutdown looming, some Republicans are proposing to empower the current speaker pro tem, Patrick McHenry, to keep the government running. However, this idea is met with resistance from those who want Jim Jordan to be the next speaker. The uncertainty and instability in both Lebanon and the US Capitol highlight the complexity and unpredictability of current global and domestic political landscapes.

    • Speaker Pro Tem's Powers in a Speaker VacancyThe Speaker pro tem holds significant power and responsibilities as a temporary replacement for the Speaker of the House, but the need for a vote to assume these powers remains debated.

      The Speaker pro tem, a temporary replacement for the Speaker of the House, holds significant power and responsibilities during a vacancy in the office. This position was established post-9/11 for continuity of government and allows business to continue in the House of Representatives. The Speaker pro tem has every right, duty, and responsibility to act in the absence of a bona fide speaker, with full capacity as the speaker would have. However, there is ongoing debate regarding whether a vote is required for the Speaker pro tem to assume these powers. Some argue that a vote would set a precedent and taint the notion that the Speaker pro tem already has all the powers of the Speaker. Others believe that a vote is necessary to affirm these powers. Ultimately, the issue remains unresolved, and the outcome of any vote could set a significant precedent for future Speaker vacancies. Additionally, during the current Speaker election, some Republicans are withholding their support for candidate Jim Jordan due to concerns over his stance on funding the government and potential use of military pay as a bargaining chip. These concerns may lead to a decrease in votes for Jordan in subsequent rounds, potentially delaying the election process.

    • The importance of the Speaker position in the House of RepresentativesVacating the Speaker position without a viable alternative can lead to political chaos and hinder progress, emphasizing the need to move forward with a temporary solution.

      The vacating of a speaker in the House of Representatives should not be done lightly, as it can lead to political chaos and hinder the progress of the people's business. The speaker position is a result of years of relationship-building and trust-earning among peers. Vacating the chair without a viable alternative is unreasonable and can result in chaos. Congressman Nick Lolita of New York emphasized the need to move on from this situation and suggested having a speaker pro tem run the House in the interim. The responsibility for the chaos falls on those who voted to vacate the chair, and it is crucial to find a way to move forward.

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    10/16/23: Water Runs Dry In Gaza As Hospitals Collapse, Biden Bumbles 60 Minutes, Arab States Erupt, Focus Group Debates Israel, Candace and Megyn Cancel Culture, Israelis Blame Bibi, MSNBC Benches Muslims, Reuters Journalist Killed By Israeli Strike

    10/16/23: Water Runs Dry In Gaza As Hospitals Collapse, Biden Bumbles 60 Minutes, Arab States Erupt, Focus Group Debates Israel, Candace and Megyn Cancel Culture, Israelis Blame Bibi, MSNBC Benches Muslims, Reuters Journalist Killed By Israeli Strike

    Krystal and Saagar discuss the Israel Gaza humanitarian criss deepening as water runs out and hospitals collapse, Biden bumbling in a 60 minutes interview on America’s involvement, Arab states erupting, our newest Breaking Points focus group where we ask Democratic voters about the situation on Israel-Gaza, Europeans criminalizing Palestinian protests, Candace Owens fights Megyn Kelly over Israel cancel culture, polls show Israelis blame Bibi for security failure, MSNBC benches their Muslim anchors after ADL comments, and Reuters can’t admit their own journalist was killed by an Israeli strike.

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