
    Bombshell Report Exposes FBI Targeting Trump Supporters (Ep 2103)

    enOctober 05, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • FBI targeting MAGA supporters - a deliberate warningDan Bongino warns of the current police state and encourages listeners to focus on principles, not individuals, while offering an exclusive discount for Relief Band.

      The host, Dan Bongino, is warning about the reality of America and recent events that have come to light, which he has previously warned about. He emphasizes that a news piece about the FBI targeting MAGA Trump supporters was not a leak, but a deliberate warning from the FBI. Bongino encourages listeners to trust in Relief Band, a product that helped him during chemotherapy, and offers an exclusive discount for listeners. He also mentions his plans to discuss why political figures are not to be idolized and how to turn the speaker vacancy into a win. Overall, Bongino's message is that the police state is a current reality and that individuals should be prepared and focused on principles rather than individuals.

    • Exposing government overreach and civil liberties erosionThe new FBI definition of extremist groups as including political views is a warning for individuals holding certain beliefs, urging awareness and vigilance against deliberate attempts to silence dissenting voices.

      The speaker, who collaborated with Dinesh D'Souza on the movie "Police State," wants audiences to watch it due to its relevance to current political issues. The movie exposes the potential threat of government overreach and the erosion of civil liberties, as depicted in the trailer. The speaker shares personal experiences of government intrusion and the criminalization of free speech. He believes that the FBI's new definition of extremist groups, which now includes political views, is a warning for individuals holding certain political beliefs. The speaker urges the audience not to live in fear and to be aware that they could be targeted next. He emphasizes that this is not an accident but a deliberate attempt to silence dissenting voices.

    • Selective justice based on political affiliationsDemocrats should stay informed and aware of selective justice based on political affiliations, as the targeting primarily affects MAGA supporters, and emotions dictate actions in a police state undermining the jury system.

      The recent news about potential gun regulations is not a leak, but a warning. It's a signal that selective justice based on political affiliations is a reality in our current society. The person sharing this information emphasizes that Democrats should not be complacent, as the targeting referred to in the news primarily affects MAGA supporters. The use of carefully constructed language and the apparent disregard for Antifa as a real threat further highlights the selective nature of justice. The judge in the Trump case, who openly acknowledges his inability to separate his emotions from his decisions, exemplifies this issue. We are living in a police state where emotions dictate actions, and the collective wisdom of the jury system is being undermined. It's crucial to stay informed and be aware of these developments.

    • Perception of bias in AG Garland's investigationsCritics argue selective prosecution and lack of transparency in AG Garland's investigations involving individuals close to the current administration, while Garland insists decisions are based on facts, law, and the Constitution. Perception of bias persists, raising concerns about accountability and potential 'police state'.

      The Attorney General, Merrick Garland, is under scrutiny for perceived selective prosecution and lack of transparency regarding investigations involving individuals close to the current administration. Critics argue that certain individuals, including the president's son, seem to be receiving preferential treatment. Garland insists that there is only one rule of law and that decisions are based on facts, law, and the Constitution. However, the perception of bias remains, leading to concerns about a "police state" and a lack of accountability. Meanwhile, the speaker emphasizes the importance of staying informed and prepared for potential challenges, drawing parallels between current events and the concept of the "Walking Dead Theory," where chaos is intentionally created to instill fear and encourage dependence on the government. Additionally, the promotion of a tax mitigation company, America First Tax Group, is interspersed throughout the discussion.

    • Escalating violence and lawlessness serve some purposeAvoid confrontations, escape if possible, carry a gun for self-defense against armed attacks, and stay cautious in the face of escalating violence.

      We are witnessing increasing lawlessness and violence in society, which some believe is intentionally being allowed to escalate by certain individuals and groups. The speaker warns that this chaos serves their purpose, and individuals are at a significant disadvantage in defending themselves against armed attacks, especially those involving knives. The advice given is to avoid confrontations and, if possible, escape the situation. However, for those who feel they must defend themselves, carrying a gun is recommended over a knife due to the greater chances of survival. Ultimately, the speaker urges caution and awareness of the escalating violence and the potential danger it poses.

    • Using clothes as a makeshift weapon in extreme situationsConsider MediShare for affordable healthcare and aligning with conservative values, saving families around $500 a month. Drink strong coffee from Blackout Coffee, and stay informed and prepared.

      In extreme situations, using the clothes you're wearing as a makeshift weapon, specifically a whip for the eyes, may buy you seconds to escape. However, this advice comes with the caveat that it's a last resort and likely won't save your life. The problem arises from intentional chaos instigated by a few criminals, which creates fear and panic in the streets, a concept known as reverse broken windows policing. In other news, consider this: a reliable and affordable healthcare alternative, MediShare, can save families around $500 a month and aligns with conservative values. Lastly, for coffee lovers, Blackout Coffee offers a strong, robust-tasting coffee, and a commitment to conservative principles. Stay informed, stay prepared, and remember, in the face of adversity, every second counts.

    • Impact of Few Bad Actors in High-Crime AreasA small group of individuals can cause significant harm in high-crime areas, and policies prioritizing quick release over incarceration allow them to go unchecked. Returning to pre-pandemic law and order policies could help prevent further crime.

      In high-crime areas, a small group of individuals can cause a significant amount of chaos and harm. These individuals often go unchecked due to criminal justice system policies that prioritize quick release over incarceration. The speaker, who has personal experience as a prosecutor in a high-crime precinct, emphasizes that the majority of people in these communities are good, but a few bad actors can have a disproportionate impact. The speaker advocates for a return to pre-pandemic law and order policies, which focus on arresting and detaining criminals to prevent further crime. The speaker also shares an anecdote about how the removal of a troubled individual from a neighborhood led to a significant decrease in crime. Despite the speaker's concerns, he is uncertain if people will take action to address the issue in the upcoming elections. He believes that it may take a significant economic downturn or personal experience with crime for people to demand change.

    • Rising Costs: A Viral Video Sparks Concerns About Inflation and the EconomyA viral video of price increases at a discount store sparks a conversation about the rising cost of living, income inequality, and the need for individuals to pay their debts, while criticizing economists for underestimating inflation and the wealthy for not paying their fair share.

      The cost of living is significantly increasing for many people, despite official inflation rates. A viral video showcasing price increases at a discount store sparked a conversation about the rising cost of essential items, student loan payments, and the economy as a whole. The speaker argues that inflation is underestimated and that people are facing tough financial decisions as a result. He also criticizes economists for downplaying the issue and calls for individuals to get jobs and pay their own debts. Additionally, the speaker touches on the topic of income inequality and taxation, expressing frustration that the wealthy are not paying their fair share. Overall, the video and discussion highlight the growing concerns about the economy and the impact of inflation on everyday people.

    • Growing concerns over individual autonomy and parental rightsThe speaker raises alarms over threats to individual autonomy and parental rights, while acknowledging that the situation is not as dire as past crises.

      Despite current concerns, the situation in the country is not yet as dire as it was during past crises, such as Reagan's election in 1984 or Rudy Giuliani's reelection in New York. The speaker believes that the country will recover, but there are growing concerns over issues like parental rights, attacks on individual autonomy, and potential surveillance. The speaker also believes that Biden's efforts to build a wall at the border are for show and will not effectively address immigration. The most pressing issue, according to the speaker, is the assault on individual autonomy and the potential targeting of certain groups, particularly parents and MAGA supporters. The speaker urges caution and emphasizes that there are limits to how much these issues can be pushed before there is a significant backlash.

    • Focus on policy outcomes, not politiciansEvaluate politicians based on Liberty scores and past actions, rather than personal vendettas or attachments, to achieve desired policy outcomes.

      It's important to focus on policy outcomes rather than getting too attached to individual politicians. The discussion revolves around the proposed border security funding and the potential shift from a physical wall to technology and gates. Some believe this isn't a genuine attempt to stop immigration, and there's speculation about political motivations. However, it's crucial to remember that politicians are tools to be used in achieving desired outcomes. Personal attachments or vendettas can cloud judgment and lead to irrational decisions. It's essential to evaluate the Liberty scores and past actions of politicians to make informed decisions. The example given is the ongoing feud between Matt Gaetz and Adam Schiff, both of whom have had personal vendettas against each other. Ultimately, the focus should be on the policy outcomes rather than who's "throwing the ball" in Washington.

    • Staying focused on facts during political turmoilDuring political unrest, prioritize facts over personalities and biases, and hold representatives accountable for their actions.

      During times of political turmoil, it's essential not to get distracted by personalities and focus on the facts. The discussion revolved around the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election and the subsequent allegations against Donald Trump. Some individuals, like Gates and Goudy, have changed their opinions over the years, but the central issue remains the same: the importance of understanding the facts and not being swayed by personal biases. The lack of a clear answer regarding Russian hacking of the DNC server is a prime example of why it's crucial to stay focused on the evidence. The ongoing speaker selection process in the House of Representatives serves as a reminder that representatives are accountable to their constituents and must put aside personal differences to govern effectively. Ultimately, it's important to remember that political figures are tools, and we, the people, need to hold them accountable for their actions.

    • Discussing the possibility of replacing Kevin McCarthy as Speaker of the HouseNewt Gingrich and John Waller discussed the difficulties of removing a House Speaker and the importance of staying focused on the job despite personal grievances.

      During a discussion about the ongoing controversy surrounding the speaker of the House of Representatives, Newt Gingrich and John Waller expressed their desire to replace the current speaker, Kevin McCarthy, with a more conservative figure. However, the process of removing the speaker requires a two-thirds vote, and with only 147 votes, it seems unlikely that this will happen anytime soon. Gingrich also criticized Waller for focusing on personal grievances instead of doing his job and urged him to vote for a new speaker if he didn't like the current options. Gingrich also mentioned his book, "The Gift of Failure," and encouraged listeners to check it out and subscribe to his radio show. Overall, the conversation highlighted the complexity and challenges of the political process and the importance of staying focused on the task at hand.

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    Hosted by James Pietragallo & Jimmie Whisman 


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