
    Billy Carson Reveals Alien Encounter & Lost Civilization Secrets

    enApril 24, 2024
    Who are the Anunnaki and where do they originate from?
    What ancient texts mention the Anunnaki and galactic wars?
    How did the Great Pyramid of Giza potentially function?
    What advanced techniques did ancient civilizations utilize for construction?
    How does modern science relate to ancient knowledge mentioned in the text?

    Podcast Summary

    • Ancient Texts Depict Humanoid Aliens from PleiadesAncient texts like Maha Barata, Bhagavad Gita, Indian Vedas, and The Terror Papers from the Hopi tribe mention humanoid aliens from Pleiades who came to Earth as refugees during a galactic war.

      The discussion revolves around the belief in extraterrestrial beings, specifically the Anunnaki, described as humanoid aliens originating from the Pleiades star system. According to the speaker, these beings are depicted in ancient texts such as the Maha Barata, Bhagavad Gita, and Indian Vedas, and they allegedly came to Earth as refugees due to a galactic war involving destructive weapons. Another text, The Terror Papers from the Hopi tribe, also mentions these galactic wars and the arrival of refugees on Earth. The speaker encourages listeners to explore these sources for more information. This belief in ancient alien visitations and their impact on human civilization is a common theme in various conspiracy theories.

    • Ancient texts describe the Anunnaki as extraterrestrial beings who came to Earth and established civilizations, including the Atlantean civilization.The Anunnaki, according to ancient texts, were advanced beings from another planet who came to Earth, established civilizations, and left behind remnants of their technology and knowledge.

      The Anunnaki, as referred to in various ancient texts from around the world, were believed to be extraterrestrial beings who came from the heavens to Earth and established civilizations, including the Atlantean civilization. Some of these beings reportedly came to Africa and are known as the Neeturu in African lore. The evidence for their existence can be found in ancient texts such as the Vedas, Mahabharata, Bhagavad Gita, and the Code of Hammurabi, among others. The Atlantean civilization reportedly had numerous capitals around the world, and remnants of their structures, such as pyramids, have been discovered and in some cases, destroyed or covered up by later civilizations, like the Catholic Church, which reportedly sought to eradicate their scientific knowledge and impose Christianity upon the population through force. The Catholic Church's methods for achieving this included the Inquisition, during which they tortured and murdered millions of people. The torture tools used during this time are still on display in museums in Rome. The Anunnaki are often depicted as gods in various mythologies, and their arrival on Earth is said to have marked the beginning of human civilization.

    • Ancient Civilizations and Religious Structures: Connections Between Mexico and EuropeThe speaker suggests that ancient civilizations, such as those in Mexico and Europe, share architectural similarities and may be connected through genetic modification by advanced beings, as suggested by Anunnaki mythology. He encourages questioning historical narratives and looking for hidden truths.

      The speaker shares a belief in the connection between ancient civilizations and religious structures, specifically in Mexico and Europe. He explains how older churches and pyramids share similar architectural designs, such as the triptych windows. He also discusses the idea that early humans may have been genetically modified by advanced beings, leading to the creation of the first civilizations. The speaker emphasizes the importance of questioning historical narratives and looking beyond surface-level appearances to uncover hidden truths. Additionally, he highlights the significance of the Anunnaki, a group of beings from ancient Sumerian mythology, who are believed to have played a role in human creation and civilization. Overall, the speaker encourages curiosity and exploration to better understand the mysteries of the past.

    • Ancient civilizations and their divine connectionsAncient civilizations used natural acoustics, rituals, offerings, and possibly believed in gods or aliens to establish power and control.

      The ancient civilizations, such as those in Egypt and possibly Chichen Itza, used various methods to create a sense of divine connection and manipulate their populations through rituals and offerings. These practices may have included the use of natural acoustics for communication and the consumption of food offerings. Some theories suggest that these civilizations believed in the existence of gods or alien beings, and that their leaders were reincarnations of these beings. These leaders used their perceived divine status to establish power and control over their people. Additionally, some believe that Jesus may have been considered an alien or reincarnated god figure who came to Earth to help rebuild civilization after a great catastrophe. These beliefs and practices, though often controversial, offer intriguing insights into the complex and mysterious nature of ancient civilizations and their religious beliefs.

    • Ancient texts tell of higher intelligence beings imparting wisdom after disastersAncient texts depict beings from the Pleiades and other civilizations sharing knowledge and spiritual teachings after cataclysms, with Jesus reportedly studying in Egypt, Tibet, and India during his missing years.

      Ancient texts from around the world share stories of higher intelligence beings, such as those from the Pleiades, coming to Earth and imparting wisdom after great disasters. For instance, a figure described as a son of Atlantis, who was not claiming to be a god but rather a civilized being, came to a land after a cataclysm and helped rebuild the civilization. Similar stories can be found in various cultures, including the Lakota, Hopi, Dogon, and Aboriginal peoples. These stories often involve the beings bestowing knowledge and spiritual teachings. Furthermore, some ancient texts, like the Gospel of the Holy 12, suggest that Jesus, who is absent from the Bible between the ages of 12 and 32, went to Egypt to study the Egyptian mysteries and learn from the ancient mystery schools. Later, he is said to have traveled to Tibet to learn spirituality and India to learn about reincarnation before reappearing in the biblical text. These stories highlight the common thread of higher intelligence beings coming to Earth to help humanity during times of crisis and to share their knowledge for the betterment of society.

    • Jesus' teachings influenced by Indian mysticismEarliest Bible versions reveal Jesus learned reincarnation, healing, and mystic arts in India, impacting his teachings.

      Jesus' teachings were influenced by his time in India, where he learned mystic arts, healing, and reincarnation. These concepts were present in the earliest versions of the Bible, such as the Ethiopian Bible, but were later altered or hidden in translation. The discussion also touched upon the importance of personal growth and spiritual rebirth, which can occur multiple times in one lifetime. Additionally, the Ethiopian Bible holds significance as it contains the oldest known versions of both the Old and New Testaments, with fewer mistranslations compared to more modernized versions.

    • The Bible's God may not be as singular as believedTranslation errors and mistranslations have led to misunderstandings about certain aspects of religious texts, including the concept of God and key events like Jesus' crucifixion and Mary's virginity.

      The concept of God in the Bible may not be as singular as commonly believed. The use of the word "God" with an "S" in the Bible, as well as references to other deities like Yahweh, Amun Ra, and Enki, suggest a plurality of gods. Translation differences and mistranslations have led to misunderstandings about certain aspects of religious texts, such as the crucifixion of Jesus or the virginity of his mother. For instance, the word for "virgin" in Aramaic was mistranslated into Greek as "virgin," leading to the belief that Mary was a virgin at the time of Jesus' birth. Similarly, certain texts, like the book of Barnabas, do not mention Jesus' crucifixion. These discoveries challenge traditional Christian beliefs and offer new perspectives on the religious texts. It's essential to approach religious texts with an open mind and consider the historical and linguistic contexts in which they were written.

    • The Atlanteans' Influence on the Sumerians and the Tower of Babel EventThe Atlanteans, believed to be advanced beings or gods, significantly influenced the Sumerians. However, their attempt to build a tower mimicking Atlantean structures was seen as a threat, leading to a language confusion event and a possible genetic mutation limiting human lifespan.

      The ancient Sumerian civilization, located in what is now Iraq, was heavily influenced by the Atlanteans, who were believed to be advanced beings or gods. These Atlanteans taught the Sumerians how to build advanced cities, develop mathematics, and more. However, at the Tower of Babel, the human attempt to build a tower mimicking the Atlanteans' advanced structure was seen as a threat by the Atlantean god Enlil (known as Yahweh in the Bible). In response, Enlil is said to have confused human languages, scattered people around the world, and limited human lifespan to around 120 years through a genetic mutation. This event is depicted in various ancient texts, some of which have influenced the Bible. Modern science, specifically genetic research, supports the idea of a genetic mutation around this time that may have limited human lifespan.

    • Anunaki Theory of Human CreationThe Anunaki theory proposes that humans were genetically engineered around 200,000 years ago by an advanced civilization, contradicting the widely accepted theory of natural evolution.

      The discussion revolves around the theories suggesting that humans were genetically engineered or "branded" by an advanced civilization, the Anunaki, rather than evolving naturally over millions of years to explain the existence of different races. The speakers suggest that this process took place around 200,000 years ago, implying that humans may have left Africa before having enough time to naturally evolve into different races. The conversation also touches upon the discovery of the Anunaki as a multiracial civilization and the possibility of genetic modification in ancient times. The speakers also mention the existence of texts, such as the Sumerian tablets, that reference different races and genetic manipulation. However, it's important to note that these theories are not scientifically proven and should be taken with a grain of salt.

    • The creation of the first human, Adam, was a result of advanced technological interventionA million years ago, humans were not fully developed and couldn't reproduce naturally. The first human, Adam, was created through in vitro fertilization and cloning, marking the beginning of human generations and experimentation with controlled mating for genetic diversity. Research the claims for a more accurate understanding.

      The creation of the first genetically perfected homo sapien, known as Adam, was not a spontaneous event but a result of advanced technological intervention. According to the speaker, this occurred through in vitro fertilization and cloning, which took place around a million years ago. Before this, humans were not fully developed and couldn't reproduce naturally. The creation of Adam marked the beginning of the generations of humans and the experimentation with controlled mating to ensure genetic diversity. The speaker emphasizes the importance of researching these claims rather than blindly accepting or dismissing them. The story also includes elements of conflict, such as Cain killing Abel and God's response, which led to the creation of the Canaanites and the spread of humanity. Additionally, the speaker suggests that Jesus may have been influenced by ancient Atlantean knowledge, as evidenced by similarities between his teachings and ancient texts.

    • Thoth's Unconventional Help to HumansThoth, an Atlantean, broke free from enslaving humans and instead taught them, inspiring passion and understanding for success.

      The Atlantean named Thoth, a son of the AI ruler Enki, broke free from the tradition of enslaving humanity and instead chose to help humans. He went around the planet teaching and raising the vibration of people. Thoth's motivation was his attraction to human women, and he built the Pyramid of the Moon at Teotihuacan as a dedication to one of them. However, the Enenaki and Entoth had two devastating wars, which left behind evidence such as glass-encased ruins and dead bodies in the Indus Valley. Amun Ra, a brutal ruler, started the first war to take over the earth prematurely and the second war to stay in power. The second war almost decimated the planet, but Amun Ra escaped and left his kingship and finances to R-A-K-A-M, which translates to the Rothschild banking dynasty, still running the global financial systems today. The recipe for success, understood and ingrained in these powerful figures, is the same regardless of the business or industry. It requires passion and a deep understanding of what it takes to be successful.

    • The belief in the value of money and the creation of wealthFollowing your passion leads to success and wealth, but remember money is a byproduct and based on trust

      Finding and following your passion is the key to success. Money is a byproduct of providing your passion to the world and fulfilling a need. Central banks and monetary systems, like fractional reserve banking, are based on the belief that value is consciously attributed to money. This belief was established thousands of years ago and allows for the creation of wealth out of thin air. However, it's important to remember that money is not physical and the banking system is based on trust and IOUs. If everyone demanded their money at once, the system would collapse. To feel your best after a night of drinking, consider taking Zbiotics, a genetically engineered pre-alcohol probiotic, which produces an enzyme to break down the toxic byproduct of alcohol in your gut, rather than the dehydration that is commonly blamed for hangovers.

    • Improve your mornings or special occasions with risk-free offersTry Zbiotics for better mornings with a money-back guarantee and a discount for new buyers. Enjoy home delivery of alcoholic beverages with DoorDash and a discount code.

      If you're experiencing unpleasant mornings or special occasion disappointments, consider trying Zbiotics' flagrant product. With a 100% money-back guarantee and a discount code for first-time buyers, it's a risk-free way to improve your mornings. Meanwhile, for those seeking alcoholic beverages at home, DoorDash now delivers more than just food. Use the code "flagrant" for a discount on drinks. As for the pyramids, they're not just the easiest structure to build; they've appeared in various cultures for reasons beyond physics. Some theories suggest they were built for spiritual or astronomical purposes. Remember, true knowledge seekers are open to new information and willing to evolve their theories. So, whether it's Zbiotics, DoorDash, or ancient structures, keep learning and stay curious.

    • A young man's unique perspective shapes his intellectual journeyDespite feeling different, the speaker's curiosity led him to meticulously analyze complex structures, challenging common theories and emphasizing the importance of individual pieces.

      The speaker's unique perspective and understanding of the world around him, which developed at a young age, has shaped his approach to understanding complex structures and concepts. He shares his experiences of feeling different from those around him and the lengths he went to in order to quench his insatiable curiosity. The speaker's analysis of the Great Pyramid of Giza serves as an example of his meticulous and detailed thinking. He challenges common theories about how the pyramid was built and emphasizes the importance of considering each individual piece and its unique characteristics. The speaker's dedication to seeking knowledge and understanding, despite the challenges, is a testament to his resilience and intellectual curiosity.

    • Ancient structures like the Great Pyramid were built with advanced planning and knowledgeThe Great Pyramid and other ancient structures were not built through trial-and-error, but required extensive mathematical, astronomical, and technological knowledge

      The construction of ancient structures like the Great Pyramid of Giza was the result of advanced planning and knowledge, not a trial-and-error process. The pyramid's precise measurements and alignment with astronomical phenomena suggest that its builders had a deep understanding of mathematics and astronomy. The existence of advanced technology, such as the proto-Sumerian metric system, further supports this theory. Additionally, the pyramid's design incorporated natural energy sources, such as magnetized crystal granite and running water, to create electrical energy. Overall, the construction of the Great Pyramid and other ancient structures required extensive knowledge, planning, and technological expertise.

    • Ancient civilizations' advanced knowledge led to massive structuresAncient civilizations utilized advanced math, engineering, and science to construct massive structures, while modern science may create structures using 3D printing technology from fundamental building blocks.

      Ancient civilizations, such as the builders of Angkor Wat, possessed advanced knowledge and techniques that allowed them to construct massive structures, like temples and moats, seemingly overnight. This was not achieved through natural means, but rather through a deep understanding of mathematics, engineering, and science. More recently, scientists have discovered a way to manifest solid matter from photons and sound frequencies, which could potentially lead to the large-scale creation of structures using 3D printing technology. This connection between ancient knowledge and modern science suggests that our understanding of the universe and its fundamental building blocks may be more interconnected than we once thought.

    • Discovering the Secrets of Ancient Cambodian StructuresAncient Cambodian structures reveal advanced knowledge, complex engineering, and possible dinosaur understanding, challenging conventional timelines.

      The ancient structures found in Cambodia, such as the one discussed, show signs of advanced knowledge and techniques, including intricate hieroglyphs and complex engineering. The erosion patterns in the river suggest the structures are thousands of years old, and their grand scale indicates a civilization with significant resources and capabilities. The presence of dinosaur depictions suggests an understanding of these extinct creatures, adding to the mystery and intrigue. Despite skepticism about the age and origin of these structures, their grandeur and intricacy challenge conventional timelines and invite further exploration and research.

    • Ancient Moai statues on Easter Island showcase advanced engineering knowledgeFrom Moai statues on Easter Island to energy gum and smart calendars, discover advanced solutions for daily life.

      The ancient construction of the Moai statues in Easter Island showcases the advanced engineering knowledge and understanding of weight distribution and calculus that the builders possessed, allowing these massive structures to withstand the test of time despite being located in a rainforest environment. Another key takeaway is the introduction of Neurogum, a company that provides energy and focus gum, as well as sleep and recharge mints, offering quick and portable solutions for individuals requiring a boost in their daily routine, especially for those with demanding schedules or sleep disruptions. Lastly, the Skylight Calendar, a smart touchscreen calendar and organizer, is a thoughtful and practical gift idea for loved ones, allowing users to personalize the device with cherished memories and easily manage their daily tasks.

    • Exploring Unconventional Theories about the Pyramids in EgyptTheories suggest the pyramids in Egypt were more than just tombs, with some believing they served as power generation systems, while others propose they had diagnostic functions.

      The Skylight calendar offers a unique and thoughtful gift option for filtering and displaying family photos, with a 120-day money-back guarantee for your satisfaction. Meanwhile, in the realm of historical mysteries, there are theories that challenge mainstream beliefs, such as the idea that the pyramids in Egypt served as power generation systems. The Great Pyramid, specifically, is believed by some to have harnessed ambient energy through a magnetized crystal obelisk at its apex, which could have been used to power tools and lighting. The bent pyramid, on the other hand, was not an accident but a diagnostic tool, with a chamber designed to provide the priest with an x-ray view of a person's body. These theories challenge conventional wisdom and offer intriguing possibilities, though they remain controversial in the scientific community.

    • Ancient Egyptian Pyramids as Power Generators and Communication DevicesThe Great Pyramid of Giza may have harnessed Nile energy to generate electrostatic charges for interstellar communication, while the Ark of the Covenant could have replaced it as a power source

      The Great Pyramid of Giza may have functioned as both a power generator and a communication device during ancient Egyptian times. The pyramid harnessed the energy of the Nile River to create electrostatic charges, which were then possibly used to transmit information to other star systems through alignments with specific constellations. Additionally, the Ark of the Covenant, a biblical artifact often considered holy, was likely a power-generating technology that may have been used to replace the pyramid when it stopped producing enough energy. This theory challenges traditional beliefs about the pyramids and the Ark of the Covenant, positioning them as advanced technological achievements rather than mere religious symbols.

    • Ancient power struggles: Amen's defacement of other gods' statuesAncient Egyptian Pharaoh Amen defaced other gods' statues to establish his cult and power, not to hide black presence. The Ark of the Covenant was a crucial power source, leading to a religious pursuit in the desert.

      The ancient Egyptian pharaoh Amen, in an attempt to establish his own cult following and consolidate power, ordered the defacement of other gods' statues. This destruction is not due to white people trying to hide black presence in Egypt, but rather a religious power struggle. Amen then took his followers and the Ark of the Covenant into the desert. The new Pharaoh pursued him due to the belief that the Ark was a crucial power source. Despite efforts to retrieve it, Amen and his followers managed to escape. Additionally, there are pyramids in China aligned with Orion, suggesting the presence of an advanced civilization. These discoveries challenge traditional historical narratives and offer new perspectives on ancient civilizations. The Chinese pyramids, along with the Ark of the Covenant, remain shrouded in mystery and intrigue.

    • Ancient civilizations built underground structures for survivalAncient civilizations believed in gods' protection and built advanced underground cities for survival, holding thousands and featuring advanced technology like ventilation shafts. Reasons for building unclear, possibly due to geological disasters or wars.

      Ancient civilizations, such as those in Egypt and Turkey, believed that they were saved from disasters by their gods and built advanced underground structures to survive. These structures, like the one discovered near Darren Cool you in Turkey, were designed to hold thousands of people and had advanced technology like ventilation shafts. The reasons for building underground cities are unclear, but some believe it was due to geological disasters or wars. These stories have been passed down through various indigenous cultures, suggesting a common belief in the need for refuge during catastrophic events. Despite the lack of concrete evidence, some people continue to believe in these ancient tales and see them as seeds for future discoveries. One man even claimed to have witnessed a UFO in the 1970s, which he believed was a sign from these advanced beings. Ultimately, the mysteries of these ancient civilizations continue to intrigue us and inspire new discoveries.

    • Encounter with UFO leads to discovery of Zeta ReticuliA man's encounter with an unidentified flying object in the 1960s led him to believe in the existence of extraterrestrial life and their interaction with humans, despite the challenges and controversy surrounding such claims.

      The witness's encounter with an unidentified flying object in the 1960s led him down a path of research and discovery, ultimately connecting the description of a previously unknown star system with Zeta Reticuli. This experience, along with others, has led him to believe that there may be some truth to the existence of extraterrestrial life and their interaction with humans. The uncertainty surrounding such claims and the repetitive nature of reported experiences suggest that these beings may selectively engage with certain individuals. The witness's second encounter in 2010, which resulted in the loss of his family's support, further highlights the potential controversy and challenges associated with discussing such experiences publicly. Despite the uncertainties, the witness's belief in the authenticity of his encounters is based on the fact that he described things that were later discovered, adding some credibility to his claims.

    • Encounter with Mysterious Beings Leaves Speaker TraumatizedSpeaker shares unexplained encounter with mysterious beings, causing trauma, loss of family, and sense of isolation, despite skepticism. Physical reactions indicate emotional impact.

      The speaker described an unexplained encounter with two mysterious beings, which left him traumatized and caused him to lose contact with his family. The beings had large eyes and long, dangly hands, but did not communicate or move in a human-like way. The speaker's house was full of people during the encounter, yet no one else heard or saw anything. After the encounter, the speaker began hearing a voice in his head repeatedly saying "worldwide telescope," which he later discovered was the name of a real organization. The experience was shocking and led to the loss of his family and a sense of isolation for the speaker. Despite the skepticism of others, he chose to share his story to give strength to others who had similar experiences. The speaker's sweating during the retelling of the story was a physical reaction to the emotional trauma of the experience.

    • Exploring Mars anomalies on WorldBlackTelescope.orgUser-accessible Mars probe data reveals intriguing anomalies, leading to theories of ancient civilizations, yet requiring scientific validation

      The WorldBlackTelescope.org website provides access to space probe data, including panoramic images from Mars rovers, which can be explored and analyzed in detail. The speaker's discovery of anomalies in these images led him down a path of anomaly hunting and research into ancient civilizations. Some of the anomalies he's documented include structures that appear out of place, such as an object that looks like an airplane and a statue resembling an Egyptian onk. The speaker's experiences and discoveries have been difficult to ignore, leading him to investigate further and seek out experts to debunk his theories. Despite the intrigue, he continues to ground his exploration in scientific knowledge.

    • Awaiting the Next Stage of Human EvolutionWe must learn from past mistakes, control our falls, and make progress towards a golden age, potentially communicating with advanced beings or aliens when we're ready.

      The speaker believes human civilization is at a pivotal stage, akin to a baby learning to crawl, and that advanced beings or aliens are observing us, waiting for us to mature spiritually and technologically before revealing further information or advanced technologies. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of understanding our past hiccups, such as racism, slavery, and technological advancements that outpaced our readiness, and the need to learn from them to move forward. The ultimate goal is to reach a golden age, but it will require us to control our falls, learn from our mistakes, and make progress in the right direction. The speaker speculates that communication with these advanced beings or aliens may depend on our level of consciousness and readiness.

    • Elite oligarchs manipulate and divide, but unity is keyFocus on unity, love, and understanding consciousness to overcome control by elite oligarchs

      A small group of elite oligarchs control the world, manipulating and dividing the population for their benefit. This control is not new, as it can be traced back to ancient civilizations like the Anunnaki. The real enemy is not each other, but this small group. Unity, love, and understanding that everything is conscious are key to overcoming this control and advancing humanity. The speaker, who had a personal encounter with an alien entity, wishes that more people would unite and focus on this common goal instead of being divided by political labels. The entity he encountered was not like the depictions in movies or Crowley's description of a lamb. The speaker encourages everyone to look beyond their differences and work towards a better future.

    • A New Age of Discovery and Consciousness ExpansionThe speaker sees the current era as one of growth and expansion, emphasizing personal development and questioning reality. They interpret the 'return of Christ' as a collective consciousness of love, peace, and respect.

      The speaker believes we are currently entering a new age of discovery, growth, and consciousness expansion, rather than the end times. They emphasize the importance of personal growth and questioning reality, and suggest that the "return of Christ" refers to the attainment of a collective consciousness of love, peace, and respect, rather than a literal return of a divine figure. The speaker also expresses concern about the potential effects of hallucinogenic drugs on the brain and the possibility of consciousness transfer or backup. They mention ongoing technological advancements in this area and the potential for human consciousness to be transferred into robots or avatars.

    • Technology's ethical dilemmas and unintended consequencesAdvancements in AI, geoengineering, and space exploration raise ethical concerns and could have unforeseen effects. Separate fact from fiction by staying informed and critically evaluating information.

      Advancements in technology, such as AI in military applications and geoengineering, raise ethical concerns and have the potential to create unintended consequences. For example, the use of AI in warfare could lead to a Skynet-like scenario, while geoengineering could have unforeseen effects on the environment. Additionally, some conspiracy theories, like those regarding chemical trails in the sky, have been debunked, but others, like UFOs and the moon landing, continue to be subjects of debate and speculation. The motivation behind these revelations and advancements may be driven by the pursuit of financial gain and the need to maintain economic growth. The space industry, for instance, could be the next frontier for war and profit, with potential conflicts over resources and technology. Ultimately, it's essential to stay informed and critically evaluate information to separate fact from fiction.

    • Moon missions uncovered anomalous findings and hidden discoveriesMoon missions revealed unusual structures, hacked communications, and possible evidence of ancient lunar civilizations

      The moon missions, including those by the US and China, have uncovered anomalous findings, from transmitted images with unusual structures to hacked communications. Neil Armstrong's comments on Apollo 11's black box audio about concave structures and people inside domes are hints at hidden discoveries. Unclear objects have been observed on the moon through telescopes and old NASA images. The moon missions were likely reconnaissance missions, as evidenced by the daily data transmission between Earth and the moon, and the discovery of structures beneath the moon's surface using ground penetrating radar. Ancient texts also mention trips to the moon and thin atmospheres, adding to the intrigue. The full extent of these discoveries remains unknown.

    • The Ocean: A Frontier of Mysteries and SecretsAncient structures, hidden civilizations, unexplored depths, potential alien or human bases, and reported research facilities exist in the ocean, making it a prime location for concealment and discovery.

      The ocean, despite being largely unexplored by humans, holds many mysteries and potential secrets. Ancient structures and possibly even hidden civilizations or bases, whether alien or human, could exist beneath the waves. The ocean's depths offer a prime location for concealment due to the lack of extensive research. Furthermore, there have been theories suggesting that tectonic plate slippage and subsequent global floods have occurred in the past, potentially revealing hidden landmasses and creatures. Additionally, there are reportedly research bases operated by various countries and organizations, including the Rockefeller Foundation, in the deep ocean. Some individuals, such as Buzz Aldrin, have claimed to have encountered unexplained phenomena or entities while visiting these bases. Overall, the ocean remains a fascinating and enigmatic frontier for exploration and discovery.

    • Exploring Remote Viewing: A Practice Used by Military and Intelligence AgenciesRemote viewing is a practice where individuals use their minds to gather information about a target, often used by military and intelligence agencies, involving synchronizing a number, controlling breathing, creating an idiom, and drawing what comes to mind.

      Remote viewing is a practice where individuals send their minds outside of space and time to gather information about a target, often used by military and intelligence agencies like the CIA. This process involves synchronizing a randomly generated number with the target, controlling breathing, creating an idiom, and drawing what the target brings to mind. The US and Russian governments have reportedly used this technique for decades. Billy Carson, a renowned speaker on the subject, offers a four-hour class on remote viewing that teaches participants how to duplicate the process. He shared his personal experiences with remote viewing and past life regression, where he learned about its use by the CIA for finding assets telepathically. While the concept may seem strange, Billy invites those interested to explore the topic further by watching his free class.

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    “Trump Is Shook”, Candace Owens, & The Israel Problem | Dave Smith

    “Trump Is Shook”, Candace Owens, & The Israel Problem | Dave Smith
    YERRR Dave Smith came through to Flagrant to explain what the hell is going on with the world. Why is Trump scared? What actually being red-pilled means. Why is BlackRock evil? How is Israel lobbying America and what does it mean? All that and much much more. INDULGE 00:00 Intro 00:54 Dave Smith THE Political Pundit 2:34 Candace is terrifying + Shapiro being hypocritical? 6:01 Excesses on anti-Israel sides + helping the wrong side 8:14 Trusting social media? Division sells + CIA Culture wars 13:48 The Tea Party origins 15:16 Government infiltration, core identities + no threat 18:24 Losing control of the psy-ops + useful idiots 24:25 Claiming back the Red pill + checking in with himself 28:39 Anything the government is doing well? People fall in line 31:49 What’s the solution? Moral decay + National pride 37:57 Any positive interventions? Neo-Cons create an enemy 47:47 Covid + greatest transfer of wealth 50:28 Is BlackRock evil? 52:49 Candace Owens, Israel + AIPAC 1:08:11 Power brokers enforcing power + Blame to go around 1:16:34 Disconnecting Evangelicals + Israel isn’t a democracy 1:21:55 Middle East didn’t always hate the US 1:29:07 Solutions? There is a Palestinian side to this story 1:34:19 What’s going to happen in Ukraine? International law 1:38:48 Israel protecting itself, propping up Hamas + Zionism 1:51:30 Ron Paul woke Dave Smith up 1:53:34 Benjamin Netanyahu + sheer desperation 2:01:49 Dov’s Solution for Peace 2:03:50 What could Israel have done? 2:09:05 Case for optimism 2:10:54 Ripple effect from this? Chasing clicks + losing identity 2:18:12 Heavy lifting, Jon Stewart + Being contrarian 2:27:12 Dave doesn’t believe in voting + Coup v Biden 2:36:32 Harris is a “cultural” icon + hurdles incoming 2:42:21 Trump’s shook + not following his own blueprint 2:49:07 GOP, won’t let Trump back in + 2020 followed CIA playbook 2:56:26 Peter Thiel, Elon Musk + Chilling effect 3:06:32 Be willing to talk to people + people arrested 3:09:44 Any countries doing it right? 3:11:15 How did JFK get got?

    Algerian Boxer Gender Mystery & Dan Bilzerian Goes Off On Israel

    Algerian Boxer Gender Mystery & Dan Bilzerian Goes Off On Israel
    What’s good people we back from vacay and discussing this Algerian boxers box, dan Bilzerian going off on Israel, and the wildest beat off strictly ever heard 00:00 We smashed XXY + Mark’s “friend” smashed out an Optimus Prime 4:37 Which race transitions better? WTF employees? 7:01 Show your paperwork! 9:13 Dan Bilzerian, we’re the only grifters + CryptoJuice 12:27 Mark’s family are deep in the rabbit hole 16:38 ACKNOWLEDGE MY FEELINGS! 6 toed h03 22:02 We need body cams with women 25:38 Mark’s a robo h0m0 + Andrew’s a crypto + Hampton Country Clubs 28:28 Knives Outs are excellent, Jumanji too + murder mystery w**kers 41:27 Drinking game, boys v girls, “Sleep No More” + Blindfold dinners 50:51 Mark hate watching Ariana’s shorty + NYs night out 57:28 ATMs are done + flirting with Apple Pay 1:01:03 Baptism launderette, wet dream tactics + lucid eating 1:12:19 Mark is a FAN + sharing beat off stories

    Brian Simpson Gets Flagrant

    Brian Simpson Gets Flagrant
    yerrr, we had Brian Simpson on to discuss why he's the Black version of Larry David, what his opinions are on Doping in the Special Olympics, and he breaks down the Young Thug trial to us. All that and much much more on this week's episode of Flagrant. INDULGE 00:00 Intro 1:07 Don’t Do Drogas episodes 2:21 Eating hairy pum pum like our ancestors 5:05 Better at comedy or f***ing? Cramping up 9:09 S&M is for weirdos 11:01 Brian is in the Young Thug trial DEEP 17:53 Recovering musically + Shyne framed? 22:11 Narcissism + Brian avoiding the Jury draft 28:20 We know OJ wasn’t guilty 29:36 Gymnastics is DIVERSE + Brian wouldn’t do it 33:42 Hierarchy in the Marines + women in the infantry??? 36:39 Put Special Olympians on Roids + Oscar Pistorius Saga 41:33 Surprised if people merk their wives? 45:40 Longest relationship, Spank Bank Obituaries + RIP Grandma 50:17 Groupies for politics + wrap for Marvel 54:22 Tarantino doesn’t miss + Theaters will still be relevant 59:20 Substances segment, comedowns + hair of the dog 1:02:01 Need to ask Rogan for the DMT 1:04:14 Brian gets irritated EASILY + immune to White tears 1:16:40 Brian happiest on his own + Titty Technology 1:21:38 AI is bullsh*t + it should be better 1:24:15 TV expertIse, VR could still work + Brian will crash out in group chats 1:32:46 Brian is Black Larry David + Akaash started tipping now 1:35:52 We’re too nice + Dealing with public inconveniences 1:44:00 You can reason with men, women it’s 50/50 1:45:20 Brian’s Show day routine - Best Buy??? 1:47:47 It’s not about attention, it’s the control + Getting got 1:49:44 Will always check in a bag 1:52:12 Black TSA agent was THE biggest hater 1:55:10 Waivering for pum pum

    Peter Dinklage on House Of The Dragon vs Game Of Thrones & Being The Famous Dwarf Ever

    Peter Dinklage on House Of The Dragon vs Game Of Thrones & Being The Famous Dwarf Ever
    Yerrr we got Peter Dinklage aka Tyrion Lannister in the studio today. We’re talking all things Game Of Thrones, House Of The Dragon, and his new film with Schulz, The Thicket. We even discuss some crazy P. Diddy Rap stories, and the future of Artificial Intelligence in film. INDULGE! 00:00 Intro 00:55 Peter is too high brow 9:50 Peter is the most identifiable person on the planet 12:16 Game of Thrones writing was incredible + Tyrion 17:56 HBO didn’t believe in Games of Thrones initially 19:32 Film industry is too risk averse 20:45 Girls throwing cat at Peter 22:50 Getting the role + indie feeling on GoT 25:41 Refusing the typecast 28:40 Dwarf community representative + Protective over family 33:10 Being Swifities, Peter’s 90s band + Williamsberg [sic] 43:56 The Thicket coming out on Tubi + Andrew is good at acting? 47:28 Book adaptations are hard 48:44 Having a female villain is GREAT 51:23 Elliott Lester directed Rap videos + WILD P Diddy stories 56:31 Jay-Z is the greatest 57:56 Method Man & Redman were fantastic 1:01:27 DMX was a wild boy - Rest in Peace 1:02:26 Why did we film in the cold? 1:05:18 Andrew demonstrates his infamous popcorn move 1:09:24 Respect to Calgary + Trans teams are weird 1:14:57 Demons are real 1:16:41 Drugs are bad mmmkay and Zyns 1:19:13 Hot Ones is all about Sean Evans 1:21:45 Snoop Dogg & politics of chicken 1:25:55 Peter’s a meat eater 1:31:29 STFU MARK 1:32:27 There’s a place for theaters + too much is spoiled 1:43:14 Reminiscing about p0rn0 + watching with the boys 1:48:48 AI being used in films 1:53:02 Real sets are cheaper than artificial ones 1:56:14 Ebbs and flows of TV & Films 1:58:01 Being courageous in filmmaking + Koreans leading the way 2:02:23 Why is Stephen Spielberg so special? 2:04:09 Eternal cynicism + Stanley Kubrick 2:06:47 Worried all the time about this country + hope 2:07:53 “Fail better”

    Lil Yachty on Drake Beef, MrBeast Controversy, & Most Embarrassing DM

    Lil Yachty on Drake Beef, MrBeast Controversy, & Most Embarrassing DM
    YERRR we got Lil Yachty on the pod to show us the best DMs he ever sent to famous people, he explains why he wants so many kids, what his favorite kind of white kid is, & how he handled talking to Drake about the Kendrick beef. All that and more in this episode of Flagrant. INDULGE 00:00 Intro 00:49 Yachty meat pics + Flying them in anywhere but Australia 2:52 Yachty mom’s calls + we love all women but… 6:04 Belly button is your 1st mouth 7:14 If you write lyrics about men, is that gay? 9:29 We invited Mitch onto the podcast 10:34 Yachty can’t tell Whites apart 12:40 Becoming a father + caretaker for his friends too 17:19 Yachty Captain Planet clan 18:58 You’re allowed to pose + Whites love jerseys 20:43 Yachty has a white slave 22:33 Andrew explaining his content + wild hypothetical 28:16 Meat beat proficiency 30:06 We love the WNBA, Kysre especially + Boat hating 33:37 Yachty’s DM to Kysre + 100 off the court 38:36 Boat DMing all the Whites 41:34 Andrew’s worse DM + Mark’s BBL 48:11 Dr Umar + Jalen ain’t gonna be happy 51:22 Drake is that guy + Yachty’s regrets involvement 54:10 Songs leaking = inevitable + marketing too 56:29 “Poland” success + audience see through gimmicks 58:34 Boat collab with Coldplay + fav. Whites 1:01:45 “blow me like a cello” + everyone’s fault 1:04:12 Jay-Z would never, hookah, cigars & veneers 1:06:26 No butt play cos we might like it 1:08:35 Yachty doesn’t eat properly + can’t trust Dov 1:13:25 MrBeast is the GOAT + Boat to join the crew 1:17:10 Rihanna is a G + Yachty only just listened to Jay-Z 1:18:17 Drake is the man 1:20:43 Yachty loves Bobbi Althoff + Sketch too 1:23:56 Doja Cat + Boat understanding the internet 1:25:46 Showing love + memories of XXX 1:29:48 Ye’s wife + Drake back to acting? 1:32:59 Drake effect is real + doesn’t charge for a feature 1:36:56 Own clothing line + never felt boredom 1:39:44 Yachty’s skin routine + we’d do anything for Mitch 1:43:04 Wife with 0 v 100 bodies? White neighbour cookies 1:46:19 The White Party, White activities + we love Saucy Santana 1:51:06 Yachty wants to be in movies + Nolan’s openers

    Trump Survives & Kamala Harris Ends Democracy

    Trump Survives & Kamala Harris Ends Democracy
    YERRR We're back babyyyy! Came back with some HEAT this week after taking some time off. We break down the attack on Trump and the failures surrounding it. Talk about Biden stepping down and Kamala stepping up. Akaash recaps his awesome experiences at the Ambani wedding in India. & finally we get an excellent breakdown of Trump's new VP pick. All that and much much more. INDULGE. 00:00 The RANT 3:55 Patreon predicted this 5:54 Trump’s almost assassination 15:57 Too much information + FDR attempt 21:58 Crooks was ODD + stop and frisk weird white kids 30:43 Bring back the bike helmet, Andrew 31:15 Crooks’ last search + RNC was a banger 35:07 RFK leaks Trump call + Biden has tactical Covid??? 39:42 Kamala Harris is the safest pick 43:25 Democrats has gay branding 50:01 You more gay or racist? It’s all Elon Musk’s fault 1:00:46 Cricket is fire 1:03:21 Who is JD Vance? Peter Thiel is the best gay 1:12:02 VPs can’t overshadow the Prezzy + Debate economy 1:21:29 Trump outshining Teddy Roosevelt 1:25:06 US elections is reality TV + Diddy needs a bad shooter 1:29:40 The Ambani wedding was genuinely insane 1:44:42 Akaash 7/11 Convention clean performance 1:50:22 Indian living for part of the year + Goa’s the move 1:57:02 Crowdstrike fugged everything 1:59:42 We’re too used to historical events 2:03:51 Alexx at the gun range + Being Prezzy is dangerous 2:09:35 We didn’t mean to miss last week

    ShxtsnGigs on Cheating, Immigrant Parents, & Sucking Your Homie

    ShxtsnGigs on Cheating, Immigrant Parents, & Sucking Your Homie
    YERRR, ShxtsnGigs came through and told us some wild stories about cheating, explained to us what the Black girlfriend effect is, how to handle one night stands in the UK, and much much more. INDULGE! 00:00 We’re all Yoruba at Flagrant + Nigerians & their reputations 2:25 How does British culture see race? 4:04 Nigerians = poetic, James = Taters + OVHoes 9:22 British don’t care about royalty + we LOVED Princess Diana 13:40 Black girlfriend effect & Who do ShxtsNGigs prefer? 16:46 Where are the Pengest whites in UK? 17:50 We’re all British, US tryhard patriotism + Freedom 22:09 What does Britain care about? Showing a different side 26:15 Fuhad catching James cheating + fast friends 30:06 Dumbest thing James did at Uni + being toxic 34:20 Girls reaching out from the past + Eskimo brothers? 36:28 Fuhad was a dog, being less religious + Arabic phrases 41:28 Being compared to others 45:47 Fuhad resting his meat on the seat 49:44 James gonna need 4 strong sucks 54:51 I’d go to prison for you + influence on culture 1:02:08 First moment that really blew up 1:05:28 What does the live show look like? 1:11:50 Fuhad’s parents proud of him yet? 1:15:04 Having to self-censor 1:18:01 Never paid, we rinse them + tipping strippers 1:22:52 Girls’ nail colour, 1 night stand sl*gs + “that’s heinous” 1:28:50 Is it the accent or the novelty? Americans are friendlier 1:36:01 Stiff upper lip everywhere 1:40:01 Farthest you’ve travelled to smash a ting 1:43:10 Fuhad got everyone to fight for him 1:47:11 Would you let your friend smash in your bed? 1:56:20 We need more Nigerianisms 1:58:21 Only finding out about British colonialism

    Sketch Gay OnlyFans Revealed & Kendricks “Not Like Us” Video Reaction

    Sketch Gay OnlyFans Revealed & Kendricks “Not Like Us” Video Reaction
    YERRR, the Flagrant team reacts to Sketch's OnlyFans revelations; explain their weekend in the Hamptons with Lil Mabu; talk about Kendrick's new music video; and much much more. INDULGE 00:00 Sketch allegations 5:34 Is faking corn the new wave? We all want to be wanted 11:46 Straightest way being gay; where’s the line? ALEXX KNOWS TOO MUCH 17:30 Weezy is Flagrant’s fact-checker 19:10 Taylor Swift’s team lied to her? 37:27 Alexx pretends to be a rapper + Lil Mabu in the Hamptons 40:49 “Take it away” - Dov had FUN + Andrew’s Padel injury 47:41 Dov’s “injury”, Pavlov’s Molly + Vala was GURNING 50:30 Andrew & Miles got kicked out + Hot girls crashing the party 1:00:09 Andrew made it into the White party + Leo’s a loser 1:03:10 More fun with friends + White Party is male Met Gala 1:06:40 2 days of partying MAX 1:07:40 Akaash’s journey to redemption 1:14:06 Persecution drives community? 1:17:35 Kendrick Lamar “Not Like Us” video reaction 1:23:05 Drake as a popstar will be fine + flipping narratives 1:27:00 Drake the new Nelly? GOAT status + position now? 1:35:30 Drake EDM album on the way? 1:41:46 DJs are Switzerland + play ALL the music