
    Blue light: one woman's story of policing on the frontline

    enSeptember 26, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • LinkedIn: A Valuable Resource for Small Business HiringLinkedIn is a crucial platform for small businesses to find potential hires, with over 70% of users not visiting other job sites. Post jobs there to reach candidates not actively seeking new opportunities.

      LinkedIn is an essential platform for small businesses looking to hire professionals. It's where you can find candidates who aren't actively seeking new jobs but might be open to the right opportunity. In fact, over 70% of LinkedIn users don't visit other leading job sites. So, if you're looking to hire, start by posting your job on LinkedIn. Meanwhile, in other news, Mint Mobile is cutting the price of its unlimited plan from $30 to $15 a month. And, Claire McHenry, a retired police officer with 30 years of experience, shares her story about serving on the front line of law enforcement and the challenges she faced in her career. Claire describes an investigation where she had to enter a house through a small window, only to find herself dangling upside down, unable to move. Despite the challenges, she persevered and completed her mission. Her story is a powerful reminder of the realities of life and the importance of facing challenges head-on. In essence, LinkedIn is a valuable resource for small businesses looking to hire, Mint Mobile is offering a discounted unlimited plan, and Claire McHenry's story is a testament to the frontline experiences of those who serve in various professions.

    • An unexpected encounter with death shapes a woman's perspectiveAn encounter with death can lead to a newfound appreciation for life and respect for all lives, regardless of age or significance.

      Our experiences, even the most unexpected and frightening ones, can shape us in profound ways. The speaker in this story, who was once a carefree and vivacious young woman, found herself encountering death for the first time and was left with a newfound sense of compassion and respect for life. Before joining the police force, she had a happy upbringing on a farm in Lancashire, enjoyed horsey experiences, and even considered entering body beautiful competitions. However, her life took an unexpected turn when her mother intervened and encouraged her to be more serious. This encounter with death was a pivotal moment in her life, and it taught her to appreciate the value of every life, no matter how old or seemingly insignificant. The memory of this experience stayed with her and influenced her perspective on life and death.

    • Being true to oneself in unexpected situationsStaying authentic can lead to unexpected opportunities despite adversity or misconceptions.

      Even when faced with unexpected challenges and adversity, maintaining a positive attitude and being true to oneself can lead to unexpected opportunities. The speaker shares her experience of applying for the police force without fully understanding the environment she was entering. She tried to fit in by hiding her background and accent, but the interviewers wanted authenticity. However, when she admitted her unconventional past, they were amused and offered her a place in the Lancashire police. Throughout her 30-year career, she encountered misogyny and bullying, but also found camaraderie and a sense of purpose. Her story highlights the importance of staying true to oneself, even in difficult situations, and the potential for unexpected rewards.

    • Handling Tragedy in the Police ForcePolice officers must learn to compartmentalize professional and personal lives, recognizing tragedy isn't theirs but their responsibility. Treat all individuals with dignity and respect.

      Serving in the police force involves dealing with death and tragedy, which can be isolating and emotionally challenging. Officers must learn to compartmentalize their professional and personal lives, recognizing that the tragedy they encounter is not their own, but rather the responsibility to handle it professionally. The police career often involves preventing deaths through negotiations or interventions, but the sudden and unexpected nature of death is a recurring theme. An important story from the speaker's career is the encounter with Stuart, a man on a rooftop considering suicide. This incident highlights the importance of recognizing the humanity in people, even those who may have committed heinous acts or appeared despicable at first glance. The speaker emphasizes the need to treat all individuals with dignity and respect, regardless of their circumstances.

    • The cycle of abuse and addiction leaves victims feeling abandoned and shamed by the judicial systemThe complexities of abuse and addiction often go unrecognized by the judicial system, leaving victims feeling abandoned, shamed, and trapped in a cycle of self-destruction

      The cycle of abuse and addiction can lead individuals into a vicious circle of self-destruction, with victims losing their self-esteem, confidence, and hope, and facing immense fear in seeking help. The judicial system often fails to understand the complexities of these situations, leaving victims feeling abandoned and shamed. This was evident in my interactions with Stuart, a young man I encountered multiple times throughout his life, from his childhood to his addiction and criminal activities. His addiction was fueled by desperation and the need to avoid withdrawal symptoms, leading him to commit increasingly risky crimes. The consequences of his addiction were devastating, affecting not only him but also his loved ones. It's crucial to recognize the systemic issues that contribute to the cycle of abuse and addiction and work towards creating a culture that supports and uplifts victims rather than shaming and abandoning them.

    • Judging People Based on First Impressions Can Be HarmfulAssessing people based on initial judgments can lead to misunderstandings and missed opportunities. Instead, it's crucial to look beyond surface-level appearances and provide opportunities for those in need.

      Judgment based on first impressions or preconceived notions can be misleading and harmful. The text describes a police officer, Sandra, who encountered a family, the Stuarts, and made assumptions about them based on their living conditions and past experiences. However, she later realized that her initial judgments were incorrect, and the family was in need of more help than she had initially thought. The text also emphasizes the importance of looking beyond surface-level appearances and providing opportunities for those who have been disadvantaged in life. Additionally, the text highlights the power of LinkedIn in connecting professionals with potential employers, emphasizing the importance of expanding one's search beyond traditional job boards. Overall, the text encourages empathy, understanding, and open-mindedness towards others, and the importance of giving people a chance, regardless of their background or circumstances.

    • Encountering raw humanity in her police careerRecognizing the humanity in others and finding meaning and purpose in life are essential for personal growth.

      Throughout her 30-year career in the police force, the speaker encountered moments of raw humanity that made her feel more connected to the community than the competitive and often toxic environment within the police station. These experiences stayed with her and influenced her decision to leave the force and pursue a new path as a priest in the Church of England. The speaker's conversion experience, while not dramatic, provided her with a sense of meaning and purpose that she felt was lacking in her previous career. The story of Stewart, who died without much notice or impact, served as a reminder of the importance of recognizing the humanity in others and the need to find meaning and purpose in one's own life.

    • From law enforcement to priesthood: A transformative journey of loss, love, and serviceThrough loss and love, one can find new purpose and meaning in life, even when it involves unexpected transitions.

      Love and service are transformative forces. The speaker, a retired police superintendent, shares how her experiences of loss and love led her to a new path in life, transitioning from a career in law enforcement to serving in the priesthood. Despite initial resistance, she came to understand that her past experiences, particularly in safeguarding, could be used to make a positive impact in the world. The speaker's journey highlights the potential for personal growth and redemption, even in the face of adversity. Ultimately, she found joy and fulfillment in her new role, serving as a guide and offering hope to others. This shift in perspective underscores the power of love and the importance of finding meaning and purpose in life, even when it seems like the most unexpected of turns.

    • A police officer's act of kindness transforms a troubled teenagerHelping others can lead to positive outcomes for both parties, as seen in a story about a police officer's impact on a troubled teenager's life. The podcast also featured commercials emphasizing the role of Shopify, 1-800-Flowers, and Vanguard in growth and transformation.

      Even the most difficult situations in life can lead to meaningful and positive outcomes. This was poignantly conveyed in a story from The Tortoise Quarterly about a police officer who rescued a troubled teenager and saw him transform into a successful young man. The podcast, produced by Emmy Harper and Patricia Clark, used sound design by Carla Patella and editing by Keith Blackmore and Matt Russell, highlighted the importance of helping others and the impact it can have on both parties. On a different note, the commercials in the podcast emphasized the role of Shopify in helping businesses grow and Shopify's commitment to providing a seamless shopping experience. 1-800-Flowers was highlighted for its dedication to delivering smiles through its thoughtfully crafted gifts. Lastly, Vanguard was presented as a trusted resource for investors seeking opportunities in uncertain times. Throughout the podcast, themes of growth, transformation, and the power of helping others emerged, providing a valuable reminder that even in the darkest of situations, there is always the potential for a brighter future.

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    For a free grounding meditation >>> https://www.kerrihummingbird.com/innermedicine

    Kerri’s Podcast:  Soul Nectar Show

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    About Dr. Liz

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