
    Blatant Academic Fraud, OpenAI's New Sibling, a Killer Drone?!

    enJune 04, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • New company Anthropic focuses on making AI safer and more usableAnthropic, led by ex-OpenAI team members, raises $124M to improve guardrails, interpretability, and robustness of large generative AI models, ensuring safer and beneficial use for the public.

      A new company named Anthropic, led by former OpenAI team members, has raised $124 million in funding to focus on making large generative AI models safer and more usable for the public. The team aims to improve the guardrails on these models, increase their interpretability, and make them more robust for real-world deployment. The need for these advancements arises from the potential harm that AI models, such as GPT-3, can cause with their nonsensical or toxic outputs. The team also intends to integrate evaluation into the training pipeline to ensure safety and usability from the beginning. This is an important step forward in ensuring the beneficial use of AI technology for everyone.

    • OpenAI's Shift from Research to CommercializationOpenAI is expanding beyond research by launching a new product, Froppler, and a $100 million startup fund to support companies making a positive impact with AI.

      OpenAI, a leading research organization in artificial intelligence, is expanding its horizons by not only focusing on research and development but also commercializing its AI technologies. This shift is evident in their recent announcement of a new product, Froppler, and a $100 million startup fund to support other companies making a positive impact with AI. The divide between research and product seems to be more of a natural evolution rather than a schism. Some people may have negative views due to OpenAI's change from nonprofit to for-profit status, but overall, this move is seen as a positive step towards advancing AI technology and addressing real-world challenges. The intersection of research and commercialization is a growing trend in the tech industry, especially with the rise of privacy-focused companies like Signal. This development in OpenAI's strategy could lead to significant advancements in AI, including more reliable, unbiased, and interoperable models, which are currently active research areas.

    • The Complexities and Challenges of Ethical Standards in TechThe drive for innovation in tech can lead to ethical dilemmas, including questions about companies' intentions and academic fraud. Maintaining ethical standards and transparency is crucial.

      The drive for innovation and progress in the tech industry, particularly in the field of AI, can sometimes lead to ethical dilemmas and questions about the true intentions and motivations behind companies and research. The discussion touched upon the case of Anthropic AI, a research-focused organization that has raised significant funding but has yet to establish a clear business model. Some speculate that it may lean towards a non-profit or charitable approach due to growing public skepticism towards technology companies and their use of AI. Another topic that was addressed was academic fraud and the pressure to produce impressive results, even if it means manipulating data or cherry-picking examples. The blog post "Please commit more blatant academic fraud" shed light on this issue, and the speakers agreed that it is a prevalent problem in the scientific community. They shared personal experiences of encountering researchers who were unresponsive or uncooperative when asked for further information or access to their work. In essence, the conversation highlighted the complexities and challenges that come with technological advancements and the importance of maintaining ethical standards and transparency. It's a reminder that progress should not come at the expense of integrity and honesty.

    • Pressure to publish and subtle fraud in academiaThe academic community faces a problem of untruthful or insignificant papers being published due to pressure to publish and subtle fraud, but not all researchers are complicit and efforts should focus on improving incentive structures for genuine research.

      There's a perception that some researchers may be submitting less than stellar work to top conferences due to the pressure to publish and the existence of subtle fraud within the academic community. This issue has led to a collective blind spot, where untruthful or insignificant papers are published and celebrated. However, it's important to acknowledge that not all researchers are complicit in this behavior, and many strive to contribute valuable research. The suggestion to commit blatant academic fraud is a satirical one, and the real question is how to root out subtle ways of gaming the system. It's a complex issue that's not unique to the AI community, but rather a problem inherent in academia and research as a whole. While it's ideal to strive for integrity and excellence, it's also important to recognize that there will always be ways to game the system, and efforts should focus on improving the incentive structures within academia to encourage genuine research and innovation.

    • The messy research process and the drive for improvementAI can write code from language descriptions and ensemble modeling improves COVID-19 predictions, advancing research in various fields

      The research process can be messy and complex, with elements of politics and randomness influencing the attention given to certain findings. Despite these challenges, there is a desire among researchers to address these issues and improve the overall system. A recent blog post brought renewed attention to these problems, reminding us that progress requires ongoing effort. Moving on to exciting developments in the world of technology, AI is now capable of writing code based on ordinary language descriptions. Companies like OpenAI and Microsoft are working on refining this capability, allowing users to describe what they want, and the AI to write the code for them. This could lead to significant advancements in various fields, from creating simple websites to more complex research projects. Another interesting application of AI is in the modeling of COVID-19. The most trustworthy models for predicting the spread of the virus are ensembles, combining multiple models to increase accuracy. This approach has proven effective in understanding the complexities of the virus and its impact on populations. In summary, the research process can be messy, but the desire for improvement remains strong. Technological advancements, such as AI's ability to write code and ensemble modeling, are opening new doors for innovation and progress.

    • Ensemble models outperform individual models in predicting COVID-19 infections and deathsCollaborative ensemble models, combining predictions from multiple models, provide more reliable and accurate COVID-19 forecasts than individual models, minimizing errors and maximizing accuracy.

      The use of ensemble models in predicting COVID-19 infections and deaths has proven to be essential due to the complexity and variability of the data. The COVID-19 Forecast Hub aggregated and evaluated weekly results from multiple models and generated an ensemble model, which combined predictions to make a more reliable and accurate forecast. This technique, which is not new, but important in this context, outperformed individual models by averaging their results and minimizing the impact of any potential errors. The collaboration of numerous researchers and organizations in the evaluation of these models and the publication of their findings is also impressive, as shown in a paper with over 250 authors and 69 different affiliations. On the other hand, AI's ability to generate disinformation and deceive human readers is a growing concern. Researchers at Georgetown University have demonstrated that GPD-3, a language model, can write false narratives and tweets to push disinformation. The effectiveness of AI in generating short messages makes it a significant threat to the accuracy and reliability of information online.

    • AI generating misinformation on social media and potential shift towards AI warfareAI's ability to generate misinformation on social media and its potential use in autonomous lethal weaponry raises concerns about scaling up warfare, deniability of casualties, and lack of regulation.

      The use of artificial intelligence (AI) in social media to spread misinformation is a growing concern, as shown in a recent study where AI models were able to generate convincing tweets. Although it's not surprising that AI can create tweets, the potential for these models to be used maliciously is a cause for concern. However, the first reported case of an autonomous lethal weaponized drone attacking a human during a conflict between Libyan government forces and a breakaway military faction is an even more alarming development. This marks a potential shift towards AI warfare, which raises concerns about scaling up warfare, deniability of casualties, and the lack of regulation around autonomous weaponry. In a lighter note, an AI startup named Replica recently held a hackathon where employees used AI to create cringe-worthy rap videos and 3D animations, highlighting the increasing capabilities of AI in creating human-like content. Overall, the integration of AI in various aspects of our lives, from social media to warfare, is a complex issue that requires careful consideration and regulation.

    • AI system-generated video with quirks, new research advancements, Tesla's autopilot transition, and Pony.AI's permitNew AI research includes disproving math conjectures, neural algorithmic reasoning, and adaptive reinforcement learning. Tesla moves towards computer vision-only autopilot, and Pony.AI tests driverless cars without human safety drivers. However, many companies struggle to explain AI model decisions and ensure fairness and safety.

      Replica's AI system-generated video was met with some uncanny valley effects and lip syncing issues, which the creators acknowledged and intended as a fun and attention-grabbing distraction. Meanwhile, in the world of AI research, advancements include an AI system developed at Tel Aviv University disproving mathematical conjectures without being given any information about the problems, DeepMind's neural algorithmic reasoning that goes from raw inputs to general outputs while emulating an algorithm, and a new reinforcement learning agent from the University of Montreal and Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems that can adapt to new tasks and reuse knowledge and reward functions. On the business side, Tesla announced a transition to computer vision-only autopilot and full self-driving technology, and Chinese autonomous vehicle startup Pony.AI received a permit to test driverless cars without human safety drivers in California. However, a survey by FICO and Corinion revealed that 65% of companies cannot explain how AI model decisions or predictions are made, and business leaders are putting little effort into ensuring that AI systems are fair and safe for public use.

    • Discussing VIBRA image AI system's claim to determine emotions and behavior based on head vibrationsApproach new AI technologies with skepticism and demand robust scientific evidence before accepting them as fact.

      During this episode of Scanit Today's Let's Talk AI Podcast, we discussed the VIBRA image AI system, which claims to determine emotions, personality, and future behavior based on head vibrations. However, there is currently no solid evidence supporting the system's effectiveness. It's important to approach such claims with skepticism and wait for scientific validation before accepting them as fact. This serves as a reminder that while AI technology is advancing rapidly, it's crucial to maintain a healthy dose of skepticism and demand robust evidence before embracing new technologies wholeheartedly. Stay informed, subscribe to our weekly newsletter, and join us next week for more insightful discussions on AI.

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