
    Black Box: the hunt for ClothOff – the deepfake porn app

    en-gbMarch 11, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Uncovering the Truth Behind Deep FakesThe advancement of AI technology is leading to the creation and spread of deep fakes, causing harm and manipulation, and dealing with the consequences is proving to be a major challenge for lawmakers and individuals.

      As artificial intelligence (AI) technology advances, the creation and spread of deep fakes - hyper-realistic photos, videos, and audio generated by AI - is becoming a major concern. These deep fakes, which can be used to manipulate reality and expose individuals against their will, are already causing havoc around the world, particularly in the form of explicit images of women and girls. In this episode of The Guardian's Black Box series, the team sets out to find the people behind one of the most notorious deep fake apps, only to realize that the truth behind this technology may be slipping out of their grasp. The rise of AI means that what we're seeing and hearing is not always real, and dealing with the consequences of this is proving to be a major challenge for lawmakers and individuals alike.

    • Mother discovers daughter's privacy violated by AI appOnline exploitation and cyberbullying can traumatize young girls, requiring serious action from parents, educators, and authorities to prevent and support victims.

      Technology, when misused, can lead to serious violations of privacy and safety, particularly for young girls. Miriam, a mother and social media influencer, was shocked when she discovered that her daughter's naked images had been created using an AI app and shared among classmates. The incident was part of a larger pattern of cyberbullying that affected dozens of girls from several schools in Al Mendrilejo. The girls were left feeling violated and traumatized, while the perpetrators were initially treated lightly by authorities. Miriam, in response, spoke out publicly about the issue, urging girls to report such incidents and raising awareness about the seriousness of online exploitation. The incident highlights the need for parents, educators, and authorities to take cyberbullying seriously and to provide resources and support for victims. It also underscores the importance of educating young people about online safety and privacy.

    • Investigating the first AI-related crime in SpainProsecutor investigates creators of an AI app used to create and share explicit images, highlighting the complex intersection of technology and ethics, and the need to hold individuals accountable for causing harm

      We're facing a complex and uncharted issue at the intersection of technology and ethics, as a prosecutor in Spain investigates what might be the first crime involving AI in the country. The case involves teenage boys creating and sharing explicit images of girls, using an app called Cloth Off. Though the laws are unclear in this area, the prosecutor, Francisco Javier Montero Juarez, believes someone has broken the law – the creators of the app. The app, which allows users to remove clothing from images using AI, is not hiding its purpose and is gaining popularity among teenagers, often targeting girls. As investigations continue, it's crucial to remember that behind the technology is a human being, potentially causing harm and profiting from it. The challenge lies in identifying and bringing these individuals to justice.

    • Anonymous creators of controversial AI-generated nude image app maintain their anonymityThe creators of a controversial AI-generated nude image app, Cloth Off, have maintained their anonymity while engaging with a large online following, emphasizing their goal to provide positive emotions and help people feel good about their bodies, and refusing to discuss potential harms or reveal their identities or location.

      Cloth Off, the anonymous creators behind the controversial AI-generated nude image app, have carefully maintained their anonymity while engaging with their large social media following. They communicate through anonymous channels and have a large online presence, with over 773,000 subscribers on YouTube and active Telegram and Twitter feeds. When contacted via email, they responded with voice notes, maintaining their disguise. Their primary reason for creating the app is to provide positive emotions and help people feel good about their bodies, as they believe the images are generated by AI and not a cause for shame. They also stated that their target audience consists of people who embrace new technologies and can appreciate the results. Despite being asked to discuss the potential harms of their app, they compared it to harmless spam messages and insisted that they are just providing a tool and not responsible for how it is used. Despite multiple attempts, they refused to reveal their identities or location.

    • A seemingly normal office building hides thousands of virtual companiesInvestigating virtual offices can uncover hidden shady activities and lead to more information, despite initial disappointments.

      The digital world can be deceitful and hiding in plain sight. The speaker's investigation led them to a seemingly normal office building in London's diamond district, but it was a virtual office with thousands of registered companies, many of which were likely fronts for shady activities. The companies, including Cloth Off, were using this address to hide their true locations and identities. Despite their initial disappointment in finding nothing at the physical location, they later discovered that the same people were behind two websites, one of which was an AI image manipulation platform called AI Image Craft. This discovery led them to follow the money trail and potentially uncover more information. The experience served as a reminder that the internet can be a maze of misdirection and deception, and it's crucial to look beyond the surface to uncover the truth.

    • Unmasking a Deep Fake Operation: Texture OasisDeep fakes can disguise malicious activities, making it crucial to prioritize digital security and laws against non-consensual sharing of intimate images.

      The digital world can be full of deception and disguise, as we discovered with the fake business named Texture Oasis. This seemingly legitimate architectural materials company was actually a front for a deep fake operation, using stolen identities and copied text to hide its true nature. The individuals behind this operation, Cloth Off, had managed to evade detection for a long time, even as they were sending payments to this fake business. However, their actions were eventually exposed, leading to criminal charges and the downfall of their operation. This incident highlights the importance of digital security and the need for laws against non-consensual sharing of intimate images, including deep fakes. As technology continues to advance, it's crucial that we stay vigilant against these types of deceptive practices and work to create a safer digital environment.

    • Being cautious of suspicious business opportunitiesAlways research new business opportunities thoroughly before getting involved to avoid potential scams and protect your reputation.

      The line between innovation and potential scams can be blurry. In the case of the company Cloth Off, they approached Sergei's business, BS Europe, for help with setting up a payment system and marketing. However, Sergei had never heard of the company and was not interested due to its seemingly suspicious nature. It wasn't until the team at the podcast contacted him that he learned of Cloth Off's involvement in alleged scams in Spain and New Jersey. Despite his initial lack of interest, Sergei took the interview seriously once he understood the gravity of the situation and the potential harm to his business reputation. The incident serves as a reminder for individuals and businesses to be cautious and do their due diligence before getting involved with new opportunities.

    • A suspect's messages led investigators to a woman's Instagram account, revealing her brother's business connection to the mysterious company.Investigators uncovered a lead by following encrypted messages to a woman's Instagram account, which revealed her brother's business ties to a previously elusive company.

      The investigation into the mysterious company, Klothoff, took an unexpected turn when a suspected associate revealed information and provided evidence through encrypted messaging apps. The evidence included conversations between his company and individuals with Telegram profiles "Al" and "Dasha." While "Al" kept his identity hidden in his videos, "Dasha" had unintentionally left a trace in the form of a former username, which led the team to an Instagram account. The Instagram account belonged to a young woman named Dasha Babichieva, who had posted a photo of herself outside a pub in Cuba, matching the one on "Dasha's" Telegram account. Her Instagram also featured photos of her brother, Alexander Babichow. A search for Alexander Babichow led to the discovery that he was the owner of AI Imagecraft, a business that had previously been linked to Klothoff. This unexpected turn of events provided the team with their first solid lead in the form of a name and a business connection.

    • Clothing Company Owner Hides Involvement in Telegram AccountThe owner of a clothing company was found to be operating a Telegram account under the same name, but denied involvement and removed related content after being exposed.

      During an investigation into the clothing company Clothoff, journalists discovered strong evidence suggesting that the website's owner, Alexander Babichow, was also behind a Telegram account using the same name. This account contained videos and posts from recent trips to Hong Kong and Macau, matching those of the supposed founder of Clothoff, Al. Despite attempts to contact Babichow, he denied any involvement with Clothoff and claimed he did not have a LinkedIn account, which was contradictory to the information available online. After the call, Clothoff took down all related content, changed contact information, and blocked access to its website in the UK. The evidence strongly implies that Babichow was trying to hide his involvement in Clothoff.

    • Deepfake content is more complex and widespread than anticipatedDeepfake content can take various forms, from pornography to political manipulation, and it's becoming increasingly difficult to distinguish fact from fiction. Stay vigilant and informed, and take action against those responsible.

      The issue of deepfake content, particularly deepfake pornography, is much more complex and widespread than initially anticipated. Miriam's experience of her daughter's image being used without consent on the app Cloth Off is just one example of many. The creators of the app denied any wrongdoing, but it's clear that this is not an isolated incident. In fact, there are likely many more sophisticated operations like Cloth Off, and they're only going to become more powerful and prevalent. Deepfake content can take many forms, from pornography to political manipulation to audio impersonation. The implications are vast and unsettling, as it becomes increasingly difficult to distinguish fact from fiction. Miriam's advice is to be prepared, update our laws, and keep going after the people behind these apps. It's not just about standing idly by, but making their lives as hard as possible. The investigation into Cloth Off is ongoing, and it's a reminder that we all need to stay vigilant and informed about this growing threat.

    • Exploring the future of romantic relationships with AIThis episode of The Guardian discusses the future of romantic relationships with AI, the importance of health care, and the convenience of shopping for gifts and travel essentials.

      Learning from this episode of The Guardian is the exploration of the future of romantic relationships with AI, as discussed in Miriam Aladib's interview. This concept was introduced in the second full episode of Black Box, which is now available for listening. As we move forward, this trend is expected to become more prevalent, and it may bring about new challenges that we need to be prepared for. Additionally, the episode highlighted the importance of health care and the role of UnitedHealthcare's Health ProtectorGuard fixed indemnity insurance plans in managing out-of-pocket costs. The episode also promoted Quince, a travel brand offering high-quality essentials at affordable prices, and Celebrations Passport from 1-800-Flowers.com, a one-stop shopping site for amazing gifts for every occasion. Quoting directly from the podcast, "I think it's a glimpse at a future that is coming at us quicker than we think, and I also think it's an early look at the problems that that future is going to create." This statement emphasizes the significance of being aware of the future developments and the potential issues that may arise from them. In summary, this episode of The Guardian provided insights into the future of romantic relationships with AI, the importance of health care, and the convenience of shopping for gifts and travel essentials. These topics are all interconnected, as they relate to our personal lives, health, and the future of technology.

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