
    Bill Maher's Crowd Roars for Russell Brand's Relentless Truth Bombs | Direct Message | Rubin Report

    enMarch 06, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Predictions for Dave Rubin's ShowThe team anticipated a successful show, with varying predictions from critical to confident, focusing on Russell Brand's challenge to corporations and medical establishments and Bernie Sanders' interview on Real Time with Bill Maher.

      During a live stream for his show, host Dave Rubin expressed his excitement for the day's content and received varying predictions for the show's success from his team. The team's assessments ranged from a critical 9.5 from Daphne to a confident 98 from Phoenix. Connor did not give a prediction. The show's focus was on Russell Brand's appearance on Real Time with Bill Maher, where he challenged the corporate media and medical establishments, and Bernie Sanders' interview on the same show where he struggled to answer a basic question about equity and equality. The team believed the show would be a success, despite some technical difficulties, and looked forward to discussing the impact of the machine's policies and the growing awareness of their damaging effects.

    • Russell Brand Challenges MSNBC's Bias ClaimsMedia outlets, including MSNBC and Fox News, should be held accountable for their actions and strive for genuine journalism that serves the public interest

      During a discussion about media bias, Russell Brand challenged the notion that MSNBC is less biased than Fox News. Brand criticized MSNBC for their handling of certain issues and lack of representation for American heroes. The host acknowledged some differences with Brand but agreed that it's essential to focus on systemic changes rather than bickering about which network is worse. The conversation highlighted the importance of holding all media outlets accountable for their actions and promoting genuine journalism that benefits the American people.

    • Media Bias and False InformationMSNBC under fire for biased reporting and spreading false info. Importance of fact-checking and holding media accountable. Michael Steele criticized for inaccurate statements. Health concerns for Joe Biden and no concrete evidence against Trump. Exaggerated authoritarianism accusations against Ron DeSantis.

      The media, specifically MSNBC, is under scrutiny for their biased reporting and constant spreading of false information. A guest on a show acknowledged this issue, stating that it's important to call out the lies to help people stay informed. Michael Steele, a former Republican National Committee head turned MSNBC host, was criticized for his factually incorrect statements during a segment. The discussion also touched on the physical fitness of potential presidential candidates, with no concrete evidence against Donald Trump, but concerns about Joe Biden's health. Additionally, the segment addressed the authoritarianism accusations against Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, which were deemed an exaggeration. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of fact-checking and holding the media accountable for their reporting.

    • Russell Brand discusses complex relationship with pharmaceutical industryRussell Brand critiques authoritarian public health approach, calls out MSNBC for potential distortions, and criticizes Bernie Sanders' political career with little accomplishments, while emphasizing the need for nuanced understanding of pharmaceutical industry's role and potential impact.

      During the discussion, Russell Brand spoke about the complex relationship with the pharmaceutical industry, acknowledging that while some lives have been saved by drugs, there are also concerns about potential harm and profit-driven motives. He criticized an authoritarian approach to public health, contrasting it with his own perspective. Meanwhile, MSNBC was called out for potential distortions and lies, and Bernie Sanders was criticized for his long political career with little accomplishments despite promoting socialist ideas. Brand's comments on the pharmaceutical industry sparked a serious conversation, highlighting the need for a nuanced understanding of the industry's role and potential impact on people's lives.

    • Bernie Sanders' Misunderstanding of Equality vs EquityBernie Sanders' lack of understanding of the difference between equality and equity raises concerns about his qualifications for higher office. His support for policies like affirmative action and student loan forgiveness, which he claims are for social justice, may actually be against the principles of equality and potentially unconstitutional.

      During a discussion on HBO's Real Time with Bill Maher, it was revealed that Bernie Sanders, a prominent figure in the Democratic Party and a strong advocate for socialist policies, lacks a clear understanding of fundamental concepts such as the difference between equality and equity. This misunderstanding is a cornerstone of his beliefs, and his inability to articulate this distinction raises concerns about his qualifications for higher office. Additionally, Sanders' support for policies like affirmative action and student loan forgiveness, which he claims are for social justice, are actually against the principles of equality. The interview also highlighted the potential unconstitutionality and potential misuse of funds from such policies. These revelations call into question Sanders' grasp of basic economic principles and his suitability for leadership roles.

    • Socialist policies may lead to misuse of fundsCriticizes socialist policies for potential misuse of funds, mentions Bernie Sanders' inconsistency, but emphasizes the importance of addressing global issues and unity among nations.

      Socialist policies, such as providing cash relief or subsidies, do not guarantee responsible use of funds by recipients. According to the speaker, people may not use the money effectively and could waste it on non-essential items. The speaker also criticized Bernie Sanders for his lack of action during Hillary Clinton's campaign and his inconsistency in advocating for war intervention. Despite the speaker's criticisms, they acknowledged the importance of addressing global issues like climate change and pandemics, and the need for unity among nations to tackle these challenges.

    • Media Manipulation and Power StructuresMedia figures and platforms can shape narratives, with older white millionaires like Bernie Sanders and Russell Brand facing different treatment. Accountability and transparency are crucial when addressing serious issues, and it's essential to critically evaluate media sources and motivations.

      The power structures in place, often referred to as "the machine," can manipulate public discourse and shape narratives through media figures and platforms. Bernie Sanders, despite his political ideologies, became a target due to his status as an older white millionaire. Russell Brand, on the other hand, gained praise for bringing receipts and challenging these structures during interviews. The Hollywood portion of the machine was also criticized for pushing controversial ideas and mocking sensitive topics, such as the Epstein scandal. The importance of accountability and transparency in addressing serious issues, like child trafficking, was emphasized. The power of media and its ability to influence public opinion is significant, and it's crucial to critically evaluate the sources and motivations behind the narratives presented.

    • Media Influence and the COVID-19 DebateMedia outlets and personalities can shape public opinion through selective narratives, potentially leading to harmful consequences such as anti-Asian sentiment and hate crimes. Critical evaluation and consideration of multiple perspectives is necessary for informed opinions.

      The media, including Jimmy Kimmel, can be influenced by external forces, leading them to promote certain narratives and suppress others. In this case, the discussion revolves around the debate over the origin of COVID-19 and the potential impact of labeling it the "China virus." While Kimmel accused Tucker Carlson of reading talking points from foreign governments, it's possible that both are influenced by their respective corporate entities or political agendas. The consequences of these narratives can be significant, as seen in the rise of anti-Asian sentiment and hate crimes. It's essential to critically evaluate the information presented by the media and consider multiple perspectives to form an informed opinion.

    • Comedians and talk show hosts manipulated by cancel cultureHigh-profile comedians and talk show hosts, like Jimmy Kimmel and Jon Stewart, are subjected to cancel culture, compromising their freedom of speech for multimillion-dollar salaries, despite their past offensive content and role as truth-tellers.

      The entertainment industry, specifically certain high-profile comedians and talk show hosts, are not only making significant sums of money but are also subjected to a "machine" that uses cancel culture to manipulate and control them. Jimmy Kimmel and Jon Stewart, who have been vocal critics of certain political figures, are examples of this. However, their past actions and comedy routines, which could be considered offensive by today's standards, might be the reason they are complying with the machine to avoid being canceled. The irony is that comedians are supposed to challenge the status quo and speak truth to power, but these hosts are instead bowing to the woke culture to secure their multimillion-dollar salaries. The hypocrisy is evident when we consider the government's responsibility to protect children, as shown in the statistic that firearms are the leading cause of death among children in the US, yet these same hosts are unwilling to infringe on free speech to protect them from potentially harmful content.

    • Drag shows for children: Free speech or potential harm?The debate over drag shows for children extends beyond free speech, raising concerns about intent, potential harm, societal issues, and motivations.

      The debate surrounding drag shows for children goes beyond just a free speech issue. While some argue for the protection of individual rights, others question the intent behind these performances and the potential harm they may cause to children. The discussion also touched upon gun-related deaths and their increase in 2020, suggesting a connection to societal issues like lockdowns, fear, and manipulation through social media. The speaker expressed concern over the condescending tone of those defending drag shows and questioned the motivation behind their advocacy. Furthermore, the conversation touched upon the qualifications and effectiveness of certain political appointees, regardless of their identity.

    • Debate over children attending drag showsCritics and supporters clash over the appropriateness of children attending drag shows, with concerns over sexualization, freedom of speech, and child protection at the forefront.

      There is ongoing debate regarding the appropriateness of children attending drag shows, with some officials pushing for restrictions due to concerns over sexualization. Critics argue that this is an infringement on freedom of speech and a distraction from more pressing issues. However, supporters argue that protecting children from potentially inappropriate content is a priority. The discussion also touched on the emotional response of certain individuals and groups, with accusations of hypocrisy and a call for a return to a more sensible discourse. Ultimately, the conversation highlights the complexities and tensions surrounding issues of free speech, child protection, and cultural norms.

    • Obsession with wokeness and identity politics leading to absurd situationsThe focus on wokeness and identity politics can lead to lower standards, discrimination, and a shift away from meritocracy and excellence in various systems

      The current obsession with wokeness and identity politics can lead to absurd situations where people perceive systemic racism even when it doesn't exist. An example of this was highlighted in an article in The New York Times about a black woman with dreadlocks who was upset that her helmet didn't fit while horseback riding. Instead of focusing on meritocracy and competition, some people prefer a system that caters to identity groups, leading to lower standards and discrimination against others. This was illustrated in a hearing where a nominee for FAA administrator was unable to answer basic aviation-related questions, yet was still being considered for the position. Ultimately, the emphasis on wokeness and identity politics can undermine the system's focus on qualifications and excellence.

    • Politics prioritizing identity over competenceUnqualified individuals in important roles due to identity politics can result in decreased penalties for violent crimes and job losses due to political agendas. Meritocracy and qualifications are crucial for success in all areas, including aviation safety.

      The focus on identity politics and reducing qualifications for certain positions is leading to unqualified individuals in important roles, potentially causing serious consequences such as decreased penalties for violent crimes and the loss of jobs due to political agendas. The speaker emphasizes the importance of meritocracy and qualifications in all areas of life, including aviation safety, and criticizes the current political climate for prioritizing identity over competence. Additionally, the speaker highlights the negative impact of socialist policies on job creation and economic growth in states like New York and New Jersey.

    • Kevin O'Leary Criticizes High-Tax States for Driving Away People and BusinessesKevin O'Leary highlights the mass exodus from high-tax states due to unfavorable business environments and high taxes, using Amazon's abandoned New York project as an example. The trend is driven by more than just taxes, including crime, drugs, and a desire for freedom.

      During a recent news segment, Kevin O'Leary criticized Democrat-led states for their high taxes and unfavorable business environments, using his personal experience with Amazon's abandoned New York project as an example. He argued that these policies are driving people and businesses away, leading to a mass exodus from states like California and New York. While some may view this as a tough message, O'Leary believes it's necessary to acknowledge the reality of the situation. The mass exodus from high-tax states is a well-known phenomenon, and people are leaving for reasons beyond just taxes, such as crime, drugs, and a desire for freedom. CBS News reported on this trend, but the way they framed it was criticized for not acknowledging the full picture. Overall, O'Leary's comments highlight the growing competition among states to attract businesses and residents, and the consequences of policies that make it difficult for them to thrive.

    • Mass Exodus from High Cost States to More Affordable OnesThe COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the trend of people moving from high cost states to more affordable ones, with Florida and Texas being top destinations. Governors are responding by increasing building projects and improving infrastructure to accommodate the influx of new residents.

      The high cost of living in states like California and New York is driving a mass exodus to more affordable states like Texas and Florida. This trend was accelerated during the COVID-19 pandemic, and many people are not only moving but also vacationing in these more affordable locations. The governors of these states are addressing the issue by increasing building projects and improving infrastructure to accommodate the influx of new residents. While the cost of living is a significant factor, other issues such as crime and political climate also contribute to the decision to leave. Florida, in particular, has seen a surge in visitors and new residents, breaking visitation records and becoming a model for other states to follow. Governor Ron DeSantis is using his success in Florida as a blueprint for the rest of the country and making the case for these policies on a national level.

    • Winning elections in democratic areasFocus on building alliances, addressing root causes, and consistently engaging with voters in democratic areas for effective political change

      Winning elections and making a difference in politics requires a strategic approach and a focus on building alliances across party lines. The speaker emphasizes the importance of competing in all 50 states, especially in democratic areas, and engaging with voters there rather than pandering to them. He also highlights the need to address the root causes of issues that matter to voters, such as safety and education, and make the connection between those issues and the policies of the opposing party. The speaker shares his belief that good decent liberals exist and can be won over, but it will take consistent effort and a clear, principled conservative message to do so. He also acknowledges the challenges of changing the status quo in heavily democratic areas, but emphasizes the importance of not giving up on those areas and continuing to engage with voters there. The success of figures like DeSantis, who has won elections with a strong conservative message, is cited as proof of this approach's effectiveness.

    • Moving from YouTube to Rumble: A Conversation with Dan RubinDespite censorship, it's crucial to keep creating content and pushing for change. Dan Rubin moved from YouTube to Rumble and emphasized the importance of staying true to one's values and continuing to create content, even in the face of challenges.

      Despite facing censorship and the need to build new platforms, it's crucial to keep creating content and pushing for change. Dan Rubin, host of The Rubin Report, shared his experience of moving from YouTube to Rumble due to censorship concerns and the assurance of no censorship. He acknowledged the misconceptions about Rumble being a right-wing platform but emphasized the importance of being with "right-wing crazies" who aren't that crazy compared to the destructive influence of leftist lunatics. Rubin also shared his appreciation for the audience's support and the impact of their work. In essence, the conversation highlighted the importance of staying true to one's values and continuing to create content, even in the face of censorship and challenges.

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    Neuralink Patient Makes Joe Rogan Go Quiet with Never-Before-Told Experiment Details
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    The Rubin Report
    enJune 25, 2024

    Crowd Roars at Jerry Seinfeld’s Shutdown of ‘Woke’ Heckler

    Crowd Roars at Jerry Seinfeld’s Shutdown of ‘Woke’ Heckler
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    The Rubin Report
    enJune 24, 2024

    ‘The View’ Hosts Refuse to Accept Progress In Front of Their Faces

    ‘The View’ Hosts Refuse to Accept Progress In Front of Their Faces
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    The Rubin Report
    enJune 21, 2024

    Debate over COVID Failures Gets Tense | Chris Cuomo

    Debate over COVID Failures Gets Tense | Chris Cuomo
    Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” talks about his appearance on “The Chris Cuomo Project” where they had a tense debate about the COVID vaccine, Dr. Fauci, and if there is any common ground between conservatives and liberals over what lessons we have learned from the pandemic; his disagreements with Cuomo about DEI, the “very fine people” comments by Donald Trump, and who the real racists are; Dr. Fauci giving Joe Scarborough of “Morning Joe” a list of excuses for why he and other experts got things wrong due to the “fog of war”; “The Late Show” host Stephen Colbert and Dr. Fauci getting confused over why political polarization increased during COVID; and Ben Sasse sharing how liberal Ivy League professors who are not interested in indoctrination are desperately trying to get teaching positions at Florida’s University of Florida and Hamilton Center. Dave also does a special “ask me anything” question-and-answer session on a wide-ranging host of topics, answering questions from "The Rubin Report" Locals community. Watch Chris Cuomo’s FULL interview with Dave Rubin HERE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WuicTgtKPl8&t=10s WATCH the MEMBER-EXCLUSIVE segment of the show here: https://rubinreport.locals.com/ Check out the NEW RUBIN REPORT MERCH here: https://daverubin.store/ ---------- Today’s Sponsors: Contagion Emergency Kit - This prescription Contagion Emergency Kit from The Wellness Company provides you with a carefully selected assortment of effective medications for bird flu, COVID-19, and other respiratory illnesses. Rubin Report viewers save 10% at checkout PLUS free shipping when they use code: RUBIN. Kits are ONLY AVAILABLE IN THE USA. Go to: https://TWC.health/RUBIN and use CODE: RUBIN Eight Sleep - The high tech solution to your age old sleeping issues. Eight Sleep’s Pod Cover slips right over your mattress bringing heating and cooling tech that keeps you comfortable and sleeping deeper for a more restful night. Rubin Report viewers get $350 off for the Pod 4 Ultra. Go to: https://eightsleep.com/rubin and use CODE: Rubin Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
    The Rubin Report
    enJune 20, 2024

    Douglas Murray Uses Left's ‘Principles’ to Rip Them to Shreds

    Douglas Murray Uses Left's ‘Principles’ to Rip Them to Shreds
    Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” talks about Douglas Murray’s fiery debate performance at the Munk Debates debate on anti-zionism where he and co-debater Natasha Hausdorff destroyed Mehdi Hasan’s falsehoods and veiled anti-semitism; Camille Paglia’s prescient warning to Charlie Rose in 1995 about how higher education was already becoming an anti-western civilization indoctrination factory; Michael Richards, better known as “Seinfeld’s” Kramer, doing his first ever live interview on “The Today Show” to explain how he has changed since his controversial racist remarks at the Laugh Factory in 2006; MSNBC’s Joy Reid and Jemele Hill explaining why the attention that Caitlin Clark has brought to the WNBA is just more proof of the audience’s racism and homophobia; “Firing Line’s” Margaret Hoover looking a little confused as Democrat Cori Bush explains how she used spiritual healing to cure a homeless woman’s tumors; “The View’s” Joy Behar and Rachel Maddow openly discussing their paranoid delusions of how Donald Trump will target them for his revenge if he wins the 2024 election; and much more. WATCH the MEMBER-EXCLUSIVE segment of the show here: https://rubinreport.locals.com/ Check out the NEW RUBIN REPORT MERCH here: https://daverubin.store/ ---------- Today’s Sponsors: Base Spike Detox Trio - Fight the negative effects of the AstraZeneca vaccin with Dr. McCullough’s protocol. Save 15% and get free shipping. Go to: https://TWC.health/RUBIN and use CODE: RUBIN Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
    The Rubin Report
    enJune 19, 2024

    Jon Stewart of ‘The Daily Show’ Left Out These Key Details So He Could Lie to Your Face

    Jon Stewart of ‘The Daily Show’ Left Out These Key Details So He Could Lie to Your Face
    Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” talks about “The Daily Show” host Jon Stewart’s failed attempt to debunk the GOP’s city crime narrative by leaving out some key statistical data about rising crime; Chicago mayor Brandon Johnson’s hilarious answer to the press asking him about getting caught in a political corruption scandal; a bizarre plan involving Slurpees to fight youth crime in Takoma Park, Maryland; NYC mayor Eric Adams pushing for a face mask ban in NYC to fight crime; Karine Jean-Pierre labeling the latest viral videos of Biden’s gaffes at the G7 Summit and his Jimmy Kimmel-hosted Hollywood fundraiser as simply misleading "cheap-fake" videos; Elon Musk’s triumphant shareholder meeting after receiving a huge win for his pay package; Argentina President Javier Milei giving an epic no-holds-barred answer to an interviewer's question about “the Left”; and much more. WATCH the MEMBER-EXCLUSIVE segment of the show here: https://rubinreport.locals.com/ Check out the NEW RUBIN REPORT MERCH here: https://daverubin.store/ ---------- Today’s Sponsors: Preserve Gold - Preserve Gold can get physical gold and silver delivered right to your door or inside your IRA, 401k or other qualified retirement account. Rubin Report viewers will get up to $10,000 in free Gold and Silver with a qualifying purchase or retirement account rollover. Preserve Gold will even throw in an immediate $500 account credit if you request your investor guide today. Go to: https://preservegold.com/dave PureHealth Research - Support your liver's natural detoxification processes, shed unwanted pounds, and maintain an enjoyable active lifestyle. Try Liver Health Formula and get a FREE 1 month’s supply of Nano Powered Omega 3 to support your heart health as well. Go to: https://GetLiverHelp.com/Rubin now to claim your exclusive gift Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
    The Rubin Report
    enJune 18, 2024

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    Finally, the Political Climate crew couldn’t ignore the latest news. So we also touch on this week’s fiery Democratic debate and Jeff Bezos’ new $10 billion commitment to fund climate action. 

    Recommended reading:

    • Washington Examiner: Bloomberg: US can't afford to ban fracking 'for awhile'
    • GTM: What Would It Take for the US to Become an Energy Storage Manufacturing Powerhouse?
    • Report: Bridging the U.S. Environmental Technology Gaps to Market

    Political Climate is produced in partnership with the USC Schwarzenegger Institute.

    Listen and subscribe to the Political Climate podcast via Apple PodcastsSpotifyStitcherGoogle Play, Overcast or any of these other services. Find us on Twitter @Poli_Climate! Follow our hosts at @JMPyper @ShaneSkelton and @BrandonHurlbut.

    This episode is brought to you by the nonprofit environmental forum EarthX. This April marks the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, and there’s no better way to celebrate than at the EarthX Expo, Conference and Film Festival in Dallas, Texas. This event is for everyone, including you! Visit earthx.org to learn more and register.

    DoD Episode 35 - Tiger King VS Abducted in Plain Sight

    DoD Episode 35 - Tiger King VS  Abducted in Plain Sight

    The greatest debate of our Generation. Meth, mullets, murder, and big pu$$ies, versus pedophiles, rape, aliens, and handjobs. No doubt about it, we have truly outdone ourselves. Strap in for the most important debate in the history of the world. After you watch the debate, let us know who you think won! There will be a poll on our facebook page's story. There will be a twitter poll, you can follow us @Podcastden. You can email debaucherydenof@gmail.com. And you can always comment on the youtube video or facebook posts. Please let us know what you thought!

    #466: Russell Brand | Part 1

    #466: Russell Brand | Part 1

    Russell Brand has been known as many things over the past twenty years: outrageous stand up comedian, BBC shock jock, football blogger, provocative host of Big Brother UK spinoffs, author of several excruciatingly candid memoirs detailing his many addictions, Hollywood actor, ubiquitous guest on talk show circuits, host of award ceremonies and more recently podcaster of his own idiosyncratic autodidacticisms. 

    Adding to that list according to the joint investigative journalism by Channel 4 Dispatches, the Times and The Sunday Times, is alleged serial rapist and sexual abuser. Though Brand has denied all allegations of wrongdoing, several women have now gone on record with these news outlets both in print and in a stunning documentary “Russell Brand: In Plain Sight” recounting horrific predatory behavior, grooming and coercive control in extreme detail.

    Join us as we discuss each victim’s account and Laura and Jim highlight what they see in his behavior. You can read about the allegations in the links below and watch a portion of the Dispatches program. NOTE TRIGGER WARNING: please exercise caution when reading or viewing material about this case.

    If you or someone you love needs help in the U.S. reach out to the nation's largest anti-sexual violence organization: rainn.org

    You can watch the first ten minutes of the Channel 4 Dispatch documentary called Russell Brand In Plain Sight here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ace3S61vyHk

    You can also listen to The Times radio coverage of this story here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NuXb6fzCvtI

    The clip used in our episode is sourced from here:


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    Ask the Option Tax-Ologist

    Ask the Option Tax-Ologist

    We discuss tax issues related to stock options. The discussion is related to Elon Musk's recent infamous twitter poll, in which he asked his followers if he should sell some of his shares in Tesla. Scott buys an option in real time.  Related articles are found here: 

    1. CNBC: https://www.cnbc.com/2021/11/07/elon-musk-faces-a-15-billion-tax-bill-which-is-likely-the-real-reason-hes-selling-stock.html
    2. Fortune: https://fortune.com/2021/11/10/tesla-elon-musk-stock-options-tax-mistake/ 
    3. Reuters: https://www.reuters.com/business/autos-transportation/teslas-musk-says-stock-sale-impact-closer-tax-maximization-2021-11-14/