
    Box CEO Aaron Levie breaks down Box AI and generative AI’s impact on business | E1738

    en-usMay 09, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • A Rapid Evolution of AI TechnologyThe advancements in AI technology are moving at an unprecedented pace, leaving even industry experts continually learning and discovering new capabilities.

      The technological advancements in AI have gone from a slow progression to a rapid and impressive development, much like the evolution of the internet in the mid-90s to the mid-2000s. This was highlighted in a conversation between Jason Calacanis and Aaron Levy, where they reminisced about discovering new technologies and the learning process involved. Levy, an entrepreneur and part-time internet comedian, shared his experiences with HTML, Ajax, and the feeling of being overwhelmed but eventually understanding how it all worked. Similarly, the impact of AI is moving at a breakneck speed, and even those deeply involved in the field are continually learning and discovering new capabilities. This was emphasized when Calacanis mentioned a conversation at a poker game about the potential of AI in various industries. The rapid advancements in AI have led to significant developments and applications, making it an exciting and transformative technology.

    • GPT 3.5's chat interface revolutionized AI applicationsGPT 3.5 introduced a generalizable and scalable AI solution, enabling it to handle a wide range of topics and complex problems, revolutionizing the industry.

      The introduction of GPT 3.5 and its chat interface marked a significant shift in the way we perceive and utilize AI. Prior to this, AI models were narrowly focused on specific use cases and required individual training for each application. However, with GPT 3.5, the ability to understand and generate responses across a wide range of topics made it a game-changer. The speaker's "aha moment" came when they realized the model could not only handle factual queries but also reason through complex, non-fact-based problems, combining seemingly unrelated information to produce accurate and insightful responses. This breakthrough paved the way for a more generalizable and scalable approach to AI applications, making it a crucial turning point for the industry.

    • BoxAI: More Than Just a Q&A EngineBoxAI is expanding beyond Q&A, combining its data set with technology to create new use cases, like Squarespace offering more than just templates with e-commerce and other features.

      BoxAI is not just a question-answer engine, but a new information generator and assistant that leverages its vast knowledge base to create new use cases. The company is combining its data set with BoxAI's technology, leading to a significant shift in their operations. Squarespace, a popular tool among early-stage founders, is an excellent example of how technology can offer more than meets the eye. Beyond its beautiful templates and mobile compatibility, Squarespace is a powerful e-commerce platform with member areas, content selling capabilities, and appointment scheduling. Regarding concerns about data security and privacy, BoxAI ensures that every interaction with their service is explicit, with no background usage without consent. There's no training of the AI model, and all interactions are stateless and ephemeral. BoxAI also maintains a high standard for security compliance and data privacy due to its customer base. Founders, in particular, often turn to Squarespace for their website needs, appreciating its combination of aesthetics and functionality. With the recent focus on Founder University and the venture capital firm, Jason Calacanis and his team are doubling down on these tools that can help entrepreneurs succeed.

    • Enterprises focus on data privacy and compliance when using AIEnterprises prioritize data security by separating access controls from AI models, enabling authorized users to query data while maintaining confidentiality.

      While large enterprises across various industries are recognizing the potential productivity benefits of AI as a platform shift, they are taking a cautious approach to data privacy and compliance. This is particularly important when it comes to training AI models with enterprise data, as permissions and access controls are crucial to prevent sensitive information from being leaked. Instead, the focus is on separating underlying access controls from the AI model, which acts as a reasoning engine for the data. This approach allows users to query data they are already authorized to access, while maintaining data security. The excitement around AI is universal, with most CEOs and CIOs seeing it as a tool to make decisions more effectively and find information faster. However, there are nuances to consider, such as the challenges of training models with proprietary data and the need for clear permissions and access controls.

    • Implementing AI with access controls in enterprisesBox AI uses an abstraction layer to implement AI models within document access controls, allowing for efficient information access and answering queries without compromising security.

      Box AI is using an abstraction layer to implement AI models for reasoning through information that users are allowed to access, allowing for access controls to remain in place. This approach is expected to be a breakthrough for implementing AI in enterprises, where not every employee can be trained on the entire data set. The technology can be demonstrated through a chat interface on top of documents, summarizing information and answering queries based on the document. It can also be instructed to perform more transformative tasks, such as writing an email or turning a document into something new. This technology can be a valuable assistant for sales reps or anyone looking for quick ideas or answers based on documents. It's important to note that the model stays within the document and doesn't make anything up, reducing the risk of hallucinations. The team is still experimenting with how the technology will be incorporated into the product, but it's an exciting development for accessing and utilizing information more efficiently.

    • Leveraging AI for increased business efficiencyIntegrating AI with email, Salesforce, and other tools can lead to significant time savings and increased efficiency in businesses. However, security concerns remain a challenge.

      The integration of various technologies like email, Salesforce, and data from box, along with the coordination between their respective AIs, has the potential to significantly increase efficiency in businesses. However, we are still at the beginning stages of figuring out how to architect this information exchange in a secure way. Kim Scott, author of Radical Candor, emphasizes the importance of helpful criticism and learning from industry legends through masterclasses. If we imagine every team member adopting AI assistants for relevant tasks, the overall efficiency of a company could increase dramatically. The question then becomes, how much time could be saved if every employee spends less time triaging information sources and more time on creative tasks? The future of work lies in the effective implementation and integration of AI into our workflows.

    • AI tools like GPD4 and co-pilot can increase efficiency and productivity by up to 30%AI tools can free up to 30% of an employee's time, but impact on labor depends on job nature. For finite tasks, it could lead to reduction, for infinite tasks, it serves as accelerant. Businesses need to adapt and optimize AI use.

      The integration of AI tools like GPD4 and co-pilot into various business operations has the potential to significantly increase efficiency and productivity, freeing up up to 30% of an employee's time. However, the impact on labor will depend on the nature of the job. For jobs with finite tasks, making those tasks 30% more efficient could lead to a reduction in labor. But for jobs with infinite tasks, such as engineering or sales, the AI tools will serve as accelerants, allowing employees to focus on more innovative and differentiating tasks. Ultimately, businesses will need to adapt to this new landscape by continuously evaluating and optimizing their use of AI tools, much like they shop for different chatbots or AI models to find the best fit for their needs. The integration of AI into business operations is not about eliminating jobs, but rather augmenting them and enabling employees to be more productive and effective.

    • AI's impact on productivity and economyAI will enhance productivity and efficiency in various industries, freeing up human resources for higher-level tasks, and enabling developers to work more efficiently and ideate new ideas at a faster pace.

      The implementation of AI in various industries will significantly enhance productivity and efficiency, acting as a general productivity lever for the economy. Instead of handling basic customer issues, AI will enable customer service representatives to focus on more advanced scenarios and higher-level tasks. Developers, in particular, will benefit from AI's ability to provide quick examples and solutions to common problems, allowing them to work more efficiently and ideate new ideas at a faster pace. This shift in technology is expected to bring excitement and enthusiasm to the tech industry, which has been facing economic challenges in recent years. The discovery and incorporation of new AI technologies will open up new vectors of innovation and require companies to have a flexible and adaptive approach. Overall, the integration of AI is seen as a platform shift that will shake things up and make the work of startups more fun and engaging.

    • Gain insights from data analysis tools and communitiesLeverage data analysis tools to uncover trends and generate insights. Join communities for advice, feedback, and a sense of belonging during the scaling process.

      Data analysis tools, such as the one mentioned with the ability to upload CSV files and extract trends, can provide valuable insights that may not be immediately obvious. These tools can help identify trends, generate charts, and even offer suggestions for improving financial scripts or business strategies. The possibilities are virtually limitless when approaching data analysis with creativity. Additionally, joining communities like Hampton, which provides a personal board of directors for high-growth founders, can offer valuable advice, critical feedback, and a sense of belonging, making the journey of scaling a business less lonely.

    • Impact of AI on Creative Industries: A Complex IssueAI can assist and enhance human creativity but cannot fully replace it, requiring a balance between innovation and tradition in the creative industries

      The impact of AI on creative industries, such as writing and entertainment, is a topic of great importance and concern. The Writers Guild of America is currently negotiating with studios over the use of AI in scriptwriting, with the studios agreeing to annual meetings on new technologies but not a ban. Some believe that AI could replace human creativity, but others argue that it will lead to more creativity and ideation from a larger pool of people. The consensus seems to be that AI can assist and enhance human creativity, but it cannot fully replace it. The entertainment industry, in particular, may be slower to adopt AI due to the human connection and emotional resonance that audiences crave. Ultimately, the use of AI in creative industries is a complex issue that requires thoughtful consideration and a balance between innovation and tradition.

    • AI in Content Creation: Opportunities and ChallengesAI enhances creativity but raises copyright and fair use questions, offering opportunities for startups and writers while challenging legal systems to find a balanced solution.

      AI is an enhancement to the creative process rather than a replacement. While it may disrupt certain industries and business models, it also opens up new opportunities and possibilities. For instance, it can help startups access high-quality design work at a lower cost, and it can provide writers with new ideas and inspiration. However, the use of AI in content creation also raises important questions about copyright and fair use. As AI models are trained on vast amounts of existing content, it becomes increasingly difficult to determine what is original and what is derived from pre-existing works. This could lead to complex legal issues and debates about what constitutes fair use in the age of AI. Ultimately, it will be important for creators, technology companies, and legal systems to work together to find a balanced solution that respects intellectual property rights while also allowing for the innovative use of AI in content creation.

    • New approaches to data access and monetization for AIDiscussions centered around potential use of public domain data and micro-payments for indexed information to fund AI development, with potential for platforms like Reddit and Quora to license their data. However, high costs may limit smaller players, leading to potential solutions like revenue sharing or micro-payments for data use.

      The future of AI development may involve a new approach to data access and monetization, with a focus on public domain data and potential micro-payments for use of indexed information. The idea of an "AI.txt" or robots.txt for AI was discussed, as well as the potential for platforms like Reddit and Quora to license their data for use in training models. However, the high costs of running and training these models may make it impractical for smaller players to compete, leading to the dominance of publicly available data. A potential solution could be micro-payments or revenue sharing for the use of indexed information, which could benefit both the data providers and the AI model developers. This could represent a new business model for the tech industry and a way for Google to cement its position in the market. Additionally, the importance of proper citation and acknowledgement was emphasized, with the new version of web chat GPT showing potential for facilitating this through linked sources.

    • AI vs Crypto: Consumer AdoptionAI models offer immediate value to consumers through tangible tasks, while crypto's value is less clear to the general public, requiring education and philosophical alignment. Pricing and competition are also challenges in the AI market.

      The integration of AI models into consumer products is more easily understood and adopted by the general public compared to complex technologies like cryptocurrency. The discussion highlighted the challenge of demonstrating the value of crypto to consumers who may not share the same philosophical beliefs, whereas AI models can be shown to perform tasks that make an immediate impact on people's lives. The conversation also touched upon the issue of pricing and competition in the AI market, with companies charging more due to the vast and unpredictable output of AI tokens. Additionally, the discussion emphasized the importance of understanding the underlying architecture of technologies and how it translates to consumer use cases. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of creating user-friendly, accessible AI applications and addressing pricing concerns to drive widespread adoption.

    • Box integrates tech into core offerings, considers monetizationBox is enhancing its platform with new features in a private beta, focusing on user experience and figuring out pricing and performance. CEO Aaron Levie emphasizes the importance of physical office spaces for collaboration and learning, while still embracing remote work.

      Box is integrating technology into its core offerings to make it accessible to as many users as possible, while also considering additional monetization for high-volume uses. The company is currently rolling out new features in a private beta, aiming for a good user experience and figuring out pricing and performance. Box's CEO, Aaron Levie, shares his thoughts on the importance of having physical office spaces for collaboration, learning, and mentoring, while still maintaining a remote workforce. He plans to return to the office himself and believes that remote and office work don't have to be polarizing topics. Box is hiring and offers a great work environment with a legendary boss and opportunities for learning.

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    Todays show:

    Alex Wilhelm joins Jason to discuss the most incredible new ride Jason has ever seen (9:02), Jason’s recent Donald Trump interview (14:49), JCal becoming a meme (36:34), and more!



    (0:00) Jason and Alex kick off the show

    (2:38) Club 33 at Disney.

    (9:02) The most incredible new ride Jason has ever seen.

    (10:43) LinkedIn Ads - Get a $100 LinkedIn ad credit at http://www.linkedin.com/thisweekinstartups

    (14:49) A look at the Donald Trump interview on All In.

    (19:54) Vanta - Get $1000 off your SOC 2 at http://www.vanta.com/twist

    (30:45) Lemon.io - Get 15% off your first 4 weeks of developer time at https://Lemon.io/twist

    (36:34) JCal became a meme!

    (37:15) The gentleman’s RIF and the status of remote workers. (48:26) New air taxi plan from Archer.


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    Mentioned on the show:

    Check out the Donald Trump interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=blqIZGXWUpU

    Check out Disney’s Club 33: http://www.disneylandclub33.com/#google_vignette

    Check out Archer: https://news.archer.com/archer-san-francisco-air-mobility-network-connecting-five-locations-across-bay-area-kilroy-oyster-point

    Check out Joby Aviation: https://www.jobyaviation.com/

    Check out Dell article: https://www.reddit.com/r/technology/comments/1dl16s2/nearly_half_of_dell_workers_opt_for_fulltime/

    Check out Athena: https://www.athenago.com/


    Follow Alex:

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    (10:43) LinkedIn Ads - Get a $100 LinkedIn ad credit at http://www.linkedin.com/thisweekinstartups

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    (30:45) Lemon.io - Get 15% off your first 4 weeks of developer time at https://Lemon.io/twist


    Great 2023 interviews: Steve Huffman, Brian Chesky, Aaron Levie, Sophia Amoruso, Reid Hoffman, Frank Slootman, Billy McFarland


    Check out Jason’s suite of newsletters: https://substack.com/@calacanis


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    This Week in Startups
    en-usJune 25, 2024

    Start-Up Nation Deep Dive with Dan Senor | E1970

    Start-Up Nation Deep Dive with Dan Senor | E1970

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    AssemblyAI - Get maximum value from voice data with AssemblyAI. Build powerful products and features for your end users on the industry’s leading speech-to-text models. Get 100 free hours to start building at https://www.assemblyai.com/twist



    (0:00) Dan Senor joins guest host Mark Suster.

    (10:45) DevSquad - Get an entire product team for the cost of one US developer plus 10% off at http://devsquad.com/twist

    (19:28) Oracle - Take a free test drive of OCI at https://www.oracle.com/twist.

    (30:39) AssemblyAI - Maximum value from voice data and AI. Get 100 free hours to start building at https://www.assemblyai.com/twist


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    Check out Dan’s podcast “Call Me Back”: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/call-me-back-with-dan-senor/id1539292794

    Check out Start-Up Nation Central: https://startupnationcentral.org/


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    Thank you to our partners:

    (10:45) DevSquad - Get an entire product team for the cost of one US developer plus 10% off at http://devsquad.com/twist

    (19:28) Oracle - Take a free test drive of OCI at https://www.oracle.com/twist.

    (30:39) AssemblyAI - Maximum value from voice data and AI. Get 100 free hours to start building at https://www.assemblyai.com/twist


    Great 2023 interviews: Steve Huffman, Brian Chesky, Aaron Levie, Sophia Amoruso, Reid Hoffman, Frank Slootman, Billy McFarland


    Check out Jason’s suite of newsletters: https://substack.com/@calacanis


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    This Week in Startups
    en-usJune 22, 2024

    From the future of flight to brand building, insight from Liquidity Summit 2024 | E1969

    From the future of flight to brand building, insight from Liquidity Summit 2024 | E1969

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    Todays show:

    Alex leads us into two great talks from Liquidity Summit 2024. First we have Sky Dayton’s “Aviation Safety, Air Taxis and the Future of Flight” (3:28), followed by Mike Jones’ with “Lessons in Brand Building” (24:14)



    (0:00) Teaser of both speakers.

    (1:33) Alex kicks off the show.

    (3:28) Sky Dayton’s talk “Aviation Safety, Air Taxis and the Future of Flight”.

    (11:03) Coda - Empower your startup with Coda’s Team plan for free—get 6 months at https://www.Coda.io/twist

    (20:45) OpenPhone - Get 20% off your first six months at https://www.openphone.com/twist

    (24:14) Mike Jones’ talk “Lessons in Brand Building”

    (30:17) Vanta - Get $1000 off your SOC 2 at http://www.vanta.com/twist

    (44:30) Wrap up with Alex.


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    Thank you to our partners:

    (11:03) Coda - Empower your startup with Coda’s Team plan for free—get 6 months at https://www.Coda.io/twist

    (20:45) OpenPhone - Get 20% off your first six months at https://www.openphone.com/twist

    (30:17) Vanta - Get $1000 off your SOC 2 at http://www.vanta.com/twist


    Great 2023 interviews: Steve Huffman, Brian Chesky, Aaron Levie, Sophia Amoruso, Reid Hoffman, Frank Slootman, Billy McFarland


    Check out Jason’s suite of newsletters: https://substack.com/@calacanis


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    This Week in Startups
    en-usJune 20, 2024

    Nvidia tops Microsoft, FTC sues Adobe, weight loss startups, and more! | E1968

    Nvidia tops Microsoft, FTC sues Adobe, weight loss startups, and more! | E1968

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    .Tech Domains - Don’t miss our “Jam Session with JCal” contest, coming soon! To apply and get more details go to https://jamwithjcal.tech brought to you by .tech domains.

    Lemon.io - Hire pre-vetted remote developers, get 15% off your first 4 weeks of developer time at https://Lemon.io/twist


    Todays show:

    Alex Wilhelm joins Jason to discuss Nvidia's rise as the most valuable company (2:34), the GLP-1 phenomenon (11:50), the FTC suing Adobe (34:21), new TWIST500 companies (47:09), and more!



    (0:00) Jason and Alex kick off the show

    (2:34) Nvidia's rise as the most valuable company

    (10:58) Vanta - Get $1000 off your SOC 2 at http://www.vanta.com/twist

    (11:50) Eli Lilly and the GLP-1 Phenomenon

    (23:42) .Tech Domains - Apply for the Jam Session with JCal contest today at https://jamwithjcal.tech

    (25:08) Telehealth and its future

    (33:00) Lemon.io - Get 15% off your first 4 weeks of developer time at https://Lemon.io/twist

    (34:21) FTC sues Adobe

    (47:09) New TWIST500 Companies

    (1:18:22) Would Amazon buy TikTok?


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    Follow Alex:

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    Thank you to our partners:

    (11:58) Vanta - Get $1000 off your SOC 2 at http://www.vanta.com/twist

    (23:42) .Tech Domains - Apply for the Jam Session with JCal contest today at https://jamwithjcal.tech

    (33:00) Lemon.io - Get 15% off your first 4 weeks of developer time at https://Lemon.io/twist


    Great 2023 interviews: Steve Huffman, Brian Chesky, Aaron Levie, Sophia Amoruso, Reid Hoffman, Frank Slootman, Billy McFarland


    Check out Jason’s suite of newsletters: https://substack.com/@calacanis


    Follow TWiST:

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    This Week in Startups
    en-usJune 19, 2024

    Woke Google Maps, how Wells Fargo is losing money on fintech, and the global AI race | E1967

    Woke Google Maps, how Wells Fargo is losing money on fintech, and the global AI race | E1967

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    Mercury. With Mercury, you can simplify your financial operations with banking and software that power your critical financial workflows, all within the one thing every business needs, a bank account. And with new bill pay and accounting integrations, you can pay bills faster and stay in control of company spend. Apply in minutes at ⁠https://www.Mercury.com


    Todays show:

    Alex Wilhelm joins Jason to discuss woke Google Maps (1:57), Bilt & Wells Fargo dynamics (16:20), AI progress in China and Japan (32:00), and more!



    (0:00) Jason and Alex kick off the show

    (1:57) Woke Google Maps

    (9:44) Squarespace - Use offer code TWIST to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain at http://www.Squarespace.com/TWIST

    (16:20) Bilt and Wells Fargo fintech dynamics

    (17:00) CNBC interview with Bilt founder Ankur Jain

    (25:50) LinkedIn Ads - Get a $100 LinkedIn ad credit at http://www.linkedin.com/thisweekinstartups

    (32:00) AI progress in China and Japan

    (39:41 ) Mercury - Join 200K startups who use Mercury to operate at their best at http://www.mercury.com

    (45:09) Defining AGI and its implications

    (49:06) McDonald's AI ordering systems and their challenges

    (1:04:37) Audience question on EU's AI Act and its impact on startups


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    Thank you to our partners:

    (9:44) Squarespace - Use offer code TWIST to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain at http://www.Squarespace.com/TWIST

    (25:50) LinkedIn Ads - Get a $100 LinkedIn ad credit at http://www.linkedin.com/thisweekinstartups

    (39:41 ) Mercury - Join 200K startups who use Mercury to operate at their best at http://www.mercury.com


    Great 2023 interviews: Steve Huffman, Brian Chesky, Aaron Levie, Sophia Amoruso, Reid Hoffman, Frank Slootman, Billy McFarland


    Check out Jason’s suite of newsletters: https://substack.com/@calacanis


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    This Week in Startups
    en-usJune 17, 2024

    Lessons in Unreasonable Hospitality with Will Guidara | E1966

    Lessons in Unreasonable Hospitality with Will Guidara | E1966

    This Week in Startups is brought to you by…

    Oracle - Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, or OCI, is a single platform for your infrastructure, database, application development, and AI needs. Take a free test drive of OCI at https://www.oracle.com/twist.

    DevSquad - Most dev agencies only offer developers. Why? Because product management is hard. Get an entire product team for the cost of one US developer plus 10% off at http://www.devsquad.com/twist.

    LinkedIn Ads - To redeem a $100 LinkedIn ad credit and launch your first campaign, go to http://www.linkedin.com/thisweekinstartups


    Todays show:

    Will Guidara joins Jason to discuss the book Unreasonable Hospitality and how it relates to all businesses including startups (3:44), Will’s annual “The Welcome Conference” in NY (14:32), how the show The Bear lifted Will’s ‘NY street hotdog’ story and made it their own - which then led to his involvement with future seasons (36:19), and more!



    (0:00) Will Guidara of Unreasonable Hospitality joins Jason.

    (3:44) Important premises from the book Unreasonable Hospitality and how it relates to all businesses including startups.

    (6:26) Will explains how it felt to see parts from his book appear on the hit show The Bear.

    (8:13) Iconic examples of hospitality and how it can turn customers into advocates for your brand.

    (10:04) Oracle - Take a free test drive of OCI at https://www.oracle.com/twist.

    (11:08) Powerful examples of going above and beyond for your customer.

    (14:32) Will’s annual “The Welcome Conference” in NY.

    (20:57) DevSquad - Get an entire product team for the cost of one US developer plus 10% off at http://www.devsquad.com/twist

    (22:13) Jason shares an anecdote of how he helps others.

    (24:17) Will and Jason riff on interesting examples of unreasonable hospitality, including one that should exist for airplane passengers.

    (30:44) LinkedIn Ads - Get a $100 LinkedIn ad credit at http://www.linkedin.com/thisweekinstartups

    (32:12) A perspective shift that changes the value of call centers.

    (36:03) How the show The Bear lifted Will’s ‘NY street hotdog’ story and made it their own - leading to his involvement for future seasons.

    (40:21) Will feels that The Bear was able to craft and articulate his message spot on in one of their best episodes.

    (42:22) How to gain from the addictive personality traits in the restaurant business.

    (51:15) The “Chicken for Two” at the NoMad hotel.

    (53:31) Breaking down the state of tipping culture and how its removal from Eleven Madison Park was highly successful.


    Subscribe to This Week in Startups on Apple: https://rb.gy/v19fcp


    Check out Unreasonable Hospitality: https://www.unreasonablehospitality.com/

    Sign up for Will’s newsletter: https://www.unreasonablehospitality.com/newsletter

    Check out “The Welcome Conference”: https://www.thewelcomeconference.com/

    Check out Will’s hospitality agency “Thank You”: https://www.thankyou.nyc/


    Follow Will:

    X: https://x.com/wguidara

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/willguidara/


    Follow Jason:

    X: https://twitter.com/Jason

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jasoncalacanis


    Thank you to our partners:

    (10:04) Oracle - Take a free test drive of OCI at https://www.oracle.com/twist.

    (20:57) DevSquad - Get an entire product team for the cost of one US developer plus 10% off at http://www.devsquad.com/twist

    (30:44) LinkedIn Ads - Get a $100 LinkedIn ad credit at http://www.linkedin.com/thisweekinstartups


    Great 2023 interviews: Steve Huffman, Brian Chesky, Aaron Levie, Sophia Amoruso, Reid Hoffman, Frank Slootman, Billy McFarland


    Check out Jason’s suite of newsletters: https://substack.com/@calacanis


    Follow TWiST:

    Substack: https://twistartups.substack.com

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/TWiStartups

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/thisweekin

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thisweekinstartups

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@thisweekinstartups


    Subscribe to the Founder University Podcast: https://www.founder.university/podcast

    This Week in Startups
    en-usJune 14, 2024

    Inflation cools, how Waymo handled a crash, and the next startups to go public | E1965

    Inflation cools, how Waymo handled a crash, and the next startups to go public | E1965

    This Week in Startups is brought to you by…

    Eight Sleep. Good sleep is the ultimate game changer. The newest generation of the pod, the Pod 4 ultra has arrived. Head to https://www.eightsleep.com/twist and use code TWIST to get $350 off the Pod 4 Ultra.

    Zendesk. The best customer experiences are built with Zendesk. Qualifying startups can join their Startup program and get Zendesk products free, for six months! Visit http://www.zendesk.com/twist today to get started.

    CLA. Innovation takes balance. CLA's CPAs, consultants, and wealth advisors can help you get from startup to where you want to end up. Get started now at ⁠https://www.claconnect.com/tech


    Todays show:

    Alex Wilhelm joins Jason to discuss Waymo crash implications (3:53), Apple's AI announcements post-WWDC (17:17), inflation cooldown (27:21), and more!



    (0:00) Jason and Alex kick off the show

    (3:53) How Waymo handled a crash and self-driving car standards

    (8:08) Eight Sleep - Head to https://www.eightsleep.com/twist and use code TWIST to get $350 off the Pod 4 Ultra.

    (10:04) Car safety technology

    (17:17) Apple's AI announcements and stock impact

    (25:41) Zendesk - Get six months free at


    (27:21) Inflation update: Recent CPI data and its implications

    (33:34) High interest rate environment and venture capital

    (40:48) CLA - Get started with CLA's CPAs, consultants, and wealth advisors now at ⁠https://claconnect.com/tech

    (42:12) 10 companies most likely to IPO


    Subscribe to the TWiST newsletter: https://www.ticker.thisweekinstartups.com


    Subscribe to This Week in Startups on Apple: https://rb.gy/v19fcp


    Mentioned on the show:



















    Follow Alex:

    X: https://x.com/alex

    LinkedIn: ⁠https://www.linkedin.com/in/alexwilhelm/


    Follow Jason:

    X: https://twitter.com/Jason

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jasoncalacanis


    Thank you to our partners:

    (8:08) Eight Sleep - Head to https://www.eightsleep.com/twist and use code TWIST to get $350 off the Pod 4 Ultra.

    (25:41) Zendesk - Get six months free at http://www.zendesk.com/twist

    (40:48) CLA - Get started with CLA's CPAs, consultants, and wealth advisors now at ⁠https://claconnect.com/tech


    Great 2023 interviews: Steve Huffman, Brian Chesky, Aaron Levie, Sophia Amoruso, Reid Hoffman, Frank Slootman, Billy McFarland


    Check out Jason’s suite of newsletters: https://substack.com/@calacanis


    Follow TWiST:

    Substack: https://twistartups.substack.com

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/TWiStartups

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/thisweekin

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thisweekinstartups

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@thisweekinstartups


    Subscribe to the Founder University Podcast: https://www.founder.university/podcast

    This Week in Startups
    en-usJune 12, 2024

    Apple’s WWDC 2024: Reactions, Highlights & Breakdowns with Jason and Alex | E1964

    Apple’s WWDC 2024: Reactions, Highlights & Breakdowns with Jason and Alex | E1964

    This Week in Startups is brought to you by…

    Squarespace. Turn your idea into a new website! Go to http://www.Squarespace.com/TWIST for a free trial. When you’re ready to launch, use offer code TWIST to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain.

    LinkedIn Jobs. A business is only as strong as its people, and every hire matters. Go to https://www.linkedin.com/twist to post your first job for free. Terms and conditions apply.

    The Equinix Startup program offers a hybrid infrastructure solution for startups, including up to $100K in credits and personalized consultations and guidance from the Equinix team. Go to https://www.equinixstartups.com to apply today.



    (0:00) Jason and Alex kick off the show

    (1:50) Jumping into the keynote from Apple and whether or not it impressed.

    (5:24) “Apple Intelligence” has landed!

    (8:32) Reactions to the new Siri.

    (10:00) Squarespace - Use offer code TWIST to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain at http://www.Squarespace.com/TWIST

    (12:42) The importance of Apple’s addition of “on-screen awareness”.

    (16:30) Breakdown of Apple’s use of data with their AI.

    (19:48) LinkedIn Jobs - Post your first job for free at https://www.linkedin.com/twist

    (23:53) ChatGPT’s integration with Siri.

    (26:32) Unpacking the “free” use of ChatGPT with Apple products.

    (30:01) Equinix - Join the Equinix Startup Program for up to $100K in credits and much more at https://deploy.equinix.com/startups

    (31:07) Discussing the relationships between OpenAI and Microsoft and now Apple.

    (34:44) More “ooohs” and “ahhhs” from Apple’s new Image Playground.

    (40:25) Jason breaks down other key announcements from WWDC 2024 including a password manager and Apple TV’s new “Insights”.


    Subscribe to This Week in Startups on Apple: https://rb.gy/v19fcp



    Watch Apple’s WWDC 2024 Keynote: https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2024/101/

    Article on Fearless Fund: https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2024-06-06/the-fearless-fund-should-keep-fighting-racism-in-venture-capital


    Follow Alex:

    X: https://x.com/alex

    LinkedIn: ⁠https://www.linkedin.com/in/alexwilhelm/


    Follow Jason:

    X: https://twitter.com/Jason

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jasoncalacanis


    Thank you to our partners:

    (10:00) Squarespace - Use offer code TWIST to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain at http://www.Squarespace.com/TWIST

    (19:48) LinkedIn Jobs - Post your first job for free at https://www.linkedin.com/twist

    (30:01) Equinix - Join the Equinix Startup Program for up to $100K in credits and much more at https://deploy.equinix.com/startups


    Great 2023 interviews: Steve Huffman, Brian Chesky, Aaron Levie, Sophia Amoruso, Reid Hoffman, Frank Slootman, Billy McFarland


    Check out Jason’s suite of newsletters: https://substack.com/@calacanis


    Follow TWiST:

    Substack: https://twistartups.substack.com

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/TWiStartups

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/thisweekin

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thisweekinstartups

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@thisweekinstartups


    Subscribe to the Founder University Podcast: https://www.founder.university/podcast

    This Week in Startups
    en-usJune 11, 2024

    The state of seed, the first TWIST500 startups, and the impact of anonymous apps on society | E1963

    The state of seed, the first TWIST500 startups, and the impact of anonymous apps on society | E1963

    This Week in Startups is brought to you by…

    Attio. A radically new CRM for the next era of companies. Head to https://attio.com/twist to get 15% off for your first year.

    OpenPhone. Create business phone numbers for you and your team that work through an app on your smartphone or desktop. TWiST listeners can get an extra 20% off any plan for your first 6 months at https://www.openphone.com/twist⁠

    .Tech Domains - Don’t miss our “Jam with JCal” contest! To apply and get more details go to https://www.jamwithjcal.tech brought to you by .tech domains.


    Todays show:

    Alex Wilhelm joins Jason to discuss concerns about the app "Fizz" (12:24), the state of seed (31:35), the first TWIST500 startups (58:58), and more!



    (0:00) Jason and Alex kick off the show

    (11:15) Attio - Head to https://attio.com/twist⁠ to get 15% off for your first year.

    (12:24) Concerns about the app "Fizz" and the use of anonymity in social media apps

    (19:14) The impact of anonymous apps on society, parenting concerns, and the responsibility of investors in harmful tech startups

    (23:16) The case for banning smartphones in schools

    (30:19) OpenPhone - Get 20% off your first six months at https://www.openphone.com/twist⁠

    (31:35) The state of seed

    (35:33) Impact of AI on startup efficiency

    (38:17) .Tech Domains - Apply for the “Jam with JCal” contest today at https://www.jamwithjcal.tech

    (39:45) The variety of seed deals

    (45:13) How to leave and join a rival company legally

    (58:58) The first TWIST500 startups

    (1:05:48) Impact of AI on journalism and media companies


    Subscribe to This Week in Startups on Apple: https://rb.gy/v19fcp


    Mentioned on the show:













    Follow Alex:

    X: https://x.com/alex

    LinkedIn: ⁠https://www.linkedin.com/in/alexwilhelm/


    Follow Jason:

    X: https://twitter.com/Jason

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jasoncalacanis


    Thank you to our partners:

    (11:15) Attio - Head to https://attio.com/twist⁠ to get 15% off for your first year.

    (30:19) OpenPhone - Get 20% off your first six months at https://www.openphone.com/twist

    (38:17) .Tech Domains - Apply for the “Jam with JCal” contest today at https://www.jamwithjcal.tech


    Great 2023 interviews: Steve Huffman, Brian Chesky, Aaron Levie, Sophia Amoruso, Reid Hoffman, Frank Slootman, Billy McFarland


    Check out Jason’s suite of newsletters: https://substack.com/@calacanis


    Follow TWiST:

    Substack: https://twistartups.substack.com

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/TWiStartups

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/thisweekin

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thisweekinstartups

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@thisweekinstartups


    Subscribe to the Founder University Podcast: https://www.founder.university/podcast

    This Week in Startups
    en-usJune 11, 2024

    Great Builders & Success First with Intercom’s Eoghan McCabe | E1962

    Great Builders & Success First with Intercom’s Eoghan McCabe | E1962

    This Week in Startups is brought to you by…

    LinkedIn Ads - To redeem a $100 LinkedIn ad credit and launch your first campaign, go to http://www.linkedin.com/thisweekinstartups

    .Tech Domains - Don’t miss our “Jam with JCal” contest! To apply and get more details go to https://www.jamwithjcal.tech brought to you by .tech domains.

    Northwest Registered Agent - Northwest Registered Agent will form your business quickly and easily. In just 10 clicks and 10 minutes, set up your entire business identity—name, address, mail service, phone, email, website, and domain. For just $39 plus state fees, Northwest will handle your complete business identity. Visit https://www.northwestregisteredagent.com/twist today.


    Todays show:

    Intercom’s Eoghan McCabe joins Jason to discuss: the state of the business at Intercom and his return as CEO (8:33), the future of customer service with AI (24:28), what makes a great manager (59:36), and more!



    (0:00) Intercom’s Eoghan McCabe joins Jason. (1:50) Family history of the two McCabe’s: Jason and Eoghan. (5:49) The kindness and dedication of Intercom’s co-founder Des Traynor. (8:33) What Intercom is, the state of the business and Eoghan’s return as CEO. (10:41) LinkedIn Ads - Get a $100 LinkedIn ad credit at http://www.linkedin.com/thisweekinstartups (12:37) Looking at overlap and adjacencies when you are building SaaS products. (16:36) The brilliance of the pre-seed pricing model, and is it broken? (19:47) .Tech Domains - Apply for the “Jam with JCal” contest today at https://www.jamwithjcal.tech (22:16) What is next for companies with. SaaS-based pricing. (24:28) The future of customer service and AI. (30:30) Northwest Registered Agent - For just $39 plus state fees, Northwest will handle your complete business identity. Visit https://www.northwestregisteredagent.com/twist today. (36:09) Expectations from AI one year from now. (45:23) Breaking down the negative press and social reaction to the Humane Pin. (52:34) What the world will look like as conversational AI develops. (59:36) What makes a great manager and the “return of the king” at Intercom.


    Subscribe to This Week in Startups on Apple: https://rb.gy/v19fcp


    Check out Intercom: https://www.intercom.com/


    Follow Eoghan:

    X: https://x.com/eoghan

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/eoghanmccabe/


    Follow Jason:

    X: https://twitter.com/Jason

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jasoncalacanis


    Thank you to our partners:

    (10:41) LinkedIn Ads - Get a $100 LinkedIn ad credit at http://www.linkedin.com/thisweekinstartups

    (19:47) .Tech Domains - Apply for the “Jam with JCal” contest today at https://www.jamwithjcal.tech

    (30:30) Northwest Registered Agent - For just $39 plus state fees, Northwest will handle your complete business identity. Visit https://www.northwestregisteredagent.com/twist today.


    Great 2023 interviews: Steve Huffman, Brian Chesky, Aaron Levie, Sophia Amoruso, Reid Hoffman, Frank Slootman, Billy McFarland


    Check out Jason’s suite of newsletters: https://substack.com/@calacanis


    Follow TWiST:

    Substack: https://twistartups.substack.com

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/TWiStartups

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/thisweekin

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thisweekinstartups

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@thisweekinstartups


    Subscribe to the Founder University Podcast: https://www.founder.university/podcast

    This Week in Startups
    en-usJune 08, 2024

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    Listen on Apple or Stitcher or Google or Spotify; watch on YouTube

    Support the Podcast on Patreon and get exclusive mini-episodes - https://www.patreon.com/brianfunk

    Show Notes:

    Brian Funk Links:

    Thank you for listening. 

    Please review the Music Production Podcast on your favorite podcast provider!

    And don’t forget to visit my site https://BrianFunk.com for music production tutorials, videos, and sound packs.

    Brian Funk

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    Unsere allgemeinen Datenschutzrichtlinien finden Sie unter https://datenschutz.ad-alliance.de/podcast.html

    Unsere allgemeinen Datenschutzrichtlinien finden Sie unter https://art19.com/privacy. Die Datenschutzrichtlinien für Kalifornien sind unter https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info abrufbar.

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    Unsere allgemeinen Datenschutzrichtlinien finden Sie unter https://datenschutz.ad-alliance.de/podcast.html

    Unsere allgemeinen Datenschutzrichtlinien finden Sie unter https://art19.com/privacy. Die Datenschutzrichtlinien für Kalifornien sind unter https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info abrufbar.