
    Biden’s Fail the Nation Address

    enJuly 25, 2024
    What are concerns about Biden's qualifications for 2024?
    How does the media influence perceptions of Biden?
    What is the significance of the 2024 election?
    What role does Kamala Harris play in immigration policy?
    Why do some believe Biden may not be the nominee?

    Podcast Summary

    • 2024 Democratic NominationBelief that Biden may not be the Democratic nominee due to perceived lack of qualifications, influence of managerial class, concerns about election integrity, and the role of media in shaping narratives. Ultimately, voters decide the nominee.

      Despite President Joe Biden's repeated statements about staying in the race and being the Democratic nominee for the 2024 election, there are strong beliefs among some individuals that he will not be the nominee. This belief is based on various reasons including his perceived lack of qualifications, the influence of the managerial class, and concerns about election integrity. These individuals argue that the voters ultimately decide the nominee and that Biden's tenure as president does not guarantee his party's nomination. They also criticize the media for their role in suppressing information and promoting certain narratives. Regardless of the outcome, the 2024 election is seen as a critical moment for American democracy and the media landscape. The importance of transparency, accuracy, and accountability in reporting is emphasized.

    • Biden speech commentarySpeakers provide political commentary and analysis on upcoming Biden speech, discuss potential policies, encourage drinking game participation, mention Kamala Harris's father and Biden's retirement plans, and aim to provide an entertaining and informative commentary

      The speakers on this podcast are providing political commentary and analysis, discussing the upcoming Biden speech and Biden's potential policies, as well as making predictions and jokes about the event. They encourage listeners to participate in a drinking game during the speech based on certain keywords and events. They also mention having Kamala Harris's father on the show and Biden's potential retirement plans. The tone is lighthearted and critical, with a focus on entertainment and engagement. The speakers express a strong opinion on political matters and use humor to make their points. They also mention the importance of fact-checking the speech and anticipate a long speech from Biden. Overall, the speakers aim to provide an entertaining and informative commentary on the political event.

    • Biden's campaign eventDespite growing concerns over Biden's fitness for office due to past performances and refusal to undergo cognitive tests, the campaign event tonight offers an opportunity to challenge media's narrative and expose the truth.

      The ongoing campaign event marks an exciting moment to contrast the truth about President Joe Biden's past performances and the media's portrayal of his abilities. The timeline leading up to this event, starting from the controversial debate performance in June 2021, highlights a series of lies and cover-ups about Biden's fitness for office. Despite growing concerns and calls for cognitive tests, Biden refused to undergo an evaluation, leading to speculation and controversy. The event tonight is significant as it provides an opportunity to expose the truth and challenge the media's narrative. #BidenFailedUs.

    • Biden's exit from the 2020 Democratic primaryConcerns over Biden's cognitive abilities led to speculation about his departure from the primary race, which lacked transparency and raised questions about the democratic process and media coverage.

      During the 2020 Democratic primary race, there were growing concerns about Joe Biden's cognitive abilities and his viability as a presidential candidate. Despite these concerns, Biden continued to insist he would stay in the race. However, on the weekend before he ultimately dropped out, there were signs that something was happening, including a tweet from Donald Trump acknowledging the importance of the upcoming election and Biden's sudden cancellation of a speech in Las Vegas. When Biden finally dropped out on a Sunday afternoon, the media was caught off guard, leading to speculation about what had transpired behind the scenes. Some conspiracy theories emerged, suggesting that Biden may have been coerced into dropping out or even subjected to some form of medical intervention. Regardless of the truth, the lack of transparency surrounding Biden's departure raised questions about the democratic process and the role of the media in covering the story. Ultimately, Kamala Harris was chosen as the Democratic nominee, but the controversy surrounding Biden's exit cast a shadow over her campaign.

    • Harris Debate StrategyPresident Trump should push for rigorous, in-person debates to expose Kamala Harris' record and unpopular positions, while Harris may rely on media coverage to shape her image

      Kamala Harris is expected to avoid public debates and rely on media coverage to shape her image. However, it is advised that President Trump should push for in-person debates to expose Harris' record and unpopular positions, as the media is likely to protect her. The debate format should be rigorous, with no audience or muted mics, to prevent interruptions. Harris' record on crime, particularly her support for Black Lives Matter and bail funds for rioters, should be a major focus. Her history of encouraging violence and lawlessness during protests should also be highlighted. Despite her identification with violent groups, Harris' support from the democratic party and some sectors of the media remains strong. Overall, a strong debate performance from Trump could negatively impact Harris' popularity and sway undecided voters.

    • Kamala Harris's role in Biden border policyThere is ongoing debate about Kamala Harris's role in the Biden administration's border policy with some claiming she is in charge and others disputing it, while criticisms of her past statements and media bias in reporting on her events also come into play.

      There is ongoing debate about Vice President Kamala Harris's role in the Biden administration's border policy. While some argue that she was put in charge of the issue, others dispute this claim. The discussion also touched upon criticism of Harris's past statements and her perceived lack of popularity. Additionally, there were accusations of media bias in reporting on Harris's campaign events. Despite these criticisms, some defenders argue that Harris is a qualified and experienced leader who has been appointed to a significant role within the administration. Ultimately, the debate highlights the political tensions surrounding immigration policy and the role of media coverage in shaping public perception.

    • Unity and progressThe importance of unity, decency, and democracy prevails, and Americans should come together, put aside differences, and focus on the greater good, while continuing to work towards progress in areas like economy, healthcare, and foreign policy, and passing the torch to new generations.

      Despite the challenges and unexpected moments in life, including falling in the Oval Office, the importance of unity, decency, and democracy prevails. The speaker emphasizes the need for Americans to come together, put aside differences, and focus on the greater good. He also highlights the importance of passing the torch to new generations and continuing to work towards progress in areas like economy, healthcare, and foreign policy. Ultimately, the speaker's message is one of hope and unity, encouraging listeners to believe in the power of the American people to overcome adversity and make a positive impact on the world.

    • Biden's achievementsBiden highlighted his administration's accomplishments in climate, gun safety, low crime rate, and border security, emphasizing the importance of unity and decency in public life.

      President Joe Biden delivered a farewell address emphasizing his administration's achievements, including significant climate and gun safety laws, low violent crime rate, and securing the border. He reminded Americans of their responsibility to preserve democracy and keep faith in the American idea. Despite criticisms, Biden expressed gratitude for the support and love of the American people throughout his political career. The choice of who will lead America's future is now in the hands of the American people. Biden's speech echoed themes from his 2019-2020 presidential campaign, emphasizing the importance of unity and decency in public life. Despite criticisms of his character, Biden maintained that honesty, decency, and respect are essential qualities for a public servant.

    • Biden's liesCritics argue Biden has a history of lying throughout his political career, from background info to specific incidents, despite his decision to step down being historic

      Former Vice President Joe Biden's speech announcing his decision to step down as President was met with mixed reactions. While some saw it as a unifying moment for the Democratic Party, others criticized Biden for political expediency and dishonesty. A common theme among the critics was Biden's history of lying, which was highlighted in a segment on the show. From his background and resume to specific incidents, it was argued that Biden has consistently lied throughout his political career, including during his presidency. Despite the criticism, the show also acknowledged that Biden's decision to step down was historic and marked the end of an era. Overall, the discussion reflected the polarized political climate and the ongoing debate over honesty and accountability in politics.

    • Biden's False ClaimsJoe Biden has a history of exaggerating or lying about various aspects of his background, including ethnicity, religious affiliations, and educational background, which raises questions about his honesty and trustworthiness.

      Joe Biden has a history of exaggerating or outright lying about various aspects of his background, including his ethnicity, religious affiliations, and educational background. These false claims have been a pattern throughout his political career, and have been documented extensively. For instance, he has claimed to have grown up in the black community, been a coal miner, attended Delaware State University (an HBCU), and served in the US Naval Academy, among other things. However, the truth is that he did not grow up in the black community, did not have a coal miner background, did not attend Delaware State University, and was not appointed to the US Naval Academy. These false claims have raised questions about Biden's honesty and trustworthiness, and have been a source of controversy throughout his political career. It is important to remember this pattern of dishonesty when evaluating his policies and statements as a presidential candidate.

    • Biden's controversial pastFormer Vice President Joe Biden faces accusations of lying about academic achievements and racist behaviors towards black people, which some consider disqualifying for high political office.

      During a heated discussion, it was alleged that former Vice President Joe Biden has a history of lying and displaying subtle racist behaviors. He was accused of lying about his academic achievements, possession of degrees, and political accolades. Additionally, it was claimed that Biden has a history of belittling black people, using the "you're not really black" remark, and refusing to acknowledge the existence of his own granddaughter. These actions were characterized as supremacist racism. While some may argue that these actions do not make Biden an inherently bad person, others view them as disqualifying traits for someone seeking high political office.

    • Biden's family mattersCriticism of Biden's handling of family matters, lack of acknowledgment of granddaughter, and court-established paternity, raises concerns about his trustworthiness and ability to serve as a public figure

      Former President Joe Biden's handling of his family matters and his lack of acknowledgment of his children, including his granddaughter, has been a topic of criticism. London Roberts, a woman who spoke out about her experience with Biden, shared how he didn't acknowledge his granddaughter and even had to go to court to establish paternity. This situation, coupled with Biden's history of dishonesty and lies about various aspects of his life, has led many to question his trustworthiness and ability to serve as a public figure. Despite this, Biden was chosen as the Democratic nominee for president in 2020, raising concerns about the democratic process and the role of party bosses in making such decisions.

    • 2024 presidential election legitimacy concernsSome individuals question the legitimacy of the 2024 presidential election due to alleged financial manipulation, primary manipulation, and media deception. The speaker also accused the Democratic Party of suppressing information and lying about past elections being stolen.

      There are concerns about the legitimacy of the 2024 presidential election, with some individuals claiming that significant sums of money were transferred to the Biden-Harris ticket, and that the Democratic Party manipulated the primaries to favor Vice President Kamala Harris. The speaker also criticized the media for allegedly lying to the public about various issues, including the border crisis and the Biden administration's border policies. They claimed that border crossings were significantly higher under President Biden than they were under President Trump. Additionally, they accused the Democratic Party of suppressing information and lying about the election being stolen in the past. The speaker urged listeners to be vigilant and warned that the party might pull "tricks" in the upcoming election. They also emphasized the importance of the November 5, 2024, election and encouraged listeners to support their efforts to monitor the election.

    • Biden's presidency fact-checkingBiden's presidency has faced intense fact-checking over various claims, some accurate and some misleading, and ongoing debates over economic policies and Supreme Court reform.

      During a recent discussion, it was pointed out that Joe Biden's presidency has been subjected to intense fact-checking due to various claims made in his speeches. One such claim was about the number of votes Biden and Kamala Harris received, which was fact-checked and found to be accurate. Another claim regarding the violent crime rate was found to be misleading, as the murder rate is not at a 50-year low and is actually higher than pre-COVID levels. Additionally, Biden's proposed Supreme Court reform was criticized for not going far enough, with some calling for adding more seats to the court. The discussion also touched on Biden's economic policies, including wages and inflation, which were fact-checked and found to have seen decreases under his administration. Overall, the discussion highlighted the importance of fact-checking and the ongoing debate surrounding various aspects of Biden's presidency.

    • Harris vs Biden policiesDuring Biden's presidency, Harris's more liberal policies on NATO funding and China contrast with Biden's current positions, leading to a widening wealth gap and less confrontational approach towards China.

      Kamala Harris was considered the most liberal senator during her tenure, with policies more radical than Joe Biden's. Harris's stance on issues like NATO funding and China contrasts with Biden's current positions. During Biden's presidency, the wealth gap has widened. Trump was the first president to push NATO members to pay their fair share, and Biden has not continued this push. Additionally, Trump's stance on China as a potential threat to the free world contrasts with Biden's more conciliatory approach. The discussion also touched on NATO's history of nations not paying their fair share and Trump's attempts to change that. Trump's skepticism towards China as a rising superpower was also highlighted, contrasting with Biden's current stance.

    • US geopolitical power, China and RussiaConcerns over growing Chinese and Russian influence, criticism of Biden's handling of China and continuation of tariffs, debate over Kamala Harris' ascension to VP, calls for transparency and accountability in electoral process, criticism of democratic principles being undermined

      The discussion revolved around the geopolitical power of the United States under President Joe Biden, with a focus on recent military intercepts involving Chinese and Russian bombers. The speakers expressed concern over the growing influence of China and Russia, while also criticizing Biden for continuing tariffs on China and criticizing his predecessor, Donald Trump. The conversation also touched on the controversy surrounding Kamala Harris' ascension to the vice presidency and accusations of democratic principles being violated. The speakers argued that the actions of certain politicians and media outlets were undermining democracy and called for transparency and accountability in the electoral process. Overall, the tone was critical of the current political climate and emphasized the importance of upholding democratic values.

    • Media bias towards Biden's mental fitnessSome media personalities faced criticism for not acknowledging Biden's mental fitness concerns during the campaign, despite past expressions, and were accused of carrying water for him.

      During the discussion, it was pointed out that many people, including some media personalities, were criticized for not acknowledging former Vice President Joe Biden's mental fitness during the 2020 presidential campaign, despite expressing concerns about it in the past. The criticism was that these individuals, such as Van Jones and Anderson Cooper, were carrying water for Biden and not being truthful about their previous beliefs. The conversation also touched upon the role of social media platforms in shaping public discourse and the importance of addressing issues that matter to the working class.

    • Biden's retirement plans, Harris's ethnicityDiscussion revolved around Biden's retirement plans, including fishing trip, podcast, and reality series. Harris's ethnicity was also debated as first black or Indian American VP. Controversial topics like Trump's tweets and Biden's past campaigns were touched upon.

      During a conversation, the topic shifted to former Vice President Joe Biden's retirement plans. It was mentioned that Biden would be doing various things in retirement, including a father-son fishing trip, settling feuds, starting a podcast, and participating in a reality series. There was also a discussion about Kamala Harris's ethnicity and whether she is the first black or Indian American vice president. The conversation also touched upon some controversial topics, such as Trump's tweets and Biden's past campaigns. Overall, the conversation showcased a lively exchange of opinions and debates on various topics.

    • Rumble's challenge to traditional mediaRumble, a livestream platform, aims to disrupt traditional media's dominance during elections by providing an independent source of information and encouraging collective action among viewers.

      Rumble, a livestream platform, aims to challenge the dominance of traditional media during elections by providing an alternative source of information. The host emphasizes their independence from political endorsements and big tech, positioning Rumble as a powerful force that can change minds and influence the election narrative. They encourage viewers to join their community and engage with their content, emphasizing the importance of collective action in shaping the political discourse. The ultimate goal is to disrupt the established election reporting process and create a new foundation for how elections are observed and reported.

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    SOURCES: https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/sources-august-28-2024

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    GUEST: Josh Firestine

    SOURCES: https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/sources-august-27-2024

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    Music by @Pogo

    Louder with Crowder
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    DNC Fact-Checking Livestream Night 2

    DNC Fact-Checking Livestream Night 2

    Welcome to DNC Night 4 - The second of our two-night Mega Live Steam Event!

    Willie Brown’s former side piece, Vice President Kamala Harris will obfuscate her lack of a policy platform with empty rhetoric and showmanship! Tonight’s lineup includes Senators Alex Padilla [D-CA], Bob Casey [D-PA], Tammy Baldwin [D-WI], Elizabeth Warren [D-MA], Mark Kelly [D-AZ], Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper, Civil Rights leader Al Sharpton, President of the American Federation of Teachers Randi Weingarten, pop star Pink, Adam Kinzinger has the nerve to show up, along with many more!

    We have new drinking game rules, live fact-checking of Kamalie’s non-existent policy platform, and more!

    GUEST: Nick Di Paolo

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    SOURCES: https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/dnc-fact-checking-livestream-night-2 NEW MERCH! https://crowdershop.com/

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    Music by @Pogo

    Louder with Crowder
    enAugust 23, 2024

    DNC Mega Livestream Fact-Check | Round 1

    DNC Mega Livestream Fact-Check | Round 1

    Welcome to DNC Night 3 - The first of our two-night Mega Live Steam Event!

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    GUEST: Nick Di Paolo

    Use Promo Code COMRADEKAMALA for $15 off Mug Club TODAY ONLY: https://mugclub.rumble.com/support/promo/COMRADEKAMALA

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    SOURCES: https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/sources-dnc-tim-walz

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    Music by @Pogo

    Louder with Crowder
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    GUEST: Josh Firestine

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    SOURCES: https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/sources-august-20-2024

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    Music by @Pogo

    Louder with Crowder
    enAugust 20, 2024

    Kamala’s Drunk Communist Economic Policies Explained | GUEST: Paulo Figueiredo

    Kamala’s Drunk Communist Economic Policies Explained | GUEST: Paulo Figueiredo

    What a weekend for Vice President Kamala Harris! The Democratic frontrunner went off script over the weekend, proving yet again she can’t be trusted to speak freely without jeopardizing her campaign, she revealed her economic policy platform including price controls, Elon Musk announced X is closing down in Brazil over takedown requests by a corrupt judge, Jake Paul and Mike Tyson held a wild press conference in anticipation of their upcoming bout, Brazilian journalist Paulo Figueiredo joins us, and more!

    GUEST: Paulo Figueiredo | Josh Firestine

    SOURCES: https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/sources-august-19-2024

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    Music by @Pogo

    Louder with Crowder
    enAugust 19, 2024

    Why is “Conservative” Fox News Covering for Kamala?

    Why is “Conservative” Fox News Covering for Kamala?

    Donald Trump and Kamala Harris are in North Carolina this week to talk about the American economy, reports yesterday indicated United States officials gave Iran the names of the Mossad officials responsible for the death of Hamas leader, Ismail Haniyeh, a shocking report now denied, Fox News is posting woke headlines highlighting underreported crime statistics, and more!

    GUEST: Josh Firestine

    Go to www.cbdistillery.com and use promo code CROWDER for 20% off!

    SOURCES: https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/sources-august-15-2024

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    Subscribe to my podcast: https://rss.com/podcasts/louder-with-crowder/

    FOLLOW ME: Website: https://louderwithcrowder.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/scrowder Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/louderwithcrowder Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stevencrowderofficial

    Music by @Pogo

    Louder with Crowder
    enAugust 15, 2024