
    About this Episode

    Welcome back to Legaltini! 

    This is the third and final podcast in my series on my summer internship at a Big Law firm. In the first two episodes I discussed what big law even is, what to do to land a summer associate position at a Big Law firm, and some common pitfalls to avoid. In this week's episode, I share what things to do once you finally land a summer internship (at a big or small firm). There are two things firms are looking for and one thing they are absolutely NOT looking for. I also share my tips for time management and getting the work done once you get started! 

    Thanks for listening, and don't forget to rate/review/subscribe below!

    Cheers y'all *clink*


    Recent Episodes from Legaltini

    Jumping into another Semester (Before I am Ready)

    Jumping into another Semester (Before I am Ready)

    Welcome to Legaltini! 

    In this episode I share how I'm preparing for this semester even though I don't really feel rested or prepared. It's okay to jump before you feel ready and figure it out as you go along. Life comes at you fast sometimes, and you can't always have everything figured out before you start (which is my worst nightmare!!). I'm leaning into that and sharing how adjusting my perspective has helped me. In this episode I cover:

    1. Organizing my tools
    2. Planning out my study schedule
    3. Prioritizing self-care and relationships
    4. Shifting my perspective

    Thanks for listening, and don't forget to rate/review/subscribe below!

    Cheers y'all *clink*🍸

    Staying Organized in Chaos

    Staying Organized in Chaos

    Welcome back to Legaltini! 

    In this week's episode we dive head-first into the crazy of law school! I think I have found a way to describe what law school feels like, but you tell me. In this podcast I share 6 key things to do that will help you stay organized in times of chaos or crazy (whether that's law school or something else!). Hopefully these can help you navigate the challenges you face with calm and confidence! 

    Thanks for listening, and don't forget to rate/review/subscribe below!

    Cheers y'all *clink*

    How to Turn Challenge into Mental Strength

    How to Turn Challenge into Mental Strength

    Welcome back to Legaltini! 

    This week's episode is all about how to turn challenges into opportunities to grow your mental strength. First we talk about perspective and why that is so key to changing your approach, then we talk about four real tactics to tap into your full mental-potential and what you can do today to make a small shift that has a HUGE impact over time. This one is perfect for right before the next semester of school (or life challenge) begins. You've got this difficult thing in front of you, why not make the most of your experience and come out on the other side stronger than ever? I believe in you! Do you?

    Thanks for listening, and don't forget to rate/review/subscribe below!

    Cheers y'all *clink*

    Big Law Summer: Tips for Success (Part 3)

    Big Law Summer: Tips for Success (Part 3)

    Welcome back to Legaltini! 

    This is the third and final podcast in my series on my summer internship at a Big Law firm. In the first two episodes I discussed what big law even is, what to do to land a summer associate position at a Big Law firm, and some common pitfalls to avoid. In this week's episode, I share what things to do once you finally land a summer internship (at a big or small firm). There are two things firms are looking for and one thing they are absolutely NOT looking for. I also share my tips for time management and getting the work done once you get started! 

    Thanks for listening, and don't forget to rate/review/subscribe below!

    Cheers y'all *clink*


    How to Land a Big Law Job - PART 2

    How to Land a Big Law Job - PART 2

    Welcome back to Legaltini! 

    This is the second part of a now three-part series on Big Law and my experience so far. (Episode three will be about how to succeed once you get the job!) In this episode I share seven things to think about and to do if you want to land a summer associate position at a Big Law firm. This is what worked for me and based on what I have heard from attorneys making hiring decisions at different firms. Obviously every firm takes a unique approach, but I hope these tips help you at least avoid some common pitfalls. 

    Thanks for listening, and don't forget to rate/review/subscribe below!

    Cheers y'all *clink*

    Ps. here is a pod I referenced in this episode related to networking!


    My Summer Job in Big Law (what's that?) PART 1

    My Summer Job in Big Law (what's that?) PART 1

    Welcome back to Legaltini! 

    This is the first part of a two-part series on Big Law and my experience so far. In this episode we first go through what even IS "Big Law" that everyone keeps talking about - and then I share my experience so far working in a Big Law firm this summer. Next week I will talk about how to get a job in Big Law and then how to be successful in whatever you're doing this summer (with tips to start using right away!)

    Thanks for listening, and don't forget to rate/review/subscribe below!

    Cheers y'all *clink*

    Ps. here is another pod where I interviewed an attorney working in Big Law - super interesting if you want more context around the experience!



    1L Recap: Reflect, Revise & Reframe, PLUS What to Do Before 1L Year

    1L Recap: Reflect, Revise & Reframe, PLUS What to Do Before 1L Year

    Welcome back to Legaltini! 

    This week is all about 1L year and reflecting on that whole experience. I give you nine prompts to reflect on your experience and go through each of them with my answers! Then we revise our approach and reframe our perspective using our understanding of the experience based on our reflections ✨ Finally, I go through what to do (and not do!) before your 1L year of law school! 

    Thanks for listening, and don't forget to rate/review/subscribe below!

    Cheers y'all *clink*

    Ps. here is the link for the podcast I recommend in the show! 



    Big Picture Perspective

    Big Picture Perspective

    Welcome back to Legaltini! 

    This week's episode focuses on the frenzy around finals and challenging seasons of life, and how to stay grounded with big picture perspective. Turns out, taking care of your brain and mental health doesn't require expensive trips to the beach (although I wouldn't be that mad about one of those!). But it does require prioritizing and making space for yourself. Listen in for a lil more about that! 

    Thanks for listening, and don't forget to rate/review/subscribe below!

    Cheers y'all *clink*

    Revisiting your WHY Statement

    Revisiting your WHY Statement

    Welcome back to Legaltini! 

    In this week's episode we chat about the sophmore slump of the second semester! I don't know about you, but this one has been dragging on and I am tired (all the time!). But it doesn't have to stay that way - we have a powerful tool within our reach that can re-motivate and get us back on track! It's called a WHY statement! 

    I also talk through several observations I have made about life ~lately~ and how those don't need to be "good" or "bad" observations, they are just a realistic inventory about where I'm at and what next steps I can take to keep moving towards my goals. 

    Thanks for listening, and don't forget to rate/review/subscribe below!

    Cheers y'all *clink*

    Talk Back to Imposter Syndrome

    Talk Back to Imposter Syndrome

    Welcome back to Legaltini! In this week's episode, learn about talking back to imposter syndrome. When that little voice (sometimes very loud voice) in your mind tells you that you're not enough or you don't belong, what do you do? I've got six practical things to do, and they all start with one simple way to reframe your experience. Are you ready to quiet that voice and get to work on the challenges ahead of you?

    Please rate and review if you enjoy the show!

    Cheers y'alll!
