
    Bill Lee | The Ben Shapiro Show Sunday Special Ep. 133

    enNovember 06, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Tennessee's Business-Friendly Environment Attracts Companies and IndividualsUnder Governor Bill Lee's leadership, Tennessee's business-friendly climate has attracted companies and individuals, leading to economic growth and job creation.

      Tennessee, under Governor Bill Lee's leadership, has become a business and individual magnet due to its business-friendly environment. The governor's background in running a successful company for over 30 years has informed his policies, making Tennessee a place that values opportunity, security, and freedom. This has led to a surge of companies and individuals moving to the state, creating jobs and economic growth. Despite this success, some politicians fail to understand the importance of creating a business-friendly climate. Governor Lee's reelection race and the Republican momentum across the country highlight the significance of this issue. Additionally, Governor Lee is committed to protecting children from transgender indoctrination and addressing other important issues, such as abortion bans and jobs throughout the state. Overall, Tennessee serves as a reminder that America can thrive when given the right opportunities and freedoms.

    • A business background benefits political leadersPoliticians with business experience can make informed decisions, understand business challenges, and effectively manage budgets for their constituents' benefit.

      Having a background in business and understanding its complexities can greatly benefit political leaders in making informed decisions that positively impact their constituents. Governor Asa Hutchinson, a businessman turned politician, emphasized the importance of a business-friendly environment and the significance of managing budgets effectively. He also highlighted the value of personal experiences and the intersection of people's lives and government in inspiring him to enter politics. The lack of business experience in some political circles can lead to misunderstandings about the needs of businesses and the consequences of poor budget management. By drawing on their business backgrounds, politicians can better understand the challenges faced by businesses and make decisions that foster growth and prosperity.

    • Transitioning from business to politics: Compromise and understanding the big pictureIn politics, compromise is necessary for the greater good, while holding onto core principles and values. Civil and respectful interactions can lead to getting things done, recognizing the dignity of people and valuing relationships is crucial.

      Transitioning from running a business to politics requires a new level of compromise and understanding the big picture for the greater good. While compromise is necessary in business, politics requires making decisions that may not be fully understood by others, but ultimately benefit the people. It's essential to hold onto core principles and values while being civil and respectful towards others, even if they have different viewpoints. The online political world has contributed to polarization, but in-person interactions and compromise can lead to getting things done without alienating people. Ultimately, recognizing the dignity of people and valuing relationships is crucial in both business and politics.

    • Trusting Individuals' Decisions During CrisesGovernor Bill Lee trusts individuals to make decisions, keeping businesses open and encouraging vaccinations during the COVID-19 pandemic, while maintaining control over personal digital footprint with ExpressVPN.

      Governor Bill Lee believes in trusting individuals to make decisions for themselves, even during crises like the COVID-19 pandemic. He acknowledges the challenges of balancing public health with livelihoods and personal freedoms. Lee's approach was to keep businesses open and to encourage vaccinations, while relying on people to make good choices for themselves. This philosophy, which he also applies to education and healthcare, was not without controversy, particularly in regards to his handling of COVID. Despite the pressure and pushback, Lee remained committed to trusting the people of Tennessee to make the best decisions for themselves. Regarding technology privacy, Lee uses ExpressVPN to protect his online activity from being tracked and sold by big tech companies. He believes that individuals should have control over their digital footprint.

    • Local decision-making during COVID-19Effective communication and collaboration are crucial for local decision-making during a crisis. While federal guidance is important, states and localities must balance competing interests and make decisions that best serve their communities.

      During the COVID-19 pandemic, making decisions at the local level, while balancing various competing interests, was crucial for effective governance. The speaker, a former governor, emphasized the importance of local decision-making, citing examples like mask mandates and school policies. He also noted that while federal guidance was important, it was ultimately up to states and localities to decide what was best for their communities. The speaker's experience with the Trump administration showed a hands-off approach, allowing states to make their own decisions. However, there were challenges, such as when local decisions didn't align with the state's interests. Effective communication and collaboration with various stakeholders, including hospitals and school systems, were essential in navigating these complex issues. Despite the controversy surrounding school closures and reopenings, the speaker highlighted Tennessee's approach of keeping schools open as much as possible, emphasizing the importance of in-person learning for children's education and social development.

    • Tennessee Schools Reopened Amidst COVID-19 and Implemented Learning Programs to Address Potential LossTennessee schools reopened during COVID-19, addressing potential learning loss through learning camps, summer schools, and tutoring programs. Parents are concerned about activist-run school boards and indoctrination, and securing adequate life insurance coverage is crucial for financial security.

      During the COVID-19 pandemic, schools in Tennessee opened up for in-person learning despite initial concerns about children's health. Statistically, children were not getting seriously ill from COVID-19, and closing schools had negative health consequences. To address potential learning loss, the state called a special session in January 2021 to implement learning camps, summer schools, and tutoring programs. The speaker expressed concerns about the education system more broadly, noting that parents are becoming increasingly aware of activist-run school boards and indoctrination in schools, often spearheaded by organizations like the American Federation of Teachers and the National Education Association. Regarding personal finance, the speaker emphasized the importance of securing adequate life insurance coverage to provide financial security for families. Policygenius was recommended as a resource for finding and buying affordable life insurance policies with ease and avoiding unnecessary medical exams.

    • Empowering Parents in Education DecisionsParents should have the final say in their children's education, including school choice and curriculum, to meet their unique learning needs.

      Parents should have the ultimate decision-making authority when it comes to their children's education. According to the speaker, parents are best equipped to decide where their kids should go to school and what they should learn. The speaker shares his personal experience of helping a kid from a difficult background by moving him to a better school. He also advocates for school choice and believes that different kids have different educational needs. The speaker criticizes the idea of keeping kids locked into failing schools and throwing money at them as the solution. He also hints at the potential influence of teachers' unions in opposing education choices for students. The speaker's education strategy is focused on empowering parents to make the best decisions for their children's education.

    • Impact of Prioritizing Systems Over StudentsPrioritizing systems over students can hinder educational opportunities and lead to questionable decisions. School choice and gender affirming healthcare are examples of issues where individual student needs can be overlooked.

      Prioritizing systems over students can hinder educational opportunities and lead to questionable decisions. The speaker shared their experience with the positive impact of school choice on disadvantaged students, but faced opposition, leading them to believe that those in power are more invested in the system than individual students. Additionally, they discussed concerns over gender affirming healthcare for minors, expressing the importance of protecting children from life-altering decisions made by adults. The speaker commended efforts to expose and prevent such issues and expressed optimism about legislative action. The conversation began with a discussion on the increasing funding for traditional schools and the implementation of an Education Savings Account program to provide more educational choices for disadvantaged students.

    • Staying Vigilant in the Education SystemBe aware of potential issues in education, review materials, and advocate for children's learning of fundamental academic subjects.

      It's crucial for individuals and society to be vigilant about potential issues, especially within the education system. Many people may underestimate the significance of seemingly small or complicated matters, but upon closer examination, they can reveal larger problems that warrant action. For instance, inappropriate books in school libraries or teachers promoting controversial theories contradicting science and decency are issues that can go unnoticed but deserve attention. Parents should have the right to transparently review educational materials and have a process to remove them if necessary. It's essential to protect and preserve the quality of education for children, ensuring they are learning fundamental academic subjects. The left's reaction to these concerns is often dismissive, but it's important to acknowledge and address these issues, not to attack or suppress them. As a society, we must stay informed and advocate for our children's education.

    • Personalization and collective action in mattress shopping and state governanceHelix Sleep offers personalized mattresses through a sleep quiz and caters to individual needs. States' rights and collective power are crucial in advocating for state interests against federal overreach.

      When it comes to finding the perfect mattress for a good night's sleep, personalization matters. Helix Sleep offers a sleep quiz to match your body type and preferences to the ideal mattress model. Their mattresses, including the Helix Plus for plus size sleepers, cater to individual needs, ensuring proper spinal alignment and comfort. Helix also provides free shipping, a 10-year warranty, and a 100-night risk-free trial. As for governing, the governor of a major state shared his experience dealing with a federal government that doesn't always align with state interests. He emphasized the importance of states' rights and collective power in pushing back against overreach. In both cases, personalization and collective action are essential for addressing unique needs and challenges. So, whether it's finding the perfect mattress or advocating for state rights, remember that understanding individual needs and working together can lead to better outcomes.

    • The Future of Democratic Innovation Lies in State GovernanceAmericans are recognizing the significance of state-level control and looking to states as laboratories for democratic innovation, as seen in recent elections and mass migrations to regions with conservative approaches.

      The hope for the future of the country may not come from top-down decisions made by the federal government, but rather from the experiments in governance taking place in the states. The last few years have shown that control at the state level matters greatly, as seen in the mass migration to regions with conservative approaches and the potential for traditionally Democratic states to elect Republican governors. Americans are becoming increasingly aware of the differences in governance models and are starting to look to states as laboratories for democratic innovation. Even some on the left are growing concerned about the direction of democratic governance in places like New York, where issues like crime, taxation, and COVID-19 mandates are causing frustration. The importance of governorships and local control is becoming more evident, and it's leading to a shift in the political landscape.

    • States with lower taxes and debt attracting residents from high-tax areasEconomically prosperous, fiscally conservative states like Tennessee are experiencing population growth due to lower taxes, while high-tax, high-debt states lose residents. This trend could lead to a significant shift in power at the federal level during the upcoming election cycle.

      Economically prosperous, fiscally conservative states are experiencing a significant influx of residents leaving high-tax, high-debt states. This trend is driven by the powerful impact of lower taxes on individuals' personal finances. Tennessee, as an example, boasts the lowest tax per capita and debt per capita in the country, along with a thriving economy and surpluses for infrastructure and education. This election cycle, the "red wave" of Republican victories could lead to a major shift in power at the federal level, potentially allowing for the devolution of power from the federal government to the states. Additionally, preserving old memories through services like Legacy Box is a simple yet meaningful way to ensure cherished moments are safely kept for future generations.

    • Cherish cherished memories with Legacy Box's Black Friday saleDuring the holiday season, focus on personal memories and take advantage of Legacy Box's sale for preserving them. In politics, prioritize systemic changes that devolve power to states and handle sensitive issues with sensitivity while respecting differing opinions.

      During this holiday season, cherish your cherished memories by taking advantage of Legacy Box's Black Friday sale at legacybox.com/shapiro. Meanwhile, in politics, the role of the federal government versus the states is a topic of debate. If Republicans gain control, they should focus on systemic changes that devolve power back to the states, rather than creating federal policies for all. This approach aligns with conservative principles and respects the Constitution. Regarding a contentious issue like abortion, as a governor, one should handle it sensitively while upholding personal beliefs and protecting the rights of the most vulnerable. Republicans should openly express their convictions and respect differing opinions.

    • The Importance of Local Decision-Making in Abortion RightsThe overturning of Roe v. Wade has led to diverse state laws and policies, reflecting the need for local decision-making and balancing limited government with promoting the common good.

      The recent debate over abortion rights highlights the importance of local decision-making and the limitations of a one-size-fits-all approach. The overturning of Roe v. Wade has led to varying laws and policies across different states, reflecting the diverse values and beliefs of their populations. This localist perspective defuses the issue to some extent, as people's opinions on abortion are already established and have influenced their voting patterns. The ongoing conversation between traditional and new right conservatives revolves around the balance between limited government and promoting the common good. As a leader, it's crucial to determine when government intervention is necessary for the well-being and protection of its citizens.

    • America's resilience and adaptabilityThe U.S. will continue to evolve towards unity, with Americans making necessary decisions and adapting to changes, despite media attempts to create divisiveness.

      Despite the vast differences in worldviews and governance strategies between various states and regions in the U.S., the country will continue to move towards a more perfect union through course adjustments and the emergence of leaders who unite the people. The speaker expresses optimism about America's ability to make necessary decisions and adapt to changes, and believes that Americans are resilient and intelligent enough to prevent the country from falling apart. The media's alarmist push towards the supposed death of democracy is seen as an attempt to create divisiveness, which sells in the media landscape. Ultimately, the speaker trusts the American people to respond to overreach and make informed decisions based on their principles.

    • The Power of Divisiveness in EntertainmentWhile divisiveness can be entertaining and attract audiences, the speaker argues that Americans value principled decency and it's important for the country's well-being.

      Divisiveness is a valuable tool in entertainment and media, as people are drawn to contentious debates and fights. This strategy intentionally creates division, and while some may question the motives behind it, it is undeniably exciting and attractive to audiences. However, the speaker believes that Americans crave principled decency and that it is essential for the well-being of the country. Moving forward, the speaker invites listeners to join a full conversation on their plans for the next term if they win the governor's seat, which can be accessed through a Daily Wire Plus membership. Overall, the conversation highlights the complex relationship between divisiveness and entertainment, and the potential impact on society.

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    Episode 274- Got To Get Together

    Episode 274- Got To Get Together

    www.commsolutionsmn.com- There is a new group called Minnesota Parents' Alliance that is focused on education, equality, and parents' rights. That has made them public enemy #1 among the left. There are a lot of parents across the country that are starting to stand up. These parents have great reason to stand up when you think about the radical agendas coming out of the schools with critical race theory, gender identity, and other left-wing causes. They speak out at school board meetings, but also back candidates that have run and won races across the state and have a voter guide.

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    Have you checked out our Spotify playlist? At the beginning of each episode, Jason quotes some song lyrics that have to do with the subject matter of the podcast. Andrew never knows what they are, but now he can… and so can you! We’ve launched the Spotify playlist: “Community Solutions Music From the Podcast!” You can listen to Roundabout from Yes after listing to Episode 30 on Roundabouts… or kick back and enjoy a rocking playlist just for the thrill of it. We add a new song every week. Subscribe and enjoy!

    Don’t forget that you can also subscribe to our podcast on iTunes, Google Play, and Spotify!

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    Mouse Trap

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    Moms on a Mission | Education | Guest Erin Lee | Transgender Indoctrination | Parental Rights | Sexualization of Children | Transparency in Education

    Today we are joined by super mom, Erin Lee. This Colorado mom explains how her middle school daughter was invited to join a secret Gay Straight Awareness/Alliance club where the teacher and teaching volunteer spoke about gender and sexuality while urging students to hide information from their parents. Erin goes on to describe how her daughter revealed this disturbing information to her and her husband and how the school responded when they asked why this curriculum  was being taught in a middle school  program without parent permission. We discuss the response of the school and how the state of Colorado continues to push legislation supporting left wing ideology that systematically removes parents from obtaining important information about school curriculum. Erin gives some advice on how parents can push back against controversial school policy and shares how she has started her own organization, erinforparentalrights.com, that is fighting for parental rights, transparency in education, and against the sexualization of children.












    Episode 97 - A Discussion on the new BESE Board, Parental Rights & Accountability feat. Paige Lowry

    Episode 97 - A Discussion on the new BESE Board, Parental Rights & Accountability feat. Paige Lowry

    Chris and Danielle get to engage with Paige Lowry, co-founder of East Baton Rouge’s Moms for Liberty, in today’s episode! When it comes to parental concerns on education, what does Paige think about Louisiana’s progress and potential? 



    Psalms 73:24-26 TPT





    • Danielle reflects on faith, trust, and doing good (02:32)
    • The State of Freedom welcomes Paige Lowry (05:22)
    • What is the BESE Board  (09:48)
    • Issues challenging parents and education today (13:05)
    • The search for state oversight (17:42)
    • Frustrating issues in addressing problems (24:20)
    • How can the BESE and parents work together (31:10)
    • Learn more about Moms for Liberty (38:57)
    • State of Freedom’s closing message for its listeners (42:13)





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    Music by MarkJuly from Pixaby

    Sound effects by Pixaby

    Produced by Podcasting Pros