
    Biggest Lessons, Almost Quitting the Podcast, and What’s Next (Final Wrap-Up with Sabrina)

    enMay 10, 2023

    About this Episode

    In this final episode with Sabrina, we’re wrapping up Season 7 by discussing her time on the podcast. From the brave leap of being this transparent to the time she wanted to never talk to me again to what’s next for us and her business. We’re sharing it all in this final wrap up (including a surprise)!


    In this episode, you’ll hear:


    • How Sabrina felt about the experience she had with being on the podcast and her thoughts around being even more visible through these coaching sessions

    • A surprise that both Sabrina and I have committed to that will be beneficial to her, our coach/client relationship, and to you as a listener of LITerally

    • Why I got to a point where I personally wanted to be done with this season (and Sabrina’s side about why she stayed committed)

    • The biggest lessons Sabrina is taking away from the past seven months 

    • Why everything can’t be ‘aligned’ always and Sabrina’s strengths in business that have helped her to be as successful as she is

    • What’s next for her and the one thing I want to point out about her business that people might not expect


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    Recent Episodes from LITerally

    Messaging, Marketing and Finding the Thread (Session 5 with Robyn)

    Messaging, Marketing and Finding the Thread (Session 5 with Robyn)

    In Session 5 with Robyn, we discuss a new message that’s come alive for her, the marketing behind it and the thread that’s been there for her all along. It’s a deep dive into finding the balance between what is great marketing alongside what is also great for and aligned to the business owner. Whether you’re just getting started or continuing to refine your message over time, this will be so useful. 

    In this episode, you’ll hear:

    • The thing that gave me a big aha as Robyn’s coach 

    • What makes something a ‘marketing dream’ but what you still have to consider in addition to that 

    • The two things we need to do with our marketing to see big results

    • One thing you want to ensure your message always does 

    • How market research can drive you in the wrong direction 

    • What always translates to the best content 

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    Deep Grief and Sacred Rage (Session 4 with Robyn)

    Deep Grief and Sacred Rage (Session 4 with Robyn)

    In Session 4 with Robyn, we go deep. We talk about being the default parent, the toxicity of doing it all, sacred rage, and deep grief. Robyn shares so openly and vulnerably that I’m moved to tears even typing these words. It’s a truly beautiful episode that, while touching on many personal things, really is a testament to the power of vulnerability. With yourself and with others. I’m so grateful to Robyn for this episode. I know you’ll feel the same. 

    In this episode, you’ll hear:

    • The real challenge of being the default parent and business owner that needs to get talked about more

    • The toxicity of “doing it all” (and why ALUL didn’t grow last year)

    • Re-working the entire foundation of your belief system and what that entails 

    • How to find ease and neutrality in business even when business isn’t easy 

    • The sacred rage Robyn is letting herself lean into and what grief is teaching her


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    Scaling and Selling a Large Group Offer vs. 1:1 Services (Close-Up with Lacey)

    Scaling and Selling a Large Group Offer vs. 1:1 Services (Close-Up with Lacey)

    In this solo episode, we discuss the differences in scaling and selling a large group offer vs. 1:1. Too often in the online space we act as though these are exactly the same in terms of how you’d approach them strategically and they are absolutely not. We dive into the differences, how that’s showing up for Robyn, and the “why” behind different strategic choices so that you can feel more clear on the what and why and can apply it to your own business for more results.

    In this episode, you’ll hear:

    • How to distinguish what might be relevant to you and your business here and what to let go of

    • When it actually matters to niche and what that can look like 

    • What building relationships look like at different stages of business 

    • How you need to shift your view on marketing when it’s time to reach more people

    • The fundamental principle behind growing a scalable offer 


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    Scaling, Messaging and Being Misunderstood (Session 3 with Robyn)

    Scaling, Messaging and Being Misunderstood (Session 3 with Robyn)

    In Session 3 with Robyn, we discuss all things scaling and messaging. The truth is, in order to scale a program you need specific messaging that helps you stand out, and we’re getting clear on what that means for Robyn. Some of it is mindset and energetic and some of it is smart strategy, and you’ll get to see how it all fits together. We also dive into some of the shadow sides of sharing in this way- like the fact that people will misunderstand you no matter what. It’s a great episode that blends a bit of everything and will absolutely have some nuggets for you no matter where you’re at in your own journey. 

    In this episode, you’ll hear:


    • Why we often undervalue the things that come easiest to us

    • What to do if social media feels like a high school cafeteria

    • How to cultivate a willingness to deal with the challenges that come with growth (like being misunderstood)

    • An important Q to ask yourself to determine your best strategy 

    • The thing that matters most for scaling (that you don’t have to worry about for 1:1)

    • An obvious but important messaging hack that just might blow your mind 


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    Centering Yourself (Session 2 with Robyn)

    Centering Yourself (Session 2 with Robyn)

    In Session 2 with Robyn, we start with leaning into pricing and strategy and end up going WAY deeper into the new identity that’s emerging for Robyn and the importance of centering yourself in your own life and business more. We talk about ‘look at me marketing’, the patriarchy & systems that impact how we show up, and the identity shift Robyn is experiencing as she comes back to herself after pregnancy, grief, and loss. 

    In this episode, you’ll hear:


    • The things that actually communicate who your program is for (outside of just what you’re saying about it)

    • The good/bad that comes with hearing “This is so much more valuable than I thought!”

    • What truly makes someone compelling

    • The problem with the “I’ll just go show them” mentality we can get stuck in (and that I often find myself stuck in too!)

    • A look at the systems that influence how we engage with life and our businesses 

    • The importance of “centering” yourself and how Robyn is entering a new era around this concept


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    Scaling a Good Thing (Session 1 with Robyn)

    Scaling a Good Thing (Session 1 with Robyn)

    In Session 1 with Robyn, we get to know her and her business and discuss how it can be quite scary to scale a good thing. Robyn’s plans for her business have changed quite a bit in recent months and she’s looking at re-working and re-defining what’s there (even though, in many ways, she loves it as is). We dive into her current offers, what motivates her, and the fears that come with change. 

    In this episode, you’ll hear:

    • Why it can be really scary to scale what’s already working well 

    • The thing Robyn shares that MOST of the online space would label as a block, and why I feel differently 

    • Permission to prioritize your lifestyle over massive numbers (and what that looks like)

    • How a boring business can be the best thing for you

    • The fears around fractured audience trust that can come with big change 

    • How control shows up in our business (especially after traumatic experiences) 


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    Meet Our Season 9 Coachee (Introduction with Robyn)

    Meet Our Season 9 Coachee (Introduction with Robyn)

    In this Intro to Season 9, we kick off with a get-to-know-you session with our new coachee, Robyn Gooding! It’s such a fun conversation that takes you deep on Robyn’s story and gives you context around who she is, what both of her businesses are, what her life is like as a mama (whose husband travels for work), and what she’s most excited and freaked out about when it comes to being on the podcast. 


    In this episode, you’ll hear:

    • Robyn’s super interesting back story and how coaching “chose her”

    • Why Robyn wanted to work together and what made her say ‘yes’ to the podcast 

    • My perspective on why I knew Robyn was the perfect person for Season 9 

    • How the thing Robyn is most excited for is also the thing she’s most scared of 

    • The big life shifts and challenges Robyn has recently faced and how that changed her perspective on showing up here so vulnerably


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    The Challenges of Being a Working Mom, Accountability, and Sustainable Growth (Final Wrap-Up with Angie)

    The Challenges of Being a Working Mom, Accountability, and Sustainable Growth (Final Wrap-Up with Angie)

    In this final episode with Angie, we’re wrapping up Season 8 and going fully off of our normal wrap up questions! Typically, I ask specific Q’s about someone’s time on the podcast and that was… not at all what we did this episode. We had an incredible convo on the challenges of being a working mom, what accountability means, what really creates sustainable growth in business, and the huge year Angie has had. It is such a juicy convo (that I cannot wait for you to hear), and the best way we could have wrapped this season. 

    In this episode, you’ll hear:

    • Our take on the challenges working mothers face

    • Angie’s truth (that she knows she’ll be judged for) around how she feels as a working mom

    • A personal share about something my therapist reminded me of recently 

    • Angie’s funny (but deeply important and telling) share that she surprises me with 

    • Angie’s revelations around accountability and sustainable growth

    • A reflection on Angie’s year and what it means to honor and acknowledge the tough seasons


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    Accountability, Time Tracking and CEO Shifts (Session 18 with Angie)

    Accountability, Time Tracking and CEO Shifts (Session 18 with Angie)

    In our FINAL session with Angie (Session 18), we discuss her perspective on accountability after having all of her sessions recorded and what it did (and didn’t) do for her. We also review her Toggl report, talk about if she’s truly one of those people who are “busy but don’t work” and look at what CEO shifts she can make to be able to both run AND grow the business without burning out. 


    In this episode, you’ll hear:


    • What I actually think about external accountability (this will probably surprise you)

    • The realizations Angie had from tracking her time for a week

    • The reality of being a busy CEO and running a business that doesn’t get talked about enough

    • The important consideration we must make before we say ‘yes’ to something new

    • The challenge of both running AND growing a business (and how to navigate it)

    • The check in we end with that is the question most of us need to ask ourselves (and won’t always give ourselves permission for)


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    Redefining Values & Managing Overwhelm (Session 17 with Angie)

    Redefining Values & Managing Overwhelm (Session 17 with Angie)

    In Session 17 with Angie, we discuss how she’s feeling as she expands support into more areas of her business. We also discuss her fear of being busy but not working, and the real challenges of being a single working mom and Black Woman. Finally, we dive into what it means to redefine some of her values that aren’t fully serving her, and the practical shift she can start leaning into around that.

    In this episode, you’ll hear:

    • What it looks like as Angie’s support expands to other areas of the business (and the good and bad of that)

    • The systemic challenges of being a working mom and a Black Woman 

    • Angie’s biggest fear (that she’s worried she’s fallen into)

    • How to know when it’s time to redefine our values

    • One of the best practical tips for ditching the overwhelm and moving forward 


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