
    Podcast Summary

    • The speaker's eventful week and her dislike for birthdaysDespite her dislike for birthdays, the speaker plans to dedicate an entire episode to the topic, and she applied fake tan to improve her appearance due to feeling self-conscious about being pale.

      The speaker had an eventful week, including trying fake tan for the first time in a long while and turning 19 years old, but she dislikes birthdays due to past negative experiences. The speaker also mentioned her voice issues and being self-conscious about her pale appearance. Despite her dislike for birthdays, she plans to dedicate an entire episode to the topic. Additionally, the episode is sponsored by Haagen Dazs and Bumble. The speaker also mentioned having voice cracks due to possible dehydration and going through puberty, and she applied fake tan to look sun-kissed as she felt pale and self-conscious. She also shared her dislike for birthdays, expressing that she hates everything about them, and plans to discuss her reasons in detail in a future episode. The episode is presented by Haagen Dazs and sponsored by Bumble.

    • Memories of painful birthdays and the importance of finding connectionEmbrace change and use modern tools like Bumble to find connection and improve various aspects of life, from relationships to wardrobe and home decor.

      Everyone has experiences that shape their perceptions and expectations, especially when it comes to important milestones like birthdays. The speaker shared some painful memories from her middle school and teenage years, where she felt excluded and disappointed on her birthdays. These experiences left her with a negative association towards birthdays. However, the discussion also highlighted the importance of using modern tools like Bumble to find compatibility and connection in relationships. The speaker emphasized that Bumble's features can help individuals find exactly what they're looking for in a partner. On a lighter note, the conversation also touched upon the importance of refreshing one's wardrobe, home, or beauty routine during springtime. The speaker recommended Walmart as a go-to destination for affordable and stylish finds. Overall, the discussion underscored the significance of embracing change and using available resources to improve various aspects of one's life. Whether it's finding a compatible partner or upgrading one's style, the right tools and mindset can lead to positive outcomes.

    • Personal feelings towards birthdaysSome people harbor negative feelings towards their birthdays, despite not being indifferent to the occasion. They acknowledge the importance of gestures made in their honor.

      Some people view their birthdays as just another day, while others attach significant meaning to the occasion. The speaker shares their personal experience of having had a series of less-than-ideal birthdays, which has led them to feel apprehensive about the day. They identify as being 50% like the people who genuinely don't care about their birthdays but instead of being indifferent, they harbor strong negative feelings towards the occasion. The speaker acknowledges that they are still grateful for any gestures made in their honor on their birthday. The speaker also discusses the three main groups of people on their birthdays: those who don't care, those who have high expectations, and those who are indifferent but have negative feelings. The speaker expresses admiration for those who genuinely don't care and are grateful for any gestures made in their honor.

    • People's complex feelings towards birthdaysCommunicate openly about birthday preferences and respect individual social needs to avoid misunderstandings.

      People's attitudes towards their birthdays can be confusing. Some individuals act like they don't care about their birthdays but secretly want a surprise party. This behavior can make it difficult for others to know how to celebrate them, leading to misunderstandings and frustration. It's essential to communicate openly about one's feelings towards birthdays to avoid any confusion or disappointment. Additionally, everyone has different social batteries, and it's crucial to respect people's need for alone time or social engagement. In the realm of shopping, Walmart offers affordable springtime style finds for wardrobe, home, and beauty upgrades. Lastly, BetterHelp provides online therapy services to help individuals improve their self-awareness and build a social life that suits their needs.

    • People's attitudes towards birthdaysSome embrace the month-long celebration, while others feel burdened by the attention, and some prefer attending parties over having their own.

      People's attitudes towards birthdays can vary greatly. Some people embrace the month-long celebration and make it known that they want their birthday to be special. Others, like the speaker, may feel guilty or burdened by the attention and effort put into their birthday, preferring to focus on day-to-day relationships instead. Additionally, the speaker shares that they enjoy attending birthday parties more than having their own due to the added stress and responsibility of planning and paying for the event. Ultimately, birthdays can bring up complex emotions and experiences for individuals, and it's important to respect and understand each other's perspectives.

    • Values authentic connections over material possessions and the spotlightThis person prefers small groups, giving gifts, and values quality time and acts of service, with receiving gifts being least important to them.

      The person in this conversation prefers to be around small groups of people they love and care about, rather than being the center of attention at larger events. They enjoy giving gifts but find receiving them uncomfortable, as it puts pressure on them to react appropriately. Their love language appears to be quality time and acts of service, with receiving gifts being the least important to them. As a child, they preferred spending time with people and making memories over material gifts. Overall, they value authentic connections and experiences over material possessions and the spotlight.

    • Thoughtful gifts and enjoying lifeThoughtful and practical gifts are more meaningful than impersonal ones. Age doesn't matter, focus on enjoying life.

      Practical and thoughtful gifts are more meaningful than impersonal or unnecessary ones. The speaker shares examples of how they prefer to give gifts that cater to their parents' needs rather than picking something out themselves. They also express their dislike for birthdays and the anxiety that comes with growing older, but emphasize that age doesn't matter and life should still be enjoyed no matter what age. The speaker also mentions their dislike for throwing big parties and prefers a more low-key approach to celebrations. Overall, the takeaway is that thoughtful and practical gifts, as well as a focus on enjoying life and not getting too caught up in age, are important values.

    • Memorable Birthdays and Personal GrowthAppreciate personal growth experiences and thoughtful gestures over material possessions. Cherish meaningful moments and remember the importance of independence and self-discovery during the teenage years.

      The speaker values thoughtful, personal gifts over money, especially as they've grown older. They also shared that their most significant periods of maturation occurred during their late teens, specifically when they moved to LA and lived independently. The speaker also mentioned that they had a difficult time during their 18th birthday, struggling with insecurity, defensiveness, and codependency. A memorable birthday experience for them was when they were sick on their birthday last year, and their friends surprised them by taking them to a secret location, despite initially leading them to believe they were getting a tattoo. Overall, the speaker's reflections highlighted the importance of personal growth, cherishing meaningful experiences, and appreciating thoughtful gestures.

    • Birthdays: A Mix of Emotions and ExperiencesPeople have diverse ways of coping with and celebrating birthdays, from embracing attention to preferring low-key celebrations, and from feeling excited to feeling uncomfortable.

      Birthdays can bring up a mix of emotions and experiences for people. Some people may feel uncomfortable with the attention and prefer to keep things low-key, while others may cherish the opportunity to see friends and celebrate. The speaker shared her experience of an unexpected helicopter ride on her birthday, which was both exciting and uncomfortable due to her illness. She also discussed her discomfort with the attention and tradition of birthday celebrations, preferring to act shy and make light of the situation. Additionally, she shared a nostalgic memory of writing lengthy birthday texts in middle and high school as a mandatory tradition. Overall, birthdays can evoke a range of emotions and experiences, and people have different ways of coping with and celebrating them.

    • Entering adulthood and enjoying the present momentEmbrace individuality, autonomy, and self-discovery during adulthood while cherishing the present moment and taking things day by day.

      As we grow older, we gain wisdom and learn to care less about insignificant things, such as who sends birthday texts. The speaker expressed excitement for the stability and fun that comes with entering adulthood in their twenties. She emphasized the importance of enjoying the present moment and taking things day by day. The speaker also highlighted the importance of individuality and autonomy on one's birthday, allowing people to choose how they want to celebrate. Overall, the discussion revolved around the themes of self-discovery, wisdom, and the excitement of entering a new stage of life.

    • People's feelings towards birthdays can differ greatlyRespect individual preferences for birthday celebrations, whether it's a grand event or a quiet affair.

      People's attitudes towards birthdays can vary greatly. Some view it as an opportunity to celebrate and throw a party, while others find the attention uncomfortable and prefer a low-key celebration. The age of 21 is often seen as a significant birthday due to the newfound freedoms and legal privileges it brings. However, some individuals may feel uneasy about receiving attention and expressing gratitude, leading to feelings of discomfort and pressure. Ultimately, it's essential to respect people's preferences and make their birthdays meaningful to them, whether it's a grand celebration or a quiet affair.

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    • The popular video that made Davy realise his talents
    • Why its important to think about what motivates you
    • The number one thing to consider before starting a business


    Connect With Davy
    Websites: www.bigbrightmedia.com and https://kiwihoopers.com
    Instagram: @bigbrightmedia and @kiwihoopers
    YouTube: @bigbrightmedianz

    Work With Lara
    Website: www.larafrankscoaching.com
    Instagram: @larafranks_

    Gift Certificates For House Cleaning?

    Gift Certificates For House Cleaning?

    Gift certificates for house cleaning - yes or no? Custom gift certificates are super easy to make. All you need is a gift certificate template and some fancy paper from the office store. 

    Ask a House Cleaner marketing advice about ways to grow your cleaning business. Angela Brown, The House Cleaning Guru will agree a gift certificate or gift card is great for any birthday, Mother's Day or Valentine's Day. 

    As a savvy cleaner, you can market your cleaning business, and get paid now. Just make sure they can redeem or transfer the gift certificate. 

    Today's sponsors are My Cleaning Connection, Savvy Cleaner Training, and HouseCleaning360.







    I Hire My House Cleaner as a Handyman? - https://youtu.be/q25CiydfDp8

    Party Help - Can I Hire My Maid? - https://youtu.be/oQEFn9iiREQ

    Yardwork - Upselling for House Cleaners - https://youtu.be/gk8RbxWK-Ic

    Move Out Cleaning Tips - House Cleaner Training (2017) - https://youtu.be/SjkjReCuXKI

    Should Maids, House Cleaners and Housekeepers Help Clients Move? - https://youtu.be/tLMS2B1Upj4

    Do Professional House Cleaners or Maids Do Laundry? - https://youtu.be/9axFBWMXln0




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    Gift Card Guy: The Entrepreneur That Revolutionized the Gift Card Industry - http://amzn.to/2DZePz2




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    Ask a House Cleaner is a daily show where you get to ask your house cleaning questions and we provide answers. Learn how to clean. How to start a cleaning business. Marketing and Advertising tips for your cleaning service. How to find top quality house cleaners, housekeepers, and maids. Employee motivation tactics. Strategies to boost your cleaning clientele. Cleaning company expansion help. Time-saving Hacks for DIY cleaners and more. Hosted by Angela Brown, 25-year house cleaning expert and founder of Savvy Cleaner Training for House Cleaners and Maids.


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    SAVVY CLEANER - House Cleaner Training and Certification – https://savvycleaner.com


    HOUSECLEANING360 – Referral database of the world’s most prominent home service providers and the homeowners they serve. https://housecleaning360.com


    MY CLEANING CONNECTION – Your Hub for All Things House Cleaning – https://mycleaningconnection.com