
    About this Episode

    Marketing your business can be complicated, confusing, and an easy way to lose a lot of money.  In this episode we will go over where you should be investing your hard earned dollars, the basic principles of marketing that (all too often) get ignored, and what types of effective marketing strategies will actually bring in clients and results. Joe Frost of Frost Media is our guest as we break down the basics of marketing your business

    Guest: Joe Frost, Co-Founder and Chief Revenue Officer at YorCMO





    Recent Episodes from Bootstrappers For Entrepreneurs

    Is Your Customer Service Helping Your Business?

    Is Your Customer Service Helping Your Business?

    Is your customer service helping your business? When the quality of your customer service is high, you will keep more clients and they will sell your services better than you can. Discover the power of quality assurance in scaling your business as we unveil three simple yet effective tips that you can start implementing today.  In this episode, Gwenn and Jeremy explore how top-notch customer service can be a game-changer for your company's growth. Join in as they share invaluable tips on optimizing your customer service strategy to retain clients and boost sales.


    Unlock the secrets to enhancing your customer service approach and creating the ultimate customer experience. Tune in to this episode for actionable insights that will take your customer service game to the next level.


    Follow this link to create an excellent customer service experience for your customers.

    This podcast is produced by Two Brothers Creative 2024.

    Calendar Management: Intentional Time, Infinite Energy

    Calendar Management: Intentional Time, Infinite Energy

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    Follow this link for the free job description template!

    This podcast is produced by Two Brothers Creative 2024.

    How to Fire Someone

    How to Fire Someone

    Are you a manager dreading the difficult task of firing someone? Learn how to handle this challenging situation with professionalism and efficiency in this episode of Bootstrappers. Gwenn and Jeremy share their expertise on the best ways to handle one of the most difficult aspects of being a boss - firing someone. We'll guide you through the process making this challenging situation a little easier to navigate. So if you're looking for advice on how to fire someone, tune in now and become a pro at handling this tough task.


    Follow this link for the free job description template!

    This podcast is produced by Two Brothers Creative 2024.

    Three Questions to Increase Your Leadership Game

    Three Questions to Increase Your Leadership Game

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    Score your teams on our free leadership matrix!

    This podcast is produced by Two Brothers Creative 2024.

    How to Make a Million Dollars a Year

    How to Make a Million Dollars a Year

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    Transform your meetings today when with this free PDF.

    This podcast is produced by Two Brothers Creative 2023.

    How to be Organized at Work

    How to be Organized at Work

    Struggling to stay organized while juggling work and family life? Learn how you can stay organized at work without having to sacrifice the other important parts of your life. In this episode of Bootstrappers, Gwenn is joined by Lindsey Savage, an impressive working mom who has mastered productivity. Lindsey shares her three secrets to juggling family commitments and work engagements while still finding time for friends and fun.


    Download our free PDF planner to create an impactful strategic planning meeting, and set your business and yourself up for success every single year by following this link.

    This podcast is produced by Two Brothers Creative 2023.

    How To Do A Year In Review

    How To Do A Year In Review

    Do you want to start 2024 off with a bang? Join Gwenn as she shares her top tips on how to conduct a meaningful and practical year-end review. Learn how to rid yourself of bad habits, identify energy-sapping activities, set realistic goals, and enhance your time management and relationships. Her invaluable advice will help you take the plunge into personal growth and improved well-being!  #yearreview #selfimprovement #personalgrowth


    Follow the link to build an effective strategic planning meeting.


    To see how a remote professional can help you. Visit us at Anequim.

    This podcast is produced by Two Brothers Creative 2023.

    Five Ways Virtual Assistants Fix Toxic Company Culture

    Five Ways Virtual Assistants Fix Toxic Company Culture

    Are you looking for ways to prevent a toxic work environment in your business? Look no further! Join Gwenn and Jeremy on this episode of Bootstrappers as they share the five ways virtual assistants can help fix toxic company cultures. Gain valuable insights on how to foster a highly productive and positive work environment, especially when working with remote employees.


    Follow the link for 20 ways to build team synergy and empower your remote teams.


    To see how a remote professional can help you. Visit us at Anequim.

    This podcast is produced by Two Brothers Creative 2023.

    How To Deal With A Difficult Boss

    How To Deal With A Difficult Boss

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    Follow the link for our free reusable one on one meeting form to take your one on one meetings to the next level.


    This podcast is produced by Two Brothers Creative 2023.


    Is Remote Work Efficient?

    Is Remote Work Efficient?

    Are you a business owner looking for ways to improve your operations and increase profitability? Working remotely has been growing in popularity, but is it actually efficient? In this episode of Bootstrappers, we’ll explore the many benefits of remote work and find out if it is indeed an efficient solution for streamlining operations, reducing costs and increasing profitability. Don't miss this informative look into how remote work could benefit your business. Tune in now to find out if working remotely is efficient!


    Time is everything and is more valuable than money. Follow this link The Ultimate Time-Saving Hack For Entrepreneurs.

    This podcast is produced by Two Brothers Creative 2023.