
    Bongino And Crowder Tear It Up (Ep 2133)

    enNovember 16, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Dan Vongino visits Steven Crowder's studio for a packed episodeDan Vongino and Steven Crowder discussed the 2024 election, self-defense, and the police state, promising a stacked episode with a book signing event. Their long-standing friendship and unique humor created an engaging atmosphere, maintaining a lighthearted tone despite serious topics.

      Dan Vongino, host of a truth-telling show, visited Steven Crowder's studio for a packed episode covering various topics, including the upcoming 2024 election, self-defense, and the police state. Vongino expressed his admiration for Crowder's longevity in the industry and appreciated his stance against big tech. The show promised to be a stacked one, with a book signing event the following day. Vongino's unique humor and chemistry with Crowder created an engaging atmosphere, making it clear that they've known each other for a long time. Despite the serious topics, they maintained a lighthearted tone, acknowledging the absurdities of the entertainment industry.

    • Navigating the complexities of free speech and identitySpeakers reflect on their experiences with censorship and being labeled, express concerns about cancel culture, and discuss the importance of considering the implications of our words and actions.

      The power dynamics and societal norms surrounding free speech and identity have evolved significantly over time. The conversation between the speakers revolves around their experiences with censorship and being labeled, particularly in relation to Anderson Cooper's sexuality before he came out and the cancel culture debate in the context of rap music. They reflect on how they navigated these situations and express their concerns about the potential consequences of canceling artists and their work. The speakers also touch upon their own identities and how they've been perceived based on their backgrounds. Overall, the discussion highlights the complexities and nuances of these issues and the importance of considering the implications of our words and actions.

    • Politics and Social Media: Contradictory Views and AccountabilityWhile some support accountability through primaries, a proposed idea to verify social media users by name raises concerns for investigative journalism and whistleblowing.

      During a discussion about politics and social media, it was expressed that some people hold contradictory views, such as supporting certain causes while also supporting figures like Donald Trump or hip-hop culture that are criticized for problematic behaviors. It was also mentioned that primaries are generally good for keeping candidates accountable, but a proposed idea by Nikki Haley to verify every person on social media by their name raises concerns about the potential suppression of investigative journalism and whistleblowing. The spirit of the proposal, which aims to promote accountability and reduce anonymity, was understood, but the far-reaching implications and potential unintended consequences were criticized. Overall, the conversation highlighted the complexities and nuances of political discourse and the need for careful consideration of the potential consequences of proposed policies.

    • Balancing Personal Privacy and Transparency in PoliticsAnonymity in politics can protect beliefs and safety, but lacks transparency and accountability. Self-defense is important, but enforcing anonymity is seen as functionally retarded. Facing challenges helps individuals grow, but being on a kill list has serious consequences.

      Anonymity in politics can be a double-edged sword. While some may view it as a necessary means to protect personal beliefs or safety, others see it as a lack of transparency and accountability. The discussion also touched upon the importance of self-defense and the ease with which someone else can end one's life. Additionally, the speakers emphasized the value of being called to the mat and facing challenges, as it can help individuals grow and understand their limitations. However, as a matter of policy, enforcing anonymity in politics is seen as functionally retarded, putting it generously. The speakers also criticized the idea of being on a kill list and the potential consequences of such a list, especially for public figures. Overall, the conversation highlighted the complexities and challenges of balancing personal privacy and transparency in politics.

    • Trump's Authenticity and Passion for Combat Sports Boost Political SuccessUnderstanding audience and crafting resonant messages, along with genuine passion and authenticity, are key to political success.

      Donald Trump's understanding of messaging and connection with his audience, particularly in the realm of combat sports, has been a significant factor in his political success. Trump's genuine passion for the sport and ability to relate to fans has helped him resonate with audiences and attract attention. This authenticity, combined with his savvy use of imagery and soundbites, sets him apart from other politicians and makes him a formidable force in politics. Additionally, the discussion highlighted the importance of understanding the audience and crafting messages that resonate with them, as well as the challenges of producing engaging content in the content production business.

    • Dan Bongino endorses Blackout Coffee and Birch Gold GroupDan Bongino recommends Blackout Coffee for its conservative values and offers a discount. He advises protecting savings from inflation with Birch Gold Group, offering a free gold bar for new IRA openings before Black Friday.

      The speaker, Dan Bongino, shared his experiences and recommendations for two products: Blackout Coffee and Birch Gold Group. He emphasized his love for Blackout Coffee, a company committed to conservative values, and strongly suggested trying it out with a promo code for a discount. Regarding Birch Gold Group, he urged listeners to protect their savings from inflation by opening a gold IRA and receiving a free gold bar for every $10,000 spent before Black Friday. The conversation also touched upon Trump's success in appealing to younger Latino and Hispanic voters, which the speaker found surprising and impressive.

    • Media bias creates confusion among votersRepublicans could win elections by appealing to under-35 voters and gaining around 15% of white female votes, while Black voters, though making up only 13% of the population, have a low turnout rate due to feelings of deception and dishonesty from the media and political parties.

      The confusion among voters, particularly regarding political party affiliations, stems from the media's biased reporting. Trump was able to tap into this by focusing on issues like school choice and appealing to traditional values, particularly among Black Americans. This demographic, being the moderate wing of the Democrat Party, tends to be patriotic and traditional in their beliefs. The media's influence is evident in polls, which show that Trump had a surprising level of support among certain demographics, such as Black Americans and young voters. If Republicans could mitigate losses with under-35 voters and gain around 15% of white female voters, they would never lose an election. This shift is significant because, despite making up only 13% of the population, Black voters have a low turnout rate. The reason for this shift is the universal desire for fairness and honesty. People dislike feeling deceived, and Biden's constant comparisons to Trump on the economy and foreign policy are perceived as lies in the face of people's lived experiences. Trump, despite his perceived flaws, was not seen as a liar, and this has contributed to his surprising level of support.

    • Authenticity and Impactful Communication in Politics: A Discussion on Dave Chappelle's SNL Performance and the RNCDuring a discussion, the importance of authenticity and impactful communication in politics was emphasized through the example of Dave Chappelle's SNL performance. Criticism of the RNC's losing record and call for accountability resonated, but authenticity and experience were questioned.

      During a recent discussion, the importance of authenticity and impactful communication in politics was emphasized through the example of Dave Chappelle's SNL performance criticizing the tax code and political establishment. Vivek, a commentator, highlighted the impact of Chappelle's words and criticized the losing record of the Republican National Committee (RNC) under Ronna McDaniel's leadership. He also praised Ron DeSantis for his governance but noted the concern about who he would need to associate with to run nationally. Vivek's criticism of the RNC and call for accountability resonated with some, but others questioned his authenticity and experience. The conversation also touched upon the perceived inauthenticity of Gavin Newsom and the importance of having diverse ideas in politics.

    • Governor Newsom's Dismissive Comment Towards Federal GovernmentGovernor Newsom displayed a bold and dismissive attitude towards the federal government, disregarding protocol and politics, while discussing California's cleanup efforts and high cost of living.

      During a discussion about the chaotic state of California and the cleanup efforts for an upcoming event, Governor Gavin Newsom made a bold and dismissive comment towards the federal government. He infamously said, "We can't have the leader of the CCP covered in human shit, can we?" This statement, along with other comments made during the conversation, showcased Newsom's disregard for protocol and his disingenuous attitude towards politics. The conversation also touched upon various topics such as the high cost of living, luxury items like French laundry and wine, and the contrast between Newsom's newfound wealth and his working-class upbringing. Overall, the conversation highlighted Newsom's bold and unapologetic demeanor, even in the face of criticism and federal edicts.

    • Disingenuous Performances by Restaurant Staff and PoliticiansThe speaker criticizes insincere performances by restaurant staff who pretend to love expensive, unusual dishes they serve, and by politicians like Gavin Newsom, who may lack authenticity and genuine passion for their goals.

      The speaker expresses frustration with the attitude of restaurant staff who act as if they know and enjoy the unusual, expensive dishes they serve, even though they may not personally consume them. The speaker finds their performance insincere and embarrassing, especially when they use unfamiliar food terminology. The speaker also shares their skepticism towards Gavin Newsom's political ambitions and believes that his lack of authenticity could be exploited by opponents. The speaker's experiences in a winery and a conversation with one of Newsom's business partners add to their perception of Newsom's insincerity and single-minded pursuit of power.

    • Prepare and practice for self-defense and handling firearmsTrain effectively with tools like iTargetPro, prioritize self-improvement, and be aware of financial access disparities.

      Preparation and practice are crucial when it comes to self-defense and handling firearms. The speaker emphasized the importance of having not just a gun, but also knowing how to use it effectively. He recommended training tools like the iTargetPro system and even shared a discount code for listeners. Additionally, the speaker touched on the importance of taking care of one's skin and offered a discount on GenuSell skincare products. However, a more serious note was struck when the speaker discussed the lack of access to basic financial services for certain communities and the impact it can have on their lives. Overall, the message was to be prepared, practice, and take advantage of opportunities for self-improvement.

    • Understanding Challenges in Communities with a History of DiscriminationAcknowledge and address root causes of challenges instead of perpetuating harmful stereotypes or limiting choices for marginalized communities.

      Communities, particularly those with a history of discrimination and exclusion, face unique challenges. The discussion touched upon the experiences of Black and Asian communities in the US, with references to historical acts like the Chinese Exclusion Act and Japanese internment camps. The conversation also explored the complexities of issues like school choice and the perception of parental capability. It was noted that some individuals and groups attempt to manipulate these issues for their own gain, often using divisive language or misinformation. Ultimately, it's essential to acknowledge and address the root causes of these challenges, rather than perpetuating harmful stereotypes or limiting choices for marginalized communities.

    • Controlling hips and avoiding mid-range crucial in self-defenseKnowing self-defense techniques, controlling hips, and avoiding mid-range can help protect oneself from danger, even against stronger opponents with weapons.

      Self-defense skills, particularly on the ground, are crucial for protecting oneself. The speaker emphasizes the importance of controlling an opponent's hips and avoiding the mid-range, where one is most vulnerable. He also highlights the limited training police officers receive and the danger of underestimating an opponent's abilities. The speaker warns that in street fights, bad guys often have an advantage due to their superior physical strength and access to weapons. He also clarifies that being choked is not as painful as it may seem and can lead to unconsciousness quickly. Overall, the key takeaway is that being prepared and knowledgeable about self-defense techniques can make a significant difference in one's ability to protect oneself in dangerous situations.

    • The Importance of Proper Training and Understanding in Self-DefenseEffective self-defense requires proper training in Jiu Jitsu to subdue assailants without causing harm, but lack of hand-to-hand training for police can escalate violence. Acknowledge the reality of violence, continuously retest and improve skills, and be all in or all out in physical confrontations.

      Effective self-defense and control in violent situations requires proper training and understanding of reality. The discussion highlighted the importance of Jiu Jitsu in subduing an assailant without causing unnecessary harm. However, the lack of proper hand-to-hand training for police officers can lead to escalating violence. The conversation also touched upon the importance of acknowledging the reality of violence and the need for continuous retesting and improvement in police force skills. Additionally, the discussion emphasized the importance of being all in or all out in a physical confrontation and the effectiveness of Jiu Jitsu in various situations. The Matt Sarah video in Las Vegas, where he calmly subdued an agitated man, serves as a testament to the power of Jiu Jitsu and effective control techniques.

    • Creating space and using unexpected objects for self-defenseInstinctive reactions, like blinking or throwing objects, can buy time to escape or subdue opponents. Prioritize safety in life-threatening situations.

      Effective self-defense involves creating space and using unexpected objects to disorient an attacker. The speaker shares an example of a man who successfully defended himself against intruders using a coffee cup. He emphasizes that instinctive reactions, such as blinking when something comes towards your eyes or throwing an object at an attacker, can be effective in buying time to escape or subdue an opponent. The speaker also emphasizes that in life-threatening situations, the safety of oneself and one's family takes priority over the attacker's right to live. He also shares a personal experience of being hit in the nuts with a toy lightsaber and the intense pain it caused. Ultimately, the speaker emphasizes the importance of being prepared and knowing how to react in unexpected situations.

    • The impact of investigative journalism and protecting sourcesInvestigative journalism and protecting sources are crucial for uncovering truths and saving lives, as seen in the significant impact of defensive gun use statistics. Neglecting these responsibilities can lead to dire consequences, such as the media overlooking important documents and sources.

      The importance of investigative journalism and protecting sources cannot be overstated. During a discussion, it was highlighted that around 30,000 people take their own lives each year, while approximately 12-20,000 people die from firearm-related homicides. However, the defensive use of firearms saves an estimated 2 million lives annually. Despite this significant impact, there are those who downplay the importance of this statistic. In a recent incident, Crowder's team obtained a manifesto related to a shooting, but the media largely overlooked their role in obtaining and protecting the source. This underscores the need for investigative journalism and the protection of sources, as the consequences of not doing so can be dire. Additionally, the team emphasized the importance of verifying documents and ensuring their authenticity before disseminating them to the public.

    • Protecting Sources and Upholding Factual JournalismInvestigative journalism requires extreme measures to verify facts and protect sources, especially in a climate of censorship and opposition. Upholding the constitution and holding law enforcement accountable is crucial for maintaining trust in the justice system.

      The importance of factual journalism and the protection of sources comes under threat in a climate where authorities target journalists and technology platforms censor content. The speaker shares an example of an investigation they were involved in, where they had to go to great lengths to verify information and protect their sources, despite facing opposition and censorship. They emphasize the significance of upholding the constitution and holding law enforcement accountable for misconduct. The speaker also touches upon the ongoing issue of police reform and the need for better training and accountability, as well as the role of police unions in protecting both good and bad officers. They conclude by expressing concern about the state of local police forces and the potential for a "civil war" within them, and the danger of having a leftist president at the federal level exacerbating the problem.

    • FBI's past actions impacting trustPerceived inaction or missed opportunities by law enforcement can undermine public trust. Stay vigilant and prepared for potential threats.

      Trust in the FBI's ability to protect citizens and prevent threats, as shared by the speaker, can be shaken when past experiences involve perceived inaction or missed opportunities. The speaker recounted an incident where the FBI, specifically an agent, appeared to be attempting to infiltrate their group but ultimately disappeared, leaving unanswered questions. This experience left the speaker feeling skeptical and questioning the FBI's reliability. Additionally, the speaker emphasized the importance of being vigilant and prepared for potential threats, even in seemingly mundane contexts like a comedy show. The anecdote serves as a reminder of the complexities and nuances that can exist in the relationship between law enforcement and the public.

    • Unexpected twists and turns lead to heartfelt conversationDespite unconventional pace, hosts kept energy high and created welcoming environment for guest to share personal story, reminding us all that everyone has a unique story to tell.

      Despite the unexpected twists and turns during the show, the hosts managed to keep the energy high and maintain a positive attitude. The guest, who was initially shy and nervous, opened up about his background and personal experiences, which led to a heartfelt and humorous conversation. The hosts showed understanding and support, creating a welcoming environment for the guest to share his story. The show moved at an unconventional pace, but the hosts kept things organized and ensured that the conversation flowed smoothly. The guest's experience with cancer was a topic of discussion, and he shared how he remained positive and continued to work out throughout his treatment. Overall, the conversation was a reminder that everyone has a unique story to tell, and with the right attitude and approach, it can lead to meaningful and entertaining conversations.

    • Supporting free expression and truth-speakersDan Pungino and his team are committed to uncovering hidden truths and defending journalistic integrity, encouraging listeners to show support through subscriptions, radio appearances, and book signings.

      Dan Pungino and his team are dedicated to free expression and providing a platform for truth-speakers, even in the face of adversity. They have discussed the importance of self-defense and journalistic integrity, and their efforts to expose hidden information, such as the police state attempting to conceal a manifesto, are genuine. Pungino encourages listeners to subscribe to his show, tune in for his radio appearance, and attend his book signing in Grapevine, Texas, to show support. Despite the playful tone of their discussions, they emphasize the significance and relevance of their work.

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