
    Black & Brown Women Healing Through Sacred Rituals & Ancient Practices

    enFebruary 08, 2021

    About this Episode

    Eliza sits down with Author, Wellness Advocate, & Certified Reiki Practitioner, Quiana LaRAe to discuss her book Once a New Moon: Sacred Practices, Tools, & Rituals for Women of Color in which Quiana shares how her healing journey lead her to create more safe spaces for women who looked like her to heal.

    Follow Quiana on IG @quianalarae & visit quianalarae.com to purchase her book.

    Follow Eliza @elizagboquin @flowandeasewithe on IG & FB. Visit flowandeasehealing.com to find out more about her work.

    Send your questions or topic suggestions to chakrassexrelationships@gmail.com.

    Remember to rate & review!

    Recent Episodes from Chakras + Sex + Relationships

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    In this episode, I break down what's probably happening & share some tips on what to do.

    Be sure to subscribe, review, and rate the show.

    Stay in touch with me on IG, FB, Twitter, & TikTok: @elizagboquin.

    If you're in Tx & interested in therapy, visit flowandeasehealing.com.

    If you're in interested in coaching, visit flowandeasehealing.com.


    Episode 20: Six Tips to Revive a Sexless Marriage

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    In today's episode, I share with you 6 Tips to Revive your Sexless/Sex-Starved Marriage.

    Be sure to subscribe to, review, and rate the show.

    Stay in touch on IG, FB, Twitter & TikTok by following @elizagboquin

    If you're in TX & want to work together in my private practice, visit flowandeasehealing.com.


    Liberating Yourself Through Self-Pleasure: An Intro to Masturbation

    Liberating Yourself Through Self-Pleasure: An Intro to Masturbation

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    Resource Mentioned: Emily Nagoski - Come As You Are
    Download Pleasure Meditation at flowandeasehealing.com
    IG/Twitter: @elizagboquin

    Grief & The Heart Chakra: Allowing Ourselves to Heal After Loss

    Grief & The Heart Chakra: Allowing Ourselves to Heal After Loss

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    Stay in touch w/us:

    IG: @shameitrangreen
    From My Couch to Your Couch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wSC-w72_LNM

    IG/Twitter: @elizagboquin