
    Book club – Never Mind the B#ll*cks, Here’s the Science by Luke O’Neill

    enMarch 04, 2021

    About this Episode

    In this episode, we’re looking for answers to the important questions in life like ‘Why do you believe in diets?’ or ‘Why are you working in a bullshit job?’ 

    Biochemist and immunologist Luke O’Neill certainly doesn’t mince words in his new book Never Mind the B#ll*cks, Here’s the Science: A Scientist’s Guide to the Biggest Challenges Facing our Species Today. Despite its provocative title, the book covers some serious topics that range from vaccination and mental health, to racism and climate change. It makes complex science accessible with wit and pop culture references, finding answers to some of the most controversial topics human beings grapple with.

    We talk to O’Neill about tackling life’s big questions and punk rock references, and discuss whether the book hits the sweet spot of balancing lightness with its sometimes heavy subject matter.

    Recent Episodes from Chemistry World Book Club

    A Taste for Poison

    A Taste for Poison
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    After almost seven years, Chemistry World is moving on from the Book Club podcast. We truly thank all of you who read along and listened, as well as those reviewers and authors who participated and made the podcast great. But we have an exciting new monthly podcast in the works, so please follow Chemistry World on Twitter or on Facebook to be the first to hear about it.

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    Book club – Fresh Banana Leaves by Jessica Hernandez

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    Thank you to Jenn Ashton for performing a sensitivity check on this episode.

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    Chemistry World Book Club
    enFebruary 09, 2022

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    Chemistry World Book Club
    enNovember 09, 2021

    Book club – The Icepick Surgeon by Sam Kean

    Book club – The Icepick Surgeon by Sam Kean

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    We talk to Kean about not losing faith in science and discuss why stories of misconduct remain important even in an era plagued by mistrust in science.

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